Torsion Spring Calculator and Formula Spring Design Menu | Spring Suppliers and Manufacturers (This calculator requires a java - enabled browser) Open Calculator
This calculator will calculate any of the values remaining by changing one of the variables then selecting the "calculate: button for the selected variable. P = Force exerted on spring (lbs) M = Moment arm (inch) Deg =Deflection in (degrees) k = Spring constant (in-lbs/Deg) Equation: k = P*M/Deg
Torsion Spring Design Considerations: As load is applied to a torsion spring, the springs diameter will decrease, reducing the outside and inside diameters. The spring will also grow in length. In most cases is it wise to design for a torsion spring to wind in the direction of the coil winding. Should design require that the torsion spring wind in the unwinding direction, maximum load should be and degrees of wind should be lowered. Normally, torsion spring are designed about a shaft or mandrel. The shaft will ensure spring stability and location. Allow for 10% clearance between the torsion spring and the shaft with spring at maximum deflection.