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Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Using “Do-It-Yourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching Chemistry


A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Department of Science and Mathematics Education College of Education Mindanao State University–Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Chemistry

Annabelle C. Autentico Elmer E. Sabino Jr. March 2007

APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Chemistry, this undergraduate thesis entitled “Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Using “Do-It-Yourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching Chemistry”, prepared and submitted by Annabelle C. Autentico and Elmer E. Sabino Jr., hereby recommended for approval.

___________________ Date

Prof. Esmar Sedurifa Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Chemistry by the panel members with the grade of____________

Prof. Diamer Capilitan Member

Prof. Virginia Sombilon Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Chemistry.

Prof. Myrna Lahoylahoy Chairman, DSME

_____________________ Date

Prof. Lydie Paderanga Dean, CED

_____________________ Date


The researchers would like to extend there heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have part for the success of this proposal. To PROF. VIRGINIA SOMBILON and PROF. DIAMER CAPILITAN for patiently entertaining us during consultation hours, and for sharing her expertise in editing our papers. To our thesis adviser, PROF. ESMAR SEDURIFA for her wholehearted support, for her motherly advice, the encouragements, and for the constructive criticisms that she has done to our work. To PROF. ELLEN JARANTILLA for sharing us her knowledge and for her support in letting us borrowed her questionnaires. To the CED-NSTIC SUB-OFFICE PERSONNEL for there great support in leading the apparatuses needed in this thesis proposal. To the CED and CSM LIBRARIANS for letting us borrowed the books and other materials that we needed. To our LOVING PARENTS, for there financial, emotional, spiritual support that they have give, for there care and encouragement, and especially for bringing us in this wonderful world. To Daryll Cabico, Nai Navarro, Aicy Eltagonde, and Cheryl Sepada for letting us borrowed their personnal computers and USB in our encoding activities.

To our dear friends Tolitz, Atoy, Mutya, Papay, Jing, Wing, Hazel, and Randy, for the support, prayers, encouragement, and jokes that make us smile. To our blessed mother, MAMA MARY for her constant prayer and intercession. Above all, to our ALMIGHTY FATHER for the unconditional love and graces that HE had showered upon us, for the wisdom, and the strength that make this proposal successful one. To THEE I give back all the glory and honor and may THY name be shouted across the heaven and earth forever and ever. For all there names that have not listed in this acknowledgment, thank you very much for your supports and prayers. You’ll always part of the success and in our hearts. To all of you thank you very much…

Anne and Elmer


Annabelle C. Autentico and Elmer E. Sabino Jr., BSE–Chemistry, College of Education, Mindanao State University–Iligan Institute of Technology, Tibanga, Iligan City, March 2007, “Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Using “Do-ItYourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching Chemistry”. Adviser: Prof. Esmar Sedurifa


Page TITLE PAGE APPROAL SHEET AKNOWLEDGMENT ABSTRACT TABKE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF APPENDICES 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1.2 Null Hypothesis 1.3 Significance of the Study 1.4 Scope and Limitation 1.5 Definition of Terms 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Subject of the Study 3.2 Research Design 3.3 Data Gathering Procedure 3.4 Research Instrument 3.5 Statistical Tools



INTRODUCTION The deterioration of the quality of education is a global problem and the Philippines is no exception. To improve students’ performance and quality education as a whole, sufficient supply of textbook and good curriculum organization should be provided as well as competent teachers. The art of teaching has had to change as the details of the subject change (Lagowski,1998). Chemistry, as the science that deals with matter, cannot do away with laboratory activities as a means of gaining qualitative and quantitative knowledge (Kapucinski, 1981). Laboratory activities provide personal experience that would improve students learning. To be deprived of it is a handicapped to learning; the learner is like a deaf person in a music course (Bradley, 1999). Chemistry is an experimental science that is what everyone says. Yet, chemistry is taught in many classrooms without experiments. When you ask the teacher why this is so, several reasons are given like; there is no; laboratory apparatus, no chemicals available, no laboratory classrooms. Improvising across the borders brings a new point of dignity to a creative activity. Improvisation is a key process for creating problem solving and the expansion of mind that is needed to meet the challenges of the machine intelligence that we are creating. Improvisation is creative problem solving and is a portal to quantum thinking- thinking in more than one state simultaneously.

To be an effective teacher, one has to be creative in making the lesson interesting to the students. Teacher should find ways to catch the attention of the students. Finding the effective ways in transmitting information and ideas to the learners is one of the important tasks of the teacher. Education in the secondary level is the foundation of chemistry student in pursuing to the tertiary level. Students must have a good foundation of knowledge in chemistry so that it will be easy for them to understand and pursue college. It is very important that the students will clearly understand the concept of chemistry at the beginning of the study. To promote and enhance the learning system of the students, invented instruments are known and used in teaching secondary chemistry or even other sciences. The Do-It-Yourself Science Equipment is another program developed by DepED- National Science and Technology Instrumentation Center (NSTIC) to address the lack of science equipment in government schools. As the name suggests, these equipment are the kind that teachers will have to make themselves. The teachers will be trained and provided with a complete guide on how to construct the equipment. The Do-It-Yourself Science Equipment design utilizes the blue PVC pipe and fittings and aluminum curtain rail for the main parts. Bulldog clips replaces the expensive laboratory clamps. Other parts use common household items such as drinking straws, party cups, empty soda cans, empty mineral water bottles, etc.

Today, the rise of new technology in education has paved the way to new technologies in all levels of educational system. One of the most recent breakouts in the field is the used of computers in the classroom. This enables the students to learn in the different perspective. (Wilburg, K. 1996) Teaching with technology, presents teachers with opportunities to design learning experience for the students that differ substantially from the traditional product approach. Educators need to recognize that technology has the potentials to be more than sophisticated drill and practice machines. They are also much more that system for managing and planning instruction. Instead, technology can offer educator the potential for introducing the students to new learning experience. Computers have became more powerful tools of instructions and will play important roles in the future of the students education. (Norton and Sprague, 2001) STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Major obstacle in teaching chemistry includes the lack of instruments and equipments in the laboratory. A problem usually exists in the public school of remote areas. Even though highly competent and knowledgeable teachers are assigned in public schools they are not enough to have efficient and effective learning of the students. The use of Do-It-Yourself Instrument in teaching chemistry may be helpful to the students in understanding chemistry concepts. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using Do-It-Yourself Instrument in teaching chemistry.

Thus study will answer the following questions; 1. What are the performance of the students in the pretest on the topics Air Expansion, Boiling Point and Pressure, Distillation, Filtration, and Tyndall Effect? 2. What are the performances of the students taught using a. Teaching with the use of Do-It-Yourself Instrument b. Teaching with the use of PowerPoint Presentation in the post test? 3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of the respondents in teaching using “Do-It-Yourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in the pretest and posttest?

NULL HYPOTHESIS Ho: There is no significant difference in the performance of the students using “Do-It-Yourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in teaching Air Expansion, Boiling Point and Pressure, Distillation, Filtration, and Tyndall Effect. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Life in the world of science is so complex that is why it typically includes group activity in which students perform activity that illustrate the scientific principle introduced in the subject. Group activities usually inculcate lecture and discussion. Group activity has been used to help teachers and learners realize its effectiveness as an important part in teaching chemistry.

With the advent of modernization, secondary science teachers trying to cope with the advances of chemistry in order to effectively deliver the instruction in the classroom. Chemistry teachers on secondary schools especially in public schools of remote areas really have a hard time on applying what they’ve taught in the lecture through group activity using “Do-It-Yourself Instruments” to balance and meet the requirement of obtaining an effective learning process. To lessen the occurrence of such problem and utilization of available materials/equipment and simple practical activity should be incorporated to effectively teach chemistry in secondary level. Some teachers used PowerPoint Presentation to catch the attentions o the student. Using “Do-It-Yourself Instruments” and PowerPoint Presentation in teaching the topics in chemistry lessens the expenses and developed the creativity of individual and lead to a better innovation.

SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study will focus on the performances of the students specifically taught using “Do-It-Yourself Instruments” and PowerPoint Presentation in teaching chemistry. This research is limited only to determine the performance of the students thereby determining the effectiveness of using “Do-It-Yourself Instrument” and PowerPoint Presentation in teaching air expansion, boiling point and pressure, distillation, filtration, and Tyndall Effect to the third year students, and determine the perception of the students towards the instrument use.

DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Effectiveness – refers to the results of the students pretest and posttest using PowerPoint Presentation and Do-it-Yourself Instrument. This can be measured by getting the difference of the scores of the pretest and posttest. 2. Do-It-Yourself Instruments – the instrument developed by DepEd-NSTIC to address the lack of science equipment in government schools. 3. Laboratory Activity – an activity involving students interact with materials and apparatuses in verifying concepts like Air Expansion, Boiling Point and Pressure, Distillation, Filtration, and Tyndall Effect. 4. Performance – refers to the results of the respondents in the pretest and posttest. 5. PowerPoint Presentation –refers to the instrument that uses computer software. 6. Respondents – refers to the third year students of Iligan City National High School, Iligan City.



Subject of the Study The respondents of the study will be the third year students of Iligan City National High School, Iligan City.

Research Design The study will be using experimental method of research which will employ single pretest and post test design. The researchers will be using simple random method in selecting the respondents. The respondents will be divided into two groups, Group A and Group B, each of which will be given pretest. In conducting the lesson, Group A will be exposed to PowerPoint Presentation and Group B which will be exposed to “DoIt-Yourself Instrument”. Each member of the Group A will have their corresponding pair on Group B base on their sex and their grades in the first grading period in the subjects Mathematics, Science, and MAPEH. Then, a post test will be administered to the groups. The study will be analyzing the data based on the results of the pretest and post test through a statistical formula.

Data Gathering Procedure The researchers will be using five apparatus for five topics using “Do-ItYourself








questionnaires on Air Expansion, Boiling Point and Pressure, Distillation, Filtration, and Tyndall Effect will be submitted for face validation by the panel members. A letter will be presented to the principal as well as the advisers of the third year students of Iligan City National High School for their approval to conduct the study. After the approval will be granted for the said study, on the first day of conducting the research, the researchers will take up Air Expansion. The pretest will be given to the two groups. After the pretest, the lesson will be conducted using PowerPoint Presentation in the Group A and Do-it-Yourself Instrument in the Group B. And post test will be administered. Assessment questionnaire will be given to know their perception and opinions regarding to the instrument used. The same procedure to be followed on the second day with the topic Boiling Point and Pressure, on the third day with the topic Distillation, on the fourth day Filtration, and on the fifth day Tyndall Effect. The researchers will tally and tabulate the results after checking the test papers to get the desired output.

Instrument Used A cloze test shall be used to test the readability of the activities.

The researchers constructed questionnaires in order to gather information and data to the respondents which are the pretest and post test. The pretest and the post test will help to determine the change of student performance before and after the lessons. A perception questionnaire will be used to obtain the perception of the students on the use of PowerPoint Presentation and “Do-it-Yourself Instrument”.

Statistical Technique Used The test questionnaires were checked by the researchers and used the percentage analysis after the result of the evaluation questionnaire was obtained.

1. Percentage (%). This is used to determine the number of the students each item according to each equivalent rating skills.

The formula used to compute percentage is,

Percentage (%) = f/N *100 Where, f = frequency of respondents N = total number of respondents 100 = constant used to convert decimal number to percent.

2. Mean. This is used to determine if the designed activity are applicable to third year students of Iligan City National High School. The formula used to compute the weighted mean is n

Σ xi i=1

Weighted mean (x) =

N Where, nn

X = weighted mean

Σxi Σxi = sum of the responses i=1 i=1

N = total number of respondents Standard Deviation Formula:

SD =

√Σ(x-x) 2 N

The T- Test. To determine the difference between the performance of the respondents in the pretest and post in the test, T-test for two independent samples was used with the formula;

X1 –X2 T =

(S1)2 N1


(S2) N2


Where, d = Sd/d (summation of D) = mean of differences D = V1-V2 s

d = square root of summation of d2 – (Sd)/n all over n (n-1)

d = Sd/n

3. Scoring







First, count all that are contextually appropriate to the missing word, spelling is not counted. Second, compute the percentage correct score in the test by using. % correct answer =

actual score obtained ____________________ ___

total score of the test

Third, categorize % correct answers and interpret using the following: Independent level = more than 50% correct Instructional level = 35 – 45 % correct Frustration level

= below 35%


BOOKS Anderson, Lorin W. 1990. The Effective Teacher: A Guide and Reading, McGraw – Hill, New York, Pp. 17 Beach, David P. et al. 1980. Handbook for Scientific and Technical. New York. Prentice – Hall Inc. Escalabanan, Corazon G. 1986. Teaching the High School Subjects. Alemar – Phoenix Publishing House Inc., Quezon City, pp. 71-72. Gesser, Hyman D. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases, Descriptive Principles of Chemistry 1994, 133, 644 – 645. Lardizabal, Amparo S., Alicia S. Bustos, Luz C. Buco, Maura G. Tangco, 1991, Principles and Methods of Teaching, 3rd Ed., Phoenix Publishing House Inc., Quezon City, Pp. 111 – 112, 133. Mortimer, Charles E. Boiling Point and Pressure. General Chemistry 1985, 272 – 273. Salandalan, Gloria G. 2000; Teaching Approaches Strategies, Katha Publishing Company Inc. Quezon City Pp. 85 – 87. Walton, John. 1966. Toward Better Teaching in Secondary Schools. Boston. Allyn and Bacon Inc. Weiss, Gerald S. et al. 1985. Experiments in General Chemistry. New York. Macmillan Publishing House Inc.,

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Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State University Iligan City Department of Science and Mathematics Education Date: _____________________ NOMINATION OF GUIDANCE/THESIS COMMITTEE The following are recommended to compose the Thesis Guidance Committee of _____________________________________ in the undergraduate program leading to the Degree of _________________________. Name


1. _______________________

_____________________ Thesis Adviser

2. _______________________

_____________________ Member

3. _______________________

_____________________ Member

The members of the above-mentioned Thesis Guidance Committee shall perform their function in accordance with the department policies on undergraduate thesis writing (EDSC 199). The Adviser shall be entitled to honorarium in accordance with the Scheme Honoraria approved by the Board of Regents, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. This committee shall be in force until the student has submitted a bound copy of the thesis to the Dean of the College of Education.

RECOMMENDING APPROVAL: ___________________________ Program Adviser

Distribution: All committee members Program Adviser Chairman, DSME

APPROVED: _____________________________ Chairman, DSME

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