Baby Boomers Leg Manual

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  • December 2019
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The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist

Baby Boomers Legs are very important to them The more we go towards the senior years, the more important it becomes to look after our legs because they are our independence and once they go on us we become totally reliant on other people who may not be as reliable as we thought If you have a large family unit, there may be members who will share the burden of looking after your needs, or you may be wealthy enough to pay for a carer then you are lucky-but me I am like many baby boomers-I do not have a large family to look after me or wealth As we age, the joints in the legs and hips wear out and other age related problems set in making mobility harder to initiate and carry out-but one thing is sure, if you do not attempt to keep the legs moving, within the range of movement available that is limited by physical, flexibility and pain issues then the legs will seize up In Australia we are lucky, those who can afford them have electric scooters to help with mobility, but those baby boomers in more undeveloped parts of the world do not have anywhere near the caring facilities that we do It has to be said though that as lucky as we are, the more people that join my group, the more strain there is going to be on these facilities and they will eventually collapse anyway This makes it more important to start looking after those legs and keeping them moving

If You Don’t Use It You Lose It Apart from mobility there are other things you lose-as the muscles age, they can lose tone and flexibility, along with the loss of these may go balance, and if this is affected as we age, falls and the possibility of serious injury increase Again we are lucky in Australia, we have many workshops being run that teach people how to keep as much of this as possible-but again this is no good unless you are in Australia-many countries do not have these and it is tough on them Once movement reduces, other areas of the legs are affected-this brings me to the part that I have a particular interest in-that of circulation and how it can be kept moving-because once this stops other problems arise Swollen ankles, cold feet, poor coordination, feedback from the feet to the brain about the underfoot environment, shoes not being able to be worn, the way we move is affected causing even more problems higher in the body-the list goes on I have an interest in this area because I work with Ultra Long Distance Athletes-my people do things like run around the world and across continents just for the challenge of it, but I also work with people who just walk around the block-which is their equivalent and all they are capable of doing Working with both ultras and having worked with people in nursing homes, hospitals with accident, stroke, ms, and other problems (see my list on my website), I found that many of the things that affect the physically afflicted are simulated in the runners and walkers Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist Has this link of simulation and affects been further explored by other people? Unfortunately no-just me This is because only I am stupid enough to turn up to and stay at events lasting from 12 hours to around the world and still go out and do volunteer work and research-do I need to get a life or what?

One of my research facilities-I slept on my massage table behind the yellow banner

These are 2 people have just been running for 3 days around a running track in all weathers How My Stupidity Can Benefit My Fellow Baby Boomers My speciality is getting legs and feet like those above moving again in the shortest possible time (so they can get out and do it all again-mad I know) but the system that I developed and use to do this may help the baby boomer keep their own legs going as long as possible and beyond Unfortunately because of the heavy financial costs I bear doing all this research and study it is impossible for me to give the system away as I also intend to set up some training centers in the less fortunate countries than my own Aching legs should always be checked out by a medical professional before doing anything to and with them because there are many medical reasons why they may be aching-see a physician first Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist Simply by moving the legs within their physical and pain limits to work with the muscles not on them can improve circulation By taking this approach, to keeping the legs going, the task of maintaining leg health becomes easier and less of a problem because the circulation is enhanced through movement and minimum of interference from outside intrusive influences Atmospheric pressure is all around us and affects all we do and all we are-everyone is walking around with a column of air on our heads that weighs similarly to a small car This also affects our circulation because it pushes all the fluids in the body down towards the lowest part of the body, the feet, and if it wasn’t for the ends of the toes it would all flow out of the body all over the ground When you are on your feet all day, the blood just pools around the ankles and the water or lymph fluid separates from the blood and migrates into the tissues in and around the ankles-as it is not being pumped away fast enough from the lower legs, the ankles swell

The body has an answer to the effects of gravity and atmospheric pressure-it is called the Calf Muscle Pump

The calf muscles are the prime movers for a pumping system that forces used blood and other fluids from the lower legs back up to the body for re-nourishment with oxygen and other nutrients needed to keep the tissues at optimum health-it is then sent back out under pressure from the heart through the arteries Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist The problem then is not the supply of fresh blood to the lower legs and feet but the return from down there back up the legs-basically if none is coming back there is nowhere for the fresh blood to go to-circulation is slowed down or at the least greatly reduced What is Light Manual Muscle Relaxation? It is a Do-It-Yourself method based on encouraging the muscles and tissues to assist in their own recovery-it works with the muscles not on them •

It is not a massage system

It is not invasive

It is not aggressive

It is not time consuming

It does not need disrobing

It does not need oil applied to the skin

It does not need strong hands and fingers

It does not need hand/brain coordination

It does not need equipment

It does not work on the muscles

It does not work on any specific injuries

It does not threaten the integrity of the muscles

It does not use force on the muscles

It does not need more than a few minutes to do

It does not require a long course or workshop

It is a clean-green-recovery machine

Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist Below is a chart from when I discovered working with the muscles rather than on them shows how much things did improve for the runners and walkers Results from 1995 Coburg 6 day footrace N ame A Krouglikov

Day 1 237.2 539

Day 2 113.6 284

D ay 3 130 325

D ay 4 106 365

Day 5 126 315

Day 6 108 Kilometers 270 Laps

T Rusek

215.2 538

98.8 247

98 245

139.6 349

138.4 346

122.4 Kilometers 306 Laps

M Taylor

174.4 436

128.8 322

143.6 359

123.6 309

138.4 302

122.4 Kilometers 223 Laps

B Beauchamp

180.4 451

133.2 333

124 310

117.6 294

110 275

93.2 Kilometers 233 Laps

150 375

134 335

105.2 263

94.8 237

111.6 279

106 Kilometers 265 Laps

138.4 346

108.4 271

106.8 267

116.4 274

106 265

107.2 Kilometers 268 Laps

168 420

119.2 298

90 225

116.4 291

106 180

107.2 Kilometers 247 Laps

G Watts

132.2 328

96.4 241

99.2 248

104.4 261

92.8 232

133.6 Kilometers 334 Laps

C Young

142 355

91.2 228

90 225

97.6 244

88 220

92 Kilometers 230 Laps

138.2 332

86.8 217

90.8 227

95.2 238

94.4 236

84.4 Kilometers 212 Laps

R H ill

128 320

80.8 202

99.2 248

70 175

95.6 239

96.6 Kilometers 241 Laps

K Fisher

164 410

91.6 229

50 125

115.2 288

49.6 124

81.2 Kilometers 203 Laps

P Gray

D Parris

I Davis

D Kettle

G Pollard

T Rafferty

120 74.8 73.6 68.4 69.6 61.2 Kilometers 300 187 184 171 174 153 Laps The above group came in for Light Manual Muscle Relaxation The below group did not or had their own recovery people 141.6 112.8 104.8 101.6 98 96.4 Kilometers 354 282 262 254 245 241 Laps

G McConnel

145.6 363

110.8 277

126.4 287

113.6 284

108.4 271

106 kilometers 265 Laps

G Audley






95.2 kilometers

S Scanlon

140.8 352

82 205

84 210

J Timms




Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


34 0 85 pulled out-blisters 0


0 Kilometers Laps 0 kilometers

The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist What they say about Light Manual muscle Relaxation

Michael’s methods of massage and blister care helped me to stay mobile throughout the race and to recover quickly afterwards. His techniques are safe and gentle. Unlike some treatments, which put the runners and walkers at risk of muscle tears or infection, Michael’s techniques are light, safe, reassuring, and highly effective. They enhance comfort and flexibility, build confidence, and promote success. This booklet will help others to learn and practice Michael’s methods. It is recommended reading for everyone who walks and runs and who wants to go further, go faster, or just to enjoy life more!!' SANDRA BROWN 1996 Ladies 1000 Mile World Record Holder 1999 Ladies 100 mile Race walking World Record Holder “I know that your massage kept a number of competitors in the event. The cold weather of Saturday afternoon and night certainly got to many of the walkers and your prompt action had them back in the race after a short stop. In years past, that would have ended up as a non-finish; a number of walkers were able to keep going for the full 24 hours on the basis of your expert help.” Tim Ericson Secretary Australian Centurions Club 'I have known Michael Gillan for many years and have always got quick relief for my aches and pains from the stretching he performs'. CLIFF YOUNG-Ultra marathon runner

Books I have used in my research

Travell S.G. Simons D.G. Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual Williams & Williams 1983 Travell J. Rinzler S.H. The Myofascial Genesis of Pain Post Grad Med. 1952 Modern Treatment for Lymphoedema Casley-smith Judith & Casley-Smith J.R. 5th edition Touching Montague Ashley Harper & Row ‘Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology-Seeley Stephens and Tate-Mosby Year Book ISBN 08016-0227-0 ‘Textbook of medical Physiology” (Physiology- fourth edition-Robert M. Berne, Mathew N. Levy, Bruce M. Koeppen, Bruce A. Stanton-Mosby ISBN 0-8151-0952-0)

Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


The Baby Boomers Leg Manual-Michael Gillan Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist Resource Box

Michael Gillan is an Ultra Marathon Recovery Specialist who has been a masseur around many ultra long distance events both in Australia and internationally since he was a student in 1993 In 1995 while working at a 6 day run, he changed the approach to recovery of the athletes from the conventional way of working on the muscles using the hands and fingers to increase muscle blood circulation, to working with the muscles and making them work on themselves The results from this changeover can be seen on the Coburg result sheet on page 5 In 1996 Michael went to the Nanango 1000 Mile 16 day event where it was tested and helped the worlds 4-5 and 11th to achieve their distances Other notable events the World Run Recovery System was tested on was World Run 1 with Jesper Olsen and the World Run 2 training camp in Denmark in 2007 How can someone with aching legs benefit?

Because the muscles are being worked with they are actually doing the work-this means that the skills needed to do the recovery after training and competition do not have to be as great or as complicated as when they are being worked on Nothing is being fixed nor is any attempt being made to repair anything All that is happening is that the body is repairing itself-we are just facilitating it’s ability to do that by increasing circulation to the muscles

Aching legs should always be checked out by a medical professional before doing anything to and with them because there are many medical reasons why they may be aching-see a physician first If you want more details on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation go to my website at

Copyright 2008 Michael Gillan


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