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  • July 2020
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Mockingbir Final Paper  

Mastery Assessment (50 points) Due end of hour March 28th  Printed back to back and stapled  Choose 1 of the 4 topics explain below  Respond in a 1-2 page MLA formatted paper  Include an Annotated Bibliography (extra ½ page)  ○ Proper Citation  ○ Do not include a summary  ○ Include only a reflection with ...  ■ Big Ideas  ■ Inspirations  ■ Recommendations  ● Focus Correction Areas  ○ MLA format  ○ Proper use of capitalization and italics  ○ Complete sentences  ○ Comma usage before “and”  ○ Not using “I” or “You”  ○ Proper inclusion of at least 1 quote  ● ● ● ● ●

Essay Topic #1: Notions of Justice and Fairness Despite the unwavering dedication of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, the absence of evidence, and a moving courtroom  speech, Tom Robinson is convicted of a crime that he did not commit.  This jury ruling causes both those who advocated Robinson’s  conviction and those who were convinced of his innocence to  question their notions of justice and fairness. As if a false conviction  was not enough, Tom is eventually killed, and the sense of justice and  fairness seem to be completely violated. Write an essay in which you 

establish what Lee is trying to convey regarding these two concepts  that are so important to society today.      Essay Topic #2: The Various Forms of Discrimination The most obvious form of discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird is  racism; however, there are other types of prejudice and  discrimination among the novel’s characters. Scout, for example, is  ridiculed in To Kill a Mockingbird because she is a tomboy. Boo  Radley is ostracized despite the fact that hardly anyone knows him.  Reverse racism is also present in the novel, as evidenced by the  threats against Atticus Finch and his family as he defends Tom  Robinson. Take one or more of the forms of discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird and write an essay in which you explain the forms and  compare and contrast the types of discrimination. You should argue  whether the lessons about discrimination that Scout learns apply to  all types of prejudice, or whether they apply to racism alone.     Essay Topic #3: The Moral Development of Scout and Jem Scout and her brother Jem are both children of the morally  passionate lawyer, Atticus Finch, and both are exposed to the same  experiences that shape their sense of right and wrong. However,  Scout and Jem come to dramatically different conclusions about  good and evil and the nature of humankind. Write an essay in which  you develop an understanding of how Scout and Jem arrive at their  own concepts of the world. Be sure to consider not only the final  worldview at which each arrives but also to look at the novel as a  whole and identify how their belief systems develop. Include how  Scout and Jem begin to part ways, philosophically speaking, early in  the novel.     Essay Topic #4: Character Analysis of Atticus Finch One of the most inspiring characters in twentieth-century American  literature is Atticus Finch. A morally upright lawyer, a committed 

and loving father, and an overall good citizen, Finch is regarded  highly by most citizens with a sense of justice. Write an essay in  which you analyze Atticus Finch’s character. You may wish to focus  the content of your essay by selecting a single quote or passage  (consider a portion of the courtroom speech, for instance) and  explaining how it reflects Finch’s character strengths. Address  whether Finch has any flaws and explain how he conveys his beliefs  to his children and his community. 

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