The World Run Recovery System

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The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport

The World Run Recovery System (Massage-Lite) the do-it-yourself tested, trusted, recovery system for after sport Massage-Lite definition-A totally stripped down version of a leg recovery system that is distinct from

conventional leg recovery systems for the following reasons •

No equipment needed

No disrobing

No oil-environmentally friendly

No washing up

No long training

No clean area needed

Can be done by anyone

Works with the muscles not on them Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-(Massage-Lite) works through •




Non invasive

User friendly

Why is a do-it-yourself recovery system needed? Professional levels of any sport are well catered for in the areas of injury treatment, recovery and rehabilitation-they have doctors, trainers, physical therapists and masseurs on tap-the other levels may be lucky just to have a sports trainer to deal with any problems The rest? Tough luck you are on your own!

Whatever sport or activity you do or play, running, marathon, fun run, football, soccer, hiking, golf, tennis, badminton, basketball, netball, walking, judo, cycling, rugby, race walking, ultra marathon, triathlon skateboarding, surfing, ice skating, the end result is the same, if you get after sport soreness and stiffness, you have to recover from it While most people have training and winning strategies they do not have any recovery strategy Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport The World Run Recovery System is a Do-It-Yourself strategy based on encouraging the muscles and tissues to assist with their own recovery •

It is not a conventional massage system

It is not invasive

It is not aggressive

It is not time consuming

It does not need disrobing

It does not need oil applied to the skin

It does not need strong hands and fingers

It does not need hand/brain coordination

It does not need equipment

It does not work on the muscles

It does not work on any specific injuries

It does not threaten the integrity of the muscles

It does not use force on the muscles

It does not need more than a few minutes to do

It does not require a long course or workshop

A world run recovery system workshop Someone who has to become their own physical and muscle therapist-can learn this with a minimum of education and training

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport Muscle recovery after sport is based on supplying oxygen and nutrients to them as quickly as possible To maintain the supply a balance between what goes into the muscles and what comes out of them is important-if fresh oxygen rich blood can't enter the muscle tissues levels the muscles fatigue To keep the balance the body has a circulatory system; part of it takes fresh blood to the muscles pumped there by the heart through the arteries-another part of the system takes the used blood away back to the body where it is re-nourished with oxygen and nutrients and recirculated again. The Calf Muscle Pump is the major player in getting rid of the rubbish out of the legs so fresh blood can The muscle pump is made up of all the leg muscles and together they form a pump which forces used blood against gravity up the legs back to the body for recycling by alternately putting pressure on the venous system and releasing it The veins which take blood back to the body have one-way valves in them-as the muscles squeeze, they open the valves, letting blood pass through them; when the tension is released, they close stopping the blood flowing back down towards the feet Lack of movement reduces the veins ability to open and close by keeping constant tension on them, this is called calf muscle pump inefficiency Problems caused by calf muscle pump inefficiency include

Poor circulation

Lymph system inactivity

Venous return reduced

How user friendly?

I worked for 24 hours off this chair (next to the bottles) without any equipment in unhygienic conditions

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport What they say about the World Run Recovery System Massage-Lite

Michael’s methods of massage and blister care helped me to stay mobile throughout the race and to recover quickly afterwards. His techniques are safe and gentle. Unlike some treatments, which put the runners and walkers at risk of muscle tears or infection, Michael’s techniques are gentle, safe, reassuring, and highly effective. They enhance comfort and flexibility, build confidence, and promote success. This booklet will help others to learn and practice Michael’s methods. It is recommended reading for everyone who walks and runs and who wants to go further, go faster, or just to enjoy life more!!' SANDRA BROWN 1996 Ladies 1000 Mile World Record Holder 1999 Ladies 100 mile Race walking World Record Holder “The second tear (at least I have matching legs with old tears on both sides) was caused, to my great annoyance at the time, by an overenthusiastic physio who was supposed to be helping me to warm up gently before a 24 hour race and got carried away. I am now more wary of having physio at any time, and make sure that I stay in control, by saying at the outset what I want and don’t want to be done to me. Having never had a persistent injury (my varied training pattern means that any niggles have the chance to heal quickly, rather than get hammered and go critical,) I have never had regular physio or a steady relationship of trust with any physiotherapist who knew me and my needs. The closest I have come to this was receiving massage from Michael Gillan during the Nanango (Queensland) 1000-mile race in 1996. I had no hesitation in having a massage from Michael again at the end of the Melbourne 100 miles walk in 1999. Michael’s approach is very gentle at all times, and always works with the athlete and puts the athlete in control, thus minimizing the risk of harm and maximizing the benefit.’ (Source: _br.htm#Training/forUltras_SB) “I know that your massage kept a number of competitors in the event. The cold weather of Saturday afternoon and night certainly got to many of the walkers and your prompt action had them back in the race after a short stop. In years past, that would have ended up as a non-finish. A number of walkers were able to keep going for the full 24 hours on the basis of your expert help.” Tim Ericson Secretary Australian Centurions Club 'I have known Michael Gillan for many years and have always got quick relief for my aches and pains from the stretching he performs'. CLIFF YOUNG-75-80 24 Hour World Record Holder (150.07 kilometers) A word from Jesper Olsen World Runner about Light Manual Muscle Relaxation “If I hadn't had the qualified help from the excellent masseur Michael Gillan, taking several thousands of km out of my legs, I could spare myself the effort!” “My crew for the current stages, Michael Gillan, has proven to have other talents than the quite taxing job of taking care of all the requirements of a really tired ultra runner! He has since years back been working on a new approach to stretching and muscle-rebuilding for ultra runners. I have the last two days tried his careful stretch and massage, and a bit to my surprise the muscles are beginning to feel like before the start back in Greenwich, London!! Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport Usually I doesn’t take massage as the legs of an ultra runner will often be quite sore during the long time events (and especially in an multi-year event like this...), and getting a massage can at times cause more injury and cramping up than good. For example my last massage was some 12 000km ago when I ran the 12-hour competition in Finland. And so far that has been the only one. But Gillan came with best recommendations from my main contact in Australia, Phil Essam, who besides being vice president in the Australian Ultra runners Association has heaps of good knowledge to share. And this new kind of mild massage for ultra runners is definitely one of the good tips! There should be a fair chance that I actually get fresh enough to do some decent running at the 6 Day Race that I have coming up in Colac from the 21.November. I quite look forward to that, even though I can’t expect to make a top class result :-)” He won! 756.2 kilometers (Jesper holds the record for the longest run in history over 26000 kilometers and the first person to run around the world Taken from

Working with the muscles

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation Massage-Lite is arguably the most tested leg recovery system in the world

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport Events and races it has been tested at (A record of use) 1995 Colac 6 Day race (System developed, used from here on)

1996 Nanango 1000 Mile 16 day (1600 kilometer) Footrace 1996 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 1997 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 1998 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 1999 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 1999 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100 mile 24 hour event (official masseur) 1999 Sri Chinmoy 24 hour race with Cliff Young (official masseur) 2000 Cliffies Dream 16-day event as masseur (7 days) 2000 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2000 Coburg 24 hour event (official masseur) 2000 Sri Chinmoy Adelaide 24 hour Event (official masseur) 2001 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2002 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2002 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2002 Self Transcendence 24 hour Event (official masseur) 2003 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2003 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2003 National 24 Hour Championships Self Transcendence Footrace (official masseur) 2004 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2004 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2004 Round the World Run 1 (3 weeks official masseur and support crew) 2005 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2005 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2005 Cliff Young 6 day event (3 days with Indian National record holder) 2006 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2006 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2007 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2007 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) 2007 Antibes (France) 6 jour event (official masseur) 2007 Mors world run 2 training camp (14 days) 2007 Mors 100 Mile 24 Hour event 2008 World Distance 24 Hour Championships Montreal with the Danish National Distance 2007 Coburg 24 Hour race (official masseur) 2008 Australian Centurion Race walkers’ 100-mile event (official masseur) Running Team Various Anti cancer Council 24 hour relay for life events plus Duathlons and Triathlons See page 7 for a result sheet for a comparison of a simple massage lite system can affect recovery-it was being developed at this event

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport FIGURES TAKEN FROM THE (1995 COLAC 6 DAY FOOTRACE) NAME Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 106 126 108Kilometers A Krouglikov 237.2 113.6 130 539 284 325 265 315 270Laps T Rusek 215.2 98.8 98 139.6 138.4 122.4Kilometers 538 247 245 349 346 306Laps M Taylor 174.4 128.8 143.6 123.6 120.8 89.2Kilometers 436 322 359 309 302 223Laps 180.4 133.2 124 117.6 110 93.2Kilometers B Beauchamp 451 333 310 294 275 233Laps P Gray 150 134 105.2 94.8 111.6 106Kilometers 375 335 263 237 279 265Laps 138.4 108.4 106.8 116.4 D Parris 106 107.2Kilometers 346 271 267 274 265 268Laps I Davis 168 119.2 90 116.4 72 98.8Kilometers 420 298 225 291 180 247Laps G Watts 131.2 96.4 99.2 104.4 92.8 133.6Kilometers 328 241 248 261 232 334Laps C Young 142 91.2 90 97.6 88 92Kilometers 355 228 225 244 220 230Laps D Kettle 138.2 86.8 90.8 95.2 94.4 84.8Kilometers 332 217 227 238 236 212Laps R Hill 128 80.8 99.2 70 95.6 96.4Kilometers 320 202 248 175 239 241Laps K Fisher 164 91.6 50 115.2 49.6 81.2Kilometers 410 229 125 288 124 203Laps G Pollard 120 74.8 73.6 68.4 69.6 61.2Kilometers 300 187 184 171 174 153Laps The above group came in for massage and stretching The group below did not or had their own massage people 141.6 112.8 104.8 101.6 98 96.4Kilometers T Rafferty 354 282 262 254 254 245Laps G McConnell 145.6 110.8 114.8 113.6 108.4 106Kilometers 364 277 287 284 271 265Laps G Audley 152.8 110.8 126.4 113.6 114.8 95.2Kilometers 382 277 316 284 287 238Laps S Scanlon 140.8 82 84 34 0 0Kilometers 352 205 210 85Pulled out (Blisters) J Timms 127.2 98.4 74.8 0 0 0Kilometers 318 246 187Pulled out 0Laps N Mercer 166 16.4 0 0 0 0Kilometers 415 16.4Pulled out 0 0Laps Underlining in the top group shows where the results of Gentle Manual Muscle Relaxation was starting to take effect. The inconsistencies in the results on a daily basis was caused by reverting back to conventional massage to see what happened Note the higher injury and drop out rate in the bottom group.

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport In many countries-there is no help for those who do not have the financial ability to pay for sports recovery systems so in any sport they start behind and only basic care may be given-to athletes-self treatment for these people is a necessity rather than a choice issue In countries that have more poverty, having massage schools for training, and paying clients to pay for massage is not an option they can barely afford the clothes on their back without having to pay tuition fees, massage table, oil, towels etc There is also the hygiene aspect-washing facilities, soap powder, the absence of clean running water, dust sticking to oil which has to be washed off You are at this website because you obviously have an interest in sports and activity recoveryif you want more information on the World Recovery System and you can afford it-please buy a manual The money raised from this goes towards supporting my project on establishing classes around the world in countries that do not have access to world class sports recovery professionals (and you will also help me get out to join the world run

Michael Gillan Long distance recovery specialist For more information on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation go to There are many other problems caused by venous inefficiency and it may be worthwhile looking at +It is based on the framework as expressed by Dr. Guyton that lymphatic fluid needs certain Contributing factors to move it around the body, they are

“Contraction of muscles Movement of parts of the body Arterial pulsations Compression of the tissues by objects outside the body” +Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-7263994-0 (p. 182) [email protected] Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

The World Run Recovery System as an aid to muscle recovery after sport

Copyright 2009 Michael Gillan


ultra marathon recovery specialist

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