nameandthe yearhe saidit Pleasenotethe speaker's Quote of the Week: 'I believethat bankinginstitutionsaremore dangerousto our libertiesthan standingarmies.If the Americanpeople ever allow privatebanksto controlthe issueof their cuffency, first by inflation, then by deflation,the banksand corporationsthat will grow up aroundthe bankswill deprivethe peopleof all propertyuntil their children wake-uphomelesson the continenttheir fathers conquered.'
ThomasJefferson- 1802
Beachtetbitteden Namendes Sprechersund das Jahr,in dem er diessagteSpruch der Woche:
ThomasJefferson- 1802(3. Prüsidentder USA) floporqÄcilonpaöorc ro övopCITouopr^nrr1ror To6T05fiou ro tlTTtPqrö rqg EBöopriöcrg: pügnro efirrcfvöuvo anö toug unrip
ThomasJeffirson * 1802(SoEllpöeöpoqr@vHnA)