The Terror Of The Lord

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 967
  • Pages: 2
The Terror of the Lord 2Corinthians 5:11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; 1Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Knowing the terror of the Lord! What thoughts are conjured up as we read this statement? We have heard so much of the Love of God – and rightly so – but little if any of the “terror of the Lord”. We may read of the judgments God had dealt out in the past. The Old Testament scriptures are full of records of these. Adam and Eve in the garden knew the terror – after sinning they hid themselves for fear. The pre-flood world knew and saw it when the earth was flooded in Noah’s day. The Egyptians knew it when they saw the mighty hand of God displayed in delivering His people from bondage. The enemies of Israel saw it when Israel journeyed to Canaan – great fear fell on the people – they saw God amongst His chosen. The people in Israel saw it after Pentecost – the power of God was awesome. It is recorded that people were too afraid to join the church – yet the Lord added daily to the church. Today most churches and denominations know nothing of this fear in experience. We preach a watered down Gospel. We excuse sin and have permitted people into places of leadership that have never submitted to the Lord Jesus – even openly confessed sinful men! Truth has become relevant; man’s conscience – which is fallen and sinful – is used as our guide to right and wrong. The fear of God is lacking. The world flippantly uses the Lord’s name in vain – Hollywood is a godless; evil institution; used by Satan to slander and blaspheme the Holy Name of our Lord! Do you think that maybe it’s a time for revival of Holiness and Fear of the Lord amongst we who name the Name of Christ?! For the true child of the Lord, this terror doesn’t include fear of damnation or eternal judgment. It is a reverential fear that causes us to walk in a worthy and pleasing manner before Him who is the Almighty! It seems to me that unless we truly experience an infusion of this reverential fear we can never be as effective in our worship and service as is possible. This is by no means a condemnation or a call to try and work it up – but to seek Him to bring us to that point in our experience and knowledge. John on the Isle of Patmos “fell at His feet as dead” when he saw the Risen Christ in His glory! Program and activity has replaced the most important part of our existence; to worship Him in the beauty of holiness. When He comes down in revival power and cleansing power, we cannot but become fearful of displeasing Him in any way, shape or form! As a young man I had the privilege of attending an assembly of believers in Africa. The pastor was a Canadian missionary and the assembly was at that time experiencing a measure of revival; with many drug addicts and hippies getting converted and joining the assembly. It was a glorious time. However, when there are a lot of babies around, sometimes things get messy and loud and disorganized. People would enter the service and bring with them all the things they were involved in. The pre-services were rowdy and noisy – whereas they should’ve been a time of prayer and waiting on the Lord. One Sunday morning, this pattern again repeated itself. The pastor stood up and under a great anointing brought rebuke to that group of people concerning this practice. There was an awesome powerful presence of the Spirit of God manifest as he spoke. I felt a terror that I had never before experienced! I was afraid to even blink an eye! God was there! He was displeased! A hush fell over that audience – the problem died that day! Folks, we are not playing with a weak pussy-cat; but our dealings are with The Lion of the tribe of Judah! 1Peter 4:17 for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

This is a fresh call to evangelism! When we the church of the Living God display the reverence and fear we should, it will:


Drive us to try and seek and save the lost. Drive us to our knees in prayer and dependence on the Lord. Bring purity to the church. Bring a reverential fear to society – we will truly become the salt of the earth. Stopping decay and the terrible slide into chaos we see all around. We will be seeking the Kingdom of God on earth. We will find the Lord alive and mighty to save.

"Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him." Dear ones, how is it with you today? Do we approach God flippantly? Do we honor Him in word and deed? Do we seek His wishes before our own? Do we realize He’s ever present, beholding and ever reaching out to us to walk in His way and seek His kingdom? Lord; grant us a fresh vision of who you are; a fresh vision of your mighty power and fearsome awesomeness; a fresh vision of your love for a lost world. Amen.

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