Tieng Viet Cho Web

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 2,772
  • Pages: 6
function change(item,item2) { var range = document.body.createtextrange(); range.collapse(true); if (location.href.indexof("action=") != -1 ) { return false; } else { while (range.findtext(item)) { range.text=item2; range.collapse(false); } } } change("board statistics", "th�ng tin di?n d�n") change("help", "gi�p d?") change("today's birthdays", "h�m nay l� sinh nh?t c?a th�nh vi�n") change("registered members", "th�nh vi�n d� dang k�") change("our memberlist have made a total", "t?ng s? th�nh vi�n") change("anonymous members"," ngu?i gi?u t�n") change(" members, ", " th�nh vi�n ") change("my controls", "c� nh�n") change("inbox", "h?p thu " ) change("view new posts", "b�i vi?t m?i") change("my assistant", "thu k� ri�ng ") change("calendar", "l?ch") change("search", "t�m ki?m") change("log out", "tho�t"); change("forum", "di?n d�n") change("di?n d�ns", "di?n d�n") change("topics", "b�i vi?t") change("replies", "tr? l?i") change("last post info", "b�i g?i cu?i") change("welcome back; your last visit was on ", "ch�o m?ng b?n d� tr? l?i di?n d�n, l?n dang nh?p cu?i c�ng c?a b?n l� ") change("logged in as:", "t�n dang nh?p: ") change("the newest member is", "th�nh vi�n m?i dang k� v�o di?n d�n l�:") change("user(s) active in the past 60 minutes", "th�nh vi�n online 60 ph�t tru?c") change("most users ever online was", "s? ngu?i online d�ng nh?t l� ") change("show detailed list by", "xem chi ti?t ") change("our members have made a total of", "t?ng s? b�i d� vi?t l� ") change("posts", "b�i vi?t") change("no members are celebrating a birthday today", "kh�ng c� th�nh vi�n n�o sinh nh?t h�m nay") change("guests", "kh�ch") change("registered", "th�nh vi�n") change("we have ", "ch�ng ta c� ") change("users", "users") change("welcome guest ", "ch�o m?ng b?n d?n v?i di?n d�n ") change("log in", "�ang nh?p") change("register", "�ang k�") change("quick �ang nh?p ", "�ang nh?p nhanh") change("please enter your name", "t�n dang nh?p") change("please enter your password", "m?t kh?u ") change("you must already have th�nh vi�n for an account before you can �ang nh?p.", "b?n ph?i l� th�nh vi�n tru?c khi dang nh?p v�o di?n d�n") change("you last visited our website on ", "l?n dang nh?p cu?i c�ng c?a b?n l�:") change("sort", "ch?n") change("to the", "-->")

change("if you do not have an account, ", "n?u b?n kh�ng c� t�i kho?n ,") change("you may", "b?n c� th?") change("by clicking the", "b?ng c�ch ?n v�o ch?") change("link near the top of the screen " ,"? ph�a tr�n") change("i've forgotten my password!", "qu�n m?t kh?u") change("please enter your details below to �ang nh?p", "h�y di?n v�o 2 b?ng du?i d�y d? dang nh?p ") change("th�nh vi�n member name", "t�n th�nh vi�n") change("di?n d�n led by", "di?n d�n du?c di?u h�nh b?i") change("no messages found", "kh�ng t�m th?y tin nh?n n�o") change("your th�nh vi�n email address", "�?a ch? email c?a b?n") change("total number of b�i vi?t to date", "s? b�i b?n d� vi?t") change("you th�nh vi�n on ", "b?n l� th�nh vi�n t? ") change("average number of b�i vi?t per day", "s? b�i vi?t m?i ng�y(trung b�nh)") change("total messages (in all folders)", "t?ng s? tin nh?n (trong t?t c? h?p tin)") change("message space left", "kh�ng gian c�n th?a") change("your personal note pad", "t? nh�p c?a b?n") change("welcome to your control panel", "ch�o m?ng b?n d?n v?i b?ng di?u khi?n c� nh�n") change("compose new message", "so?n tin m?i") change("go to h?p thu;", "h?p tin") change("sent items", "tin d� g?i") change("empty pm folders", "x�a h?t tin nh?n") change("edit storage folders", "bi�n t?p h?p tin nh?n") change("pm buddies/block list", "kh�ng mu?n nh?n thu c?a...") change("archive messages", "b?ng di?u khi?n") change("saved (unsent) pms", "tin nh?n chua g?i") change("message tracker", "t?ng h?p tin nh?n") change("subscriptions", "theo d�i") change("message title", "ti�u d?") change("message for", "g?i cho") change("personal profile", "th�ng tin c� nh�n") change("edit profile info", "s?a d?i th�ng tin c� nh�n") change("edit signature", "s?a ch? k�") change("edit avatar settings", "thay d?i h�nh d?i di?n") change("change personal photo", "thay d?i ?nh c� nh�n") change("options", "l?a ch?n") change("change password", "�?i m?t kh?u") change("change email address", "�?i d?a ch? email") change("menu", "menu") change("view b�i vi?t", "b�i vi?t") change("view di?n d�n", "di?n d�n") change("skin and languages", "giao di?n v� ng�n ng?") change("board settings", "th�ng tin di?n d�n") change("your account summary", "t�i kho?n c?a b?n") change("your h?p thu summary", "kh�i qu�t h�m thu") change("remember me?", "b?n c� mu?n nh? m?t kh?u kh�ng?") change("if enabled, you will be automatically logged in again when you visit.", "n?u c� , computer c?a b?n s? t? dang nh?p l?n sau") change("this is not recommended for shared computers.", "kh�ng n�n d?ng � n?u b?n s? d?ng internet c�ng c?ng.") change("privacy, do you want to appear on the active . list?", "b?n c� mu?n gi?u m?t?") change(" yes ", "c�") change(" no ", "kh�ng") change("don't add me to the active . list", "t�i kh�ng mu?n xu?t hi?n trong danh s�ch online")

change("of total capacity", "tr�n t?ng s? dung lu?ng b?n c�") change("b?n c� th? enter up to 6 names in the carbon copy box.", "b?n c� th? di?n v�o t�n c?a 6 th�nh vi�n trong h?p b�n.") change("one line per name.", "m?i d�ng m?t t�n.") change("enter your message", "tin nh?n c?a b?n") change("code buttons", "b? n�t m�") change("normal mode", "ch? d? b�nh thu?ng") change("guided mode", "hu?ng d?n to�n b?") change("enter your post", "b�i vi?t c?a b?n") change("clickable smilies", "ch?n icon vui") change("show all", "xem t?t c?") change("check post length", "ki?m tra d? d�i b�i vi?t") change("add a copy of this message to my thu da gui folder", "sao luu v�o h?p tin nh?n d� g?i") change("track this message? ", "luu tin nh?n n�y") change("or enter the members name here", "�i?n t�n th�nh vi�n ? d�y") change("address list empty ", "danh s�ch d?a ch? r?ng") change("choose from your address book", "ch?n t? s? d?a ch? c?a b?n") change("recipients name", "t�n ngu?i nh?n") change("read messages", "tin nh?n d� d?c") change("unread messages", "tin nh?n chua d?c") change("jump to folder", "nh?y d?n thu m?c") change("your folders are", "thu m?c c?a b?n d� c�") change("select read messages", "ch?n tin nh?n d? d?c") change("unselect all", "kh�ng ch?n t?t c?") change("messages out of 50 maximum storable messages", "tin nh?n tr�n t?ng s? 50 tin c?n c� th? nh?n") change("you have ", "b?n c� ") change("the selected messages", "tin nh?n d� ch?n") change(" sender ", "ngu?i g?i") change(" date ", "ng�y") change("topic title", "ti�u d? ch? d?") change("topic description", "ch� Th�ch") change("post l?a ch?n", "ch? d? b�i vi?t") change("enable emoticons", "hi?n th? m?t cu?i") change("enable signature", "hi?n th? ch? k�") change("enable email kh�ngtification of tr? l?i", "hi?n th? email") change("post icons", "bi?u tu?ng b�i vi?t") change("use none", "kh�ng s? d?ng") change("after posting...", "sau khi vi?t b�i...") change("kh�ng b�i vi?t were found. this is either because there are kh�ng b�i vi?t in this di?n d�n, or the b�i vi?t are older than the current age cut-off.", "di?n d�n chua c� b�i vi?t , c�c b?n h�y nh?n v�o n�t B�i m?i d? kh?i d?ng forum n�y.") change(" topic starter ", "ngu?i vi?t") change(" views ", "xem") change("last action", "b�i tr? l?i cu?i") change("open topic (new tr? l?i)", "b�i vi?t m?i") change("open topic (no new tr? l?i)", "kh�ng c� b�i tr? l?i m?i") change("hot topic (new tr? l?i)", "b�i vi?t du?c quan t�m") change("hot topic (no new tr? l?i)", "b�i vi?t du?c quan t�m chua c� tr? l?i m?i") change("poll (new votes)", "b�nh ch?n m?i") change("poll (no new votes)", "b�nh ch?n cu") change("locked topic", "ch? d? b? kh�a") change("moved topic", "ch? d? d� di chuy?n") change("registration form", "th�ng tin dang k�") change("registration instructions", "�i?u l? dang k�") change("please ensure that you complete all the fields fully, taking particular care over the password fields.", "h�y ho�n th�nh c�c m?c b?t bu?c du?i d�y, ch� �

k� t? vi?t hoa v� vi?t thu?ng v?i m?t kh?u !") change("please complete the form fully", "h�y di?n d?y d? th�ng tin v�o b?ng du?i d�y") change("please choose a username", "username c?a b?n l�:") change("usernames must be between 3 and 32 characters long", "username c?a b?n ch? trong 3 --> 32 ch?") change("please choose a password", "m?t kh?u") change("passwords must be between 3 and 32 characters long", "m?t kh?u c?a b?n ch? trong3 --> 32 ch?") change("please re-enter your password", "nh?p l?i m?t kh?u") change("it must match exactly", "ph?i th?t ch�nh x�c") change("please enter your email address", "�?a ch? email c?a b?n") change("you will need to enter a real email address", "b?n ph?i nh?p d?a ch? email b?n dang d�ng ") change("please re-enter your email address", "nh?p l?i d?a ch? email") change("submit my registration", "�ang k� th�nh vi�n") change("post a new topic in", "t?o ch? d? m?i trong") change("attach new poll", "th�m b�nh ch?n m?i") change("next oldest", "b�i cu nh?t") change("next newest", "bai m?i nh?t") change("track this topic", "theo d�i ch? d? n�y") change("email this topic", "g?i topic n�y cho b?n c?a b?n qua email") change("print this topic", "in ch? d? n�y") change("subscribe to this di?n d�n", "theo d�i di?n d�n n�y") change("mark this di?n d�n as read", "��nh d?u di?n d�n d� du?c ch?n") change("topic settings", "ch? d? c?a ch? d?") change(" group ", "nh�m") change("b�i vi?t:", "b�i vi?t : ") change("member kh�ng", "th�nh vi�n s?") change(" joined ", "tham gia ng�y") change("this post has been edited by ", "b�i vi?t n�y du?c s?a b?i ") change("the moderating team", "�?i ngu qu?n tr?") change("today's active b�i vi?t", "10 b�i vi?t g?n d�y nh?t") change("today's top 10 posters", "top 10 ngu?i s�i n?i ng�y h�m nay") change("overall top 10 posters", "b?ng x?p h?ng") change("delete cookies set by this board", "x�a d?u v?t tr�n m�y b?n") change("mark all b�i vi?t as read", "��nh d?u t?t c? b�i vi?t") change("please read fully and check the 'i agree' box only if you agree to the terms", "h�y d?c ki di?u l? v� nh?n v�o n�t d?ng � tru?c khi dang k�") change("i agree", "t�i d?ng � v?i nh?ng di?u kho?n tr�n d�y ") change("resend validation email", "g?i email k�ch ho?t") change("latest news"," b�i vi?t cu?i l�:") change("members","th�nh vi�n") change("by:","ngu?i vi?t:") change("in:","b�i vi?t:") change("forum led ngu?i vi?t:"," �i?u h�nh b?i:") change("member no","th�nh vi�n th?") change("group","thu�c nh�m") change("joined","ng�y gia nh�p") change("sorry, an error occurred. if you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the giup do files for more information.","b?n ph?i dang nh?p tru?c khi v�o di?n d�n..") change("the error returned was:","c� l?i x?y ra :") change("sorry, you do not have permission to start a topic in this forum","c� th? l� topic d� b? kh�a n�n b?n kh�ng post b�i du?c") change("you are not logged in, b?n c� th? �ang nh?p below","b?n ph?i dang nh?p") change("your account username","t�n s? d?ng") change("your account password","m?t kh?u")

change("hosted for free by","......") change("you do not have permission to view this board","b?n ph?i �Ang k� tru?c khi v�O di?n ��n") change("�ang k� a new account","�Ang k� th�Nh vi�N") change("forgotten m?t kh?u recovery","qu�n m?t kh?u") change(" our giup do documentation","..................") change("contact the forums administrator ","li�n h? v?i admin") change("no b�i vi?t were found. this is either because there arekh�ngB�i vi?t in this forum, or the b�i vi?t are older than the current age cut-off","b?n ph?i l� th�nh vi�n m?i c� th? xem du?c n?i dung di?n d�n..") change("fast reply", "tr? l?i nhanh") change("important b�i vi?t","b�i vi?t quan tr?ng") change("the following error(s) were found","c� L?i x?y ra") change("you must enter a t�n b�i vi?t longer than 2 characters","b?n ph?i di?n t�n b�i vi?t d�i t? 2 k� t? tr? l�n") change("show smilies pop up window"," ch?n bi?u tu?ng cho b�i vi?t") change("there arekh�ngforthcoming l?ch events", "kh�ng c� s? ki?n n�o !") change("forthcoming l?ch events ", "nh?ng s? ki?n ") change("within the next 5 days", "x?y ra trong 5 ng�y t?i") change("no information", "chua c� th�ng tin") change("click here", "nh?n v�o d�y") change("viewing profile", "xem th�ng tin th�nh vi�n") change("find all b�i vi?t by this member", "t�m t?t c? b�i vi?t c?a th�nh vi�n n�y") change("add to contact list", "b? sung v�o s? d?a ch?") change("edit my signature", "s?a ch? k� c?a t�i") change("avatar l?a ch?n", "thay d?i avatar c� nh�n") change("edit my profile", "s?a d?i th�ng tin b?n th�n") change("personal messages", "tin nh?n") change("signature", "ch? k�") change("back", "tr? l?i") change("member", "th�nh vi�n") change("title", "ti�u d?") change("information", "th�ng tin") change("total cumulative", "t?ng s?") change("per day", "m?i ng�y") change("last activity", "gh� tham l?n cu?i") change("user's local time", "gi? d?a phuong") change("thanks,you are now logged out", "ok,b�y gi? b?n d� ra kh?i di?n d�n") change("sorry, the password was wrong. all passwords are case sensitive", "b?n d� g� sai m?t kh?u") change("the following errors were found", "forum b�o l?i") change("thanks, you are now logged in as", "ok,b�y gi? b?n d� dang nh?p v�o di?n d�n") change("please wait while we transfer you...", "xin b?n h�y d?i m?t ch�t") change("no b�i vi?t were found. this is either because there arekh�ngB�i vi?t in this di?n d�n, or the b�i vi?t are older than the current age cut-off.", "forum n�y chua c� ch? d?,b?n h�y nh?n v�o n�t B�i m?i d? th?o lu?n") change("user(s) active in the past 15 minutes", "th�nh vi�n dang nh?p 15 ph�t tru?c") change("please reth�nh vi�n that we are not responsible for any messages posted. we do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. the messages express thexemof the author of the message, not necessarily thexemof this bb. any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. ch�ng ta c� the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. you agree, through your use of this service,

that you will not use this bb to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. you agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bb."," v?i tu c�ch th�nh vi�n trong h? th?ng di?n d�n n�y b?n ph?i ho�n to�n tu�n th? m?t c�ch nghi�m ch?nh c�c nguy�n t?c sau d�y :: ngu?i d?ng t�n c?a t�i kho?n ph?i ho�n to�n ch?u tr�ch nhi?m t?t c? c�c ho?t d?ng c?a m�nh tr�n h? th?ng n�y :: di?n d�n kh�ng ch?p nh?n b?t c? th�ng tin n�o di ngu?c l?i v?i thu?n phong mi t?c, ph�p lu?t v� van ho� Vi?t nam, ban di?u h�nh c� th? t? d?ng c?t b? n?i dung b�i vi?t c?a b?n n?u th?y kh�ng ph� h?p, c�c v?n d? c?n l?i c�c b?n c� th? d? c?p cung nhu trao d?i m?t c�ch th?ng th?n, d�ng ph�p lu?t v� c� van ho� tr�n di?n d�n :: c�c th�ng tin c� nh�n c?a b?n khi dang k� s? d?ng di?n d�n (tr? c�c th�ng tin ph?c v? cho m?c d�ch giao luu, k?t b?n..) d?u du?c gi? k�n, kh�ng ph?c v? cho b?t c? ho?t d?ng kinh doanh hay qu?ng c�o n�o, tuy nhi�n ch�ng t�i s? bu?c ph?i cung c?p nh?ng th�ng tin d� cho c�c co quan ph�p lu?t n?u c?n thi?t :: nh?ng h�nh vi ph� ho?i, g�y t?n h?i t?i t�i nguy�n c?a h? th?ng n?u b? ph�t hi?n s? b? truy t? v� x? l� theo ph�p lu?t hi?n h�nh :: n?u d?ng � v?i c�c di?u kho?n tr�n b?n h�y click chu?t v�o li�n k?t ph�a du?i.") change("terms of service", "�i?u kho?n dang k�") change("please read fully and check the 't�i d?ng � v?i nh?ng di?u kho?n tr�n d�y ' box only if you agree --> terms", "h�y d?c ki di?u l? v� nh?n v�o n�t d?ng � tru?c khi dang k�!") change("security code confirmation", "ki?m tra m� dang k�") change("you have to ", "b?n ph?i ") change(" before you can post to our site ", " d? c� th? post b�i trong di?n d�n") change("welcome, visitor", "ch�o b?n") change("welcome", "ch�o m?ng") change("personal messages"," tin nh?n c� nh�n") change("waiting to be read", "waiting" ) change("visitors", "kh�ch") change("members and", "th�nh vi�n v�") change("browsing:", "browsing") change("you have", "b?n c�") change("view new posts", "xem b�i vi?t m?i") change("there are", "hi?n c�") change("website poll", "b�nh ch?n cho di?n d�n") change("recommended sites", "li�n k?t") change("latest discussions", "ch? d? th?o lu?n g?n d�y") change("site navigation", "nh?ng li�n k?t") change("password", "m?t kh?u") change("comments", "tr? l?i") change("read", "s? l?n xem") change("posted by", "vi?t b?i:") change("total", "t?ng c?ng") change("votes", "b�nh ch?n") change("forgotten m?t kh?u recovery", "qu�n m?t kh?u") change("contact the di?n d�ns administrator ", "li�n h? v?i admin") change("go tr? l?i", "quay tr? l?i") change("reth�nh vi�n", "remember") change("b?n c� th? attach a file to this message", "t?i file t? m�y c?a b?n") change("maximum file size", "dung lu?ng file t?i da") change("file attachments", "g?i file d�nh k�m") change("enable email notification of tr? l?i?", "th�ng b�o qua e-mail khi c� b�i tr? l?i m?i")

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