Angel's Moon

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  • Words: 3,656
  • Pages: 7
Angel’s Moon Roxanne AKA Roxie played by Kristen Herrera [IMG][/IMG] Jason AKA Jace played by Alex Evans [IMG][/IMG] Tiffany-Jace’s little brat sister played by Jamie Lyn Spears [IMG] /untitled.jpg[/IMG] Emily-Roxie’s best friend played by Shailene Woodley [IMG] .jpg[/IMG] Brandi played by Nikki Webster [IMG][/IMG] Chapter 1 ~Surprise~ “Mom?” I yelled, running down the stairs in my jeans, and a black T-shirt. “Mom!” “I’m in the living room, sweetheart.” My mother called, and then coughed. My mom likes to smoke, a lot, no matter how many times I’ve told her to quit. I walked into the living room, and found my mom sitting on the red loveseat. My father had died when I had been four. My mother had told me that he had been in a bad car accident, but I couldn’t remember much about it, or him. “What is it mom?” I asked, while swiping my long dark hair out of my eyes. “There are some people that I want you to meet.” My mother said, and then looked across the living room. I followed her gaze, and discovered the people that she was talking about. There were two men. One-who looked to be about my age- was sitting in our blue armchair. The other man was sitting on our gray couch. I noticed that the boy in the blue armchair was absolutely gorgeous. He had spiky black hair, that fell into his eyes a little, and bright blue eyes. And he was also wearing white jeans, and a white shirt. The guy looked like an angel. He smiled a little at nothing and looked out of the window behind my mom. The other man had longish dark hair, and dark eyes. He was wearing an all black suit, and was as pale as a ghost. The two of them looked different in contrast. I turned my scrutinizing gaze back to the angel boy, and found that his bright blue eyes were watching me. The corners of his mouth turned up, when he found that I had caught him looking at me, and my heart skipped a beat. I smiled back. “Sit down Roxanne.” My mother said while patting the space next to her. I walked over to the loveseat and everyone turned to me when I sat down. Okay, this was weird. “Roxanne.” My mother said, and then coughed. “I’d like for you to meet Mr. Robert Owens.” She said, gesturing to the man in the black. “And his son Mr. Jason Owens.” She continued, and gestured to the angel boy in white. “Hi.” I mumbled, looking from Jason to Mr. Robert. I had a feeling of uneasiness for some reason. I looked at my mom who was looking at me with a sad expression. “What’s wrong mom?” I asked. I Started to silently panic. My mom only made this face when she was about to deliver really bad news. “Roxanne.” My mother said, taking my hands in hers. Her honey blonde hair fell into her bright blue eyes. “Roxanne, honey, I’ve gotten you a job with Mr. Owens.” She said. I relaxed. Oh, so that was all. “You’re going to move into Mr. and Mrs. Owens’s home.” My mom said. My heart

instantly dropped. “What?” I practically screamed. “You have to be kidding me, right?” “I’m sorry, honey, but no.” “I can’t believe this.” I yelled while jumping up from the couch. I stormed out of the living room, and upstairs to my room. I heard my mother calling after me, but I ignored her and slammed my door. I walked over to my bed and sat on it. I took my iPod off of the charger from my desk, and plugged the earbuds in. Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace blared from the iPod in my hands. Listening to music was how I always got my anger out. I turned the volume up when I heard a knock on my door. “Roxanne.” I heard my mother call. “At least let me explain” I sighed and gave up when I heard her coughing from the other side of the door. I pulled my earbuds out, and walked over to my door and opened it. My mother stood in the hallway, looking like she was about to yell again, but she closed her mouth when she saw me. “Well.” I said and leaned against the door frame. “Start explaining.” Jason’s Point Of View “Well.” I heard Roxanne say from upstairs. “Start explaining.” “She reminds me of her father.” My father said and got a distant look on his face. “Are you sure that this was such a good idea?” I asked. I thought of the way that Roxanne had stormed off. “Of course, Jason.” My father said. Only my mom and dad called me by my full name. Everyone else just called me Jace. “But you know what she is.” I argued, but it was just like arguing with a brick wall. “She would be the only one of her kind there. And God knows what Tiff-” My father abruptly interrupter me by saying, “Tiffany will be fine.” He said, referring to my little sister. “She can handle herself.” “But you know as good as I do of how she reacts around Were-” I got interrupted again by the sound of Roxanne yelling. “What?!” I heard her yell. “Today? Tonight? But what about school? What about my friends?” “Everything is taken care of, sweetheart.” Her mother said soothingly. “Everything is not alright! I have to live with complete strangers!” My father sighed and shook his head. “Just like her father.” He mumbled to himself. Chapter 2 ~New life, new job. Kill me now!~ Roxie’s Point Of View I shoved my iPod in my left pocket, and my cell phone in the other. I grabbed my giant red suitcase from the base of my bed and walked to my door. I turned around and whispered, “Goodbye.” as I turned out the lights. I silently shut my door, and walked down the stairs. I dragged my suitcase down the stairs and nearly tripped. “Damn stairs.” I muttered. I walked to the front room where my mother and Mr. Owens were whispering violently. Jason stood at the window by the door and was looking out into the night. Everyone turned when I approached. “Roxanne.” My mother said and then came up to me and gave me a huge hug. When she let go, she had tears in her eyes. “This is for the best.” She said, more to herself than to me. “I’m going to miss you, sweetie.” She said, giving me another hug. “Then don’t send me away.” I whispered. My mother just shook her head. “This is for the best, trust me, Roxanne.” I just sighed. “We have to catch the plane.” Mr. Owned said. “Alright.” My mother said. “Goodbye, Roxie.” She gave me one last hug and I was out the door. All three of us walked silently to the car. The sidewalk leading

from my house to the street was covered in ice and snow. I slipped, and nearly fell on my butt while I carefully walked down the front porch steps. “I hate winter.” I mumbled. “Do you need help?” Jason said from in front of me, and turned around. “No.” I muttered, and looked down at where I was walking. I was almost to the end of the sidewalk when I slipped on a patch of ice. I would have fallen on my face if Jason hadn’t have caught me. “Thanks.” I said when he put me back on the ground. He smiled, and it made my heart skip. “You’re welcome.” was all that he said as he turned and headed towards his father. I had to walk fast to catch up. We were in the parking lot now. “Which car is..Oh My God!” I yelled when I saw the car that we were taking. “What?” Said Jason. Both him and his father had turned around to look at me with identical confusion on their faces. “The. Car.” I said, barely able to hide my excitement. Jace’s Point Of View. “Which care is..Oh My God!” I heard Roxanne yell from behind me. I turned to look at her, and my breath caught, as it kept doing all night. There was just something about Roxanne that made my heart skip a beat. Which was really weird, believe me. “What?” I asked, confused of her reaction. “The. Car.” She practically yelled. She looked up at me and her bright blue eyes were brimmed with excitement. “It’s only a Ferrari.” I said, still confused. “Only?” She said. And then I saw her smile for the first time. “Yeah.” I said. But I couldn’t help smiling back. “Are you two coming?” Dad asked from the driver side of the car. “Yes!” Roxie squealed, and practically ran to the car. I let out a small laugh. Roxie stopped, and turned to look at me with an unreadable expression. “What?” I asked. I seemed to be saying that a lot tonight. “N-nothing.” She said, and then jumped in the backseat after she dumped her luggage in the trunk. I slipped into the passenger side of the car, and we pulled out of the parking lot. Roxie’s Point Of View We’ve been driving for over an hour now, and I was getting bored. I rested my head against the window. I kept glancing at the side view mirror attached to the outside of the tiny black sports scar. I kept looking at Jason’s reflection. I he absolutely gorgeous. No-I mentally slapped myself. I can’t start liking him! We’re going to be living in the same house for God’s sake! And I would be working for him. I caught Jason’s reflection give a quick and amused smile. That brought a question to mind. What exactly would my job me. “Umm..” I Said. “Yes?” Mr. Owens said from the front seat. I saw Jason looking at me. “ exactly is my job supposed to be?” I stuttered. Something about being close to Mr. Owens made me nervous. “You are going to be a maid.” He said. Oh, okay. Wait-what?! “A maid?” I asked and my voice rose an octave. I didn’t know one thing about cleaning. My house back home had been super messy. “A maid.” Mr. Owens said simply. “There are other maids, so you won’t be alone.” I sank back into my seat, exasperated. A maid? How could my mother do this to me? I didn’t even do anything wrong! Except maybe forget to water the plants every now and then, but that was all. I snorted, which caused Jason to look back at me with

a confused expression. “Is something wrong?” Mr. Owens asked. “No.” I practically growled. I was surprised by my sudden mood swing. I saw Jason and his father exchange a knowing glance. Jace’s Point Of View “A maid?” Roxanne asked with her voice rising to a squeak. “A maid.” My father said simply. “There are other maids, so you won’t be alone.” Roxanne sank back into her seat, with a weird expression on her face. I instantly wanted to comfort her. I heard her snort, and I turned around to look at her, confused. “Is something wrong?” My dad asked. And he used the tone that he normally uses when he already knows what’s wrong. “No.” Roxanne practically growled. Me and my dad exchanged looks. This was what it was going to be like for at least a month. It took a while for Were“Jason.” My father said, interrupting my thought process. “Yeah?” “Call your mother and tell her that we will be there in 5 minutes.” “Alright.” I said. I pulled out my iPhone. I dialed my mom’s cell and she picked up after only 3 rings. “Jason.” My mother said. “What is it?” “We’ll be home in about 5 minutes, so make sure everything’s ready for Roxanne.” I said distractedly. I was too busy looking back at Roxanne from the side view mirror. “Jason Christopher Owens.” My mom yelled from the other side of the phone. “You do not use that tone with me, young man!” “Sorry, mom.” I muttered. I heard Roxanne try to hide a laugh, and failed. “You better be, young man. Tell your father that everything is ready.” “Yes, mom.” I sighed. I hung up. “Mom says everything is ready.” “Good.” Dad said. “We’re home.” Chapter 3 ~New Guy?~ Roxanne AKA Roxie played by Kristen Herrera [IMG][/IMG] John Reese played by Alex Pettyfer [IMG] fer/Reid14.jpg[/IMG] Roxie’s Point Of View “Good.” Mr. Owens said. “We’re home.” My head shot up from it’s place on the window. I gasped and my jaw hit the floor when I saw what ‘home’ was. It was a huge white mansion. We drove through a gate and around a giant fountain and up to the front of the house. Jason and his father climbed out of the car. I followed them, and slowly climbed out. I looked up at the huge house looming in front of me. Someone handed me my suitcase, but I didn’t see who because I was too busy gawking. “Are you coming, Roxanne?” Said a sweet voice. “Yeah.” I said and turned around towards the voice. “And it’s Roxie by the way.” I said while looking into Jason’s bright blue and totally gorgeous eyes. He smiled a little. “Alright, Roxie.” And said. And My stomach felt fluttery when he said my name. He turned around, but then turned back. “And it’s Jace by the way.” He said, grinned, and then walked towards the hugs lumbering house. I grabbed my suitcase and quickly followed him. I gasped, and my jaw hit the floor for the second time today

when I saw the inside. There were polished white tile floors, and a grand staircase about 2 yards from the entrance. There were multiple hallways leading in different directions. Uh-oh. I am going to get totally lost! I noticed that I was standing in the middle of the white tile floor. Everyone was looking at me. I felt a faint flush creep up my cheeks. “Emily!” Mr. Owens said and making me jump. I looked at a hallway to the right of the grand staircase as a girl emerged. She looked about a little younger than me, with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She was wearing one of those maid outfits. “Yes, Mr. Owens?” She asked. And then Mr. Robert walked down some hallway. “Could you please show Miss Roxanne to her bedroom?” “Of course.” She said and then looked at me. She smiled. “Follow me.” I started to walk towards her, but a hand stopped me. I turned around and encountered those blue eyes that I loved. Wait-loved?! I barely knew the guy! Jace bent down so that he could whisper in my ear. “Be careful of Brandi, and Tiffany.” He said. “They can be a bitch.” I looked up at him when he stood back up. “Who-” I tried to ask. But he put a finger on my lips. “Shh!” He said. “Tell no one that I said that. She would eat me alive.” I laughed at this. “Okay.” I said, still laughing. “You’re secret’s safe with me.” He grinned. “Thanks.” He said. “See ya later, Roxie!” He said, and started down the same hallway as his father. “See ya Jace.” I called after him. He turned around and smiled before disappearing behind a corner. That boy has had too much sugar. I laughed, and then looked at a surprised Emily. “Okay.” I said. “I’m ready.” I grabbed my suitcase, and walked over to her. She seemed to be in shock. “Emily?” I asked worriedly, and waved a hand in front of her face. “Oh.” She said, snapping out of it. “Sorry.” “It’s okay.” I said. “Let’s go.” She said and then disappeared down the hallway that she came from. “He lets you call him Jace?” Emily randomly asked while we were walking. “Huh?” I asked confused. “Jason. He lets you call him Jace?” “Huh? Oh yeah. He told me to.” I said. “Why?” “He only lets his closest friends call him that.” She said, and then looked at me. “That’s weird.” I said. “I only just met the dude today. It must be Hit On The New Maid day today.” Emily burst out laughing. “What?” I asked. “Nothing. You’re just funny.” “Oh. Thanks.” “We’re here.” Emily said. We had arrived a golden brown door. Emily opened it, and I gasped. It was bigger than my room at home! My draw hit the floor for the billionth time today (I really needed to learn how to control that) as I stepping into the room. There was a king sized bed against the wall across from the door. The wall behind it was made up of only windows. There was a door on the other side of the room, and I guessed that that was my closet. There was a flat screen TV mounted to the wall above the door. The carpet was soft through my shoes. To my right was a huge vanity/dresser. I turned around and saw that Emily was just as shocked. “Jason must really like you.” She said and sat on the huge bed. I snorted. “We just met.” I said. I couldn’t resist any longer! I ran over to the bed and belly flopped on it. Emily gave a little scream as she bounce off of the bed. “Are you okay?” I asked and looked over the edge of the bed.

“Uh-huh.” She said. Then we both burst out laughing at the same time. I had a feeling that we would be good friends. I heard a random and loud beeping noise coming from Emily. Was she going to blow up?! Hit the deck! Just kidding. It was only her watch. “Oh.” She said. “We have to get to work.” “As in, maid work?” I asked, stunned to be forced into work already. “Yep.” Emily said. “There should be an outfit in your closet. And some cleaning stuff in the closet across the hall.” She began to get up and walk to the door. “Wait!” I said, sitting up. She turned around. “What do I do?” She laughed. “Clean stuff.” And at my puzzled look, “Just clean random stuff that’s dirty.” She shrugged, and walked out the door. Works for me. I jumped up, and ran to the closet. It was pretty big, and had a lot of clothes already in it. I skipped to the back of the closet where all of the cute little maid outfits were. I picked one out, and put it on. It fit perfectly, which was weird if you ask me. I walked out of the closet and to my room. I moved my suitcase away from the door as I walked out. I shut the door behind me, and walked to the closet across the hall. I picked out random cleaning stuff and went exploring down the hallways. I passed a lot of random rooms. Game Room, (I know!) Library, Music Room. Wait-I backed up until I got back to the music room. I gasped when I saw what was in it. There were guitars, a piano, a violin, drums, and a microphone. I wonder who used this room. All well, it would soon be occupied by..ME! I walked down other endless hallways until I found a hallway with a really dirty floor. Fun. Not. I sighed as I took out the cleaning supplies thingys. I took out my iPod that I had slipped into the pocket of my pants-yes pants! I put in my earbuds and scrolled down the list until I found the song I wanted. I started to randomly clean when the first verse came on. Let me know that I've done wrong When I've known this all along I go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know ~[I started to sing along quietly.]~ I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret ~[I started to dance and sing a little bit louder.]~ Who has to know When we live such fragile lives It's the best way we survive I go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know

~[I started to sing really loud without noticing, and started dancing and shaking my hair. Cleaning totally forgotton!]~ I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Who has to know The way she feels inside (inside) Those thoughts I can't deny (deny) These sleeping thoughts won't lie (won't lie) And all I've tried to hide It's eating me apart Trace this life out I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret) I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Dirty little secret Dirty little secret Who has to know Who has to know I needed to finish cleaning without being distracted again so I took my headphones out. Just as I was about to put my iPod away, I heard clapping coming from behind me. I whirled around to see…. A perfectly hot guy.

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