The Us Is Struggling Violently With Its Own Self Over

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,020
  • Pages: 3
The US is struggling violently with its own self over cases involving people demonstrating extreme destructive behaviour that could be only be classified as domestic terrorism. A former soldier in the US Army called Anthony Sowell was found to have concealed the bodies of at least 11 people in and around his home in Ohio. This is truly a case of domestic terrorism. Neighbours kept their distance from him and avoided him as much as they could because Sowell literally carried on his person the smell of death. Just days ago, a US military doctor at Ford Hood allegedly mowed down 13 people because he could no longer withstand discrimination he had long endured due to his minority religious background. And a man shot dead one person and wounded several others at his former workplace in Orlando apparently out of anger and hopelessness about his personal plight. His kind of story has already been re-enacted countless times in the past. In April 2009, a man shot dead 13 people in Binghamton, New York and died afterwards. The authorities then were completely helpless and were reduced to issuing useless statements. And just yesterday, a gunman shot dead at least 2 people in Portland, Oregon. Such deadly behaviour is not new. The US has had a very long history of people using guns, knives, nooses or just their hands and fists to wipe out members of the public. Some others kidnapped individuals for their own personal purposes or use. One famous case was the Hearst kidnapping. Yet still there were people who even caused whole buildings to fall. One such incident took place in Oklahoma. Other incidents involved sending bombs to unsuspecting victims, for example the injury and killing cases done by the so-called Unabomber. Also, there were killings done against medical personnel who owned or operated women's clinics. All these people could well and truly get classified as US domestic terrorists. Even schools were not safe from such incidents. Incidents involving killing and wounding individuals go back a long way and recent deadly attacks took place at Virginia Tech where at least 30 individuals were slaughtered and also at Columbine where at least 13 people were massacred. Even incidents that did not result in deaths could also be considered as the work of domestic terrorists. The kidnap and forced 18-year imprisonment of Jaycee Dugard in Antioch, California was clearly an act of human terror. The kidnapper was suspected to be responsible for other acts of terror as well. All this, right inside the US nation itself. Why is the US always such a very fertile ground for these numerous kinds of home-grown terrorists ? Why ? There are many, many reasons why. One is that the US is

such a violent and aggressive society, so very violent and aggressive that even people outside it are in no way able to feel safe at any given time. Another reason is the socalled guarantee in the US constitution for all its citizens the right to 'bear arms'. This has actually contributed to a big and growing rise in gun-related violence in the US and a fondness for the smell of gunpowder and blood. The expression 'bear arms' was to convey the right to take up weapons to defend the country at its time of birth. However over time, this has been interpreted to meaning the right to possess weapons for personal use. 'Take up' and 'possess' might sound similar in general meaning but they don't convey exactly the same in interpretation. This problem of getting lost in interpretation is not just confined to inside the US. The US has from time to time conveniently gotten itself lost in interpretation with regard to its actions overseas. It awarded itself the free licence to do anything it wanted whenever it encountered any small and helpless community. It has taken up arms most violently against sedentary societies and weak nations all over the globe, killing, destroying, maiming and sowing mindless havoc and misery. It has terrorised nations and communities that were greatly weakened by hunger, lies and unbounding abuse by Western nations. People who 'took up' weapons to defend their homelands were branded terrorists. The US killed, bombed wholesale, obliterated helpless civilians fleeing or hiding or 'taking up' shelter in huts, mudbrick homes, hamlets, villages, ditches and canals with high terror weapons like napalm, phosphorous and deceleration missiles, shells and bombs and cluster munitions. Thus it is not surprising that the US is now having to struggle with terror born of its own making and on its very own home turf. Domestic terror. This very moment now, the world isn't troubled only by US domestic terror, we all are very violently troubled by state terror orchestrated by the US government. We are living in the most dangerous security environment mankind has known since the days of almighty Genghis. Domestic terrorism will always haunt the US as long and as forever as US society chooses to worship the gun and the knife. US society is indeed violent, aggressive and completely merciless and callous. All the US leaders are also not different as well. They love the smell of human blood and the smell of cordite. They are all evil. They love the feel of cold steel and the frightened stares of their luckless victims. They love the screams of pain and cries of sorrow and they now want even more. The US are terrorists on the home front and overseas. Domestic terror and state terror are real US trademarks. From Florida to California, from Seattle to New York and onto Baghdad, Kabul and eleswhere, US terrorism

will always continue to claim innocent victims. And yet the US has the impertinence to express sympathy with terror druglords seeking 'autonomy' from Yangon. Should Yangon now express sympathy for those people like Anthony Sowell and the Fort Hood doctor? The world must be aware of the source of terrorism and the source of human pain and suffering. The source of great evil and hypocrisy. Not to be aware is to invite coming terror. Be warned ! Be truly warned !!

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