Tinikling Unit

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 10
Tinikling Unit National Standards: Standard 1Exhibits command of rhythm and timing by creating a movement sequence to music as an individual or in a group. (S1.M1.8) Standard 2Describes and applies mechanical advantage(s) for a variety of movement patterns. (S2.M12.8) Standard 4Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher. (S4.M3.8) Independently uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately, and identifies specific safety concerns associated with the activity. (S4.M7.8) Standard 5Identifies and participates in an enjoyable activity that prompts individual self-expression. (S5.M5.8) Demonstrates respect for self by asking for help and helping others in various physical activities. (S5.M6.8) State standards: Standard 11.1.1.B.8. Create and perform a timed routine using rotational, balancing, and supporting skills. 1.1.1.C.8. Create, develop, and refine movement sequence based on self-generated themes and self-selected music. Standard 33.5.1.A.8. Acknowledge the performance of others, regardless of the outcome. Standard 44.6.1.E.8. Identify specific safety issues associated with all physical activities Day 1: 3/13, 3/14 ActivitiesHealth content​ (mental/emotional disorders match up in groups) Fitness ​plank four square Tinikling ​Introduction to tinikling (5 step dance, folk dance, why, how, how?) (Slide show) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1agpH1076TZliZc_V2chduS_qCoGErUldyO_MdZ35n 7M/edit#slide=id.g5279f4a0ea_0_114 Safety (poles, beat) Pole rhythm (tap, tap, together) Basic steps with bands instead of poles (jump ropes, elastic bands?)(steps 1-3 or 4) Equipment:

Hula hoops (32) 8 recess balls/bouncy foam balls Projector PVC pipe 18 (9 pairs) Exercise bands (9 pairs) Butt pads Wooden boards Music Step sheets (at least 8) (1 per group) Objectives: Cog-ESWBAT understand how to keep the rhythm of the sticks consistent throughout the routine Aff- ESWBAT demonstrate the ability to work with their peers in many different groups and settings Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate the proper rhythm of the sticks throughout the entire lesson. Teacher objectives : TTWBAT provide specific feedback to each student throughout the lesson TTWBAT use time management and complete all tasks associated with the unit TTWBAT provide clear and concise instructions throughout the class. Assessment- Checking for understanding of content Students will be assessed on their cooperation with a teammate to keep the same pole rhythm during the practice time provided in class. Day 2: 3/15, 3/25 ActivitiesChange in ​(3) Warm up Health content - ​beginning→ bipolar (20 min) Tinikling presentation (videos, review of steps, and poles) ​(10 min) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1agpH1076TZliZc_V2chduS_qCoGErUldyO_MdZ35n 7M/edit#slide=id.g5279f4a0ea_0_114 Fitness- ​Warrior fitness (openphysed) (10 min) Heart- jumping jacks Spade- squats Diamond- push ups Club- crunches/ sit ups Teams of four will challenge other teams of 4 each time will begin with 13 cards (goal is to gain all 26 cards) Winning suit determines the exercise, add up both cards for the sum of the exercise, both teams perform that exercise before beginning the next round Tinikling pole banging review ​(5 min) *students will get into groups, they will choose their own groups (3-6) “I expect you all to make smart choices when making your groups, you need a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 6 people in your group. I will preface by saying if you are in a group

that does not work well and you have nothing to present on the last day that is on you and that will reflect on your grade.” “Now that you are in groups give each person a number, that is how you will decide who does what for the group” “this may also help you design your routine if you pair numbers up together.” “You will all be learning different steps that you can use in your routines. Depending on how many people are in your group will determine how many you learn and will teach to your group” Tinikling step practice (puzzling) * Practice steps *​students will do this at their own pace (check in at end) Students meet back up with group to teach steps* Change out ​(3 min) Equipment: Deck of cards (3 decks) PCV pipes (9 pairs) Exercise band (9 pairs) Butt pads Wooden planks Music Projector Step station sheets Objectives: Cog- ESWBAT describe the steps they will be learning to their group clearly so all students can execute them properly Aff- ESWBAT understand that their peers may learn at different paces and will need to explain things differently to them Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate the step they have learned and present them to their group Teacher objectives: TTWBAT consistently move around the space to check in with students TTWBAT provide individual and group feedback to students TTWBAT provide encouragement to students who are struggling with learning the steps and presenting them to the group. Assessment- Teacher check in with how many steps each group learned at the end of the day to evaluate progress. Day 3: 3/26, 3/27 ActivitiesPre-Question- ​“How many steps can you complete with full confidence?” Health content- ​Personality disorders- bipolar Warm up- ​ 15 burpees, 35 leg raises, 10 inchworms, 13 spidermans, 12 jump squats, small to big arm circles 20 seconds. Tinikling presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1agpH1076TZliZc_V2chduS_qCoGErUldyO_MdZ35n 7M/edit#slide=id.g5279f4a0ea_0_114 Student get together with groups to develop their routines

Post-Question- ​“How many steps can you complete with full confidence?” Objectives: Cog- ESWBAT evaluate their own skills by determining how many steps they are proficient at. Aff- ESWBAT recognize that their peers will learn at different levels and will modify their routine to meet all levels Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate dance skills by following a consistent rhythm using the tinikling equipment Assessment- “How many steps can you complete with full confidence?” Students will respond to the question upon entering the gym, they will use a pink sticker and choose a section from 1-6, they will again answer at the end of class and respond with a green sticker with a possibly changed response. Day 4: ActivitiesChange out (first 3 minutes of class) Warm up- (10 min)​Walk and talk Lap 1- “How have your communication skills with your group been throughout the tinikling unit?” Lap 2- “What has been the most challenging part of the tinikling unit so far?” Lap 3- “What goes up and down stairs but does not move?” Healthy content- (20 min)​Personality disorders, ADD/ADHD Students in groups developing routine- (goal discussion 5 min) (practice time 40-45 min) Goal is that students leave class and have all 6 steps for each member of their group. So the next next class can focus on practicing and refining the routine. EquipmentTinikling pole 8 sets Butt pads 8 sets Wooden dowels 8 sets Routine sheets (1 per group) Health packets (1 per person) Folders White board Pencils Poster Stickers Speaker Objectives: Cog- ESWBAT recognize that differentiating the routine to match skills levels will provide further success for the entire group. Aff-ESWBAT express the challenges that they have felt with this unit while walking and talking with a partner to evaluate what needs to be worked on. Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate the 6 steps they have developed for their routine to be

practiced for the next class. Teacher Objectives: TTWBAT provide assistance to the groups who are struggling with their routines. TTWBAT maintain safety protocols throughout lesson to ensure students are being safe with the equipment and while performing their routines. TTWBAT evaluate students routines and provide specific feedback on how they could improve their performance. Assessment- Students will be assessed at the end of class. They have been given the goal that they should leave class with all 6 moves planned for their routine. The question on the poster they must answer is- “How confident do you feel with all 6 steps in your routine knowing you have 1-2 more days of practice before your performance?” Students will discuss as a group where they fall on the timeline as a group Not good, we need support------------- comfortably working on it-------------- great could go now The assessment above will help me evaluate where groups think they are at so I can plan how many days they will need before their performance. Day 5: 4/1, 4/2 ActivitiesWarm upSpell the word workout “TINIKLING” Health content- ​Self harm and Suicide Students in groups practicing routine ● Routines should be finalized ● Practicing all 6 steps with each group ● Focusing on working through mistakes and how to keep going. EquipmentTinikling pole 8 sets Butt pads 8 sets Wooden dowels 8 sets Routine sheets (1 per group) Health packets (1 per person) Folders White board Pencils Poster Stickers Speaker Objectives: Cog- ESWBAT determine what their group needs to focus on for the last day of practice to have a successful routine to present Aff- ESWBAT reflect on the fact that it is ok to make a mistake, especially in tinikling because you can recover from it without anyone knowing.

Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate they can work through their failures to be fully prepared for the routine day. Teacher objectives TTWBAT provide assistance to students who need help making finalized decisions TTWBAT monitor the safety of students by keeping my back to the wall TTWBAT assess students teamwork and communication skills to help determine assessment scores for the final day. Assessment- Poster assessment Day 6: 4/3, 4/4 (shortened class 50/60 min) ActivitiesWarm upStudents will warm up by doing a practice run of their routine and prepare the present. Students practice and present routine ** when students have completed presenting they may work on homework, play with diablos, go into the weight room, shoot hoops or play volleyball. EquipmentTinikling pole 8 sets Butt pads 8 sets Wooden dowels 8 sets Routine sheets (1 per group) Health packets (1 per person) Folders White board Pencils Poster Stickers Speaker Objectives: Cog- ESWBAT walk their teammates through the routine to assist in the delivery to lower the chances of mistakes Aff- ESWBAT reflect on their teamwork skills throughout the unit and evaluate what was and was not effective for their group. Psych- ESWBAT demonstrate the routine they have developed over the 6 day unit. Teacher objectives TTWBAT monitor the safety of all students while others are presenting their routine TTWBAT assess student performances accurately by using the rubric presented in class. TTWBAT evaluate student communication, and teamwork skills to determine the second grade for this assignment. Assessment- Students will be assessed on the routine they have developed. The rubric can be found below. Students will also receive a cumulative grade for their communication and teamwork skills exhibited throughout the unit.

Tinikling steps ( ) means in between the poles, if only one foot is listed, the other leg is bent with foot back. Dipping: Test the beat by just tapping in one foot without committing to the inside of the poled. Variations: Step Side, Forward a bit, Lift Out 1. Basic Step: With pole on Right side (Right Left) Right → (Left Right) Left

2. Staddle Double Step: While Pole on the Right Side (Jump Jump) Jump → (Jump Jump) Jump 3. Straddles Single Step: With Pole on the Right Side (Right Right) Jump → (Right Right) Jump Can add (Left Left) Jump → (Left Left) Jump Or (Jump Jump) Right→ (Jump Jump) Left 4. Hop Step: With Pole on the Right Side -Do not exit the other side (Right Right) Left 5. Crossover/ Diagonal Step: With Pole on the Right side (Right Right) Left Cross (Right Right) Left back 6. Crossover with Half turn: With poles on right side (Right Right) Left Crossover Further Twist (Right Right) Left Back to start 7. Cross over with Full Turn: With Pole on the Right Side

(Right Right) Left Cross Further (Right Right) Left Forward Motion to make full turn

Traveling Steps 8. ½ Basic Step moving forward (Right Right) Left move up the poles 9. Straddles Moving forward (Jump Jump) Jump Move up the poles 10. Basic Step Moving Forward (Right Right) Right → (Left Right) Left, moving up the poles 11. Basic Step traveling around the poles: with Pole on the right side (right Left) Right → Forward Left Right turn in to poles Hop onto Left


Tinikling Performance Rubric CRITERIA

Roles & Responsibility



Overall Transitions Flow

4= Advanced

No part of the dance was In sync with interrupted and partner; in sync maintained a Entire group worked with pole Hard, defined constant flow; well together during workers; danced rhythmic Each person their performance; each step beats; poles All dance utilized at least 6 every student correctly; were low and transitions were different dance performed their role; danced each wide; kept made in sync with steps for 4 counts Group was step using dancers safe; partner (entering, each; Dance was enthusiastic and counts; no counted the during and creative and was appeared to have fun mistakes steps finishing) at least 2 mins

3= Proficient

Slightly out of synch with Most of the group partner in worked well together; sections; slightly most students out of sync with performed their role; rhythm; danced group could have every step with added a little more counts; very few enthusiasm into their mistakes/minor performance mistakes

2= Approaching

Areas of the dance where group did not work well together; one person did not perform their role; group needed more enthusiasm

1 mistake made during one of the transitions of the dance

A few small interruptions that had very little effect on the overall flow; utilized at least 5 different dance steps; parts of the dance were creative. At least 2 mins long

Very inconsistent rhythm; poles Several areas were where dancers different were out of sync distances and with each other heights; and /or with dancer safety pole rhythm; was at risk; dancesr did not only 1 pole or forgot to worker dance using counted or counts; obvious both counted 2 mistakes during mistakes off and on the transitions

Quite a few obvious interruptions that effected the flow of the dance; utilized 4 different dance steps; only a couple parts of the dance showed creativity. Less than 2 mins

Beats slightly off rhythm; poles low and wide most of the dance; kept dancers safe; counted most of the dance

1= Needs Work

Group was confused about roles and responsibilities; Group did not mesh well; very still, no enthusiasm

Dancers spent most of the dance out of sync with each other and /or with the pole rhythm; Dancers did not use counts; 4 or more obvious mistakes

Pole workers kept making mistakeds that effected the rhythm and safety of the dancers; neither pole worker was counting or 3 or more engaged in mistakes during the dance the transitions

The high number of mistakes and /or inconsistent rhythm effected the flow of the routine; utilized 3 or less different dance steps; Dance showed no creativity. Less than 2 mins



http://www.mrsicklerphysicaleducation.com/6thGrade/Tinikling.html https://sites.google.com/site/mrbassettphysicaleducation/dash/sevent h-grade/tinikiling-unit-folk-dance

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