Thesis Report Kapil

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  • Words: 10,475
  • Pages: 66
IIPM, New Delhi


EDIBLE OIL MARKET IN INDIA India accounts for 9.3 percent of world oilseed production. It has the world’s fourth largest edible oil economy. Yet, about 43 percent of edible oil available in India is imported. In 1999 India ranked as the world’s largest importer of edible oils, displacing China. The bulk of edible oil India imports under the Open General License (OGL) are RBD Palmolein of Malaysian and Indonesian origin India has approximately 300 crude edible oil refining units. 60-70 percent of which are small. Unlike the bigger refiners, the small ones are unable to import huge quantities of crude either due to their low capacity or lack of financial resources, and may be forced to close down or sell out to the bigger ones in the foreseeable future. A major problem is the low capacity utilization. The installed capacity of oil mills is around 36 million tones annually, but capacity utilization is only 40 percent solvent extraction plants show only 33 per cent capacity utilization and vegetable oil refineries show 40 per cent. The total import of edible oils during the period form November 1998 to October 1999 totaled 4.4 million tones valued at more than Rs. 9.000 crores. That was against a demand –supply gap of 1.4 million tones in 1998-99. Imports have therefore deluged the market. The import of relined palm oil was put under OGL (Open general License) in March 1994. Other edible oils were put under OGL in April 1995 (when an item is brought under OGL, it means that the item can be imported without seeking any approval). Originally, there was no discrimination between refined and non refined edible oil as far as import duty concerned. The duty on both was 65 percent. Duty was the slashed to 30 percent for both, then to 20 percent in 1996 and 15 percent in then 1999-2000 budgets. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


On December 30, 1999 a differential duty structure was introduced. Duty on refined oil was fixed at 27.5 percent (25 percent plus 10 percent surcharge) while that on crude was retained at 16.5 percent (15 percent plus 10 percent surcharge) But only actual users (as opposed to traders) are allowed to avail of this reduced duty on crude oil. Traders are nevertheless allowed to import crude at the reduced duty but only to sell to actual users on a high seas basis. This requires that the actual users fills in the import documents (and pays the reduced duty) but leaves the importing process to the trader. In most parts of the world, the import duty on oilseeds is lower than that on oils. But, in India it is higher 40 percent. That is why no import of oilseeds of oil bearing material has taken place in India. The industry wants the duty to be lowered from the present 40 percent to 5 percent. Edible oils prices in the Indian market have crashed due to large imports by multinational trading houses see table.

IMPORTANCE OF EDIBLE OILS IN THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY Oilseeds and edible oils are two of the most sensitive essential commodities. India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an important position in the agricultural economy and accounting for the estimated production of 28.21 million tonnes of nine cultivated oilseeds during the year 2007-08. India contributes about 6-7% of the world oilseeds production. Export of oilmeals, oilseeds and minor oils has increased from 5.06 million Tones in the financial year 20056 to 7.3 million tons in the

financial year 2006-07. In terms of value, realization has

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IIPM, New Delhi


gone up from Rs. 5514 crores to Rs.7997 crores. India accounted for about 6.4% of world oilmeal export.

Types of Oils commonly in use in India India is fortunate in having a wide range of oilseeds crops grown in its different agro climatic zones. Groundnut, mustard/rapeseed, sesame, safflower, linseed, nigerseed/castor are the major traditionally cultivated oilseeds. Soyabean and sunflowerhave also assumed importance in recent years. Coconut is most important amongst the plantation crops. Efforts are being made to grow oil palm in Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaTamil Nadu in addition to Kerala and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Among the non-conventional oils, ricebran oil and cottonseed oil are the most important. In addition, oilseeds of tree and forest origin, which grow mostly in tribal inhabited areas, are also a significant source of oils. Figures pertaining to estimated production of major cultivated oilseeds, availability of edible oils from all domestic sources and consumption of edible oils (from Domestic and Import Sources) during the last few years are as under: -

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IIPM, New Delhi

4 In Lakh Tonne

Oil Year Production of Net availability of edible oils Consumption of Edible Oils (Nov.- Oct.) Oilseeds from all domestic sources (from domestic and import sources) 2000-2001 184.40 54.99 96.76 2001-2002





























(i) Production of oilseeds, Ministry of Agriculture as Declared on 19-01-2005. (ii) Net availability of edible oils, Directorate of Vanaspati, Vegetable.


India is a vast country and inhabitants of several of its regions have developed specific preference for certain oils largely depending upon the oils available in the region. For example, people in the South and West prefer groundnut oil while those in the East and North use mustard/rapeseed oil. Likewise several pockets in the South have a preference for coconut and sesame oil. Inhabitants of northern plain are basically hard fat consumers and therefore, prefer Vanaspati, a term used to denote a partially hydrogenated edible oil mixture. Vanaspati has an important role in our edible oil economy. Its production is about 1.2 million tonnes annually. It has around 10% share of Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


the edible oil market. It has the ability to absorb a heterogeneous variety of oils, which do not generally find direct marketing opportunities because of consumers’ preference for traditional oils such as groundnut oil, mustard oil, sesame oil etc. For example, newer oils like soyabean, sunflower, ricebran and cottonseed and oils from oilseeds of tree and forest origin had found their way to the edible pool largely through vanaspati route. Of late, things have changed. Through technological means such as refining, bleaching and de-odouraisation, all oils have been rendered practically colourless, odourless and tasteless and, therefore, have become easily interchangeable in the kitchen. Newer oils which were not known before have entered the kitchen, like those of cottonseed, sunflower, palm oil or its liquid fraction (palmolein), soyabean and ricebran. These tend to have a strong and distinctive taste preferred by most traditional customers. The share of raw oil, refined oil and vanaspati in the total edible oil market is estimated at 35%, 55% and 10% respectively.

MAJOR FEATURES OF EDIBLE OILS ECONOMY:There are two major features, which have very significantly contributed to the development of this sector. One was the setting up of the Technology Mission on Oilseeds in 1986. This gave a thrust to Government's efforts for augmenting the production of oilseeds. This is evident by the very impressive increase in the production of oilseeds from about 11.3 million tonnes in 1986-87 to 24.8 million tonnes in 1998-99. There was some setback in 1999-2000 because of the un-seasonal rain followed by inclement weather. The production of oilseeds declined to 20.7 million tonnes in 19992000. However, the oilseeds production went up to 27.98 million tones in 2005-06 and was 24.29 million tonnes during 2006-07 oil year. As per the 3rd advance estimate by Ministry of Agriculture dated 22.4.08 the production of nine major oilseeds is estimated Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


to be about 28.21 million tonnes during 2007-08. The other dominant feature which has had significant impact on the present status of edible oilseeds/oil industry has been the programme of liberalisation under which the Government's economic policy allowing greater freedom to the open market and encourages healthy competition and self regulation rather than protection and control. Controls and regulations have been relaxed resulting in a highly competitive market dominated by both domestic and multinational players.

DEMAND FOR EDIBLE OILS RISES IN INDIA:Indian food industry continues to show a strong commitment to oils imports following drop in domestic demand, says industry body. Fresh figures from the Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEAI) revel that edible oils imports increased by some 24 percent for the first six months to April 2008. Imports jumped to 2.4 million tonnes in the first half of 2007-2008 up from 1.92 million tonnes for the same period last year. Imports are expected to be much higher this year because of a drop in domestic oilseeds production, “said B.V. Mehta, executive director of SEIA adding that India was likely to import about 500,000 tonnes per month this year. Purchases of edible oils by India are expected to reach around 6 million tonnes this year from 4.4 million tonnes in 2006-2007 Mehta added reports the American Soybean Association. Soya oil in particular saw strong growth. Imports of crude soy oil leapt to 835.352 tones in the November 2006 to April 2007 period up from 336.990 tonnes in a year earlier. Crude palm oil purchases rose 10.8 percent to 1.95 million tonnes from 1101,520 tonnes. The processed food market is enjoying decent growth in India, pushing up demand for oils. The Indian branded food and drinks market grew last year by over 5 percent,

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IIPM, New Delhi


according to recent figures from ACNielsen, outpacing the global the global average growth rate 4 percent. Supporting this buoyant overall trend, growth rates for individual product categories within the Indian market too, reflect aggressive performance within the similar period.

Status of the Vegetable Oil Industry (As on April 2008) Type of Vegetable Oil Industry

No. Of Annual Capacity Units (Lakh MT) 1,50,000 425 Oilseed Crushing Units (Approx) (In terms of Seeds) 419 Solvent Extraction Units 779 (In terms of Oil-bearing Material) Refineries attached with 51 127 Vanaspati Units (in terms of oil) Refineries attached with 37 225 Solvent Units (in terms of oil) 35 Independent Refineries 585 (in terms of oil) 123 Total Refineries 937 (in terms of oil) 58 (in terms of Vanaspati, Vanaspati Units 268 Bakery Shortening & Margarine)

Average Capacity Utilisation 10-30% 33% 45% 29% 36% 37%


Oilseeds crushing units include crushing units in the small-scale sector as also in the organised sector. The capacity utilisation generally ranges from an average of 10% for the ghanis (small scale sector) to around 30% in case of the expellers in the organized sector.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


SOYA OIL The source: Soya was developed in China even before the time of written records. The name of the Soya bean comes from “sou” meaning “big bean” and is one of the five holy plants of the Chinese people 5000 year ago. The Emperor himself planted Soya every year in a ritual ceremony. Nowadays, as a member of the legume family, it has an important position in ecological agriculture. Legumes supply the soil with nitrogen and are therefore highly suitable for use in the rotation of crops. In addition to its agricultural value, the soyabean also supplies especially healthy oil, which is making more and more friends. The plant itself is a short bushy plant 20-180 cms in height. It is grown in normally cultivated fields in rows. Recently, there has been a massive boom in the production of genetically engineered soya bean, which can resist certain herbicides. Vast areas of north and South America have been planted with these GM Soya plants. The soya used in the production of our oil is exclusively from organic farmers in France who belong to a cooperative near Albi. The cultivation association pay very conscientious attention to ensure that No GM soya seed is used to the extent that they produce their own organic seed. Processing:Soya is a basic component of the diet in Asian countries and forms the basis of tofu. Soya oil first cold pressing has a full aroma, which deliciously emphasizes the natural flavor of your salads and raw dishes. Industrially refined soya bean oil is product which one should regard with particular skepticism; with regard to flavor and nutritional

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IIPM, New Delhi


significance industrially refined soya bean oil has simply nothing to offer. When our soya bean oils is pressed, the whole oil mill is filled with a magnificent aroma of fresh beans. The processor has to press some 10 killos of soya bean in order to extract one simple litre of oils. Cooking:It is not really advisable to beat cold pressed soya bean oil. Our soya bean oils have a delicate bean like flavor. It is thus ideally suited to enhance salads of hearty noodle, potatoes and beans. If you find the soya flavor to dominant, simply mix it with a little safflower oils. Health:Soya bean oil possesses more than lecithin than any other oil. It is thus a real power food for the bran and nervous system. Stress bound managers and all mothers with small children should always keep a small store of cold pressed soya bean oil at hand:-

100g of cold pressed soya bean oil contain 31.7 mg of vitamin E.


13.7% saturated fatty acids.


25.3% monounsaturated fatty acids.


60.8% polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which 6.5% linolenic acid.

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IIPM, New Delhi


MAJOR PLAYERS AMRIT BANASPATI CO. LTD This unit of the company was put up in the year 1969-70 with a manufacturing capacity of 100 MT per day of Vanaspati. Later on, in the year 1982-83 capacity was increased to 125 MT per day. There after in the year 1985-86 a separate facility to produce Refined Oils was set up with a capacity of 60 MT per day .Now this unit is manufacturing around 250 MT of Vanaspati per day mainly in small packs under the name of GAGAN, which is well known and accepted brand in northern India in refined oils the company is producing a 100 MT per day. Today this unit has installed capacity of 11,000 MT per month as compared to mere 3000 MT per month in its first year of operations. There are 6 kinds of refined oils being produced to service every need & segment of market. 1. GINNI REFINED GROUNDNUT OIL. 2. GINNI REFINED COTTONSEED OIL. 3. GINNI GOLD REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL. 5. GINNI REFINED RICEBRAN OIL. 6. GINNI REFINED SOYABEAN OIL The company has introduced another product “GAGAN KACHI GHANI. & MERRIGOLD TABLE MARGARINE to suit today lifestyle & need. Since its introduction this product is fast receiving acceptance with the consumer. Other products in the company’s basket include Bakery Shortening named AMRIT, AERATED and GOLDEN ARROW.

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IIPM, New Delhi


The company has its own R&D facility where the company keeps improving the processes needed for oil processing and also the R&D work is continuing to develop new value added products in the field of oils & fats. Its market penetration is best defined as unparalleled in the industry. Besides these, they are also making four type of bakery shortening under “AMRIT” brand name and our exclusive product Table Margarine “MERRIGOLD”. GAGAN is the prime brand in north India. When it comes to refined oils, GINNI is well known in the country. With consistent up-gradation of technology and introduction of new products from time to time, ABC has made major in-roads into distribution network. Today Company has 32 depots and 1200 dealers in the country, covering more than one lakh retailers, which extends to over 800 cities and generate a turnover of approximately 600 crores. The guiding philosophy of ABC is uniquely different. And the difference often lies beyond what meets the eye. •

In a work culture that stimulates freedom of thought and expression among all its employees.

In an environment that singularly rewards initiative and creativity.

It lies in the spirit of excellence that mark our products, our achievements and our status as leaders in the Industry. Most of all, it is reflected in the way in which ABC conducts its business innovatively, professionally and ethically.

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IIPM, New Delhi


TURNOVER :The present turnover of Amrit Group is around 600 crores and of Rajpura unit is around Rs.340 crores in terms of turnover. Amrit Banaspati company has been ranked amongst the top 100 companies in the India.

QUALITY OBJECTIVES :♦ Ensuring availability of all products in all packs sizes across the distribution channel. ♦ Achieve growth introduction of new products (industrial and consumers) ♦ Creating and sustaining quality and hygiene consciousness at all levels of organizing and promoting employees participation. ♦ Organization and promoting employee participation. ♦ Continuous enhancing the money of the customers

QUALITY:To ensure consistently in the quality of various products manufactured at Rajpura and to further improve the quality of its various products, company has very good quality control systems together with the research and development department which is comparable to the best in the country. It is to the credit of this good quality control systems and efficient R&D department that ABC Rajpura has been honoured and awarded with the American International Quality Certificates and Gold Medal to the management of ABC Rajpura a transworld tradefare selection award of recognition for their outstanding performance in the manufacture in the Gagan Vanaspati.

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IIPM, New Delhi


PRICING STRATEGY OF ABC. Pricing decision effects the overall marketing skills and consumer acceptability. While the external forces in which the commercial establishment to operates has to be taken on account the but the internal forces, its strengths and weaknesses, the company objectives etc. have the viewed in the competitive filed. Edible oil prices is affected not only because of national and international market variations but because of internal factors such as government raw oils import policies prices of other oils used in mixture and the total expected output of oil need crops. The interstate ban on supply of raw oils also affect the pricing of the product. While marketing the price structure the marketer has to watch carefully the pricing strategy adopted by the competitors the pricing structure which represents the margin to the distributors, retailers etc has an impact on the sales of the product, the pricing structure of ABC Rajpura is as below :3-1/2 percent dealers margin. 5-1/2 percent retailers margin ABC Brand also covers the distributors on restrospective basis if there is any price fluctuations thus a safe play for the distrubutors and retailers too.

DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTS:Distribution of the products is the main objectives of the marketing process. It is the process of transferring the product from the producers to the distributors and ultimately to the consumers through retailers. The decision regarding the channels of the distribution is very important decision from the company’s point of view because the selection of channel affects considerably the other marketing decision. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Amrit Banaspati has adopted four tier Distribution :PLANT, DISTRIBUTERS, RETAILERS, CONSUMERS

All the products produced at ABC Rajpura are sold in the area of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal and Chandigarh through 32 depots and 575 stations. Number of dealers engaged in distribution of Amrit Banaspati’s products are around 1200 & more than 1 lakh of retailer.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


FORTUNE SOYABEAN OIL Fortune Refined Soyabean Oil is light, odorless and healthy oil. Most importantly it contains OMG3 (Omega – 3 fatty acids) – an essentialPUFA which needs to be supplemented from outside sources. Soyabean oil is the preferred oil of many a household across the world. Fortune Refined Soyabean Oil, enriched with OMG3, gives you and your family “Paanch Ka Aashirwad.” Fortune Refined Soyabean Oil is the highest seller in the refined soyabean oil category with 44% of the market share (As per AC Nielsen Retail Audit Index - MAT Mar.'06). Panch ka Ashirwaad is for:• • • • •

Healthy Eyes A strong heart The nourishment of the womb Controlling diabetes The healthy growth of your children

Fortune refined soyabean oil is available in:•

Liner carton

200 ml


200 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr

Pet bottles

500 ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

Jerry cans

2 ltr, 5 ltr, 15 ltr


15 ltr, 15 kg

Maha fortune

15 ltr

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IIPM, New Delhi


Distribution Network The end-users of our products are: households and institutional buyers [catering / hospitality / processed food / snacks] set-ups. AWL has set up a strong distribution network of Company Distributors and Super Stockists for its retail operations. This chain helps to tap even the small retailers/traders and thus increasing our reach.

Today AWL has its distribution foot prints all across the country with various stockpoints catering to more than 3800 distributors, 600 Super Stockists and numerous brokers and other trade associates. AWL's retail reach is more than 500,000 outlets across the country and this retail reach can be compared with the best FMCG giants in the country

Fortune Mission Extra Health was undertaken by AWL in Mumbai between OctoberNovember 2005. The core objectives for undertaking Mission Extra Health were to:

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Create high brand visibility and awareness

Create top of the mind recall as a healthy oil

This activity was aimed at health conscious people of Mumbai. Height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, blood sugar, cardio vascular check-ups were done of the individuals who participated in this program. Each participant was handed a health check card, by the doctor, with a rating system as to the position of his or her health. The duration of the Fortune Mission Extra Health activity carried out in Mumbai was for 40 days covering 19 Parks, 17 Residential colonies, 4 Malls, 4 Clubs, and 54 areas by the means of Road Show. This activity received a tremendous response. We also got excellent press coverage as the Fortune Mission Extra Health activity was reported in various newspapers. There was a very good increase in terms of brand awareness and overall the activity was a huge success Adani Group with its turnover exceeding Rs.18000 crores (US $ 3.9billion) in 2007, is one of the fastest growing corporate houses in India . Its flagship company – Adani Enterprises Limited (formerly known as Adani Exports Ltd), is one of the largest trading companies in India with Five Star Trading House status (Highest status conferred by the Govt. of India).

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi •


Adani Exports trades in nearly 40 commodities in more than 55 countries around the world.

The Group owns a fully functional multi-purpose port at Mundra in the Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat.

Another Group company Adani Retail Ltd. is into retailing, and has opened 55 super stores in Gujarat known by the name of Adani Supermarkets.

The Group has also set up a BPO in Ahmedabad, iCall India Ltd. which caters to both International and Domestic clients.

Adani Group is also involved in infrastructure development which includes developing a Natural Gas distribution project building a township and an SEZ at Mundra.

Adani Group has emerged as an integrated and diversified group with leadership in the areas of global trading, edible oil manufacturing and infrastructure development.

WILMAR HOLDINGS Wilmar Holdings is one of the world's largest trader and refiner of edible oils. With consolidated sales of US $ 5 billion in 2005, the group is: •

The largest palm oil refiner, palm kernel crusher and specialty fats manufacturer in Indonesia

The largest exporter of palm and lauric oils, palm kernel expeller and related products in Indonesia

The largest soyabean crusher in China .

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IIPM, New Delhi


The group's global sourcing capability, cost effective processing, extensive distribution network and logistics capability, including its own fleet of tankers, allows it to respond quickly to changes in market conditions and deliver products on a timely basis to its customers.

MANUFACTURING FACILITIES The company has strategically located its refining and processing facilities to both cater to different parts of the country as well as harness the potential of oilseed growing areas. The locations are at Mundra (Gujarat), Mantralayam (Andhra Pradesh), Bundi (Rajasthan) and Haldia (West Bengal).

MUNDRA GUJRAT AWL's largest state-of-the-art refinery is based at Mundra in the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat . The technology has been imported from De Smet of Belgium and Alfa Laval of Sweden . The quality of oil is at par with best in the world, meeting USFDA standards. AWL refined oil goes through the strictest quality controlled and computerized manufacturing process with online monitoring. AWL's Mundra refinery was started with an initial refining capacity of the 600 Tonnes per Day (TPD) and after the recent expansion; Mundra has a consolidated refining capacity of 2200 TPD and hydrogenation capacity of 350 TPD. This refinery is a model for backward integration, starting from transportation of oil through pipelines from port to the plant, to in house packaging material manufacturing like; blow-molding facility, Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


corrugated box plant, tin manufacturing facility and multi-layer packaging film plant. In

addition to this is a 4 MW captive power plant that provides uninterrupted and hassle free electricity. Such integration provides an edge in maintaining highest quality standards & a competitively priced product.

MANTRALAYAM (ANDHRA PRADESH) This plant was acquired from ITC & is reputed to be one of the best plants in India for sunflower oil production. The plant has a capacity to crush 450 TPD of seeds and refining capacity of 180 TPD oil. Located in close proximity to the sunflower-growing belt of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, this plant is also suitable for crushing and refining Soyabean and Groundnut oil. It was strategically acquired to cater to South India 's demand for Refined Sunflower Oil.

BUNDI (RAJASTHAN) This plant was taken over from RICO industries. It has a capacity to crush 450 TPD of seeds and refine 150 TPD of oil. The plant provides ideal location for processing both mustard and soyabean. Apart from it there is also a processing facility at Jaipur, which produces the premium quality pungent mustard oil packed as Fortune "Kachi Ghani", exclusively to cater to the taste of pungent and pure mustard oil of eastern India .

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IIPM, New Delhi


HALDIA (WEST BENGAL) This plant was acquired from Acalmar, and has a capacity to refine 600 TPD of oil. This plant provides ideal location for supplying to Eastern parts of the country. It also has excellent facilities to manufacture Speacilty Fats, which is an alternative for Vanaspati.

PACKAGING UNITS In addition the to the above refineries, AWL also has packing operations at •

Chatral [ Gujarat ]

Latur [ Maharashtra ]

Jaipur [Rajasthan]

Dharwad [Karnataka]

Cochin [Kerala]

Dewas [Madhya Pradesh]

The Ruchi Soya Industries Limited Ruchi Soya Industries Limited is an agro industry of Rs 3081.60 crores turnover Ruchi Group. It is the flagship company of one of the five companies of the group. The group has an impressive net worth of Rs 401 crores (Rs 4010 million) and assets worth Rs 682.75 crores. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


The company was founded by industrial visionary late Shri Mahadeo Shahra and at present is headed by his eldest son Shri Kailash Shahra, who is the Chairman of the Group. Shri Kailash Shahra has enhanced the vision by transforming countryside of Madhya Pradesh into Soya bowl of the nation. Ruchi Soya Industries Limited (RSIL) is Flagship Company of Ruchi Group. It is most integrated Soya processor and first company in the country to export Soya meals, manufacture edible grade Soya flour and textured Soya proteins in India. Its brand `Nutrela' enjoys market leadership in the Soya product segment. RSIL is leading player in vegetable oils, Soya flour and vanaspati products. It commands large share of market. Three generation experience, integrated vision, entrepreneurship and industrial competitive spirit has not only expanded the reputed business but has led to diversification in closely associated ventures including foreign collaborations.

Ruchi's Soya Products Ruchi Soya Industries Limited (RSIL) has a large team of experts, technicians, scientists, administrators who are involved from the very beginning of the process of selection of soyabeans, processing and transporting them to most advanced plants. The products are produced under the supervision of an expert. The competent quality control team keeps

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IIPM, New Delhi


close watch right from the beginning to dispatch to the dealers. The products are marketed throughout the country and even in wide range international markets. Strict quality control has developed enhanced faith, reliability and confidence of customers in the Ruchi products. The Company offers a great range of products in Soya foods and Oils as well. Its range of Soya Foods include Nutrela Soya Chunks, Nutrela Soya Mini Chunks, Nutrela Soya Granules, Defatted Soya Flour, etc. The range of oil offers a variety of low cholesterol health prone products such as Soyumm (Pure refined Soyabean Oil), Sunrich & Pamban (Refined Sunflower Oil), Nutrela Vanaspati, Mandap (Pure refined mustard oil ). It also offers Soya products such as Prosoy (Soyabean Meal) and Ruchithin.

Soyumm (Ultra Refined Soya Oil) It is pure sparkling, odorless oil manufactured from selected golden yellow Soyabean with sophisticated, advanced, most modern technology preserving and enchanting natural flavor, taste and nutritive value of the food stuff cooked. It is healthy medium of cooking and recipes. High in nutrition, low in calories It is high in poly - unsaturates with approximately 55% and low in saturates. One tbsp of Soyumm gives approximately 120 calories. It has 15% less saturated fatty acids hence it helps in controlling cholesterol levels. It is rich in vitamin E. According to medical experts, it is good source of essential amino acids, which are required for good health. Boon for cooking medium In chemical terms, it is tasteless but Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


develops taste of the recipes cooked. It does not have irritating odor and enhances flavor of the items cooked. It adds to the nutritive value of the food cooked making it more tasteful. Earns admiration of the Housewives and cooks alike. It prepares nutritious, health effective recipes maintaining wholesome taste. Guests and host will enjoy the dishes in their natural enhanced flavor cooked in sparkling clear, odourless flavor preserving cooking medium of Soyumm. Cookshanced flavor cooked in sparkling clear, odourless flavor preserving cooking medium of Soyumm. Cooks will earn smile and admiration. Universal Cooking Medium Soya oil is used world wide as a cooking medium. Most of the hotels, restaurants, eateries use Soya oil as cooking medium. You must have tasted recipes cooked in Soya oil but find the difference in dishes cooked in Soyumm. It stands unique. It is economical and you home ministry and finance ministry will love it. Applicable and availability Ruchi’s Soyumm is available in bulk for industrial use such as in manufacture of mayonnaise, salad dressing, margarines, vanaspati, shortenings, surface coating and fish canning industries. For domestic use, it is available in 15 kg tins and branded consumer packs of ½ lt. and 1 lt. poly packs at all wholesale and retail outlets.

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IIPM, New Delhi


Soyabean Oil Soyabean oil is the world's largest source of vegetable oil. It is grown extensively in the U.S.A., as well as South America and China. The North American Soya harvest, which takes place around October each year, historically tends to determine the prices of most other major oils, although in recent years the North American crop has increasingly come under pressure from South American Soya, which is harvested about March, and from European Rapeseed, which is harvested about July. Soyabean is also extensively grown in India. Madhya Pradesh is known to be the Soya bowl of the country. Typicalcomposition








Soya Oil contains higher levels of poly-unsaturates (which break down on being heated) than, other such as Rapeseed Oil or Palm Oil. This gives the oil its special characteristic of healthy oil. It is particularly attractive as a food ingredient and in the production of margarines and spreads. It provides a healthy, nutritious and delicious cooking medium. The oil has special advantage over other oils as it is low in calories due to higher level of poly unsaturates. It is also a rich source of Vitamin E. Due its safe use for heart patients it is being used by

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


millions of housewives and cooks all over the world. Ruchi’s Soyabean oil – Soyumm is a delightful, odourless, healthy oil which is a pleasure to the health

CARGILL LTD. There is a precedent for this phenomenon. In Indonesia, the recent food riots were largely caused by massive imports of soyabean oil, on which the Indonesian people had become cripplingly dependent. When the Indonesian currency collapsed, the retail price of soya escalated, making the cooking oil far too expensive for the bulk of the people to afford. India would be put in a similarly vulnerable position if we were to become dependent on imported soya for cooking oil. But even if it were not genetically engineered, is soyabean oil really beneficial to the health of the Indian people? To begin with one cannot trust the large cereal merchants, such as Minnesota-based Cargill Inc., who are notoriously only concerned with the `bottom line'. For one thing it is an established fact that Cargill indulges in what has been euphemistically referred to as 'purposeful contamination' or 'blending' and, if they can get away with it, with any kind of dirt, cracked grain, high moisture or anything that is handy and cheap. If the moisture content of a consignment exported by Cargill is down to 12 per cent and the contract allows for 14 per cent, they will add water to it so as to bring it up to the maximum allowable level. As David Senter, the Washington representative of the American Agricultural Movement notes, `all the grain companies operate in the same way.' Indeed, as a Cargill superintendent stated in a story published in 1982 in the Kansas City Times: `If we have got a real clean load of grain we make Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


sure we hold it until we can mix it with something dirtier, otherwise we would be throwing money away.' In addition, whereas the oil extracted using cold pressing indigenous methods is fresh, nutritious, unadulterated, and retains all its natural flavor, oil from soyabeans, because of their low oil content, is extracted in large solvent extraction plants and requires very much more chemical processing, among other things with the use of volatile solvents, a method which was first applied in the US for the recovery of grease from garbage, bones, cracking, and other packing-house waste. The main solvent used is food-grade hexane. It is supposed to be extra pure, but some believe that it is often adulterated with much cheaper, commercial, hexane, which is not pure and contains various hazardous substances such as the toxic benzene.In any case soyabean products, by their very nature, contain a number of toxic substances at concentration levels which pose significant health risks to humans and animals. They contain trypsin inhibitors, which inhibit the pancreatic proteases of animals, causing an increase in pancreatic size and weight and proliferation of pancreatic acinar cells. The stress on the body due to an overactive pancreas leads to growth depression, and can also lead to pancreatic cancer. Soyabeans contain lectins, some toxic, which bind with simple and complex carbohydrates, and can interfere with the microbiology of the gut and with the proper functioning of the immune system.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


ActiLite is available across India and is priced at: SKU

West Bengal / Bihar / Jharkhand / J&K /A&N / NESA

Rest of India

1 L pouch



2 L pouch



5 L pouch



Cargill is one of the biggest food companies in the world having more than 130 years of expertise in food grain selection and processing. It is the world's biggest producer, processor, and refiner of sunflower oil. Cargill has made quantum leaps in the small period of two years in the Indian food market. Having entered into the Indian market recently, Nature Fresh today is the second-largest multinational atta brand in India and has a steadily growing market share in all the regions. The brand has also attained a double-digit market share in the branded refined edible oils category, and has made good inroads in the basmati rice and salt categories as well.

DHARA Product Dhara has 23 variants of mustard, rapeseed, sunflower, groundnut and soyabean oils in its product basket. Dhara Refined Vegetable Oil contributes 50% by value, to the Rs. 3,300 million turn over Dhara enjoys. Despite being primarily a support to the small-scale Indian farmer, Dhara has played a crucial role in changing the industry norms and enriching the sluggish Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


edible oils market. For instance, the brand was the first to change the weights and measurement descriptor from the kilo regimen to the litre regimen. The consistency that it has managed to maintain has won the brand support from consumers and stockists alike. Dhara is possibly stocked by more retailers than any other packaged edible oil brand in the country. So profound has been the impact of Dhara on the Indian market that consumers often ask for the 'Green Pack'. This has led many players in the industry to themselves switch to this colour. Promotion The brand's promotions have always evoked enthusiastic response from consumers. This trait has been evident right from the first advertisement of Dhara that appeared in 1988, talking of 'the true price of oil'. At that time the market was mostly dominated by unbranded oils, sold loose. Dhara faced the challenge of converting the consumer to the quality and reliability of packed and branded oil. The campaign for Dhara Refined Vegetable Oil was a classic case of a promotion that succeeded in reinforcing all brand attributes: taste, purity, consistency, freshness and a product that offered consumers value for money. Consumers were converted to 'the goodness of Dhara' with the base line: 'Anokhi shudhta, anokha asar'.

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IIPM, New Delhi


Market After salt, edible oils are possibly the most important ingredient in cooking. One of the most interesting facts about household consumption patterns in India is the high rate of growth of branded edible oils. Even today, especially in rural India and small towns, the majority of households purchase cooking oil from the nearby oil press or the grocer who sells unbranded oil that comes in wholesale packs. Till about fifteen years ago branded cooking oils were seen to be an item of middle class and elite consumption, mostly produced by multinational companies through their Indian arms. Dhara, with its Operation Golden Flow changed these traits of the Indian edible oil market forever. Created and conceived by the farmers' cooperative movement, Dhara is perceived to be distinctly Indian in a very earthy way. In the last three years the percentage of households using branded edible oils has almost doubled. The total size of the indigenously produced and branded edible oil consumer market in India is about 360,000 metric tonnes per year, consumed by some 29 million households (Source: ACNielsen Retail Audit). In the highly competitive consumer-pack user segment for branded edible oils, Dhara has the largest market share at 10.9%. It has a total consumer base of 3.05 million households (Source: IRS 2002), while its turnover exceeds Rs. 3.3 billion. The market is segmented by diverse regional preferences for specific edible oils. Groundnut and sesame oil hold sway in West and South India; even though Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

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coconut oil is also popular in some segments of the latter market. Mustard is a very strong choice in the East and the North. Soyabean oil sells predominantly in Central India and the North-West, although its usage is increasing across the country. Sunflower oil is used virtually all over the country. Significantly, Dhara is the first brand to produce all these varieties as part of an umbrella strategy. Achievements Dhara is at the forefront of the branded edible oil market, leading its consumer pack segment. It has also been rated by ACNielsen as being among the top five fastest growing brands in the FMCG sector in India in 2003. Through its value creating strategies and emphasis on purity and quality, the brand has consistently created benchmarks for the entire edible oil industry, including Indian subsidiaries of multinational brands. It has successfully addressed the changing needs and tastes of the consumer and introduced variants from time to time. Dhara can also justly take credit for bringing world-class practices in packaging of edible oil to the country. It introduced tamper-proof aseptic packaging to guarantee that only the purest quality reached consumers. Even today, Dhara is the only edible oil in the country that uses the tetra pack technology with six-layer packaging and undertakes more checks and tests than any other brand in the industry. Tetra packs allow the oil to be packed without the use of additives for maintaining shelf-life. Dhara's light weight and hygienic five-layered PET jar with a double handle Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


arrangement was developed during 1997/98, making the clear refined sunflower oil visible to consumers, further adding to their confidence in the brand. This pack has won a series of awards – India Star 98 in Mumbai, Asia Star 98 in Beijing.





Rs. 57 Rs. 285 Rs. 930


Rs. 58 Rs. 275 Rs. 825 Rs. 53.75 Rs. 270 Rs. 777 Rs. 52.50 Rs. 265 Rs. 745 Rs. 62 Rs. 330 Rs. 930 Rs. 50 Rs. 270 Rs. 740 Rs. 54 Rs. 285 Rs. N.A

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi



Low margin: - Most of the retailers complained that they get very low margin in all the products of ABCL as compared to its competitors that’s why unable to sell the local brand .


Leakage problem: -The retailers also complained about the leakage problem faced by them in the cartoons of Ginni and no replacement, but other companies are giving them full replacement of leakage packages.


Feed back problem: - The retailers also complained that they get very less feed back from the company, like whenever any scheme is introduced by the company, they are not even made aware of the schemes.


Quality problem: - The retailers also said that sometimes the quality of soya oil is low they have face problems regarding their image.


MRP Problem :- Retailers also complained that in the days of rising prices, sometimes it happens that MRP of ginni products is less than the price at which they have purchased it from the distributor.


PROBLEMS related to new products :- they complained that sometimes they are even unaware of companies new products

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi



MRP problem :- customers complaint that sometimes they have to pay more price then the MRP


Leakage problem:- customers even told that sometimes they have to face leakage problems


PROBLEMS related to new schemes : customers complaint that even sometimes retailers don’t even tell about new schemes


DISCOUNT schemes:- customers complaint that there are very less discount schemes on soya oil as compared to other refined oil

MARKETING STRATEGY of ABC The market strategy of the firm is a complete and unbeatable plan or an instrument designed specially for attaining the marketing objective of company. Company believes in the following strategy, •

Plan. A solid project plan is a requirement for any project. Company believes, it should include a statement of purpose, success evaluation criteria, risk analysis, and a work breakdown structure that clearly identifies task accountability and project milestones.

Communicate. Getting commitment and buy-in from beginning to end is essential. Rumor and speculation shouldn't be allowed to derail a project. A plan communicating the benefits and expected outcomes in clear, consistent messages to all stakeholders can alleviate negative gossip. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Research. There are a many ways to gather potential competencies for a model and it's essential that the model "fit" the unique attributes of the organization. Key skills, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics may be gathered internally from current jobholders and supervisors through surveys, focus groups, observation or interviews. Other organizations may start with a commercially available model and customize from there.

Draft. Developing a model is a creative process and the typical organization goes through several iterations before settling on content and structure. Typically, organizations begin by developing an initial skills dictionary which is further refined as role profiles are developed.

Test. Competency models must be validated to ensure that the right competencies have been identified. A pilot project or validation study can determine the competencies most closely related to high performance and eliminate those that are irrelevant.

Launch. No matter what the project purpose - employee selection, skills inventory, employee development, career or succession planning - it's important to keep lines of communication open, track progress carefully and ensure accountability of all project team members.

Evaluate. When the competency model has been used to assess employees, the results of the assessment should be analyzed to determine the appropriate actions. The model itself should also be analyzed to identify what worked well and what needs to be changed. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Research would be carried out based on these objectives. 1)

To find out customer preferences towards different brands of soyabean oil


Which are prominent brands are out there in the market?


To study and understand the competency model adopted by the Amrit banaspati company ltd.


To investigate the various strategies and practices adopted by various edible oil companies in order to promote their brand.


To know why the branding of a company is important in acquiring new customers.


To study overall edible oil market in India.


Suggest new strategies to enhance its overall market share in edible oil market.

SCOPE & LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiation with collaborators and wholesalers, company’s strategies to retain customer, product planning etc. It is a hard fact that each study suffer from some limitations. So is the case with this study. One of the limitations of the study is, as the information is collected from the retailers, the monthly sales figure given by them is based entirely on their own judgment. So a few of them might have given the wrong figures related to their monthly sales. Another limitation was that some of the retailers were busy and could not give appropriate information. And also very few retailers did not want to share any information. Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Another limitation of the study was the customers who were personally interviewed did not want to share the actual data as few of them were giving fake data.

The sample size being very small , that is , only 150respondents, limited the scope of RESARCH Time constraints put boundaries to sample area and hence limited the extent of the study

Taking convenience sampling might have led to some bias as people with different age groups have different perceptions

RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY Primary source The Data was collected from Mr. Prashant Mohan Mr. Janak Raj Lekhi

Secondary Source Company Web site All the minor findings are from the company website only. The company profile as well as the product range is being captured from

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


DATA COLLECTION TOOLS 1. STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE I had questionnaires for the Retailers and for the consumers. These questions were put in front of the Retailers and then there views were taken. They were then asked for any recommendation for any of the following brand mentioned. Whole views were taken and then analyzed.

2. PERSONAL INTERVIEW Under this collection tool I even asked some of the subject related questions which were not mentioned in the questionnaire but were important from information point of view at different occasions from the Retailers and whole seller as well as the company personnel.

3. TELEPHONIC CONVERSATION WITH COMPANY PERSONNEL At various instances some data were collected through telephonic conversation from company personnel. These were very small but relevant including the total cost invested in the different fronts of sales and many other such data.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Analysis of Retailer Responses QUES :- which brands of soyabean oil are available in the shop? Fortune Nature fresh Soyumn Ginni Dhara

40 25 32 10 20

Various soyabean brands available

dhara 16% ginni 8% soyumm 25%

fortune 31% nature fresh 20%

fortune nature fresh soyumm ginni dhara

Out of 50 retailer respondents few retailers were only stuck to one soyabean brand and maximum out of them were having or were dealing in almost all the brands

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES:- which soyabean oil has maximun sale per month? Fortune


Nature fresh








soyabean oil with maximum sale ginni 2%

soyumm 26%

dhara 2%


fortune 61%

nature fresh ginni

nature fresh 9%

dhara soyumm

Out of the 50 retailers 61% were of the view that fortune is the market leader

QUES :- which soyabean oil has maximum sale in different quantity packs? I ltr 40

5ltr 25

15ltr 32

Soyaben Oil with maximum sale

15ltr 33%

I ltr 41%

5ltr 26%

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I ltr 5ltr 15ltr

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As shown in the diagram 1ltr packing is the most saleable and it holds 41% share of the total. QUES :- Rank of the followings attributes in soyabean oil between 1-5 according to customer importance (5 being maximum)

























Brand image












Out of the various attributes shown above PRICE is one of the most important factor that influences buying decisions of various customers . QUES :- what influences customers to buy the brand? Advertising Attractive


packaging Retailer Shop display Pricing Discount Health conscious

5 4 7 28 30 40

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IIPM, New Delhi


Customers are influenced by advertising

health conscious 35% discount 25%

attractive packaging 4%

pricing 24%

advertising 3% retailer 3% shop display 6%

attractive packaging retailer shop display pricing discount health conscious

Most of the customers consume soyabean oil because either they are suffering from any heart disease or are health conscious and the ratio covered is 35%. QUES :- what are customer's feedback regarding soyabean oil? Customers are not satisfied with the discounts or the great offers they are getting , sometimes they have to pay more than the MRP , they consume soyabean oil just they are going health conscious , moreover they are receiving certain complaints regarding the tetra packing because of leakage.

QUES:- Are you satisfied with incentives from the oil company? Yes No

38 12

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no 24% yes no

yes 76%

Many of the retailers said that they are satisfied with the incentives they are getting, 76%retailers are satisfied.

QUES :- Are you satisfied with the services of the brand you are selling? Yes





yes 60%

yes no

60% of the retailers said that they are satisfied with the brands the are selling.

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IIPM, New Delhi


If no then what are the suggestions you will give to the company? Transportation Scheme Margin Credit

13 16 19 2


margin 38%

credit 4%

transport ation 26% scheme 32%

transportation scheme margin credit

32% of the retailers want ti give suggestions thart company should provide retailers some schemes which would help retailers to boost company sales.

QUES :- Any suggestions to the company?

They want that their margin should be increased each and every rather than they go on a fixed margin ,even they want that certain perks or some schemes should be given to retailers also.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi



QUES :- Do you use soyabean oil? Yes No

62 38


yes yes 62%


Customers respondents agreed that they use soyabean oil and out of 100 respondents 62%agreed. QUES :- If yes (check) the brand you use? Fortune Nature fresh Soyumm Ginni

25 12 15 3



In consumption as well as preferable brands FORTUNE leads with 41%

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540 Most used brands

Dhara 13%

Ginni 3%

Fortune Nature fresh

Fortune 41%

IIPM, New Delhi Soyumn


Soyumn Ginni


Dhara QUES :- Rank the following attributes according to their importance to you? Nature fresh 19%

(5 being maximum)

























Brand image












Out of the various attributes shown above PRICE is one of the most important factor that influences buying decisions of various customers.

QUES :- What influenced you to buy the above stated brand(s)?

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi

49 Advertisment Attractive


Packaging Retailer Shop display Pricing Health conscious

4 12 5 21 17




6% 19%

Attractive Packaging Retailer Shop display



Pricing Health conscious

PRICING is again the leading factor followed by the customers who consume just because they are health conscious. QUES :- If particular brand is not available with retailer, you will. . . . .? Drop the idea of buying it


Go to another retailer outlet


Try another brand


Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


If Particular brand not avaliable drop the idea of buying it

3% 0%



go to another retail outlet try another brand

As per the collected data it is clear that customers want to stick to their particular brand rather than trying out some different brand. QUES :- What according to you a suitable price for 1 ltr which is of good quality?

below Rs 30


between 30 and 40


between 40 and 50


more than 50


PRICE FOR 1LTR below rs 30 13%

10% 15%

between 30 and 40 between 40 and 50 more than 50


Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


As clear from the above diagram it is clearly indicated that customers want price of 1ltr between the range of 40 – 50 so that it is easily affordable for them easily. QUES :- If your brand is few Rs expensive than it, then will you go for it? Yes No

39 23


yes yes 63%


Customers are ready to pay even high price because they are satisfied with what they buy. QUES :- A sale promotion scheme like rs 10 off , 250 gms extra or a product free, whould it affect you purchase decision?


47 15

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IIPM, New Delhi





Almost 75% customers agrred that sales promotion schemes do effect the buying decisions. QUES :- What size of packaging do you normally buy? 1ltr 5ltr 15ltr

37 12 13


1ltr 5ltr

1ltr 60%

5ltr 19%


1LTR packaging is mostly sold in the market. QUES :- Are you happy with the kind of soyabean oil brands available in india, today? YES NO

37 25

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IIPM, New Delhi


yes yes 60%


Majority of the customers are satisfied with the brands that are available in India.

QUES :- If no then why not? All the customers have given their suggestions as well as complaints which are shown later.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi



IIPM, New Delhi 1)


Leakage problem should be looked after and the replacement of the leaked packets should be given to them.


The company should reduce the cost of their products and the margin of the retailers should be increased.


There should be proper channel of information, whenever any scheme is introduced by the company for the retailers, they should be properly informed about the scheme.


In the same way, whenever any scheme is introduced for the consumer there should be atleast a print advertisement if T.V. advertisement is not possible.


Other incentives should also be given to the retailers like glow sign boards etc.


Leakage problem should be taken care of and the retailers should be full compensated for their loss due to leakage.


There should be proper feedback for the retailers AS WELL AS customers whenever any scheme is introduced for the retailers & customers they should be made aware of it. Sales representatives should be given guidelines to intimate each and every retailer of his area about the schemes.


Being all the companies are ISO 9001 company, it is not good for the reputation company that it is getting complaints about the products related to

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


quality. More emphasis should be laid on the quality to avert such circumstances. 4)

Regarding the introduction of new products, the company should go for aggressive marketing. There is a lot of potential in Soya Refined oil segment, but retailers are not even aware of our product.


Whenever any consumer oriented scheme is introduced, the scheme should be directly targeted to that person who actually uses i.e., house wives.


Non monetary incentives should be also given to the retailers in each and every city. They should be given glow sign boards and other sales promotional materials. This will boost up their spirits.

MRP problem during the days of rising prices should be taken care. In this situation if retailers are getting the products on a price higher than the MRP they can’t sell it more than the MRP. So this problem should be looked after carefully.

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Bibliography Business today GREEN AND TULL , Marketing Research


Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi



Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Questionnaire (Retailers) Name








above 56



QUES:- which brands of soyabean oil are available in the shop? Fortune Nature fresh Soyumn Ginni Dhara

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES: which soyabean oil has maximun sale per month? Fortune Nature fresh Ginni Dhara Soyumm QUES: which soyabean oil has maximun sale in different quantity packs? 1 Ltr 5 Ltr 15 ltr QUES :- Rank of the followings attributes in soyabean oil between 1-5 according to customer importance (5 being maximum) GRADING





Taste Quality Packaging Brand Image Pricing

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540


IIPM, New Delhi


QUES :- what influences customers to buy the brand?

Advertising Attractiveness Packaging Retailer Shop display Pricing Discount Health conscious

QUES :- what are customer's feedback regarding soyabean oil?

QUES:- Are you satisfied with incentives from the oil company? Yes No

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES :- Are you satisfied with the services of the brand you are selling? Yes No If no then what are the suggestions you will give to the company? Transportation Scheme Margin Credit QUES :- Any suggestions to the company?

Thank you for your kind co-operation

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


Questionnaire (Customer)











QUES :- Do you use soyabean oil?

Yes No QUES :- If yes (check) the brand you use?

Fortune Nature fresh Soyumm Ginni Dhara

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

above 56

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES :- Rank the following attributes according to their importance to you? (5 being maximum)







Taste Quality Packaging Brand image Price

QUES :- What influenced you to buy the above stated brand(s)?

Advertisement Attractiveness Packaging Retailer Shop display Pricing Health conscious

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES :- If particular brand is not available with retailer, you will. . . . .?

Drop the idea of buying it Go to another retailer outlet Try another brand

QUES :- What according to you a suitable price for 1 ltr which is of good quality?

Below Rs 30 Between 30 and 40 Between 40 and 50 More than 50

QUES :- If your brand is few Rs expensive than it, then will you go for it?

Yes No

QUES :- A sale promotion scheme like rs 10 off , 250 gms extra or a product free, whould it affect you purchase decision?

Yes No

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

IIPM, New Delhi


QUES :- What size of packaging do you normally buy?

1 ltr 5 ltr 15 ltr

QUES :- Are you happy with the kind of soyabean oil brands available in india, today?

Yes No If no then why?

Thank you for your kind co-operation

Alumni ID: DS79-M -540

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