Theory File

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 2,466
  • Pages: 17
CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Index Index....................................................................................................................................................................1 Dispo Bad 2AC...................................................................................................................................................2 PICs Bad 2AC.....................................................................................................................................................3 Dispo PICs Bad 2AC..........................................................................................................................................4 Conditionality Bad 2AC......................................................................................................................................5 Consultation Bad 2AC........................................................................................................................................6 50 State Fiat Bad................................................................................................................................................7 Lopez Bad 2AC...................................................................................................................................................8 No Text to the Alternative Bad............................................................................................................................9 Floating PICs Bad ............................................................................................................................................10 Conditional Frameworks Bad ...........................................................................................................................11 Conditionality Good..........................................................................................................................................12 Dispositionality Good.......................................................................................................................................13 Plan-Inclusive Counterplans Good...................................................................................................................14 Floating Plan-Inclusive Kritiks Good...............................................................................................................15 No Critique Text Good......................................................................................................................................16 50 State Fiat Good.............................................................................................................................................17

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Dispo Bad 2AC 1___

Dispositionality is bad:


Strategy – the negative can engage in multiple contradictory worlds and not have to make a decision of what to advocate until the 2nr. This destroys affirmative offense and


Conditionality in disguise – we have no choice but to permutate – the strategic decisions they give us are always undesirable because it would leave us unable to answer counterplans that are plan plus – conditionality is bad because it justifies multiple worlds and destroys affirmative strategy C. this is a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity –you should err aff on theory – the negative gets the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

PICs Bad 2AC ___

PICs are bad


The steal affirmative ground – we are forced to generate offense against our own affirmative – this leaves us strategically behind and destroys our ability to make good 2AC decisions


Critical Thinking – PICs focus the debate on trivial net benefits which destroy topic specific education and depth to the strategic case debates C. this is a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory – the negative gets the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Dispo PICs Bad 2AC 1___

Dispositional PICs are bad:


Strategy – the affirmative is allowed to engage in multiple contradictory worlds – one of which involves our affirmative – this allows for them to simply jettison all of the offense we can generate from the 1AC or 2AC


Ground – because the counterplan is part of the plan we have no ground to generate offensive argument against either the status quo or the counterplan – this leaves us structurally behind because we have no ground in any world of the 1NC


Its conditionality in disguise – the fact that they do parts of our plan makes it impossible for us not to permute or run external theory – this is our only way to have offense and to counter the plan plus counterplan – conditionality is uniquely bad because it skews affirmative strategy and engages in multiple worlds

this is a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity– and you should err aff on theory – the negative gets the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Conditionality Bad 2AC Conditionality is Bad: A. Strategy – the 2AC is forced to defend against multiple worlds – the ability to kick out of the counterplan at any point destroys our ability to produce strategic choices B. Decreases critical thinking and argumentative responsibility, because it allows the negative to drop their plan at any point without repercussion C. Dispositionality solves all of their offense while fairly dividing strategic decisions D. It’s a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Consultation Bad 2AC 1___

Consultation is illegitimate –


Conditional – we’ll make two arguments here – the first is that the outcome is conditional which means that we can’t produce offense against the counterplan which screws the 2AC and second is that it would be suicide not to perm this counterplan because of its artificial competition that makes the counterplan essentially conditional which skews strategy and engages in multiple worlds


Artificial competition – the counterplan doesn’t textually compete with the 1AC because the plan text could fit within their text – that makes the counterplan plan plus which justifies the permutation to do the counterplan this should be the preferred mechanism of evaluating competition because it increases strategic thinking and education while decreasing judge intervention


Education – consultation engages in a form of tired education – we think that counterplans should be specific to the topic which allows for a better balance of breadth and depth

this is a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory – the negative gets the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

50 State Fiat Bad 50 State fiat is bad A

no literature – this makes it impossible to produce offense specific to the counterplan because there’s no literature base that is comparative to a world where all 50 states do the exact same thing in unison


reciprocity – the counterplan fiats multiple independent agents – this is not reciprocal because we only get one – the USFG – this makes it impossible to produce offense and unfairly tilts the strategic balance towards the negative


it’s a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory because they have the structural advantage of the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Lopez Bad 2AC Lopez CP is illegitimate: A) Double Actor Fiat Bad – having both the federal and state governments act is unfair because its not reciprocal and it negates our USFG key warrant which is the only predictable strategic check against the states counterplan B) 50 State Fiat Bad – there is not literature on all 50 states acting in unison which denies our ability to produce comparative solvency arguments and its not reciprocal because they engage 50 independent actors we only get one C) No literature- there is zero evidence on a Supreme Court ruling to devolve power to the states on our policy and then have uniform implementation. Literature is crucial to aff predictability and offense. D) Voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory because they have the structural advantage of the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

No Text to the Alternative Bad No Text to the Alternative is bad: A

no stable ground – we lose our ability to produce strategic offense and permutations – without a text there is an incentive for the negative to shift their alternative to nullify the 2AC


Reciprocity – we have a stable text – if they can claim to solve the affirmative and change the status quo they should have one too


it’s a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory because they have the structural advantage of the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Floating PICs Bad Floating PICs are bad A

no text – they should not be able to solve anything without a text – it destroys our ability to produce offense and permutations


Conditional – Their argument is a conditional advocacy which destroys strategic ground and fairness by allowing the negative to drop their advocacy at any point.


Ground – the PIC steals affirmative ground and allows them to solve our affirmative in a 15 second blip. This is totally unpredictable and forces the aff to perm every part of the 2nc to cover their bases.


No solvency – they have no solvency argument of advocate – don’t let them get away with just claiming to solve our affirmative – specified solvency is essential to offense and affirmative strategy


it’s a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory because they have the structural advantage of the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Conditional Frameworks Bad Conditional Frameworks Bad: A Strategy – the affirmative makes strategic choices based on stable frameworks – conditional frameworks make it impossible for us to produce strategic offense until the 2AR B the 2AC is forced to defend against multiple worlds – the ability to kick out of the framework at any point destroys our ability to produce strategic choices

C it’s a voting issue for the reasons above and competitive equity – you should err aff on theory because they have the structural advantage of the block and more diverse strategic options

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Conditionality Good ___

Negative flexibility – the negatives role is to negate the resolution – conditionality provides us with a crucial strategic tool – this outweighs their argument because negative flexibility is key to competitive equity and balancing an affirmative side bias


Policy making – our interpretation is the best model for policy making because it is a flexible process like the counterplan


Time and strategy skews are inevitable – teams will always be faster and theory and topicality arguments will always produce a time and strategic trade-off – the counterplan is preferable to these debates because they increase education and equalize time trade offs


Err negative on theory – the affirmative gets first and last speech, infinite prep and higher win percentages


Rejection is the wrong remedy – drop the counterplan not the team


Potential abuse isn’t a voting issue – they can’t articulate any in round abuse which is a reason we shouldn’t be rejected

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Dispositionality Good ___ ___

___ ___

we put the strategic ball in their court – they can stick us with the counterplan which means they dictate where the debate goes – this turns all of their offensive reasons why dispositionality is bad Negative flexibility – the negatives role is to negate the resolution – dispositionality provides us with a crucial strategic tool – this outweighs their argument because negative flexibility is key to competitive equity and balancing an affirmative side bias Dispositionality is the best balance – conditionality skews affirmative strategy and unconditional counterplans unfairly restrict the negative – dispo provides a middle ground we’re not conditionality – even if they want to perm they have to make a strategic option which increases critical thinking


policy making – our interpretation is the best model for policy making because it is a flexible process like the counterplan


time and strategy skews are inevitable – teams will always be faster and theory and topicality arguments will always produce a time and strategic trade-off – the counterplan is preferable to these debates because they increase education and equalize time trade offs


err negative on theory – the affirmative gets first and last speech, infinite prep and higher win percentages rejection is the wrong remedy – drop the counterplan not the team potential abuse isn’t a voting issue – they can’t articulate any in round abuse which is a reason we shouldn’t be rejected

___ ___

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Plan-Inclusive Counterplans Good ___

Policy making – debate is the search for the best policy option – the counterplan is most real world because it makes changes to the plan in order to produce the best policy – this is key to critical thinking


Affirmative must defend their plan – the PIC forces the affirmative to defend all of their plan – this is key to plan focus and well written strategic plan texts


Literature checks abuse – we have a net benefit that is founded in the literature – this makes the PIC predictable


rejection is the wrong remedy – drop the counterplan not the team


potential abuse isn’t a voting issue – they can’t articulate any in round abuse which is a reason we shouldn’t be rejected


err negative on theory – the affirmative speaks first and last, gets infinite prep and higher win percentages

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

Floating Plan-Inclusive Kritiks Good ___

Necessary test – the negative must disprove the necessity of the plan – our criticism is essential to providing this check


critical thinking – the PIK forces the affirmative to contextualize their affirmative to our criticism – don’t punish us for being more specific with our criticism


err negative on theory – the affirmative speaks first and last, gets infinite prep and higher win percentages


wrong remedy – at worst you would not evaluate our PIK this is not a reason to reject the negative

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

No Critique Text Good ___

Critical thinking – the call for a text to the alternative decreases critical thinking – it attempts to condense our criticism to one sentence which denies the depth of the argument and allows the affirmative to side step the major questions of our criticism – this critical thinking trumps and turns all of their arguments because it is a prerequisite to their strategy and ground claims


time and strategy skews are inevitable – this is not a reason to reject us – the end result would be that we shift to bad specification, topicality and theory arguments – this is worse for the affirmative because the trade offs are larger


err negative on theory – the affirmative speaks first and last, gets infinite prep and higher win percentages


wrong remedy – at worst you would not evaluate our PIK this is not a reason to reject the negative

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CDI 2008


Starter Pack

50 State Fiat Good ___

it forces a USFG key warrant – this is the only check on affirmatives which do not justify the agent of the resolution


Predictable – this is the states counterplan – you should be prepared to debate this – the literature base is proven by this arguments longevity


Reciprocal – the affirmative gets the USFG we should get the reciprocal agent – which is the states – this reciprocity is key to competitive equity


rejection is the wrong remedy – drop the counterplan not the team


potential abuse isn’t a voting issue – they can’t articulate any in round abuse which is a reason we shouldn’t be rejected


err negative on theory – the affirmative speaks first and last, gets infinite prep and higher win percentages

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