The Three Day Fast: Living And Walking In Resurrection Power

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The Three-Day Fast Obtaining and Walking in Resurrection Power: Becoming a Recipient of the Latter Rain by Craig Wm. Peters

Come and let us return unto hwhy; for He has torn and He will heal us; He has smitten and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. So let us know, let us follow on to know hwhy; His going forth is as certain as the morning, and He will come to us as the rain; as the latter rain that waters the earth. Hosea 6:1-3 A short preface to introduce our study … About 28 years ago the author read a book regarding the resurrection power available to Messianic believers. Although it claimed to deal with the release of spiritual power for victorious living, upon finishing the book, I was still puzzled as to how this great—and reportedly blessed—phenomenon was supposed to occur. It was disappointing the book had failed to offer tangible help in attaining that which was sought, and, in retrospect, it is clear money had been spent for that which was not food. Isaiah 55:2 Thanks be to hwhy the Father that, over the time since then, He has given clear instruction from His eternal word regarding a most legitimate, profound, and heavenly-ordained way to drink of the Spirit; and this way literally costs nothing.1 The Word of hwhy teaches us how to seek Him so that He will break up the fountains of the deep and open the windows of heaven 2 allowing the living waters of His Spirit to well up from within3 and to be poured out from above 4 giving substantial, efficacious power and fruitfulness to every believer whose heart and flesh long for fellowship with the Living Elohim.5 Those who fast and pray are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and they shall be satisfied.6 Fasting and prayer constitute the essential, first step in seeking hwhy with the whole heart.7 Fasting results in the wholehearted “sacrifices of Elohim:” a broken and a contrite heart. The

latter rain of His Spirit will surely be poured out upon all those who discover fasting with prayer is the ultimate means by which we fulfill the Torah requirement of the whole, burnt offering. Death to Sin While the apostle Shaul writes of our death to sin 8 and of our freedom from sin,9 why are so few believers walking in the blessed reality of this death and freedom? Why do most professing believers spend their entire lives defeated in the struggle with carnality when our Messiah came to destroy the works of the Devil?10 Through faith in the shed blood of the Messiah, we can leave the defeat expressed by Shaul in Romans 7 11 and progress to the solid, spiritual victories of which he testified in Romans 8.12 If the resurrection power of eswhy is available,13 then why have so few acquired the spiritual strength which would qualify them to stand before hwhy as “young men” who are strong enough in the Spirit to remain victorious even in the face of the Adversary’s fiercest, death-besetting temptations?14 If we claim these are just nice-sounding words on the pages of Scripture and that victory is not possible, we are also claiming ourselves to be unable to do what hwhy has already commanded. Those who do this are setting Him forth as a liar.

8 1

Isaiah 55:1, Revelation 3:18, 21:6, 22:17 2 Genesis 7:11 3 John 7:37-39 4 Proverbs 1:23, Isaiah 32:15-17, Joel 2:28,29, Zechariah 12:10, James 3:17 5 Psalm 42:1,2, 63:1, 84:1,2 6 Matthew 5:6 7 Jeremiah 29:13

Romans 6:2,6,7,11 Romans 6:7,18,22 10 Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8 11 Romans 7:14-24 12 Romans 7:25, 8:1-4,7-9, 14-16 13 And it is! Those who teach or believe anything less are setting themselves (and others) on a course heading towards apostasy and destruction. 2Timothy 3:5 14 1John 2:14, Hebrews 12:4 9

the Spirit so as to overcome sin and personal weaknesses. Neither James nor any of the apostles would agree with such thinking.18 It is very clear the first leaders of the believing assemblies were extensions of the Messiah’s teachings that His followers should “go and sin no more.”19 Let us seek to better understand the finished work of the Messiah, and then we will proceed to study how to appropriate that finished work so it operates in our lives increasingly.

The Lack of Power At first, one might think we should commend those who teach sin is always inevitable: “After all, we are only human,” they say. Many believers talk about the “finished work of the Messiah,” but if that “finished work” is not helping them to overcome sin and the world, their religion is only an outward show which provides them with no power to walk in victory. 2Timothy 3:1-5 As we will see, those who teach it is impossible to gain victory over sin are the modern-day counterparts to those unbelieving spies who made the hearts of nearly all Yisrael fail by telling them it was not possible to take the Promised Land in the days of the Exodus. In this light, we will soon see such defeatist teachings are not commendable in any way, shape, or form. On the contrary, as sincere as such folks might be, teachings of this nature only reveal an “evil heart of unbelief.” Hebrews 3:7-19 There is simply no way to gloss over this serious issue. Those who truly stand in the counsel of hwhy will cause His people to turn from their wicked ways. Jeremiah 23:22 We assert eswhy the Messiah did (and does!) this very thing more than any other prophet who ever lived: by His Spirit, the Messiah continues to destroy the works of the Devil15 in the lives of those who seek Him as He empowers them to turn “from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are set apart/purified by faith” in Him. Acts 26:18

Entering the Promised Land vs. Unbelief If we have believed on the Messiah’s Name,20 and if we understand His finished work on our behalf, then we are on “square one” for beginning our entrance into the promised inheritance of the abundant life which eswhy came to give us. John 10:10 However, most believers fail to understand the finished work of the Messiah because they fail to realize the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of eswhy leaves little more for hwhy to do on our behalf; this is just as the prophet Isaiah has spoken: “What could have been done more to My vineyard that I have not done in it?” Isaiah 5:4 The implied answer to this question is, “Nothing!”21 And this implied answer explains the following objection—which came forth from hwhy when Yisrael failed to obey the Torah and to bring forth good fruit for the honor of His Name:

To know the reality of death to sin and freedom from sin, we must both understand and appropriate the finished work of the Messiah. This is the only way to succeed if we desire to walk in victory. The problem is: the finished work of the Messiah leaves the majority of mainstream believers lazy and content16— content to “just believe,” yet living a life without those works which display and prove we possess true faith.17 The “just believe” slogan becomes a cop-out for excusing sin and for placing no personal responsibility on the believer to progress spiritually and to acquire the strength in 15 16 17

Why then, when I waited for the yielding of grapes, did it yield rotten ones? Isaiah 5:4, ISRV Because hwhy had provided all things for ancient Yisrael, He was certainly being just when 18

James 2:26, Romans 1:5, 2:13, 3:31, 16:26, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:11,12, Hebrews 5:9, 1Peter 1:14-22, 1John 5:2-3, Revelation 12:17, 14:12 19 John 8:10,11, John 5:14, 1Peter 4:1-3 20 John 1:12, 20:31, Acts 4:12 21 See Isaiah 5:1-4. There was nothing more which hwhy which could have done for Yisrael! He had blessed them with “all things!” So much so, He warned them not to forget Him in their abundance! Deuteronomy 6:10-12, 8:719, 32:13-18

Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8 Amos 6:1, Revelation 3:17 Ephesians 2:10, 2Corinthians 13:5, James 2:17-26


expecting them to bring forth good fruit. The apostle Kepha/Peter confirms Messianic believers—just like ancient Yisrael—have been given everything they need to serve and to please hwhy in this life:

in that special place.25 The reality which believers must internalize is that we are, indeed, “freely given all things” with eswhy.26 But the Savior is clear that we must be with Him and in Him to reap these promised blessings:

Seeing His Elohim-derived power has given to us all things pertaining to life and reverence … 2Peter 1:3

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:4,5

It is through belief in eswhy—who came to give us the abundant life by destroying the works of the Devil 22—that we are given all things. The apostle Shaul stated this amazing fact as well when he declared to the Romans it was through the Messiah that we have been given everything we ever have needed or ever will need:

In the above Scripture, eswhy was teaching we may only bear the fruit of the Spirit if we abide in Him and He abides in us. hwhy is with us, but only if we are with Him.27 The question which each individual must determine is: “Am I really with Him?” We feel the problem today is that too many people assume themselves to be “in Him” or “with Him” when, in fact, they are only partially so, or perhaps even nominally so.28

He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us, how shall He not with Him freely give us all things? Romans 8:32 We see both apostles quoted above23 are reaffirming the “abundant life” which eswhy came to give us. But this is where most, modern-day believers encounter a disconnect in their experience: if we have been given all things (and we have!), why is there such a lack of power and victory over sin? Why is there such a lack of spiritual strength and understanding? Why is there such a lack of unity? This writer is convinced the lack which many believers suffer24—spiritually and otherwise—is due to the lack of asking, seeking, and knocking. Matthew 7;7,8 If properly understood, “asking, seeking, and knocking”—as taught by the Messiah—are all fasting related. This is better seen when the full context of “The Sermon on the Mount” is more clearly understood. Fasting was a major part of the Savior’s great teachings at that special time and


For many thoughts from the Scriptures which provide a fuller understanding of the great topic of fasting (along with its full context in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7), see the article, “Humble Yourselves in the Sight of hwhy,” at: This was a special time and special place because eswhy was on the mountains of Yisrael as He preached the Good News of peace. In doing so, He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 52:7! 26 Romans 8:32 27 2Chronicles 15:2, James 4:8. And “if” may be the biggest two-letter word in the English language! 28 In Revelation 3:17, eswhy rebukes believers who say they are rich, yet they do not know they are “poor, wretched, pitiable, blind, and naked.” Until one deals with nakedness, the blindness cannot be fully removed. And this is the state of things today as immodesty of dress is a rampant, assembly-wide problem. After eswhy cast the demons out of the Gadarene demoniac, he was found sitting “clothed and in his right mind.” Mark 5:15 Most believers in our day (men included) fail to be fully clothed, physically, bringing upon themselves and others the curse of nakedness. Consequently, the majority are not in their right minds concerning the truth of Scripture. Nakedness and blindness are clearly associated! Believers who fail to be properly clothed, physically, may well find themselves without the wedding garment which clothes them in the righteousness of eswhy. Matthew 22:11,12 Being properly clothed—both physically and spiritually—is key to sobermindedness. Luke 8:35, Ephesians 6:13-17, Philippians 2:1-5, 1Thessalonians 5:6-8, 1Peter 1:13, 5:5 Being fully clothed, physically, is a step towards being fully clothed in the righteousness of eswhy, and being fully clothed in the


John 10:10; in contrast to the thief (i.e., the Devil), the Messiah’s deliverance from sin (Hebrews 2:14,15, 1John 3:18) ends our separation from hwhy (Isaiah 59:2, Ephesians 2:17,18) and brings us the abundant blessings which come from His light-filled Name/Presence (Psalm 89:15-18, Numbers 6:23-27). 23 Peter (2Peter 1:3) and Shaul (Romans 8:32). 24 Many believers suffer this lack, and perhaps, it is actually the majority who do so (at least in this country).


Each individual must seek and pray about what his or her particular case might be in this serious, all-important matter. 2Corinthians 13:5,6 If the Yahudim/Jews descended from Abraham had no room for complacency29 then neither does anyone else!30

Evangelical Christianity (and even most Messianic congregations) have failed to discern the difference between our initial salvation 37 and the works which will follow those who are producing the fruit of the Spirit because they have received favor unto salvation. It is this fruit which we are expected to bear38 as true sons and daughters of hwhy, and it is the amount of such fruit that we allow the Spirit to produce within us which shall determine our reward.39 To be sure, our Messiah continues to intercede for us: we are saved by His life!40 He promises the Spirit will lead us into obedience to all truth.41 His heavenly messengers are even sent to administer to us the word.42 Yet all these things are done in response to our faith and deeds: hwhy requires us to ask, seek, and knock.43 If we fail to exercise this initial, all-important step of faith, we will fail on all other fronts as well.

So we have been given all things with eswhy, but these many provisions have been given in the form of promises which remain conditional. eswhy is the Author of life to the Messianic Age, but only for those who obey Him.31 Just as Yisrael was already given the land of promise,32 but nevertheless, they needed to exercise faith and obedience to enter Canaan.33 So it is today.34 Our entrance into the Kingdom may be abundant,35 or it may be one in which loss of great reward is suffered.36 The majority of religious sectors across the landscape of

Let us be abundantly clear: our intent in this study is not to judge anyone, but rather, to prove fasting-derived affliction and humility is the means by which we remain faithful to hwhy thereby making our calling and election sure.44 If each believer can be better edified as to how we are to press on to spiritual maturity in the manner ordained by hwhy, the writer rests assured the Spirit will orchestrate any changes in heart and life which are necessary. So hwhy will freely give us all things to the degree that we are with Him—meaning to the degree that we are wholeheartedly with Him.45 More than anything else, fasting and prayer in all sincerity will fulfill the requirement of the “whole burnt offering”

righteousness of eswhy will surely lead one to being fully clothed, physically. To those who will lamely object that outward dress is of little import since hwhy looks on the heart, we can only say that a true change in heart will also bring a true change in the appearance. (Further, the context of 1Samuel 16:7 is dealing with the physical features of face and stature, it is not a reference to the manner in which one dresses.) A true, inner change of heart will most certainly result in an outer manifestation which reflects that inner transformation. The issue of nakedness is just one of the many examples in which the majority of believers—Messianic and otherwise—assume themselves to be “in Him” when they are still in need of great change. Other major cases would involve these issues: walking as eswhy walked by observing the Sabbath and Feasts of hwhy (1John 2:6), honoring the Name of hwhy (Matthew 6:9), “ministries” of judgment/condemnation and “boss-man” overlords (Ezekiel 34:1-4, 20-22, Matthew 7:1-5, 20:25-28, 23:4), the various and subtle forms of gluttony (Psalm 69:22; this would include not eating the flesh of unclean animals, Revelation 18:2), the gossip and slander which sow discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:14,16,19, James 4:11,12, 1Peter 2:1,2), and love for this present world/age (Jeremiah 10:1,2, Romans 12:1,2, 1John 2:15-17). 29 Matthew 3:9,10, Luke 3:8, John 8:31-37 30 1Corinthians 9:24-27, Philippians 3:7-14 31 Hebrews 5:9, Acts 5:32, Matthew 7:24,25 32 Genesis 15:18-21, Numbers 14:8, Deuteronomy 34:4, Yehoshua 1:6 33 Numbers 14:9, Yehoshua 1:7,8, Hebrews 3:17-19 34 Matthew 10:22, Hebrews 3;6, 4:14, 10:23, Revelation 2:25, 3:3,11 35 Psalm 19:11, Hebrews 10:35, 2Peter 1:11 36 Matthew 5:19, 1Corinthians 3:14,15, 9:27, Revelation 3:11


Which is a free gift obtained without works. John 10:28, Romans 6:23 38 Matthew 3:10, John 15:1-6,8,16, Romans 7:4, Galatians 5:22,23, Ephesians 5:9, Hebrews 12:11, James 3:17,18 39 Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27, Romans 2:7, Galatians 6:7-10 40 Romans 5:9-10, Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 7:25, Revelation 1:17-18 41 John 16:13, Ezekiel 36:26-27, Romans 8:14, Hebrews 8:8-12 42 Daniel 10:10-19, Matthew 4:11, Luke 22:43, Hebrews 1:13,14 43 Matthew 7:7,8, Hebrews 4:15-16, Revelation 3:8, 4:1 44 2Peter 1:10, Psalm 18:27, Revelation 17:14 45 Deuteronomy 4:29-31, 6:5, 11:13-15, 2Chronicles 31:20,21, Jeremiah 29:13, Mark 12:33


and will “assure our hearts before Him.”46 Fasting and prayer yields a broken, contrite heart thereby fulfilling the Torah requirement of the whole, burnt offering.47 Fasting and prayer will result in the wholehearted sacrifice which hwhy both deserves and expects from our lives.

word/promises of hwhy led to unbelief and sin. It is no different today. Lack of faith leads to sin.51 This is why we cannot countenance the teaching of unbelief so prevalent today. This teaching asserts sin is unconquerable and is always the inevitable. This teaching is tantamount to the unbelief of the spies of old. This is the unbelief which not only keeps one from entering into the Promised Inheritance, it is a contagious unbelief which keeps others out of the Kingdom as well. eswhy rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for being guilty of this very thing:

The “Promised Land”48 has been given to us in the form of promises which are seen throughout the word of hwhy, but these promises can only be inherited by faith and deeds. Promises are the yet-to-be-fulfilled word of hwhy. The following question looms large over any and every promise which is seen in His word:

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering to go in. Matthew 23:13

Will we access the Presence of hwhy and inherit His promises through faith and deeds by the power/fire/zeal of the Spirit which He willingly imparts, or will we lose our reward and have to be saved/purged by passing through the fire? Romans 2:8-9, 1Corinthians 3:13-15

Those who teach the people of hwhy that sin cannot be overcome are doing the very thing mentioned just above by eswhy: they are teaching the “giants” cannot be conquered even though hwhy has given His word and His promise52 to the contrary. Such unbelief is shutting up the Kingdom of Heaven against many in our day. So the things we are freely given with the Messiah are given in the form of promises—promises which can only be obtained by faith/deeds and patient endurance, Hebrews 6:11,12, 2Peter 1:3-11.53 We can seek hwhy and be filled with faith in His word, or we can degenerate spiritually into unbelief and sin. If we do the former by faith in the Messiah’s blood, we will overcome sin54 and enter the Kingdom; if we do the latter, we will fail to gain the Promised Inheritance.

This is just as it was with Yisrael in the days of old: they had already been given the promised land of Canaan,49 nevertheless, they were required to proceed with faith and obedient action to enter in and personally acquire/obtain/appropriate the promised inheritance. Yet many failed to enter the land which had been promised to them. So who was at fault? Did the promises of hwhy fail? Not at all. While those Yisraelites had been promised the Land, they were still required to fulfill their responsibility before receiving their inheritance. Although hwhy did promise them the Land, those who sinned fell short of entering. The Promised Land came with a condition of obedience. And we take special note: those Yisraelites who failed to enter the Land, failed because they sinned with flagrant violations of the Torah. And why did they sin? Because of their unbelief.50 Lack of faith in the


Romans 14:23, Hebrews 11:6, 1Peter 4:19 Romans 4:20-22 53 For those who will object that ‘in Him all the promises of hwhy are “yes”’ (2Corinthians 1:20), we say once more: “in Him” means if we are abiding in Him and His word is abiding in us. John 15:4,6 The fulfillment of the promises of hwhy is still conditional on whether or not we are abiding in the Vine. 54 Revelation 12:11. Faith in His blood is required because it is through the blood of eswhy that we draw near to the purifying Presence of hwhy, Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:19-23. By continually drawn near to the Presence of hwhy, we are strengthened to overcome the sin of this world/age as hwhy fulfills His promises in our lives. Romans 8:1-4,10-14,31-39, 1John 5:2-5 52


Mark 12:33, 1John 3:18-24 Psalm 34:18, 51:15-17, 69:29-31, Luke 7:37-38, Acts 20:31 48 Of eternal life (more correctly, “life to the Messianic Age” or “Age-abiding life”): Philippians 3:11, 1John 2:25, Revelation 20:4-6 49 Genesis 15:18-21, Numbers 14:8, Deuteronomy 34:4, Yehoshua/Joshua 1:6. 50 Hebrews 3:17-19, 4:6, Romans 9:31,32, 11:20,21 47


Let us return to our comparison and contrast surrounding the unfaithful spies sent by Moses to spy out the Land. These spies claimed they (and all Yisrael) were unable to enter the Land and to conquer the giants dwelling in Canaan. Those spies are the counterpart to modern-day believers who claim victory over sin is not possible. In this analogy, the giants would, of course, be the supposedly unconquerable enemy called “sin.” Like the spies of old, these contemporary believers think themselves to be grasshoppers before unconquerable foes. Not having faith and not knowing victory,55 they further dishearten other believers and teach it is impossible to drive out the sons of Anak.56 We oppose such teachings because those Yisraelites who listened to the falsehood of old subsequently failed to enter the Promised Land. Equally so, those believers who subscribe to this falsehood in our day will also be shut out of the Kingdom and shall fail to overcome in the manner eswhy requires after having made it possible for us to do so. Romans 8:1-4 eswhy is the Author of life to the Messianic Age, but only for those who obey Him.57 Those who fail to keep His Father’s Torah shall not partake in the first resurrection and shall lose their part in the “great reward” given to those who keep His commandments.58 Although there are those who teach error and unbelief in regards to overcoming sin,59 attaining

victory is possible if we have a heart to follow the word of hwhy as did Caleb and Yahoshua/Joshua. So we have seen the faith of those who are inspired to enter the Promised Land contrasted with the unbelieving who deny we are able to do as hwhy has commanded us. But our main intent is not to dwell on the unbelief of the “ten spies” who teach obedience to be impossible.60 We must now leave the unbelief which led most of the spies to bring back an evil report of the Land and give our fullest possible attention to the positive steps a believer is to take for acquiring the spiritual strength to “stand” “in the evil day” and to “endure to the end.” 61 If a weight lifter is able to progress, physically, over time so as to hoist increasingly greater weight, can we not also progress, spiritually, so that the sins which once so easily beset us62 no longer plague our hearts and minds with such veritable ease? The Scriptures tell us such victory in the Spirit is certainly possible. Such victory is not only possible, but even expected. Those who fail to

“This is the way of an adulterous woman: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I have done no wrong.’” Proverbs 30:20 Committing deeds of harlotry (James 4:1-4), yet claiming to have done no wrong, is precisely the spirit against which the apostle John was warning in his letter. The believers were exhorted not to deceive themselves by failing to confess known sin so they could start on the road to victory! So this text by the apostle (i.e., 1John 1:8) is not teaching that sin is inevitable; it is teaching that known sin should be confessed and forsaken. Proverbs 28:13 What most fail to understand or acknowledge from Scripture is that true forgiveness is a springboard to greater and lasting spiritual victory. Psalm 130:3,4, John 8:10-12 Accordingly, the very first words of instruction which immediately follow John’s teaching in this matter are words which show sin must increasingly be the exception and not the rule: “My little children, I write you these things so that you may not sin; and if any man sins, we have an Advocate with the Father: eswhy the Messiah, the Righteous One. ” 1John 2:1,2 Although we must strive for perfection our entire lives, John was not teaching sin to be the inevitable! When one enemy in our lives is overcome, the Spirit will call us to drive out others. 60 In reference to Philippians 4:13, one sister wisely says most believers today say they can do all things through the Messiah who strengthens them. Then she adds parenthetically, “Except keep the commandments.” 61 Ephesians 6:13, Matthew 10:22, Revelation 2:26 62 Hebrews 12:1-4


2Timothy 3:5 That is, the giants. Numbers 13:32-14:1 57 Acts 5:32, Hebrews 5:9, Revelation 2:26-28 58 Job 19:25-27, Psalm 19:11, Matthew 5:12, Luke 6:35, Hebrews 10:35, Revelation 11:18 59 Such teachers will even use Scripture out of context in an attempt to “prove” their point. A common text which has been used over the years by those who have never experienced enduring victory is found in the first epistle of the apostle John: 56

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” 1John 1:8 Some teach this to mean the believer will always be plagued by sin. But how can this be the case since those who practice Law-breaking will not inherit the Kingdom? Matthew 7:21-23, 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21 If studied in context, the 1John 1:8 Scripture is simply saying the following: failure to confess known sin and rejecting one’s conscience is the spirit of harlotry and selfdeception. We read of the very same thing in the Book of Proverbs:


bear good fruit,63 we are warned, shall be cut down and cast into the fire for purging.64 Overcoming is required, yet so few seem to understand the simplicity with which the whole process works.65 Let us proceed, then, to better learn how to “spy out the land” with eyes of faith and hearts of love so that we may return to our brethren and encourage them with words of faith as did Caleb of old; let us hear his words of belief which he spoke in regard to possessing the Land of Promise:

ISRV Perhaps more than anything else, fasting with prayer is the truest and fullest expression of these three, faith-essential elements: belief, expectation, and love. Belief Fasting expresses faith in hwhy … belief that He exists and that He will reward those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 “Seek” is a fasting-related word.70 However, the rewards sought during seasons of fasting are not selfish ones; for when our delight is in hwhy, our greatest desires are in alignment with His perfect will. Psalm 37:4,5 Our greatest desires center around that which hwhy wants the most for His Kingdom: namely, His righteousness. We will also find our personal desires are met “exceeding abundantly” beyond all that we can ask or think71 for it is only in Him that we live and move and have our being.72 Simply put, the Creator knows what is best for His creation, and it is only after our hearts are aligned with Him, spiritually, that He can give us those “tailor-made,” temporal things which best meet our inner longings. While seeking hwhy for personal, spiritual needs is completely commendable, there are will also be many times when our fasting and prayers are directed towards helping others to receive various blessings from the Presence of hwhy. Our concern for the well-being of others will grow as we progress spiritually.

Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. Numbers 13:30 Through fasting and prayer in the Name of hwhy, we will be strengthened to give the very same words of encouragement to our brethren. Fasting and Prayer: the Initial Step of Faith Fasting and prayer may be likened, at least in one sense, to “spying out the land:”66 not only will we see a closer view of our spiritual inheritance as we dwell in the Presence of hwhy,67 but we will be transformed68 and, at the end of our fast, we will come back out of the land carrying great gifts; we will be like Caleb and Yehoshua—men who were ready to conquer Canaan with deeds of faith and acquire even more of what hwhy had already promised them in His word. Fasting and prayer will give clarity of mind and zeal of Spirit to do those things which are necessary to please hwhy. When we draw near to hwhy, then hwhy draws near to us as well: His Light-filled Presence will drive away the powers of darkness, clothe us with the armor of His light,69 and give us the spiritual might and victory we need to please Him, to do His will, and to serve others in the Good News. The apostle Shaul wrote, “And now belief, expectation, and love remain—these three. But the greatest of these is love.” 1Corinthians 13:13,

Expectation In fasting, we turn from the life-sustaining sustenance of physical food. As we do so, we are (or should be) symbolically turning from everything this world has to offer. We die to the world and identify with death as our soul cleaves to the dust73 from which we came (and to which we will return at death).74 This causes our spirit to return, in type, to hwhy who gave it.75 Turning from the world and towards hwhy expresses our 70

For clear evidence regarding this, see the article, “Humble Yourselves in the Sight of hwhy,” at: 71 Ephesians 3:20 72 Acts 17:28. Paraphrased, this indicates we will never reach our fullest potential until we are in Him. 73 Yehoshua 7:6, Job 1:20,21, Psalm 44:25, 119:25, Lamentations 3:28,29, Philippians 3:7,8 74 Genesis 3:19, Ecclesiastes 12:7 75 Ecclesiastes 12:7


That is, the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22,23, Ephesians 5:8-10, Colossians 1:5,6 64 Matthew 3:10, 7:19, 1Corinthians 3:15, Hebrews 6:7,8 65 Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15, 2Corinthians 11:3 66 Numbers 13:17 67 Psalm 36:9 68 2Corinthians 3:17,18 69 Psalm 104:1-2, James 4:8, Romans 13:12-14, Ephesians 6:10-18


expectation in Him alone because only He can bring forth resurrection from the dead/dust. Turning to hwhy in this manner expresses our deep need/poverty, but it also expresses our expectation in His power to resurrect from the dust in times of trial, tribulation, and seeking. We are in expectation for those things promised in His word although not seen as of yet: the salvation, the deliverance, and the working of hwhy in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Seasons of fasting with prayer and vigilance fully place our expectation in hwhy and in His word alone.76

The poor translation omits the truth of silently/quietly expecting the salvation of hwhy during times of fasting. Lamentations 3:26,28,29 Such a translation fails to convey the deep reverence of silently waiting before the Most High. It should be emphasized, however, we do not here speak of an idle silence, but rather, a reverent silence—a silence which emanates from a heart which is returning to and resting in Elohim, a silence which emanates from a heart which is returning to and resting in hwhy, a silence which emanates from a heart which is filled with quietness, confidence, and awe over the sovereignty, power, and foreknowledge of hwhy:

Fasting is a time for silent expectation because fasting is a time for reflection and anticipation. Unless we are praying, silence, meditation, and introspection are the order of the day as we draw near to Him and abide in the Presence of hwhy. When fasting, we present ourselves before hwhy in quiet submission: we are silent as we ready/prepare our hearts to hear and to obey His voice. We are well on the way to fulfilling “the Shema” 77 in an all-important, extremely essential manner. Deuteronomy 6:4,5 When fasting before hwhy, we are dwelling in “the secret place of the Most High.” Psalm 91:1 This is the “secret place” to which both the psalmist as well as eswhy the Messiah referred. Matthew 6:6,18 During such times, we should wait before hwhy in silent submission to hear whatever His Spirit will speak. Habakkuk 2:1,20 We should wait before hwhy in silent expectation for whatever He will do in response to our fasting and prayers. The Hebrew text of Psalm 62:1 reads:

For thus says the Sovereign hwhy, the Qadosh One of Yisrael: “In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” … Isaiah 30:15 Silent times of complete trust and deference to the will of hwhy during a fast are truly some of the most powerful and faith-building seasons in the life of a believer. From this silence, should emanate the restful assurance which comes from the confidence in knowing hwhy will always and ultimately do those things which bring Him the greatest splendor and exaltation: Be still, and know that I am Elohim: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 This Scripture conveys the silent expectation and assurance which we are to have before hwhy when fasting. It was a life given to such fasting and prayer which gave Mosheh the faith to speak these words before all Yisrael in a time of utmost danger:

Only unto Elohim is my soul silent, from Him is my salvation. Psalm 62:1

Fear you not, stand still, and see the salvation of hwhy, which He will show to you to day: for the Egyptians whom you have seen to day, you shall see them again no more for ever. Exodus 14:13

Regrettably, this verse is often translated in a fashion similar to the King James Version: “Truly my soul waits upon Elohim: from Him comes my salvation.”

Upon which, hwhy opened the Sea of Reeds and Yisrael passed through on dry ground. The faith which can be still and confident before hwhy in fasting and prayer is also the faith which can be still and confident in the face of great danger and adversity. Times of fasting and prayer are special appointments for us to “be still” and to


Psalm 119:25,28, 130:5-8 Deuteronomy 6:4,5. While “the Shema” is first seen in Deuteronomy, we are taught by the Messiah that it is the greatest of all Torah commandments. Mark 12:28-30



The Name of hwhy is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is set on high. Proverbs 18:10

know that He is Elohim in many profound and powerful ways. We are either fulfilling the Shema by waiting in silent expectation,78 or we are fulfilling the Shema by times of prayer and petition before hwhy. We now move on to consider this second aspect of the Shema.

The words of Solomon in this Proverb are simply rephrasing what was seen just above in the 91st Psalm. Having such love for hwhy, we are taught, results in our being set on high above all our enemies.83 While hwhy has already set each believer on high through the resurrection and ascension of eswhy, most have not learned the reality of their position in the Messiah because they have simply failed to set their love upon His Name during times of fasting, prayer, and worship.84 Through fasting and prayer, we will begin to know and experience the reality of being “set on high.” While it may be in ignorance, many have taken honor to themselves by failing to give honor to His Qadosh Name.85 We believe honoring the Name is key to walking in the blessed reality which eswhy came to give us. We must become doers of the word86 and love the Name of hwhy to appropriate the reality of our position with eswhy in the heavens. So we may see the Promised Land as we read the many promises given unto us in the word of hwhy, but it is only through fasting and prayer87 that we are actually empowered to begin exercising the faith and deeds necessary to “take the land” as did Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, and Yehoshua, the son of Nun. True prophets are “mighty in deed and word before hwhy and

Love Proper fasting expresses love for hwhy in the highest form—in the form expressed when one keeps the greatest commandment of the Torah: the Shema. This is a love which places hwhy first and which quietly listens79 to hear the voice of His Spirit saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” Isaiah 30:21 This is an important part of what it means to wait upon hwhy. Isaiah 40:31 However, when we are not worshipping through silent expectation during times of fasting, we should be praying and actively setting our love upon hwhy in a very special way as we both profess (confess/utter) and believe the Shema— the command to hear hwhy and to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we do this, hwhy promises to set us on high: Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My Name. Psalm 91:14 We assert when one believes and confesses the Shema with wholehearted faith, that one is also setting his love upon the Name of hwhy80 as seen above in the 91st Psalm. Since the Messiah declared the Shema to be the greatest commandment in the Torah,81 we believe loving hwhy by presenting ourselves before Him with open ears and open hearts must also be His greatest longing.82 Loving the Name of hwhy, by presenting hearts ready to hear and to obey His word, is the means by which we trust in His Name:


Ephesians 1:17-23, 2:4-6 Being set on high—far above all power, and authority, and dominion, and every name that is named—is the absolute key to power and victory for every believer. So it is through fasting and prayer that we experience the powerful reality of what eswhy has already done for us in having passed through the heavens far above all things! Psalm 97:9, Ephesians 4:8-10, Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 4:14, 7:26 84 The things of which we speak are things which we should be doing continually, and they constitute powerful obedience and worship even if we are not fasting! However, nearly every spiritual activity is more powerful during our special seasons of fasting even though it will seldom feel so! 2Corinthians 5:7 Further, fasting will give us more love, strength, and humility in those times of worship which follow our times of fasting and seeking hwhy. 85 Psalm 115:1,2, Malachi 1:6, Matthew 6:9, Revelation 15:4 86 The word seen in Psalm 91:14 and Proverbs 18:10. 87 Which will be followed by other deeds.

For a number of texts regarding silence before hwhy during our times of fasting, see: Psalm 62:1, Isaiah 30:15, 58:4,9,13, Jeremiah 8:14, 15:17, Lamentations 3:26-29, Job 42:1-6/Romans 3:19/Habukkuk 2:1,20, Zechariah 2:13/Zephaniah 2:1-3/Isaiah 26:20,21 79 Psalm 46:10, Isaiah 30:15, Zechariah 2:13 80 Psalm 5:11, 69:36, 119:132, Isaiah 56:6 81 Deuteronomy 6:4,5. While “the Shema” is first seen in Deuteronomy, we are taught by the Messiah that it is the greatest of all Torah commandments. Mark 12:28-30 82 Jeremiah 7:22,23 78


before all the people.” Luke 24:19 And we note the order revealed by this Scripture: might in deeds must come before might in words; might in the Presence of hwhy88 must come prior to having might “before all the people.” This leads us to briefly consider how continually drawing near to the Presence of hwhy in prayer is so essential to overcoming sin.89

Spirit, and we certainly need this spiritual nourishment far above our necessary food. Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4 • Those who pray only because they feel dutybound to do so, are also failing to ponder the depth of our Creator’s great love for us; not realized is His desire to be near to us, to be our Father, and to reveal Himself to us and in us.92 Further, hwhy desires to see His image in us as we forgive others, love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. Bestowing His goodness upon all is one of His highest aims and hwhy will surely accomplish that very thing!93

True Prayer: Our Greatest Need Becomes our Greatest Desire Scripture is clear that spiritual completion and victory are conditional: perfection and victory are only for those who draw near to the Presence of hwhy through the blood of eswhy by faith and prayer.90 Yet we read elsewhere, “Behold, those who are far from Thee shall perish.” Psalm 73:27 In contrast to a life of faithful obedience which comes forth from those who are given to true, reverent prayer, the last-quoted text shows a spirit of harlotry and unfaithfulness inspires those who have no desire for prayer and the Presence of hwhy. One once wrote: The sluggard in prayer in faith, in deeds … is overrun with choking weeds.” The saying is true.91 Those who are sluggish in prayer are those who pray only because they feel dutybound to do so, and they are failing to understand a number of simple, but profound things.

• Those who pray only because they feel dutybound to do so, are also failing to consider the desire of hwhy to use us for giving expression to His will through prayer. Matthew 6:10 hwhy has given us His written and Living word, and the power of prayer is remarkably revealed in relation to this word through a revelation recorded by the prophet Isaiah: For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and returns not there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: so shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:10,11

• Those who pray only because they feel dutybound to do so, are also failing to realize the depth of human, spiritual poverty which implicates our great, continual need for the Spirit and Presence of hwhy. Matthew 5:3 The prophet Job knew this poverty and realized he needed the word of hwhy even more than his necessary food. Job 23:12 While this Scripture may have its ultimate fulfillment through fasting and prayer, it also shows the attitude of zeal for prayer even during times in which we are not fasting. In the Presence of hwhy, we receive His word in the

People often fall into the deceptive thinking which reasons as follows, “If hwhy is sovereign, then why even bother praying? His will is going to be accomplished anyway, so why pray?”94 92

Galatians 1:15,16, 2:20, John 3:30, Colossians 1:27 John 12:32, Romans 11:32-33, 1Corinthians 15:25-28, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:20 94 A similar deception and complacency can be bred by an improper understanding of predestination. The wrong understanding of the calling and election of hwhy led to Presbyterians (who believed in predestination) being labeled, “The Frozen Chosen,” since so many of their number evidently threw up their hands in the air and said something like, “Why even try, if it is all planned in advance?” Apparently, they were not living lives which exemplified followers of the Messiah. hwhy willing, the improper thoughts which lead to such things—as well as today’s false representation of predestination—will be addressed in a forthcoming work entitled, “The Sign, the Seal, and the Secret.” 93


2Corinthians 10:4,5 Wholeheartedly confessing the Shema before His throne is important even when we are not fasting. He will set us on high because we have loved, or known, His Name. 90 Hebrews 4:16, 7:25, 10:1,19-23, John 14:6, Psalm 73:27-28, Revelation 12:11. 91 Proverbs 24:30,31, Matthew 13:7,22, Hebrews 6:78,11-12 89


Commandments in the Decalogue.101 In this light, we realize bowing in reverent prayer is heartfelt obedience which is well-pleasing to hwhy:

Yet the above text from Isaiah shows us how hwhy works through prayer to fulfill His eternal and sovereign will: He has promised His word shall not return to Him void and that it will accomplish what He sent it to do. This reveals the power in prayer whenever the servants of hwhy on earth return His word to Him in the heavens.95 The Isaiah 55 text explains the reason our requests are assured us when we pray according to His will. If our prayers cause the word of hwhy to return to Him in the heavens, we can be sure His will shall be accomplished.96 As we partake in this great privilege, the word of hwhy grows within us and we are transformed so as to become instruments of His will and vessels of His Spirit.

I. The First Commandment speaks of worshipping hwhy the Father, Exodus 20:2-3. For hwhy, the Father, is over all: Have we not all one Father? Has not one Elohim created us? Malachi 2:10 But to us there is but one Elohim, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Sovereign, eswhy the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we by Him. 1 Corinthians 8:6 II. The Second Commandment speaks of the Son, Exodus 20:4-6. In prayer, we bow before hwhy in the Name of eswhy—the One who is the True Image of Elohim, the One who stands in contrast to the false images of pagan worship. Although this commandment relates negatively to images of false worship, its positive and prophetic implications infer there is also a True Image which stands in contrast to those which are false. And, indeed, eswhy the Messiah is called by the apostle, “the Image of the invisible Elohim”102 for every son is the image of his father. As the True Image of hwhy, eswhy stands in contrast to the images of false worship forbidden within the Second Commandment. While we are not to bow in worship before false images of anything found in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth, the day is coming when every knee shall bow before the One who is the True Image of hwhy. Comparing the Second Commandment (especially Exodus 20:4) with the following words of Shaul to the Philippians (especially vs. 10), we see striking similarities which are far more than coincidence:

• Those who pray only because they feel dutybound to do so, are also failing to know the great joy which comes from the Presence of hwhy. This joy becomes known in the depths of our being only after we progress in prayer from seeking Him for our spiritual needs to simply desiring His Presence above all else. But let us be clear: There is absolutely no wrong in petitioning hwhy for the spiritual needs of ourselves or others;97 the now-popular “prayer of Jabez”98 is one of many such prayers seen throughout the Scriptures.99 However, as we grow in seeking hwhy for the spiritual needs of ourselves as well as others, we will discover His Presence has become our main, overriding, and all-encompassing need as well as our greatest joy.100 • And finally, those who pray only because they feel duty-bound to do so, are also failing to realize how this act of righteousness is the ultimate, spiritual fulfillment of the first Four

9 Wherefore hwhy also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: 10 that at the Name of eswhy every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 and that every tongue should confess that eswhy the


Daniel 10:12, Luke 18:1-8, Revelation 8:3-5 1John 5:14-15 97 Matthew 5:3, Proverbs 18:23 98 1Chronicles 4:9,10 99 The truths in this manuscript were revealed to the author in response to much prayer and study in his long, spiritual quest for “the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe.” Ephesians 1:19 While the sojourn continues, we rejoice when writing: “The path is getting brighter.” 100 Psalm 16:11, 89:15,16, 1John 1:3,4, John 16:24, Romans 14:17 96


That is, “The Ten Words,” commonly called, “The Ten Commandments.” 102 Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:3, Yochanan/John 14:7,9


Messiah is hwhy, to the splendor of Elohim the Father. Philippians 2:9-11, Isaiah 45:23

When we pray, “Set apart be Thy Name,”104 we are praying that hwhy will act for His Name’s sake.105 He is moved to impart His Spirit to bring honor to His great Name and to fill the earth with His splendor.106 The one who prays after this manner is not taking the Name of hwhy in vain, but is, rather, stirring the heart to live a life which brings honor to the Most High. Over such prayers, hwhy is moved to do “exceeding abundantly beyond” all that a believer asks or thinks as the Spirit of power works within the life, the mind, and the heart. Ephesians 3:20 And once more, this confirms the Name-Spirit connection as it is only through faith in His Name that we may receive the Spirit’s power for becoming His sons:

The Second Commandment forbids the worship of any image representing any creatures in the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth. Yet in Shaul’s reference to the Second Commandment, we read his indication the day is coming when all things in heaven above, and in the earth beneath, and in the waters under the earth will bow before the True Image of hwhy, the One and only hwhy eswhy ha’Mashiach. He is the One who died and was raised again and He is the One upon whom was bestowed “the Name above all names”—the very Name of hwhy. III. The Third Commandment is fulfilled by praying in the Name of eswhy. Matthew 6:9, John 14:12-14 The intent of all prayer is that the Name of hwhy receives honor, that His splendor and Kingdom would fill the earth.103 The Third Commandment teaches us to honor the Name of hwhy, and we will see this speaks of the Spirit, Exodus 20:7. For it is only through the Spirit that we have both the Father and the Son:

He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of Elohim, even to them that believe on His Name. John 1:11,12


Matthew 6:9 Psalm 23:3, 31:3, Ezekiel 20:9,14,22,44 106 The Name-Spirit connection—the clear, profound link between the Name of hwhy and His pure Spirit of power— is seen throughout Scripture, and while this topic deserves the attention of a complete article, studying the relationship between the following texts will give sufficient credence to the veracity of this great truth: 105

Who is a liar but he that denies that eswhy is the Messiah? He is the anti-Messiah, that denies the Father and the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same does not have the Father: he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, you also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 1John 2:24

• Compare Exodus 20:7 and Matthew 12:31,32: the key concept here is the phrase, “not guiltless.” See also: Hebrews 6:4-6,10, 10:26-31. • Compare Numbers 6:23-27, Isaiah 59:20,21, Revelation 14:1, and 22:4 • Compare John 17:12 and 1Peter 1:5 • Compare John 20:31 and 1Corinthians 15:45 • Compare Isaiah 42:8 and the apostle’s direct reference to 42:8 in Ephesians 1:12,13: the phrase, “to the praise of His splendor,” refers to the honor due His Name; it is this honor which hwhy brings about through those who love Him with all their minds (Malachi 3:16, Mark 12:30) and who are sealed in their foreheads with His Name/Spirit. Revelation 7:3,4, 14:1, 22:4 • And five texts which show this truth even when standing alone: Exodus 9:16, Psalm 54:1, John 1:12, Acts 3:16, 4:10. Pentecostals who really want the power of the Spirit should begin by honoring and calling upon His true Name! Fasting and prayer in honor of the true Name is the only way to authentically fulfill 2Chronicles 7:14—a frequently-cited and favorite text among many of the Pentecostal movement.

The abode which the Father and Son make in us is an abode of the indwelling Spirit:

eswhy answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him. John 14:23 In whom you also are built together for a habitation of Elohim through the Spirit. Ephesians 2:22


Matthew 6:9, John 15:8, Numbers 14:21, 72:19, Isaiah 2:4, 6:3, 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14


Those who desire to honor the Name of hwhy will surely have His Spirit working within them. For it is by the Spirit that hwhy is One; it is by the Spirit that we are one with Him having been sealed in His Name;107 and it is only by His Name/Spirit that we are able to walk in the love which brings true unity with our brethren. John 17:11,21,23,26

IV. The Rest … true, continual rest is given to those who cleave to hwhy in prayer.110 And the resurrection power of hwhy ever swallows up death in victory. Isaiah 25:8,9 The Sabbath Day gives us much-needed, physical rest one day a week, but the rest received in prayer gives us continual, emotional and spiritual rest every day of the week.111

IV. The Fourth Commandment speaks of Rest, Exodus 20:8-12. Those who have both the Father and the Son also have His Spirit; because they have His Presence, they have great rest and peace as only the Spirit can give:

In summary, the first Four of the Ten Commandments reveal the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Rest. Only when both the Father and the Son make their dwelling in us by the Spirit can we be inspired and empowered to walk in loving obedience; and only then can we have true rest and peace.112 Hence, the love expressed

And He said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. Isaiah 26:3


Psalm 133, Zechariah 14:9, John 17:20-26, Philippians 2:1-9 110 Deuteronomy 4:3,4, 10:20,21, 11:22-25, 13:4, Isaiah 28:12. 111 Those who observe the Seventh Day Sabbath should not be alarmed at a teaching which upholds the supremacy of daily, spiritual rest and victory through reverent prayer. For without such victory over sin, one cannot truly keep the Seventh Day as we are required to do! The prophet Jeremiah (7:9,10) warns our Sabbath worship is an exercise in vanity if we are not walking uprightly the other six days of the week. Thus, we must continually remember the Sabbath throughout the first six days of the week so as to keep that one, special Day of Rest truly set apart. 112 While we have viewed what might be called the ultimate, spiritual meaning (at least on this side of the Millennium) of the first four of the Ten Commandments, it should be emphasized none of these truths do away with the importance of either the physical or the emotional aspects of these weighty, Torah ordinances—ordinances which comprise no small portion of the Decalogue. The literal, physical, Seventh Day, Shabbat/rest is still of immense importance if we desire to be set apart by hwhy and to enter His greater rest, spiritually, Exodus 31:12,13, Revelation 14:13. Emotional rest is equally as important: we can be at rest, physically, while our minds are at war, emotionally. Psalm 55:21 And when a person’s emotional state is one of turmoil, we question just how wholesome or how complete any physical rest they obtain might be. Isaiah 48:18,22; 57:20,21 Meditation upon hwhy during our times of prayer, and meditation upon His Torah throughout the day, is the answer. Psalm 119:165, Isaiah 26:3 It is meditation upon the Torah which keeps our minds from being blown about as chaff before the wind. Psalm 1:1-4, Ephesians 4:14 Concerning the Second Commandment: while we must honor and bow before the True Image of hwhy in the spiritual realm, we must also reject the worship of statues and other graven images in the physical realm, Leviticus 26:1, Daniel 3:1-18. And

And all your children shall be taught of Elohim, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 As a beast goes down into the valley, the Spirit of hwhy made him to rest: so did You lead Your people, to make Yourself a Name majestic. Isaiah 63:14 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 The Spirit produces the fruit of righteousness which, in turn, leads to peace; and only in finding such peace can we truly be at rest.108 And so, with the first Four Commandments and their fulfillment through prayer, we have: I. The Father … hwhy El Elyon. II. The Son … the Image of hwhy … the Image of True Worship. III. The Spirit … the Presence, the power and the Name of hwhy which results in love and its counterparts, peace and unity.109


John 17:11, Ephesians 1:13, 4:30, Revelation 7:2-3, 14:1-4, 22:4 108 Isaiah 48:18, Mark 9:50, Romans 14:17, Galatians 5:22, Ya’acob/James 3:18


for hwhy in authentic, reverent prayer fulfills the first portion of the Decalogue.113 Which establishes a very important truth regarding prayer:

must now enter in and take the Land of Promise.119 It is only through Elohim-given faith that we can enter into the promised inheritance of His eternal Kingdom. Deed-spawning faith— not salvation—is the gift mentioned by Shaul in Ephesians:

Prayer is the beginning of all true faith and obedience for every believer.

For by favor you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of Elohim, not of works lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9

If our hearts are not right in prayer (or if our attitude towards prayer is erroneous), then neither will we be “doers of the word,” “doers of the Torah.”114 Those who do not cleave to hwhy in trust-filled prayer, have not even begun to walk in the obedience which pleases Him the most. Some have rightly taught that “prayerlessness is sin,” yet this is often done without much to substantiate the claim. From the above, we have seen why “prayerlessness is sin.” Violation of any of the first Four Commandments is idolatry. So we say, “Yes, prayerlessness is sin; moreover it is the sin of idolatry—of not putting hwhy first. Where there is lack of fasting and prayer, there is also a lack of truly seeking hwhy. In such cases, there will also be a lack of victory over sin and progress in the faith. But for those who draw near with broken, contrite hearts, victory is certain.115 Like Yisrael of old, the responsibility to enter into that which eswhy has already obtained 116 rests largely with us.117 Based on His promises,118 we

Notice the apostle says faith is the gift of Elohim.120 He says faith is not of ourselves: faith is a gift given by the favor/grace of hwhy. Most erroneously translate this text as meaning “being saved” is the free gift. Elsewhere, righteousness is called “the free gift,”121 while, in another place, the Spirit is called a gift;122 and, in still another place, salvation is called the free gift, Romans 6:23. All of these things are related and are clearly imparted by the Presence and the gift of His Pure Spirit: the impartation of His Name/Spirit is a gift of His favor123 which also gives us the faith and the power124 to live righteously. However, we contend the free gift mentioned in Ephesians 2:8,9 is faith.125 By the favor of hwhy, each believer has been given an initial measure of faith.126 What each one does with the measure of faith they have been given will determine his or her reward. Our final measure of faith—seen through our level of loving obedience127 towards hwhy and our service towards others—shall determine whether our inheritance in the Kingdom is shameful and

yet, does the Second Commandment speak of physical images alone? Certainly not. Many remain in bondage for a lifetime to images of another form: mental or emotional images which are allowed to be graven in the mind effectively set up statues of lust and improper thoughts which are, oftentimes, permanent. Many bow down before graven images such as these throughout their entire lives (Ephesians 2:1-3) and are never able to destroy such mental/emotional icons of falsehood. The Law of hwhy operates in all three realms: physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. Those who fail to cultivate obedience in any of these three realms will fall short of receiving the blessings which hwhy has for His people; and those who ignore or reject any of these three realms are simply not wise. Proverbs 9:12 113 And this is the only means by which we may ever begin to fulfill the second portion of the Ten Commandments! 114 James 1:22, 4:11,12, Romans 2:13 115 Hebrews 6:13-20, 7:25, Psalm 18:27, 32:6; compare also Jeremiah 3:19 and Matthew 6:9. 116 Ephesians 1:19-23, Hebrews 4:14, 6:20 117 Philippians 2:12, Hebrews 2:3 118 2Peter 1:4


2Peter 1:5-11 Each believer is given a measure of faith. Romans 12:3 121 Romans 5:15-17. The gift of righteousness was not a new concept: Psalm 24:5, Isaiah 51:7-8; 54:17 122 Acts 1:4-8, 2:38 123 Numbers 6:22-27. This is the blessing which hwhy has commanded! Psalm 133. This commanded blessing further explains the text: “hwhy will command His lovingkindness in the day time”… Psalm 42:6 This blessing imparts the favor of hwhy apart from works. His favor is given in love simply because we are His children. 124 John 1:12 125 Romans 4:16, 5:17, and 12:3 show the gift of faith is imparted by, or through, the grace/favor of hwhy; this concurs with our view of Ephesians 2:8,9: faith is a gift granted us by His favor. 126 Luke 19:13-26, Romans 12:3 127 Since faith works through love, Galatians 5:6. 120


meager or whether it is abundant and full of splendor.128 Too many believers think they can “just believe” and then sit back on the couch, watch TV and eat potato chips for the rest of their lives, and, somehow, everything will turn out okay. Let us be wise: careless ease is an enemy; careless ease will breed the sins of Sodom even as we are now witnessing in this country.129 Ezekiel 16:49,50 But even among those who—refusing to be at ease in Tziyon130— are striving to walk by faith and to please the Almighty, there is still lack of tangible, spiritual progress, lack of victory, and lack of true, resurrection power. For those who no longer wish this to be the case when looking across the landscape of the Messianic Faith, hwhy holds forth the means for true rest and refreshing:

This unique experience is the three-day fast— which we will show can and should identify with the resurrection principle in Scripture. By giving eswhy the preeminence in all things,135 we also believe the three-day fast should identify with His life, His sufferings, His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension. Throughout the Scriptures, we see many things occurred which signify the Presence and life of hwhy being imparted to His people on the third day. This is not some imaginary, “new religion” as at least one person has wrongly charged. This is the revelation of a principle set in place by hwhy who declares He never changes. Malachi 3:6 Let us review the clear accounts set forth in the word of hwhy which reveal His special working on “the third day.” We will consider a number of truelife accounts from Scripture which we believe establish a faith-precedence behind the three-day fast.

For thus says the Sovereign hwhy, the Qadosh One of Yisrael: “In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

The Resurrection of Yitschak/Isaac on the Third Day Genesis 22:1-19 It was a three-day journey for Abraham and Yitschak to Mount Moriah.136 hwhy had commanded him to offer up his only begotten son. It was a time of testing for the patriarch. Would he be faithful to obey the voice of hwhy? The writer to the Hebrews said this of the incident:

Let us take heart if we desire to see hwhy stir Himself up to work among His people “as in the days of old.”131 The three-day fast is His special means for helping us to appropriate and to walk in the reality of the Messiah’s resurrection power—the real, tangible power which eswhy came to give us for special help in times of need. The Presence of hwhy in times of prayer never ceases to be our greatest need, but blessed are the poor in spirit for they will also hold forth His Presence as their greatest desire!

By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Yitschak: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, That in Yitschak shall your seed be called: accounting that Elohim was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from where also he received him in a figure. Hebrews 11:17-19

Special Significance of the Three-Day Fast The Father of all lovingkindness and Mighty One of all comfort132 has put in place a very special way for His people to obtain victorious, resurrection power133—in increments—as He gives us the Land of Promise little by little.134

This records that Abraham received Yitschak back from the dead even though his son was not ultimately sacrificed. It also indicates Abraham was accounting that hwhy would surely raise up Yitschak from the dead as that would be the only way the Almighty’s promise over Yitschak could ever be fulfilled. We actually have clear evidence in the word of hwhy which shows Abraham believed that very thing; the patriarch


Matthew 5:19, 25:14-30, 2Peter 1:10,11 The USA is now taking its final plunge into immorality. The prophet Amos warns destruction from Above will soon follow. Amos 9:8 130 Amos 6:1 131 Isaiah 63:11-64:3, Habakkuk 3:1-3 132 2Corinthians 1:3,4 133 Romans 8:35-39, Ephesians 1:19, 3:20, Philippians 3:9,10 134 Exodus 23:29,30 129

135 136


Colossians 1:18 Genesis 22:4

fasting and prayer.139 In any case, those who prepare themselves for the Presence of hwhy with a three-day cleansing through fasting and prayer, will also find He does descend on the third day and that He is dwelling near to them140 as they hear His word,141 and experience the power of His Spirit.

was truly anticipating Yitschak would be raised up from the dead. Let us hear Abraham’s words to his servants: Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the donkey; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. Genesis 22:4,5

The Restoration/Healing of Hezekiah on the Third Day 2Kings 20:8-11 Hezekiah wept bitterly when learning from the prophet Isaiah he was going to die, and he turned to hwhy with all his heart. Joel 2:12-14 He sought and found hwhy who restored the king’s life and health on the third day.

Before offering up his son, Abraham had already stated both he and Yitschak would return to the awaiting servants. Yitschak was the son of promise—a promise which Abraham knew would be fulfilled even if it took a resurrection from the dead, and that is exactly what this man of faith was anticipating! On the third day, Abraham received back his only begotten son from the dead, even as hwhy would later do in the case of eswhy.137

The Three-Day Fast of the Yahudim for Queen Esther Esther 3:1-5:3 In a plot to wipe out the Yahudim,142 a man named Haman, was working to commence an execution based on the king’s decree. Mordecai, a relative of Queen Esther, was grieved when hearing of this evil plan in which an all-out slaughter of the Yahudim had been planned. When the plot was discovered, Queen Esther decreed all the Yahudim should fast and pray: … “neither eat nor drink three days, night or day,” she said. In response to this fasting, the sovereignty of hwhy was made known through the wisdom which He granted Queen Esther and through the favor which He helped her find with King Ahasuerus.143 She went to the king on the third day and found favor in his eyes. The plot was thwarted, Haman was hanged, and the people greatly rejoiced.144 hwhy acted for His Name’s sake to preserve His people and to deliver them from death. Here we see the threeday fast as contrary to widespread death and tragic defeat; it resulted in the working of hwhy to preserve life and to impart joy and great blessings.

The Presence of hwhy Descends Upon Mount Sinai on the Third Day Exodus 19:10,11 Before He came down to give the Ten Words, hwhy instructed Moses to command the people of Yisrael to be prepared: And hwhy said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, and be ready against the third day: for the third day hwhy will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. This was the command of hwhy to prepare His people for a great occasion—giving of the Ten Commandments. The people were to cleanse themselves for three days. Comparing Scripture, we see this cleansing may well have implied/involved fasting.138 Many other Scriptures clearly show the cleansing nature of


The location of this incident was Mount Moriah; some believe this was the same site which would later be called “Golgotha”—the very place where eswhy was impaled for the sins of the world. Whether or not this was the case, Yitschak was certainly a prophetic type of eswhy the Messiah: Both had laid upon them the wood by which they were to be offered up (Genesis 22:6, John 19:16-18), and both were only begotten sons. Was Yitschak also 33 years old at that time? 138 Exodus 19:14,15, 1Corinthians 7:5

139 140 141 142 143 144


James 4:6-10 Psalm 15:1-5, 24:3-5, Isaiah 33:14-16, James 4:8 Deuteronomy 33:3, Luke 10:39 “Yahudim” is the Hebrew word for “Jews.” Proverbs 21:1, Esther 6:1-5 Proverbs 29:2

become an instrument of blessings to many others.

The Resurrection of Yisrael on the Third Day Hoshea/Hosea 6:1-3 Our opening text for this article reveals a prophetic event regarding the nation of Yisrael: specifically, their restoration before hwhy “on the third day.” We read this great text once more:

The Restoration of Jonah on the Third Day Jonah 1:1-2:10 Jonah was a hard-headed prophet: he refused the word of hwhy which directed him to preach repentance to Ninevah. But where could he flee from the Presence/Spirit of hwhy? Psalm 139:712 After he set sail for Tarshish, his ship fell into a terrible storm and Jonah knew he must be thrown overboard. After this occurred, hwhy saved Jonah by preparing a great fish to swallow him where he remained for three days and three nights. On the third day of his fast, he prayed to hwhy and was spit up by the whale. Jonah’s story is remarkable: a true account of the great love and saving favor of hwhy. Great was His love for Nineveh, to be sure, but great also was His love for the prophet. Once more, we have a clear case of resurrection, restoration, and salvation on the third day. Jonah 2:9

Come and let us return unto hwhy; for He has torn and He will heal us; He has smitten and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. So let us know, let us follow on to know hwhy; His going forth is as certain as the morning, and He will come to us as the rain; as the latter rain that waters the earth. Hoshea 6:1-3 If one day is taken as a thousand years,145 this Scripture appears to be a prophetic indication hwhy will raise up Yisrael on the “third day.”146 We assert this very same resurrection principle applies to the three-day fast for every individual believer in the Messiah. The three-day fast does, indeed, result in the impartation of resurrection power as hwhy pours out the latter rain of His Spirit upon us147 which raises us up on the third day.148 We also notice mention of healing which occurs on the third day. hwhy associates healing with fasting in other places as well.149 It is a great privilege to seek hwhy through the threeday fast, and those who do so will not only be greatly blessed, individually, they will also

The Resurrection of the Messiah on the Third Day Matthew 16:21, 17:22,23, 20:18,19

eswhy asserted He was to be raised up “on the third day.”150 The third day is significant because a dead body begins to decay after this time period has lapsed.151 Since eswhy was without sin, He could not be held in death’s grip; both the justice and the word of hwhy required He must be raised from the dead before His flesh corrupted. Shaul wrote the power of hwhy toward His people is in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He invoked when raising eswhy from the dead and causing Him to ascend into the heavens at His Right Hand. Ephesians 1:19-23 His position in the heavens as the Messiah and the High Priest is “far above all power, and authority, and dominion and every name that is named.”152 Shaul wrote that we are set with eswhy in the Heavens, by faith, but we assert the reality of this


2Peter 3:8 If the ministry of eswhy began in 27 C.E., then the year 2027 will close out the “second day,” the second, 1000year period since His ministry announced the Year of Jubilee. Luke 4:16-21 If we use one day as a thousand years, the time period surrounding 2027 would be the start of the “third day” since the Messiah’s coming (if one begins counting from 27 C.E.). It is expected that around that time (if not sooner) the Millennium will be commencing. In regard to the creation, the Millennium will arrive after 6 days (6,ooo years) and will be the “seventh day” from the account given in Genesis. The Millennium will be the “Seventh Day,” a 1000-year, Sabbath rest for the people of hwhy. Hence, this writer expects many great things will occur on or before that fastapproaching time in our present-day history. 147 Hoshea 6:3, 10:12 148 James 4:10 149 Isaiah 58:6,8,11, Matthew 13:15 146


Matthew 20:19, Mark 9:31, 10:34, Luke 18:33, 24:7,46 Acts 2:24-31; Peter was citing the 16th Psalm which indicated the flesh of eswhy would not undergo decay/corruption, thus, requiring His resurrection “on the third day.” Psalm 16:8-11 152 Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:21 151


is something which must be sought,158 we also conclude this power is not something which is necessarily imparted—or at least, realized—in its fullest measure when one first becomes a believer in the Messiah. To be sure, there is given to each one an earnest, a down payment of the Spirit.159 However, most believers fail to realize there is a greater blessing160 and fullness which must be continually sought. This brings us back to the problem posed at the start of our inquiry:

position is especially learned, experienced, and strengthened through the three-day fast. Resurrection and ascension power is the power which makes victory over sin and the world not only possible, but expected, and it is this power which one appropriates and experiences firsthand through the three-day fast in the Name of hwhy.153 The Healing and Immersion of the Apostle Shaul on the Third Day Acts 9:1-18 Following his encounter with eswhy on the road to Damascus, Shaul remained blind and continued in fasting and prayer for three days. This very apostle would later teach immersion in the Name of hwhy–Yeshua154 as being symbolic of the Messiah’s death and resurrection.155 Given these truths, we now have yet another case of resurrection “on the third day.” Through immersion, Shaul was resurrected with eswhy on the third day to, thereafter, live for and serve the Mighty One of Yisrael.156 The timing of these signal events not only reveals the veracity of what we are saying throughout this manuscript, but we also believe the details of Shaul’s conversion were prophetic of what was to follow. Following his immersion, Shaul continued to seek “the power of His resurrection” for the remainder of his days. Philippians 3:10-14 This man of faith exemplified a lifetime of diligently seeking hwhy, and he was never found to be “at ease in Tziyon.”157

Why aren’t more believers in the Messiah walking in the power and victory which eswhy came to give us? Evidence is clear that many (if not most) do not know how to seek for the promised blessing of “greater favor”161 which shall certainly be given as we continually progress “from faith to faith.” Romans 1:16,17 And, so, we introduce the three-day fast: a special way to prepare our hearts for the Presence of hwhy to come down with the revelation of His Law as at Mount Sinai162 … a special way to seek His healing, His renewal, and the promised, latter rain of His Spirit163 … and a special way to seek eswhy to the end we might “know Him and the power of His resurrection.” If this intimacy and power were things for which the apostle Shaul was required to seek and find,164 we assert all other believers in the Messiah must do likewise.165 The principle of the Presence, life, and power of hwhy being especially manifested on the third day, adds new significance to the Scriptures regarding our burial with eswhy through immersion and our resurrection with Him to walk in newness of life:

t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d gb a

The above accounts corporately show us the number three generally speaks of the life, healing, restoration, and resurrection of hwhy which accompany His Presence. Since we are told elsewhere the resurrection power of eswhy


Philippians 3:8-14, Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 22:26, 69:32, Amos 5:4,6,14 159 2Corinthians 1:22, 5:5, Ephesians 1:13,14 160 James 4:6, Malachi 3:10-12. The latter text leads us to wonder: “Where are the spiritual blessings which, if poured out, cannot be contained?” 161 James 4:6, 1Peter 5:5 162 Exodus 19:10-20:20 163 Hoshea 6:1-3, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:18-19, Isaiah 44:3, Hoshea 10:12 <=> Hebrews 6:7 164 Philippians 3:8-14 165 1Corinthians 11:1, Matthew 7:7,8, Hebrews 4:15,16


1Samuel 17:45 This is the compound Name used for immersion according to the Aramaic Peshitta text; hence is explained immersion into the Name of the Father, the Son, and Ruach haQodesh, the Pure Spirit of hwhy. The Father and Son are one in the Spirit. John 17:11 155 Romans 6:3,4 156 Romans 6:1-22 157 Amos 6:1 154


like the apostle Shaul, if we desire to know “the power of His resurrection,” we must diligently seek hwhy during the lifetime which follows that initial step of faith. Immersion is only the beginning! The Scriptures are clear: what must follow this great, initial act of conversion is a life filled with deeds of faithful, commandmentkeeping obedience and service.172 But who is sufficient for these things? For we did not, of ourselves, produce the initial, special faith which was given to us for salvation.173 Nor can we go from “faith to faith”—growing in respect to salvation174—without the continual watering of His Spirit.175 Apart from Him we can do nothing. John 15:4,5 And that is precisely the key: apart from Him—apart from bearing His yoke of fasting-derived meekness and humility,176 apart from drawing near by the blood of eswhy,177 apart from continually bowing before His throne of favor and the lightfilled Presence of hwhy178—we can do nothing. Yet the converse is also true: as we continually draw near to the throne of favor, we will also “grow in favor and in the knowledge of our Sovereign eswhy the Messiah,” and nothing shall be impossible.179 All deeds and actions of true faith and love emanate from the life of a believer who has just emerged from prayer in the awesome, resplendent, light-filled Presence of hwhy El Shaddai. Any who do this shall be

Therefore we are buried with Him by immersion into death: that like as the Messiah was raised up from the dead by the splendor of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4 If all those who have been immersed into the Name of eswhy have also been immersed into His death, why does there seem to be so little of “death to sin.”166 Why does there seem to be such a lack of “newness of life?”167 We believe walking in the reality of the Messiah’s death and resurrection—which things bring death to sin and newness of life—can only occur in the lives of those who humble themselves before Him. Only those believers who seek Him can fully know the reality of the Messiah’s death and resurrection. This is something which we must learn over time, but the journey is a blessed one. The resurrection power of eswhy is certainly given to those who believe in His Name,168 but to be fully appropriated by a believer and to be manifested in its fullness, it is required that we decrease so that the Messianic anointing of the Savior may increase. 169 Failure to understand this simple truth has led to all-out failure across the landscape of believers who are dotting the hillsides of the Messianic faith. Faith is based on the word of hwhy. Romans 10:17 We have seen the word of hwhy reveals a principle wherein a special impartation of His life, His power, and His Presence are granted on the third day to those who have prepared their hearts through fasting and prayer. Fasting and prayer are the two major contributors to preparation of heart.170 Without fasting-derived humility, no believer can progress from the defeat of Romans 7 to the victory in Romans 8. It is not disputed the above text from Romans 6:4 teaches we identify with the death and resurrection of eswhy through immersion into His Name,171 but immersion is only the initial step of faith and obedience. Just


Romans 1:17, 2:13, 3:31, 16:26, 1John 5:3, Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14. These texts all describe the “obedience of faith” seen in any life which has experienced “death to sin” and “newness of life.” 173 Matthew 11:17, John 1:12-13, 6:44, 65, 15:16, Ephesians 2:8,9 174 1Timothy 4:14,15, 1Peter 2:1-2, 1Peter 3:17-18 175 Isaiah 44:3-5, Hosea 6:3, 10:12, Joel 2:28-29, Zechariah 12:10-13:2, Acts 2:19-20, Hebrews 6:7 176 Lamentations 3:27-29, Matthew 11:28-30 177 John 14:6, Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:19,25, 9:13-14, Revelation 12:11. The last text shows that overcoming Satan is only possible if we have drawn near to the Presence of hwhy through the blood of eswhy. This is what we must first do to be clothed with the armor of His light. If we seek hwhy while He may be found, then we will have “done all” just as Shaul has said: … “and having done all, to stand” in the evil day. Ephesians 6:10-13, Psalm 32:6, Isaiah 55:6 178 Psalm 36:9, 97:11, 104:2 179 2Peter 3:18, Mark 11:22-24, Ephesians 1:17-19


Romans 6:2,7,11,18,22 Romans 6:4-7, 7:6, 12:1,2, 2Corinthians 3:6,17-18, 5:17 168 John 1:12, 17:11, 1Peter 1:5 169 Personal decrease and the increase of eswhy will remain incomplete apart from fasting and prayer. 170 See the article, “Humble Yourselves in the Sight of hwhy” at: 171 Many will still refer to this as “baptism.” 167


clothed with the armor of His light180 simply from having drawn near.181

same manner as we received Him,188 this writer further believes the three-day fast is another occasion upon which the seeker of His Kingdom and righteousness can exercise the faith to continually identify with the great events surrounding the sufferings, death, and resurrection of eswhy. As a result, the believer will:

We are elsewhere instructed that we should live our lives by walking with eswhy in the same manner by which we received Him. Colossians 2:6 The manner in which we received Him and the manner in which we walk thereafter are one and the same: by faith.182 How many times did our Savior say something similar to this: “So be it unto you according to your faith?”183 In each of those cases, blessings were bestowed because someone did or said something which exhibited faith prior to receiving life and restoration from eswhy. If upon conversion, a believer receives eswhy as the sin-removing Lamb184—and through immersion into His Name identifies with His death and resurrection—the question remains: “How does a believer remember, identify with, and appropriate the reality of the Savior’s death and resurrection on a continual basis? Remember, we are to walk with eswhy in the manner in which we received Him; we received Him by faith as we identified with His death and resurrection and called upon His Name at the time of our immersion.185 As we daily draw near to His throne of favor, we remember His example by laying down our lives and submitting to His will so that we may be strengthened to live for and to serve hwhy.186 We further remember His death and call upon His Name when partaking of the bread and cup.187 Since we are taught to walk with eswhy in the

1. Grow to know Him more intimately … 2. Begin sharing in the sufferings related to His death. And, as a result of these things, will … 3. Commensurately receive “the power of His resurrection” through the indwelling Spirit of hwhy. Compare these three points with the words of the apostle in Philippians 3:10. A life given to fasting and prayer will bring upon one affliction, suffering, and reproach,189 but with such tribulations, a commensurate amount of the Spirit’s power is given as well.190 Humbling ourselves in this very special way brings about true, spiritual progress as we identify with His death.191 On the third day, we then receive His promise of exaltation: resurrection power. James 4:10192 Let us review the promise of being “raised up” and restored by hwhy as recorded in the prophet Hoshea: 188

That is, by faith in all that He has done! The finished work of the Messiah involves: His unblemished life, His sufferings, His sacrifice on the tree, His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension. This is what eswhy and the apostle John meant when teaching that, to do the will of hwhy, we must believe on the Name of the Son, John 6:29, 1John 3:6,22-24. Proper faith in His finished work will empower us to be overcomers. 1John 5:1-5 189 Psalm 35:13, 69:10, Isaiah 50:6, Jeremiah 20:2, 37:15, Lamentations 3:26-30, Matthew 5:10-12, 39, 2Timothy 3:12. Fasting is the believer’s ultimate expression towards hwhy of the desire to live righteously; it will eventually, if not immediately, result in persecution and reproach from the unfaithful populace. 190 2Corinthians 4:10, 12:9,10 191 By dying to hwhy for three days via fasting, Romans 14:8. The context reveals the reference here is to fasting: to “regard the day” meant one was not eating and was giving thanks to hwhy during the fast. Romans 14:6-7 This becomes yet clearer when we contrast those who ate or fasted and did not do so unto hwhy. Zechariah 7:5-6 192 The context in James 4:6-10 is clearly one of fasting provided we understand the many terms James used— afflicted, mourn, mourning, heaviness, weep, purify, and cleanse—all relate to that very thing.


Ephesians 6:10-18, Romans 13:12, Psalm 104:2 Exodus 33:12-18, 34:5-7,29,20,35, Luke 9:29, Acts 6:15, 2Corithians 3:18, James 4:8 182 Consider both A.) and B.): A.) Receiving the Messiah by faith: John 1:12, 20:31, Acts 15:7-9, 26:18, Romans 1:17, 5:1, Galatians 3:2,26, Ephesians 2:8, 1John 5:13 B.) Walking with the Messiah by faith: Acts 26:18, Romans 1:17, 3:31, 5:2, 16:26, 2Corinthinas 5:7, Galatians 3:5, Ephesians 3:11-12,17-20, Hebrews 10:38, chapt.11, James 2:22, 1Peter 1:5, 1John 2:6, 5:2-5, Revelation 14:12 => John 14:1 183 Matthew 8:13, 9:22,29, 15:28, Mark 2:5, 5:34, 10:52, Luke 7:50, 8:48, 17:19, 18:42 184 John 1:12,35-36 185 Joel 2:29-32, Acts 2:21,36-41, 22:16, Romans 10:1315 186 Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 9:23-24, 1Corinthians 15:3031, 1John 3:16 187 Psalm 116:12-13 181


Come and let us return unto hwhy; for He has torn and He will heal us; He has smitten and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. So let us know, let us follow on to know hwhy; His going forth is as certain as the morning, and He will come to us as the rain; as the latter rain that waters the earth. Hoshea 6:1-3

fasts198 has been observed enough times to know it is a blessed reality. During this time of extended fasting, I have noticed being deeply rested when awakening from afternoon naps taken on the second and third days of the fast. Although just a brief nap,199 such times of rest feel equivalent to the 8-10 hours of rest gotten when I was a little boy … extremely refreshing! Acts 3:19 The ways of hwhy are the ways of peace and rest: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Isaiah 28:12, 30:15, Jeremiah 6:16, Matthew 11:28-30

A call to return to hwhy is certainly a call to fasting and prayer. It is quite possible James was referring to a three-day fast—and the very Scripture seen in the prophet Hosea—with these words to the twelve tribes scattered abroad:193

We have separated the remaining portion of this section into two, main subsections which address different issues related to the results of fastingderived meekness and humility; the intent here is to help explain both how and why a proper approach to fasting will lead to life, victory, health, healing, and the increased Presence of hwhy.200

Humble yourselves in the sight of hwhy and He will lift you up. James 4:10 Only by learning to appropriate the resurrection and ascension power of the Messiah can we move on to maturity and say with Shaul at all times, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Romans 8:37

A Contrite and Broken Heart While the eternal word of hwhy stands without need of further proof, many have testified of the power in a three-day fast, and of the special blessings poured out on the third day. To be sure, our Heavenly Father will honor fasts which are of shorter or longer duration than three days since He so loves for us to seek Him. However, if we enter a three-day fast so as to identify with the death and resurrection of eswhy,201 He will reward us according to that faith. And with each three-day fast, the believer shall enter into increasing, progressive, resurrection power.202 As we are humbled in the Presence of hwhy, the three-day fast will result in many spiritual blessings. On more than one occasion, the author has taken a glass or two of water on the third morning of the fast, and within a short time after beginning to read the Scriptures, the Spirit of hwhy was poured out.

The Results of Fasting-Derived Humility We will reflect for a short while on the results of fasting-derived humility. As a believer’s soul is humbled to wait upon hwhy through fasting in His Name,194 He grants the seeking heart His favor and exalts the humbled mourner with resurrection power by giving the comfort of His Spirit195—poured out, indwelling, and empowering.196 Just as eswhy was raised from the dead “on the third day,” even so, we are raised up on the third day by the power of Elohim: we are strengthened to walk in “newness of life;” we are cleansed and empowered to “live in His sight”197 and to dwell with the Consuming Fire. Isaiah 33:14-16 The three-day fast will also provide many physical blessings. A personal experience encountered by the author during three-day


During this time I drink only pure water … no food, no juice. Taking juice is not fasting. 199 Usually around 1.5 or 3 hours in duration. 200 Fasting of most any duration will give great, spiritual benefits. However, we still assert many of the things talked about in this section are especially prevalent in a three-day fast. 201 Philippians 3:10-11 202 Job 17:9, Proverbs 24:5, Philippians 1:6


James 1:1. Interesting that James wrote of twelve tribes and not ten, yet many today are talking about “the lost ten tribes.” 194 Exodus 33:18-34:28, 2Chronicles 7:14 195 Isaiah 61:1-3, 9-11, Matthew 5:4 196 Isaiah 40:1, 29-31, 1Corinthians 15:10, James 4:6,10 197 Hosea 6:2


These are special times in which the Spirit gives “the washing of the water by the word:”203 the Presence of hwhy floods the soul and breaks the heart with many wholesome emotions:

everywhere find such rest and joy in Him as they are anointed from on high.210 All of these things explain the wholesome, reverent emotions, the contrition, and the brokenness in those who:

• Reverence and awe at the truth and beauty of His word. • A sobering sense of our own unworthiness apart from the sacrifice of eswhy through His shed blood upon the tree. • The removal of all condemnation204 which leaves only wholesome joy and deep gratitude for being called out of darkness into His marvelous light. • A great love and gratitude for hwhy and the gift of His Son. • All of the above are coupled with the greatest assurance of His complete acceptance and His abundant, enduring love.

… “rejoice with trembling.” Psalm 2:11 … “tremble at His word.” Ezra 9:4, Isaiah 66:2,5 … speak and conduct themselves “with fear and trembling.” Luke 7:37,38, 1Corinthians 2:3, Hosea 13:1, Acts 20:19,31, Philippians 2:12 We now proceed to consider our second subsection which shows how fasting and prayer are the ultimate fulfillment of the whole, burnt offering required in the Torah. The Ultimate Fulfillment of the Whole, Burnt Offering The word “sanctify” means “to set apart,” and if entered into with all sincerity, the cleansing nature of fasting and prayer will set apart our hearts totally unto hwhy. Through fasting, we purify our hearts211 and dedicate our lives wholly to Him. To please hwhy the most in our lives, He requires that we seek Him with all our heart; fasting is the main means by which we express, obtain, and maintain such wholehearted commitment before Him. In the days of old, ancient Yisrael would offer to hwhy whole, burnt offerings. This symbolized giving hwhy all things—all that one had and all that one was. Through fasting and prayer, the worshipper offers up the whole heart before hwhy. Offering our whole heart is effectively offering to hwhy all that we are and all that we possess. In this, we are effectively saying, “Here am I, send me.”212 Hence, fasting with prayer is the spiritual

These are the times when the word of hwhy is truly fulfilled in regard to “a broken and a contrite heart.”205 This is the brokenness which hwhy desires and which the Spirit brings about in our lives. And while others may misunderstand, this brokenness will be carried forth with us after the fast has ended. We will find ourselves shedding tears of compassion, joy, humility, and brokenness as we worship, as we speak His word, and as we serve our fellow man.206 This same brokenness was seen in the apostle Shaul— who fasted often207—as he exhorted the brethren day and night with tears. Acts 20:19,31 For in such a state of humility and affliction it is nearly impossible for a person to read the Scriptures, or to pray, or to worship, without the heart melting into absolute brokenness in the Presence hwhy. This impartation of the Messiah’s anointing softens the hardest heart208 and makes one weep tears of joy, gratitude, reverent awe, and contrition.209 This is an experience in worship of which one never tires. May all believers


A note on brokenness: being broken in relation to our circumstances and difficulties is one thing, but being broken before our Creator and Redeemer is quite another. It would appear that hwhy sometimes allows circumstances to precipitate the former brokenness to bring us to a point where He can accomplish the latter. Consider how this very thing occurred in the life of the prophet Job. (cf. Job chapters 1 and 2 with Job 42:1-6) Remember as you study, the entire context of the book is fasting-related since Job was fasting and mourning for most of its duration, Job 1:20, 2:8-13, Job 33:19-21. 211 Isaiah 1:16, Matthew 23:26, James 4:8 212 Isaiah 6:8, Acts 9:10


Ephesians 5:26, Zechariah 12:10-13:2, Revelation 1:15 Romans 8:1,33-34 205 Psalm 34:18, 51:17, 69:19-20, 147:3, Isaiah 57:15, 66:1-2, Matthew 5:3 206 Psalm 126:5-6, Acts 20:19,31, 1Corinthians 2:2-3 207 Matthew 9:14,15, 2Corinthians 6:4,5, 11:27 208 Matthew 3:9, Ezekiel 36:26,27 209 Psalm 2:11, Luke 7:37,38 204


counterpart to the whole, burnt offering!213 Apart from fasting and prayer, the ongoing, unchanging requirement of the ultimate, whole burnt offering cannot be met in the life of a believer. Romans 12:1,2 Our works will not be perfected before Elohim if we lack fastingderived meekness and humility because we will also fail to seek hwhy with the whole heart.214

From Faith to Faith We have seen the importance of preparing our hearts for the Presence of hwhy. We have seen the significance of fasting and prayer and its essential contribution to this preparation of heart. In our affliction, the heart is humbled and we are prepared to hear the voice of hwhy, to better understand the Scriptures, and to more fully become “doers of the word.” Fasting and prayer bring into the heart and mind the overwhelming beauty and reality of the word of hwhy and— more than anything else—are the means by which the Spirit reveals the Son in us. Through preparation of heart, we decrease while eswhy increases, and the Word becomes flesh in our lives.220 Many Christian circles rightly perceive the means for progressing to maturity in the faith is found in a spiritual application of the words of John the Immerser concerning eswhy:

The greatest commandment in the Torah is to hear hwhy and to respond with wholehearted love and obedience.215 Through seasons of fasting and prayer, the Spirit prepares our hearts to hear the voice of hwhy and to do His will. Genesis 26:4,5 In contrast, a person’s unwillingness to hear the Torah, even makes that one’s prayer an abomination. Proverbs 28:9 If our motives are right, fasting is an act of submission to hwhy216 which shows our ears are open and our hearts are seeking His truth as we await His guidance. Isaiah 58:8,11 Fasting is the deepest possible, spiritual expression of one’s desire to live righteously!217 Those given to fasting have determined to seek hwhy until He rains righteousness upon them.218 Through fasting, the fire of His Spirit ignites the zeal of hwhy within our hearts and the desire for righteousness burns stronger and stronger. As we burn with this zeal, our very lives will become “offerings made by fire.”219

He must increase, and I must decrease. John 3:30 But seemingly few realize that dying unto hwhy221 by fasting and prayer is the ultimate means by which this Scripture is fulfilled. Through fasting and prayer, the life and Spirit of eswhy increases causing the “the old man”222 to proportionately decrease. For it is only through fasting and prayer that hwhy will bring to His children (and, subsequently, to the whole world): • The sobering, awesome reality of His word which can only be known and proven through obedience. Psalm 119:97-100, John 8:31,32, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:17


We also note the following: in most offerings which were brought to the Levites and presented before hwhy, the one bringing the offering was allowed to eat a portion of the gift. However, with a whole, burnt offering, everything was given to hwhy; nothing was left for the worshipper to consume! Like the whole, burnt offering, when one worships hwhy through fasting and prayer, no food is partaken of by the one presenting the gift. 214 Revelation 3:2, 2Chronicles 12:14 215 Deuteronomy 6:4,5, Mark 12:29-30 It is further noted that Abraham fulfilled “the Shema” (i.e., Deut. 6:4,5) and, as a result of hearing the voice of hwhy, he kept the charge of hwhy: His commandments, His statutes, and His laws. Genesis 26:4,5 (Shaul charged Timothy with the same charge. See 1Timothy 6:13,14) 216 James 4:7 217 2Timothy 3:12, Matthew 5:10-12 218 Hosea 10:12 219 Leviticus 2:3,10; 4:35; 5:12; 6:17-18; 7:30,35; 10:12,15; 21:6,21; 23:18,37; 24:9, Numbers 29:6, Deuteronomy 18:1, Acts 2:1-4, Revelation 11:3-5

• The greatest fulfillment of His promises. 2Corinthians 1:20 220

Romans 8:1-4, Galatians 1:15,16, 2:20, Hebrews 8:10 We commonly hear the phrase, …“die to myself.” Dying to hwhy, however, is more accurate. Our death, through fasting and prayer, is unto Him. We are better enabled to fulfill His purposes as His resurrection life is imparted to us during the period of figurative death which fasting represents. Shaul wrote, “For none of us lives to himself, and no man dies to himself. For whether we live, we live unto hwhy; and whether we die, we die unto hwhy: whether we live therefore, or die, we are for hwhy.” Romans 14:7,8 This was written to contrast those who ate and gave thanks with those who did not eat (i.e., who fasted) and who also gave thanks. In either case, the believers were doing all things “unto hwhy” by giving thanks. 222 Romans 6:6 221


marathon,226 it is a Spirit-led activity of profound importance which yields equally profound results. However, we have studied the special, spiritual significance of the three-day fast: a three-day preparation and humbling of heart as one seeks closeness to hwhy and the latter rain of His Spirit. If done with sincerity, the result of such fasting will be the impartation of the resurrection power of eswhy in some measure. This power will be granted in whatever amount hwhy sees fit to bestow, but one can be certain something significant will result to advance the Kingdom of hwhy and His righteousness. As we decrease through fasting and prayer, the life and power of the Messiah will be free to increase within us.227 Such power will reveal eswhy the Messiah at the times and in the ways of His choosing. We will see the cords of sin’s bondage and oppression broken by the power of the Spirit.228 We will see great answers to our prayers, and we will see many blessings come upon our family, friends, and fellow believers. We will see great manifestations of the Spirit’s power—leading,229 working,230 and blessing in many different forms. But most importantly, we will know greater closeness and love for our Creator and Redeemer, and our lives will bring honor to His Great Name as His light vanquishes the darkness which would otherwise hinder His Kingdom and His righteousness. As we draw near to hwhy through fasting and prayer, our victory is certain because He has promised to save an afflicted people. Psalm 18:27-28; 22:24

• The power of His Spirit over sin. Isaiah 58:6-7, Romans 5:17, 1Peter 4:1-2223 • The magnificent splendor of His light-filled Presence. Psalm 97:1-6, 99:1-5, Isaiah 58:10, 1Peter 2:9 The Presence of His Spirit will enable us to better serve others by giving true encouragement as we minister the reality of the word of faith. So key—so essential—is the need for fasting that those neglecting this discipline are also neglecting so great a salvation. Hebrews 2:3 For where there is no fasting, there is no fear and trembling; and where there is no fear and trembling, there is no working out of one’s salvation.224 In closing, we again emphasize fasts of any duration will bring forth great blessings provided they are Spirit-led.225 Fasting is not a


Through fasting-derived afflictions, we suffer in the flesh and the bonds of iniquity are broken. It is just as Peter wrote, “He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.” The fast that hwhy chooses will … “break every yoke.” Isaiah 58:6-7 Nothing is too difficult for hwhy. 224 Philippians 2:12, Revelation 3:1,2 A further note: the author has actually heard the false theory put forth which claims Isaiah 58 negates the need for actually fasting in the physical sense of the word! Such a stance on this matter is deeply erroneous. Matthew 9:14-15 The Isaiah prophecy is not lessening the importance of fasting in any way; it is, rather, a revelation of the true motives, deeds, and import which surround authentic fasting as well as a reproof against those motives which are false. Further, literal fasting was enjoined because Yisrael had turned from the Sabbath; they had forsaken the ordinance of Elohim regarding the Day of rest. Isaiah 58:1,2,6,13,14 Therefore, Isaiah was rebuking them and calling them to return to hwhy through fasting and prayer. James did likewise with those believers who had fallen into carnal strife. James 4:1-10 It is further noted that, like Isaiah, eswhy spoke of: alms (Isaiah 58:7,10,12/Matthew 6:1-4), prayer (Isaiah 58:9/Matthew 6:5-15), and fasting (Isaiah 58:3-7/Matthew 6:16-18). When The Sermon on the Mount is understood in its full context, we see that eswhy was proclaiming the fast that hwhy had chosen. Isaiah 58:6 (These things are more fully explained in the article, “Humble Yourselves in the Sight of hwhy.”) 225 The greatest outpouring of the Spirit which the author has ever seen occurred in a time of special need wherein I and another brother in the faith (who was hundreds of miles away) fasted and prayed together for only a single day. A great empowering of the Spirit was given which brought deliverance to his family in a time of special need.

Through fasting-derived affliction and humility,231 we shall progress: “from faith to faith” … “from strength to strength” … and from trust to trust.232 Through the blood of the


The writer will seldom answer when a question like the following is posed, “What is the longest period of time you have fasted?” 227 John 3:30, Galatians 1:15-16, 2:20, Philippians 1:21. The biggest hurdle most of the time is just getting our will out of the way, but this is precisely what occurs in fasting! 228 Isaiah 58:6, Matthew 9:32-33, 12:22, 15:22-28, 17:1421, 18:16, Luke 13:10-16, Acts 10:38 229 Romans 8:13-14, Galatians 5:25-26 230 Galatians 3:5 231 Psalm 35:13-14, 69:10, James 4:6-10 232 Romans 1:17, Psalm 84:7, Jeremiah 17:7 The first and last text indicate we progress from an initial faith/trust to a


Lamb, we will have drawn near to hwhy throughout our lives and we will have gained the victory in His Presence. We will have been saved by the light of His countenance233 as we were strengthened to do valiantly through Him;234 we will have been helped to fight the powers of darkness, to stand firm in the evil day, and to appear before Him in Tziyon … blameless with great joy. Jude 24,25

word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations: This article may not be included in any publication—religious or otherwise—without the author’s written consent. This document may be copied and distributed provided: a.) it is left unaltered b.) it remains in its entirety, c.) it is given away at no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10.

May believers worldwide join with us in seeking hwhy that the power of His Spirit will be poured out as never before and that we might be vessels prepared for His service. In this way, we shall partake in the fulfillment of His promise to make the latter splendor of His house greater than the former. Haggai 2:9 May hwhy our Elohim stir Himself up to work “as in the days of old.”

All peaceable correspondence is invited: P.O. Box 280114 Northridge, CA 91328-0114 United States of America

C.P. Northridge, CA 7/1/2004

For other free documents which are offered to provide encouragement and edification from the word of hwhy, please refer to the following website:

t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d gb a

This article is distributed under the following copyright with the indicated stipulations: PC Note: ISRV is an abbreviation/acronym for, “INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH VERSION.” The INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH is an organization of Messianic believers based in South Africa. They have published an excellent version of the word of hwhy which is entitled “The Scriptures.” This present study refers to “The Scriptures” as the ISRV. For those who might be interested in obtaining this version, the Institute’s web address is:

Personal Copyright

1991-2010, by the author. This new article was edited and expanded based on a shorter, previously printed version.

We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor. Zechariah 7:10 Many, if not most, have turned reverence and the worship of hwhy into a means of great, personal gain. Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2 We assert such things were never meant to be, Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17. Hence, this copyright is intended to allow for free distribution of the Postscript: The author assumes no responsibility for those who are led to fast based on this manuscript. Whether one undertakes fasting for personal reasons, or whether one undertakes to do so because of faith in the word of hwhy and the leading of the Spirit, each person stands alone before hwhy regarding the results and the consequences of such fasting. Those with little experience in fasting should read books offering solid, practical advice on the topic—especially in regard to the kinds of food which are best eaten after a fast is completed. Those on medication

complete, all-encompassing faith/trust which upholds every aspect of our lives. 233 Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 31:16, 67:1-7, 80:3,7,19, 2Corinthinas 4:6 234 Psalm 60:11-12


should first consult their Physician (and, very possibly, a qualified earthly physician who acknowledges the spiritual importance of fasting). A fine book which gives highly practical information on fasting is entitled, The Miracle of Fasting, by Paul Bragg. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d gb a

Finally, a note for those who desire to fast but who are simply unable to do so for physical or medical reasons: After realizing the great truth and importance of fasting, those who desire to fast, but who simply cannot, will find themselves in a dilemma. This writer suspects such sincere believers will be adequately afflicted simply by the thought of being unable to do something which is so essential to True Worship. We also trust this desire (and the resulting affliction) will be reckoned before hwhy as righteousness over this matter. And this would surely be a case where hwhy looks on the heart.


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