The White Complexion Obsession

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 843
  • Pages: 3
The White complexion obsession N K Srinivasan If you travel from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari ,the tip of peninsular India, you will find men and women of complexions from jet black [coal-dark] to lily white color…The people in the north, especially the kashmiris and punjabis are very fair..people in the south,from Andhrapradesh down to Tamil nadu and Kerala can be pretty dark complexioned..The west coast people, from Mumbai to the Cochin in the south are fair or light complexioned….. Some narrow minded historians and philosophers were quick to label the north people as those of ‘Aryan’ origin and those in deep south of ‘Dravidian’ stock…This is a gross oversimplification to boost the racist pride of the people…There has been continuous mingling of races in India ,due to foreign invasions from the Greeks, Bactrians, Mongols, Arab and Central Asian tribes, with modest immigration of jews and other tribes form different parts….Certainly many African tribes, especially from Ethiopia, visited and stayed in India..It was common to use as palace guards, mercenary soldiers and certain commanders men from the central Asia, Greeks and also African men… they were labeled as foreigners, simply called ‘Yavanas’. Some imported chieftains were also used to train military men and maintain secret armies…All these men were active in mixing with the local women and therefore racial mixing was quite common and not considered ‘unacceptable’ by the society. There were several tribes or adivasis [early settlers] –mainly blackcomplexioned--who also mingled with the town folk in almost all states of India. The Europeans---the Portuguese, the Dutch,the French and the British --came to trade and occupy colonies from 17th century.The soldiers of these colonists and the officers were mixing with the local people to a limited extent ,but had many illicit affairs with local women…. All these resulted in the ‘coloring’ of Indian population from jet black to lily white complexion that we find today. The society had always placed white men and women in a special category of ‘superior’ people…This has led to the mild prejudices in the minds of almost all people…fair complexioned girls and women are prized possessions of many families, especially for the marriage

market. Please note that arranged marriages [arranged by parents or elders in the family] are still the normal mode of pairing among the young. In arranged marriages, as a general norm or preference , a girl who is fair-complexioned is sought after . It is common that fair complexioned girls are ‘booked’ for marriage at a fairly young age, often when they are students in schools or colleges, even before they finish school. A casual look at the marriage ads in the newspapers and marriagebureau bulletins in India will reveal the preference of boys and their parents.” Seeking a fair-complexioned ,well accomplished,girl— graduate in science and engineering----“this you may find in many ads… Parents on their part tell their friends and relatives to look for a girl with fair skin for their boys, even though the boy himself may be dark….A boy may select a fair-skinned girl even though she may be less educated or from a less wealthy or even a poor family---compared to a dark girl from a wealthy family…such preferences are continuing even today… Some marriage ads will employ the term ”wheatish’ complexion which is a shade darker than lily white or very fair, in this jargon. Some boys may prefer wheat complexioned girl to a dark is hard the define the shade of grayness or wheatish color among girls…. Things are changing very fast though…chemistry helps a bit…many girls go the ‘beauty parlor’ to get a bleaching treatment for the face and hands—a treatment that may ‘whiten’ them for a few days---when boys are brought to see the girls.. There are other rapid changes in the society due to increased educational status and employment for girls…many are well qualified in science, engineering ,medicine and business and earn handsome salaries….so boys may give less weightage to the complexion factor… But again they would seek a fair-skinned girl to begin with…With love at first sight, and with marriages between castes, complexion may take a less prominent role…but again these are still rare cases… The obsession with white skin is carried in to careers and jobs is easy for affair skinned girl to get a job as a receptionist, PR/HR job or journalist ,news reporter or news-caster than a wheatish or black skinned girl…though exceptions are always there… It is a sad commentary on the Indian society that white skin should have greater attraction in these areas of marriage,job ,careers etc in the 21st century…though beauty is not skin-deep, still Indian families

and men are attracted to fair skin…Any fair-skinned girl, especially, is at a premium… Moving to western society, one does find that black men are attracted to white women. Many celebrities prefer white women ,especially sport and media stars. The change in mind set to accept black or wheat colored women in society as equal to white women may come about in the next generation or two….We hope so.!

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