Ti Mi Book

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  • Pages: 57
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To God, I take my hearty bow, To my own mother, I owe my due, To the Dada’s and Idris’ family, ‘gracias’ To my friends, old and young, in Nigeria and beyond, you all are wonderful experience. To my colleagues and prospective colleagues, the sky is your platform, God your limit. To my admirers and well wishers, I say ‘MERCI BEACOUP’ To Nigeria, your time is now To Africa Yes we can Beyond the realm of words, To all the world even my readers, LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE…

FROM THE AUTHOR Money and power, either one or both has always been and will always be man’s desire or say need from history till generations unborn. In addressing the issue of money, this book underscores the fact that money is not physical cash alone, as we may admit it also involves the mindset.

This is also applicable to power too. The fact is the centre focus of money and power in recent times is traceable to entrepreneurship and leadership. A true entrepreneur acquires true money and a true leader radiates true power. In addition there is need to re-focus minds from the perspective of money or power acquisition at the expense of others’ happiness and life and inculcate the habits of adding value to create wealth and adding value to build people which is the hallmark of true entrepreneurs and leaders whose footprints are infinitely and positively left in the sand of time and would through the necessary but scarce instrumentality of true leadership and entrepreneurship salvage Nigeria and the African continent from the conundrum of destruction to the benefit and growth of the global society. Enjoy the mental voyage as you read this book. In GOD’s love, Timi Olagunju.

CHAPTER ONE MATTERS ARISING “When the education of a nation is compromised, the future is compromised” - Biodun Shobanjo, APPRENTICE AFRICA INTRODUCTION We live in an age where information and its application is a sine qua non for placing an individual or institution on board above another. No other era in history fits properly like now for the long age statement of Francis Bacon that “Knowledge (information) is power” or in the words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’. Education in this sense could not have been conventional classroom and note-taking approach; rather it boils down to the acquisition of skills and knowledge (all information) necessarily in tune with the lyrics (demands) of the 21st century. No doubt, in this age, the conventional educational system requires a holistic overhaul. Imagine a student reading to pass instead of knowledge acquisition imagine a teacher less concerned about the students’ capacity growth but more concern about a students recopying of lecture notes in exams without additional flesh or deviation of thought. What progress can that make? I mean how far? can a student go or impart

the immediate or global society, when he is advised to choose a course of study based on prestige and fame, rather than on the problem he intends to solve with his future profession.

“Square pegs in round hole” you

may say, but we are all victims and we have all in one way or the other contributed to this fall. By the fall, it is meant, emphasis on a ‘course of study’ rather than a ‘cause for study’, quest for ‘certificates’ than a ‘certified mind’. In Nigeria as a country and Africa as a continent in general, we can all see crystal clear, complaints of a dearth of leadership and a paucity of entrepreneurs. But the complain goes on and on in circles without any substantially visible and practical approach to inculcating the values of leadership and entrepreneurship in our education or environment. Some have argued that students are taught this, but the same people admit it is usually too late and it should have commenced earlier or, that it is theoretically motivated without little breathing space for practical. In addition some have opined that students, youths must learn the art of leadership and entrepreneurship themselves. True/agree, but don’t they deserve a better environment and encouragement from the educational system and entire environment for the conscious and collective development of these skills necessary to salvage our ailing nation and

continent from the doldrums of collapse and rigmarole of hijackers. Imagine, even the media and entertainment platform have run parallel to the values and ideals necessary to march Nigeria and Africa forward. This is not far from truth. Nigeria may claim to be the giant of Africa, although this assertion is true in the light of my several experiences in my voyage to other African countries such as Ghana, Cote d’Iviore, Togo and Benin. It is very important that Nigeria gets things right in order to really serve as a big brother and not what Yorubas call ‘Agbaya’{big for nothing} by placing its priorities right, that is, conscious and well monitored and implemented humanly friendly, educational environment for TRUE learning to build LEADERS AND ENTREPRENEURS Even though, we keep poor statistics, one may not need the metaphysical service of a soothsayer to know unequivocally that unemployment rate in Nigeria, in many other African countries as well as the globe is on the geometric increase. Consequently, we as individuals must consciously develop ourselves to suit the demands of the new trend, not that government does not have its own place in doing this, in setting the national blue prints, but this book centres on personal, individual recognition of ‘who you are’ ,‘where you are as human’, and ‘what you

have to do’. Because only then can the people, be well positioned to exercise their GOD given rights of expression to legitimately, demand for what is theirs. Nemo dat quod non habeat a latin maxim which means ‘ you cannot give what you don’t have’. In this era, where the educational system is ailing, where the political system has failed, where quick fix approach and job mentality will fail in the light of decreasing job opportunities, every individual needs the plus factor, which transcend latent passion to the realm of consistent determination in the midst of opposition. To build the leader or entrepreneur








thermodynamics, a gas is said to do work when it expands against resistance. This book addresses the fact that to expand against resistance, to attain the pedestal of wealth creation and leadership, that is true money and true power respectively one needs to develop people centred leaders and value centred entreprenueral husler’s mentality, the heart that doesn’t fail and legs that don’t go weary because the journey may be far but it is near.

THE ARITHMETIC OF ATTITUDE One may wonder, what can this mean? ‘Yes, it means all it means’, I would say. The usual position that a man’s attitude determines his altitude may not only be a sound argument but may also be proven from the arithmetic stand point. Now, the 26 alphabets in the English Language shall be numbered A for 1, B for 2, C for 3, D for 4, E for 5,… I for 9,… T for 20, L for 21… Z for 26, ATTITUDE The equals 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5, which is summed unequivocal as 100.

In percentage calculation, 100% is a whole circle, which means perfection or everything. From this, it is unambiguously clear that attitude is everything and everything may be attitude. The French word for attitude is “attir” mean, everything one needs to succeed in business, in career, in everything is ATTITUDE, a whole attitude which concerns a whole belief system, a whole desire, a whole emotion, a whole response to whatever one is set to do. ATTITUDE may be described as an acronym for Action, Thought, Tradition, Interest, Talk, Understanding, Description and Ego. If it takes a whole attitude to achieve a whole result, then ask the question quickly “have I being whole, positive about my Action, Thought, Tradition, Interest, Talk, Understanding, Description, and Ego?”. If not, then the time to change is now, because arithmetic has just proved to us that your ATTITUDE is everything, not environment, not background, not past failures, not past successes, not wealth, not religion, not… (whatever). Although, these may mould your attitude in the subconscious, a conscious effort must be made to extract all such factors from influencing ATTITUDE. Because, all these factors cannot on their own stop you, they only penetrate into your attitude, because they know you are the only one that can stop yourself via ATTITUDE. For example, an injection content

cannot just work on the sick body and restore health because the sick person sees the nurse or doctor holding it. No. As we know, it only works when it is injected into the body and it mixes with the human blood and unleashing on the system. Therefore, has the human immune system fights diseases, so like a hustler physically struggle, hustler in the mind to fight antibodies of your failures, past, background. As put forward by an eminent psychologist. “Attitudes are more important than facts, therefore be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid”. “Do the things you fear and the death of fear is certain”. To further the arithmetic voyage embarked upon earlier, since the assertion goes that ATTITUDE DETERMINES ALTITUDE, then arithmetic calculation of ALTITUDE goes as thus (to authenticate the above grammatical assertion). The earlier process if followed, then A+L+T+I+T+T+U+D+E = 1+12+20+9+20+21+4+5= 92 Therefore ATTITUDE (100%) = ALTITUDE (92%) Wow!!! No matter the altitude aimed, or height imagined, with the right attitude, that is Action, Thought, Tradition, Interest, Talk, Understanding, Description and Ego about the altitude, YES I CAN.

Arithmetic, at least has helped resolve the truth that ATTITUDE determines ALTITUDE more than 50% or did it say 70%, or 80%, or 90%? No, I almost approximate 100%. No wonder the warning “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it comes the issues of life”. Henceforth, we all need to take a daily and consistent scrutiny on out ATTITUDE or what do you think? Dear Friend, as there a ding of this book continues in your fertile mind, I plead ‘wear a positive, whole attitude, mentality, a mentality that does not give up or take no for an answer. The mentality that is ready to sacrifice all it takes (positively) to achieve positive result, I mean the hustlers mentality’.

CHAPTER TWO ‘What matters is not the life, but the boldness in it’ – Obafemi Awolowo WHO ARE YOU? One day a friend was asked this same question and enthusiastically responding he said ‘I am’ so, so, so and so, mentioned his name, the fact that he is a student and his course of study and crowned it with ‘I am a finalist’. Well, one may say he is right, and a lot of people may have done the same. The question ‘WHO AM I?’ elicits a myriad answers necessarily summarized in my illustration below for the purpose of this book: ASSUMPTION If there exists Mr. A, B, C and D. Mr. A is the person who is to define ‘WHO HE IS’, then assume further that Mr. B. is Mr. A’s experience when he was a child and he has to stay with his father’s carpentry workshop and attend to customers, Mr. B. may be Mr. A’s experience when he became the youth community head in charge of a school building project, Mr. C may be Mr. A’s experience when he had an opportunity to study and acquire a degree in Chemistry in the higher institution, and finally Mr. D. may be Mr. A’s experience as a consequence of attending a seminar on investment or reading a book as this. Although these lists of

experience are inexhaustive. Mr. A’s experiences either acquired by knowledge, rational or empirical, may be useful consciously or most often unconsciously in the pool of resources and capacity needed for the fulfillment of his entrepreneurial, leadership, etc. goals. For example from Mr. A’s experience while he was a child attending to his father’s customers in the furniture shop, he may have learnt unconsciously the art of negotiation, the running of a furniture company, the art of human relations and communication or even the art of creativity, that is making something beautiful out of nothing. These lists though inexhaustive unequivocally underscore the words of Albert Einstein “the tragedy of life is what dies in a man while he lives”. In the

course and cause of navigation with

GOD, the supernatural as your senior partner in progress via prayers and faith, that is fact abiding in a trusting heart which spurs to action, which is generally called boldness or the gut feeling of the risk taker, such skills acquired in the course of life become relevant. It is then open to each person to consciously tap into them maximally to add value build people and create wealth.


This underscores practical illustrations of those acclaimed successful in business, leadership, career, inter-alia: The essence of this section is to drive emphatically the point that people’s experiences in life which constitutes ‘who they are’ have being instrumental, consciously or unconsciously in their later life’s achievement, as well such experience via practice, information, inter-alia, where consciously acquired by some and impliedly you too can be consciously equipped by choice and patience. In my research, I discovered facts relating to this book about the financial educator Robert Kiyosaki. He has this to say “While I am not a great golfer, I have learned much about business and human nature while on the golf course, my golf career began when I was eight year old”. Also “after four years at the Marine Academy, I volunteered for the Marine Corps… One of the most exciting parts of flight training was learning how to fight aircraft to aircraft… I win in business today not because I am smart of never failing. I win because, in my world, there is no second place. After that day in the air … I realized that combat was the ultimate test of war and training. There was no second place and the winner was the one who was the most prepared. I changed my thoughts to “combat is not risky. Being unprepared is risky”.

Robert’s experience as a little child growing up was that of two father’s ,his rich dad(his friend’s wealthy dad) and his real dad, a ‘teacher’. The personality of the two dads combined made him a business mogul and financial educator. According to him “My Rich Dad being a business mogul taught me the financial numbers and the cashflow but my (Real) Poor Dad, an educator but failed in business”. This further became consolidated in the sagacious illustration Mrs. Layi, the wife of a legal mentor, Babatude Layi SAN who I met on 31 st March 2009. She narrated as thus: “Human may be likened to a machine without manual or the blueprint for operation. It now takes learning, observation or information to further lives course without regrets about the past”. This blueprint may be acquired through our personal involvement or that of others, through books or by inquiring what we require from those who have acquired what we desire or the two father’s, the Rich Dad and The Poor Dad of your experience, inter-alia For Donald Trump, largest real estate developer in the world and owner of more than 60 companies, in recounting how experiences shaped his skills and influenced his later successes he has this to say: “Although I was sent to military school because I was a bit aggressive as a kid, what I learned there had less to do with discipline and channeling my energy more effectively than it had to

do with learning about the art of negotiation. It was a great business lesson in disguise”.

President Barrack Obama in his book “Audacity of hope” underscored the importance of his childhood experience, particularly his late mother and grandmother’s empathy which came to bear on his leadership perspective in feeling what others felt rather than being judgmental. As for Mahatma Gandhi of India and Martin Lurther King Jnr. of the United States, their style of protest which was peaceful, but persistent compared to that of Samurai X of the United States was discovered to have been an orchestration of their various religious background, one allowed for physical resistance while the other preached ‘passive resistance’. As even Gandhi had this to say in his book “My experiments with truth” that “a man of truth must also be a man of care”, a principle based Hindus tenets. Pastor Enoch Adeboye had this to say while ministering at the International Camp “my knowledge of mathematics helps my analysis even as a preacher”. This is evident in the mathematically orchestrated division of the R.C.C.G. in strategic numbers spread across the nooks and

crannies, particularly on almost every street. A colossal accomplishment of reflecting dexterous analysis indeed!!! To mention a few, inter-alia, my own experience may be summarized as thus: “my years of childhood business and difficult exposure due to circumstances of survival in the face of tears have built in me a resilience and tenacity of hope and a believe in God that He I can never fail and because God can’t I can’t”. Friend, what can you say or do you intend to say about your experiences as a molder of your skills and capacities? Or is it that your are worrying about your past or your background forgetting that your background does not put your back on the ground neither can your past, unless you allow it. So pick up and press on, and then press on in the right direction of experience and information and you have no choice but to be picked up as the sun and not just a star. BRIDGING THE GAP WIDE Today, it dawns clearly more than ever, that what I want in life is up to me. There is no one way in life, if one want something; desire is not enough. One needs to do what it takes and acquire what is needed to be a winner before winning. Echo to yourself the fact that ‘there is a vivid realm of distinction between expecting to be a winner and actually being a winner? It does take the hustler’s mentality, not within the framework of

illegality, but an inner resistance and consistence of practice which flows from your thoughts through your actions, consequently culminating into results. That is why the heart must be guarded with all diligence, because a controlled thought produces sporadically controlled results, that is, whatever is sown shall be reaped. Practice which is synonymous to preparation automatically bridges the yearning gap between one’s future and the present. Aristotle has this to say “we are what we repeatedly do”. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. However, individuals prepare in various ways. What works for an individual may not function for another. Some require a colossal degree of fear, some wait until the last minute then employ fire – brigade approach while some prepare by reducing or eradicating all distractions, have complete silence and shut themselves off from the complete world, some prepare with lyrics, others need to rehearse until confident. However, the methodology doesn’t count as much as the desire for optimal success. This brings to fore the Greek saying of “know thyself”. Many have missed it in pursuit of adapting to someone else’s methodology, because it defeats the God given uniqueness and ingenuity of mankind. The best one can be is one’s self and not someone else, as evidence, painstakingly search through the life of great

men in human history. As fact, this raises a direct confrontation on the conservative educational approach where students of higher institution are advised to copy notes for hours in the classroom, which is pasted in the examination papers when asked examination questions, what students call ‘la cram, la pour’. I think that the higher institutions, particularly the universities need to compulsorily change such an approach and further compulsory, conscious and determined curriculum in these institutions involving contribution and discussion in lecture to fit the demands of the town, the community, rather than run parallel to it in terms of training students without the hustler’s mentality, the intuitive mindset, the mentality of a self-starter. However, many opine that students having recognized this lacunae in the educational system should further take their destiny into the hands, that is wear the hustler’s mentality in tapping consciously into opportunities that would enhance their skills for the future they visualize ahead, rather than live other people’s dreams. The saying goes when the desirable is not available, the available becomes the desirable, it is important to create one’s environment to suit ones desirability. For example, a person may adorn his apartment with quotes or pictures of great men, even in the midst, of hopelessness in the society, by so doing,

you have just for example, succeeded in creating your own world which would later become your own realities and manifestation for as a man thinketh so he is. In addition to preparation, focus follows. In focusing, you only FOLLOW ONE COURSE UNTIL SUCCESSFUL.… In the words of Joe Montana, one of the greatest footballers in history;”Everyone who has been successful in his or her chosen field understands the importance of practice and preparation. To become outstanding in a particular area, we must learn to practice with concentration and focus. Practice is our chance to work on weaknesses and get better when we are working to excel in something, it is not enough to do what is expected. … Nor should we keep starting and stopping a practice regimen. When we practice we must be consistent”. Focus is not monotony of task, No. it only means dissipating energy towards a major goal or goals. Saddening, a lot of individuals focus on or divide their focus with minor and expect a major result. For example, a lot of people, particularly men spend their major time watching football everyday, when they are convinced they would never turn out to major in football or become coaches. Not that football isn’t OK, No. A s a fact, a lot to learn in it.But, Imagine, spending a lot of one’s time everyday doing minors, because the truth is your can never be asked “how young are you”

but “how old are you” which depicts the need to make hay while the sun shines. In fact, friend, when you major in ‘minor’, you turn out being a minor in your own major. God forbid! one may say, but as the earth remains seed time and harvest cannot cease.

CHAPTER THREE LEADERSHIP ‘Piling up degrees or passing examinations mean nothing unless Africans are creative. A textbook on African medicine is not impossible. But the truth is the African ‘scholar’ is lazy –Nnamdi Azikiwe ‘A nation needs great leadership at critical moments of her history. For example ‘when America needed a constitution, she had Thomas Jefferson, when she had a civil war she was lucky to have a President Abraham Lincoln, when the Great Depression hit the US, she was lucky to have President Roosevelt; in the face of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the threat of nuclear holocaust, the United States had a President John F. Kennedy. Nigeria must begin to produce the right leadership at particular moments of her history. It is the one of the major paths to national glory’ - ‘Asiwaju Bola Tinubu on his visit to The University of Ibadan’

DIAGNOSIS We all know that the problem of leadership is a recurrent one in Africa, more emphasis on Nigeria. More pitiable is the fact that youths who have been tagged “future leaders of tomorrow” have not being consciously armed for this clarion call for true, people centred leadership.

Most unnecessary is the present lavish trend of many Nigerian companies towards supporting programmes that add little or no value to developing true leaders or vanguarding the emancipation of the country from her leadership quagmire. Imagine, companies spending millions on dance competitions, musical tour round campus etc. The opinion is that these things are not wrong in themselves; the only issue is the excessive duplication of such events with little or no tangible support towards human capability building, particularly in the most pressing problem, leadership, particularly political leadership. A rethink is needed. What do you think? Well, for the Hustler, who seeks to develop skills leadership he sees the problems ignores them and persistently develops toward attaining the set goals. The brief highlighting of few out of many problems bedeviling the nation in areas of leadership, is not to criticize but primarily drive home in our mind, the fact that merely sitting down in classroom or lecture halls and going back to the hostel or going from work to home, without conscious effort at developing the communication, analytical, listening, empathetic etc skills of a leader in this era or in that to come will only spell doom for such a candidate. “Real learning is self learning” I write.

It can be observed that great leaders were not just position holders, but most importantly, where people centred leaders who seek to provide sincere solutions to challenges confronting the people which earns them the reputation ‘great’. Note this fact by an Eminent Professor of Law, Professor Anifalaje “skillful sailors make their names in the midst of tempest and storms” so are great leaders. If one wants to be a great leader then don’t just sit, step up, dust your past and take up the task of being your own teacher and instructor. THE {+} PLUS FACTOR IN A MINUS {– } ENVIRONMENT The environment may not be conducive for the fertilization of your ideas, then a plus factor, an extra mile in a negative environment is a sine quo non. There exists practically no real environment, what exists is the subjective creation of yourself, by yourself and for yourself. In considering the issue of leadership in a minus environment, the following points must be established: a.

Leadership in my conviction is primarily about adding value. How can one give what one does not have to the people he is serving? Obviously Not. Then it behooves on whosoever desires leadership to develop himself consciously with the right information necessary for the kind of leadership, anticipation

political or managerial. Without perfidy, the fact that the environment, does not seem suitable for building leaders may not be completely true, considering the fact that various ‘opportunities’ exist in all settings for practically developing oneself, only that such may be at the expense of something say academic performance for a student for example in a higher institution, which you may choose to and possess the capacity to balance. But the fact remains, that if all persons would assume leadership, that is possess influence, over a set group at one time or the other, maybe as a husband, wife, parent to say the least, then a conscious effort at acquiring leadership skills via participation and information is non-negotiable even if it would involve sacrifice. Therefore, there is need to challenge the traditional approach of coming to school and focusing squarely on academic books, because it is skills that set a person aside, look through great men in history and see. It is therefore very important to study books not only to pass but also to consciously develop inner-most skills. b.

The words of Aristotle instructs thus: “He who has never learnt to obey can never be a good commander” close your eyes and sail

through the width, depth and height of Aristotle’s words, then ask “how does this apply to me and how can I make amends or tap into the wisdom of these words for my future etc? Inferences from (a) and (b) indicates that leadership is not an act but an art, it is not a gift, it is must be learnt and earned. c.

To build leadership skills, major in your major because when you major in your minor, you end up becoming a minor in your major. Illustrating this, assuming a runner is on a race to National Stadium, can he be said to have won on arrival at Unilag Stadium instead of National Stadium, obviously not. Also a person whose set destination or future intention is neither that of a coach, footballer nor a club owner, but takes pleasure in watching football everyday and everytime may end up failing in the set destination, thus he has majored in his minor and later becomes a minor in his major. Of a truth you cannot serve God and Mammon, service is dedication, then why dedicate your precious time on irrelevances. I am not saying having fun with football isn’t good like I emphasized in the earlier chapter, but it must be taken with caution and less dedication.This is why this example was emphasized again and again. Ironically, this same scenario

occurs in many of the activities we do which runs parallel to our desires for the future,!even ignorantly. For example a student was once asked “what is your future ambition?” and in answering ‘a manager and Chief Executive Governor’ he said. But this same student while in school throughout was always shying away from anything that would take him away from his academic curriculum in the guise of good grades. For example, he hardly talks to others or asks question in class, when advised to join an organization, he runs , claiming to be busy. Throughout school, no leadership engagement, no interest in personal development, no conscious engagement in public speaking and team work, always to himself, then not mincing words the dream of my friend is nothing but an illusion, except he changes by practice ,although he had lost a great opportunity in school, if not I repeat ‘a mere illusion’. This may sound funny, but a lot of individuals act this way, sometimes unconsciously because over the years on earth, it has been programmed in the mind that ‘I must acquire good grades alone to acquire good jobs’. But the truth is where are the jobs themselves? and the truth again is involving in self developmental processes does not stop one from

having good grades, or does it? Then, it is only laziness consciously or unconsciously scripted that is at work. In the information age, to attain power or wealth, as all desire, at least some for the good of humanity or for evil desires, a person must transcend the conventional mentality of book and book, cram and discharge, but must seek for true knowledge in one’s field of study coupled with the development of the practical know how of leadership. Even Albert Einstein, the great scientist confirmed this when he said “Beware of the intellect, it has powerful muscles but lacks personality, it can only serve, it cannot lead’. Be not deceived whatever a man sows he shall reap. “Sow into knowledge and not only ‘examination grades’ and you shall reap the harvest of skills”. Considering the Nigerian situation, little wonder we complain of inefficiency in government and deficiency of leaders, it is opined that the years of mediocrity in the appointment, selection of leaders in the nation at the expense of merit in all nooks and crannies, had contributed actively to the inefficiency experienced by Nigerians. That is why this book exists, for the sake of building leaders or leaders building themselves at a sacrifice, that is with a hustler’s mentality, a mentality that never gives up in other

to occupy the vacuum of leadership properly so called. “As leaders are not born, they are made”, the era of selective politics and mediocre appointment must end if we want inefficiency in the Nation to end. The truth is in Nigeria, in Africa, there are many challenges, even in the world at large, we therefore need more leaders, instead of followers, I mean responsibility carriers. “The best way to find yourself it is to loose yourself in the service of others” says Mahatma Gandhi. For everybody can be great if everybody can serve. d.

Leaders are role models and they build up on other role models. The fact remains if your want to know who are person is likely to be then ask for his/her role models. Isn’t it true that a lot of people carry in the minds a role model out of emotions contrary to the reasonable projection of their future? For example, paying lip service to being a pilot, but celebrates solely, musicians in his/her heart with emotionally attachment. This psychological trend is disastrous, because, “when the heart is the driver and the brain is the passenger, accident is inevitable”, I tell myself. I personally employ the strategy of pasting around my room quotes and pictures of admirable achievers. But I do remember telling myself “these achievers in

my own light (different from yours, based on each individuals set goal) were only shadow of greater things to come, which is me in their future and now in the present”.

CHALLENGE YOURSELF In my leadership experiences, particularly as Chairman of Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall, University of Ibadan, I discovered leaders had to be role models in speech, smiles and conduct and I also discovered it must be learnt and earned too. As Robert Kiyosaki puts it “True leaders inspire us to be bigger and do things we are afraid of doing”. To be a role model, I discovered one must be willing to let go. Like a Nigerian musician sang ‘nobody wan pa ain, but dey wan go heaven’ that is “Everybody wants to got to heaven, but no one wants to die”. To become the leader, a responsibility taker, then the irresponsibility inside us must die. The truth is ‘I really must go beyond the old me and seek a new life few people experience’. The clarion call is now, for one to see what others do not see, there is need for a vision, a vision practical and imbibed for the future via the lens available in the present, the lens of practical realities and engagement.

This is the time for us as Nigerians and Africans to reconsider our ways, the ways of nonchalance over others plight, forgetting that what goes around comes around. This is not a time for our passion for a better Nation and Continent to fail, though we have cause to, but if we don’t who will? This is why we were born, to consciously develop and deliver for the good of humanity. A thought to consider from Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. Martin L. King Jnr. has this to say as well, ‘you don’t need to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace’. You must choose to be the Nigerian heart full of grace. Let us share and serve with passion and properly channeled energy and our world would be better for it. Look at mother Theresa, what of our celebrated African leader, Nelson Mandela, to mention a few, celebrated after they have or might have left the earth. Do you want to be a celebrated African leader? Do you want to be celebrated rather than being relegated? The choice is here now! A transformed life is a transformed thought, a transformed action results, then productivity. For ‘’as a man thinketh, so he is”. e.

Plato has this to say “the first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is of all things, the most shameful and

vile”. “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls” the wisest King Solomon emphasized in Proverbs 25:28. It is often a great surprise when we discover that must of the ugliness we see in others, is but a reflection of our own nature. We keep criticizing the government, good, but most often we may fail to realize we engage in same things we criticize in our own little way. No wonder Jesus said in Mathew 7:7 ‘’Judge not that ye be not judged’’. In relation to knowledge, real learning is self learning, we must stop relying solely on what we are taught, some may be right and many wrong. Be taught, but see the world from your own eyes, analyze. We must stop being spoon fed always if a change must occur in our lives, in our world, in Africa and even in our nation Nigeria. If your aim in life is to be fulfilled, then why let the world brainwash with their ideals. Know thyself. The fact remains in this age, is not everything that is taught that one must learn. It begins with each individual; because Nigeria, Africa is never the walls or building or the trees, it is you and I with the choice to make a difference with ourselves first, then others second, irrespective of the environmental circumstance.

It is not the environment. A lot of individuals claim, well there is corruption in the country” and so you must be corrupt to make it, forgetting the fact lasting promotion comes not from man but from GOD. Aside this fact, in every person exists the capacity to create his own world, his own environment, his own realities, as Protagoras puts it “man is the measure of all things, of things that are that they are, of things that are not, they are not’’. In fact, man has capacities in him to explore in all circumstance, this may be likened to what I call ‘adrenalin strength’. For instance, a friend who hates running and complains that I walked fast, when approached by thieves ran like no man’s business and even flew a tall fence. Wow! Surprising, but where was the strength earlier? The deep truth is that it was within him as it is within you to boast your adrenalin, your passion in creating your own environment, world and realities. God is a perfect God and sincerely without perfidy he has given us all we need. You may say the ‘brain’. Maybe or maybe much more, just explore within, although, the level of passion in one needed to succeed in one environment may differ in relative terms based on opportunity, that still does not mean you cannot succeed anyway.

CHAPTER THREE ENTREPRENEURSHIP “We are all born rich. We all have been given the most powerful lever on earth, our minds…so use your mind for leverage to make you rich rather than to make excuses” – Robert Kiyosaki To start with, if you don’t need money then please don’t read, further. Then of a truth everybody needs money. The various advantages of money cannot be delved into now, however, the particular emphasis of this chapter centres on the mindset about money and the fact that money and entrepreneurship are mutually inexclusive, but the point of intersection is primarily on two points: the mindset and skills. Money is not the paper we carry, it is a mindset developer, which spurs action, then results. This may be common sense, but commonsense I have discovered in my study is not too common a sense. Secondly, the difference between nonsense and sense is equal to ‘non’. NON{SENSE} – SENSE = NON THE MINDSET This would be addressed specifically in the next chapter, however, the emphasis here is pivoted on the faulty foundation on money which a lot of us have built super structures of actions on, thereby culminating into

unproductive results that have inspired others negatively like wild fire. The truth is money is a value, not the acquisition of the paper. Even this days, little children know that 10 Naira is not the same as 1000 Naira paper note. Why? It is simply the value attached, to it, its purchasing power based on collective perception. Therefore, really rich people whose wealth are enduring, not rich quick and gone quick wealth , add one or more value to the world by identifying a need for example, my research on the top 10 richest men in 2008 proved that these men not only learnt that art of entrepreneurship but also added value to their world. Bill Gates is known for computers, Warren Buffet for stocks and company acquisition that satisfy the wants and need of the human race, Carlos Slim Helu for telecommunication, Mittal for stell, Mukesh Ambani for oil and textile, and his brother,next to him in ranking for communications, Ingvar Kamprad for furniture, inter-alia. It is observed that the more the value you add appeals to generality or future needs, the way and methodology adopted through which the value reaches those in need of them, determines the height and width of flowing wealth. To continue being wealthy, you must continue adding value, both to yourself as a professional or person as well as to the world in which you live. The saying goes, “If opportunities cannot find you, shake off and find one”. This is the real hustler’s

mentality towards money.

AN ENTREPRENEUR Truly, the definition of an entrepreneur is simply one who adds value and out of value creates wealth for himself and others. However, an entrepreneur is not born they are made through learning. Just like President Obama said “greatness is not a given (gift), it must be earned’’. Also entrepreneurship is not a given (gift), it must be earned. It is quite perplexing to hear some say ’’I want to be Chief Executive Officer’’ or ‘’I may own my business’’ and when they should tap into the available opportunities to build the entrepreneurial skills, they do other things contrary. Even ignorantly a lot of people in the pursuit of such goals ignore engaging themselves in practical business for their own, where they could make mistakes and learn, instead of making such mistakes at the higher ladder of attainment. Or even involve themselves in marketing or salesmanship where they can acquire some of the skills needed for an entrepreneur. A lot in ignoring such still do not study books that expose their minds to the successes and failures of those who had already gone ahead of them, they prefer most often running away from the hustler’s

path, we seek green pastures in acquiring much certificates rather than a practical and certified mind fit for the job and task ahead. For example the yearly Apprentice Reality Show by Donald Trump, where he selects 18 applicants some with only high school education equivalent to secondary school but running their business, some with degrees only and some with good degrees (even M.B.A.) with an additionally experience in either the business world or in their own venture has a lot to teach about entrepreneurship. Each week, when the applicants are given a business task to undertake the failed team comes to the bedroom where one person gets fired, until the end of the 18th week, where a winner emerges. The lessons to deduce are: i.

The people with so much degrees, but with little or no business experience or exploit get fired quickly at the early weeks.


The people with little or no degree but with business experience are usually the second people to be fired from the Apprentice program.


The people with degree but coupled with some business experience or running their own venture, yearly win or emerge at the last stage.

This is surprising, but true. You are advised to purchase from season one to the present season, each season is a new set of applicants yearly. There is no gain saying the fact that certificates without the juice of information within the acquirer is only useless and a disaster. With this mentality a lot of examination malpractices around students; cheating in exams, some parents aiding such vice, would cease. As a container without content is useless, so is a certificate without a certified mind wasteful.It may take the person up the ladder averagely, but by all laws of nature, sowing, reaping etc. such a person cannot go far. Like Francis Bacon said ”knowledge is power”. The question goes; “Have I being seeking the kind of knowledge I need for what is before me?”.

KNOWLEDGE Knowledge may be likened to a round peg in round hole that is, information suitable for the individual’s use to activate productivity in any regard. Information may be acquired either by experience or reasoning, to say the least. However, it is a fact that in life, experiences may be one’s personal encounter or that of another, maybe acquired through study from writings, speech etc.

Furthermore, to be an entrepreneur, that is adding value, creating wealth, shying away from acquiring needful information whether by reasoning or experience, is fatal. No excuse is good enough, “never despise humble beginning”, because it is discovered that such beginnings may not or may be your greatness. In that humble beginning in business, investing etc. may lie the acquisition of the skills needed for really big task. David was rearing sheep, but the skills developed from that experience catapulted him to the palace, where he oversee humans, at least in rearing sheep he would have learnt a lot. Assignment Take you pen, identify activities, engaged in and visualize how such can be used to better your skills and if not, maybe consider letting go with them and pick up new activities.

TWO SIDES TO A COIN Whatever you think, think the opposite. There are indeed two sides to life. Our educational system has conditioned us to seek for right answers, but many fail to search for alternative answers or solutions once the first right answer has been discovered. Don,t you think it’s time to breakaway. In the

business world and even in the realm of investment, the two sides are profit and loss. The fact is the dividing line between this two extremes are right information, information and then application, of such to the situation at hand would do. For example, if I want to cross the road, the information comes into my inner ears, “look right, look left” then I apply it and cross if safe to”. Therefore, in other not to be hit by the vehicle of loss, this simple common sense applies. My usual advise to ‘prospective investors’, even at symposia, is always pivoted on the 2Es of investment, Education and Experience through practical investment in stocks and in investment books. I am frequently asked, “what kind of business can one do?” or “is investing in stock good particularly at this bearish (falling) moments of stock prices?”. But the fact is nobody can tell what kind of business to do successfully, my reply usually is “You need conviction about what you are into, it begins with you, I can only advise on ‘how’ but not ‘what’,as a matter of principle. On the question of investment “it all boils down to how committed one is to improving one’s investment skills”. The truth is, investing is not bad or good, it is the investor that is either bad or good at the art of investing. Like Robert Kiyosaki says “There is no such thing as a bad investment, but there sure are a lot of bad investors”. The same

applies to politics, “it is not politics that is bad, it is the caliber of people in it that makes it bad”.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS With the present trend in the world, the realities people have created for themselves through thoughts draw them unconsciously away from much more important things. Such important things left undone turn into urgent matters, with the result of myriads of catastrophe and regrets following. Are you spending enough time in your most important personal relationships, such as family, friends and mentors? If not who and what is taking up all the time? It’s time for parents to order their priorities and for potential parents to programme right priorities. Let us protect our time with the most important people in our lives, to create a better family and a then a better nation and a better world. Beware of prioritizing money, job, career etc on the top list, it may backfire. EDUCATION DEFINED A lot of individuals when interviewed on why they are schooling paint a picture in their answers that suggest expectation of pay for what they know instead of what they do with that which they know. From the history of great leaders or entrepreneurs, I have discovered that the world

does not pay or respect people for that which they “know” or “claim” to know”. It pays or respect what they do or influence others to do. This has led me to conclude that indeed, “any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights and decency of others. Education consists, not so much of knowledge, but of knowledge effectively and persistently applied. Men are paid not merely for what they know, but more importantly for what they do with what they know’’.

NO MAN IS AN ISLAND Entrepreneurs succeed on systems, that is the structure and people that provide the entrepreneur’s value; product or idea, to the final consumers, directly or indirectly. No single person has sufficient experience education capability, knowledge or intellect to assure, ensure and insure the gathering of colossal wealth, money, power without the cooperation of other people. Even the creator of the earth delegated duties to angels and made man responsible over the earth. Then, we must learn from divinity, even as humanity.

CHAPTER FIVE BELIEVE SYSTEM “Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can only go far, but faith has no limit? – Blaise Pascal

THE RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS). The human brain is said to have the capacity to take in 8 million or more bytes of information, however, not all that comes in is absolved by the brain. The RAS will shiver the wheat from the chaff, that is, allow the brain absolve only those information in line with the believe system. In other words, the RAS, consults the believe system, and a person’s believe system determine their depth of conviction and the amount of energy exerted. Therefore, it is important to consider one’s believes regularly, because this may determine the opportunities one sees, since opportunities come in the form of information most times. To consider your believe system so you do not limit yourself by your thoughts and therefore loss your opportunities, I recommend you locate quickly your premium time, place, race and style.

Premium time ‘When’ you think best, your ‘thought peak’. Is it at night or early in the morning like myself? Set out a time at your premium peak to meditate on your inner self and believe system. Not every person has same premium time and that is why two friends may have to avoid things together in other not to operate in another’s timing. Socrates said “know thyself”. Premium place ‘Where’ you think best; it may be solitary or in the midst of people, in silence or in music etc. Premium race ‘Who’ you need around you. Be not deceived evil association corrupts good thought and over time creates an impressed belief system, though based on the emotional muscle of the person involved. Peer pressure and association have created some conscious or unconscious pattern of thought in many people. There is need for conscious reconditioning, as well as departure from friends who add no value to your vision or whose values run contrary and parallel to yours. It is your choice, whichever. If you choose to, why not now?

Premium style This concerns the question “How do I learn’. It is an issue of approach and methodology for thinking. Identify your premium style and take charge of your destiny, your thought pattern consciously. I often tell people at symposia “don’t employ your generative and evaluative thinking at the same time”.

GENERATIVE AND EVALUATIVE THINKING The generative thinking is such that you allow your thoughts to scout for new ideas and flow in these ideas. At such a stage of thought, the advice I give is “just take out your pen and paper’ write all the ideas foolish or wise, and keep writing until it stops flowing like a stream. The evaluative thinking critically and analytically scrutinizes the ideas to see which is suitable for implementation or aligns with reality and how such can be executed. Employing this stage when generating ideas is precarious to creativity. This is because the germinal phase is governed by a different kind of logic which could be best described as metaphorical, fantastic, diffuse, elliptical and ambiguous. Therefore, for creative ideas, I prescribe a good dose of soft thinking in the germinal phase (generative) and a hearty helping of hard thinking in the practical phase (evaluative).

Secondly, in figures of speech and in everyday life, sincerely, the ‘metaphor’ is an excellent tool to help you think something different. Think of yourself as a poet, and look for similarities around you. If you have a problem finding, try to make a metaphor of it. This strategy is extremely useful, in career, leadership, entrepreneurship etc. Assignment Close your eyes and search in your heart what you intend for yourself, your business, your career, your family etc. Then look for someone similar to what you intend and then in your heart say “I am (the name of the person)” e.g. I am the Albeit Einstein in my time. What psychological effect do you experience? Do it over and over again with depth. With this method, you can boast your creativity even in areas outside your field. This principle was applied in the movie “Catch me if you can”. Secondly, pay attention to the metaphors you use in your own thinking. The third of metaphors one uses may elevate or impress consciously or unconsciously. Beware!!! CREATIVITY PERSONIFIED RULES SYNDROME Creative thinking is not only constructive, it is as well destructive. You often have to break out of one pattern to discover another pattern.

This is simply ‘thinking outside the box’. In doing this, play the revolutionary and challenge the rules, particularly the ones you use to govern your daily activities. However, be careful because playing the revolutionary also has it dangers. Secondly, periodically scrutinize your ideas to see if they are contributing to your thinking effectiveness. When searching for ideas, take advantage of the ambiguity, the unanswered question, in the world. This is how great scientist made discoveries from the law of gravity to the law of aerodynamics. Look at something and think about what use it might be. If you are giving someone a problem that has the potential of being solved in a creative way, then try at least initially posing it in an ambiguous fashion so their imagination is not restricted within rules. You may as well cultivate your own personal sources of ambiguity, these could be books, things etc, that force you to look for more than one meaning. For example, it is not out of place for an art student or a lawyer to read books on geography, science, mathematics etc to develop the brain.

DON’T MAKE MISTAKES SYNDROME There are situations where errors are inappropriate, but the germinal phase of the creative process isn’t one of them. Like Michael

Faraday said when trying to invent electricity. “I have not failed, I only discovered 999 ways of how not to create electricity.”Can’t you remember Abraham Lincoln? Thereafter, if you make an error, use it as a stepping stone to new ideas you might not had otherwise been discovered. If you are not making errors, you might ask yourself, “How many opportunities am I missing by not being more aggressive”. In addition, every individual need to strengthen their risk muscles in all facets. Like the human muscle, everyone has the risk muscle, but it must be exercised or else, it will atrophy. Make it a duty to take at least one risk every twenty four hours in any area of desired development, that is go an extra mile. Remember, friend, if you fail, you learn what doesn’t work and secondly, the failure gives you an opportunity to try a new approach so fear not failure, only strive to succeed. PLAYING IS A WASTE OF TIME SYNDROME “If necessity is the mother of invention, then play is the father”. The truth is our educational system is getting extremely serious by the day, and this problem must be addressed to enhance innovative minds in all fields of study. The next time, there is a problem, play with it as well make a work place, school, home etc, a fun place to create your own suitable environment.

THAT IS NOT MY AREA SYNDROME Specialization is a fact of life, that is, in order to function in the world, one must narrow ones focus and limit the field of view. However, when trying to generate new ideas, such information handling attitudes can limit. Edison’s advice becomes instructive: “Make it a habit to keep on the look out for novel and interesting ideas that others have used successfully. Your idea has to be original only in its adaptation to the problem you are working on” Here are some tips that will help improve one’s hunting abilities: i.

Develop the hunter’s attitude that is, ‘’wherever I go there are ideas waiting to be hunted”


Don’t get so busy that you lose the free time necessary for idea hunting.The way forward is “I schedule my hunting time into my daily and weekly activities, even side excursions may be sufficient.


Develop the liberal mind approach. Be open minded to wider and diversified knowledge acquisition. ’’The Liberal soul shall be made fat’’


Look for analogous situations, that is, problems similar to yours that has been solved in other areas.


Write down your hunted ideas before they fly away like a bird from

its cage.

DON’T BE FOOLISH SYNDROME Like,I said earlier, the difference between non-sense and sense equals non. It is difficult, however, to be objective if you have an ego tied up in your idea, as such you do not want to be criticized for having produced a “foolish idea”. Like Neils Bolir said “There are some things that are so serious you have to laugh at them”. Take no offence and occasionally let the part of the brain that says ‘stupid idea’ be downplayed by the foolish idea, and see what crazy ideas you can originate. In this light, I pray, may your foolish idea become your polished idea for unleashing the release of relief on our world

EQUILIBRIUM The worlds of thought and action some have discovered, overlap,that what you think has a way of becoming true.

Thoughts Results Action Therefore thoughts and action produces result, however the thought provides the foundation for the superstructure of action, finally covered by the roof of results. Doesn’t all starts from the thoughts? So think and try new things and build what you thought especially the small ideas. The creative person in you must have the self-faith that these ideas will lead somewhere through actions.


I bargained with life for a penny, And life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted by scanty store.

“For life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But Once you have set the wages, Why, you must bear the task

“I worked for a menial’s hire Only to learn, dismayed, that any Wage I had asked of life, Life would have willingly paid”.

A NEED FOR CHANGE There exists a whole world of opportunities for leaders and entrepreneurs in the information and communication age. It all boils down

to skills; skills acquired, skills developed, skills utilized. For Nigerians and Africans alike, we must thank God we were born at a time like this, a time when the nation, the continent is fraught with myriads of problems from leadership to poverty, from to corruption to joblessness, a time when we can take on this problems, and see them through the eyes of opportunities to add value, build people, create wealth, as well as make our names sealed in the sands of time. Because opportunities are usually hidden in problems, in needs. Consequently, at this time of needs for our nation and continent isn’t it time to build the necessary skills? moral skills, entrepreneurship skills, leadership skills, patriotism and team spirit skills etc. To solve the needs of our time and make our marks. ‘Skillful’ sailors make their names in the midst of tempest and storm”, remember.

LEADERS In areas of leadership, new opportunities exists in fields of politics, banking, industry, religion, even in professions such as Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Journalism, Medicine, Education, Law , Science, among others. As put forward in the field of education “…must find ways and means of teaching people how to apply the knowledge they receive in school…” as well as provide information on areas not covered by formal education or school, “ must deal more with practice and less with theory”. In addition, no matter the career of choice, the truth is, a plus factor is needed in areas and knowledge of information technology, foreign language etc, to chart a new cause of leadership in one’s field of study in this global village, because one must not think or act local, but as a global champion. That is where you deserve to be friend.

ENTREPRENEURS For an entrepreneur, ‘opportunities’ to create wealth is his watch word. In life opportunities abound for an entrepreneur in areas of food, clothing, shelter, needs to start with, that is a sine qua non. However, in recent times, the vast opportunities to create wealth is innumerable, in areas







technology (Electricity, energy, communication, transportation, security, finance, beauty, entertainment, value system, investment etc. however, the fact remains that they all boil down to possessing entrepreneurial skills which must be consciously acquired. Every time, I remember the words of John D. Rock feller, I say those words again to myself again and again. It goes “what a young man needs as he grows is the acquisition of skills and reputation” to build wealth immeasurable for himself. Some say “well you need much money to start up something”. Although, this may be true, it is much of a truth that money does not multiply itself or does it? Isn’t it the proper utilization of the money that produces money? Is that not skill first and foremost? If the truth is that money as defined by economist is the value of currency? Then the consistent possession of that value over a period of time is what can be termed wealth. It means to be wealthy you must apply skills to consistent production of that value called money. Isn’t that so? BYE! BYE!! The world awaits the manifestation of men and woman who can catch on the opportunities, the problems around them to add value, build people and create wealth. In my experience as I toured through other West African countries!such as Ghana, Benin, Cote d’ivoire and even Togo, I

discovered the relevance of the Nigerian nation (with over 40 million people) in the African continent. Opportunities abound in Africa unexplored, agricultural opportunities, information and communication technology opportunities, leadership opportunities etc, opportunities that have being tapped into in Asia, Europe, America but still left untapped in the nation and in our continent. This made me resolve that “As I see the problems, I must see the opportunities”, which revolves around skills, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even spiritually. Because one must develop the skills of thanksgiving and acknowledgement of the supernatural, I strongly opine. Friends, it is time we as Nigerians and as great Africans arise to the true realities of our time the time must come when Nigerian books, Nigerian products and companies, Nigerian scholars, Nigerian businessmen, Nigerian leaders etc impart Africa and the entire globe. The time has come to put away childish things, and embrace truth. The time has come to become that hero the world is waiting for. Don’t procrastinate, the time is now. Develop yourself and your Godly relationship. See you on top globally and thanks for reading. With love from, TIMI OLAGUNJU, AUTHOR 7th April, 2009

AUTHOR’S PROFILE AUTHOR’S PROFILE Mr. Timi Olagunju (LL.B) finals, University of Ibadan, a community developer and speaker with the mandate to add value and build youths in areas of leadership and entrepreneurship. Recently, he was a youth delegate to the Model United Nations Conference in Abuja on ’Climate change’ in 2008. Mr. Timi Olagunju’s profile in areas of leadership and entrepreneurship include: PRESENT




Overseer, Image Nigeria/Africa Project.


Ag. Library Prefect, St. Finbarr’s College, Akoka, Lagos – 2001

Vice-President, Literary and Debating Society, University of Ibadan – 2005.

Chairman, Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall, University of Ibadan – 2006


Most influential student, Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall.








Contribution to Administration of Halls and Faculties - 2007 •








Contribution to a worthy course – 2009 •

Nominee, Professor A.A. Agbaje Student Leadership Award – 2009

Most Outstanding Zikite Award-2008

The Law Students’ Society Distinguished Students’ Award in honour of Chief Adeniyi Akintola SAN- 2009








Competition, among many others. PHILOSOPHY A man’s height is a function of the depth of his conviction, and nothing great will ever be achieved without great men and men are great only if they are determined to be so.

To contact the Author: Mail with subject ‘’TO THE AUTHOR’’ to: [email protected] facebook.com




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