Theo525 Journal Article Critique David Rhodes

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  • Words: 358
  • Pages: 3
JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE of Gieschen, Charles, A. “Original Sin in the New Testament.” Concordia Journal 31 no 4 (October 2005), p 359-375.

THEO 525 DLP (fall 2009) Systematic Theology I

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

David W. Rhodes (ID# L22933379) September 5, 2009

There is overwhelming, wide spread evidence to support the belief that sin should not be viewed as individual and personal acts of transgression, but rather sin should be viewed as an enslaved condition with which we are born into and then transgresses into individual acts. So much focus has historically been given to Romans 5, and specifically verse 12, as the primary New Testament evidence that explains our basic enslavement to sin as the sin of Adam. While this is certainly appropriate, we should look to the entirety of the Bible as supporting evidence. The additional Biblical sources and evidence are presented in five distinct sections: the first century Jewish understanding relating to Genesis 3, the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels, Paul’s epistle to the Romans, other New Testament documents and finally the impact of Jesus’ death on early Christian understanding of sin. Of the five sections, significant attention is given to the Gospels and Paul. Dr. Gieschen provides a very straightforward approach by presenting in depth, relevant and supporting facts from a biblical perspective that can be easily understood and followed. So often in modern society our focus is too narrow and shallow on important topics and information. With the age of technology and the pressure to multitask, we often base truth on a quick synopsis via outlets such CNN Headline News, USA Today to mention a few. As our fallen society has become hardened to truth and accepting of so many sinful activities, having additional facts and sources linked solidly to biblical truths provides today’s Christian with through understanding and heightened awareness of the sin that invades our daily life and the promise we have in Jesus. The New Testament provides us with Biblical truth that sin should be viewed from the perspective as an enslaved condition of spiritual death that is only resolved by the power of God’s redemptive plan for man.

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