Ticr Layout - Oct2009

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  • Words: 3,468
  • Pages: 8
October 2009 Vol. 1 Issue 7






Welcome back to the regularly scheduled TICr. As you may have noticed, it’s Thursday, not the first Monday of the month. Starting with this October issue, the TICr will be emailed out on the first Thursday of the month.



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monthly article in this issue written by our own TEKTIC Student Affiliate member Cisco Grajales III. In The 2.0 Factor: Musings of a Hyperconnected World- Cisco will explore various social media technologies and the role they can play within the healthcare context. For those new to these 2.0 ideas, the 2.0 Factor will walk you through the uses and advantages and challenges these applications offer while also teaching you how they can be incorporated into your work and personal life.

And finally, as we move into the final six months of TEKTIC we will continue to showcase and share the We would also like to welcome back Anne Nguyen who returned in work TEKTIC members have been able to do over the September after a year long maternity past three and a half years. If you have a project to share or want to write an article for the TICr, please let us know. leave. Anne has been involved with TEKTIC since the beginning grant writing stages and in more recent years has also served as a TEKTIC TEKTIC Workshop Recap: Steering Committee member. Thank Using Information and Communication you to Elaine Chong who was Technologies for “Healthy” Public Engagement able to pick up right where Anne by Jennifer Cordeiro had left off. As Anne resumes her role in TEKTIC, Elaine will be As a multi-disciplinary research unit in B.C. focused on staying on as a new member. Great to have you both on board! eHealth issues, TEKTIC researchers have undertaken a variety of projects over the past three years. What quickly emerged from this portfolio of work is that public engagement in In this issue we will recap the healthcare context is emerging as a key priority area for the TEKTIC Workshop health administrators, professionals and patients alike. In that took place on Thursday, an effort to get a dialogue about this started, the TEKTIC September 10th. Thank you team decided to plan and host a workshop where individuals to everyone who was able to from this field could come together to learn more about join in on the conversation. the current research landscape in this area and begin to The morning was a success! generate new ideas and plans for actualizing this vision. We will highlight the presentations and discussions in this month’s project profile A discussion about using information and communication technologies (ICT) for public engagement is a timely one as and use the tweets sent via new eHealth applications and policies are being introduced as Twitter (see article TEKTIC solutions to many of the health system’s ongoing challenges. TWEETS) during the We know that to ensure uptake and adoption by intended workshop to pull out the key users we need to really understand the possibilities and messages from each speaker barriers these technologies present. Many workshop registrants and the morning overall. agreed and also had their own questions about using ICTs for public engagement such as: “What strategies can government We are also debuting a new

use to overcome the barriers (privacy laws etc) and to manage the risks inherent in engaging the community through technology, especially social media?” and “How can we effectively evaluate public engagement campaigns in a timely manner to shape future engagement?” and “How can we use technology to engage vulnerable segments of the population?” and even the most basic, “What will people use?” The TEKTIC ‘Using Information and Communication Technologies for “Healthy” Public Engagement’ workshop in September was an opportunity to start finding answers to these questions. The morning consisted of two panels of speakers and facilitated question and answer discussion period. Dr. Antoine Geissbühler, live from Geneva via WebEx, shared his experiences as the President of Health on the Net (HON Code), a website dedicated to developing standards to validate health information online. Following this presentation Dr. Cameron Norman discussed his work on projects aiming to engage youths in healthy behaviours. Next Dr. Gerri Sinclair provided her perspective as the CEO and Executive Director of the Digital Media Program at the Centre for Digital Media. She shared new applications and programs being introduced to patients to assist them in their self-care. And, to conclude the first panel of presentation,

Ms. Corinne Campney, Director of Health Strategy for TELUS Health Solutions, highlighted TELUS’s plan to develop and support various health applications that will allow the public to access and manage their own health information more effectively and efficiently in the coming years.

Nation as a way to provide reliable and accessible health information to Aboriginal communities. And, as the final presentation, Drs. Kendall Ho and Helen Novak Lauscher, reviewed the multi-channel and multi-media approach their public engagement project is using to reach out and provide culturally relevant health information to different language groups in the lower mainland area. Discussions at the end of the event focused on answering the questions, “Do we need to engage the public?” (which was answered with a resounding ‘yes!’), “Does the public want to engage with us?” “What are the hurdles?” “Do we have the data needed to move forward?” and “What about privacy concerns?”

With a snapshot of national and international projects and programs, the second panel of speakers highlighted current TEKTIC research investigating the use of ICTs in public engagement. Dr. Michal Fedeles and Ms. Katherine Wisener shared the results from their project Engaging Patients and the Community: (e)Literacy for Better Health which included the finding that 87% of the those surveyed use Google to search for health information online. Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger introduced the concept of the community learning centres developed in the Ktunaxa

We all recognize that answering these and other questions will take more than one morning. And, while some of these issues remain unsolved and while we still try to figure out what all of the pieces of the puzzle should be we had hoped this initial discussion would at least be the start of something. Thank you to everyone who participated. We look forward to working with you to start putting all ofthese pieces together. Over the next few months we will be starting a working group to continue exploring and acting on these issues. If you would like to join in on the conversation, let us know! Contact Jennifer Cordeiro at [email protected].

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Ho #ticr09

8:26 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Preamble by Mary Martin public engagement facilitates social change, and is valuable in setting priorities in reducing detriments of health 8:32 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

TEKTIC TWEETS: Tektic Workshop Play by Play #ticr09 getting ready for the workshop... T-minus 15 mins http://yfrog.com/0m13jj 7:29 AM Sep 10th from Twitterrific

#ticr09 more preparatory action http://yfrog.com/0lkf2qj 7:30 AM Sep 10th from Twitterrific

Five more minutes... Our facilitATors and last minute prep.. http://yfrog.com/0mqgdj 7:54 AM Sep 10th from Twitterrific

nerd area... I can say that because I’m sitting there too... http://yfrog.com/09d0irj

7:56 AM Sep 10th from Twitterrific

Live tweeting with CiscoGIII at the same table.... Alison Buchan is giving an opening statement

Webex in action http:yfrog.com/0pi56hj

8:44 AM Sep 10th from Twitterrific

Speaker #1 Antoine Geissbuhler The HON code is a set of 8 priniciples about health information http://bit.ly/eXFW2 #ticr09 8:49 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

The HON code certifies websites and validates the health information found on them based on a protocol and the 8 principles #TICr09 8:51 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Team is based of 8 MD, 2 MD students, 1 Pharmacist, 2 Lawyers, and1 biologist #Ticr09 8:53 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Speaker #2 Dr. Cameron Norman focused on using the web to engage youth #TICr09

8:21 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

9:02 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

lessons from wii - technology can really engage people. how do we learn from that in the are of health - Dr Kendall

developed eHealth Literacy scale assessment of skills and confidence in using ICT for health decisions

Page 4

JMIR (2006) #TICR09

9:13 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Food is a fantastic tool for engagement ==> Food4Health/ Stomach THIS! #TICR09 9:14 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Food 4Health - student life engagement project see http://bit.ly/Sat3y #ticr09 9:16 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

follow food4Health on twitter @ food4health #TICR09

9:17 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Speaker3: Dr. Gerri Sinclair what can BC be in the best in technology in the world? #TICR09

9:22 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

1. Digital media/digital entertainment, 2. Green tech and sustainability, 3. Medical application enabled by internet #TICR09 9:24 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

project focused on sr. + social environment - box w/ touch screen mobile-autodispensing of medication thru use of soc. net application #TICR09

9:34 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

point system and tracking system based on med consumption for each patient w/rewards #TICR09

9:35 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

digital media rewards too (pics of family) #TICR09

9:36 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Speaker 4: Corrine Campney how do we overcome the gap with resources and demands - there is a tipping point right now with tech that may help #TICR09

9:39 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Telus Health Space is a collaboration

with MS HealthVault (Personal Health Record System) #TICR09 9:46 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

the barriers that lie out there is the businesses that have been offering free services. How can we collaborate with avail groups? #TICR09

9:51 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Break Time followed by Panel #2 - Projets Project 1: (e) literacy for better health Dr. Michal Fedels & Katherine Wisener how much do patients and the public know about ICTs and the health services they are recieving? opportunities? how to make a diff! #TICR09

10:48 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

http://bit.ly/2NdxtN - website #TICR09

10:49 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Survey showed that google = most common resource for health info - the

public needs to be taught how to search for health info #TICR09

10:51 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Project 2 - CLCs Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger Ktunaxa Community Learning Centre - where youth, tech, health, culture collide #TICR09

11:04 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

CLC = physical learning centre with freely accessible Internet linked comupters to put out webbased info from a community context #TICR09

community driven, multichannel, access to culturally health information #TICR09

11:20 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

there is clearly a hunger and demand for culturally relevant health information demonstrated by the 1000 +750 attendees at forums #TICR09

11:24 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

how many calories are in a Chinese bbq pork bun? that is what iCON is about... Culturally relevant health information #TICR09

11:27 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Final Comments: Dr. Richard Scott

11:05 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Project 3: iCONs Dr. Kendall Ho & Dr. Helen Novak Lauscher if i got thier toes tapping then i know ive got them - dizzy Gillespie ==> how do we get thier toes tapping? #TICR09

11:18 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

the iCON project looks to provide

quote Dr. Geissbuhler - “privacy is just an illusion” #TICR09

11:38 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

Dr. Scott - “eHealth is anything we want it to be” #TICR09

11:56 AM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

LUNCH TIME! Thanks everyone for a great workshop! #TICR09

12:42 PM Sep 10th from TweetDeck

RT = Retweet - it means that a user really liked a tweet and is forwarding it to his network @Reply = Reply - is automatically inserted when you reply and is used to track a conversation. make sure you change your settings to all @ replies so you don’t miss out on any part of the conversation

#Hashcodes - used to tag or categorize a set of tweets. The workshop used #TICr09. Any tweet that contains that code will be added to that subject, conversation or event

Time Stamp and Source - indicates the time, date, and method you used to tweet. You can use the website, but third party clients (like Twitterific) makes it easier to tweet from your phone or computer.

Tiny URL - is a shrunken web address and addresses the 140 character limit. Tiny URLs allow Tweeters to add longer links into thier tweets. Pictures and other files can be uploaded onto these sites. Click to see where it leads!

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CURRENT EVENTS MSFHR recieves $15 Million from the BC Government On September 29th, the Micheal Smith Foundation for Health Research recieved a letter from the BC government confirming that an additional $15 Million funding for the Micheal Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR). In the President’s qarterly report, MSFHR President and CEO, Dr. John Challis addresses this matter.

Jennifer is the Research Coordinator for the Technology-Enabled Knowledge Translation Investigative Centre (TEKTIC). As the Coordinator of TEKTIC, she over sees many of TEKTIC’s activities such as the monthly Elluminate sessions and the newsletter, and is also involved in planning the annual meeting and workshop. Jennifer has also been a co-investigator on a couple of TEKTIC-funded projects over the past few years. As a researcher within the eHealth Strategy Office (formerly the Division of Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Translation) at UBC since February 2006, she has been involved in many of the technology-based projects, such as CliniPEARLS and TEKB (Technology-Enabled Knowledge Brokering) Patient Safety, and is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Intercultural Online Health Network (iCON) project as well. She has also helped coordinate and write various grant applications. In September 2009 she also became the Technology Portfolio Coordinator which has allowed her to become involved in more eHealth and technology-related projects. Jennifer earned a Bachelors of Applied Arts in Psychology Honours degree from Kwantlen University College in May of 2005. Her academic research interests include social and cultural issues as they relate to learning, perception and interpersonal relations.

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“... I am very pleased to announce that on September 25th, we received a letter from the Honourable Kevin Falcon, Minister of Health Services, confirming an additional $15 million funding for the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. The allocation of this funding demonstrates a strong commitment on behalf of government to BC’s research community - and sends a very positive message about the importance of the Foundation’s role. We have been working hard with government to secure further funding, and we are deeply grateful to them for providing it. We recognize it is no small gesture, especially in such difficult economic times. The letter from Minister Falcon says that the additional $15 million will be provided “prior to April 15, 2010” and emphasizes that the Foundation should not anticipate receiving additional funding from the Province of BC for the next two fiscal years (2009/10 and 2010/11). With this confirmation of our current financial situation, MSFHR has the information it needs to make key decisions about its programs and initiatives. Over the next few weeks, we will be reviewing all our activities in light of our funding situation and in alignment with our Strategic Direction 2009-2015 document. Next steps will be communicated

to the community as decisions are made.” Source: http://www.msfhr.org/resources/public/News/ September_30_2009.pdf


Here is a little glimspe of what the Microsoft R&D is trying to concocting in thier laboratories. A little mix of Electronic Health Records, Personal Health Records, and some crazy new technologies.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V35Kv6ZNGA&feature=PlayList&p=F6ADE3 438B0087DA&playnext=1&playnext_ from=PL&index=5 For a higher resolution version of this clip, please visit (requires Microsoft Silverlight): http://blogs.msdn.com/healthblog/ archive/2007/08/02/future-vision-microsoftknowledge-driven-health.aspx

THE 2.0 FACTOR: Musings of a Hyperconnected World

by Francisco J Grajales III Topic: Introducing CISCO!

Have you ever wondered what attracts people to Twitter? Or perhaps you think it’s a waste of time yet you still signed up in case someone asked for your handle (AKA your twitter username). If you have signed up and don’t use it weekly, chances are that you barely remember your login credentials or perhaps you tweet while bored in a meeting. Don’t worry; you are not alone! My name is Cisco, a TEKTIC student affiliate and for those of you that know me, I live online and breathe social media. Yes, I also have an unconnected life but I use 2.0 technologies because as an early adopter, I believe we can learn about society and even improve it, by strategically deploying information and communication technologies in health. For example, Twitter took me about a year to understand in a glocal context. Ipso facto, this monthly column will feature the 2.0 factor - how to use social media to improve your efficiency, communicate more effectively, briefly keep up-to-date with your TEKTIC-related research, among other hyperconnected issues. My mission is to save you the time I invested in learning these tools and make you a contextual expert in approximately three hundred words. Twitter, why should you care? Well, in utilitarian terms, Twitter’s value is not derived from knowing what your followers (that’s the people whose updates you choose to see in your feed/stream by clicking follow) say about their daily lives. Well, perhaps, if you can get a friend or family member to update their feed on a regular basis (thus knowing about the people you care about in an un-intrusive, timely manner). Rather, its value is derived by: 1) using other people’s feed as an information filter for the newest filed developments; or 2) knowing what people from around the world in your discipline are up to. Stay tuned, next month I will teach you the basic – One, Two, Three, Cha Cha Cha! – of information filters. In the meantime, if you wish to follow me online, Google ciscogiii and you’ll find me.

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Would you like to have your project profiled in t h e T I C r, present your project at an upcoming Elluminate session, or have an announcement to make? Please email Jennifer Cordeiro at [email protected] for more details.

Speaker: TBA* Date: Thursday, November 19th, 2009 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm PST *please check the TEKTIC website for more information on this month’s session

Frames of Mind is a monthly film event founded by Dr. Harry Karlinsky, TEKTIC member, utilizing film and video to promote professional and community education on issues pertaining to mental health and illness.

Young Freud in Gaza Sweden, 2008. Directors: PeÅ Holmquist and Suzanne Khardalian Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 7:30pm Pacific Cinematheque Theatre 1131 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC VANCOUVER PREMIERE! "Young Freud in Gaza profiles Ayed, a young psychotherapist working in the Palestinian Authority’s Clinic for Mental Health. He provides therapy to a variety of patients — male and female, adults and children — for depression, stress, anxiety attacks and suicidal tendencies. Filmed from 2006 to 2008, against a backdrop of armed clashes between Hamas and Fatah factions, Israeli missile attacks, and the constant overhead presence of a surveillance dirigible, the documentary shows Ayed training young wives and mothers in deep-breathing exercises to calm anxiety, counselling maimed Hamas and Fatah militants in meditation techniques, and leading children in group therapy sessions in which they discuss their reaction to the death of siblings and draw pictures to cope with their emotions. The film also captures Ayed at home, relating to his parents and other family members and friends, in the process revealing that this young mental-health doctor is struggling with personal issues of his own, including serious doubts about his ability to help his patients. As Ayed acknowledges, 'Gaza needs a million psychologists'" (adapted from Icarus Films). "Arresting...a fair-minded, intimately probing documentary...There’s no question that the very definition of psychotherapy means something different under occupation" (Ella Taylor, Village Voice). Colour, Digibeta video, 58 mins. Post-screening discussion with Dr. Rene Weideman. Dr. Weideman is a registered psychologist with interests in psychotherapy training and individual and group psychotherapy. He is the Director of the Clinical Psychology Centre in the Department of Psychology at Simon Fraser University and the Associate Director (Faculty Affairs) of the Psychotherapy Training Program in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. He also has a part-time private practice. For more information, tickets, full reviews, and trailers, visit www.framesofmind.ca.

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