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Holy Child Educational Center San Jose, Iriga City

Parents’ Bulletin AY 2009-2010 VOL 4 No. 01

JUNE 19, 2009


AY 20092009-2010: A Response to a Greater Challe Challenge As HCEC starts the new academic year, let me welcome you to the School of Your Choice, the second home for your beloved children, the place for those who pursue their quest for academic excellence. With open hands and warm hearts, we give you our sincere acceptance to the learning community of HCEC, to all the pupils- old, new, returnees; to all the parents and guardians; friends and supporters of the school, WELCOME TO TEAM GRADE SCHOOL! The Grade School TEAM has its propelling battle cry of QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE. The TEAM aims not for perfection but the TEAM is WORKING TOWARDS ITS BEST.

Strengthening Academic and Character Excellence by Enhancing Enduring Learning will be the academic thrust of





all learning experiences that will be provided by the school to its pupils. Working at this premise, HCEC renews and rekindles its commitment and passion to respond to a greater challenge in providing quality and excellent educational service to all HCECians. The curricular programs set for this year is the school’s response to a growing and demanding needs of the pupils in these ultra-modern and globalized learners that we have right now. Expect innovations, new and novelty activities that will satisfy the kind of learners we have this time. The school acknowledges the best practices given by the traditional system of teachings but as we look into the kind of learners today, progressive system will answer more the needs of our global learners. Expect changes of rules, policies and some systems for they need to be designed according to the mandate of the regulatory, statutory and social requirements. All of these are in congruence to our desired results according to our visions and missions for the attainment of excellence both in academics and character formation. The challenges that need to be hurdled by the teachers and academic persona are realities that need to be taken with an aim for a bull’s eye.

 Diverse learners  Fast rising system

information technology

 Family- related problems  Socio-economic problems  Media that corrupts the value system  Loose and wobbly moral fibers In the presence of these challenges, the school must be firm with its conviction to be the agent of change, to be the instrument of revolutionizing the society, to be the light that will ignite the transformation of the morals and codes in accordance to what is right and virtuous. What an enormous task! But let’s start with our children, if we can’t change the present, make a difference for the future. HCEC is committed to educate the hearts, the heads and the hands of the children that will make a difference in the future. HCEC is committed to shape and mold the future in the hearts, heads and hands of every HCECian. We will strengthen the cognitive and affective skills (academic and character) by enhancing the essential skills and competencies that will give enduring understanding and learning of the lessons called LIFE. Once again, we seek the usual and unending support and cooperation from our PARTNERS in this great task-- YOU, OUR DEAR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. We always acknowledge your significant role for the school in attaining its goal, vision and mission. Our deep gratitude to all of you who continually believe in us; it will always be a great honor to be your PARTNER in this enormous task of educating your children. Thank you for making the best choice you have, thank you for choosing HCEC. All for the greater glory of God!

“Strengthening ACE (Academic and Character Excellence) by Enhancing Enduring Learning”: A Reflection by Dominico T. Bagacina Head of Discipline There are a lot of institutions these days that are aiming to serve their learners with sufficient and valuable education. Schools are giving all their best to provide a safe and clean environment which will help them make learning more beneficial. Last academic year 2008 – 2009, HCEC’s theme was “Building a Strong and Educational Foundation through Academic and Character Excellence”. Building this foundation had been a challenging task for us as educators in piling up the strongest blocks of learning that are suited for our learners. We had carefully chosen the quality program for our learners to inculcate to them the 5 C’s and prepare them to become functionally literate and nationally or internationally competent. School leaders had also formulated other non – academic programs to develop and maximize other potentials of our learners which would support in building them as good leaders in the future. Just like in making an establishment, we need to think for more possible projects that would make it stronger and tougher. HCEC will never stop in searching for the best and quality programs that will help our learners to become competent in the future. The academic team believes that we had built intellectual and values oriented learners with our theme last year, and a call to make it stronger is a must. This year’s theme: “Strengthening ACE (Academic and Character Excellence) by Enhancing Enduring Learning” will serve as our guide in developing programs that will support in enriching the learning experiences of our learners.

Innovations on the different school programs are made this year to answer the need in strengthening the learning and understanding of our learners. Intensified and values integrated academic activities are designed to enhance our learners’ intellect that make the learning more enduring for them. Non – academic activities are also plotted to further the development of their other talents and leadership skills that still need to be awakened within them. The holistic approach employed in the curricular program will help the pupils maximize the use of their skills and be actively involved in different fields which they know they can perform both in academic and academic – related activities. Let us make these things happen. Ite ad Excelentia !!! Go for Excellence!!!!!

ACADEMIC HIGHLIGHTS Academic Theme for AY 20082009: “Strengthening Academic and Character Excellence by Enhancing Enduring Learning”. Formal education plays a vital role in educating the intellect and the will. Basic education, particularly, is the keystone in achieving competence, skills and character necessary to be fully functional individual. In these formative years, the school must capture the learning readiness of the children and must provide meaningful learning experiences that will inspire the children to grow and learn eventually. This year, HCEC gives emphasis on the formation and education not only of the intellect but also of the will and character. The school firmly believes that COMPETENCE and CHARACTER WITH EXCELLENCE ARE TWO ESSENTIAL CRITERIA in preparing our children for life, for them to become fully human, better citizen and God fearing individual. Excerpt from PB no.1,Vol.3

As the formation and strengthening of the intellect and the will continue, HCEC will use the learning experiences as avenues and concrete path to help every pupil excel both in academics and in character. The academic programs are designed to focus on things that are essential, vital, and enduring to become lifelong learners and self-actualized individual.

Enhanced Curriculum across all subjects ➢ An updated curriculum and increased contact time for the core subjects;

➢ ➢ ➢ ✔

Math Lab/SRA – this will be the venue for the students to practice the calculation and solving word problem skills Speech Class- pupils will have the opportunity to practice the oral skills in communication Structured Library Time – to expose the pupils in the basic rudiments of research; also for them to practice and enhance the reading skills through the SRA Program. Core Subjects (grade 6) on-line – a pilot project by the English, Math and Science Department where lessons, assignments, activities and other related references are posted on line thru Class Notes on Line at Applied Music Class – Musical Instrument Classes are offered for pupils who are musically intelligent and for those who want to hone this intelligence. Classes in violin, guitar, piano and this year FLUTE are conducted on specific days. Pupils enrolled in this class are exempted in the regular music class. Music time can be used to practice the instrument at the Multi-purpose Hall. Penmanship Course – to provide structured class in developing the technical and creative skills in writing. Computer Aided Instruction in Science, Math and English Values integration across all subjects Religion Classes Interdisciplinary Approach Curriculum (IAC) – to increase the leverage of the skills and competencies, the IAC will be used. Example: In English, the reading selection to be discussed can be lifted from Social Living and Education or in Science. A news report or new Science findings can be the source or point of discussion in English or in any subject.

ACT-Hi-Pro- Action towards High Proficiency – on its 4th year, this program gave a tremendous decrease in the number of pupils who did not meet the standard proficiency grade of 80. At the end of the previous year, there was only 1% of pupils who did not meet. the proficiency level. Act-HiPro is a Friday class where pupils are grouped according to the level of their proficiency (Strata 13) and given the enrichment or remedial instructions on the skills that need to be mastered. Pupils who belong to Strata 1, which is the highest are given the advance activities to hone and sharpen the skills in English, Math and Science.

Pull-out Program – this program will provide assistance to pupils who need a one-on-one instruction on some skills; pupils will be pulled-out from the class to help him understand and learn the skill. An assigned teacher shall conduct the individualized instruction. If the pupil progresses, he/she will be sent back to the mainstream. Pupils who will not display any improvement after several pull-out sessions will be recommended for an Intensive Tutorial Program.

Enhancement Class- given to new pupils with lower achievement level and for old pupils with grades below 80 in the previous level. The EC is the extension class to be done after class hours every Monday and Tuesday which will focus on the pupils’ subjects that need improvement. A Letter to the Parent regarding this matter will be sent before the start of the program.

After Class Program – An extension of the curricular program to provide more avenues to explore and discover, to enrich and enhance the skills and talents. ☺ Enhancement Class for pupils with DMS ☺ Pre-Secondary Program for Grade 6 ☺ Expanded Academic Class (EAC) for Honors’ Circle Fellows ☺ Scouting ☺ Dance Academy ☺ Bamboo Band

 New Site for the School Clinic – now with bigger space with 3 bed capacity area for better health services for all members of the HCEC community.  Practical Life Laboratory (Home Economics Area) – A specially designed place for learning the practical home living for grades 4 to 6 and for preschoolers who will be having their practical life activities.  Presence of the Buddy Teachers during Homeroom period and special activities that will assist the teachers in manning the class.

SCHOOL GUIDELINES  Punctuality - Monitoring officially starts on June 22, 2008. Grade school pupils must be in school on or before 7:15 am after which, the gate will be closed and the pupils who came this time are considered tardy.  AttendanceReport to school regularly. In case of absence, parents must submit a letter of excuse. If with medical reason, pupils are excused from any test or assessment given and maybe given special test, but such absence will be reflected in the child’s record.  PTC Notebook – each pupil must have a notebook intended to be the ParentTeacher conference notebook. This is the avenue that connects the home and the school. Parents must read and sign the PTC notebook regularly.  Books –All books must be labeled accordingly. ( For specific guidelines in

bringing of books, please see other page.)  Notebooks- Please refer to your child’s class program for the schedule of subjects. Only the notebooks for the subjects for the day should be brought to school.

 School Uniforms- all HCEC pupils must come to school in complete school uniform. It includes the prescribed cut and colors of the uniforms with patches, prescribed shoes [leather black shoes both for boys and girls; no highcut shoes for the girls], white socks and ID (once it is available). ONLY WHITE UNDERSHIRT IS ALLOWED.  Other Uniforms- PE uniform and Scouting uniform are to be worn on the assigned day. Pupils must bring extrawhite shirt for the soiled PE shirt. Rubber shoes are only allowed during PE day. Old pupils should start wearing the PE uniform next week. The violet PE uniform is the official PE uniform however the pink uniform can still be worn. Pupils not in PE uniform will not be allowed to join the outdoor activities and will have corresponding demerits to be reflected in their PE grades.  Appointment with Teachers – If there is a need to have a conference with the teachers, appointments can be made thru the Business Office or thru the Secretary to the Principal. Teachers can entertain parents after the school hours only. The pupils are the teachers' priority during class hours. Urgent matters can be discussed with the Principal. The conference will be held in the conference room at the Principal's Office. No individual Parentteacher conference is to be held in the classroom.  Bringing of Cell phones and other electronic gadgets are discouraged in the school. Cell phones and other egadgets are not to be used inside the classroom, when seen, the unit will be confiscated and will be turned over to the Discipline Head. Only the parents/ legal guardian can claim the confiscated item. Losses of these items are not under the custody and responsibility of the school. Bring these items at your child’s own risks.  Use of Gate Pass- all parents or any one who will transact business in the school will be given a gate pass in exchange of an identification card before entering the campus. This is a policy to ensure safety. Gate pass must be worn while inside the campus.

 For fetchers and yayas- there are designated waiting areas outside the campus for them to stay and wait for their ward. Unless it is raining heavily, fetchers are not allowed to go to the classroom to fetch their wards. Please wait for them by the gate and give your special instructions to them.  Dress Code in the campus – to promote and maintain the academic atmosphere in the campus, the school encourages everyone to be in their modest attire in going inside the campus. Please refrain from wearing shorts and sleeveless.  Parents’ presence in the campusas part of our quest to train our pupils self-reliance and independence, presence of the parents are no longer allowed effective June 22, 2009 unless with urgent and important matter to deal with the Office of the Principal during class hours and break time. Only those parents of the pupils with special health cases will be allowed in the campus. A special ID card will be issued to them.  Materials/ Supplies/ Baon to be brought to school by an errand should be coursed through to the guard which in turn will ask the assigned Kuya to deliver the item to classroom. All items to be left by the guard should be properly labeled with name and section. The yaya or anyone else will not be allowed to enter the campus for this purpose.  Dismissal Time- Parents, yayas or fetchers are advised to wait for their child/ ward by the gate. Pupils will stay at the designated area while waiting for their fetchers. Kindly pick-up your kids ON TIME.  School Curfew Time is at 5:30 pm. All pupils unless with special activities must be off-the campus by this time. There will be no more teachers who will attend to the pupils beyond 5:30 pm.

Book Issue: bring

To bring or not to

Books belong to pupils, so these learning resource materials should be with the pupils at home. They will only be brought to school when needed, if not, they will be left at home.

All books except the following are to be brought to school as per instruction by the subject teachers.

Development Reading Power SRA Book Writing Book If no words from the teachers, books shall remain at home for home reading assignments, advance reading, Book Task Assignment (BTA) and research works. Classroom instructions have a lot of activities and working on books is just one of the arrays of learning activities prepared by the teachers. Book works are scheduled on a particular day. Pupils will be kept posted on when to bring their books in a particular subject.

PARENTS’ INVOLVEMENT KIT (PIK) WITH VALUE ADDED TASK This year’s PIK will give more useful information to the parents, an opportunity to have more active involvement in their child’s academic tasks. The PIK given per term will provide the lists of the instructional content to be covered for the term. Another value added task is the provision of the space for recording the written test results per week. This will help both the pupils and the parents see the academic written performance of the child. The data will help the parents design their home strategy to increase or enrich their child’s class achievements. PIK will be kept by the parents at home, they will be the one to record and monitor their child’s quiz and long tests’ results. PIK for first term given today. Guidelines for the Supervised Lunch Time 1. Primary pupils have the options to go home during lunch break. Intermediate pupils must take their lunch in school due to the limited break time. 2. Primary Pupils will be identified in these categories: A. Pupils who will go home for lunch B. Pupils who will take lunch in school WITHOUT ADULT ASSISTANCE

C. Pupils who will take lunch in school WITH ADULT ASSISTANCE 2. Pupils under category B will be under the supervised lunch with the assigned teachers and will take their lunch at the Cafeteria (if without baon), and at the Pupils’ Activity Area( if with baon ). 3. Pupils under category C will eat with their adult assistant at the Pupils’ Activity Area. If there is no enough space, the HCEC Pavilion or waiting area are alternative venues. 4. All intermediate pupils will have the supervised lunch and will take their lunch at the Pupils’ Activity Area or at the Cafeteria. 5. Parents are advised to bring the food just on time for lunch break. 6. Parents/yayas are requested to maintain the cleanliness of the eagting area specially after using the place.

Ite ad excelentia

THE GRADE SCHOOL TEAM FOR AY 20092010 Class Advisers Gr. 1 Obedience – Christine Radan Gr. 1 Honesty – Cathy Lagyap Gr. 1 Loyalty – Virgie Dimabayao Gr. 2 Piety – Marife Sarto Gr. 2 Wisdom - Sheila Martinez Gr. 3 Charity - Cecil Sadang Gr. 3 Faith - Harvey Boaquina Gr. 4 Unity - Ted Nacario Gr. 4 Peace - Jerickson Getizo Gr. 5 Fidelity - Sandra Carable Gr. 5 Perseverance - Arnel Asis Gr. 6 Prudence - Florence Caparanga Gr. 6 Humility - Elena Oafallas

Other Teachers Melvin C. Federis Dominico Bagacina Chrissa Igne Arjay Dimanarig Cris Libranda Albert Talagtag Lina Ramboyong Analyn Belen

Academic Council Science Subject Area Head * Cecil Sadang Math Subject Area Head *Elena Oafallas English Subject Area Head *Christine Radan Filipino / SLE Subject Area Head * Florence Caparanga MAPE/ HELE Point Person *Cecil Sadang Academic Support Group Registrar – Joanne C. Papa Head of Students Affairs * Melvin C. Federis Head of Discipline * Dominic Bagacina Librarian- Marites Regalado School Nurse – Ma. Soledad Ensano School Dentist – Dr. Manci Relatores Secretary to the Principal *Jeffrey Ramos School Principal – Helen R. Andalis School Directress – Teresita P. Nadal

Key Result Area - targets to meet - standards to do - criteria to work with What I perceive, determines what I receive, which will determine what I achieve. -John C. Maxwell The TEAM Grades School will work towards the attainment of the identified Key Result Areas with determination and commitment to achieve. Let’s help our kids meet their KRAs. KRA in Attendance Punctuality Uniform Reply Slips PTC Ntbks Academic Grades

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% and above

Parents’ Orientation for Grade 1 and New Pupils set on June 20 To formally welcome the Grade 1 parents and the parents of the new pupils and returnees to the Grade School Division, an Orientation Meeting is set on Saturday, June 20 at 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The meeting aims to facilitate the parents’ queries on the information pertinent to the school tasks and accountabilities. Awareness on the school rules and policies will help the parents become active in their child’s schooling. As our partner, we want you to be equipped with the necessary and important information so we can maximize our roles in educating our children. Make your presence be counted. Attend, listen and understand better the HCEC system.

Grade 2-6 Parents to attend the General Parents’ Assembly on June 20 Let’s convene, talk and meet our heads and hearts as we start this academic year. As significant people in the lives of our children, it is deemed necessary to pause for a while and focus to what is essential this time. All loyal parents (other term for the old parents) are cordially invited to attend the General Assembly of Parents on June 20, 2009 at 2:00 PM at the school’s MPH. Please be counted and help your child’s class meet the 100% KRA target on Parents’ Attendance. See you all there.

Notes In a glimpse 1. June 22- Start of the KRA in attendance and Punctuality monitoring. 2. June 26- Academic Related Activity enlistment day for Grade 1 and election of officers for vacant posts 3. June 29-30 – First Monthly Test 4. July 3 – Mass of the Holy Spirit and Oath Taking of Class Council Officers, Parents HR Officers, Level Reps and New Executive Board Members 5. All books and notebooks must be properly labeled 6. Grooming Kit is a must for every kid

Parents’ Bulletin now on its 4th Volume As we re-open the gates of HCEC to its pupils and beloved parents, we are excited as ever to come-up with the maiden issue of the Parents’ Bulletin, Volume 4. Yes, excited and grateful as ever for the blessings of wisdom , passion and perseverance in working on this mighty gizmo that links and tightens the bond between the school and the home, between the teachers, management and parents of HCEC. On its 4th year, The HCEC Parents’ Bulletin is passionately driven to provide the information that are essentials and will contribute to the enduring understanding about what and how HCEC leads its life for the children. The brains behind the Parents’ Bulletin will be forever thankful to all the parents who believed, trusted, and supported the cause of this mighty gizmo. Without them, The PB won’t have this 4th volume and will leave the people of HCEC be forever in question and in doubt. With the PB, you are updated, informed, educated and refreshed with the things happening in the place where your child gets the intellectual nourishment, spiritual formation and social awakening. PB Volume 4 will have several writers and contributors that will give different dimensions compared with the previous volume. We adhere to excellence in what we do, better is not enough, and best is not too much. Happy reading.

Thank you for making yourself wellinformed on school matters by reading the Parents’ Bulletin. Ms. Helen R. Andalis School Principal Ms. Teresita P. Nadal School Directress REPLY SLIP I have received and read the Parents' Bulletin Vol 4, No. 01 dated June 19, 2009 _________________________ Student's name/ Level & Section _________________________ Parents' Signature over Printed Name


This page is worthless… are not mutually exclusive.

PITCH # 2. You can use from hundreds of techniques.

AS YOU BEGIN… consider one way to ensure that this page is worthless - and a lot of ways you can benefit instead. You can declare what you want from your children as your pupils and commit to making this page of the Parents Bulletin a partner in school success of your kids. The first issue of this page began with the sentence: This page is worthless. Ooops…I know, you’re thinking this is a trick to get your attention. It isn’t. You might also think it is reverse psychology. It isn’t either. Still some may think it means that this page is worthless if they don’t read Parents Bulletin. It’s more than that. This page is worthless even if you read it, if reading PB is all you do. What was true of my first editions is true of this one. Until you take action and use the question : How is my grade schooler doing in school? You probably won’t take action and ask questions until you are convinced that you have something to gain. The main purpose of this introduction is to sell you on the value of committing yourself to spend the energy of this page/corner of PB actively. Before you stiffen up and resist, the purpose of this sales pitch is not to separate you from your submitted bond paper. The paper you gave is what you’re holding right now. Now you can get something for your paper by committing yourself to take action – in other words, commit yourself to become a cooperating parent. Here’s what’s in it for you.

PITCH # 1. You can rediscover the natural learner in you. Joy is important. As soon as you become partners of the school, you will learn how to learn in the most effective way possible by discovering the joyful, natural learner within you. Children are great natural students. They quickly learn complex skills, such as language, and they have fun doing it. For them, learning is a highenergy process involving experimentation, discovery, and sometimes, broken dishes. Then comes school. For some students, drill and drudgery replace discovery and dish breaking. Learning can become a drag. You can use this page to reverse that process and rediscover what you knew as a child – that laughter and learning

HIMGSDIS series is packed with practical, nuts-andbolts techniques. And you can begin using them immediately. Not all these ideas will work for you. That is why there are so many of them in this series. As you discover what works, you will develop a unique style of learning that you can use for the rest of your life.

PITCH # 3. You get the best suggestions from the other co-parents. The concepts and techniques in this series are not here because learning theories, educators, psychologists, and researchers made by me say they work. They are here because I also want your suggestions, my dear parents because I know there are tens of hundreds of parents from all kinds of background who have tried them and say they work. Now, hand in hand, we can use their ideas.

PITCH # 4. You can learn about you. The process of self-discovery is an important theme in this series. Throughout this series, you can use the practical applications, suggestions and theories for everything, from organizing your child’s materials in school to choosing their short-term goals in test taking. Helping them study how to solve a mathematical problem is a lot easier with a clean desk and a clear idea of the course’s importance to you.

PITCH # 5. You can learn the secret of student success. If this sales pitch hasn’t persuaded to actively use this series, maybe it’s time to reveal the secret of student’s success. (Provide your own drum roll here.) The secret is, there are no secrets. Perhaps the ultimate formula is to give up formulas and keep inventing. The strategies and tactics that successful students use are well known. You have hundreds of them at your fingertips right now and in the next issues in this series. Use them. Modify them. Invent new ones. You’re the authority on what works for you and your children. However, what makes any technique work is commitment – and action. Without them, this series is just worth your paper that you gave to your child’s adviser. Add participation to that paper, and this series is PRICELESS. Enjoy reading. Have fun. And learn. See you all on my next issue.

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