Tips For May

  • May 2020
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Fruit & vegetable juices act as fillers n prevent snacking in between meals The antioxidants,vitamins n minerals clear d skin n make it radiant n glowing Fruits n Vegitables are good detoxifiers,cleansing d digestive system like liver n kidneys Eating fresh fruits n vegitables are good aid in weight loss Fruits n Vegitables helps boosting d immune system n prevents from various ailments Fruit and vegetable juices are easily digestible and given to those ailing with digestive disorders,naus The fibre in the fruit juices helps to prevent constipation The American Journal of Medicine states that drinking fruit n vegetable juices cuts d risk of developing Enjoy juices with pulp.Do not strain it.The pulp contains d main ingredients of d health drink Drink juices as soon as they are prepared otherwise due to oxidation many of them lose their nutrition Fruit drinks ideally should be consumed at room temperature but they can be refrigerated maximum u Combine fruits n vegetables together n create your unique flavor to titillate the taste buds Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of natural nutrients.It is also known as health drinks Orange:Fruit is with Vitamin C,high in fiber,folate,Vitamin B1, A,potassium n calcium.If you grate peel Valencia oranges are more juicy n ideal for refreshing,morning,appetite booster.The orange peel,add Broccoli:Cooked lightly or stir fried gives it a crunchy taste.It’s a rich vitamin C, A n K.Its antioxidant p Sweet Potato:Nutritional powerhouse of vitamin C,A,E,fiber,potassium,iron,magnesium n phytochemic Grapefruit:Grapefruit lowers cholesterol.This fruit too is a rich source of vitamin C,A,B5,folate n potass Mango:Mango is known as king of fruits.It is highly nutritious n vitalizes,nourishes de body.It is an exc Watermelon:This fruit ideal when on a weight loss programme.It is very filling as well as hydrates d bo Cherry:They are best anti-oxidants and help in lowering cholesterol. Cherries are widely used in anti-a Banana:Ideal fruit because it is widely available,cheap.Its fibre content is ideal to fight constipation.It Pomegranate:They are a rich source of iron. They also work well as anti-oxidants. Papaya:This fruit is a complete on its own.It is rich in vitamins n helps in weight loss.Papaya is used in Lemon:This is a refreshing fruit and makes a nourishing thirst quencher in summer. They are help as Fig:Fig contains protein, iron and natural sugars. It is known as a body building element. Guava:This is another fruit rich in fibre that helps to cleanse the body and helps to tackle constipation Orange:This fruit gets easily absorbed in the body. It is refreshing, a rich source of vitamin C and help Strawberry:A rich source of vitamins and nourishes the cells of the body. Grape:This fruit is high in water and fibre content. They assist in loosening hardened deposits in the b Apple:All varieties of apples are helpful in cleansing the body. It is less in calories and ideal to include Cantaloupe:This fruit is very filling and is very good for the skin. Causes Of Indigestion:Gulping down food instead of chewing and savoring every bite. Causes Of Indigestion:Eating spicy and fatty foods often. Causes Of Indigestion:Lying down or sleeping immediately after a heavy meal. Causes Of Indigestion:Consuming less quantity of water. Causes Of Indigestion:Eating when there are high levels of stress. Causes Of Indigestion:Irregular eating habits. Causes Of Indigestion:Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach. Causes Of Indigestion:Skipping breakfast. Causes Of Indigestion:Excessive smoking. Causes Of Indigestion:Side effects of medications. Natural Remedies For Indigestion:Ginger in tea helps many to curb indigestion.It can be grated,boiled Natural Remedies For Indigestion:Fenugreek seeds are excellent for indigestion and also works wonde Natural Remedies For Indigestion:A mixture of chamomile,lemon balm or peppermint can be taken in Natural Remedies For Indigestion:A simple way to manage indigestion is to drink cold water mixed wit Cold & Cough:Boil the leaf of Malabar nut, squeeze its juice and egg white. Its subsides cough.

Cold & Cough:Eat the powder of dried ginger and cumin with sugar for relief from cough. Cold & Cough:Have the mixture of mustard paste and honey from good relief from cough. Cold & Cough:For a good relief from cough, mix equal quantities of basil juice, honey and ajwan juice Cold & Cough:Have a mixture of lemon juice and honey when you are suffering from cold. For nagging cough n chest congestion,boil 3 cups water with 2 fresh betel leaves n 4 crushed pepperc Drink basil water everyday, it helps in keeping throat infection and cough at bay. Typhoid:To avoid diseases like hepatitis and typhoid, eat 5 basil leaves everyday. Toothache:For relief from toothache, take two basil leaves, a grain of salt and a pinch of pepper powd For Toothache, keep a clove on the affected area. Stomach Pain:Chew some cumin and sugar for relief from stomach pain. Menstrual disorders:Have a mixture of gingelly oil and egg, for 3 days, for menstrual disorders. You will get a great relief from menstrual pain, if you have a gooseberry daily. Urinary Infection:Drink a glassful of water with a pinch of cardamom powder for urinary infection. Diarrhea:Chewing raw guava leaves is an excellent quick fix for diarrhea Acidity:If you are suffering from acidity, drink a glass of water with a piece of jaggery dissolved in it, a Stop nose bleeds by putting a few drops of pomegranate juice into your nostrils. If you have bad breath, drink at least five glass of water in the morning. For minor rashes on the skin, add few basil leaves in your bathing water before you bathe. To get a fair baby, Mother can drink saffron added to milk during pregnancy. For Fever and cough of children, give some honey mixed with water. The juice of carrot and tomato, mixed with a little honey is good tonic for children. A teaspoon of powdered pomegranate skin taken with water early in d morning will not only purify d b Slice vegetables into big pieces, so that it won't loose vitamins. Padmasana is a meditation posture.Those suffering from stiff legs,knees,ankles etc.,can overcome thi Give food 5-6 times a day to young children . Give more of pulses , groundnuts , milk and milk products in the daily diet of children. Include a variety of food stuffs in daily diet , as a mixed diet is more nutritious. Get your child immunized timely. Do not allows flies to touch foods. Keep your surroundings clean. When your child has Diarrhoea or vomiting , give him/her extra water in the form of ORS , cooked puls Consume green leafy vegetables daily in one or other form. Take daily some raw vegetables in your diet like radish , leafy vegetable, chutney , onion , carrot , tom Use whole wheat flour (unsieved) for preparing chapaties puris etc. Cook rice in just sufficient water to avoid discarding of cooked rice water which drains out nutrients. Do not wash vegetables after cutting and also do not remove thick peels. Gargle with warm water or warm water mixed with salt, each time after food or after brushing every n Boil tamarind leaf in water adding salt. Keep pouring the liquid on the affected area. This helps to redu Chewing some thing like Chewing gum, will help to open up the clogged Eustachian tube and thus red Anti-diarrhoea tablets should be used only if you need to be away from the toilet for any length of tim If you get burnt by the sun, calamine lotion or yoghurt can help cool your skin, or take a cool bath or s Dark leafy green vegetables(spinach, kale, and collards) have been found to contain 2 specific antioxi When bitten by mosquitos or other nasties,apply lemon/lime juice or alcohol directly to d bite,this may In cold or damp weather, you also require a few more calories and spices such as ginger, garlic, and c If you become short of breath while shoveling, stop and rest. If you feel pain or tightness in your chest Most of your body heat is lost through your head so wear a hat, preferably one that covers your ears To treat frostbite, warm the affected part of the body gradually. Wrap the area in blankets, sweaters,

Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day and less saturated fat can help improve yo Eat better, get regular exercise, and see your health care provider about any health concerns to make Find fun ways to stay in shape and feel good, such as dancing, gardening, cutting the grass, swimmin Start drinking eight glasses of water daily. None of your body parts, from your brain to your toes, work It is said that 5 leaves of holy basil, taken on a daily basis, can help us avoid diseases such as hepatiti Two basil leaves, a grain of salt, and a pinch of pepper powder, when applied and pressed against the A glass of water, when taken along with a piece of jaggery after meals, is said to be effective in acidity The juice of carrot and tomato, mixed with some honey, is suggested to be a good tonic for children

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Banana Rama:mash a banana n apply it 2 your face.Leave on 4 ten minutes n wash off with lukewarm Pearly White:The biggest culprits in d teeth-yellowing process are tobacco,coffee,tea n red wine.So br Shades Of Summer:A snazzy pair of sunglasses not only looks great, but also delays the onset of crow Peaches n Cream:Dirt n oil blocks pores causes blackheads n pimples.So wash your face as often as p Instant Glow:Simply mix equal amounts of lemon n honey,apply it to your face n wash off after ten mi Luscious Locks:Nothing improves d quality of hair better than getting a regular oil massage.Get it don All Steamed Up:After applying oil wrap hair in a steaming towel for 20 mins.Do d treatment at least on Fun In d Sun:The sun's warmth may make you feel good but it's ultraviolet rays over time cause at be Never drink 2 much water.It flushes out toxins n is great for skin,liver.It keeps u cool n feeling fresh,re Mash the bananas along with milk and then apply on your face. Wash it off after 20 minutes. This mak Blend the egg white and honey well and then apply on the face. This makes your skin smooth and hel Blend turmeric powder with milk n apply on face.It removes tan n helps 2 reduce facial hair.Scrub it of Mix oatmeal along with curds and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and th Apply raw sliced potato on the face. Reduces blemishes and other scars.  Cucumber juice is an excellent astringent. Applying cucumber juice on the face tightens the pores. Wa Applying turmeric powder along with limejuice removes the tan. Limejuice is a natural bleach.  Dried orange peels mixed with curds help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash it off after 15 minutes wi Honey makes the skin glow. It makes the skin soft and smooth. Helps reduce wrinkles.  Citrus face packs and sandalwood face packs are excellent for oily skin.  Rubbing ice cubes on the face tightens the pores and increases blood circulation. Break two large bananas, toss into a blender along with half of the peel and one tablespoon of raw ho Mix equal proportions of honey, fresh cream, or oats and almond paste. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Peel and pit an avocado, liquefy in the blender with one tablespoon of raw honey. Pat on, let dry for 20 Wash and core two crisp apples, but do not peel, liquefy the whole thing into the blender. Pat on, let d Wash a big, ripe tomato and liquefy the whole thing in the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes, spla Blend two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, three drops of almond oil. Pat on, let dry for 20 minut Grind half a cup of yellow mustard seeds, adding 2 litres of water in it. Also grind in a few rose petals. Peel a ripe banana and puree in the blender. Pat on the fruit, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with coo Two cleansing and bleaching masks (for faded, end of summer tans as well as winter-drab or season-c Add the juice of two lemons to one cup of buttermilk. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash off Liquefy one whole lemon (washed, not peeled) and half an orange (washed, not peeled) in the blende For a glowing skin, cucumber mixed with fresh coconut water gives remarkable results. use mashed bananas and strawberries as a pack to freshen up the complexion. For curing pimples, apply a mixture of haldi (turmeric) and sandalwood on the face. Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract. The extract is easily

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink at least two cups of milk daily. With the onset of age the hair Every night apply home-made moisturizing cream to your face and in the morning before you take your bath, r Pay particular attention to the corners of your mouth, areas around the eyes and neck which are more prone to Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair----good health, the right attention to cleanliness,

Adequate Diet:Hair growth depends on adequate diet.A widespread diet problem which causes loss of

For Hair growth 1 should eat meat,eggs,cereals,peas n beans.Fresh fruits n vegetables are needed 2 provide vit Cutting hair:Cutting hair is not essential 2 its well-being,it is easier 2 keep scalp clean if hair is kept reasonably How hair can be damaged:Although scalp hair is hardy n can withstand a lot of abuse,it can be damaged inexpe The amount of beautying d hair can varies from person 2 person.Occasionally d scalp is allergic 2 dye n become Most people who bleach their hair.If it's repeated,it may make d hair brittle.If this happens then hair may turn r Grey hair:The hair's colour is determined by proportion of 2 pigments,one brown-black,the other red-yellow,wh Greying hair is part of natural ageing process,in which less pigment is laid down in shafts.Grey hair usually appe

There is a specific age at which greyness begins n its extent depends upon heredity Ailments that can affect your hair:The hair can be affected by a number of ailments----some of which may requ Women may lose hair several weeks after childbirth or after taking contraceptive pill.Many women going throug The main purpose of shampooing the hair is to remove grease and dirt and provide a clean, well-groomed appe The hair should be thoroughly brushed or combed to loosen dirt n scales or dead cells on scalp.For this you use Pour a small amount of shampoo 1 tspn into d palm.Massage d shampoo evenly in2 d hair with finger tips,cover Hair that is dry or that tends 2 tangle,may be treated with a conditioner,which coats each strand with fine film.T Pat the hair dry with a towel. The hair may have static electricity from the shampoo and water, making it hard t Massage a teaspoonful of the conditioner gently into the ends of the hair with the fingertips. Leave 2-3 minutes Greasy skin:Mix together equal quantity of powdered Fuller's earth (multani mitti), witch-hazelm and rose wate Dry skin:Mix three tablespoons of oat-meal with olive oil to a paste and mix in two teaspoons of glycerine. Sallow skin:Beat an egg yolk and mix in half teaspoon of lime juice and half teaspoon of orange-peel powder. Dark and dull skin:Mix powdered fuller's earth to a paste with equal quantities of hydrogen peroxide and witchPatchy skin:Mix together equal quantities of lime juice and olive oil. Wrinkled skin:Mix together one tablespoon each of honey and egg white along with enough refined flour to a th Flaking nails:The top layers of nails can seperate n start 2 flake off if they are exposed 2 much soap n water or Brittle nails:When nails easily crack or break they can be a permanent worry.You can increase your nutritional i Brittle nails could also be suffering from extereme dryness n if this is case,rub in a nail cream every morning,ni Loose nails:D excessive use of nail hardeners containing formaldehyde can cause nail plate 2 seperate from nai

Forehead:This will smooth down d wrinkles of forehead.Place ur fingers just above brow.Then,with yo Eyelids:2 deal with crows' feet at corners of eyes,put thumbs at d corners of eyes n then shut ur eye For sagging eyelids, hold your index fingers close to the brow bone. Afterwards, raise your eyebrows. Cheeks. Form an 'O' with your lips and try to push them forward as fast as you can. Then release the Lips. Push your lips outward in a pout as far as you can, then smile. Or you can suck on your finger as

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Chicken Pox -Use Catnip tea sweetened with reduces fever. Diarrhea-Drink blackberry tea for mild diarrhea. Wrinkles-Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, seeds, nuts and legumes Sunburn-Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, seeds, nuts and legumes Stretch Marks-Apply cocoa butter and/ or elastin cream though out the body as directed on label. These are very good for stretch marks

Stress-Take warm baths using essential oils.(Aromatherapy) Sore Throat-Garlic oil Relieves swallowing difficulties. Take 3-4 drops in 1/4 cup of water onces a day as Gargle. Try using nasal strips when sleeping. The nasal strips will open up your nasal passages, and may reduce snoring. Get a thorough medical examination to determine the exact cause and severity of your snorning. Try changing you sleep positions. For example, sell on your side. Use pillows to keep your neck straight and comfortable. Also, elevate your head, which can sometimes help minimize your snoring. Elevating your bed to elevate your head and torso may be required. Get your allergies under control, as this can help reduce your snoring. If you are overweight, lose some excess pounds. Losing excess weight can help to reduce snoring or stop it all together. Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime. Check your medicines. Some medicines, like anthihistamines and sedatives can actually increase your snoring. Stop smoking, as this aggravates the tissues in the throat that make you snore. Don’t’ eat a big meal before going to bed. Try avoiding dairy products in the evening, as for some people dairy increases mucus build-up in your throat, which can contribute to the sno Try using nasal strips when sleeping. The nasal strips will open up your nasal passages, and may reduce snoring. Make an effort to establish a regular sleeping schedule. Sometimes, poor sleep habits contribute to your snoring. Get adequate exercise, which helps to keep your nasal passages firm and in good conditioning, and helps with weight management. Keep a regular sleep-wake cycle. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the four to six hours before bedtime. Don't exercise within two hours of bedtime. Exercising five or six hours before bedtime may help you sleep more soundly. Don't eat large meals within two hours of bedtime. Don't nap later than 3 p.m. Try using a natural food, supplement and herbal sleep aids. Sleep in a dark, quiet room with a comfortable temperature. If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, do a quiet activity somewhere else and return to bed when you're sleepy. Wind down in the 30 minutes before bedtime with a relaxing pre-sleep ritual such as a warm bath, soft music, or reading. Get a relaxing massage to sooth tense muscles and relieve stress. If your sleep problems persist, see you doctor immediately, as you sleep problems could be a sign of a more serious health problem. Drink as much water as you can in order to replace fluid loss. It will also help to bring down body temperature. Rest as much as possible. Avoid suddenly changes in atmospheric temperatures. Avoid eating solid foods until the fever is gone. You can replace the foods by drinking plenty of distilled water and/or juices. Take Vitamins A, B6, B12, Folic acid, biotin, and Vitamin C. Too much Vitamin A can cause hair loss keep your intake less than 100,000 IU daily. Take Silica in capsules one a day, makes hair stronger and thicker. Rinse your hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea this helps hair grow. To improve blood circulation to the scalp take Ginkgo Biloba. Use a mild shampoo containing fatty acids, protein, balsams, and moisturizers. Use only the amount recommended and do not repeat, this will remove to much natural oils from the hair. Milk and egg yolks have been used for many years to condition hair and add protein. Add one of these essential oils to a small amount of shampoo, cedarwood, cypress, lemon, lemongrass, sage and patchouli. These herbs redu Avoid putting protein and balsams on your hair this increases oiliness.

Never twist while lifting this can have bad effect on your vertebrates. Avoid lifting heavy objects in the last couple of weeks of your pregnancy. Do not sit in couches, always sit in firm chairs supporting the lumbar area with a pillow. This will help you keep your waist and lower back i Apply St. john's wort directly to the back area. For acne on the back take orally and apply directly on the affected area Colloidal silver Take garlic capsules, they boost the immune system and kill the bacteria found in acne. To help the liver eliminate toxins from the blood, take Burdock root and dandelion which contain inulin. This helps to kill bacteria thus imp Take the homeopathic remedies Kali bromatum, Sulphur, Antimonium tartaricum, Herpa sulphuris. These help to prevent the formation of p Use Lavender oil to apply directly on the acne area.

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4 Asthma patient use d mixture of 1 tspn honey with ½ tspn dalchini powder at night before going to 4 Asthma:Boil ajwain in water n inhale d steam.Boil 8-10 flakes of lasan in ½ cup milk.Have this every 4 Asthma use handful of sahijan to 1 cup water.Boil.Simmer on loflame for 3-4 mins.Cool n strain.Add 4 Asthma:An expectorant is a very effective remedy for asthma,it is prepared by boiling 6 laung in 3 t 4 Asthma:Mix ¼ tspn hing,2 tspn honey,½ tspn juice frm paan ka patta,½ tspn white onion juice.Have 4 Asthma patients use d juice frm betel leaf,Clove flowers n onion juice crush 2 a paste n squeeze thro 4 Asthma:Mix equal amounts of fresh adrak juice,honey n pomegranate (anaar) juice. Take 1 tspn, 1-2 4 Asthma:Figs r known 2 give relief by draining d balgam.Take 4 dry figs,wash with warm water.Soak When Backache rub some ginger paste on d affected area.Apply oil of eucalyptus on it. 4 Bad Odour need 2 use neem twigs as tooth paste. 4 Bad Odour: Powder the dried mint (pudina) leaves then use it as toothpowder.Use it daily for best re 4 Baldness: Boil 1 cup mustard oil (sarson ka tel) with 4 tspn henna (mehendi) leaves. Filter in bottle.M 4 Baldness:Grind d remains of tobacco smoked in a hookah n add to boiling mustard oil. Cool n store. 4 Baldness:Rub on d scalp 1 tspn oil in which raw mangoes have been preserved 4 over 1 year. Repea 4 Baldness:Grind 1 tspn mulathi in 1 cup milk with ¼ tspn kesar make a paste.Apply this paste on bald 4 Baldness:Grind methi dana n apply on head.Leave atleast 40 mins before washing.Do it every morn 4 Bed sores apply honey on d length n breadth of a banana leaf n lie on it for a few hours.Ensure its co 4 Bed wetting in children:Give 2 walnut halves (akhrot giri) n 1 tspn of kishmish 2 d child before sleep 4 Bed wetting in children:Mix 2 tspn ajwain n dried adrak in fine powder.Add a little kala namak.Take 1 4 Blackheads mix 1 tspn lime juice in 1 tspn finely ground dalchini powder n apply on affected areas f 4 Blackheads mix 1 tspn haldi powder n juice of fresh dhania leaves n then apply daily as a face pack 4 Bladder Stones boil 2 figs (anjeer) in 1 cup of water.Drink daily for a month. 4 Blood Deficiency:Mix 2 tspn of amla juice,honey n lime.Add 1 teacup water n drink on an empty stom 4 Blood Deficiency:Mix 1 tablespoon juice of amla with a ripe mashed banana and eat twice or three t 4 Blood Deficiency:Soak 2 or 3 dried figs (anjeer) in 1 teacup water. Eat them along with milk next mo 4 Blood Deficiency take juice of 15 tulsi leaves with 1 teaspoon honey.Crush d leaves 2 a paste n sque 4 Blood Deficiency:Take raw 2-3 garlic (lasan) cloves for a few days regularly.This will help in body n m 4 Blood Deficiency:Soak 2 almonds,5 pista kernels n 1 tspn khuskhus in 1 cup cow's milk for an hour.G If blood deficiency grind 1 tablespoon khuskhus with 1 teaspoon water. Add 1 teaspoon lime juice. App To reduce body heat add 2 to 3 drops of almonds oil to anaar juice n drink. 4 Body Heat:Soak 10 almonds n 1 tspn rice overnight.Remove outer skin.Grind in2 a fine paste.Mix wi 2 reduce body heat grind d pulp of amla in paste.Tie it n squeeze out juice.Take 2 tspn of juice n mix i 4 Body Heat:Take a tender bel fruit. Grind it with 1 cup milk.Apply on d head n massage well before ta

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