Til We Die

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 3
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1046{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 'Til We Die\par Slipknot\par \par Composi\'e7\'e3o: Indispon\'edvel\par \par Our friends\par Are all hurting\par From moments a\par And regrets\par And charity\par Laced with a lie\par Still we keep hoping\par To fix all the defects\par And strengthen\par These seminal times\par We go on together\par For better or worse\par Our history\par Is to real to hate\par Now and forever\par We stay until morning\par And promise to fight\par For our fate\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par The start of a journey\par Is every bit worth it\par I can't let you\par Down anymore\par The sky\par Is still clearing\par We're never afraid\par And the consequences\par Opens the door\par I never stopped trying\par I never stopped\par Feeling like family\par Is much more than blood\par Don't go on without me\par The piece\par That I represent\par Compliments each\par And everyone\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par We won't be forgotten\par We'll never give in\par This war we've achieved\par Has allowed us to win\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par

My last true confession\par Will open your eyes\par I've never known\par Trust like the nine\par Let it be spoken\par Let it be screamed\par They'll never ever\par Take us alive\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par We won't be forgotten\par We'll never give in\par This war we've achieved\par Has allowed us to win\par \par Carry on\par Carry on\par \par (We'll never be broken\ We won't be denied)\par (Our war is the present\ We need to unite)\par (We'll never be broken\par We wont be denied)\par (Our war is the present\par We need to unite)\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par We won't be forgotten\par We'll never give in.\par This war we've achieved\par Has allowed us to win\par \par Carry on\par Carry on\par \par We'll never be broken\par We won't be denied\par Our war is the present\par We need to unite\par \par Til we die\par Til We die\par \par We won't be forgotten\par We'll never give in\par This war we've achieved\par Has allowed us to win\par \par Til we die\par Til we die\par \par We'll never be broken\par We won't be denied\par

Our war is the present\par We need to unite\par }

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