To Kill A King

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 648
  • Pages: 2
To Kill a King Card Game by Kevin Sosa

Objective 

Lead army to victory by defeating the enemies‟ King.

Setup  

(2P) Divide the deck into red and black Each person places their King down then shuffles their deck.

Starting the Game     

Draw 7 cards. The player with the black deck goes first. Place one card in front of the King to establish the first rank Then the player with the red deck places one card to establish their first rank. Each player alternates placing cards until there are three cards (not including the King) for each player on the field. o When placing a card, players can choose to either put a card to the side of another (bolstering a rank) or place a card in front of another one (establishing a new rank). Players cannot attack during this time.

Playing the Game     

This takes place after each player has set down three cards (not including the King) On your turn you draw a card You can then place the card in the manner described in the „Starting the Game‟ section. You are then given the option to either attack, „team up‟, „un-team up‟, or redress the ranks. o You can only do one of these options during any one turn. Once completed it is the next player‟s turn.

Attacking    

The attacking player designates the defending characters card that they wish to attack. o This card must be in the front most rank to either attack or be attacked. The defending player can use one adjacent (to the side) card to help guard against the attack. If the value of the attacker is more than the defense of the defending card(s), the defending player loses those card(s) and places them into a separate pile. A player can only make one attack a turn.

Team up    

The player can team up an adjacent card (which is in the same rank). The combined total is the new value. Cannot team up more than two cards. A player can only make one team up per turn.

Un-Team up  

The player can use their action to un-combine one pair of teamed up cards and place card into adjacent space. Can only un-team up once per turn.

Redress the Ranks 

The player can rearrange all of its ranks to the desired configuration. o This does not allow you to un-team up cards.

Ending the Game 

The first player to attack the opposing player‟s King is the Winner!

Card rules  

  

Numbered cards (2-10) are “peasants” and retain their face value. Jack is a knight, which takes on the values of adjacent cards added up for attack only. o Jacks can penetrate ranks, thus an attack that hits one card also hits the one directly behind it. o The Jack has no value; therefore it must be guarded by an adjacent card to defend. Queen adds a value of 2 to any nearby cards (front-back and Side-Side), but has no value itself. Another King allows you to use it as a body double, so if the king is attacked, it only kills the double. The Ace acts as a siege weapon and thus instantly kills all cards in a straight line from the point of impact. o Player designates a target card, then all cards behind it are removed from play (except the king).

General Rules  

A player may have a maximum of three ranks (not including the King‟s „rank‟). o There is no maximum for amount of cards within a rank. The King can only be affected by direct attacks, thus penetrating attacks from an Ace or Jack do not harm the King.

Credits: Game Designer: Kevin Sosa Contact Info- [email protected]

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