The Three Pillars Of Making Money Online

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The Three Pillars of Making Money Online © 2009 Paul Piotrowski. All Rights Reserved.

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I have used my best efforts in preparing this material. I make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this eBook. I disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. I shall in no event be held liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. This manual contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

(Special thanks go out to Ebele for taking the time to proofread and fix the typos in the first version of this eBook. Much appreciated!)

(Revision 1.01)

Table of Contents Chapter 1 - So You Want to Make Money Online ......................................................4 Chapter 2 – Mindset. Strategy. Execution. The Three Pillars of Online Success ....5 Chapter 3 – My Story.....................................................................................................6 Relentless Pursuit of Self Improvement.....................................................................6 Where the Three Pillars of Online Success Brought Me So Far ...............................6 Learning the Strategies of Making Money Online ..................................................7 Finding Mentors .........................................................................................................7 Chapter 4 – Developing the Mindset of Making Money Online..............................10 First, You Must Have a Purpose...............................................................................10 Develop a Positive Attitude ....................................................................................11 Embrace Visualization.............................................................................................12 Use Affirmations .......................................................................................................13 Engage Your Emotional Side ..................................................................................14 Express Gratitude.....................................................................................................15 Chapter 5 – The Importance of Proper Execution ....................................................16 Chapter 6 – Following a Proven Strategy ..................................................................20 Chapter 7 – Best Online Courses for Teaching Strategy of Making Money Online22 Blog Mastermind by Yaro Starak ............................................................................22 The Nitro Blueprint System by Nitro Marketing.......................................................23 PPC Classroom 2.0...................................................................................................24 Chapter 8 – The Typical Phases of Making Money Online ......................................27 Phase I – The Starting Phase ...................................................................................27 Phase II – The Massive Action Phase......................................................................29 Phase III – The Strategy Seeking Phase ..................................................................31 Phase IV – Implementing the Mindset of Making Money Online Phase ............34 Chapter 9 – Final Words..............................................................................................36 Additional Resources ..............................................................................................36

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 1 So You Want to Make Money Online Chances are this isn’t the first eBook you’ve read on making money online. Also, if you’re reading this eBook, chances are you haven’t experienced all the online success you’ve been dreaming of yet. There is no shortage of information on the Internet teaching the latest and greatest strategies for making money online. In fact there is so much information out there it’s enough to make your head swell. The problem is that information on strategy alone is not enough. If it was, there would be a lot more people making money online. The truth is that lack of information on online money making strategies is not the main reason most people fail to make money online. The reason is because most people don’t realize that having the right Internet strategy is just one of the three pillars to online success. Besides having the right strategy for making money online, there are two other pillars that are just as important to online success, yet they are generally not taught in most “make money online” systems and courses. The other two pillars that you must master are the right mindset to make money online and the ability to get yourself to execute on the strategies you’ve been taught. Together, these three pillars of utilizing (1) The Right Internet Money Making Strategy, along with (2) The Right Online Money Making Mindset, and (3) The Getting Yourself to Execute on The Strategies You’ve Been Taught form the foundation for all success online. This eBook is going to focus primarily on The Right Online Money Making Mindset, but will also cover some of the exact strategies I have personally used to make money online myself. It will also explain how having the right mindset for making money online enables you to execute on the strategies you are being taught regardless of which system of making money online you end up following.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 2 Mindset. Strategy. Execution. The Three Pillars of Online Success

When the three pillars of online success are fully aligned, you can’t help but to make money online. If you have the right strategy for making money online, and you couple that with the right mindset and execution, you’re on the fast track to becoming the next Internet Money Making Superstar. Of course very few people have the right mindset for making money online. In fact, most people have been conditioned with an employee mindset that works well in the corporate world, but does very little to help them make money online as Internet Entrepreneurs. Couple that with poor execution skills and you’ve got yourself a recipe for frustration, not success. This is why so many successful online money makers out there have zero reservations about teaching all of their strategies for making money online. They know very well that you need to couple their strategies with the right mindset and the right execution skills to be successful. Since most people are not willing to do that, they know that the market is never going to be saturated even if they give away all of their secrets.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 3 My Story Before I dive into writing about the mindset of making money online, I’d like to first share a little bit about where I learned this mindset from. After all, I just said that most “make money online” systems and courses out there don’t teach this. So if I didn’t learn it from them, where did I learn it? Prior to becoming a solo Internet Marketer / Entrepreneur, I owned and managed several corporate businesses in the technology sector and was the CTO of a publicly traded company. In the 15 years that I worked in the corporate world I learned a lot about what it takes to run a profitable and successful business. The corporate world can be a ruthless teacher, but if you can survive in it for long enough you learn what it takes to be successful.

Relentless Pursuit of Self Improvement During my time in the corporate world, I also became a tenacious student of personal development and self improvement courses, books and seminars. I’ve read over 1,000 books on success, business, wealth, marketing, leadership, nutrition, and many other topics related to mastering life. It was in these books, courses and seminars that I began to really unravel the three pillars of success which I found present in the lives of all the successful people I’ve studied. The three pillars of success are not some kind of secret that’s been buried for thousands of years and just recently found. They are simple, fundamental truths of what it takes to be successful in any area of life, and all I’ve done is I’ve learned how to apply them to make money online as Internet Marketer / Entrepreneur.

Where the Three Pillars of Success Brought Me So Far As I began to unravel the three pillars of success, I began to apply them in the corporate world for the companies I was running and working for. This allowed Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


me to move up the corporate ladder very quickly and to make an income in the six-figure range. At first I thought I finally made it, having reached my dream of having the kind of income that could afford me a very comfortable lifestyle, but I soon discovered that there was still something missing – time freedom. In the early Spring of 2005 I began hearing about Internet Bloggers who were making money online by Blogging from home. The idea of being able to stay at home and to make money with a Blog instead of having to fight traffic to get into the office every morning was very appealing to me. That was when I began my journey towards learning how to make money online by Blogging, which later led to learning how to make money with affiliate marketing and by producing my own products.

Learning the Strategies of Making Money Online The advantage I had when I started in 2005, was that I already had the entrepreneurial mindset and the mindset of making a six-figure income. I also already knew how to be able to motivate myself to take action and to execute on the action steps necessary to achieve something. The only thing I was missing was a proper strategy of making money online. At first my progress was very slow, as I tried to do everything myself utilizing all the “free” resources out there. In fact when I first started Blogging, I wrote my own Blogging platform. For the first few months of running my first Blog, I was using my own software I wrote to do my Blogging. I had no idea that there was a software called Wordpress out there that provided everything I needed free of charge. Pretty soon though I found myself spending more time adding features and fixing bugs in my own software than actually writing content for my Blog, so I started to look around to see what other people were doing. That’s when I learned about Wordpress and began using it for all of my projects.

Finding Mentors As I began getting into the Blogging scene I started to realize just how much information there was for me to learn. There were plenty of free sources of information on how to make money from Blogging and how to make money online, but I found myself getting into a state of information overload with too many different pieces from too many different strategies to try to implement. I decided to go looking for a more complete “system” or “mentoring course”.

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Luckily for me, a brilliant young entrepreneur by the name of Yaro Starak had just come out with a mentoring program that taught people how to make a full time income from Blogging part time. I jumped on the opportunity and became a student of Yaro’s and over the next six months I learned all about making money from Blogging. I also had the privilege of meeting Yaro in person when he visited Vancouver, BC in 2008. Yaro’s blogging course was where I learned most of the blogging strategies I still use to this day to make money from my Blog, and I still highly recommend it to anyone looking to make money from Blogging. Besides making money from blogging I also wanted to learn the strategies of some of the most successful Internet Marketers on the planet who are making seven figure incomes online. At the end of 2007 I signed up for a personalized coaching / mentoring program put together by two Internet Marketing geniuses – Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – of Nitro Marketing who put the course together with one of my favorite personal development authors, Dr. Joe Vitale from the movie “The Secret”. All three of them have made millions of dollars online and put together a stepby-step system for making money online that they call The Nitro Blueprint System. Utilizing the strategies taught in the Nitro Blueprint System, along with the strategies I learned from Yaro’s Blog Mastermind program I launched my Blog – Armed with the strategies I learned from these systems, as well as the right mindset for making money online I began to execute and take action on what I was taught by my mentors. I used 2008 as my transition year to ramp up my Blog and Affiliate Marketing income to the point where I would be able to leave the stresses of the corporate world forever, as well as to train the replacement for my position at my corporate job. On Dec 31st, 2008 I left the corporate world of being an employee forever. As of January 2009 I have been making money online full time from a variety of sources including Blogging and Affiliate Marketing. I have no set schedule of when or where I work. I have no boss, and I have the time freedom that I never had in the corporate world. Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


What’s more is that in less than a year of focused effort I have been able to replace the income that took me 15 years to build in the corporate world, and I truly feel that I’m just getting started in this game. After all, as of the writing of this book I have only had 6 months of full time effort to devote to my online money making ventures. I wanted to share my story with you to inspire you to realize that it is possible to live a lifestyle where you have both money freedom, location freedom and time freedom, but to also wake you up to the fact that it’s not going to happen if you don’t take this seriously and apply the three pillars of success in your online business.

I’ll end this chapter and my story with a picture of my new puppy Zoe. While the world out there wakes up every morning and battles traffic to get to their office cubicles like I did for 15 years, I get to stay home and spend time with my wife, Zoe and my other dog Kobe instead. Isn’t it worth the effort to be able to have that kind of freedom?

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 4 Developing the Mindset of Making Money Online Alright, so let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what I mean by having the right mindset to make money online.

First, You Must Have a Purpose The first thing that I want to cover is purpose. You must have a purpose. Think of purpose as the source of fuel for your fire. Without a source of fuel, your fire will burn for a short period of time and then burn out. Most people that try to make money online have a very small, ambiguous and undefined purpose, usually revolving around nothing more than making enough money to pay their bills. That kind of purpose is like a tiny flame on a candle. It generates a little bit of light, and a little bit of heat, but how easy is it for a gust of wind or another person to come by and put out your candle? Pretty easy right? Even if they don’t, your candle will eventually burn out by itself. What you need is a purpose that is much larger than the tiny flame of a candle. It has to be clear, it has to be defined, and it has to be memorized. (1) Your Purpose Must be Bigger Than Your Current Self. questions that you can ask yourself to explore your purpose:

Here are some

Why do I want to Make Money Online? What will that do for me? How will it affect my life? How will having more money freedom affect my life? How will having more time freedom affect my life? How will having more location freedom affect my life? How will I grow in the process? What will my life look like when I’ve succeeded at accomplishing this? (2) Your Purpose Must Be Bigger Than You. As part of clearly defining your purpose, you must also define and get clear on how you will help the world around you. It’s not possible to succeed online, or in any business for that matter without having some effect on the outside world.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Whatever you do online will have an effect on the world whether you like it or not. The Internet provides us with amazing leverage to have an effect on the world. By getting clear on how you are helping the world, you will begin to release any feelings of guilt that could be hiding beneath the surface in your subconscious mind about making money online, working from home while most other people have to slave away at their jobs. When you start to make money online the money you make will not be made at the expense of others. It will benefit others. However, you have to take the time to figure out how it’s going to benefit others and it is not enough to just think about this for a few minutes and then dismiss it. It has to be part of your purpose and you must be very clear about it.

Develop a Positive Attitude Having the right attitude is of utmost importance. Your mental attitude is defined by the thoughts that you think on a regular basis. If all you’re thinking in your mind are negative thoughts of how difficult and impossible it is to make money online, then that is the reality you’re going to create for yourself. It doesn’t mean it’s true, but it will be true for you. I don’t mean to imply that if you’re broke and you haven’t made a penny online, that you should try to convince yourself that you’re not broke. That would be foolish. I’m not saying to be unrealistic. What I’m saying is that seeing your current situation in the negative light, without also seeing it in the positive light distorts your thinking and affects your attitude. As ultra successful personal development guru, Tony Robbins, puts it:

“Don’t see the situation worse than it is. Instead see it as it really is. Then, see it slightly better than it is.” Let me give you an example of what I mean by this. My journey into learning PPC affiliate marketing began sometime around August 2008. By the end of December 2008, I had several pay-per click campaigns that were doing several thousand dollars in revenue, but just barely breaking even in terms of profits. I had also just quit my job. It would have been easy for me to see the situation worse than it was. I could have easily said to myself:

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“Man, I’ve been working on this PPC Affiliate Marketing thing for months. I put in all this time into learning this affiliate marketing thing, and I’m not seeing any positive results from this. I’m barely breaking even.” That would have been seeing the situation worse than it is. A more realistic point of view could be: “I’ve been working on this PPC Affiliate Marketing thing for months. Finally now that I’ve decided to focus on it, I’m starting to see my revenues growing on an almost daily basis. I’m also now at the point where I’m not losing money anymore, I’m actually breaking even. The next step is to become profitable at this.” Now, to see it slightly better than it is involves projecting a positive expectation into the future. It could go something like this: “I’ve been working on this PPC Affiliate Marketing thing for years. That puts me ahead of 99% of the people who are just starting out in this today. Now that I’m finally going to have the time to focus on this full time, my income is going to grow even faster. I’ve already done the hard work of learning how to get to the point of making thousands of dollars in revenue and breaking even, and now it’s time to start turning some profits. I can’t wait to see how quickly my income grows in the next few months.” The idea here is not to try to deceive yourself with “positive thinking”. The idea is to project a positive expectation into the future by first seeing your current situation in a positive light and then setting a positive expectation for the future. A big part of having the right mental attitude comes from having a clearly defined purpose, but there are other factors involved as well. I’m going to cover those next.

Embrace Visualization If there was one tool that produces real-world results that most people completely ignore and refuse to make an effort to use regardless of how many times they hear a successful person tell them to use it, it would have to be Visualization. Visualization is of paramount importance. Having a clearly defined purpose is very important, but it is visualization that really brings that purpose to life. Our human minds don’t think in terms of words.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


We think in pictures. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is totally right. That is why we must utilize our imaginations to visualize our purpose. If part of your purpose of making money online is to be able to spend more time with your children by being able to work from home and having a flexible schedule, it’s great to write that down in your purpose statement, but to really get the fire stirred up you’re going to need to spend some time visualizing this situation. Closing your eyes and seeing yourself playing with your children at a nearby park on a Wednesday afternoon is going to stir up your fire much more than just saying it. Maybe for you it’s not about children, but about owning a specific type of car or house or about travelling to a specific destination. Spend time visualizing yourself having those things as part of your purpose of making money online. This is what will turn that candle flame into a raging fire that will be much hard to put out.

Use Affirmations A close cousin to visualization is affirmations. Affirmations are designed to impact your subconscious mind which affects how we think day to day. I’ve heard many people say that they don’t use affirmations, but that’s virtually impossible. Unless you’re in a coma, you’re using affirmations every day of your life. Also, advertisers are programming affirmations into your mind as well. You may not be aware of it, but you are using affirmations. The question really is whether you choose to take conscious control over the affirmations in your own mind, or if you’ll let advertisers and society at large do it for you. Affirmations are simply the repetitive thoughts you constantly say to yourself every day. Here are some examples of affirmations that people may find repeating in their heads: “Why can’t I lose weight?” “Making money isn’t easy.” “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “I can’t afford this.” “I never have enough time.” Etc. Advertisers also use affirmations to program your mind for you. Here are some affirmations you may have heard of from TV advertising:

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“Rolaids spells relief.” “Milk does a body good.” Etc. To take advantage of the power of affirmations, you can simply start with one carefully crafted affirmation that supports your purpose and vision for making money online. Whenever you say an affirmation, think of that like adding a piece of wood to your fire. Say an affirmation 50 times and you’ve got 50 pieces of wood in your fire. You can really get your fire burning hot when you say your affirmations. Just realize that doing this for one day is not going to be enough. Spaced repetition is the key here. Say your affirmations 10-50 times per day, and do it daily. That is the way to really get your fire burning.

Engage Your Emotional Side So let’s say that you’ve figured out your purpose for becoming an Internet Money Making Superstar. You’re crystal clear on how that will positively impact your life and the lives of others. You begin to express a positive attitude by seeing things slightly better than they are. You set aside time daily to visualize what it will be like to achieve the success you dream of, and you’ve been using affirmations to help program your subconscious mind to support you on your journey. All of these help to create a movie in your mind for your future life, and that movie becomes the fuel for the fire that will get you to take action and execute on the strategies that you’ve been learning. The next step is to add some color and sound to your movie by associating positive feelings with your visions and affirmations. A positive attitude, visualization and affirmations are all important parts of creating your movie, but imagine those as creating a black and white movie with no sound. A black and white movie with no sound alone can be very inspiring, but it’s still kind of flat and boring and it doesn’t get your juices really flowing and your fire really burning. Learning to add feelings and excitement to your visions and affirmations is like turning that silent , black and white movie into a full color, 3D theatre experience with surround sound. The easiest way to add some emotions into your visions is to link it to things that already get you excited. For example, if you have a favorite song that pumps Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


you up, then play that song while you close your eyes and do your visualizations. If there is a particular scene in a movie or a video clip that touches you emotionally, then use those as tools to add those emotions to your visualizations.

Special Message For Men For some men, getting in touch with their emotional side is not easy. Society teaches us to be “logical” and not “emotional”. If you’re a guy who doesn’t like to get emotional about things (like me), then this is going to work for you even better. If you can find a way to get emotionally excited about your vision and your goals, you’re going to turbo charge your money making mindset. C’mon, you can get excited about your favorite sports team winning, but you can’t get excited about your own life? I’ve seen men almost cry when their sports team loses, yet when they talk about their goals they’re like robots. Show some fricken emotion! Get excited! You’re not going to get locked up by the “Men Should Be Logical” police!

Express Gratitude The final piece of the puzzle to developing the right mindset to make money online is to be grateful for what you already have every step of the way. If your journey is one of 100 miles, be grateful for each mile you cross as it will help you tremendously to reach the next mile. Waiting until you reach your ultimate goal before being grateful is kind of like trying to hold your breath while swimming 10 laps around the pool. People who accomplish the most in life are those that show the most gratitude for the things that come to them in life. Let’s say that you start a Blog and your first goal is to make $500/month with it. Now, let’s say that you just got your first advertiser who just paid you $50 for an ad. Be grateful for that! Being grateful doesn’t mean you’re settling for less. You’re just expressing gratitude for what you already have because the energy of gratitude is one of the strongest attractor energies in the universe. Whatever you’re grateful for, you attract more of it into your life. If you’re not grateful for the progress you’ve made so far, you won’t make further progress. By the way, thank you for taking the time to read this eBook. If your life is as busy as mine, I know how limited your time must be and I really appreciate you giving me the chance to share this information with you. I really hope it helps you out in life. Thank you.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 5 The Importance of Proper Execution Ultimately, execution on the strategies that are taught out there is where everyone fails. You learn a new system or strategy for making money, that’s working for someone else beautifully and they’re making a mint online, yet you can’t seem to make money from it. Why? Well, because you’re not DOING IT! Learning the strategy will never make you any money. Taking action and DOING what the strategy teaches is the only thing that may make you money. You have to eventually apply what you learn, otherwise it’s wasted learning. Someone once said “Knowledge is power”. Well, that’s not entirely true. Knowledge is POTENTIAL power. APPLIED KNOWLEDGE is power. When you learn a strategy that works and then you work that strategy, that is power. This is nothing new. You already know this. However, I’ve got a question for you. IF you learn a “make money online” strategy that someone is teaching you and it can allow you to make $10,000/month or $100,000/month, then why aren’t you taking action? Why do so many people fail at execution? Is it because they’re lazy? I don’t believe so. I think there are only two reasons why people fail at the execution part of the plan.


You Don’t Have the Right Mindset to Make Money Online

If you don’t implement all the parts I talked about in Chapter 4, then you will not have the right mindset for making money online. There has to be a purpose to you wanting to make money online. Purpose, Vision, Affirmations etc. are all parts of the “secret sauce” formula to making sure you have the right mindset to make money. If you don’t get your mindset right, you’re going to be forever stuck in “LEARN. LEARN. LEARN.” And never follow through and “EXECUTE”. Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


If you have the right mindset already but you’re still not taking action, there can only be one other reason.

(2) You Don’t Really Believe the Strategy Will Work For You If you have the right mindset, and you’ve just learned a new strategy for making money online, yet you can’t seem to get yourself to take any action, the reason is because you don’t really believe the strategy will work for you. I’ve seen people beat themselves up for not taking action. Yet, when I asked them some more questions, we found out that in reality they don’t really believe in the strategy that they’re trying to follow. Your mind works on a formula of conserving energy. You’re NOT going to be able to do something that deep down you don’t believe in. So don’t beat yourself up for not implementing some new strategy you just learned if deep down you think it’s bogus. There are thousands of different strategies out there for making money online. I’ve personally looked into hundreds of different things. Some strategies really resonate with me, while others don’t. Instead of beating myself up for not doing something that doesn’t really resonate with me, I focus on doing what does resonate with me. For example, let’s say that you start taking a course and in this course the author suggests that you use a specific tactic for naming your Blog posts according to a specific formula that somehow gets you 23% more traffic to your site due to higher Google rankings. However, this particular strategy makes your Blog post titles sound really goofy to a regular person reading your Blog, and you don’t feel comfortable with that. Don’t beat yourself up for not following that strategy. If your intuition is telling you that it’s goofy and you shouldn’t do it, then don’t do it! There isn’t a single “guru” out there whose advice I have ever followed 100% in any area of my life. I always hear them out, but then I use my intuition to help me filter out the stuff that I feel will work for me, and ignore anything that doesn’t appeal to me. If there is only ONE thing in this eBook that appeals to you and makes sense to you, and everything else seems “goofy”, then you’re better off implementing that ONE thing fully than trying to do everything I’m teaching in here when you don’t really believe it.

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In most cases you’re probably going to intuitively agree with 80% of what you learn from different gurus and you’re better off implementing that 80% than having an “All or Nothing” attitude about it. Use what intuitively feels right, and forget about the rest. Just move on.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 6 Following a Proven Strategy Strategy is the third and final pillar of making money online. If you have the right mindset for making money online, you’ll have no problem taking action and executing on any strategy that you believe will work for you. With those two pieces in place, the third and final piece is learning and following the most effective online money making strategy for you. The Internet is riddled with courses and seminars and books and eBooks and mentorship courses and forums full of information on how to make money online. Here’s the best strategy for you to follow: (1) Forget about learning how to make money online for FREE. There is WAY too much misinformation out there that you’ll never be able to piece things together to make something work. Don’t use free sites as your main source of strategy for making money online. Yes I do realize that I run a FREE Blog that teaches people how to make money online. What I’m saying is that even my own Blog is not the best source of information for strategy. (2) Instead, find a good online course / membership site / coaching product that teaches you THEIR ONE strategy for making money online from A to Z and INVEST IN IT! This way you get a complete picture of how everything fits together into a coherent system that actually works. It’s hard enough making money online when you follow a proven system, you don’t need to complicate things even more by trying to piece things together from 100 different FREE sources. Those “Free” sources are going to cost you lost time, money and energy if you try to use them as a source for your strategy. (3) THEN, once you’re following a proven system (there are many!), you can supplement what you’re learning by reading all the different FREE Sources out there such as Blogs, Forums, YouTube videos etc. These free resources can be of tremendous value because they give you ideas and information that the other students in the course you’re taking

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won’t have. For example, let’s say that you sign up for an online course that teaches you how to do PPC Affiliate Marketing such as PPC Classroom 2.0 for example. Well, right off the bat I can tell you that 80% of the students in that course won’t do anything with the information that is in that course because they don’t have the right mindset and they don’t know how to execute on what they learn. However, there will be 20% of students that will do something with the information. In a way, those 20% of students become your competition online. Of course there is a lot of room out there to make money in many ways with PPC affiliate marketing, so it’s not like they’re all going to compete with you directly, but there is an easy way that you can separate yourself from them and leave them in the dust. How? Leverage the power of free information to supplement what you’re being taught. For example, by applying what I taught you about mindset in this eBook will give you a competitive edge over the other students. They may not be applying visualization techniques or using affirmations to get themselves to take more action etc. So, to summarize, the most effective strategy is to find a good, solid course to follow that’s proven to work IF you work it. Invest in the course, get your mindset right, and execute on the strategy being taught in the course. THEN, supplement what you’re learning with FREE content you can find on Blogs like mine ( ) and many others. So, how do you pick the right course to invest in? In the next chapter I’m going to cover the courses I can personally recommend myself because I’ve taken them and I know they work. Each course addresses a different type of “Make Money Online” strategy. Pick one that resonates best for you and go with it.

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Chapter 7 Best Online Courses for Teaching the Strategy of Making Money Online These are my most recommended courses for making money online. Each one applies a slightly different strategy, so pick the one that fits your current situation and go with it.

Blog Mastermind by Yaro Starak Blog Mastermind is a kick-ass mentorship program in which Yaro Starak teaches you a step-by-step strategy for building a money-making Blog the right way. This is a 6-month course and it goes through everything from picking a niche to start your Blog in, all the way through to advanced traffic getting techniques.

Consider This Course If: • • • • •

You have more time than money to invest in your strategy You don’t have the money (+$1,000) to risk in paid traffic techniques such as PPC You have a hobby or message you’d like to share with the world You enjoy writing or blogging or would like to learn how to enjoy writing You would like to establish yourself on the Internet as an expert in your niche You are willing to invest some time into this to build long term profits

This Course May Not Be For You If: • • • •

You need to start making money online immediately You have more money than time and want a more risky but more rewarding strategy You don’t want anyone to know who you are online and are very concerned about your privacy All you want to learn is affiliate marketing You want to exclusively learn how to create your own digital products like eBooks, DVDs and Videos

** UPDATE: Yaro has now also teamed up with Gideon Shalwick and created a Step-By-Step video guide to becoming a successful Blogger. Unfortunately the program is only accepting members until Friday, July 3rd, 2009. To check availability on this course follow this link. Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


The Nitro Blueprint System by Nitro Marketing The Nitro Blueprint system is another kick-ass product that ships as a physical product that you get delivered to your doorstep. The Nitro Blueprint system focuses you mainly on doing one thing – Creating Your Own Digital Products. This system also goes into Blogging and Affiliate Marketing, but it’s mostly just tailored towards using those as tools to help you sell your own product. The system will walk you through a step-by-step process of figuring out exactly which one of your ideas is the best one to focus on, and then teaching you how to take that idea and turn it into a real-life digital product you can sell online and make a pile of money from. You can then take this blueprint and create more and more digital products to sell online. It’s one of those “Learn Once and then Rinse and Repeat” types of formulas.

Consider This Course If: • • • • • •

You want a complete package delivered to your doorstep from day 1 You want to get something up and running fast You have lots of ideas of potential digital products you could sell You need a proven marketing system to wrap around your ideas You want to learn a proven system and then repeat it over and over again You like the idea of creating content, videos, audios, tele-seminars etc.

This Course May Not Be For You If: • • •

You don’t want to produce any products of your own You just want to learn how to be an affiliate for other people’s products You’re just looking for advanced Blogging or PPC tips as an affiliate You’re too chicken to put your name behind your own products

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


PPC Classroom 2.0 When Amit and Anik came out with this product, they basically blew away any other PPC Affiliate Marketing course on the market. I signed up right away on launch date and never looked back. I’ve learned so much about PPC affiliate marketing from these guys, it’s not even funny. Without this course I would be totally lost when it comes to affiliate marketing using Pay-Per Click search engines to drive traffic.

Consider This Course If: • • • • • • •

You specifically want to learn Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Marketing You have more money than time to get an online income going You want to get out of your job fast, and don’t mind investing in PPC traffic You have a budget of at least +$1,000 to experiment with PPC traffic strategies You’re not afraid to take risks to make money online faster You want to make money online without the exposure of running a Blog or making your own products Don’t want to deal with end-users, customer service etc. You just want to be an affiliate and drive traffic.

This Course May Not Be For You If: • • • •

You have $0 to invest in testing PPC campaigns You want to learn how to be a blogger You want to learn how to get free traffic to your site You want to create your own products

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Here’s a quick chart of what each program covers: Blog Mastermind

Nitro Blueprint

PPC Classroom 2.0

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Course Content Delivered Over Time

Course Content Shipped To Your Doorstep

Teaches You Basics of Blogging Strategies

Teaches You Advanced Blogging Strategies Teaches You Basics of How to Create Your Own Digital Products Teaches You Everything About Creating Your Own Digital Products Teaches You Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Teaches You Advanced Affiliate Marketing Teaches You PPC Affiliate Marketing Requires an Investment of Money for PPC Traffic Taught By Experts In Making Money Online Who Make Well Into the Six or Seven Figures / Year Full Money Back Guarantee if You’re Not Satisfied How Do I Get More Information?

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Important Notice Please note that some of these programs offer limited seating and once they are full they no longer accept new members. There are waiting lists that you can sign up for but it’s not always possible to get into these programs. They sell out because they work and a lot of people want to learn these strategies. Because there is no way for me to know when you’re going to be reading this eBook, and which programs are open as you’re reading this, I’ve created a page on my website where I review these and other programs in more detail and provide the latest information on which programs are open and which ones are closed. To see my latest recommendations for the best online strategies, follow this link:

Paul’s Strategy Recommendations

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 8 The Typical Phases of Making Money Online Most people enter the world of making money online and go through several phases before emerging on the other side as successful Internet Entrepreneurs that make money online. I’m going to briefly describe each of the phases as they relate to the three pillars of online success.

Phase I – The Starting Phase When a typical person gets started with trying to make money online, this is typically where they start out at:

They have some of the qualities of having the right mindset present, usually because (1) they hate their job and want to leave it as soon as possible so they’re fired up by the possibility of not having to work at a job anymore, (2) they were inspired by the huge income potential of making money online from a story they read or heard about some Internet Marketer, and/or (3) because they’ve already achieved some level of success in the “offline” world and they’re bringing some of that experience to their online venture.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


They also know a little bit about the strategy of making money online as they typically have heard of some Internet marketer who has made money and read their story. For example they may have been inspired by a Blogger, or affiliate marketer and they understand the gist of how they’re making money. (At least enough to start a Blog or sign up with one of the affiliate marketing networks.) They also have some of the execution part figured out as well, mostly because they’re excited about leaving their jobs and the income potential in this line of business. That fire gets them to take some action, although it’s usually only temporary. People at this point in their “money making career” exhibit the following symptoms: • • • • • • • • •

Excited about making money online, tell all their friends they will be millionaires Underestimate what it takes to make money online Become addicted to a “make money doing nothing” fantasy Don’t typically treat this as a business Are typically not willing to invest more than $10-$50 in their business Want everything for free Take one step forward and expect to get compensated right away Still act very much like employees, expecting to get paid every two weeks Think very little about the value they bring to the picture

From here, people typically go into the next phase.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Phase II – The “Massive Action” phase This phase looks something like this:

If they haven’t quit in the first week or so, people typically go into the “massive action” phase which basically means they start to just do something on a massive scale. For example, if they started a Blog they’ll start to write blog posts like crazy. They don’t really have a strategy or plan of where that blog is going or how it’s going to make money for them, but they figure that if they do something it’s better than nothing. However, since most people have an employee mindset where you usually get paid for doing work and not for individually producing a profit, they get depressed after a few weeks or months go by because they don’t see any money coming in. Imagine for a second an employee working at a company with 500 other employees. Let’s say that he is the telephone support guy at the company. Now imagine that 499 of those employees get fired, including the CEO, President, etc. The only one worker that is left is the guy in telephone support. He comes in to work, somewhat worried about the fact that nobody else is there but he continues to show up and do his job. When payday comes around, nobody shows up to give him his pay check. Should that surprise him?

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


No, the business is dead. All the important working parts of it have been removed, leaving only him and his individual job. It doesn’t matter how hard he works at that job, he’ll never get paid because there isn’t even anyone left to process his payroll. Then why does it surprise new “Internet Entrepreneurs” when they start taking massive action in just one area of their business, and then two weeks later they still haven’t made any money? To make money online you need a complete online business strategy, not just a partial one. Here are the typical symptoms of people at the “massive action” phase: • Best way to describe them is “ignorance on fire” • Very excited, passionate, ready to take over the world • Start to take massive action in all kinds of directions • No actual strategy to make money in place • They pick a “guru” and try to mimic what they’re doing on the surface • Invest in unimportant things like business cards, new laptop, new digital camera, new video camera, new cell phone, new clothes, new haircut, etc. all with the excuse that it’s for their “business” • Too cheap to invest in proven money making strategies / systems • Too cheap to hire a coach or mentor • Constantly looking for free strategies to make money online A few weeks or months of doing this and most people quit. However, a small percentage of people will go onto the next phase.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Phase III – Strategy Seekers The next phase looks like this in our little diagram:

In this phase people get tired of taking massive action. They realize that metaphorically speaking they’ve been trying to cut down a giant tree with a dull saw. They realize that no amount of action is going to produce any results for them if their strategy is wrong. So, in this phase they go on a massive “Strategy Hunt”. They sign up for 479 different Internet newsletters and email lists. They download 873 different eBooks and join 29 different membership sites and courses. Their heads begin to swell with all kinds of different strategies. Every little “trick” they learn makes them feel more powerful and smarter and they now begin to scoff at their previous stupidity. They may even begin to badmouth other “newbies” to the online money making game, showing off their newly acquired knowledge. There’s one main problem at this point. All they’re ever doing is learning, learning, learning. If making money online was a spectator sport, they’d be making piles of money, but unfortunately in order to make money online you actually have to DO something with the strategies that you learn – and 90% of people don’t.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Now, I know what you may be thinking right now. Wait a minute, but they were taking action before, without a proper strategy, so why aren’t they taking action now? They know how to make money online now, so why not just apply the same action they took in Phase II and start making money? Well, the reason for this is that the actions they took in Phase II and the actions that they actually need to take after learning these strategies are totally different. In other words, the action they were taking before was all the easy stuff that anyone and everyone can do. All the stuff that doesn’t take any courage and any growth on their part is easy for them to take action on. But anything new that has been proven to work, but they’ve never done before, they shy away from and make excuses. For example, let’s say that they take the Nitro Blueprint Course. Perhaps they have no problem picking a niche they would like to produce digital products in, but when it comes time to write their eBook they find ways to procrastinate because of fear. So instead of executing on the strategy they’ve been taught, they find ways to distract themselves – usually by learning more and more strategies. Here are the typical symptoms of people in the “Strategy Seekers” phase: • Signed up for 837 different courses • Good at starting a new project, but no follow through to actually launch it • Starting a new project every week • Willing to take action on all the “easy” work, but not willing to take any action on any work that requires them to overcome fears or experience any growth • Attend every seminar, workshop, webinar and read every eBook on the market, looking for the “secret” to making money online • Their mindset is “I don’t yet know enough”, when in fact they actually know too much • Depending on which strategies they have studied, and depending on their previous business experience, some people actually do begin making some money at this point even though they take very little action. Not enough to leave their jobs, but enough to keep them in the game I believe that most people who have been trying to make money online for a while are stuck in this third phase of “Strategy Seeking”. There is nothing wrong with it as sometimes it does take some time to find the right strategy that you think will work for you.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


However, if you ever want to get past this phase and actually get to the point where you’re making enough money to leave your job and beyond, you must graduate to the next phase, which is to focus on working on your mindset.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Phase IV – The Mindset of Making Money Online This eBook is an introduction to the Mindset of Making Money Online, and my Blog ( ) and Newsletter is constantly exploring that topic in more detail. If you work on the mindset part of making money online, this is what’s going to happen:

When your mindset expands to the point where you begin to take some action on the strategies you’ve been taught, you’ll begin to start seeing some positive results, which will further fuel your desire to take more action. This leads to the final phase of the process where you’re implementing all three pillars of online success – Mindset, Strategy and Execution.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


If you study any successful person who’s making money online you’ll see that they are following (1) a strategy that works, (2) executing on that strategy, and (3) they’re able to do (1) and (2) because they have the right mindset.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Chapter 9 Final Words I hope you enjoyed this eBook and I hope that it has shed some light for you on the three pillars of online success. Whichever phase you find yourself in your journey to make money online, just remember that every single Online Money Making Superstar has gone through the same phases themselves. I’ve been there as well. It’s a natural process we have to go through. The only thing you have control over is how quickly you go through these different phases to get to the final phase where you’re making the money you want to be making online and enjoying the benefits of money freedom, time freedom and location freedom.

Additional Resources I’d also like to highlight some additional resources that may help you on your journey.

Blog Posts I’ve Written that You May Find Helpful Wealth Related Do You Have the Courage to be Rich? So You Have a Desire to be Rich! What To Do Next Faith is the Starting Point of All Accumulation of Riches The Mental Virus That is Keeping You Broke Autosuggestion – Unlocking the Power of Your Subconscious Mind Are Your Friends Preventing You From Being Rich? How Come That Idiot’s Rich and I’m Not? Financial Abundance: Is the Journey Worth It? Top 10 Real Reasons Why You’re Not Rich

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Visualization, Affirmations and Mission Statement How to Visualize Without Attachment Write Your First Paycheck as an Inspired Money Maker Today Visualizations and Affirmations. How to Really Make Them Work 101 Affirmations to Help You Make Money Doing What You Love Visualizing in the First Person How Smart is Your Subconcious? How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: Part One How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: Part Two Transitioning From A Job to Becoming an Online Money Maker Transitioning to Doing What You Love – Tip #1: Build a Warchest Transitioning to Doing What You Love – Tip #2: Be There Transitioning to Doing What You Love – Tip #3: Find a Role Model or Mentor Transitioning to Doing What You Love – Tip #4: Who is Your Competition? Transitioning to Doing What You Love – Tip #5: How Committed Are You? How to Stop Being an Employee 10 Tips on How to Survive Without a Job Is a Polymathic Career Path For You? There Are No Extra People Out There Entrepreneurs Will Save the Economy How to Make Money Doing What You Love by Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs How to Make Money Doing What You Love – Your First Dollar Get Rid of Your Zero-Sum World View and Shed the Guilt 101 Tips to Help You Make Money Doing What You Love Blogging 10 Secrets on How to Make Money Blogging Nobody Wants to Say 50 Tips to Make Money Blogging by Building a Better Blog

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Other Great Posts How to Stay Positive Around Negative People How to Become Really Powerful Do You Have the Ability to See Past Your Fears? How to Stay Inspired in Tough Times 15 Things That May Be Killing Your Success Usable Value The Secret of Kaizen How to Cure Indecision Action Without Aligned Thinking is Futile Do You Need to be #1? Law of Attraction Illustrated The Semmelweis Reaction 7 Common Fears of Making Money Online Which of These 5 Phases is Your Business In? Are You a Selfish Bastard Affiliate?

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


Learn More For the latest strategies of developing the mindset of making money online, please visit my Blog.

Copyright 2009 – Paul Piotrowski –


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