Thesun 2009-04-20 Page01 Royal Response

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 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations (Malaysia)

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Award winning newspaper for public service reporting and opinion writing.

No. 4741 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

Monday April 20, 2009


» Lim leads, but Anwar decides pg2 » Helping Real stay on Barcelona’s heels pg29

Toxic in a good way



Royal response KUALA KANGSAR: Responding to allegations hurled against rulers by political groups, Perak’s Sultan Azlan Shah said yesterday that rulers are above politics and cannot take part in open debate to defend themselves. He said the action of certain political groups to provoke the people and sow seeds of hatred against the rulers was akin to fanning “embers in the chaff” which, he said, was a dangerous act and could destroy the peace enjoyed by the people and the country. “These groups are allowing the end to justify the means by condoning such acts. These groups and individuals feel that they are faultless and immune from any action, to the extent of disregarding the law for the sake of attaining power,” he said at the loyalty pledge and investiture ceremony in Istana Iskandariah to mark his 81st birthday. Sultan Azlan also said he felt there was too much politicking in the country and that this would affect economic productivity and the country’s image. “In facing the global economic crisis, too much politicking is not helpful to the people who are struggling to make ends meet.” He said leaders of various political parties should find a meeting point from which they could work out ways to cooperate for the sake of the country and people. Sultan Azlan, a former Lord President, also spoke on the need to correct the misconception that the constitutional monarchy was just a symbol devoid of any power. He said the rulers were neither blind, deaf nor mute. In fact, they were fully aware of what was going on in the country. “It should be stressed the constitutional monarchy has three rights – the right to give views and counsel, the right to encourage and motivate, and the right to remind and reprimand,” he said. Sultan Azlan said although the constitutional monarchy acted based on the power vested in it under the constitution, it would be erroneous to think that the role of a ruler was similar to that of a president whose functions had been pre-defined in the constitution. “The role of the constitutional monarchy

goes beyond what is stipulated in the constitution. The rulers have a far wider responsibility in ensuring that the spirit of the constitution, the philosophy behind the written law, and the interest of the country and the people are safeguarded at all times,” he said. He said based on the spirit behind the formation of the Federation of the Malay States, the rulers were responsible to protect the privileges and position of the Rulers Institution, Islam, the Malay language and the legitimate interest of other races. “These are the basis of understanding and the ingredients which resulted in the formation of an independent and sovereign nation, enabling its people to live in peace and harmony.” Sultan Azlan said throughout Malaysia’s 52 years of nationhood, the country’s administration had seen its ups and downs. “I myself have been giving views and advice either openly or behind closed doors on matters which I think should be rectified.” He called on the people to be wary of bids to provoke them into dismantling the system and institution as this could create chaos. Perak has been immersed in a political imbroglio since February when the Barisan Nasional seized power after four assemblymen swithched allegiance from the Pakatan Rakyat. The previous government’s leaders have fought tooth and nail to frustrate the new administration by filing legal action and challenging the BN-led government’s legitimacy. – Bernama

‘To do’ list for the PM by Tan Yi Liang [email protected]

PETALING JAYA: Kill corruption. Promote fairness in all policies. Enhance efficiency in governance. Raise standard of education. These are the most frequently mentioned tasks that readers of theSun want Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to give priority to during his tenure as the 6th prime minister. The responses were in answer to an invitation to readers to list the top three things they want Najib and his cabinet to tackle first, especially against the backdrop of a grim global economy. Most of the respondents wanted a clean, efficient and fair government, as these are the elements that need to be in place before the nation can be taken to greater heights. They also wanted education to be a main agenda, with one respondent describing it as “the nurturing bed of the nation”. “With good education, the people will be progressive; it will be the shield and sword for the nation as the world gets inevitably smaller and globalised,” said Robert Lim. Other big “winners” were the need to promote greater democratic discourse through a free press, and an independent judiciary. Making Malaysia a safer place to live and work in by reducing the crime rate, and improving the standard of living, were also popular “tasks”. The following are some excerpts:



These groups are allowing the end to justify the means by condoning such acts. These groups and individuals feel that they are faultless and immune from any action, to the extent of disregarding the law for the sake of attaining power.” – Sultan Azlan Shah

» Raja Nazrin resolute in defending Malay rulers – page 3

“The PM should promote truly independent, professional and fair-minded government institutions that are not beholden to any political power at both federal and state government levels, but that these government institutions be fully committed to serve the tax-paying rakyat professionally, efficiently and courteously,” said “All-for-one & one-for-all Malaysian”. “Be truthful and fair ... in your execution of duty and serve genuinely all Malaysian irrespective of their political ideologies,” said Sritharan Palanisamy.




“Corruption must be curbed. Datuk Seri must make sure the cabinet is clean, hardworking and walk the talk. We will get sad and sakit hati if corruption is still rampant. I urge Datuk Seri to focus on winning back

» Turn to Page 3

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