Thematic Unit

  • June 2020
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Thematic Unit Description Paper

Amber Ricketts Course-Section

I. Unit Context 1. Write a description of the unit theme detailing what the students will be learning. Student will be learning how to use computers and books properly for research of penguins. Students will be able to organize their research into a paper. Students will also be learning how to solve mathematical word problems. Using their research papers, students will learn the types of climates penguins like to live in, and what continents you can find specific penguins on. 2. What is the target subject area/class? The target subject area for this thematic unit would be second grade language arts, as well as a cross over of geography, science and math. 3. How does this unit fit into the whole learning experience of the students? During this unit, students will learn skills they will need for the rest of their education. Skills such as researching and presenting in front of the class, basic math, and geography. 4. What is the setting or situation? Describe the classroom as you see it. Include information on what computers and other equipment are available to the students. For this thematic unit, there are a variety of situations. Students can either collect their research through literary context or web context. We can find both of these in the Media Center. I will have books pulled from the shelves at an earlier time, about penguins. Both Macs and PCs will be available for the students to complete their research on the web. Using an ELMO or over-head projector, we will work through examples of mathematical word problems together. Once the children are done with their worksheets, the students will get the chance to work out problems on a Smart-Board in the classroom. Using students will learn where continents are located and the climate of these continents. II. Audience 1. General characteristics: Describe the learners, including the size of the group, their age, interests, experiences, and aptitudes. In my classroom I have 20 second grade students. The demographics of my classroom are: •

9 White students

2 Black students

4 Latino students

5 Asian students

Other characteristics of the students in my classroom: •

Three students are considered gifted students.

Fours students have a Behavioral Disorder.

One Student is deaf in one ear.

Nine students are below reading grade-level.

2. Entry competencies: What specific knowledge and assumptions can you make about them? Remember to describe their computer competence. I assume that the students are aware of where the Media Center is. However, they may not know all the resources available. My students should be pretty well familiar with computers, but I will have the librarian show them how to verify a website is reliable. III. State Objectives 1. State Goal The goal of this unit is to teach students to use internet and books to research a topic, organize that research and form a research paper. The students will also be taught to work word problems in math and where continents are on a map. 2. State Objective 1 (A) Second grade students (B) will write a report on different types of penguins, (C) using the internet and books provided, (D) with no more than four spelling or punctuation errors. 3. State Objective 2 (A) Second grade students (B) will work through mathematical word problems, (C) using a pencil and a worksheet, (D) with 80% accuracy. 4. State Objective 3 (A) Second grade students (B) will learn how to read a world map, (C) using, a map, penguin cut-outs and glue sticks, (D) with 90% accuracy.

IV. State Methods 1. Instructional Strategy: Identify the instructional strategies you might use to deliver this unit with. Explain how the methods and media will be used to create the learning environment. a. Method(s) for objective 1 Methods for objective 1 include presentation, demonstration, and discussion. The librarian will first present how to research. Then he/she will demonstrate and discuss how to find reliable internet sources on a projector. b. Method(s) for objective 2 Methods for objective 2 include demonstration, and drill-and-practice. First I will demonstrate a word problem using the over head. Then the students and I will go through a few problems together which is the drill-and-practice method. c. Method(s) for objective 3 Methods for objective 3 include presentation and demonstration. I will present to the class how to read a map using a projector and Then I will demonstrate to the class how to locate the continents on their maps. Websites: 1. 2. 3.

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