You’re on your own!
Cecil - Photo 1
Shoot a roll of film to create a thematic series (images that are connected by a common idea, subject matter, concept) of at least 3 prints. The size of all prints is up to you (consider what happens if you print them large, or really small, or different sizes, and why!). The way in which you present them is up to you as well (as diptychs, in a book, as another panorama). As part of your assignment you will also create a rubric based on the format on the reverse, giving criteria for each section that you will be required to meet for your grade. My thematic series will explore:
(this is your objective) You will also use the checklist below to keep track of how you have used all of the principles of composition at least once in your roll (write down next to each the number printed below the negative on your contact sheet)
Light Rule of Thirds Using the Edge of the Frame Frame Within a Frame Line Point of View Fill the Frame/Cropping Pattern and Texture
due June 12
You must include a contact sheet, test strips, and at least 3 prints. Due June 12. You
Me /25
/25 Presentation: (the format, size, condition of your prints)
/25 Design: (the use of compositional principles and visual interest)
/25 Studio Skills: (the use of camera and darkroom techniques)
/25 Objective: (your overall theme or concept you wish to achieve)
/100 Total: