The World Citizen

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  • Words: 4,964
  • Pages: 13

The World Citizen: A Government Manual The purpose of this manual is to familiarize those who read it with the praxis of a world government, and the Life of a World Citizen. Sections 1. Categories of Governmental Development in order of logical Manifestation: • • • • •

Branches/Organization Economy/Prosperity Education Development Preparations/Requirements/Globalization

2. Rights and the color of Law: • • • •

Citizenship Rights Ownership Legalization/Regulation

3. The Constitution of the World Citizen • Constitution • Provisions •

Development etc.

Section 1: Categories of Governmental Development etc. Article. 1. Branches of a World Citizen Constitution: a Wise Council made up

of nine voices per region of the world—regions being no larger than the North American continent, and no smaller than Japan—and seven voices from the seven continents at the intercontinental level of the World Wise Council; a republican government of the same structure as the united States of America, composed of congressional, judicial, and executive branches.


The congressional and judicial branches will be identical to the accepted regional form, but the executive shall be amended. Each state will have its own president, each president will have the duty of observing the World and State Governments with an uninfluenced and unscripted dialogue with their fellow presidents, which would then be televised or otherwise broadcast by the various media. Stripped of their commander in chief status, and given little to no responsibility to directly check the republic, the president is virtually powerless. Therefore, the presidential status will require little background and knowledge of law, and therefore literally anyone can become president. The last branches are subsequent and interconnecting through the primary branches. They are: The Media, as established by both the State and the Federal Government, directed loosely by the Wise council, and organized with Citizen participation by the republic-style government. The Just-Meant Claims Office (J-MCO) as directed by the wise council, established and organized by the republic (the J-MCO gives life to the overall system by the active assessment of the Citizens Class grade and therefore their primary means of exchange). Finally, Education will be a branch, established by the republic of each State, and directed or supervised by the Wise Council of each State, and shall be dependant upon the participation of World Citizens. All jobs (working with an organization for fellow Citizens, or the independent enterprise of a production of goods or services for others) outside of the realm of Government, and acts of worth to the collective society, as well as all occupations (i.e. arts, crafts, food, clothing, music, inventions, anything involving science and research as well as spiritual philosophy and religion) all under a scale of quality of productivity, will be observed, and categorized by officers of just-meant claims—and will be done so as per request only. The Organization or interaction of these entities will occur with the cooperation of the Citizens and States only. It shall occur with a signing of agreement—between the people of the states and their representatives, as supervised by the World Wise Council, and documented via recording. Other branches or entities not yet mentioned may be incorporated in the same such way. From the Blueprint for World Government:


“The idea is to create democratic socialism, in which government provides benefits to people who benefit the government/society, and the people are kept in the light about, and thus can keep check over government proceedings via free information proliferation, and frequent Internet voting and polling. Further, every two years new politicians will be elected into office— that is to say that you cannot be elected two years in a row, but every four years, if the people choose you again. Also, another important aspect of these elections is that they would be held in overlapping timeframes (i.e. the house is changed in 04, the senate is changed in 05, and the executive is changed in 06 (leaving one year to spare), so that the whole government is not changed every two years, causing the people to be more involved more frequently as a result).” Article. 2. An economy of prosperity is possible, but only with the disuse of

money based systems of exchange and wealth, and therefore an end to the necessity of taxes, as well as banks and the stock exchange. A Citizen’s wealth is determined by the quality of their productivity and the complexity of their job, as determined by a just-meant claims officer. At the individual level, one who works, as an employee shall be paid respective to the overall productivity of the organization, and one who works individually—say, as an artist or musician or philosopher—shall receive individual observation and evaluation. At the state level, the overall productivity of its Citizens will determine its grade. A States grade will be used to classify regions, their output, and their personal activity. [Note: what a state gives shall be equal to what it receives.] The Grade Card, which shall be given to every citizen as proof of their citizenship, as well as the means of exchange in lieu of monetary units, shall be guaranteed within a period of four months of labor; used like a credit card —as the technology develops, the functions shall also increase. The invention of the cards will be private, and the consequential production will be federally appropriated through the states. Through the J-MCO, the average Citizen will have the Right to the pursuit of Happiness, because under its work policy, all Citizens are guaranteed to have work only every other day as a standard. Working overtime affects a Citizens Just-Meant Claim Grade (J-MCG), and increases the number of days they can take off (with more people employed by doubling the availability of workdays, standards of occupation are to be accordingly loosened.)


Transference of wealth, as in resources and goods, will occur between the Citizens and the States. By the States, the communication of goods and resources will occur by request of the State Government. Depending upon the corresponding grades of the interacting States and Citizens, the quality and size of interstate distribution will be determined. Of course, interstate distribution or exchange would be different than between Citizens. States that need more, but produce less will be governmentally developed, either agriculturally, or through structural development. Between Citizens, the quality and quantity are determined by the difference of corresponding grades. Article. 3. Education will be essential in the Life of a World Citizen. With a

proper cultivation of the mind by and a system that is agreeable to the pupil, while being as informative to the child, and effective as possible to the brain; a future Citizen shall be as fulfilled as possible intellectually, irrespective of location or their parents class. The acceptance of this education system will be required before globalization and organization into the World government by any nation, region, or state. Composed of administrators, chefs, child psychologists, teachers, athletic advisors or martial arts teachers, all paid the same J-MCG; the Wise Council shall act as supervisor, through intercommunications between them and the child psychologists—which will act like just-meant claims officers to the administration, which is then in direct communication with the wise council. The overall quality of an establishment’s educative capability will determine its annual development and cultivation, and the J-MCG of its employees. The teacher schedule would be as it is in the Blueprint for World Government: “Five teachers would educate five generations, one per day (i.e. gen. a. on Monday by teacher a, gen. b. on Tuesday by teacher a, gen. c. on Wednesday by teacher a, and etc.; further, teacher b would teach gen. a. on Tuesday; teacher c would teach gen. a. on Wednesday, and so on, enabling a single handful of people to handle what would otherwise take many).” Further, the J-MCG for teachers K-6 would be the equivalent of a modern athlete, so as to compensate for the necessity, complexity, and quality of their performance.


[Note: To learn more about the education system, see the manifesto “DENSITY DETIRMINES DEVELOPMENT: A Blueprint for World Government”] Article. 4. Development will be a social and intersubjective agreement of

establishment, as per government enactment, and shall be activated by Citizen participation. Categories of development: urban/metropolitan, suburban, rural, and wild. Depending upon the density of the population and natural life, the kind and degree of development will be ensured. Development will be enacted via the republican government, as agreed upon by the Wise Council, and on important matters that affect everyone. Each kind of development shall be different, depending upon the regions category of development. Urban and metropolitan development will be focused on deconstruction and construction of “run down” buildings and such, organic food garden construction, and increased interconnectedness and sophistication of—public transportation—plus, the technical development of—transportation technology. Rural development will be focused on the enhancement of organic agricultural production, and the technology thereof. The development of suburban areas will be determined by the degree of urbanization, and the population thereof; the more rural, the more given to agricultural cultivation, primarily in the aspect of organic food gardens, or garden growing in general; if more urban, the development of public transportation, and the overall structure of housing would be focused on. In wild areas, the development will be focused upon the concentrated effort to increase the number and density of plant life, where it is lacking, and the study and documentation of zoological and indigenous life. Regional projects shall be enacted by a State, or interstate—which will then prove effective in determining the prosperity of those regions and States after J-MCO and Wise Council qualification. As the level of government increases from state to continent, the continental government shall be granted formal powers to determine interstate projects, similar to those of the States, which the most involved states must then agree to, to be enacted. At the intercontinental level, similar projects would be prone to rarity, as the scope and magnitude are tremendous, and their implications far reaching. However, intercontinental projects shall be determined and enacted by a democratic republican government, and Wise Council of a select seven from the several continents. Money and profit will not be a factor in development, only what would be common sense, logical, and wise to develop for the common


World Citizen. This shall give every Citizen the assurance of quality and decency in their right to Life, as well as their right to Liberty and Happiness. Article. 5. Preparations and Requirements of Globalization: An acceptance of

the wealth systems. Through the sacred truth of chaotic theory, that a single interaction is a complexification of potentially everything, the first doctrine of wisdom into this document is that if one does benefit to you, you are obligated to return the favor. We call this, the benefit-to-benefit reciprocation obligation, of civility. Potentially everyone is affected by a single interaction that ones work creates, and therefore work can be the first half of exchange—monetarily. To accept this doctrine is to accept the wealth or Class Gradient, with letters and numbers to signify the quality (quality meaning the complexity, difficulty, requirements, and overall benefit observably, to the ecosystem including humanity and all other forms of being) of the jobs, based upon the objective complexity; both the importance of an organization to civilization and the quality of the World Citizen’s productivity affects its grade, which consequentially affects its employees grades. The Citizens of the World will measure this ocean of grades, not by a government-regulated standard, but by the collective agreement with the first doctrine of wisdom. And by having citizens compared relative to one another, and to have that documentation be implemented by a Just-Meant Claims Office for the just and fluid prosperity of World Citizens. However, the Just-Meant Claims Office will be described further later. Second requirement before Globalization of any Party, into the Citizen (status): as soon as one is a contributing member of society, they are working for all other members of the society potentially; the People will then have Citizen status, and be given a card to keep (like a credit card) with a grade and their picture on it, with no other information, not names or any personal information. (The beginning of organization can and could occur, where the governments and persons standard is the highest trade appreciation to an others, between exchanges of goods and favors, and would therefore create a singularity of equal servitude for one another, whether it be of the state organization up, or the individual Person in concert, and therefore unleash productivity at a rate never possible with a money system, and creating a single class system. But because of the conditioning of the public to this so called reward incentive process, it would be better for the near future to make work relative to others, so they may be motivated to contribute.) This card would act as a credit card, to purchase over the Internet and at stores, and would be electronic—and


therefore flexible with regards to how this expenditure can be regulated. The card would be allowance based, depending upon the governmental legislation regarding allocation—this is where democracy comes into play, because the people will elect their officials for the expansion of allocation. This process will be both subjective and on the peoples part to fulfill its eventuality. The organization or incorporation of large businesses may be at first directed by a wise council of nine per state, a wise council of nine per continent, and a wise council of seven for intercontinental organizations or incorporations. And the organization can be done on a similar scale as to now, but done so as to incorporate the needs of both nature and efficiency. (A wise council rather than corporations to decide large scale projects for the good of the World Citizen, unless those corporations are agreed upon by a republican government or governments—whereupon the full acceptance of this pursuit of globalization, or at least a majority of the worlds participation can accomplish the full organization of the World Citizen Constitution.) • The cooperation of the U.N. and its representatives, would act to better facilitate the process of globalization and organization. Section 2: Rights and the color of Law Article. 1. The People of the World are hereby naturalized to world

citizenship by their participation in so-called labor. The way World Government then returns the favor for that defined prerequisite of citizenship (labor) is rights, and by principle of benefit-to-benefit reciprocation obligation, this is so: Government gives back in full to each, what all have given first to it. Under this agreement, students cannot have jobs, and therefore cannot be citizens. Only after education, a Person can notify the government of their labor by a just-meant claims officer, and in so doing become a Citizen with the acquisition of a gradient card—after a four month period of performance. Article. 2. The common Rights of a World Citizen, under the doctrine of

benefit-to-benefit reciprocation obligation that the Citizens participation enacts, are hereby: the right to Food, Clothing, Shelter, Transportation, and Information, as well as Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

8 Article. 3. Ownership shall be limited to the intersubjective acceptance of that

ownership. The people themselves shall protect ownership, as with all rights, and additional protection shall be ensured by the use of lawmen and lawwomen, as commissioned by the republican government, and supervised by the wise council and the people themselves. Ownership is to include that which one possesses, irrespective of those granted by rights. What one produces, one owns. Cooperation means mutual ownership, or rejection of sole ownership. Ownership also includes purchased items, such as clothing, shelter, trinkets, and technology. Purchasing power is based upon the J-MCG. Article. 4. Legalization and regulation is the overall policy of all Drugs.

Regulation by age is the only Known method to date. All use and manufacture of firearms—or anything above in lethality— shall be illegal. Lethal weapons mass manufacture shall be illegal under the law. Individual manufacture of lethal weapons, below the lethality of firearms, shall be lawful, but the individual manufacture of firearms, and above, shall not. All other matters of legalization and regulation shall be determined by the democratic republican government of each State, supervised by wise council, and enacted by the citizens themselves. Section 3: Constitution and Provisions The Constitution of World Government The States The structure of this world government would be a system of united States: numerous nation-state structures working in simultaneous interaction on both continental and other intercontinental, or nation-state levels. All states will be sovereign in that the people of those states are in control of their state through representation, complete freedom of information, and because the federal, or global government cannot force or coerce states into action or idleness. In the beginnings of this establishment, the idea is to leave regions ostensibly unchanged on the face, but essentially improved by the programs principle of operation: striving for peaceful order and loose public facilitation—while both continental and global federations act in self-similar fashion to the states themselves, the purpose being global and intercontinental facilitation for the states themselves, which thus must therefore act over the continental and intercontinental states themselves.

9 These intercontinental states will then exchange gross products between each other, while they develop their own territory to suit their individual states needs and tastes; this process will be enacted by state sponsored projects: the development of agriculture for rural regions, and metropolitan development for urban regions. Development will determine purpose, and density determines development. However the third factor of a states systemic structure is the culture affecting the color of laws and individual constitutions. Each state will elect their own laws; state laws cannot be interfered with by the central government, unless they infringe the overall order, or endanger the overall health of the world. Whole regions of continents will be structured similarly to the states of American government. Each state’s apportionment will be determined by geological, agricultural, and cultural factors— such measures will be done in the pursuit of the people’s peaceful and swift acquiescence of the program. The government will be structured similar to the American form, the unique and various cultures of these regions will be kept, and their expression encouraged. The beauty of a culture’s unique expressions of creativity will be cultivated but not forced; doing so will ensure diversity while opening the possibility for evolution. Each region will then structure their individual state government to fit their particular development, and to further dissect or apportion their state territory into smaller segments of county or city-like design, which will be governed by mayoral representation. The Continental States and Federal Head Each continent will have its own centralized governmental entity made up of the following: the elected official of each of the states, and one selected member, of the nine, of each state’s wise council. These centralized entities will then aggregate once again, forming a wise council of seven, and a congress of state officials at the federal level. All government activity, from the highest levels of the system, will be supervised by the various levels (county, state, interstate or continental, and intercontinental or terrestrial) of the council of the wise, the various levels, when combined form the society of the wise, or the wise society. In this structure too, a president will be. But the role of the so called president will be restricted to—spokesperson—of a continent, someone objectively observing over the affairs of the whole continent and its people, and who will committee with the other seven continents’ presidents, and who will also give his opinion from time to time, going on the general media; this role requires virtually no educational background, and has virtually no legal requirements—literally anyone can be elected president (the idea being that the people elect a good, observational Citizen to hold this office). Each state official’s job will be to enforce the necessities of the citizenry through projection, and to intercommunicate with other statesmen to ensure appropriate distribution of state-to-state, or state-to-central resources. Centralized resources will then be allocated to whichever projects are interstate, or further centralized to the global union for worldwide projects, or distributed into the public market. The central wise council (who will be informed by the professional

10 community) selects worldwide projects, and do so based upon the overall resources of the planet. The enactment of this structure will not ensure international goals immediately, but will help as an interstate distributor of resources, and will further solve the education dilemma, as well as food and whatever needs of the World Citizen. If the notion that this is a world-changing process is understood, it needs to be carried on like this is how it has always been—for the children of the future if for nothing else. I cannot stress this enough, that the [proposed] federal government shall not own, or otherwise control the whole world. All continental and central government action is done by state vote; there should be no one person or group who rules the world as it were, and the size of states shall not determine their power. No state shall have more influence in central government than another, and no continental state shall have more influence than another, and the principle government or federal government shall not have dictatorial powers over any or all states or subsidiary federations. Government is a facilitator to the impetus of mankind, not an overruling power whose place is above mankind, for ultimately mankind is the essence, the soul of its government, not the other way around. Provisions of the Constitution Provision 1. Compliance with this program guideline is to be confirmed by Treaty signing, either by a representative of the people of a nation, or by a trusted and approved government representative. Otherwise, the people themselves may vote for its approval. Provision 2. A governmental system’s Compliance with this programs guideline must therefore be accomplished before a Treaty of assimilation can be signed. Amendments to the government system, the replacement of heads of state, or by disregarding the authority of the state can accomplish this, maybe all three. •

To preface my statement regarding this provision, I will say this, Technology in the computing field is now only slightly less advanced than our own perceptions clarity; the video quality of CGI is progressing to a level of advancement, where life and entertainments are now in competition with one another. The reason being, that the stories, and the level of graphic quality, make the entertainments as great or greater than actual bodily motion and interaction. Therefore, there is a disconnection between the real world and the person who is entertained. Besides, the real world is frightening and complicated! However, entertainment must not surpass our own bodies, our own perceptions clarity; such technology must not develop in the near future. We are not ready; there are too many people that have no ability to survive or cope with that level of immersion. Moreover, such endeavors service no one but moneymen; with our enslavement to consumption, and distraction from truth, we have unwittingly become livestock for human resources. Such ideas Caesar could never have dreamed of. The control that that kind of technology wields, over top of the already hypnotizing nature of television… humanity shall become enslaved by the middle of the 21st century. Therefore, to the provision:


Provision 3. With the overall, World Public approval—over fifty percent minimum—the advancement of computer graphics technology, shall no longer continue of scales above less than .001 percent of its 2009 levels, sufficient to stunt growth over a prolonged period of time. And in that time, funds being put into whatever construction, development of energy extraction, and whatever other productive fields, the internet for example—and whatever resources left be put into the food garden initiative. Provision 4. There is to be no secret classification of any form of information, and all information will be available to all venues of learning in society. (The use of Internet will be helpful in this endeavor.) Provision 5. The right to life includes home-ownership, and no citizen shall be prevented or hindered from whatever necessary action home-ownership entails. Health is also an aspect of life, and therefore contained in the right to life is quality food, and no citizen shall be prevented or hindered from purchasing or acquiring quality food, either by self-production, private sale, or by public or social production. By whatever means of acquisition, food is to be a virtually free, and plant life, so prevalent, will be absolutely free. [However, plant life should be regulated internationally as done today, in order to ensure infestations do not occur] Provision 6. The appropriation of goods will be distributed by the states themselves, between each other, using the system of either bartering, or by the principle of benefit-tobenefit obligation. The same operation will be applied between businesses. In general, aggregate entities will exchange goods in this way. Therefore, if a state is in great need of a resource, and another state has surplus, the distribution of that resource will be uninhibited, and facilitated by the interstate, continental system of transportation. This model will be applied between the continents themselves as well, as well as the sub states, counties, and cities. Provision 7. The so-called corporation must be redefined, and its purpose and functionality redesigned. Thus far the corporation has been an entity, similar in law to a person, whose purpose is to sustain itself via profit. Different from a business, corporations are like organs of the society, which produce and digest the raw materials of the earth for individual consumption—turning into technology and whatnot. In order to redefine the purpose and functionality of this entity, the way in which we perceive the corporation must be changed. First, a corporation is not a person, but an organ of the state or global society. The more productive and beneficial the organ is to the world and biosphere, the more attention and development that organ receives, as exhibited in the body through evolution. *All entities: corporations must be in harmony and systematic with the other few corporations. *Harmful chemicals must be contained and used with discretion—as exhibited in the body.

12 *No corporation will exist for the mass production of goods, which could otherwise be produced by a business or businesses. *Corporations are not people, and are therefore not given to ownership or usurpation of wealth or so-called wealth creation; they are given to the demand of the common society within reason, and the regulations of a representative republican government, democratically run. *Corporate advertising must be made illegal due to its toxicity; public exposure of purpose and functionality must replace the superficial propaganda of so-called advertising. People must know, above all else, how toxic their consumption is, in other words they must know the expenses of their consumption. It is governments job, in partnership with news media, to disclose the facts about how corporations function. *No living organism, created by lab or otherwise, can be patented or owned. Life, in its every form, cannot be owned or traded or treated as a nonliving object (by this it could be argued that pets would be disallowed, but pets are companions, and are not owned, nor treated as non living objects). Provision 8. All voices, depending upon their substance and content will be heard, regardless of citizenship or non-citizenship. Provision 9. Those born retarded, or made so in life, are made citizens de facto by having an automatic job, which only they can have. Their job is to help us appreciate what we would otherwise take for granted. Their grade will then combine with the parent’s grades, until the child can sign the card that has his or her grade on it, or to ones immediate family after a handicap. The more severe their handicap, the better they do their job by effecting an audience to appreciate their existence. a.

b. c.



A handicapped child will be (specially) educated, though a citizen, by the mental age of four, by a high school level teacher, who will be evaluated for the job, and will work with a psychologist present. Evaluation will consider their attitude and demeanor, then with the children, and will be administrated by the school administration in cooperation with the teachers. The first special teachers will be evaluated by the wise council, and set into practice by state organization, the school administration, and by civic participation. Tutors and tutor networks will be benefited in equal part to their quality as teachers, as teachers in public schools. The tutor/network can establish themselves in religious facilities or houses—at the owner’s discretion—whereby the parent will act in constructive partnership with the tutor, to better educate the student. Tutors are defined as educators of special children, both more and less smart than the average, and parents who want private education for their child. Child psychologists can be requested and hired on at no expense to the educators or facility owner thereof. Depending upon the evaluated grade of the establishment, relative to an irreducible gradient of comparison to other areas, the base standard

13 income shall be the maximum of a high school teacher’s average annual income in America today. Provision 10. Teachers, in line with the blueprint plan for childhood education, and beyond, will be paid the equivalent of professional athletes (at the American standard), and so will the psychologists in line with the education system. The administration will be paid equal to the teachers; as would the chefs of the schools, up into high school; this implicates that the quality evaluated by the J-M.C.O. is on par with all other aspects (this is why critical thinking and wisdom is essential in the J-M.C.O., and why they are advised by the wise council).

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