The Syllabus - Composition 1

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,031
  • Pages: 5
English Composition 1 (ENG 150)

Instruct or

Mr. Harmon


314-805-5058 (no calls after 5 PM)


Lindenwood /Moscow Mills


[email protected]

Office Hours

As needed

Text: Great Writing - A Reader for Writers Edited by Harvey S. Wiener and Nora Eisenberg The Little Brown Handbook

H. Ramsey Fowler and Jane E. Aaron

Description: This course is an intensive review of the English language and its use in college-level writing, including the mechanics of written discourse, sentence structure, paragraph development, and essay organization. Selections from expository and imaginative literature will be discussed as models for the effective use of language and as sources for composition topics. Goals: Upon completion of this course, students will have a better appreciation and understanding of the writing process, the mechanics of writing, what makes good writing, and the steps to creating good writing on their own. Requirements: •

5 Essays

Writer’s Notebook


Final Exam

Class Participation

Materials: You must bring something to write with and something to write on EVERY DAY. You also must bring the appropriate books on the appropriate days. If you do not bring these materials, you will lose participation points.

Grading Scale:

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100%-90% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D below


Resources: • (The Little Brown Handbook) (The Elements of Style – by William Strunk Jr.)

Evaluation: •

Essays o

Writer’s Notebook – 100 points


Descriptive – 200 points


Narrative – 200 points


Exemplification –200 points


Process Analysis – 200 points


This I Believe – 200 points


Quizzes – (10 at 20 points each) 200 points


Midterm – 200 points


Class Participation – 100 points


Final Exam – 300 points


Total Points Possible = 1900

Attendance Policy: ATTENDANCE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Part of your participation grade is based on attendance. If you are absent more than twice, you will begin to lose participation points for every following absence. For any planned absences (sports, clubs, vacations) you need to talk to me first in order to keep your points. YOU are responsible for turning in and making up missed work. Essays need to be turned in on the due dates—if you are absent, email it to me or have someone else turn it in for you. I will not accept late essays. Any assignment on the syllabus is due when you return, whether you were in class for the assignment or not. If you are absent for any extended period of time, I suggest contacting me or one of your classmates in order to keep up.

Late Policy: For book assignments or other non-essay assignments, I will accept late work one class period after the due date for 50% of the earned grade. Any amount of time after that, I will not accept.

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Plagiarism Policy: PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. If you are caught plagiarizing you will be receive a zero on your assignment. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. If in doubt, cite!

Participation: Your participation grade will be determined by your attendance, participation in group activities, class discussion, and appropriate materials. It is 100 points of your final grade—which can make or break a letter grade. Failure to come to class, failure to bring materials, and failure to pay attention or work on designated activities will result in the loss of participation points. I will not announce you are losing participation points, but I will be paying attention.

Essays: All final drafts of essays must be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial fonts with traditional margins. You must include the following information on your paper in the following format: First Name Last Name Block # Which Paper Date An example: Joe Smith Block 2 Persuasive 10/10/10

Writing Notebook: Most days, we will have a “writing notebook” prompt and a “Grammar Question.” You must write a response to each one when you are in class in the following format: WRITING NOTEBOOK Date Answer: If you are absent, you do not need to make the prompt up, but you do need to write an entry and write “absent.” (I will check on all absences, though). This is worth 50

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points. EASY POINTS! Do not forget to do this every day we have one! Notebooks will be collected towards the end of the semester.

Course Schedule (Subject to change)

Additional Assignments Pending o

All assignments are from the text Great Writing unless otherwise noted.






Syllabus – Overview –

Assignments to have been completed The Writing Process


The Writing Process


3 4 5

Brainstorming Thesis Development Thesis Exercises Common Writing

Creative Process Point of View Practice


In one or two paragraphs, write about one step of the process

Mistakes The Descriptive Essay


The Descriptive Essay


What one element is most important in writing the descriptive essay?

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Writing the Body of the Essay Descriptive Essay Readings The Body of the Essay In class Exercises Common Writing Mistakes Writing the Conclusion of the Essay Practice Writing Conclusions Descriptive Essay Continued Computer Lab Common Writing


Mistakes Narrative Essay Intro


Narrative Readings

19 20 21 22

Narrative Continued Computer Lab Midterm Review Midterm

Descriptive Essay Due Introduction

The Narrative Essay “My Father’s Life” P. 81– 88 Meaning and Idea (P.87) #1,#6

Review Narrative Essay Due

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Day 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40



Assignments to have been completed

Common Writing Mistakes The Persuasive Essay Persuasive Readings Persuasive Readings Computer Lab Common Writing


The Persuasive (Exemplification) Essay

Persuasive Essay Due

Mistakes Process Analysis Process Analysis

The Process Analysis Essay

Continued Process Analysis Continued Common Writing Mistakes Computer Lab This I Believe Essay Introduction This I Believe


Process Analysis Essay Due This I Believe Introduction

Continued This I Believe Continued Computer Lab Final Exam Review Final Exam Video


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This I Believe Essay Due

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