Top Plum Jobs In Daytona Beach, Florida

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  As of 5/9/2008 

The Power:  Base Salary

City Benefits*


City Commissioners









Does not include additional fringe benefits: gifts, special benefits, influence, privileged access to events, free access to races, free access to VIP  seating during special events, free liquor, free jet rides, free meals, free access to yacht clubs, free access to private parties where the public  official would not have been invited otherwise,  free rides on yachts, invitations to corporate events,  gifts and patronage jobs to public official's  family, favored discounts to purchase vehicles from Jon Hall automotive empire,  free use of city vehicles, total immunity against speeding,  parking or DUI citations from Law Enforcement, free police escorts when driving intoxicated, easy access to very‐hard‐to‐get beach concessions,  ability to sell personal home to taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars over just value, immunity against corruption investigations  courtesy of State Attorney and the Florida Ethics Commission, taxpayer‐paid legal advice on how to provide gifts to cronies outside of the public  light, taxpayer‐paid legal defense of corrupt actions when those are discovered by the public,  and other items of value provided by campaign  financers and political friends in exchange for favors, contracts, funding and other gifts from the public trust. And, last but not least, a job far  above and beyond personal ability, training or education; an absolute impossibility in the business world. 

Employee Data, see next pages... 

Prepared by The Daytona Post from public data 

Page 3 of: THE CITY OF DAYTONA BEACH 5/9/2008

Employee Job Classification Annual Name IJames $170,693.12 City Manager Chisholm 2Brown, $159,469.08 City Attorney Robert Chief Financial 3Kisner, $143,576.76 Officer Ricardo Chitwood, $139,869.70 4 Police Chief Michael 5Harrison- Chi~f Administrative S138 ,640.08 Lee Cheryl Off1cer 6Hartman, Deputy City Attorney$135,348.84 Marie 7Tidwell, Utilities Director $130,712.80 Russell 8McKitrick, Deputy City Mgr. $129,415.72 Paul Public Works 9Sloane, Deputy PW Dir./City $119,285.04 James Engineer 10Counts, E~onomic Develop ment$117,542.19 Emory D1rector Williamson,Leisure Service $117,508.92 11 . Percy D1rector 12McCarroll, Human Resources $116,303.38 Sarah Director 13Beres, Stephen 14Hughes, Gerald 15Wetzel, J 16walton: BenJam1n 17Navarra, William 18Gro~s, . BenJam1n

Benefits 31% Of Annual

Annual and Benefits

$72,914.87$243,607.99 $69,435.41$228,904.49 $44,508.80$188,085.56 $43,359.61$183,229.31 $42,978.42$181,618.50 $41,958.14$177,306.98 $40,520.97$171,233.77 $40,118.87$169,534.59 $36,978.36$156,263.40 $36,438.08$153,980.27 $36,427.77$153,936.69 $36,054.05$152,357.43

Deputy Police Chief $115,833.96






Deputy Police Chief $110,318.04


Risk Manager













Fire Chief Support Services Director

Ass't City Attorney/Prosecutor Asslt City 19Jackson, Attorney/Police Anthony Legal 20Crull, Jon Fleet Manager 2 Robertson, Deputy Finance 1 Dav1'd Director 22Dewitt, Engineer I I James

23Walton, Richard

Planning Director




Utility Engineering




Page 4 of 5 Shannon 25Thomas, Jennifer 26Berger, Reed 27Thurrott, James 28Bland, James

Manager $97,395.12






























Police Captain



Police Captain



City Architect



City Surveyor






Police Lieutenant



Community Events Administrator



Police Lieutenant



Police Lieutenant







City Clerk

Redevelopment Director Manager-Treatment Operations Asslt Fire Chief/Administration AsS't Fire Chief/ 29Neely, Pau l . Operat:Lons Assistant City 30Betty Manager Goodman 31skipper, Police Captain Br:Lan Gov't Relations 32Smith, Administrator Philip Facilities 33Hugar, Construction & Thomas Maint.M 34Pompi, Battalion Chief Daniel 35Dixon, Engineer I I Kimberly Community Aske 36 ,:" . Development Dir. Patn.C:La 37Turner Jr. Manager-Treasury Almon 38wall, Wastewater Plant ChristopherSuperintenden 390wens, Water Plant Marvin Superintendent 40szabo, Stephen 41Doughney, Mathew 42Hanis, James 43 Rice , Richard 44Terpstra, Robert Myers, 45 Patrick 46Riger, Helen 47Grayson, Gregory 48Godfrey, Robert 49Banks, William 50Iseneker, Brad


Maintenance Superintendent Manager-Grounds Maintenance


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