This Is Why You Are Wasting Your Life.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,176
  • Pages: 7
how many hours a day you waste or how 00:06 many hours a week you waste and the 00:08 classic answer is something like four to 00:10 six hours a day 00:11 you know inefficient studying watching 00:14 things on YouTube that not only do you 00:16 not want to watch that you don't even 00:17 care about that make you feel horrible 00:19 about watching after you're done that's 00:21 probably four hours right there know it 00:24 you think well that's 2025 hours a week 00:27 it's a hundred hours a month that's two 00:28 and a half full work weeks it's half a 00:31 year of work weeks per year and if your 00:33 time is worth twenty dollars an hour 00:36 which is a radical underestimate it's 00:38 probably more like 50 if you think about 00:39 it in terms of deferred wages if you're 00:42 wasting 20 hours a week 00:44 you're wasting fifty thousand dollars a 00:46 year and you are doing that right now 00:48 and it's because you're young wasting 00:50 fifty thousand dollars a year is a way

00:51 bigger catastrophe than it would be for 00:53 me to waste it because I'm not gonna 00:54 last nearly as long and so if your life 00:57 isn't everything it could be you could 00:58 ask yourself well what would happen if 01:00 you just stopped wasting the 01:02 opportunities that are in front of you 01:03 you'd be who knows how much more 01:06 efficient ten times more efficient 01:09 20 times more efficient that's the 01:11 Pareto distribution you have no idea how 01:14 efficient efficient people get it's 01:16 completely it's off the charts well and 01:21 if we all got our act together 01:22 collectively and stop making things 01:24 worse because that's another thing 01:26 people do all the time not only do they 01:28 not do what they should to make things 01:30 better they actively attempt to make 01:32 things worse because they're spiteful or 01:34 resentful or arrogant or deceitful or or 01:37 homicidal or genocide allure all of 01:40 those things all bundled together in an

01:43 absolutely pathological package if 01:45 people start really really trying just 01:48 to make things worse we have no idea how 01:50 much better they would get just because 01:52 of that so there's this weird dynamic 01:54 that's part of the existential system of 01:57 ideas between human vulnerability social 02:00 judgment both of which are major causes 02:04 of suffering and the failure of 02:06 individuals to adopt the responsibility 02:08 that they know they 02:10 and that's the thing that's interesting 02:11 too is that and like one of the another 02:14 thing I've often asked my undergraduate 02:16 classes is you know there's this idea 02:19 that that people have that people have a 02:21 conscience 02:22 and you know what the conscience is it's 02:25 it's this feeling or voice you have in 02:28 your head just before you do something 02:30 that you know is stupid telling you that 02:32 probably you shouldn't do that stupid 02:34 thing you don't have to listen to it

02:36 strangely enough but you go ahead and do 02:39 it anyways and then of course exactly 02:41 what the conscience told you was going 02:43 to happen inevitably happen so that you 02:45 feel even stupider about it than you 02:46 would if it happened by accident because 02:48 you know I knew this was going to happen 02:50 I got a warning it was going to happen 02:52 and I went and did it anyways and the 02:55 funny thing too is that that conscience 02:56 operates within people and we really 02:58 don't understand what the hell that is 03:00 so you might say well what would happen 03:03 if you abided by your conscience for 03:04 five years or for ten years what sort of 03:07 position might you be in what sort of 03:08 family might you have what sort of 03:10 relationship might you be able to forge 03:12 and you can be bloody sure that a 03:14 relationship that's forged on the basis 03:16 of who you actually are is going to be a 03:19 lot stronger and more welcome than one 03:21 that's forged on the basis of who you

03:23 aren't now of course that means that the 03:26 person you're with has to deal with the 03:27 full force of you and all your ability 03:30 and your catastrophe and that's a very 03:32 very difficult thing to negotiate but if 03:35 you do negotiate it well at least you 03:37 you have something you have somewhere 03:39 solid to stand and you have somewhere to 03:41 live you have a real life and it's a 03:43 great basis upon which to bring children 03:46 into the world for example because you 03:48 can have an actual relationship with 03:50 them instead of torturing them half to 03:52 death which is what happens in a 03:53 tremendous a tremendously large minority 03:57 of cases well it's more than that to 04:01 because and this is what I'll close with 04:02 and this is why I wanted to introduce 04:04 social nets as ratings to you you see 04:05 because it isn't merely that your fate 04:09 depends on whether or not you get your 04:11 act together and to what degree you 04:13 decide that you're going to live out

04:15 your own genuine being 04:17 isn't only your fate it's the fate of 04:19 everyone that you networked with and so 04:22 you know you think well there's nine 04:24 billion seven billion people in the 04:26 world we're going to peak at about nine 04:28 billion by the way and then it'll 04:29 decline rapidly but seven billion people 04:31 in the world and who are you you're just 04:33 one little dust mote among that seven 04:35 billion and so it really doesn't matter 04:37 what you do or don't do but that's 04:39 simply not the case it's the wrong model 04:41 because you're at the center of a 04:43 network you're a node in a network of 04:46 course that's even more true now that we 04:48 have social media you'll you know you'll 04:49 know a thousand people at least over the 04:52 course of your life and they'll know a 04:53 thousand people each and that puts you 04:55 one person away from a million and two 04:57 persons away from a billion and so 05:00 that's how you're connected and the

05:02 things you do there like dropping a 05:03 stone in a pond the ripples move outward 05:06 and they affect things in ways that you 05:08 can't fully comprehend and it means that 05:11 the things that you do and that you 05:12 don't do are far more important than you 05:15 think 05:20 [Music] 05:27 you 05:36 you English (auto-generated)

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