Time Management: A Guide for Personal Planning.
I. Time As a Scarce Resource II. Focusing on Discretionary Time III.How Do you Use Your Time? IV. Five Steps to Better Time Management V. Some Additional Ponder
Which of these sentences do you choose? You do the interesting things before the
uninteresting things. You do the things that are easy than before the things that are difficult. You do the things that are urgent that are thing important. You work on things in order of their are arrival You wait until a deadline approaches before really moving on a project.
I. Time As a Scarce Resource Time is a unique resource. It can never be replaced. It can never be saved. It can not be stockpiled. It can also not be retrieved. So all managers need to use this resource carefully in equal abundance.
II. Focusing on Discretionary Time Time
Discretionary Time
Response Time
Discretionary Time What is discretionary time? Discretionary time is a time under a manager's control.
Why discretionary time is important to
Because it is manageable.
Response Time What is Response Time? Response Time is a part of manager’s time under uncontrollable.
III. How Do you Use Your Time? How do managers use their time? By keeping log or diary of daily activities for a period, and then evaluate the data they gather.
IV. Five Steps to Better Time Management Make a li st of your obje ctive. Rank the Object ives acco rding to
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V. Some Additional Ponder Follow the 10-90 Principle Know Your Productivity Cycle Remember Parkinson’s Law Group Less Important Activities Together Minimize Disruption
* Follow the 10-90 Principle
Managers produce
90% of Result
By Using only:
10%of their times
* Know Your Productivity Cycle If we know our activities cycle, we will
increase the effectiveness. Because we can schedule them and
solve the problem when it happens to us.
*Remember Parkinson’s Law It states that work expand to full fill the time
It means you schedule too much time on this task. If we use an excessive amount of time, time
allocation will happen.
*Group Less Important Activities Together Don’t spend too much time on the activities which are not important. * Av oid in g: duplication, waste and redundancy.
*Minimize Disruption Minimize disruption by Setting a block of discretionary time. Trying to insulate yourself. Refusing phone calls or visitors. Reading a blocks of time every day. Making a brief in the meeting.
*Beware of Wasting Time in Poorly Run Meeting Meetings take up a large proportion of a
managers' time.
Establishing a meeting, managers should Set a time limit time Prepare agenda Remain standing
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