To Suffer For The Sake Of Others

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May 16, 2009

To Suffer for the Sake of Others

Kathleen Maples

The book of Ezekiel is a difficult book to understand. It's a record of a prophet/priest who was taken into captivity with a people who were judged for their rebellion against God and their refusal to heed His Word. Ezekiel is also a contemporary of Jeremiah, Daniel and Obadiah. He is sitting by the Chebar river, which empties into the Euphrates river with the other captives who were exiled from Jerusalem and Judah. In the midst of a people who were in bondage, while sitting by the river, with those who are captives of their enemies, this man suddenly gets an open heaven. The Scripture doesn't say he was seeking God, or praying when this happened. He was 'among the captives'. What was it about Ezekiel that drew God to him? The Scripture gives very little personal information about him. He was married, and his wife died suddenly in the 9th year of the captivity. He was the son of Buzi, whose name means 'contempt', and of whom nothing is known. Ezekiel was the priest, according to Eze_1:3. He was by the river and the heavens opened and he saw a vision of God. The hand of the Lord was upon him there. That word 'hand' indicates power, direction, dominion, fellowship, and also consecration. God set Ezekiel apart and chose him to speak to the people for Himself to warn them. These people had lost their homes, their nation was overthrown by the invading Babylonian army led by Nebuchadnezzar. Many were killed who did not listen to the warnings of God through Jeremiah and tried to flee. They were a beaten, defeated people in captivity in a foreign land. Now here they sit in what amounted to a prison camp, but here they were allowed to work and build homes and have families. God's providence is so amazing. Eze 1:4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind (H7307, (wind) H5591(whirl) came out of the

north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

The whirlwind and the fiery cloud speaks to me of the Holy Spirit. Remember in the Exodus, there was a fiery cloud that led the people in the wilderness. The Lord caught up Elijah by a whirlwind. (2Ki_2:1) The Lord appeared to Job and spoke to him out of a whirlwind (Job_38:1) The word whirlwind is used some 27 times in the Bible, with different meanings. In this case, it means "the wind of the Spirit". The second word 'whirl' translates as a stormy tempest. Could this indicate the Mind of God at the time? He was coming to give this prophet a very heavy message of warning, after all. This was a vision, given him by the Spirit of God who had come to meet with him in his captivity. God was setting Ezekiel apart as the priest, to be the watchmen, the voice of God to these people. He was not going to tell them about God, he was going to speak FOR God to them. Such a huge difference. He was caught up into the heavenlies and received revelation from God. He wasn't still sitting there where he was, he was drawn up into the presence of God to hear a Word from God. He sees the four creatures and he tells us how they move under direction from the

Spirit of God. Isa_6:2, and Rev_4:8 tells us there are four living creatures around the throne of God and they cry holy, holy, holy. Their feet (the way they stepped, their walk) was straight-meaning upright. They were on the straight and narrow, moving as it pleased God to send them. Isaiah also tells us they covered their faces with their wings and their feet in His presence. This to me is an illustration of total surrender. Not my thoughts, but Yours, not the way I would go, but when and where You send me. They had human hands and that speaks to me of the power to reach out to humanity. As they moved, they went straight forward, no backing up, no deviating from the course chosen by God. They were on a mission here, and followed explicitly the leadership of the Spirit of God. They appeared to glow like fire. The fire was burning brightly and out of the fire appeared lightning, darting to and fro. They moved as fast as lightning in the sky. Oh, this brings to mind what Jesus said: Mat 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. As Ezekiel watches the four creatures, one wheel was on the earth beside the living creatures. The wheel signifies complete unity. The wheels and their operation was like a wheel in the center of a wheel. They revolved in unity. Without beginning or ending. Their rings, or rims, were so grand and excellent they caused a fear and reverence in Ezekiel's heart. Their rims were full of eyes-or knowledge, they KNEW. They saw and understood. They were intelligently alive, but so foreign to anything he'd ever seen he found it hard to describe them. His understanding had to be divinely given. How else could he look at these rims and know they were alive and intelligent, that they saw and understood? The wheels traveled in sync with the creatures-like some sort of conveyance or vehicle. Wherever the Spirit required to go, they went beside them in perfect unity. The spirit of the creatures was in the wheels. These living creatures glowed with the glory of God. Ezekiel describes some kind of conveyance they are traveling in or with, and he describes terrifying wheels. The word 'wheel' also translates as 'course'. They did not turn either, they stayed on course. They went where the Spirit went. Ezekiel then sees above these creatures a throne, and on the throne, the form of a man. The glory of the Lord is so magnificent, it drives Him to His face. He falls, overwhelmed, on His face before the Lord. This was real, and He wasn't concerned with what the folks around him thought. If they couldn't see the vision He was seeing, they might have thought He was sick, or something. Scripture doesn't address those around him during this time. Eze 2:1 And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee. Eze 2:2 And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.

To stand before pure holiness, you would have to be aware that you are not. To see this would have to cause a fear and reverence, a total awe. People can boast in their self-assured ways now, what they will say when they stand before Him, but you know, if prophets like Ezekiel, and Daniel, and Isaiah and John, felt undone, and fell on their faces, as dead men, unable to stand or speak in His presence, I believe with all my heart this is how I will be-completely undone, fear and

trembling, unable to stand or speak. But He spoke, and He commanded Ezekiel to stand. His Word is strength to His people. His Word is life to His people. Oh, stand on your feet and I will talk to you. But then the Spirit-the breath, the wind, the mind of God, the Holy Spirit of God entered Ezekiel and set him up on his feet. It took the power of the Spirit of God to raise this man up in the presence of God. Amazing. We truly can do nothing without the Holy Spirit of God. God forgive us our foolish striving and vain efforts to do anything for You in our own strength. How utterly impossible it is. He tells Ezekiel "I am sending you to this rebellious nation of Israel. They have rebelled against me and transgressed even up until now." That word "transgress" (H6586 pasha, in the Hebrew) means to apostasize, quarrel and offend, to revolt. God says, these are stubborn children, hard headed, but I'm sending you to them to speak for Me. Whether they consider what they hear or forsake what they hear, they will know there has been a prophet among them. But you, do not be afraid of them, nor what they say. (Sounds like they might be making threats to Ezekiel, because they wouldn't like his message). God compares these people to briers, and thorns, and scorpions. Briers and thorns are things that began to grow up out of the ground after God cursed it. They are the result of a curse. I sure wouldn't want God to say that about me, would you? To be likened by GOD to something that resulted from a curse? Symbolic of the curse? How awful. Ezekiel was in the middle of a people who had lost much, who were still in rebellion, even under the judgment of God. The Lord warns Ezekiel not to be afraid of their words, which includes their acts, their answers, and their effect. He was warned not to be afraid, which means he would battle fear in doing what God was calling him to do. Regardless of how they respond to what I give you to say, or how they look at you, do not be dismayed. (H2865) Don't break down, don't give into confusion, and fear or discouragement. These were things Ezekiel would have to battle because God is warning him not to yield to these things. There is only one defense against such opposition and that is stay close to God. He is our shelter and our defense. His Word is our anchor and it holds, it will not fail. Eze 2:8 But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.

Eze 2:9 And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;

Eze 2:10 And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe.

Feed on My Word, freely, wisely, consume it all. When he looked, he saw a hand, and when you examine this word in the Hebrew carefully, (H3027) it implies an open hand, the open hand of God, full of power, means and direction to do what God was instructing him to do. He is never going to send His people to do something and not be the power to get it done. He never requires our strength or human wisdom. Hallelujah! What an encouraging thought! Ezekiel truly was

receiving a hard call from God, and the message in the book, written on both sides of the scroll, was full of lamentations-cries of sorrow and grief, mourning, sorrow, and woe. Eze 3:1 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. Eze 3:2 So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll. Eze 3:3 And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with

this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

Eat what I reveal to you, eat what you find in My Word, which I deliver to you, eat it all, and then go speak what I give you unto Israel. He caused me to eat, it says. He provided the Word, I received it like He gave it. But, He said "I send you to Israel, but they will not listen to you anymore than they do Me." I wonder how many preachers that stand in the pulpit today would be there if God had actually called them to do what they are doing, with a call like He gave Ezekiel. This is the call of God to every preacher who dares stand up before a people whose number one idol is self, and the pleasing of their own selves. When a man of God gets up and starts speaking some hard truths that self don't like, there will be some hard looks from the congregation. There will be some whispering, some doubting, some accusing from those who stubbornly cling to self. Eze 3:10 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears.

God was giving Him divine revelation, and telling him to receive it with understanding, which only He can give. Understand it in your mind, hear with understanding and discernment what I am telling you. Go tell those who are captives what I am saying, whether they want to hear it or not. Eze 3:12 Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing,

saying, Blessed be the glory of the LORD from his place. Eze 3:13 I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing. Eze 3:14 So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.

This reminds me of Acts 2, when the Scripture says "and there was a sound of a rushing, mighty wind"...and Ezekiel went where the Spirit was taking him but he went in bitter discontent, angry and heavy in his spirit. He was struggling with displeasure, indignation, wrath. He was not happy with this situation. Perhaps he was astonished and confused. Perhaps he wondered why the Lord would send him on a futile and difficult mission? Why have me speak to those who You already know aren't going to listen? That makes no sense. You said if you sent me to a foreign nation they would hear. Why not send me there, then? The Scripture says in the next verse, 15, he returned to those of the captivity at Telabib, the place by the Chebar river where the exiles had settled. He was right back where he was

when the Lord came to him. He stayed there 7 days, astonished, stupefied, stunned-growing numb, devastated by what had occurred. He'd been in captivity five years, so it had to be the visitation of the Lord and what the Lord had told him that had him in such a desolate condition. (H8074 from the word 'astonished' in verse 15). God heard Ezekiel's thoughts during this time. He knew the turmoil the man was feeling. After 7 days, He spoke again and I'm sure all Ezekiel's questions were answered by the Lord's response.. I have set you to be a watchman for this people. Because of what I've called you to do, you must listen carefully to what I say. You must warn them for me. When I tell the wicked you will die if you don't stop sinning, and you don't warn him, and he dies in his iniquity, his blood I will require of you because he died in his sin without warning. But if the wicked hears, and turns not from his sin, and dies in his sin, then you have delivered your soul. If a righteous man turns from his righteousness and you do not warn him, and he dies, in his sin, his righteousness which he had previously will not save him. If you warn him and he he does not turn then you have delivered your soul, but if you don't warn him ,and he dies in his sin his blood I will require of you. God's heart, in spite of these people's stubbornness was that they turn from their sin and live. He gets no pleasure from the death of the wicked. He doesn't enjoy having to tell His own creation to depart from Him into a hell made for the devil and his rebellious angels. But when man follows the path Satan did, in rebellion against God, that is the only end. God puts this prophet in a hard place, with a hard call, because He so desired that that His people have every opportunity to repent. This is going way above and beyond the call of justice on God's part. He had sent warnings for decades to these folks through his prophets..and they would not hear. 2Ch 36:15 And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place: 2Ch 36:16 But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.

Now, years later, these same people, He's still trying to reach-even after He's had to severely chasten and judge them. What mercy, what compassion..He hurts because He knows some will refuse. He puts His own prophet in a hard spot, to try to reach them again, just as He would require His own Son to suffer on behalf of mankind. I hope if you are in a place of suffering for the benefit of those who do not seem to appreciate or want your help or God's truth, that you can draw comfort from the Lord now. If you are where you are, in a hard place, because it is God's will, and you are scorned, rejected,or refused and falsely accused, then remember, so was your Pattern, His Son. To be like Him, we must also walk as He did. Eze 3:22 And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will there talk with thee. Eze 3:23 Then I arose, and went forth into the plain: and, behold, the glory of the LORD

stood there, as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar: and I fell on my face. Eze 3:24 Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go, shut thyself within thine house.

The word for plain in the Hebrew means 'valley between two mountains'. That open hand of God once again was on him and God said you are going into the plain (valley) but I'm going to talk with you there. God led him into a valley. It was not a place he wanted to be. He had suffered already the loss of so much because of the sins of his nation. But he arose and went into the valley. He did not refuse to follow the Spirit of God there. Again, God showed him His glory and again, he fell on his face. Again, the Spirit of God had to enter him and lift him up on his feet again, and then He instructed Ezekiel, "Go shut yourself up in your house. They are going to bind you, try to keep you from what I've called you to do, and I will cause you to be tongue tied, you will not speak and not reprove them for what they do. They will set you aside and try to keep you from walking among them with My Word. But I will speak to you and when I do, I will open your mouth and you will tell them what I have to say." Did not the Spirit of God witness to Paul that bonds and afflictions awaited him where the Lord was sending him? (Act_20:23) God is not willing that any should perish. Sometimes He requires we be willing to walk in a hard and lonely place that some-maybe just one soul can be reached. It's during this hard time He met His servant, showed Him His glory, and gave Him the power of His Spirit to do what He had called Him to do. We can never accomplish God's will in our own selves. He has and is the provision we require. Jeremiah was in a dungeon, jailed and left with bread and water for preaching the truth. His own people in Jerusalem had rejected him, and maligned him, and confronted him with false accusations and slanderous lies. In this hard place, God spoke to him. He did not pet Jeremiah, nor did He embrace him. He encouraged his servant to call to Him. He said "Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you can't know any other way, except by divine revelation." God's got a plan, even in our suffering, and if we will just call on Him, and run to Him when discouragement, and despair threaten to overwhelm us, He will strengthen us. That is what Ezekiel's name means. "God will strengthen." Remember, He commanded Ezekiel not to be dismayed, nor discouraged, or afraid. Jesus reveals to to Peter that he will deny Him three times, then turns right around and says "Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, well, believe in Me, too." (Joh_14:1) How can He give His prophet, or messenger, such a heavy message, and then order him not to be afraid, or dismayed? Abraham had a nephew named Lot, who drifted away from God, and went the wrong way. He settled in a wicked city, and got in trouble. He was taken captive and everything he and his family had, including his family, was all carried away by the enemy who attacked Sodom. Abraham, greatly outnumbered, still took his small army and went after his nephew, to liberate him. Abraham was victorious, and when the king of Sodom was on the way to meet him, and reward him, God

sent Someone ahead of him, One called Melchizedek. He was the priest of God, and He brought bread and wine-the Word and the Spirit of God, to this man, and blessed Abraham. Oh the heels of that meeting, Abraham refused the king of Sodom when he offered him the goods-just give me the people, he said. He had just refused a lot of wealth he could have taken from the victory. How were the men with him, the other 318 who fought with him to rescue Lot taking this? Was there murmuring? Hard feelings? Abram said he refused to take even a thread lest the king of Sodom say he made Abram rich. He didn't tell the others they couldn't take their own portion. He left them the right to their share of the spoil (Gen_14:24) Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

There had to be fear plaguing Abram's mind, else why would the Lord come to him and say "Fear not." ? What was running through his mind? Was he regretting refusing the goods he'd rescued? Was he wondering what was going to happen to his people and his family? He had to be wondering about it. The weight of the responsibility for all the families who were part of his house hold, all the servants, his wife, the animals, all were dependent on Abram. What a heavy load to carry for one man, to be responsible for so many in a strange land. But how does God comfort Abram's heart? By reminding him of the truth "I AM your shield, your defense, your protector. I AM your exceeding and continually increasing reward." He was telling Abram, don't be afraid, I'll take care of you. I'm all the reward you need. You don't need man's reward for rescuing Lot. I AM your reward." Abram was a Levite before there were Levites. He had not earthly inheritance. The Lord was his portion. Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was

set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Heb 12:3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Heb 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

God had a Son who despised the shame of the cross but for the joy set before Him endured great suffering for the sake of others. He endured patiently exposure to death, denial of self, and made Himself a living sacrifice for our sake. He despised the shame He endured. Consider how He persevered, and what a contradiction to His holiness it was to have to take on the sin of the world. Him who knew no sin, who never wanted sin, had to bear the sin of a hostile world. He was love and was met with hatred and rejection and contempt of His own creation. He came to His own and they received Him not. Consider how great and how close His

relationship was with the Father. There was never dissension, never separation. But when He took on the sin of the world, the Father couldn't look on that and for a brief time He endured that separation for the Father had to turn away. Remember this, consider it carefully, so that you won't grow weary with the struggle , and lose heart, and in exhaustion from the battle just give up. For you have not had to withstand what He did. He is the pattern. Will we be willing to endure hardness, suffering, for the sake of others? If we are, His open Hand is extended to us and He holds all the power we could ever need to accomplish what He wills. He holds all the grace, all the mercy, all the truth, and all the power we will need to endure and to care and to pray His will to pass. If we will surrender to His plan, many who will otherwise perish can be saved. If we don't, they will perish and be lost. Will He require their blood at our hands? He's calling us to Himself, for those who can hear, to an absolute surrender. Yield to whatever call He has placed on our lives, and trust Him to work it out. He suffered for us because He loves us. He said pray the Lord of the harvest send forth laborers into the harvest for it is great and the workers few. He said He had other sheep and them He must also bring and they would hear His voice and there would be one fold, one Shepherd. He loves us, but there are others out there in the darkness who are hurting and lost and being destroyed by the adversary of their souls. God help us care as He cares. Help us be willing to be broken and poured out for the sake of others, a vessel fitted and fashioned by the Master for His own use. Let us trust ourselves completely into His hands, rest in His promise, and seek His direction for those around us who are perishing. Seek His love, His guidance, His compassion, His power for their sake. If we would walk as He walked, it's a lonely, hard road, but He will be there every step of the way with us. In our suffering, He will keep us close, and watch over us, and rejoice with us as the lost are brought in. They deserve to know Him, too. They need to see a light in the darkness. Where would we be if someone had not prayed for us and if God had not had mercy for us? We owe the Gospel to the world, God help us not hold it back. In order for it to work, we must be His completely, and we must be sent by HIM. His Word accomplishes what He pleases when He sends it. It is the heart of God that man be saved and reconciled to Himself. Men, women, boys and girls. All are made in His likeness and all are precious in His sight. May they be precious in ours, as well.

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