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September 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1


Events, Inaugurations and Technical Symposiums




Clubs Speak


The New Library


Down The Memory Lane: Harmony


Prizes Report


Recent Workshops


The Good, Overlooked


The Need For A Newsletter enormous potential our college has. Srishti The idea of a college newsletter did seem the has always been a book of memoirs that can be

have been marching to many events and winning many of them. Take the scores of technical strange at first, when it popped into our brains. preserved and cherished by us after some years symposiums we take part in. We have built roWe were sitting in a Srishti editorial board when it will remind us about the persons who bots, presented papers and solved industrial But it is saddening that these meeting last year, our heads rolling from the wrote the articles, rather than the article itself. problems. long session of editing and debating over two The question that achievements have equally bad choices for the front cover of the arises here is, does Very few of us know about, and make been going largely magazine, trying to identify the worse of the Srishti aid every use of certain facilities in our college. unnoticed and untwo. That was when the then associate editor CITian in his college known in our college. strutted in, glowing with superiority and a smug days? Is it something There should be a smile on his face. He thrust a couple of photo- that students can open to find some informa- forum where such people can be recognized, where a good job done must be appreciated and copies into our hands. They were copies of ‘CIT tion which can be of use to him? NEWS’, the old This purpose can be its workings analyzed. newsletter our col- It is saddening that students’ achieve- ideally fulfilled by a Very few of us know about, and make use of lege had, way back ments have been going largely unnonewsletter that con- certain facilities in our college. A lot of us crib from the year 1974. tains the information about not having these facilities without taking As we browsed ticed and unknown in our college. we need to know, the trouble of finding out if we have them. The through the pages, balanced between newsletter aims to pull all these buried gems out we were awed by the language and the writing ‘class’ and ‘mass reach out’. It has always been for everyone to see and use. of those times. The secretary, Paul declared said of Srishti that it is very inclined towards And lastly, the newsletter does aim to serve as a then, “We need something like this now.” And people who want it to remain elite, rather than memoir of the numerous times of joy and that set us off thinking about a newsletter for useful. euphoria, the moments during a situational joke CIT. Our college produces students who excel in so that can happen only in CIT. These moments The more we thought about it, the better it many different aspects of life, be it co-curricular will be captured in the newsletter and frozen for sounded. The college magazine released at the or extra-curricular. Our sports club, quiz teams, all time. end of every year never had the capacity to tap music club, Dramatix club and the literary club - Srivatsan V. (Final Year EEE)

A Tribute


The idea of losing someone whom you the very idea of standing guilty before him have looked up to for more than three put a lot of people back in to their senses. years is far more terrible than one can ever He was very supportive of anything that imagine. One such person whom I really we believed was important and worthadmired and related to, was my former while enough to throw ourselves in to, be it internships or extracurHOD Prof. M. ricular activities. Ramachandran. He had Anyone could walk up to been with this college for him any day with the stuthree decades until he pidest of doubts and he retired in May 2009. M. would laugh our uneasiR. Sir, as everyone called ness off and tell us, withhim, was one of the out any jargon or exagfriendliest persons in this gerated poise what we college. He was a teacher exactly wanted to know. who was extremely popuA lot of our alumni, lar among his students. I found this very helpful in came to know about him their lives out there in the through his fan club on nasty world filled with Orkut created by his stucompetition. He was the dents. kind of person whom one He believed that learning would wish would always engineering was all about be around, as he would understanding the physics help them get out of behind the mathematics whatever mess they landed and the equations. He was Prof. M. Ramachandran in to. extremely good at He was a very good this, which reflected “If, what we do for ourselves friend, a gem of a in the ease with which he presented dies with us and what we do for man and it is gut wrenchingly painful it to us. A mere lis- others and the world remains, for us to digest that tener and even a person who hated and is immortal, then M.R. Sir he is no more. The day he left us, there c o m m u n i c a t i o n is immortal.” were hundreds of ecould pick up a lot mails in the alumni of useful trivia and tricks that couldn’t be learnt unless some- group which made me realize how much a single man can make a difference in many one said that they existed. What made him so popular was his ability people’s lives by being a confidant, friend, to see things from the student’s perspec- mentor and a very good teacher. If, what tive. He could be strict, and at the same we do for ourselves dies with us and what time, easily forgiving. He understood how we do for others and the world remains, hard it was for a college student to come to and is immortal, then M.R. Sir is immorterms with the new found independence tal. and the adolescent impulsiveness. I don’t - M. A. Uttara (Final Year ECE) think he ever had to shout at a student, for

Our college has signed a number of MoUs with various educational institutions and industries in order to promote research and help students avail of certain facilities to help increase their industrial exposure. The details of the various MoUs signed by our college since 2008 are given below.


FLSmidth Private Limited, Chennai. June 2008 - Faculty Development Programme, Workshop, Students Technical Activities and Training. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. November 2008 - Industrial Visits, In-Plant Training, Seminars and Workshops. Dr. Fixit Institute of Structural Protection & Rehabilitation, Mumbai February 2009 - Seminars and Workshops, Awareness Programmes, Short-term Refresher Courses, Site-based product/technology demonstrations. Oklahoma State University, Still Water, USA June 2009 - Exchange of scholars, faculty members, Furthering technical and research skills of faculty, Organizing scientific and technical meetings and associated activities. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA June 2009 - Exchange of faculty and students' Academic programmes and research activities, Faculty and students development programmes.

Page 2

Music Club Inaugural Showdown

Brahma - The Fourth Phase The 23rd of August, 2009 made its presence in the pages of CIT's history and also in the life of many others, as the fourth phase of Brahma was conducted on this day. Brahma, like many other quizzes, is famous all over Tamil Nadu not only for its mind-boggling questions but also for its huge cash prizes. There was a separate quiz for the school students, with separate prizes for them. The teams started pouring in from nine in the morning. Registration kicked off at 11.00 A.M. with more than 250 teams registering for the quiz. The event started at 1:30 in the afternoon with the arrival of the Chief Guest, Mr. N.V. Subrahmanyam from T.I.M.E. After brief speeches by the Principal, the Quiz Club Secretary Chandrashekar Anand and the treasurer M. Bhageshvar, the preliminary round began at 2.00 P.M. The answers for these questions ranged from “Masala Dosa” to “Pettai Rap”. It was an eye opener

to people who thought quizzing was just about knowing capitals and prime ministers. After a hard fought preliminary round, the School Quiz started with six teams on stage. Mr. Sandeep hosted the school quiz. The participants onstage were up to the Brahma standards. In order to keep the audience involved in the show, they were also asked questions

petitors on stage were from all age groups. Uttara kept the event lively by providing interesting facts. Here again, the credit goes to the Quiz Club members who framed the questions, which made the quizzers on stage, think twice, before answering. After five rounds of nonstop questioning and answering, the event came to an end at 5.30 PM. The champions of Brahma’09 School Quiz were Atulaa and Aishwarya whereas winners of the Open Quiz were Ram Kumar and Harish from Chennai. The sponsors in the order of precedence were State Bank of India, Princeton Review, T.I.M.E., ITC Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Indian Overseas Bank, PRS Industrials, Chennai and Pasumai Pharmacy Ltd. Kudos to the Quiz Club for organizing an event of this magnitude. Let’s keep saying our prayers for the God of all quizzes to be back.

from time to time. The children in the audience were eager to answer these as the lucky ones got gift vouchers and tee shirts as prizes. After an intense School Quiz, the much anticipated Open Quiz began. Ms. M.A. Uttara of E.C.E. department, who is well known by most quizzers in Coimbatore for her quizzing brilliance, was the quiz master. Like - J.F. Dominic Savio Fernando the previous years, the com(II Year ECE)

The September Salon The photography club conducted the first ever photo exhibit in CIT. The Chief Guest was Ms.G.Radha, Head of Department, Visual Communication, GRD college of arts and science. Twenty blowups were put on exhibit. Long exposure, studio lighting and nature were the genres of photographs displayed. The photos put up for exhibit are available on the photography c l u b w e b s i t e ( for view.


P.C. Herold and Niranjan Krishna

The Music Club started off for the year with their most scintillating inaugural show on the 27th of last month. Presided over by Mr. B.S. Sekar, from All India Radio (AIR), the show began with the joyous song “Veyillodu vilayaadi” by Niranjan Krishna, the Music Club Secretary and Herold. The audience gave their loudest cheers as the singers’ voice rang out, resonating in all the niches of the fully packed auditorium. This was followed by A.R. Rahman’s “Chinna chinna aasai”, with a blend of

- S. Sandhya (Final Year EEE)

Dramatix Inaugural Showdown

The Final Year Dance Team

It was show time and the auditorium was full. The Dramatix club was all set to begin its activities for this year with a bang, the Chief Guest being ‘Lollu Sabha’ Jeeva. After the traditional inauguration, the evening kicked off with the second-years’ dance. There were many surprise packages this time. The new hip hop, jazz, kuthu and the hockey stick dance styles replaced the traditional ones. The theme and presentation on the Sri Lankan issue by the third-years’ was the pick of the show. Then came the third year team which resurrected Mi-


chael Jackson, made him moonwalk, dance a kuthu, took him to yama -logam. It was non-stop fun. Then it was time for the final year varietyshow where a romantic couple’s wedding was enacted. A complete wedding procession was put up. Though many were disheartened by the missing food section, the bride’s beauty (wow..!) and especially his, er ...her ... er ...its dance complimented it. Finally came the most awaited portion of the show; the trailer of the short film ‘ID Card’. It was dazzling and served as the perfect finishing touch to the show. It was a relief to see a much desired change in the overall spirit of the show. On the whole, it was a completely fun-filled performance.

- V. Mahesh (Final Year Mech)

- M. Bhageshvar (Final Year Chem)

Arts Club Inauguration The Arts club inaugurated with a bright show of colurs on 31.08.09. The Chief Guest for the evening was Mr.K.Balashanmugam, MFA. The inaugural function was accompanied by a display of 8 paintings, showcasing the talents of the Arts Club members. The paintings and the decorations put up for the inaugural were stunning. This was one of the most colourful events in our college in recent times.

Hindi verses in the midst of the Tamil lines. Manaroma’s masterpiece “Madrasa suthi paaka porein” sung by Navya, Suriya Prabha and Niranjan, received an overwhelming round of applause from the audience. The club members came up with astounding performances of the songs “Aasaiya kaathula “, “Sonna padi kelu”, “Kannum kannum” and “Alaigra”. The audience was awestruck by the “medley” sung by Sukanya and Herold which was the fusion of the well known folk songs - “Kotta pakku”, ”Ottha rubaa tharein” and “Panjumittai”. However, the highlight of the show was the song “Mama mapla” by Niranjan and Herold, which received huge applause from the audience. Without any doubt, the Music Club has come up with a brilliant and fantastic performance. Hats off to them!

Round The Corner Pravaah’09


Conducted by: PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore Date: 25.09.09 and 26.09.09 Website: pravaah09.html

Conducted by: IIT Madras Date: 30.9.09 to 4.10.09 Website:

Resilience’09 Conducted by: Mechanical Engineering Association of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Date: Friday, 25th September Major Events: General Quiz, Best Manager and Water Rocketry. Website:

- Kowtham Kumar K. (Final Year EEE)

- Chandrashekar Anand (Final Year EEE)

Page 3

Placement Talk

The New Library

‘Placement’ is a watchword and these days selves up with options of higher studies. is the main deciding factor as to which col- The GRE & CAT centers had a larger stulege people get into. When the IT industry dent inflow than usual and were the only boomed with profits, the need for efficient places where recession resulted in profit. employees surged. They found the fresh The fear factor started building up as our 6th minds passing out every year a vital re- semester ended. In India however, the imsource and thus campus recruitment gained pact of recession was not as bad as it was in huge momentum. the other countries. The conditions showed The recruitment rally commences by the signs of slow revival. Things weren’t as beginning of the 7th semester (3rd week of gloomy as they could have been. By July May). Ashok Leyland (for Mechanical) is end, when placement was considered a usually the first company in the list. Fol- mere joke in most other colleges, around 10 lowing that, the Placement Cell has a busy companies visited CIT, recruiting 26 stuschedule with software majors streaming dents. This number might have increased in, in June & July. TCS, Infosys, IGATE… by a huge margin by the time you read this goes the softies list and L&T, TVS, ABB, article. The situation looks brighter towards Schneider… goes the core companies list. the end of 2009. We are pretty sure that Almost 90% of the CIT’s usual trend students would be If you believe that “opportunity will return, and if it is placed by July 1st true that hard work week. After this, knocks your door only once” never goes unrecomes the Second warded, who knows, phase i.e., the douthen you are certainly wrong; we may even get ble placements bemore companies than for you are in CIT. gin. Microsoft, Dethe previous years. Shaw, ThoughtSo all you people out Works, Schlumberger, GM, Caterpillar and there (especially freshers) if you believe that a few others queue up to fill the dream “opportunity knocks your door only once” slots. As a senior once said, “Even dogs can then you are certainly wrong; for you are at get placed in CIT”. CIT. You are in an environment where you This was the trend till the first two months can shape your future as you wish. So reinof the last academic year. That was the force your skills with a sound knowledge of time when Mr. Recession arrived, and current trends and other activities making slapped down almost the entire IT industry yourself more proficient and competent and and many other leading core companies. to be triumphant in today’s cutthroat Even the Big bosses, who decided the stat- world. Getting placed is very easy, if you ure of the world economy, became its vic- have a reasonably good academic record, tims. Recruitment in colleges almost came especially without arrears (We mean it!). to a halt. As the months passed, Mr. Reces- And that however, doesn’t really mean that sion’s horrendous impact worsened, jobs you have to be a nerd. Have all the fun you were slashed, call letters deferred and many can, take freedom in doing stuff but don’t hopes shattered. Though the economic forget the purpose of your life and learn to slowdown had a major blow on campus balance it all in the right proportion. Sucrecruitment, CIT managed to place most of cess is then definitely yours!! its students. We were advised to back our- V. Mahesh (Final year Mech)

The new library in our college is something that all of us can be proud of. For those of us who have been using the old library, we can be sure that a lot of revamping and improvements have been made in the new library, few of the prominent ones being that the library is now well lit and superbly ventilated (to the extent that you can actually read the title of the book standing between the racks!!). Certain facilities, however, are still unexplored. Our library has a vast collection of technical and non-technical books and a huge collection of back volumes. We have a subscription of nearly 75 IEEE journals per month, which is more than what most other premier institutions have. The journals are housed in the respective department libraries for the first three months after which they are transferred to the main library. If you are interested in technical research, then you should definitely check out the enormous collection of back volumes; there are about 5200 books that may be of use. The journal section of our library (probably the most used section) subscribes to about 160 international, 50 national and 30 other journals and magazines. The OPAC system of checking the book availability is highly useful especially when you are desperately in need of a book with only a fortnight or so left for the semesters. CD-ROMs on various technical topics are available in our library’s computer section though not many of us make use of this facility. An experienced faculty recalls one of our retired professors, Mr. Slabikov (of EEE department), from Russia. His book on

It is time that we realize that “A Book Misplaced Is a Book Lost” quent. This indeed proves to be a major problem (or maybe even an excuse so as to why many of us prefer to get books from anywhere and not the library). It is time that we realize that “A Book Misplaced Is a Book Lost” and refrain from doing such absurd activities. The unavailability of recent issues of scientific magazines like “Scientific American Indian” is a complaint from our bibliophiles. The new library is however, a boon to all of us with the many new facilities. And so let’s all make it a point to use our library as much as we can in a good way.

- K. Arumugam (II Year EEE) and R. Sriram (II Year ECE)

Burger Hub : Review

Clubs Speak Literary Club


The Literary Club got busy with its activities right from the first week of the semester. The usual Saturday discussions were filled with fun. The first event was a hilarious JAM followed by a Debate where people put up iron-clad defenses. Firstyears were ordained into the general mood of the club with an ice-breaker event Potpourri.

The CIT NCC conducted a helmet awareness camp just after the first-years’ orientation. They are just back after an exciting trek to Tirumurthi hills last weekend.


The NSS regularly organizes awareness camps under the guidance of their staff advisors. They recently organized a blood donation camp which was a huge success. One of CIT’s most enthusiastic clubs, the A ten day camp will be organized next Music Club is planning to perform in as semester. many cultural fests as possible next semester. They have just come out with one of their finest performances at their The photography club is planning to inaugural function. They are also planning conduct more events this year. They had to create a music album by the end of the for their inaugural function Mr. K. Maruthachalam, Managing Director, beat that! Photo Centre as the Chief Guest. They have also launched their website The Muthamizh Mandram will be “Plans for a CIT conducting its usual host of events and also calendar are currently on”, the secretary some new ones. Work for ‘Illamparavai’ says. has begun and is in full swing. The mandram also plans to conduct a ‘Tamizhar Thiruvizha’ and give away the The Quiz club of CIT created a record of ‘Muthamizh Mandram Virudhu’ for the winning 22 quizzes in and around best essays, story, orations, slogan writing Coimbatore last year. CIT’s own Open Quiz, Brahma was a huge success. An and poems. Intra-college general quiz in January is being planned to encourage more quizzers.

Music Club

Photography Club

Muthamizh Mandram

Quiz Club

- S. Santhosh Kumar (III Year Mech)


power systems has not been equalled in standard by any other author yet. We can be proud in saying that this rare book is available only in our library. Delnet is probably the most useful facility in our library. Our college has memberships in various library networks like the British Council Annual Institutional membership. The inter-library lending facility proves to be very useful, the login ID and password can be obtained from the librarian. Our librarian, Mrs. Aruna is willing to help at all times in regard to the various facilities available in the library. Complaints of books not being in the respective department shelves are very fre-

Think about hot, spicy, burgers leaking mayonnaise, and what comes to your mind (apart from the two zillion calories that you will be consuming)? Burger Hub, undoubtedly the best burger joint in town. Eat a jumbo burger there along with some “Oh, So Crisp Fries” and you will definitely find yourself in Food Heaven after the scrumptious meal. The food here is good but for all those poor people whose taste buds have become dormant after eating the daily campus fare for days together, it is nothing short of some tangy, spicy, solid nectar. But the hub is not the place where you can go have a nice and loud treat with a huge gang of your friends. It is incredibly cramped and has superbly uncomfortable seats and can seat only two per table. And if you think that it is probably the place for an intimate meal and conversation between two people, I’m sorry

you’ve got it wrong. Now for the ambience-well the less said about it, the better. (You didn’t hear from me that a couple of months ago people saw roaches near the wash there.) There is another problem too. There is not much variety, especially for all you vegans. But a must mention, the little veggie fare they do offer is alluring and simply irresistible. And the rates? Reasonable I guess (well, at least in the first two weeks after you have returned from home with your wallets carrying a good sum of money). So all said and done, if you are in the mood for hot greasy burgers (the best tasting in town) and don’t really care about the ambience and environment, then Burger Hub is the place for you. All this writing has made me hungry...Burger and fries anyone?!

- Harini Ragothaman (III Year IT)

Evening Canteen / Bonda Stall Be it student or staff, everyone makes it a point to stop at the bonda stall for a while to have a hot bonda and tea, with an occasional Keera Vadai to refresh themselves. Veg and Egg bondas priced at Rs.3 & Rs.6 are the main crowd-pullers. The hot, crispy Molaga Bajji and Vadai are the other delicacies. Every patron of the bonda stall is a fan of the tea (not the hot water served in the ‘you know where’) available here. Chilled mango

Jumpins are also sold to quench your thirst. The bonda stall is the life-line for part-timers. The reviews of our club meetings often take place here. CITians often come here to finish off their promised treats in the cheapest way possible. The bonda-stall is a place to share and enjoy (though the ‘sharing’ is sometimes forced). - R. Sriram (II Year ECE)

Page 4

Down The Memory Lane: Three days, over a hundred events and a thousand odd students, to make it happen. The “it” was Harmony, the venue – CIT and the requisite was the enthusiasm, creativity and dedication of the student masse. Harmony was one of South India’s greatest inter college cultural fests. It was among the much awaited events of the year and was the pride of CIT. It stood for fun, talent and new beginnings. To those of us who have never seen it, Harmony was in essence ‘Quest’ on a much, much larger scale. Everything about Harmony was BIG - be it the participation or the prize money or the humongous budget. Above all, Harmony meant pure and unadulterated fun, with stars from the filmdom adding to the fun quotient. Harmony began in the late 1980s and soon became one of the most prestigious events of Tamil Nadu. The seventeen clubs underwent non-stop preparation for months together to make Harmony happen. For an event of such magnitude, the budget was without a doubt, huge. It was somewhere around eight lakhs, touching its peak of ten lakhs in 2004. Despite this huge budget, Harmony never ran short of funds, since the big names of the corporate world were always vying with each other to be the star sponsors. Pepsi was among the main supporters, sponsoring over a lakh and promising a celebrity every year. Every South Indian college wanted to be a part of Harmony. Adrenaline ran high with over a thousand students from over 150 different colleges, competing with each


other a n d fighting it out for t h e prizes. There were over a h u n dred events hosted by the clubs of CIT and each club had a showcase event. The prelims were conducted in the conference halls (no fancy AC-CH in those days) and the auditorium hosted the finals and events like AD-MAD, debates etc. The star events were reserved for the OAT and took place in the evenings. OAT looked like something we have never seen before. For us, who know only the barren dump yard, it may be difficult to imagine the OAT decorated with such beautiful artwork of lights. The standard of the events was high and so was the standard of the competitors and only the best went away with the prizes. The Literary Club had its heated debates, the rib tickling JAM’s and the more traditional poetry and creative writing competitions. The Quiz Club tested the grey cells with its platter of mind boggling questions, the star event being the ‘Lone Wolf’. Several clubs hosted fun events such as Treasure Hunts and Seek ‘N’ Seize. The Photo Club was very active during Harmony and its photo displays were one of the most talked about displays in Coimbatore. The Dramatix club had its own share of high profile events like ADMAD and Ek Minute, the most vibrant one being the


MUSIC CLUB Light Music :


Euphoria (PSG CAS) - First Place Techofest (GCT) - First Place Cascall (PSG CAS) - Second Place

Zonals (I and II year) - Winners Zonals (III and IV year) - Third Place CICAA - Runners-up TIES - Runners-up


dance shows in the OAT. On the first evening of Harmony, the music club took stage in the OAT and inaugurated the Music-Nite with its showdown which was followed by the performances by various other college bands. It used to be indeed a night for melody. On the second evening OAT became the ramp for budding fashion designers with future Manish Malhotra’s and Ritu Kumar’s showcasing their collections in Harmony’s fashion parade. Ms. Harmony was a coveted prize with the winner taking home Rs.10,000. Each day of harmony brought in celebrities from the filmdom as chief guests. There was a day when SPB and Yesudas performed on the stage in our very own OAT. Harmony’s popularity soared when Madhavan, the then heart-throb, visited the OAT. The last year of Harmony saw the five ‘BOYS’ turning up. Harmony always ended with the “Oh, my god, it was fun!” note, on everyone’s mouths. Sadly, we never got a chance to be a part of this culture. We can just cross our fingers and pray that Harmony will be back again one day. -Sanghamitra Chatterjee and R.J.S.A. Jayamary Divya (II Year Chem)

Recent Workshops SHORT TERM COURSE ON POWER QUALITY AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES IN INDIAN INDUSTRIES, (24th and 25th July, 2009): This two – day workshop was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, jointly with CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram, under the aegis of National Mission on Power Electronics and Technology (NaMPET). Guest Lectures by dignitaries such as Prof. V. Ramanarayanan from IISc took place. Some of the student projects based on Power Electronics and Power Quality were displayed in the Technical Exhibition. Various factors pertaining to the maintenance of Power quality and the energy issues were discussed in this - K. Kowtham Kumar (Final Year EEE) workshop.

TWO DAY WORKSHOP ON SIGNALS, TRANSFORMS AND APPLICATIONS (17TH AND 18TH SEPTEMBER, 2009): A two day workshop on signals, transforms and applications was conducted by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering jointly with the Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) on the 17th and 18th of September. The workshop covered various inter-disciplinary areas of signals, transforms and applications. The resource persons were Technical Experts from Texas Instruments, Bangalore, MathWorks, Bangalore, Trident Techlabs, Chennai and academicians from various engineering colleges. One of the members of our newsletter team mused that the lecture by Dr. Ashok Rao from IISc was one of the most brilliant and humorous lectures she had ever attended. It was a welcome change to listen to a person who lectured the crowd not on just signals , but also on life beyond textbooks and also on the lives of people who wrote those textbooks. - R. Soorya (Final Year IT)


Prizes Report

Zonals - Winners KCT Trophy - Runners-up CIT Trophy - Runners-up Kongu Trophy - Fourth Place

CRICKET KCT Trophy - Winners CIT Trophy - Runner-up 4th Division - Third Place

SPACE CLUB Robotics: Line Follower SKCET - First and Third Place

LITERARY CLUB Best of “Karishma” (Krishnammal) - First Place

Wizard of Words : Euphoria (PSG CAS) - First Place

Dumb Charades: Euphoria (PSG CAS) - First Place

Debate : Cascall (PSG CAS)

- Second Place

HOCKEY Zonals - Third Place

Group Dance:

QUIZ CLUB CTS Quiz’09 - First Place Pudhukottai Officers Club Independence Day Quiz - First Place Euphoria’09 PSG Mastermind (Lonewolf) - First and Second Places GCT General Quiz- Second Place

Hilaricas (Hindusthan) - Third Place Insignia (Cbe Zone) - First Place Lenesiz (State Level) - First Place


Culturals DRAMATIX CLUB Solo Dance: Euphoria (PSG CAS) - Second Place

Variety : Techofest (GCT) - First Place

ARTS CLUB How Close Can You Get? Third Place Dominoes: Second Place - S. Santhosh Kumar (III Year Mech)

The Good, Overlooked For Higher Secondary students of Tamil Nadu, it is a dream-come-true when they get a seat in a reputed engineering college like our own CIT, ranked third in the state and thirtyeighth in the nation. But CIT, which is well known for its various engineering streams has another gem on its grand crown which is somewhat lesser known to students outside or even within; the Computer Technology Department. Recession has made placements difficult, even in colleges like ours where placement was taken for granted all these years. At this point, Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest is relevant. And the M.Sc. Software students have been shining through this test of recession so far. The highly ranked engineering streams have been losing out in the crunch situation. Started in 1998, this department has worked its way up the ladder to its current esteemed position. Their syllabus is framed in a way such that the students learn only their core subjects throughout their study period. Their

latest syllabus, compiled in association with Oklahoma State University at the beginning of this year, is considered to be the best syllabus ever framed in CIT. Their mandatory internships make their students apply their knowledge to solve practical problems and complete projects for companies even before they graduate. ThoughtWorks, a dream company for every student who desires a career in software engineering recruited only two students from CIT and both of them from this department. The HR people from ThoughtWorks said that they found their students more practically equipped compared to the rest of the crowd. It is high time that everyone sat up and took notice of the Department of Computer Technology and its students. They should be given the respect and recognition due to them for the great job they are doing. This department, surely is one of the brightest gems on CIT’s crown. - K. Siddarthan (III Year Chem)

Chief Editor: Srivatsan V.

Editors: M. Bhageshvar, Chandrashekar Anand, Kowtham Kumar K., V. Mahesh, S. Sandhya, R. Soorya, M.A. Uttara

Design: D. Anand Elamaran, S. Santhosh Kumar

The Reporting Team: K. Arumugam, J.F. Dominic Savio Fernando, Harini Ragothaman, R.J.S.A. Jayamary Divya, Sanghamitra Chatterjee, K. Siddarthan, R. Sriram

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