Theatre History 1 Midterm Study Guide.docx

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  • Words: 358
  • Pages: 4
Theatre History 1: Midterm Study Guide for Fri., 10/5/18 

Terminology o Dramaturgy o Dramaturg o Historiography o Performativity o Freytag’s Pyramid o Storytelling o Performance Studies How to Write a Research Paper o Sources  Primary  Secondary  Tertiary o Types of Citation Formats Ancient Egypt o History o Performances o Entertainments o Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus Ancient Greece o History o Tragedy  Characteristics  Philosophers & their Writings  Aristotle  Poetics o Terminology  Katharsis  Mimesis  Peripeteiai  Anagnorisis o Elements of Drama  Plot  Character  Thought  Language/Diction  Music  Spectacle o Unities  Time  Place


 Plato  Playwrights  Aeschylus  Sophocles  Euripides  Plays  Medea  Oedipus Rex o Comedy  Characteristics  Aristophanes  Lysistrata o Satyr Play o Terminology  Choregos  Dionysius  City Dionysia  Lenaea  amphitheatre  orchestra  skene  paraskenium  parados  ekkyklema  deus ex machina  Epeisodia  Stasima  Exodus  Protagonist  Antagonist  Catastrophe  Chorus Ancient Rome o History o Performances  Paratheatrics  Chariot Racing  Circus Maximus  Colosseum  Spinae  Edict of Milan

 Christians in ancient Rome  Gladiators  Naumachiae  Venationes  Comedy  Characteristics  Atellan Farce  Plautus  Pseudolus  Tragedy  Characteristics  Closet Drama  Seneca  Thyestes  Stoicism Medieval Drama o Hrosvitha o Terminology  Crusades  Serfdom  Feudal System  Vassal  Scriptorium  Antiphonal  Vellum  Quem quaritis  Guilds  York  Wakefield/Wakefield Cycle  Towneley Cycle  Chester  Wakefield Master  Officium Pastorum  Coventry  Pageant Wagons  Tiring House  Sedes  Platea  Mouth of Hell  Oberammergau Passion Play  Mormon Miracle Pageant  Memento mori

 Ars moriendi  Allegory o Types of Medieval Dramas  Morality Play  Miracle Play  Mystery Play/Corpus Christi Drama/Cycle Drama  Pater Noster Play  Passion Play o Plays & their Characters  Everyman  Second Shepherd’s Play  The Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins, or, Dulcitius

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