Theme 2 Brunei Sultanate, 14th To 16th Century, The Founding Of Brunei

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DAY AND DATE: Monday, 17/3/2008 CLASS: 1A TIME: 7.30 - 8.30 am PERIOD: 1 & 2 NO. OF STUDENTS: 20 THEME 2: Brunei Sultanate, 14th to 16th century UNIT 2.2: The Founding of Brunei SUB-TOPIC: The story of the 14 brothers GLOBAL AIMS: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

To introduce students the lesson on the founding of Brunei To allow students to work collaboratively (in teams) To create interest and promote love of learning Brunei history To develop sense of feel and imagination on how Brunei was founded

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State the founder of Brunei 2. Recall the name of the three relevant sites (Garang, Butir and Brunei Town) 3. Give at least two reasons why Butir was chosen to be the suitable site to live in 4. Identify how Butir was established to become Brunei Town 5. give the name of teams they are part of and choose the characters they are playing for the next role-playing lesson CONTENT OUTLINE: The Founding of Brunei ♦ The story of the 14 bothers METHODS OF TEACHING: ♦ Story-telling ♦ Explanation ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Textbook Manila cards, construction papers, scissors Glue, strings, coloured pencils and pens Laptop and projector Books – Syair Awang Semaun - Salasilah Raja-Raja Brunei - Yura Halim and Jamil Umar, Sejarah Brunei, KB.


PROCEDURE: Previous knowledge:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ask students on the following questions relating to Vijayapura and Poni: Name a place referred to ancient Brunei according to records Where was it located? What were the religions practiced by people of Po-ni? What happened to Po-ni in 1371? Who controlled Po-ni in the 14th century? D 5

Content and strategies Set Induction Introduce new topic by showing Picture of Brunei Town or photo of kampong Ayer Then lead students to the topic for today by asking them who founded Brunei? How many brothers did he have?


Materials and resources

Write on the board the topic to be covered: The founding of Brunei - The story of the 14 brothers Development 1 Brief story-telling (teacher): Mention name of Awang Alak Betatar and his 14 brothers Refer to the textbook page 26-27.

Picture of Brunei Town or Photo/postca rd of Kampong Ayer

Whiteboard marker Whiteboard marker

From the short story you have just heard, name the place they lived in Temburong? Who was the leader amongst the 14 brothers? Why Awg Alak Betatar was chosen 3

as the leader? Where is Butir located? Why was it suitable to live in? What was the first thing the brothers did once they have moved to Butir? After several years later, what was the name of the town that they have established settlement in Butir? 1

Development 2 Classwork:


The questions mentioned above (presented orally to the class before) are now written in the whiteboard for students to do as written classwork in their exercise books Development 3

Whiteboard marker


Manila card Construction papers Strings Glue Coloured marker pens

Inform students for the next lesson that they will be performing a mini role-play on the founding of Brunei.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Guide to instructions of role-play: Step 1: Students are formed into groups of Appendix 1 4 to 6 members (ideally teacher directs them to choose and form their groups) Step 2: Students within their respective groups have to choose one of the 5 main of characters they would have to perform which are as follows: The narrator Awg Alak Betatar Pateh Berbai Pateh Tuba Demang Sari Step 3: Students have to refer to their textbook page 26-27 as guidelines for writing their own script of


dialogue Step 4: Students can make the lines in their dialogue as entertaining as possible so long as the facts are accurate and the contents are not going offboard (out-of-topic) Students are allowed to be creative as possible and should make props such as name tag of the main characters, fake Kris and farming tools, etc. Highlight to students that there will be a time limit of no more than 15 Appendix 2 & 3 mins for each team. Step 5 Students are given scoring sheets to fill in after their team competitors finished performing the mini roleplay. Demonstrate to students how it works. Draw a circle on each criterion, highlighting score 1 as the lowest and score 5 as the highest To avoid any confusion and waste of paper, teacher should assign students on which one of the opposing team should be assessed during and after the role-play. Direct them to write the name of the opposing team to be assessed in the scoring sheet. Overall average mark will be recorded in students’ project marks. 5

Closure Collect the list of team members (Appendix 2) from the students Recap lesson by asking who founded Brunei? Where did Awg Alak Betatar’s brothers found the suitable site to move and build houses? What was the name of the town as it slowly developed and established? 5

Remind students to finish the roleplay activity as homework and emphasize that there will be marks counted for active participation and teamwork

EVALUATION AND COMMENTS: ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………

Appendix 1 2.2 The founding of Brunei GROUPWORK ACTIVITY Aims of the task: 1. To write scripts of dialogue concerning the founding of Brunei 2. To create self-made props relating to the story of the brothers 3. To perform a mini role-play in teams 4. To give response on the performance of team competitors How to start the activity? 1. Form into groups of 4- 6 members 2. Try to write a dialogue as to how Brunei was founded (use the textbook page 26-27 as guidelines). The titles of the scenes below will help you in completing this task.


3. As listed below, every member in their designated group must take up a character and act them out. 4. The role-play should NOT be done more than 15 minutes. Marks will be deducted if any teams go beyond the time limit of 15 minutes. Characters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Narrator – the storyteller Awang Alak Betatar – the leader Pateh Berbai – the deputy leader Pateh Tuba - the obedient brother Demang Sari – the hardworking brother

Titles of each scene: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Leisure time in Garang, Temburrong Family meeting in the hall Journey to find a new place to live in Journey home with good news Cleaning and clearing of land at Butir on the Brunei river Establishment of Brunei and a new ruler

Suggested props: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Name tag of characters Paper-made ‘dastar’ Wooden stick (spear), paper-made axe and parang Drawing of stilt houses in Kampong Ayer Appendix 2 LIST OF TEAM MEMBERS

Class: …………………………………………….. Name of team: ………………………………………….. Members:

1) ………………………………………………….. (Head) 2) ………………………………………………….. 3) ………………………………………………….. 4) ………………………………………………….. 5) …………………………………………………..


6) …………………………………………………..

LIST OF TEAM MEMBERS Class: …………………………………………….. Name of team: ………………………………………….. Members:

1) ………………………………………………….. (Head) 2) ………………………………………………….. 3) ………………………………………………….. 4) ………………………………………………….. 5) ………………………………………………….. 6) …………………………………………………..

Appendix 3 SCORING SHEETS The name of the opposing team: ………………………………….. Title: ...................................................... From criteria 1 to 5, draw a circle on the score column provided below. Score 1 indicates the lowest score or not satisfactory whilst score 5 indicates the highest score or very satisfactory. Please be reminded to check the time taken to complete the task by the opposing teams.




Content Relevancy to the topic Adequacy of the content covered MS Power point Presentation (leave out if not applicable) Layout, appearance, animations Clarity of words used Presentation skills Clarity of voice Level of confidence Level of interaction between team mates Language usage (Easy to follow) Other skills Teamwork Creativity

Time taken to complete: …………… minutes (If exceed 15 minutes, deduct 2 points for every 5 minutes from the total scores) Total score: …………………. Score deduction: ……………. Final score: teacher): ………%

Average Mark (Done by

Name of judge or score marker: ………………….. DAY AND DATE: Tuesday, 18/3/2008 CLASS: 1A TIME: 7.30 - 8.30 am PERIOD: 1 & 2


NO. OF STUDENTS: 20 THEME 2: Brunei Sultanate, 14th to 16th century UNIT 2.2: The Founding of Brunei SUB-TOPIC: The story of the 14 brothers GLOBAL AIMS: ♦ To help students understand better on the story of the founding of Brunei through role playing ♦ To allow students to work collaboratively (in teams) and creatively (using self-made props) as much as possible ♦ To practice and develop students’ communication skills and talents through a mini role-play activity ♦ To create interest and promote love of learning Brunei history ♦ To develop sense of feel and imagination on how Brunei was founded SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State the founder of Brunei 2. Recall the name of the three relevant sites (Garang, Butir and Brunei Town) 3. Give at least two reasons why Butir was chosen to be the suitable site to live in 4. Identify how Butir was established to become Brunei Town 5. Reproduce and complete the story of the founding of Brunei in their own writing script 6. Perform a 15 minute role-playing with respect to their designated teams 7. Fill in the scoring sheet of their opposing teams CONTENT OUTLINE: The Founding of Brunei ♦ The story of the 13 bothers METHODS OF TEACHING: ♦ Story-telling ♦ Role-play MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: ♦ Laptop and projector ♦ Markers

PROCEDURE: Previous knowledge: 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ask students on the following questions relating to the founding of Brunei: Who was the leader amongst the 14 brothers who founded Brunei? Why Awg Alak Betatar was chosen as the leader? Where is Butir located? Why was it suitable to live in? After several years later, what was the name of the town that they have established settlement in Butir?

D 5

Content and strategies

Materials and resources

Set Induction Write on the board the topic to be covered: The founding of Brunei - The story of the 14 brothers


Select randomly the teams that will perform the role-play first, second and etc Remind students the time limitation of 15 minutes

Appendix 3

Give students scoring sheets to fill in during and after the opposing teams completed the play 5

Development Allow teams to begin the role-play one at a time.

Whiteboard marker

Teacher monitor students’ role-play and students’ peer evaluation Teacher checks the time length of each team’s play as a reminder 5

Closure Teacher collects the scoring sheets (Appendix 3) and gives overall 11

comments on the role-play Recap lesson by asking who founded Brunei? Where did Awg Alak Betatar’s brothers found the suitable site to move and build houses? What was the name of the town as it slowly developed and established?

EVALUATION AND COMMENTS: ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …………… SUGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………


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