Top 5 Petroleum Refining Companies

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  • Words: 1,433
  • Pages: 8
Top 5 Petroleum Refining companies(1st Assignment)

Prepared for: Dr. Amr Kheer Eldin Prepared by: Ahmed Farouk Elhashemy 12/02/09

List Of Companies


1- Royal Dutch Shell 458,361Million$

Product Mix :   Shell Floraphalte M iss io n : To co n tin u o u s ly d e liv e r sh a re h o ld e r v a lu e b y : Plant based clear binder for renewable colored solutions in M a n u fa ctu rin g a n d su p p lyin g o ilp ro d u cts a n d se rvicepavements s Shell Instapave Affordable paving solutions for rural areas th a t sa tisfy th e n e e d s o f o u r cu sto m e rs Shell ‘ E ’ Grade Binders C o n sta n tly a ch ie vin g o p e ra tio n a lexce lle n ce An emulsifiable range of binders for all applications C o n d u ctin g o u r b u sin e ss in a sa fe , e n viro n m e n ta lly Shell S - Grade Binders Enable lower mixing and application temperatures su sta in a b le a n d e co n o m ica lly o p tim u m m a n n e r Shell Cariphalte E m p lo yin g a d ive rse , in n o va tive a n d re su lts- o rie n te d High te a m-performance polymer-modified bitumen m o tiva te d to d e live r exce lle n ce . Shell Caribit O b je ctiv e : For heavy-duty road and airfield applications W e a re co m m itte d to d e liv e r su sta in a b le e x ce lle n ce inMultiphalte Shell b u sin e s s p e rfo rm a n ce b y fo cu sin g o n th e fo llo wDesigned in g : to be hard-wearing at low cost Shell Mexphalte C B e n e fit o u r sh a re h o ld e rs Pigmentable binder for coloured road surfacings and urban R e a lize th e p o te n tia lo f o u r p e o p le spaces M e e t o u r cu sto m e r re q u ire m e n ts Shell Bitufresh M a xim ize re fin e ry m a rg in s Shell Bitumen's low odour bitumen additive helps improve S a fe g u a rd a sse t in te g rity ambient air quality around asphalt operations D e live r stru ctu ra l co st re d u ctio n s Shell WAM Foam Designed to reduce the operating temperatures of asphalt S u sta in a ro b u st m a n a g e m e n t syste m mixtures while keeping hot mixture quality D e live r co n tin u o u s su sta in a b le H e a lth , S a fe ty , Penetration Grade Bitumen S e cu rity a n d E n viro n m e n ta lexce lle n ce For general road, airfields and industry use


Oxidised Bitumen Used in the roofing and waterproofing industries Shell Spramul Emulsions for a range of road and airfield applications Shell Specialities Sealants, adhesives and fillers for domestic and commercial applications


2- Exxon Mobil 442,851Million $

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Although it is called "Guiding Principles" on their website, this will serve as their mission statement Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to being the world's premier petroleum and petrochemical company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior financial and operating results while adhering to the highest standards of business conduct. These unwavering expectations provide the foundation for our commitments to those with whom we interact.

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Strategic Objective:

Every day, employees at ExxonMobil are committed to the pursuit of operational excellence. We do this by delivering safe, reliable operations, improving energy efficiency, and maintaining strong business controls. We believe that maximizing the value of resources – through disciplined investments, developing breakthrough technologies, improving processes, and integrated operations – generates the most benefit for resource owners, society, and our shareholders

12/02/09 •

Product Mix:

3- BP 367,053$ • •

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Mission: We will create values and growth through innovative ways of producing and supplying energy. We will do this in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner, for the benefit of our shareholders, collaborators, customers, suppliers and society.

Objective: We have strong momentum entering 2009 and are delivering upstream growth and making good progress turning around our downstream business - our strategy remains an enduring one

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Product Mix: Oil and gas exploration,  Extracting oil and gas,  Moving oil and gas,  Making fuels and products,  Selling fuels and products,  Generating low carbon energy,  Working responsibly

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4- Chevron 263,159Million$ M issio n : O u r C o m p a n y's fo u n d a tio n is b u ilt o n o u r V a lu e s, w h ich d istin g u ish u s a n d g u id e o u r a ctio n s. W e co n d u ct o u r b u sin e ss in a so cia lly re sp o n sib le a n d e th ica lm a n n e r. W e re sp e ct th e la w , su p p o rt u n ive rsa lh u m a n rig h ts, p ro te ct th e e n viro n m e n t, a n d b e n e fit th e co m m u n itie s w h e re w e w o rk . S tra te g ic O b je ctive : A t C h e vro n , o u r b u sin e sse s w o rk in co n ce rt to p ro vid e th e e n e rg y th a t d rive s h u m a n p ro g re ss. E xp lo re C h e vro n ’ s co m p a n ie s to le a rn h o w w e u se o u r g lo b a lre so u rce s, d e te rm in a tio n a n d in g e n u ity to m e e t to d a y ’ s co m p lex e n e rg y ch a lle n g e s.

P ro d u ct M ix : A d d itive s Fu e ls C h e vro n D ie se l Te ch ro n C a lte x Po w e r D ie se l


5- Total 234,674Million$ • •

Mission: To achieve our objectives requires long-term commitment. So it is important that we do

not react to the present context by halting the initiatives we have begun; we must continue to invest.

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Objective: to create Large multinational retailers moved into China, driving the nation’s economy further by opening up new outlets and giving local businesses a strategic incentive to become accredited suppliers. The long-term objective is to retain under state control only 30 to 40 world-class industrial groups in strategic economic sectors

Product mix: Total engages in all aspects of the petroleum industry, including Upstream operations (oil and gas exploration, development and production, LNG) and Downstream operations (refining, marketing and the trading and shipping of crude oil and petroleum products).

Total also produces base chemicals (petrochemicals and fertilizers) and specialty chemicals for the industrial and consumer markets. In addition, Total has interests in the coal mining and power generation sector. It is actively preparing for the future of energy by progressively expanding its energy offerings and developing complementary next generation energy activities (solar, biomass, nuclear).


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