Thesun 2009-08-18 Page11 Prudence And Diligence Of Ordinary Men Of Business

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speak up!

The prudence and diligence of ‘ordinary men of business’ TODAY nine men will sit around report which was published the an oval-shaped oak table in the following year: boardroom of the Port Klang “... the authority does not have Authority (PKA) to study and sufficient financial resources to adopt yet another report – the meet this obligation. The PKA’s fourth in three months – on matincome before tax was between ters related to the Port Klang Fee RM500,000 and RM21.19 milZone (PKFZ) scandal. To answer lion, whilst income after tax questions from these nine men was between a deficit of RM1.52 will be a team of lawyers headed million to a surplus of RM16.31 by Vinayak Pradhan, which was million. Based on PKA’s financial assigned the task of digging into position, we are of the view that CitizenNades the wrongdoings and to recover the KPA needs to look for sources by R. Nadeswaran monies which had been disbursed of financing to meet the capital to various parties. The first instalobligation of RM2.90 billion from ment of this was delivered last 2007 to 2017.” week and today, hopefully, will be the last Two years later, in August 2006, Jafza and final episode of this shameful chapter in international senior vice-president Chuck the annals of our country’s history. Heath’s letter to then Transport Minister Elsewhere, perhaps 40-50km away, yet Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said it all: another sideshow may be taking place. “There has been a total lack of government Someone may be organising a press conferplanning ... which has seen the most fundaence announcing or questioning yet another mental issues being considered and resolved decision. The importance of the board meetonly after the event rather than before. ing and its decisions may be side-lined and The lack of transparency from the start reduced to insignificance because yet another had also hampered the development of the bombshell – unsubstantiated though – will free trade zone, with Jafza not having access be dropped to distract from more important to relevant details of the main development issues. The principle is that two wrongs don’t contract. The board of directors’ structure has make a right. However, some do not seem to not provided any fundamental support and accept this. First, it was political donations, in fact has drawn us into political issues that then private jets followed by an illegal aphave a negative impact on the development. pointment. What’s next? Will it be a juicy sex The Malaysian political and economic landscandal taken out from some B-grade X-rated scape has too many vested interests seeking movie or a tear-jerker from the studios of involvement and control in this project. UnBollywood or a “whodunit” thriller? We wait fortunately, without radical surgery in cutting with bated breath. out the above obstacles, we feel this project is Back to the boardroom and the facts doomed to failure.” and figures before the directors will be the Prophetic words by these two gentlemen involvement and the culpability of direcwho spoke the truth and flagged the future tors and senior management personnel of problems. Since then, the costs have balthe PKA and PKFZ. The report will itemise looned and so have the problems. So, the their supposed wrongdoings and the specific nine wise men who sit today, you will have clauses in the various legislation which had to decide how you are going to go about been breached. This report, needless to say, making those responsible to be accountable will be the basis of yet another for the mess they created by police report and perhaps, yet their indiscretion. The principle is another visit by its chairman, You have to collectively tell Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, to the yourselves: “These reports that two wrongs offices of the Malaysian Anti- don’t make a right. were ignored deliberately. Corruption Commission, and No one paid heed to anything yet another photo opportunity However, some do not – even Treasury regulations. for news photographers and seem to accept this. They chose to do it their way camera crews. with total disregard for rules Right now, some directors and regulations and even and senior management staff, common sense. Neither did both present and past, would have consulted they carry out their roles as ‘ordinary men their lawyers on their status. As a pre-empof business’ tasked with managing people’s tive measure, some serving staff, after having money running into billions. They breached read the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the General Orders, they breached provijointly sent a letter to the prime minister statsions in the Penal Code and other pieces of ing that they had signed and certified certain legislation. No one is above the law and that documents on being directed and were at the law must take it course.” times “under duress”. There may be some Among you, there are one or two who truth in it and could certainly be a mitigating feel that they are obligated to certain parties factor, though it will not absolve them of the (for reasons better known to yourselves) and blame for the mess the authority is in. hence may want to pull your punches. There But the most important question repeatis no place for these sentiments because stealedly asked is: What is going to happen? Four ing public money or causing it to be stolen reports, whose cost could run into several is inexcusable. Do not be distracted by the hundred thousand ringgit each; reports to sideshows and the antics; you owe a duty to the MACC, reports to the police and even the taxpayers and if you abdicate from these a statement in Parliament has taken us noresponsibilities, we can only come to the where since the precarious financial status conclusion that we have put foxes in charge of the PKA first made the headlines in this of the chicken coop. newspaper more than four years ago. Many fell for the rosy reports of the “success of the PKFZ” while the impending R. Nadeswaran believes the destination warnings of a financial catastrophe by the is not in sight but the board of directors auditor-general were ignored. So, were the can plot the journey to the very end. Five observations by the project manager – Jebel years to unearth the truth may be five Ali Free Trade Zone (Jafza) – when it deyears too late, but it’s better late than never. cided to pull out. He is editor (special and investigative reportThe auditor-general had remarked on ing) at theSun. He can be reached at: citizenthe rocky road ahead for the PKA in his 2003 [email protected].

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