The Tide Is Now Destruction

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,109
  • Pages: 3
THE TIDE IS NOW DESTRUCTION THE TIDE IS NOW DESTRUCTION BY GOD'S WILL TO GO AGAINST IT IS TO GO AGAINST GOD 1.1 We are the servants of GOD, no less. We are here to carry out the Will of GOD, no less. We are bound to the Earth for a period that we may perform the commandments of GOD. We are nothing save within the aura of GOD. We are subject ultimately to the destiny prescribed for us by GOD. We are beings of the Universe belonging only to GOD. We are specks of dust upon the desert of all existence, which belongs to GOD. We are nothing without GOD. 1.2 GOD is our creator. GOD is our master. GOD is our strength. GOD is our life. GOD is our inspiration. GOD is our knowledge. GOD is our understanding. 1.3 We have no existence but of GOD. We have no power but of GOD. We have no consciousness but of GOD. We have no choice but of GOD. 1.4 And our choice is to include GOD or to exclude GOD. To acknowledge GOD or to reject GOD. To see GOD or be blind to GOD. To know GOD or be ignorant of GOD. To worship or to defy GOD. 1.5 Whichever we choose, our path to destiny is the same. But if we choose to include GOD, then we shall follow the path with joy and a sense of fulfillment. If we choose to exclude GOD, we shall follow the path in agony and dark despair. 1.6 We cannot change the course of destiny. We cannot go against the Will of GOD and change it. We can only choose to accept the Will of GOD and be part of it, or reject it and exist in pain from the rejection. 1.7 For GOD decides the destinies of men. And GOD decides the destiny of man. And GOD decides the destiny of the world. And GOD decides the destiny of the Universe. 1.8 And we, as beings of the mighty Universe can only turn our faces towards GOD or turn our backs upon GOD. And whichever way we choose, the wind of destiny will blow despite us. Only we ourselves shall feel a difference. 1.9 A man may drown or swim, a million men may drown or swim, yet the passage of the sea, the turn of the tide, the action of the waves, the mysteries of the deep, are inexorable. 1.10 We are the servants of GOD. Either we serve Him and are duly rewarded, or we defy Him and are duly punished. Either we go with Him and enjoy the aura of His love, or we go against Him and suffer the afflictions of His hatred. The difference manifests in us alone. GOD is unchanged, GOD is unchanged, GOD's Will is undeterred, GOD's strength is undiminished, GOD's power is unscathed. And Destiny is the Will of GOD, created by the power of GOD, and

manifested through the strength of GOD. And Destiny is inexorable. No being of the Universe can conceive of the Power of the Will of GOD. It is too far beyond him. To go against that Power, to battle against the stream of Destiny which stems from that Power, is only to suffer the tortures of the damned. The Power remains. The stream goes on unchecked, its course unchanged. 1.11 If we presume to impose OUR will upon the Universe in opposition to the Will of GOD; if we are so proud as to believe that we of our own free will can alter the course of Destiny; if we deny our GOD so totally as to think that WE create the patterns of existence, and therefore change them as we choose, whilst He is nothing more than part of our creation; then we are doomed indeed. But if we know His Power, accept His Will, and tread the path of Destiny beside Him, wherever it may lead, then we belong to Him, then we are His children. 2.1 This world and the human race that crawls upon its surface are doomed to extinction before two thousand years passed the birth of Christ. 2.2 Man has made his choice to alienate himself from GOD, and GOD replies. The choice is made, and judgement follows. 2.3 Man demanded choice to shape his destiny, and GOD gave man what he demanded. And GOD said: "Choose the pattern of your world. Create within the terms of your existence. And when you have chosen, I shall judge, for ultimately all choice is mine." 2.4 And man chose the pattern of his world within the terms of his existence. And his world is a world without GOD. An image of GOD, a pretense of GOD, but no presence of GOD. GOD himself is not included in the world of men. 2.5 And now the Judgement. 2.6 Hell is the absence of GOD. GOD is absent from the world of men. The world of men is Hell. 2.7 The Devil is one who alienates himself and all things under him and part of him from GOD. Humanity is the Devil. 3.1 Now comes the presence of GOD upon the world, not by the choice of men, who had excluded Him, but for the Judgement and Retribution. 3.2 GOD gave man the choice he demanded. Now GOD removes that choice. The test is done. Now GOD decides once more according to the Law. Destruction. Destruction of the GODless world of men. 3.3 Too late for man to change his mind. Too late for him to see the Pit before him, and turn once more towards GOD. He made his choice. Now GOD makes HIS; the overriding choice. 3.4 What happens in the world of men today is no longer man's decision, but GOD's. Man has had his time of choosing. Now come the consequences of his choice. 3.5 Time only for the few who are no part of the GODless human pattern of self-worship, to be chosen by GOD at their anointed time, to be lifted up into the ranks of the Army of GOD. And whilst those of humanity destroy themselves by seeking to save the world from its inevitable death and mankind from its inevitable doom, alienating themselves further and further from GOD as they fight more and more desperately against the power of the Divine Will, the chosen shall be at one with GOD in His inexorable Judgement and fate He has decreed for all mankind. 3.6 For the tide is now Destruction by GOD's Will, and to go against it is to go against GOD. September, 1968

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