The Vampyre Chronicles

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  • Words: 3,565
  • Pages: 6


It was a dark, quiet night as she was walking down the sidewalk. She was the only one outside. Her cheerleading practice got held late. Her friends had offered her a ride home, but she had refused. She liked walking at night. But tonight was different. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being followed. She was walking close to the trees near the neighborhood forest. She kept glancing behind her, but every time she looked, there was no one there. So she started to walk faster. She strained her ears to try and pick up a noise, any noise at all. But all was quiet, except for the sound of her footsteps. All of a sudden, there was a cracking noise coming from behind her, like a twig breaking. She stopped, and spun around. “W-who’s there?” She whispered. No response. “Josh, if you’re there, stop. This isn’t funny!” She managed to say. No response. Crack. She quickly turned and ran. Crack. The noise was coming from above her now. Crack. She glanced up, but never stopped running. She looked back, but only long enough to run right into a tree. Crack. “Please, leave me alone.” Crack. Footsteps. The girl closed her eyes. Footsteps… Scream. Chapter one I was running through a corridor. Two other people were running beside me. We were laughing and we couldn’t run right. Footsteps were approaching us. We tried to pick up speed, but that only made me slip. It was hard to run in a dress. I couldn’t stop laughing. The footsteps were getting closer. We rounded a corner, but that ended up slowing us down. We were starting to run out of breath. I took a glance behind us, and saw that they were very close. I almost tripped. Just as we were rounding another corner, we slipped into our hiding spot. We watched as they ran by, and we tried to stop from laughing. They didn’t see us, but they noticed that they weren’t chasing us anymore. They walked back to where we disappeared. Once they had their backs turned to us, we snook out of our hiding spot and pounced on them. Then we all erupted into laughter. I was looking into the bluegreen eyes of the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. We both smiled at each other. “Juliana!” My mom yelled. “Time for school.” Ugh, why did my mom have to ruin that perfect dream? It seemed so it happened before. “Juliana!” My mom called again. “Now!” “Alright, alright. “ I called back as I dragged myself out of bed. I glanced at my clock. 6:30.

I still had plenty of time. What was with all of the rushing? I threw on a black shirt with skulls on it, and jeans. And then my necklace that I always wore, it was a black ring. I went over to the mirror, and brushed back my shoulderlength dark hair. I was about to go downstairs, but all of a sudden, I got this odd feeling, and I had to close my eyes. The second that my eyes closed, images started to flicker through my mind. But there was one that stood out. It was of a boy. He had pale-blonde hair, and bluegreen eyes. He looked like the same exact guy from my dream. Thinking about him made me get butterflies in my stomach. Why was this? “Juliana!” My mom called again, breaking my train of thought. “The bus will be here at any minute.” “Kay.” I called. The second that I walked into homeroom, my best friend, Samantha, rushed at me and grabbed my arm. “There is a new guy.” She whispered. Sam had longish blonde hair, and she dressed skater. And she was 13, like me. “And he is totally cute!” She was always after the guys. “What?” I asked, still dazed from my dream. I sat down, and Sam sat down beside me. “You have to see him!” She practically screamed. She was practically jumping up and down in her chair. I followed her gaze, until I set eyes on him. He was sitting a few chairs away from us. His back was to us, so I couldn’t see his face. But then he felt our gaze, and looked back at us. The second that I looked into his eyes, I knew that he was the same guy from my dreams. I couldn’t stop staring at him, with butterflies in my stomach. He caught me looking at him, and smiled a breathtaking smile. But then Sam grabbed my arm, and dragged me away from him. “See.” She whispered. “Isn’t he cute?!” “Mhm” I muttered absentmindedly. I was still staring at him. What was going on? Just then, the bell rang for homeroom to end. Chapter 2 Sam and I were sitting in first period science, when it happened again. The teacher was blabbing about something, and I got that weird feeling, and I had to close my eyes again. The second that my eyes closed, images started to flicker through my mind. I was standing in a clearing with six other people, including the guy from my other dreams. The atmosphere was very tense, and the sun was kissing the land, as it was setting. There were three guys, and two other girls, and we were huddling together, talking in whispered voices. Everyone looked worried, like something bad was happening. Then I turned my head, and looked into those familiar blue-green eyes. I was about to say something, but then the teacher called on me, pulling me out of the trance. “Juliana!” The teacher yelled. “There is no sleeping in my class! So perhaps you will be able to tell us what this formula means.” She snapped, pointing a finger at the chalk board at her messy handwriting. The answer just popped into my head. “Sodium Floride.” I said. The teacher looked at me, but then went back to teaching. When fourth period came along, I was sitting down at my desk, and reading my book before class. That’s when I suddenly felt like eyes were watching me. So I lifted my head, and was staring into those blue-green eyes. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Just then the bell rang. “Class,” The teacher said. “We have a new student who will be joining us. His

name is Daimian McCoy. Let us all make him feel welcome.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, as he sat in the only available seat, a few desks in front of me. I ended up staring at him for the rest of the period. It wasn’t until the end of the day, when everything went wrong. I was standing in front of my open locker, while Sam chatted, animated, about some cute guy that she had seen. That was when I first got that awful feeling that I was being watched. This feeling was different-creepy. I couldn’t stop myself from shaking. I glanced behind me, at one of the windows looking out onto the big, green lawn of the front of the school. Nothing was different than usual. I only saw kids talking and getting on busses. I suddenly got the feeling of another dream coming. I looked at Sam, my eyes unfocused. She was still animatedly talking, not noticing what was happening to me. Then everything changed. Now I was standing in some dark room, and I couldn’t move, I was chained up. A figure started to emerge from the darkness, like the dark was coming alive. The figure slowly started to walk towards me. My heart beat sped up, as I took quick, rasping breaths. I was half blind by my own blood that ran into my eyes. The figure was now visible for me to see his smirk. Something about him sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly, the figure lifted something into the air. With one, swift movement, he brought it down, into my stomach. I screamed. “Juliana!” I heard someone call my name, in a worried tone. I suddenly opened my eyes, and found myself laying in the middle of the hallway. Kids were all staring at me, with worried expressions. I started to get up. “OhMyGod.” Sam cried. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” I said, my voice a whisper. My throat was dry, and I was suddenly very thirsty for something that I couldn’t name. My head was pounding, and I was still shaking. Some of the kids were still watching me, but the others were hurrying to catch their bus. As I shut my locker, and started to shakily walk towards the exit, I saw him. Daimian was staring at me, a worried look on his face. Sam helped me to walk out of the school, but had to leave, to catch her bus. “Call me.“ She threw over her shoulder as she walked away. I still couldn’t shake that horrible feeling that I was being watched as I was walking home. I was alone, on the empty sidewalk, and there were no cars on the street. Odd. Something felt eerie. I quickened my pace a little. My footsteps were barely audible through the sound of my blood pumping in my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure dart between two houses, then another. I walked faster, my breathing heavy. I still felt weak from the dream, and that undying thirst. I suddenly felt someone behind me, and I could see their shadow, looming over me, blocking out the path of the sun. Slowly, I turned. There was a man standing a foot or two from me. He was smirking. He wore all red, with boots and his hair was dark. There was something familiar about him. Thinking about it brought back more memories of that dark room. I almost didn’t notice the sword glinting at his waist. My breath caught. Everything about him screamed Run. I was suddenly running, flying past the houses, and I could hear his heavy footfall behind me. He was gaining ground, and fast. I ran into the woods, away from the road. The second that I did that, I knew that it was a stupid idea. Suddenly, something hard crashed into me from behind, and I went flying. We both hit the ground with an audible thud. The breath was knocked out of me. I was gasping, as I tried to crawl away. “Oh no you don’t!” The stranger grunted. He grabbed my ankle, and started to drag me back. But suddenly, there was a noise coming from behind us. Great. He has reinforcements. But suddenly, the tight grip on my ankle loosened, and the strange man let go. So I took my chance, and I tried, unsuccessfully to crawl away again, but I didn’t have the strength. Then, suddenly, arms were around my waist, carefully lifting me to my feet. I was still shaking, and gasping for air, as I turned around. Butterflies flew around in my stomach when I saw who it was. I was staring

right into those blue-green eyes again. Daimian was standing directly in front of me, with a worried expression. “Are you alright?” He asked, lightly stroking my cheek. I felt my cheeks getting warm, as I blushed. “Yeah. Thank you.” I smiled up at him. “You’re welcome.” He said, and smiled back. I couldn’t stop from staring at him. And I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around him. His arms wound around me, and he rested his head on top of mine. This seemed familiar to me, for some reason. I don’t know how long we stood like that, but it didn’t seem like long enough, when he suddenly pulled away a little bit, so that he could look into my eyes. Our faces were only inches apart. And this brought back feelings that I couldn’t name. “I love you, Luna.” He whispered. Then he closed the distance between us. His lips gently pressed against mine. Our lips moved in synchronization. By the time we pulled away, we were both panting. He had said ‘Luna’. But for some unnamable reason, I felt like that was right. “I love you too, Daimian.” I whispered. “We should get you home before it gets late.” He said as he smiled. Chapter3 We were walking outside in the moonlight. The castle behind us was silhouetted against the night. The large, full moon was shining against the dark sky like a beacon. Daimian and I were walking, hand in hand, to meet the others. There was a huge celebration going on. By the time that we got there, there were dozens of vampyres talking, and dancing around the huge campfire. We walked over to a group of 4 other people. 2 girls, and 2 boys. They were all familiar. They turned to greet us with smiles, as we approached. A girl, with brownish, frizzy hair, with the sides pulled back into a clip, spoke. “You finally made it, sister.” She said, with a teasing smile. Her voice was like bells. “Yeah. We waited for you to forever.” Said one of the boys in the group, grinning. He had an arm around the girl who had spoken. He was tall, like the others, and he had short, dark hair, and brown eyes. I rolled my eyes at them. “I bet-” I got cut off in mid-sentence by the sudden noise of an explosion. Everyone stopped talking, and looked around. Daimian stiffened beside me. “What’s going on?” The other girl in our small group whispered. She was short, and had straight, dark hair, and her eyes looked frightened. “Nothing I bet. It will be alright, Marie.” Said the other boy. He was tall also, and had dark, short hair, and he was holding Marie’s hand. “Daimian…” I whispered, my eyes unfocused. “Something is wrong.” I awoke suddenly, from the noise of my alarm clock. What a weird dream, I thought, as I rolled over to turn it off. My throat was on fire. So I got dressed quickly, and ran downstairs to get something to drink. I ended up drinking a whole water bottle, but my throat still burned. I was still craving something that I couldn’t name. So I grabbed my books, and left the house. I was halfway to the school when I walked by the forest. Memories started to suddenly flow back. I had been chased, and nearly killed by some man with a sword. Daimian had saved me. Daimian and I had kissed. Remembering that suddenly brought warmth to my cheeks. I smiled to myself. He had kissed me, and I had kissed him back. Were we together now? I was contemplating this as I walked into homeroom. I walked over to my normal seat, and sat down next to Sam. The second that I had sat down, she started animatedly talking.

“You didn’t call me last night.” She said. “But anyway, you will never guess who talked to me this morning.” She kept talking, as I scanned the room, but to no avail. “Who are you looking for?” Same asked, lifting one perfect, blonde eyebrow, and smiling. Did she know? How would she? “No one.” I responded. She kept glaring at me, with her eyebrows raised. “Okayyyy.” She drew out the word, so that it had two syllables. She then picked up where she left off, and kept talking. Homeroom was almost over, and there was still no sign of him. Just then, the bell rang, and my heart sank. He wasn’t here. I slowly got up, and trudged out the room. I was walking to class, when I got that familiar sensation. My eyesight started to go blurry. I suddenly tripped over something and fell into someone. “Watch it!” Snapped Theresa. She was one of those dumb cheerleaders. I didn’t respond as I walked away. My eyesight was getting even more unfocused as I walked down the long hallway. I suddenly tripped again, and I felt someone catch me. “Easy, easy.” Said that familiar voice. I looked up, and saw Daimian’s concerned expression. I rocked unsteadily, on my feet. “Are you alright?” He asked, sounding really concerned now. “I’m…” I suddenly fell into his arms. I was back outside. “Daimian..” I said. “Something is wrong.” Everyone in the group then turned to me. “What is it, sister.” Asked the girl with frizzy hair. I was feeling that familiar sensation. “Danya..” I said to the girl with frizzy hair. “They are coming after you.” I then looked at her with unfocused eyes. “Who?!” Asked the boy with his arm around Danya. Danya looked at Joseph. “Calm, Joseph.” Said Danya. Then she looked at me. “Who?” She asked, gently. “Slayers.” I whispered. I was suddenly back in the hallway. It felt like I was being carried. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw Daimian. We were outside, and he was carrying me somewhere. “What happened?” I asked. My voice hoarse. He then looked at me. “Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded. He looked at me for a long moment, then said, “You passed out, and I’m taking you home.” I thought about that for a while. And I thought about what I saw while I was ‘passed out’. Why did I keep seeing all of these things? It was strange. And what did it all mean? “What are you thinking about?” Daimian asked, studying me. Could I tell him? Would he believe me? Or would he think that I was crazy? I decided to keep quiet, at least for now. “Just about why I passed out.” I lied. Daimian studied me some more, and then smiled, like he saw through the lie. I smiled shyly back. The next thing that he said caught my attention. “You had a flashback.” He said easily, and smiled. I looked at him. Is that what I kept seeing? Suddenly, we were at my front door. Daimian easily opened the door, even though it was locked. He carried me over to the couch and set me down. The he sat down next to me. “How long have you been having flashbacks?” He asked, smiling at me. “Since yesterday.” I said. “But..why? What do these flashbacks mean?” He took my hand in his. “They are from a past life.” He said. And at my confused expression, he explained. “You see, you are not human. You are rather something else. Do you know what it is?” I thought for a moment. Then it came to me. “Vampyre.” I whispered. I looked at him, and he nodded and smiled. “Is that why I have been so thirsty?”

He looked at me, and then put a finger under my chin, and tilted my face towards his. “Yes. How long have you been thirsty?” He asked. “Yesterday.” I said simply. “Hmmm.” He said. Then he got up, and walked into the kitchen. “What’s wrong-” My breath suddenly caught, as he got a knife, and walked back over to me. He smiled at my confused expression, and then he cut a small gash on his shoulder. I couldn’t tare my eyes away as the blood dripped down. Without even thinking, I leaned forward. “Go ahead.” He urged. That was all of the pushing that I needed. I was suddenly drinking his blood from the gash. I pulled away after a few moments. “Better?” He asked. I nodded. “Thank you.” I smiled at him. “Anytime.” He said, wiping off the blood from my lip with his fingers. We kept gazing into each others eyes. He put his fingers under my chin again. He started to lean in, and I met him the rest of the way. His warm, soft lips pressed against mine. Our lips moved in synchronization for a few moments. And when we pulled away, we were both panting. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. “I-” He suddenly got cut off by my cell phone ringing. I gave him an apologetic glance, and then pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. The caller ID said Sam. Ughhhh. Why did this perfect moment have to be ruined? I answered my phone. “Yeah?” I said. “OhMyGod!” Sam’s voice said. “I met the hottest guy at the mall, and he asked me out! His name is Edward.” I laughed. It was typical Sam to always find some cute boy. “How old is he?” I asked. It was also typical Sam to date older guys. “Only 15.” She said simply. I got that familiar sensation. I glanced at Daimian with my eyes unfocused, and he understood at once. I was suddenly in his arms. “I’ll call you back.” I mumbled into the phone, and then I closed my eyes. I was back in that dark room. The figure of the man was standing before me. Firelight, that came from the candle in the far corner, illuminated his face. He had longish black hair, and dark eyes, and he was grinning wildly. He walked closer, and held up his arm again. But this time I caught the glinting of a sword, before I felt it plunge into my stomach again. I jerked awake, and I grasped Daimian’s shirt. “What is it?” He asked. “What did you see?” Copyrighted by me.

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