This Doesn't Make Sense, He's Not Acting Like A Stupid White Boy By Vanderkok

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THIS DOESN’T MAKE SENSE: HE’s NOT ACTING LIKE A WHITE BOY SHOULD Hey folks ! Having been in southern California long enough I know the pros & cons of being here, and one of the cons is that when the ‘MINORITIES’ are actually the ‘MAJORITY’ they tend to gain a certain amount of power in the city—particularly in Los Angeles. 1

And WITH POWER comes the problem of abuse of power. And with all the “GAINS” we’ve made over the decades towards becoming a much more FAIR & EQUAL country at the same time there is a segment of society who considers itself to have been SO OPPRESSED for so long no matter how much they are given to recompense for the sins of the ancestors, the “white” man is always and forever to blame. And these persons who consider themselves “oppressed” (who, by the way, were never actually slaves themselves, nor were their parents, nor grandparents, nor great grandparents…) feel like it is their right, when they gain power, to do “payback” to the “oppressors” for all the oppression “they” or “we” (anybody white in their mind) have inflicted upon “them” over the centuries. Reminder: these persons were never slaves themselves, nor were their parents nor grandparents nor great grandparents, and so on; and the “oppressors” –meaning essentially anybody “white” were never slaveowners, nor their parents, nor grandparents, nor great grandparents, and so on.


The actual oppressed persons in terms of slavery and the actual oppressors in terms of slaveowners are no longer alive. And in fact, some of the socalled “oppressors” (anybody white) are actually ancestors of some of those who fought for the NORTH to set slaves free; but yet just because we are ‘WHITE” we are unilaterally BAD in the minds in some of the self-proclaimed “oppressed” persons. And with that “bad white” stereotype comes to various “stupid white” stereotypes. Of course, some of you who live in traditional white majority societies will have no clue as to what I am talking about. But if you live in Los Angeles or visit Los Angeles you will DISCOVER very quickly what I am talking about. Walk into almost any RETAIL establishment where minorities work (and retail seems to be the SAFE HAVEN for minorities here in Southern Cal) and you will find out what I am talking about (especially if you are a young white male). There are those who EXPECT white males to be stupid, act stupid, and even look stupid. Sometimes they CONCEAL their contempt for the “gringo” (which is what the Hispanic communities call the white person) or the “white 3

boy” (which is the term used by the AfricanAmerican community) other times it is BARELY VEILED and occasionally not at all. And the ONLY REASON they can have contempt and act upon their contempt is when they have a GROUP or GANG to support them. With numbers comes certain acts of “bravery”—now “bravery” may not be the best word for it—if it is something down without class or respect. A better word may be “contemptuous” behavior exhibited to the masses without fear of repercussion. One example is “tagging” which is the word used for the spraypainted nonsense often seen on various billboards and freeway signs. And some of these “minorities” watch TOO MUCH TV and see some stupid sitcom or movie that depicts a white, Anglo, person in a foolish manner and they subsequently truly believe that ALL WHITE ANGLO males are stupid & foolish just like they saw in the movie. And so when a white, Anglo person does NOT live up to that stupid, foolish, stereotype they can’t alleviate the COGNTIVE DISSONANCE they experience. They say to themselves, “This doesn’t make sense. He’s not acting like a stupid gringo.”


I once corrected a Hispanic gal because she used the wrong form of the affirmative command for “hacer”, which is supposed to be “haz” (it’s one of the “IRREGULARS”) and she became VERY ANGRY because she assumed because she was Hispanic and that I was a “WHITE BOY” that there was NOTHING I knew about the Spanish language and HOW DARE ME to correct her Spanish (even though she was absolutely wrong). I told this gal that EVEN I, an Anglo white boy, must continue to STUDY ENGLISH in order to be a fluent, knowledgeable, educated SPEAKER of ENGLISH. Likewise, I said that a Spanish speaker is not FLUENT simply because of birth into a Spanish-speaking home. This OUTRAGED her all the more and that was the end of the conversation. This was in an education setting. In a RETAIL setting ‘THEY’ know that you are supposed to GO IN and OUT and NOT STAY (unless you sit down for a meal) but ‘WHATEVER MAY BE THE CASE’ they don’t have to converse with you let alone be taught anything from you—the WHITE BOY. But the FACT OF THE MATTER is that NOT all Anglo white males are “stupid white boys” and it is very INSULTING to be treated with a 5

stereotype as such. Or to be treated as if we were slaveowners ourselves or as if our parents or grandparents were (NOT, NEVER !) It is INSULTING when after ALL some of “US’ have tried to do to MAKE THINGS BETTER we still get treated poorly by “them.” I’ve STUCK MY NECK out to help people, including Latinos & blacks around Southern California, including the poorest of the poor. And I grew up in the NORTH and know FOR A FACT that one of my ANCESTORS actually DIED OF PNEUMONIA while fighting for the north in the CIVIL WAR trying to SET THE SLAVES FREE ! MY FRIENDS, the people of whom I speak who are disrespectful & contemptuous towards “US”—or in particular the white, Anglo, male are MOSTLY, if not exclusively, NOT part of the BODYof CHRIST nor concerned with the matters of the SPIRIT. And therefore while the KNEE-JERK reaction may be angry the reflective response MUST BE PITY and CONCERN—along with PRAYER & HOPE that we can LEAD them to Christ, OR, if not, AT LEAST get them to FEAR the LAW so 6

that they at LEAST show respect for society and for those around them, including those who actually are trying to HELP them or their families in one way or another, either directly or indirectly. If those people working in RETAIL cannot come to Christ and voluntarily live BY THE SPIRIT we can AT LEAST expect them to obey the law which includes showing RESPECT for all people, or at least not being contemptuous or insulting or offensive towards “us.” AMEN ? ! If you read this message and agree WRITE “AMEN’ in the subject line ! GOD BLESS YOU. VAN der KOK the



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