The Skulls That Demolish Darwin

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All translations from the Qur'an are from The Noble Qur'an: a New Rendering of Its Meaning in English by Hajj Abdalhaqq and Aisha Bewley, published by Bookwork, Norwich, UK. 1420 CE/1999 AH.


May, 2008

Talatpasa Mah. Emirgazi Caddesi Ibrahim Elmas Ismerkezi A Blok Kat 4 Okmeydani - Istanbul/Turkey Phone: (+90 212) 222 00 88 -

INTRODUCTION The Impact of Fossil Skulls on Darwinism S O M E S P E C I M E N S O F F O S S I L S K U L L S Monkey skull White wolf skull Panda skull Hyena skull Horse skull Snow leopard skull Bear skull African lion skull Golden monkey skull Pony skull Caribbean monk seal skull Grey wolf skull Raccoon skull Zebra skull Bear skull Horse skull Panda skull Indian civet cat skull Malayan sun bear skull Siberian wolf skull Tasmanian devil skull Tibetan wild donkey Maned wolf skull Monkey skull Asian wild horse skull Grizzly bear skull Snow leopard skull Foal skull Tasmanian wolf skull Wild horse skull Jungle cat skull Jackal skull

Wild dog skull Pony skull Lynx skull Camel skull Grizzly bear skull Bear skull Hyena skull Lion skull Turtle Asian lion skull Donkey skull Lynx skull Arctic fox skull Jackal skull Coyote skull Seal skull Leopard skull Wild cat skull Red wolf skull Lion skull Brown bear skull Asian black bear skull Polecat skull Spotted seal skull Grey fox skull Red fox skull Jackal skull Brown bear skull Wolf skull Black bear skull Striped jackal skull Wild dog skull Bear skull Aardwolf skull Bat-eared fox skull Bear skull Aardwolf skull Lion skull Tasmanian devil skull Weasel skull

Wild boar skull Wild boar skull Zebra skull Cheetah skull Lion skull Brown hyena skull Antelope skull Antelope skull Polar bear skull Wild dog skull Grizzly bear skull Black wolf skull Jaguar skull Lion skull Small Indian civet cat skull Wolf skull Asian golden cat skull Red wolf skull Giraffe skull Zebra skull Red panda skull Fox skull Wild donkey skull Wolverine skull Hyena skull Asian wild dog skull Tiger skull Fox skull Red panda skull Wolf skull Hyena skull Caribbean monk seal skull Wolf skull Black bear skull Lion skull Brown bear skull Grizzly bear skull Brown bear skull Siberian wolf skull Steppe polecat skull

Hyena skull Panda skull Zebra skull Hyena skull Wild hunting dog skull Brown bear skull Lion skull Asian wild horse skull Tiger skull Fox skull Rabbit skull Cormorant skull Raccoon skull Coyote skull Zebra skull Antelope skull Tiger skull Wolf skull Hyena skull Weasel skull Turtle Brown bear skull Wolf skull Arctic fox skull Tiger skull Panda skull Bear skull Siberian wolf skull Tiger skull Antelope skull Spotted deer skull Rhinoceros skull Hyena skull Dhole skull Wild boar skull Wolverine skull Wolf skull Fisher marten skull Tibetan sand fox skull Spectacled bear skull

Wolf skull Dhole skull C O N C L U S I O N The Burial of Darwinism as Europe Awakens

TO T H E R E A D E R •A special chapter is assigned to the collapse of the theory of evolution because this theory constitutes the basis of all anti-spiritual philosophies. Since Darwinism rejects the fact of creation—and therefore, Allah's existence—over the last 140 years it has caused many people to abandon their faith or fall into doubt. It is therefore an imperative service, a very important duty to show everyone that this theory is a deception. Since some readers may find the chance to read only one of our books, we think it appropriate to devote a chapter to summarize this subject. •All the author's books explain faith-related issues in light of Qur'anic verses, and invite readers to learn Allah's words and to live by them. All the subjects concerning Allah's verses are explained so as to leave no doubt or room for questions in the reader's mind. The books' sincere, plain, and fluent style ensures that everyone of every age and from every social group can easily understand them. Thanks to their effective, lucid narrative, they can be read at one sitting. Even those who rigorously reject spirituality are influenced by the facts these books document and cannot refute the truthfulness of their contents. •This and all the other books by the author can be read individually, or discussed in a group. Readers eager to profit from the books will find discussion very useful, letting them relate their reflections and experiences to one another. •In addition, it will be a great service to Islam to contribute to the publication and reading of these books, written solely for the pleasure of Allah. The author's books are all extremely convincing. For this reason, to communicate true religion to others, one of the most effective methods is encouraging them to read these books. •We hope the reader will look through the reviews of his other books at the back of this book. His rich source material on faith-related issues is very useful, and a pleasure to read. •In these books, unlike some other books, you will not find the author's personal views, explanations based on dubious sources, styles that are unobservant of the respect and reverence due to sacred subjects, nor hopeless, pessimistic arguments that create doubts in the mind and deviations in the heart.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Now writing under the pen-name of HARUN YAHYA, Adnan Oktar was born in Ankara in 1956. Having completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara, he studied arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University and philosophy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, he has published many books on political, scientific, and faith-related issues. Harun Yahya is well-known as the author of important works disclosing the imposture of evolutionists, their invalid claims, and the dark liaisons between Darwinism and such bloody ideologies as fascism and communism. Harun Yahya's works, translated into 57 different languages, constitute a collection for a total of more than 45,000 pages with 30,000 illustrations. His pen-name is a composite of the names Harun (Aaron) and Yahya (John), in memory of the two esteemed prophets who fought against their peoples' lack of faith. The Prophet's seal on his books' covers is symbolic and is linked to their contents. It represents the Qur'an (the Final Scripture) and Prophet Muhammad (saas), last of the prophets. Under the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet [saas]), the author makes it his purpose to disprove each fundamental tenet of irreligious ideologies and to have the "last word," so as to completely silence the objections raised against religion. He uses the seal of the final Prophet (saas), who attained ultimate wisdom and moral perfection, as a sign of his intention to offer the last word. All of Harun Yahya's works share one single goal: to convey the Qur'an's message, encourage readers to consider basic faith-related issues such as Allah's existence and unity and the Hereafter; and to expose irreligious systems' feeble foundations and perverted ideologies. Harun Yahya enjoys a wide readership in many countries, from India to America, England to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia, Spain to Brazil, Malaysia to Italy, France to Bulgaria and Russia. Some of his books are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Chinese, Swahili, Hausa, Dhivehi (spoken in Mauritius), Russian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Uygur Turkish, Indonesian, Bengali, Danish and Swedish. Greatly appreciated all around the world, these works have been instrumental in many people recovering faith in Allah and gaining deeper insights into their faith. His books' wisdom and sincerity, together with a distinct style that's easy to understand, directly affect anyone who reads them. Those who seriously consider these books, can no longer advocate atheism or any other perverted ideology or materialistic philosophy, since these books are characterized by rapid effectiveness, definite results, and irrefutability. Even if they continue to do so, it will be only a sentimental insistence, since these books refute such ideologies from their very foundations. All contemporary movements of denial are now ideologically defeated, thanks to the books written by Harun Yahya. This is no doubt a result of the Qur'an's wisdom and lucidity. The author modestly intends to serve as a means in humanity's search for Allah's right path. No material gain is sought in the publication of these works. Those who encourage others to read these books, to open their minds and hearts and guide them to become more devoted servants of Allah, render an invaluable service. Meanwhile, it would only be a waste of time and energy to propagate other books that create

confusion in people's minds, lead them into ideological chaos, and that clearly have no strong and precise effects in removing the doubts in people's hearts, as also verified from previous experience. It is impossible for books devised to emphasize the author's literary power rather than the noble goal of saving people from loss of faith, to have such a great effect. Those who doubt this can readily see that the sole aim of Harun Yahya's books is to overcome disbelief and to disseminate the Qur'an's moral values. The success and impact of this service are manifested in the readers' conviction. One point should be kept in mind: The main reason for the continuing cruelty, conflict, and other ordeals endured by the vast majority of people is the ideological prevalence of disbelief. This can be ended only with the ideological defeat of disbelief and by conveying the wonders of creation and Qur'anic morality so that people can live by it. Considering the state of the world today, leading into a downward spiral of violence, corruption and conflict, clearly this service must be provided speedily and effectively, or it may be too late. In this effort, the books of Harun Yahya assume a leading role. By the will of Allah, these books will be a means through which people in the twenty-first century will attain the peace, justice, and happiness promised in the Qur'an.

INTRODUCTION According to Darwinists’ erroneous way of thinking, they supposed there is only one explanation for the emergence of living things in nature: All are descended from the very first living cell, which developed spontaneously as the result of blind coincidences. Over the course of time—and again by chance—earlier species gradually transformed into other genetically different species. To put it another way, Darwinism feels that in order to account for the emergence of life, all that’s needed are coincidences, natural events and long periods of time. According to Darwinists, life emerged through a combination of these accidents, for which reason there can be no question of such concepts as reason, intelligence or even consciousness (Allah is beyond this) playing any part in the process. From their assertion, it follows that the fossil record—and specifically, fossil skulls—should contain clear evidence of this imaginary unconscious process that took place over millions of years. If species really are descended from earlier life forms, then intermediate signs of the process should be visible throughout the fossil record. If life forms reach their most advanced forms at the end of a number of previous stages, then the number of fossilized life forms in the process of changing—from fish to reptiles, from reptiles to mammals, and from mammals to intermediate life forms that supposedly took to flying in the air, should be much greater than the number of fossils that had completed the imaginary evolutionary process. There should be billions of such fossils, and the fictitious process of evolution should be crystal clear from them. The fossil record, therefore, should constitute one of the most important proofs of the theory of evolution. And in fact, Charles Darwin himself was well aware of this: If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the same group together, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains.1 . . . the number of intermediate and transitional links, between all living and extinct species, must have been inconceivably great.2 But the truth revealed by the fossil record is very different! Millions of fossils belonging to tens of thousands of different species have been discovered. All of these represent fully formed and complete life forms, each with a perfect appearance and complexity. There is no trace of the intermediate species expected by Darwin and so longed for by all Darwinists since. Not a single intermediate form has been found anywhere in the world. Life forms tens of millions of years old have exactly the same appearance as their living counterparts today. Ants, flies, fish, bears, spiders, tigers and lions alive today are exactly the same as their counterparts that lived millions of years in the past. All have exactly the same levels of complexity as their ancient counterparts. They have never changed—in other words, they never evolved. This applies to all the other living things on Earth, plants and animals alike. Fish have never changed, and neither have birds. Reptiles have survived unchanged, and so have crustaceans. There are

countless fossil specimens that show that living things have never changed. This is the truth placed on display throughout the volumes that comprise the Atlas of Creation series. These books consider only a very small part of all the fossils that demonstrate how living things have always remained exactly the same. Without exception, all the millions of fossils obtained to date, constitute evidence that evolution never happened. The fossils presented in this book totally demolish one of Darwinists’ major claims: their scenario of mammalian evolution. These fossil skulls, millions of years old, show that these mammals lived in exactly the same forms as those alive today—which fact deals a serious blow to Darwinism. The realization that so many birds, reptiles, fish and finally mammals never underwent evolution strongly suggests that the idea of human evolution is utter nonsense, too. The idea of human evolution, for which Darwinists have been unable to provide any shred of evidence, has been totally discredited by the millions of “living fossils” representing species that are still alive today. The fossils depicted in this book represent just a very few of the mammal skulls discovered to date. Anyone with common sense who examines these will agree that each fossil shows that the given species of mammal has remained unchanged in the form in which it was originally created. That, in turn, will lead to a better understanding of the deceptive nature of Darwinism, which maintains that human beings are only another species of animal descended from apes. In the same way that evolution never happened over the course of natural history, so there is no equivalent “turning point” in human history. All the hoaxes perpetrated to keep this deception alive have been proven vain. The sublime and flawless Creation of our Lord Allah, the Creator and sole Lord of all entities, is plain for everyone to grasp. The artistry of our Lord, Who creates from nothing, is displayed all over the world. You can see this for yourself merely from glancing at a rose in the garden, at a bird’s wing, at all the countless living species in all their variety, or at the magnified image of just one single cell. The fossil record has provided plentiful evidence that makes it impossible to deny this immaculate Creation. No objections can any longer be raised to this conclusive evidence. Darwinists are struggling in vain because willingly or not, they have finally come to admit the death of the theory of evolution. All their efforts aimed at keeping Darwinism alive are helpless and despairing. Nobody any longer attach any credence to Darwinism. No doubt, the most rational course of action is to see the truth and shun one’s past errors, abandon any false dream, and to cease wasting one’s time in this world—which was created as a place of testing—on such a hollow goal.

THE IMPACT OF FOSSIL SKULLS ON DARWINISM Darwin’s thesis that human beings and apes are descended from a common ancestor was never supported by any scientific findings, neither when he first proposed it, not afterward. All the efforts exerted from then to the present—a period of some 150 years—have been in vain. All the fossils obtained to date have proved that apes have always existed as apes, that human beings have always existed as human beings, that apes did not turn into humans and that apes, and that humans have no common ancestor. Despite Darwinists’ intensive propaganda and efforts aimed at intimidating academic circles, many scientists have nevertheless issued unequivocal statements that the idea of human evolution is not based on any scientific data. One such is the Harvard University paleoanthropologist David Pilbeam: If you brought in a smart scientist from another discipline and showed him the meager evidence we’ve got, he’d surely say, “Forget it; there isn't enough to go on.”3 William Fox, whose book The Bone Peddlers takes paleoanthropology as its subject matter, also says that so-called human evolution is unsupported by any scientific findings: As we have seen, there are numerous scientists and popularizes today who have the temerity to tell us that there is “no doubt” how man originated. If only they had the evidence. . . . .4 Faced by the disappointment inflicted on them by the fossil record and their own lack of evidence, evolutionists were reduced to setting skulls out one after the other, in a totally invalid sequence, and to speculating about these fossils, whose fraudulent nature had in any case long since been documented. In fact, the analysis of skulls belonging to apes, other life forms, and to human races that once lived in the past shows that all of them possessed all their characteristics during the course of their existence, and that they never underwent any changes. Living things never evolved, but were all created by Allah. As you shall see from the specimens included in the following pages, just as numerous life forms such as frogs, lizards, dragonflies, flies and cockroaches have undergone no changes in their limbs and other organs, so have their heads undergone no changes. The head regions of birds and fish have also remained unchanged. The skulls of countless mammals such as leopards, wolves, foxes, tigers, rhinoceroses, tigers, pandas, lions and hyenas have also stayed exactly the same over the millions of years since they were first created. This stability constitutes a definitive refutation of the idea that living things evolved. The stability that all these life forms reveal also applies to human beings. In the same way that the skull structures of tens of thousands of species have not changed over millions of years, so there have been no alterations in the human skull. Fish have always existed as fish, birds as birds, reptiles as reptiles, and human s as human beings. There is no evidence of steady progress from the primitive to the more advanced, of the kind claimed by evolutionists, in the organs or structures of any living thing. In relating the fictitious story of human evolution, evolutionists point to the volume, eyebrow protrusions or brow structures of the skulls they find, and set up their own supposed evolutionary sequence and family trees. But the structural differences in fossil skulls are no evidence of evolution:

These skulls belong either to extinct species of apes, or else to various human races that once existed. It is entirely logical that skulls belonging to different human races should display structural differences. Different species of fish have differently shaped heads. For example, the head shape of a trout bears no resemblance to that of an eel, although both are fish. Similarly, there may be differences between the skulls of different human races. It is perfectly natural that there should be differences in the eye sockets, forehead structures, muscular structures and skull volumes between Pygmies and British people, Russians and Chinese, Australian Aborigines and Eskimos, Negroes and Japanese But these differences do not mean that one race is descended from another, or is more primitive or more advanced than another. An aboriginal race will always maintain the same distinctive features for as long as it does not intermarry with members of another race. No matter how much time passes, these human beings will never evolve in such a way as to acquire different characteristics. Their skull volumes will not become any larger than they are now, and they will not acquire different anatomical structures. For example, various Malaysian native peoples living today possess the same large muscular protrusions and backward-slanting brow structure as that of the skulls of Homo erectus, which evolutionists regard as being a primitive ancestor. If evolutionists’ claims were true, the Malaysian natives in question should have a structure and appearance of humans who have recently evolved from being apes and have not yet developed fully into Homo sapiens. Yet that is not the case at all. The fact that anatomical features of the H. erectus skull can still be seen today shows that H. erectus was not a primitive species and also, that evolutionists’ scenario of the human family tree is a fiction. In short, the fact that some past human races had anatomical structures different from human beings alive today in no way constitutes evidence in favor of evolution. Anatomical distinctions can be seen in all periods of recorded history and among all different human races. Americans and Japanese, Europeans and Australian Aborigines, Eskimos and Negroes or Pygmies all have distinctively different skulls. But this does not mean that some of these races are any more developed or more backward than the others. If, thousands of years in the future, scientists discover the skull of an American who lived in the 2000s and was some 1.90 meters tall, and compare it with the skull of a Japanese individual who also lived in the 2000s but was only 1.60 meters tall, they will observe a great many differences between them —first and foremost, in terms of size. If, on the basis of these differences, they then suggest, that the Japanese were primitive and that Americans were several rungs higher up the developmental ladder, of course they will be making an interpretation that in no way reflects the true state of affairs. In addition, skull volume is no criterion for measuring anyone’s intelligence or capacities. There are many humans with well-developed bodies but insufficiently developed intelligence. In the same way, many people have bodies and therefore, skulls, smaller than those of others, but who are nevertheless highly intelligent. Their skulls cannot be evaluated by the scientists of the future, at least not in a scientifically valid way and on the basis of dimensions alone, to set out any supposed evolutionary line of progression—because that sequence will not reflect the true facts. Differences in skull size are known to be totally unrelated to intelligence and ability. If someone spends his life in intense mental activity, his skull will not grow in size. Only his mental abilities will get stronger.. Intelligence varies, not in relation

to skull size, but according to the organization within the brain itself.5 The following pages offer just a few examples of the countless fossil skulls that invalidate the theory of evolution. These specimens all prove that no life form has ever changed during its natural history; they have all existed with the same features they enjoyed when they were first created. In addition to this evidence, this book also contains statements that indicate and emphasize the dilemmas facing Darwinist thinking. For example, Darwinists, who illogically maintain that living things develop by constant change, are asked to account for the evident stability in every fossil life form. The theory of evolution, which suggests that human beings are allegedly descended from apes, has to explain why no process, similar to the imaginary one it claims took place in apes, occurred in other life forms. Evolutionists have no answer as to why a bear did not one day decide to walk on two legs, why a fox did not raise its level of intelligence enough to become a professor, or why a panda never became a composer writing stupendous symphonies. The reason why the subject is discussed using examples and logical progressions accessible even to children is that Darwinism is constructed upon unbelievable illogicality. Depicted as a scientific theory, Darwinism is in fact an unbelievably illogical ideology. People have now fully realized that Darwinism, the worst scandal in the history of the world, is built around lies, hoaxes and irrational claims. In the 21st century, the whole world is witnessing Darwinism’s collapse.

DARWIN’S IRRATIONAL AND UNSCIENTIFIC FORMULA According to Darwinist logic, tigers, hares, cats, butterflies, and brightly colored flowers—as well as thinking, reasoning, feeling human beings capable of taking precautions and signing their names to scientific advances—have all emerged by chance, spontaneously, ever since when natural elements and phenomena such as mud, rain, lightning, thunder and wind combined over long periods of time to create life. However, this myth is so ridiculous that not even a primary school student could possibly believe it. The photo below shows a fossil researcher determining the borders between one rock layer and the other strata. This process involves the identification of all the strata present, the formation process involved and the movement of the Earth that is still going on. Thus the age of fossils as well as their location can both be determined. No trace of any life form that could possibly be proposed as the supposed ancestor of the starfish has ever been found. Neither have starfish been observed to develop into any other life form. They have been in existence for hundreds of millions of years, and if Darwinist claims were true, they should long ago have turned into other forms of marine life, or even have become terrestrial creatures. Yet no such transition has ever taken place. This 430-million-year-old starfish fossil completely refutes all claims that evolution represents the origin of new species. A 125-million-year-old spider fossil and a specimen living today. One substance in which the very best-preserved fossils appear is amber. Fossils within amber resulted when the clear sap or resin secreted by trees solidifies around living things and preserved them as they were at the very moment of death. These 25-million-year-old flying ants are specimens that invalidate the theory of evolution. Excavations carried out over the last 150 years have always produced evidence that totally discredits evolution. One such is this 50-million-year-old crab fossil unearthed at Monte Baldo in Italy, which demonstrates that crabs have always existed as crabs. At an era when evolutionists maintain that a primitive environment prevailed, already there were complex life forms with exactly the same appearance and physical structures that they display today. Even tens of millions of years ago, the Earth was filled with highly sophisticated and well-formed species

with all the characteristics they possess today. This life form, which lived 57 million years ago, is identical to its counterparts living today. Like hundreds of thousands of other species today, this fossilized one has never undergone any changes in the intervening time. This fossil tiger skull shows that tigers have been exactly the same for the last 80 million years, without undergoing any alterations. Many species of ape have existed over the course of geologic history, and the great majority of them have since become extinct. Darwinists use these extinct apes’ skulls to engage in various kinds of speculation. Features of the Homo erectus skull, such as the protrusions over the eyebrows and its backwardsloping brow, can also be seen in certain present-day races, such as the native Malaysian on the left. An aboriginal race will preserve its characteristic unless it becomes intermixed with another race. It will not, for example, develop into a Western European race. No matter how much time elapses, these people will never evolve in such a way as to acquire different characteristics; will never acquire a greater skull size than the one they have now, and will never acquire new anatomical features. THE NEANDERTHAL: A HUMAN RACE This flute, made by Neanderthal man, shows that they used the seven-note scale that constitutes the basic form of Western music. This needle is another proof that Neanderthal man was no different from present-day human beings. Neanderthal footprints HUMAN RACES THAT ONCE EXISTED IN THE PAST ARE NO EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) suddenly emerged in Europe around 100,000 years ago and became extinct—or else became completely assimilated by other races—some 35,000 years ago. The only differences between them and present-day humans are that their rather more powerful skeletons and their slightly larger average skull sizes. Scientific findings show that the Neanderthals were a human race no different, in terms of intelligence and cultural levels, from ourselves.

Cro-Magnon man, on the other hand, is of a race estimated to have lived until 30,000 years ago. It had a dome-shaped skull and a broad forehead. Its 1600-cubic centimeter skull volume is again, slightly greater than that of present-day humans. Cro-Magnon had thick protrusions over its eyebrows, and a bony protrusion on the back of the head that is a characteristic of Neanderthal man. The visible differences between the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons can also be seen among present-day human races. In the same way that structural differences between an Anglo-Saxon and an Eskimo or an African and a European do not suggest that one race is more developed or backward than another, so physical differences between races that existed in the past do not imply that one was more backward or “ape-like” than any other. These races disappeared from the Earth by becoming assimilated with other races or by becoming extinct in some other way. But they were still fully fledged human beings, not at all “primitive” or “ape-like.” FALSE IMAGES OF NEANDERTHALS PRODUCED BY EVOLUTIONISTS IN RECENT YEARS THE MYTH OF HUMAN EVOLUTION IS FILLED WITH HOAXES More than 6,000 species of ape have existed at one time or another. The great majority of them have since become extinct and vanished, leaving only some 120 species alive today. But the fossils belonging to these nearly 6,000 extinct species represent a rich source of hoaxes for evolutionists. Unable to point to any concrete evidence, evolutionists surround fossils of extinct apes with biased analyses and then present them as evidence for evolution. For years now, evolutionists have been employing such methods in order to gather supporters and mislead the public. However, they now need to see that these methods are of no use. The false evidence used by evolutionists to make their tall tales of the alleged human evolution seem more credible—and the debunking of that evidence—are summarized below. However, there are many more evolutionist hoaxes than the few considered here. All the “ancestor of man” reports in the media, as well as the illustrations accompanying them are completely fictitious. Concrete scientific discoveries have now demolished the story that human beings became human by means of a gradual course of development. DECLASSIFIED IN 1939 Java Man Pekin Man Piltdown Man: A fossil skull was discovered in 1912 and described as belonging to a half-human, half-ape species. For the next 40 years or so, evolutionists used this fossil as one of their supposedly strongest pieces of evidence, making countless analyses and illustrations of it in a statement issued on 21 November 1953, however, Piltdown Man was finally declared to be a hoax. A dating test performed 40 years after its discovery revealed that the jawbone and the skull did not actually belong to each other. More detailed examination revealed that the “Piltdown Man” skull had been assembled by adding an

orangutan jaw to a human skull, which was then aged using potassium dichromate. The way that the skull had been displayed in London’s Natural History Museum for 40 years and that no permission had been given for detailed scientific studies to be carried out during that time has gone down as a major scientific scandal. DECLASSIFIED IN 1953

Piltdown Man Fossils discovered on the islands of Java in 1891 and 1892 were given the name Java Man ( P i t h e c a n t h r o p u s e r e c t u s ) . Fossils discovered near Pekin in 1923-1927 were given the name Pekin Man ( S i n a n t h r o p u s p e k i n e n s i s ). In 1939, however, two experts, Ralph von Koenigswald and Franz Weidenreich, revealed that both were actually normal human beings.(1) And Ernst Mayr from Harvard University had classified both as human in 1944.(2) ALL THE SKULL THOUGHT TO REPRESENT EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION HAVE BEEN DECLASSIFIED! DECLASSIFIED IN1970 These three completely different illustrations produced for the Zinjanthropus fossil are examples of how evolutionists interpret fossils in a highly imaginative manner. Zinjanthropus: A fossil discovered in 1959 and declared to be the ancestor of man. However, subsequent investigations revealed that Zinjanthropus was in fact an ordinary ape in all respects. Zinjanthropus, whose scientific name was twice revised, is regarded by contemporary evolutionists as an extinct life form with nothing to do with human beings.(3) DECLASSIFIED IN 1927 Imaginary Reconstruction Nebraska Man: A single tooth, discovered in 1922 by Henry F. Osborn of the American Museum of Natural History, was depicted as belonging to an intermediate life form between apes and human beings. However, in an article published in Science magazine in 1927, Osborn’s colleague William Gregory stated that the tooth actually belonged to a wild boar—whereupon all evolutionist claims regarding the fossil were quietly laid aside. The illustration to the side, produced on the basis of a single tooth by evolutionists of the time, was published in the press. This attempt by evolutionists to reconstruct a living thing on the basis of a single tooth is a striking instance of how biased and misleading they can be when it comes to defending and imposing their theories.

DECLASSIFIED IN 1978 Neanderthal Man: After the first specimens were discovered in the Neander Valley in 1856, evolutionists suggested that Neanderthals were primitive ape-men. Subsequent archaeological discoveries, however, revealed that there was no scientific basis to that claim. Erik Trinkhaus, an expert on the subject of the Neanderthals and also an evolutionist, has admitted that, “Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.”(4) In addition, the size of the Neanderthal Man skull—200 cubic centimeters greater than that of present-day humans—reveals the invalidity of the claim that it was an intermediate form between humans and apes. The illustration above shows the H o m o s a p i e n s n e a n d e r t h a l e n s i s Amud 1 skull discovered in Israel. Its owner has been estimated to be 1.80 meters. tall, and its brain volume is the greatest so far discovered: 1740 cubic centimeters. DECLASSIFIED IN 1954 A fossil belonging to the Neanderthal race The Taung child fossil T h e T a u n g C h i l d : A fossil skull discovered by Raymond Dart in South Africa in 1924 was initially depicted as a supposed ancestor of man. However, contemporary evolutionists can no longer maintain that it represents such an ancestor—because it subsequently transpired that the skull belonged to a young gorilla! The famous anatomist Bernard Wood stated that this fossil constitutes no evidence in favor of evolution in an article published in New Scientist magazine. (5) L u c y : This fossil, discovered in Africa in 1974, was widely esteemed by evolutionists and was the subject of some of the most intensive speculation. Recently however, it has been revealed that Lucy ( A . a f a r e n s i s ) had an anatomy ideally suited to climbing trees and was no different from other apes we are familiar with.(6) The French scientific journal S c i e n c e e t V i e covered the story in 1999 under the headline “ A d i e u , L u c y . ” One study, performed in 2000, discovered a locking system in Lucy’s forearms enabling it to walk using the knuckles, in the same way as modern-day chimps.(7) In the face of all these findings, many evolutionist experts declared that Lucy could not have been a forerunner of man.(8)

DECLASSIFIED IN 1999 R a m a p i t h e c u s : A partial jawbone, consisting of two parts, was discovered by G.E. Lewis in India in the 1930s. Based on these two jaw bone fragments, claimed to be 14 million years old, evolutionists reconstructed Ramapithecus’s family and supposed natural habitat (at side). For fifty years, the fossil was portrayed as an ancestor of Man but following the results of a 1981 anatomical comparison with a baboon skeleton, evolutionists were forced to quietly set it aside.(9) (1) B. Theunissen, Eugene Dubois and the Ape-Man from Java, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, p. 39. (2) Garniss Curtis, Carl Swisher and Roger Lewin, Java Man, London: Abacus, , 2000, p. 87. (3) (4) Erik Trinkaus, “Hard Times Among the Neanderthals,” Natural History, Vol. 87, December 1978, p. 10. (5) Bernard Wood, “Who Are We?.” New Scientist, 26.10.2002, p. 44. (6) Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Taplinger Publications, 1970, pp. 75-94; Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood, Frans Zonneveld, “Implication of Early Hominid Labryntine Morphology for Evolution of Human Bipedal Locomotion,” Nature, Vol. 369, 23 June 1994, pp. 645-648. (7) Richmond, B.G. and Strait, D.S., “Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor.” Nature 404(6776): 382, 2000. (8) “Discovery rocks human-origin theories,” Tim Friend, 21 March 2003: science/2001-03-21-skull.htm (9) Science Digest, April 1981. DECLASSIFIED IN 1981 NOT ONE OF THE INTERMEDIATE FORMS WITH ABNORMAL STRUCTURES—WHICH SHOULD HAVE EXISTED OVER MILLIONS OF YEARS—HAS EVER BEEN FOUND If evolution truly did take place, then the Earth’s strata should be full of billions of intermediateform fossils. In addition, these millions of living things should have been distinctly abnormal in appearance because of the effects of mutations. Organs subjected to mutation many times over should have turned into abnormal forms. Before attaining their perfect and attractive present appearance, these living things must first have had abnormal transitional appearances. For example, before the emergence of the highly symmetrical human face with its two ears, two eyes, nose and mouth, there must have been a great many abnormal mutated faces with impaired symmetry, imperfect ears and eyes, the nose sited right between the eyes or on the chin, or where the ear should have been, and countless other such abnormalities. Were Darwinists’ claims true, then the remains of a great many peculiar living things should be encountered in the fossil record, as shown in these illustrations: a large number of eye sockets, noses in different places, a jaw in both in the front and the back, an abnormally developed skull, etc. However, research conducted over the last 150 years has produced absolutely no such fossil remains. On the contrary, all the fossils unearthed so far show that all living things have been flawless, exhibiting no deficiencies since the moment they were first created, and have never changed or developed new features

throughout the course of their existence. THE INVALIDITY OF THE EQUINE EVOLUTION SERIES SCENARIO A ll the horse skulls so far unearthed have been flawless and free from deficiencies, just like those of present-day horses. None of them have any pathological features such as semi-developed bones, teeth atop of the skull, misplaced eyes in the jaw or asymmetrical three nostrils. If—as evolutionists would have us believe—horses attained their present forms by constantly changing and going through a great many different stages, then a great many skulls should exhibit structural impairments, as seen here. Traces of the mutations to which horses were subjected should also be visible in the fossil record. Yet no such traces have ever been encountered. Fossils are proof that horses never evolved. Horses have a wide capacity for variation among themselves. Breeds of horse living today, though all of the same species, are very different in terms of their structures and dimensions. The error of the evolutionists who set up the so-called equine evolution series lay in depicting fossils of these different breeds as an evolutionary sequence. A great many different breeds of horses are living in different parts of the world today. Many evolutionists openly admit the invalidity of the equine evolution scenario. A four-day conference attended by 150 evolutionists held at the Chicago Museum of Natural History in November 1981, considered the problems facing the gradual theory of evolution. At that conference, Boyce Rensberger stated that there was no basis in the fossil record for the equine evolution scenario and that no such process as gradual equine evolution ever happened: The popularly told example of horse evolution, suggesting a gradual sequence of changes from four-toed fox-sized creatures living nearly 50 million years ago to today’s much larger one-toed horse, has long been known to be wrong. Instead of gradual change, fossils of each intermediate species appear fully distinct, persist unchanged, and then become extinct. Transitional forms are unknown. (Boyce Rensberger, Houston Chronicle, 5 November, 1980, Part 4, p. 15.)

SOME EXAMPLES OF FOSSILS SKULLS MONKEY SKULL Age: 32 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Qing Dao, China There are countless scenarios concerning the myth of human evolution, none any scientific basis. All consist of speculations invented to persuade people to view themselves as chance entities descended from apes. All the fossils that Darwinists claimed as intermediate fossils in the imaginary human evolution series were subsequently proven to belong either to various species of monkey or else to human races. It is a scientific fact that monkeys have always existed as monkeys and never developed into any other life form. One of the proofs documenting this is the 32-million-year-old monkey skull illustrated. This fossil is identical to to the skulls of present-day monkeys. There are no traces showing any changes in the direction of Homo sapiens. WOLF SKULL Age: 4.9 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Gan Su, China No one lacking preconceived ideas, but who thinks in a free and honest manner, can possibly believe that unconscious atoms assembled themselves as the result of chance, organized themselves, and gave rise to human beings who think, reason, feel see, hear, make discoveries and produce works of art. Yet Darwin’s theory of evolution imposes just that irrational assumption. Countless discoveries made in tens of different fields of science have shown that the superstitious beliefs of Darwinism can no longer be maintained. One such piece of evidence is the 4.9-million-year-old wolf skull shown here. As they are regarding all other living things, Darwinists are in a hopeless position in the face of this fossil, which proves that wolves never evolved. PANDA SKULL Age: 40 million years Period: Eocene Location: Si Chuan, China Panda remains dating back 90 million years, 73 million years and this 40-million-year old skull

shown here are all identical to those of present-day pandas. Whichever panda remains we may examine we still see no difference between them and their present counterparts. The fossil record contains no trace of pandas’ imaginary forerunners. Darwinists’ speculation on the subject of the supposed evolution of pandas and other living things is meaningless. The scientific evidence cannot be concealed with myths and suppositions. The theory of evolution is fated to be condemned as one of the 20th century’s worst deceptions. HYENA SKULL Age: 4.6 million years Period: Pliocene Location: An Hui, China The theory of evolution, developed in the primitive scientific climate in Darwin’s time and maintained in an environment of ignorance through such tactics as imagination, prejudice, sleight of hand and demagoguery, has now collapsed in the face of modern scientific discoveries. The fossil record has shown that intermediate forms exist only in evolutionists’ imaginations and that each species was individually created. One important example of this is a 4.6-million-year-old hyena skull. Living things appeared exactly the same millions of years in the past as they do today. HORSE SKULL Age: 4.3 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Ji Lin, China The history of paleontology is full of examples of fossils that invalidate evolution being hidden away in museum warehouses. Pictures of the first specimens of Cambrian Period fossils to be discovered were concealed for 70 years in the storerooms of the Smithsonian Institution because they represented major evidence that fundamentally refuted evolution. Given such an example, it was inevitable that the theory of evolution would attempt to conceal specimens of countless living fossils subsequently unearthed, and for exactly the same reason. However, the situation was by no means what Darwinists had been expecting. Darwinists never imagined that so many specimens of so-called “living fossils” would be discovered. The number of fossil specimens unearthed in excavations carried out to date is exceedingly high. One example is this horse skull dating back 4.3 million years, which is identical to the skull of present-day horses.


Age: 67 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China Snow leopards, with their magnificent appearance, elegant fur and extraordinary equipment, were in existence as long as 67 million years ago. This 67-million-year-old snow leopard skull, identical in all respects to the skulls of snow leopards living today, makes this crystal-clear. Contrary to Darwinists’ expectations, this animal which, according to the theory of evolution, should have taken a very long time to develop gradually actually appears suddenly and fully formed in the fossil record with no intermediate form or forerunners behind it. Evolutionists need to account for this sudden and flawless appearance in the fossil record; yet they are silent and despairing, because they know that these remains from the past are actually evidence of Creation. BEAR SKULL Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China The late evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould admitted that fossils have never provided any support for the theory of evolution: The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology . . . We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study.6 As Gould admitted, there is no evidence that any evolutionary process ever took place. All scientific findings reveal that life is actually the work of Almighty Allah. One such finding is a 48million-year old bear skull. AFRICAN LION SKULL The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: the gaps we see reflect real events in life's history-not the artifact of a poor fossil record.7—Evolutionist Niles Eldredge What Eldredge means is that now we have a sufficiently high number of fossil specimens to let us see how natural history developed. In terms of the supposed process of evolution, however, there are also huge gaps between these specimens. The reason for this is not any lack of fossilized examples, but rather that these fossils are incompatible with any evolutionary scenario. The fossil record documents that evolution never took place.

Age: 3.5 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Yun Nan, China GOLDEN MONKEY SKULL Age: 36 million years Period: Eocene Location: Si Chuan, China As a basis for claiming that human beings are descended from apes, Darwinists point to the imitative ability of certain species of monkey. Monkeys are able to mimic actions and behavior they see, but this does not allow them to eventually evolve into human beings. If it did, then other species of animal also known to be intelligent should also have become possessed of human attributes. Parrots, for example, are also able to mimic human speech. Therefore, according to Darwinists’ nonsensical claims, there must be a greater likelihood of parrots developing human speech. Countless findings, such as the 36-million-year-old monkey skull illustrated here, prove that living things have always remained the same, have never changed, and never developed into any other life form —and that it’s meaningless to insist on such illogical claims. PONY SKULL If evolutionist logic were correct, ponies should long since have developed into larger horses. However, as the fossil record makes perfectly clear, ponies have survived for tens of millions of years without undergoing even the slightest change. This stability, or stasis, applies to all living species, and represents one of the most serious problems confronting Darwinism, because it demolishes evolution’s fundamental claim, that all living things are descended from a supposed common ancestor and have diversified by one species evolving into others. Age: 53 million years Period: Eocene Location: Gui Zho-u, China

CARRIBEAN MONK SEAL SKULL Age: 3.1 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists cannot account for the trilobite’s eye, which these crustaceans already possessed as long as 530 million years ago. Darwinists cannot explain how living things in the sea, on land and in the air appeared suddenly and survived unchanged for the entire course of their existence. Darwinists maintain that one species developed into another, but they cannot explain how a single original cell could change in such a way as to assume different functions in a multi-cellular creature. Darwinism is a theory at a dead end, and is gradually dying out as new discoveries are made with every passing day. The 3.1million-year-old Caribbean monk seal skull shown here is one of the many proofs to accelerate this process of disappearance. GREY WOLF SKULL As evidence for the so-called evolution of man, Darwinists pointed to a very limited number of fossils. Many years ago, they interpreted them as their most important specimens of intermediate forms. However, subsequent scientific progress has shown that the fossils in question belonged either to monkeys or else to human races that existed at some time in the past. For that reason, all the so-called evidence for human evolution has gradually been removed from the scientific literature. The only reason why some Darwinist publications still refer to these fossils is entirely speculative—they are of no scientific value at all. Another scientific finding that reveals that the evolution of man is a lie and that human beings did not evolve from any previous life form is the countless numbers of fossils unearthed. One such example is this 69-million-year-old grey wolf skull, showing that this species of animal has never changed over the course of millions of years. This stasis, which applies to all living things, certainly applies to monkeys as well. Age: 69 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Shan Dong, China RACCOON SKULL Age: 4.3 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Gan Su, China

Fossil specimens dating back millions of years, when compared with present-day life forms, reveal that there was no transition in morphology and that evolution from one species to another never happened. This fact applies equally to ants and butterflies, polar bears and lizards, and fruit flies and zebras. Darwin’s theory of evolution is unsupported by any scientific findings whatsoever. No evidence to support it has ever been produced since Darwin’s day. And with every passing day, the fossil record makes that lack of evidence even more obvious. This 4.3-million-year-old raccoon skull clearly shows that Darwin was completely wrong. ZEBRA SKULL Age: 3.4 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Quing Hai, China Allah has created the zebra with all its magnificent attributes, as He has all other living things. It is Allah Who created their distinguishing and highly attractive stripes that set them apart from other fourfooted species. This is the reality that Darwinists are unable to understand, find it difficult to grasp and even, in the majority of cases, stubbornly refuse to see. Paleontology reveals this reality, however, through countless examples. The 3.4-million-year-old zebra skull shown here refutes evolution and declares that Creation is the truth. BEAR SKULL Darwinists have created a story to explain the supposed evolution of every single life form. Since Darwinism is not based upon reason, logic or any scientific evidence, producing a scenario regarding the development of a specific life form depends on the power of conjecture, Darwinists’ most highly developed talent. But Darwinists never expected that so many fossils would be discovered revealing that living never changed with the passage of time. They imagined that “living fossils” were very few in number and could easily be explained away, at least to their own minds. They never thought that such definitive proof would be unearthed that all living things have remained exactly the same. Therefore, they never expected that one by one, all their tall tales would be totally discredited. They were unaware that every plot would eventually, as a law of Allah, be neutralized. Since this 4.4-million-year-old bear skull is identical to the skulls of bears alive today, it constitutes a definitive refutation of the theory of evolution. Age: 4.4 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Zi Bo, China

HORSE SKULL Age: 2.8 million years Period: Pliocene Location: He Zheng, China The fossil illustrated on this page constitutes yet another piece of evidence that demolishes the equine evolution myth, which Darwinists are still employing today as one of their most important propaganda tools. This 2.8-million-year-old horse’s head was identical to horses living in the present day, showing that the equine evolution sequences still displayed in natural history museums today are false, and of no scientific value. Given this scientific reality, it is pointless for Darwinists to place representative illustrations in their publications, in an attempt to reinvigorate this fictitious scenario through the use of reconstructions and displays of fraudulent evolutionary series in natural history museums. The theory of horse evolution has been totally and utterly disproved. PANDA SKULL Age: 4.6 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Gan Su, China This fossil shows that pandas have always existed as pandas, and also totally refutes the idea of the evolution of living things. To date, they never have found one single fossil indicating the supposed ancestor of the panda or that indicates that pandas underwent various intermediate stages before attaining their present-day form. No matter how old, every single panda fossil unearthed discovered has exactly the same characteristics as those possessed by present-day pandas. Darwinists are completely helpless in the face of this reality. INDIAN CIVET CAT Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Gan Su, China In 1993, Stephen Jay Gould wrote in the magazine Natural History about the way living species things can be observed to have exactly the same characteristics throughout the fossil record: Stasis, or nonchange of most fossil species during their lengthy geological lifespans, was tacitly acknowledged by all paleontologists, but almost never studied explicitly because prevailing theory treated stasis as uninteresting nonevidence for nonevolution . . . [T]he overwhelming prevalence of stasis became an embarrassing feature of the fossil record, but left ignored as a manifestation of

nothing (that is, nonevolution).8 The only reason why evolutionists refer to the stasis in the fossil record as “embarrassing” is that if living things experience no changes, that invalidates the theory of evolution. This information, which shows that evolution never happened, is evidence for the fact of Creation. MALAYAN SUN BEAR Age: 6.7 million years Period: Miocene Location: Shan Dong, China In his book In Search of Deep Time, Henry Gee states that no evidence in the fossil record supports the theory of evolution and that on the contrary, evolutionists interpret the information available to them in a biased manner, in the light of their own preconceptions: The reason for this lies with the fact of the scale of geological time that scientists are dealing with, which is so vast that it defies narrative.9 As Gee makes clear, the fossil record has shown that Darwinism’s claims regarding life and the origin of life are totally unrealistic. Countless examples, such as the 6.7-million-year-old sun bear skull shown here, prove that Darwinism consists of a hypothesis bearing no relation whatsoever to the true facts. SIBERIAN WOLF SKULL Age: 47 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China The 47-million-year-old Siberian wolf skull shown illustrated has been perfectly preserved for 47 million years, and its appearance is no different at all from that of present-day Siberian wolves. Such important indications in the fossil record entirely defeat all the various efforts to keep the theory of evolution alive over the last 150 years or so. All the fossils we have in our possession say the same thing; Animals have remained unchanged for millions of years and look just like their present-day counterparts. In other words, they never evolved. TASMANIAN DEVIL SKULL Age: 32 million years Period: Oligocene Location: An Hui, China The British paleontologist Derek W. Ager describes how the fossil record poses a major difficulty

for the theory of evolution: The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find—over and over again—not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another.10 One fossil that proves that its species never passed through any intermediate stages is the 32million-year-old Tasmanian devil skull pictured here. TIBETAN WILD DONKEY Age: 29 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Yin Chuan, China Evolutionists’ attempts to portray the wild donkey as the ancestor of the horse are totally hollow. Fossils have proved that wild donkeys have always existed as wild donkeys, and are not descended from any other life form. The fossil illustrated shows that wild donkeys living 27 million years ago were identical to those living today—which effectively silences all evolutionist claims. New species did not emerge as the result of mutations and blind coincidences. It is Almighty Allah, Who possesses a sublime creative power, Who created them all. MANED WOLF SKULL Age: 7.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: An Hui, China The fossil record poses a major problem for the theory of evolution. From time to time, this fact is admitted by evolutionists themselves, as in the words of the evolutionist and paleontologist Mark Czarnecki: A major problem in proving the theory [of evolution] has been the fossil record; the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth’s geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical intermediate variants—instead, species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God.11 MONKEY SKULL Age: 32 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Qing Dao, China Not one single fossil possessing half-ape and half-human characteristics has ever been found. All

the fossils portrayed at one time or another as evidence for the supposed evolution of man have later been exposed as hoaxes, and all have been withdrawn by evolutionists themselves. All they have left are scenarios based on Darwinists’ imaginations. Concrete findings have proved that monkeys have always existed as monkeys, while human beings have always been human. One such finding is the 32-million-year-old monkey skull shown here. ASIAN WILD HORSE SKULL Age: 33 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China Another serious blow to the scenario of horse evolution comes from the 33-million-year-old Asian wild horse shown here. This creature has exactly the same characteristics as those of present-day Asian horses, and nothing about it suggests that it developed from a primitive form to a more advanced one. All its exceedingly complex features are fully complete, and in their modern-day places. The search for an intermediate transition 33 million years ago has ended in disappointment for evolutionists, producing only examples of Asian wild horses with the same perfect anatomy as those living today. GRIZZLY BEAR SKULL Age: 53 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China Over the last two years, various publications have illustrated countless fossils that prove, that living things did not evolve by changing from one form into another. As with the 53-million-year-old grizzly bear skull shown here, these fossils are all identical to species in existence today and have remained unchanged over millions of years. No scientific objection to this reality has been forthcoming from Darwinists. They cannot offer any logical explanation for even one single fossil. The reason is because fossils dating back millions of years represent ancient examples of living things in existence today. SNOW TIGER SKULL Age: 32 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Dong Bei, China Darwinism is not able to gloss over the scientific evidence that there is no such thing as evolution.

Cellular mutations have no reason or consciousness; they are unable to see, hear, think or take precautionary measures; they have no artistic or aesthetic power. Such happenstance events cannot possibly give rise to living things that do take precautions, that exhibit artistry and beauty, and offer clear evidence that they were created with intelligence and consciousness. Fossils dating back millions of years have definitively demolished this Darwinist deception. The life forms in the fossil record appear suddenly, having been created. For example, this snow tiger skull dating back 32 million years is no different from specimens alive today. FOAL SKULL Age: 3.2 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Yun Nan, China That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record had been known to paleontologists long before Darwin published his Origin. Darwin himself . . . prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search . . . .One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong.12 These words from the evolutionist paleontologist Niles Eldredge help explain the 3.2-million-year foal skull in the picture. This creature, which has remained unchanged over millions of years, is a manifestation of a truth that Darwinists have in fact been aware of ever since Darwin’s lifetime. TASMANIAN WOLF SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Li Yi, China The Tasmanian wolf became extinct in the mid-20th century, yet the fossil record contains representatives of the species that date back 73 million years. This Tasmanian wolf fossil, 73 million years old, possesses exactly the same features as the last Tasmanian wolves that scientists observed. This is striking evidence that the various supposed intermediate forms that Darwinists have submitted as supporting their theories are in fact simply conjecture. Living things that have since become extinct, of which no living specimens survive, are all fully formed, complete and highly complex, as the fossil record demonstrates. This means that the evolutionist idea of “gradual development” absolutely does not reflect the true facts. WILD HORSE SKULL

Age: 45 million years Period: Eocene Location: Meng Gu, China Evolutionists attempt to mislead people by tampering with fossils belonging to various extinct life forms and coming up with deceptive scenarios. One of the best-known is the myth of the “evolution” of the horse. Evolutionists set out fossils belonging to living things that existed at different times in India, South America, North America and Europe in order of size—from small to large—at the prompting of their own imaginations. In this way, they came up with a totally unrealistic sequence. Different researchers have produced more than 20 horse evolution sequences, all very different from one another, and there is no evolutionist consensus regarding any of them. Once again, the heaviest blow to evolutionists’ fictitious family trees came from the fossil record. All the horse fossils ever discovered have proved that horses have always existed as horses. JUNGLE CAT SKULL Fossil skulls are among the best evidence that living things have never changed over the course of history, have never developed into other life forms, and that every living species has been created together with its own unique attributes. These proofs emphasize the dilemmas facing and illogicality of Darwinian thinking. The theory of evolution, which maintains that human beings are descended from apes, needs to explain why it is that no process similar to the imaginary transition from ape to human was ever undergone by any other form of life. Evolutionists have no answer to the question of why, for example, a jungle cat did not one day decide to walk upright on two legs, or why a fox did not improve its intelligence level and turn into a professor, or why a panda is unable to produce admirable works of art. Darwinism, depicted as a scientific theory, is in fact an unbelievable ideology. Age: 63 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China JACKAL SKULL Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China Darwinists claim to speak in the name of science, but actually violate it by denying the reality revealed by fossils. The fossil record, once the theory of evolution’s greatest hope, actually shows that living things did not evolve, but were in fact created. If Darwinists act in the light of the conclusions that

science has revealed, then they must not ignore this scientific reality. As this 48-million-year-old jackal skull shows, jackals were the same millions of years in the past as they are today. It is unscientific to suggest anything else. It means persisting in a lie, believing in a hoax and a superstition. WILD DOG SKULL If evolutionists’ claims were true, then very odd-looking creatures bearing characteristics of both wild dogs and of other life forms must once have existed. These remains should be encountered in the fossil record, and should be immediately recognizable because they possess characteristics belonging to two different species, and would constitute an example of evolutionists’ imaginary descendant relationships. Yet not one single intermediate form fossil has ever appeared in geologic strata or appeared in evolutionist publications, even though the latter are full of innumerable myths and imaginary scenarios. No such fossil exists, and no such life form ever existed at any time. Like the 68-million-year-old wild dog illustrated, all living things have come down to the present day in the same shapes in which they were first created. Natural history definitively refutes the claims of evolution. Age: 68 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China PONY SKULL Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Xi An, Shan Xi, China These small horses, which still exist today, were also living 48 million years ago. Present-day horses and their subspecies were in existence, with their perfect equipment and appearances, at times that Darwinists believe that the horse was beginning to evolve. But Darwinists refuse to see this and imagine that they can continue to mislead the public by filling textbooks and articles about evolution with diagrams setting out the horse’s fictitious evolution. However, the scientific evidence, shows that, as with all other living things, the horse never underwent any evolution at all. LYNX SKULL Age: 57 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Gan Su, China This mammal that lived 57 million years ago is identical to lynxes living today. Like hundreds of

thousands of contemporary species of which fossil remains also exist, it never underwent evolution at any time. From fossils such as these, it is not difficult to estimate the kind of living conditions that existed millions of years ago. The Earth of millions of years ago was not all that different from the Earth of today. Apart from a few complex life forms that have since become extinct, contemporary life forms with the same appearances as their survivors have today predominated. The fossil record proves this, and Darwinists have no response to give to this proven fact. CAMEL SKULL Age: 3.9 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Gan Su, China According to evolutionist claims, the camel’s large skull, long neck and humps must be the result of a large sequence of mutations. As a result, there should have been innumerable mammals with semilengthened necks, odd-shaped heads and incipient humps. These imaginary life forms should be encountered frequently in the fossil record, and there should be no trace of fully-formed camels dating back millions of years, like the one shown here. But data from the fossil record show that such imaginary transitional forms never existed. Camels never passed through any intermediate stages, and have always existed as fully-formed camels. GRIZZLY BEAR SKULL Age: 89 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Liaoning, China Throughout the course of natural history, human beings have always been human, and apes have always been apes. Not one single example of an intermediate form indicating some transition between the two has ever been found. This applies to all living things as well. Just as with the grizzly bear skull depicted here. This creature had exactly the same appearance when it was first created as it has today, and did not evolve from any other life form. This 89-million-year-old skull is one of the most important proofs. At the same time, this evidence constitutes a significant response to all Darwinist claims regarding the origin of Man. BEAR SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China Darwinists have always produced false evidence in order to make their scenario of human

evolution seem more credible, at least in their own eyes. Just a few examples include Piltdown Man, displayed for 40 years and then exposed as a hoax; Nebraska Man, whose entire life was reconstructed on the basis of a single molar tooth; Ramapithecus, portrayed as an intermediate form for 50 years; and Lucy, which is still depicted as an intermediate form, even though the invalidity of this idea has been clearly established and admitted by scientists. Darwinists attempt to trace the imaginary process known as human evolution from nothing. But all their efforts, all based on falsehoods, have been in vain. In contrast, paleontological research has revealed fossils of species that have remained unchanged for millions of years. This 78-million-year-old bear skull is one example. Since living things have never changed, and not even a shred of evidence supports evolution, all speculation to the effect that human beings also evolved remains groundless. HYENA SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Dai Lin, Yun Nan, China The history of evolution is filled with hoaxes. Attempts have been made to portray fossils of various extinct life forms or even a few fragments of fossilized bone as evidence of imaginary transitions. Fossils of living species have long been described to the public by the evolutionists as living things that have been evolving. But a profound silence has now replaced all this misleading speculation regarding fossils. Eventually, as you can see from the 73-million-year-old hyena skull shown here, it was realized that many present-day life forms lived millions of years ago in exactly the same forms they have now and that therefore, they never evolved. The time has now come for evolutionists to put an end to their hoaxes and speculations about the myth of human evolution. LION SKULL Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Wu Long Mountain, Nan Yang, He Nan, China Details of this fossil’s teeth are shown in the smaller pictures. These 82-million-year-old remains are proofs that evolution never happened. This mammal has exactly the same characteristics today as it had 82 million years ago. Its dimensions, anatomical features and physical properties are identical to those of lions alive today. This poses a major dilemma for the claims made by Darwinists, because far from revealing the transitional forms expected by Darwinists, the fossil record gives up countless species that never changed at all. TURTLE

Age: 98 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Shan Li Mountain, China Darwinists, who maintain that living species are descended from another and develop by constant small changes, are at a loss to explain the stasis, or total stability, observed within those same species. The theory of evolution, which maintains that human beings are descended from apes, must explain why no other life forms underwent the imaginary transition similar to the one from ape to human. Evolutionists have no rational and logical answer to give. Birds never changed. Rhinoceroses, foxes and hyenas never changed; and neither did the 98-million-year turtle shown here. Neither did human beings. The idea that Darwinists seek to impose on the public—that living things make progress by small changes and eventually develop into other life forms entirely—is a massive lie. ASIAN LION SKULL Age: 79 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Fu Yang, China No living thing ever decided on its own that its characteristics were insufficient or needed to be improved, and therefore assumed the attributes of some other life form. No bear ever decided one day to walk on two legs, and no lion ever one day began speaking words. Lions, tigers and giraffes have always been exactly the same, never altering in the slightest. This 79-million-year-old Asian lion skull—identical to those of members of the species alive today—is evidence that these animals never evolved. Almighty Allah has created all living things out of nothing, and in their perfect forms. The hopeless position in which Darwinists now find themselves stems from their reluctance to see this. DONKEY SKULL Age: 59 million years Period: Paleocene Location: An Tu, Ka Shi, Xin Jiang, China At heart, Darwinism is built on false logic. Great numbers of people have been convinced that the cell developed spontaneously out of muddy water, that hundreds of thousands of species descended from one another through random changes by way of mutations—and that intermediate forms, the evidence left over from these changes, will inevitably be discovered one day. According to Darwinist logic, all living species and even our own civilization are the results of a certain amount of mud, a great deal of time and

blind chance. However, the cell cannot be produced even under technological conditions in a controlled environment such as the laboratory. Ninety-nine percent of mutations are harmful, the remaining 1% having no effect at all. And the mechanism known as natural selection has no power to effect evolution. Not one single example of a transitional form has ever been found in the fossil record. All that has been excavated is the remains of living things that remained unchanged for millions of years. The 59million-year-old donkey skull shown here, identical to the skulls of present-day donkeys, is one of these. LYNX SKULL Age: 65 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Ma Ling Mountain, China All the important details, including the teeth, of this animal can be seen in this 65-million-year-old skull. The universe created by Allah contains flawless marvels of Creation. Every manifestation of beauty created in the universe is also a manifestation of His omniscience and sublime artistry. It is Allah Who creates from nothing, and there are no bounds to His Creation. Darwinism tries to make people forget that we inhabit a universe filled with perfect details. In fact, however, anyone looking at all the innumerable living things and seeing how these, have all lived in exactly the same form for millions of years—as this 65 million year-old lynx skull demonstrates—will be freed from this indoctrination and come to the conclusion we inhabit a world of true marvels. All entities are the work of Almighty Allah. ARCTIC FOX SKULL Age: 59 million years Period: Paleocene Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China This skull of an arctic fox, a member of the canine family, dates back some 59 million years. This animal has exactly same features as contemporary arctic foxes. This animal has never changed at all over the course of millions of years. In order for Darwinist claims to be regarded as true, the arctic fox would have to evolve through countless intermediate stages before it emerged with its flawless, fully formed characteristics. Also, the remains of these innumerable stages should be visible in the fossil record. Yet not only are there no intermediate-form arctic fox fossils, there are no intermediate fossils belonging to any living thing. This 59-million-year-old arctic fox is a proof that the species did not come into being in stages, as evolutionists maintain, but that it came into existence suddenly, together with all its characteristics. In short, the artic fox was created.

JACKAL SKULL No fossil indicating that life forms share common ancestors has ever been found. In the fossil record, there is no sign that living things are in a constant state of change. Then why are Darwinists so determined to cling to their theory? Why do they insist of defending the idea that living things evolved, when there is so much evidence that they were in fact created by Allah? The reason is ideological. Defending the theory of evolution is of vital importance for materialist and atheist ideologies. No matter how much Darwinists persist in the theory of evolution, the fossil record constantly produces still more evidence that totally discredits it. The 51-million-year jackal skull pictured is one such example. The fossil reveals that, just like turtles, tigers, foxes, mink, lions, rhinoceroses and all other living things, jackals never underwent evolution at any time. Age: 51 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Gao Xiong, Taiwan COYOTE SKULL Age: 65 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qing Hai, China The teeth of the fossil illustrated can be seen in full detail, offering significant proof that coyotes living 65 million years ago were identical to those alive today. When a living thing first appears in the fossil record, it then continues on in the same form for the millions of years that follow. All the fossils illustrated in this book, such as this 65-million-year-old coyote skull, are just a few examples. Like all other life forms, coyotes of 65 million years ago possessed the same appearance and structures as they do today. This totally demolishes the whole concept of evolution. This state of affairs, which applies to all living things, inevitably applies to human beings as well. Humans have always existed as human beings, ever since the moment they were first created, and have never undergone the slightest change. Given that so many life forms clearly refute all claims of evolution, there can be no scientific foundation to the scenarios concerning human evolution dreamed up by Darwinists.


Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Guang Xi, China Seals are mammals with large eye sockets and special nasal systems. Seeing how these creatures were identical 48 million years ago to specimens living today and how they have remained unchanged over the course of millions of years is major evidence revealing the fact of Creation. Indeed, when fossils of this life form are examined in detail, you can see that the same kinds of seals in existence today were also alive some 48 million years ago and living in the oceans at that time. This and countless other pieces of similar evidence all document how the theory of evolution needs to be consigned to the dusty shelves of history. LEOPARD SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qi Pan, Yun Nan, China The jaw structure and teeth of this fossil can be seen in great detail. Darwinists’ ruses and the techniques they use to mislead people are now totally futile. Faced with atlases that make the fact of Creation crystal-clear—and countless fossils that demonstrate how living things have never changed in the slightest—Darwinists have seen that all life forms were created out of nothing. Their ruses have been exposed and effectively neutralized. By itself, this 73-million-year-old leopard skull is sufficient evidence to show that all tales regarding the changes supposedly undergone by life forms are totally invalid. They show that leopards living 73 million years ago had exactly the same characteristics as leopards living today. WILDCAT SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qing Dao, Shan Dong, China There is no difference between the tooth structures of wildcats living 80 million years in the past and those living today. Coincidence is Darwinists’ false deity. Darwinists believe that blind coincidence can bestow life on inanimate substances, and can cause one life form to develop into another. This superstitious belief was depicted as the truth for 150 years and was described exactly as if it were a religion. But the time has

now come for superstition to be eradicated. Countless fossils prove that life forms were brought into being out of nothing and never underwent evolution in any form. The theory of evolution has been left with no room to maneuver. The wildcat fossil shown is just one of the innumerable proofs created by Allah. This 80-millionyear-old fossil declares that species have remained unchanged for millions of years—for which reason all Darwinist claims are in fact fabrications. RED WOLF SKULL Age: 51 million years Period: Eocene Location: Gao Xiong, China A 51-million-year-old red wolf skull exactly reflects the characteristics and details of this living species. Had no such fossil specimen ever appeared, no doubt Darwinists would have continued to produce innumerable scenarios regarding the supposed evolution of red wolves. They would have proposed countless transitional forms and related countless speculations. But this fossil specimen leaves no room for Darwinist fairy tales. This also applies to all other living things, and also to human beings. Every scenario ever dreamed up by Darwinists has been based on a lie. Like all their other physical characteristics, red wolves’ teeth and jaws have undergone not the slightest structural change over millions of years. LION SKULL Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China The fossil’s teeth have been preserved, right down to the finest detail, for millions of years. According to Darwinists, because this fossil dates back 82 million years, it should display a great many deficiencies and semi-developed organs. There should have been a great many pathologies in its eye sockets, jaw structure and ears. But the true state of affairs is very different. The lion skull illustrated, millions of years old, has been perfectly preserved, and its details show that the animal’s perfect appearance is identical to that of lions today. The only reason for Darwinists’ claims regarding the supposed evolution of Man is that they possess a large number of ape fossils which they can use to speculate. Yet the conclusion shown by the fossil record is a scientific one that nobody can possibly deny: that life never evolved in any way, and that no intermediate forms ever arose. Science totally refutes the theory of evolution.

BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 74 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Liao Yang, Liaoning, China Just like an 82-million-year-old lion skull, a 51-million-year-old red wolf skull, a 78-million-yearold spotted deer skull, a 90-million-year-old hyena skull and many other similar fossils, the 74-millionyear brown bear skull pictured has a perfect appearance in terms of shape and detail. If Darwinists were correct, then these fossils dating back millions of years should be semi-developed, with their jaws and eye sockets misaligned. Their noses should not yet have formed fully, and there should be profound defects in the skull inside which the brain is located. Yet these fossils all possess perfect structures and, moreover, anatomies identical to those of their present-day counterparts. In fact, just a single piece of evidence, even this 74-million-year-old brown bear skull, is sufficient to demolish the theory of evolution. ASIAN BLACK BEAR SKULL Age: 74 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xin Jiang, China All the reports from Darwinists carried under such headlines as “Missing Link Discovered!,” or “Evolution Is Still Continuing.” or “The First Ancestor of Man” are in fact completely imaginary. The theory of evolution, which Darwinists depict as literally irrefutable fact, is totally refuted by science. Evolutionists are always claiming that a non-existent missing link has been found, though they have not one shred of evidence to confirm those claims. The evidence constantly refutes the idea of evolution. This 74-million-year-old Asian black bear skull is identical to skulls of the same species alive today. In the face of these significant facts, evolutionist speculation is meaningless and scientifically worthless. ARCTIC FOX SKULL Age: 59 million years Period: Paleocene Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China The fossil record has produced a great deal of information to which Darwinists have no scientific or rational response:

- As is the case with all life forms, there is not a single intermediate-form fossil to show that the arctic fox, developed or evolved in stages, before reaching its final present-day form. - Arctic foxes living millions of years ago possessed the same complete and perfect structures as their present-day counterparts. They had no supposedly more primitive appearances or structures. - There is not the slightest difference between arctic foxes living today and those that lived 59 million years ago. This shows that this species has remained unchanged for all that time. All these facts lead Darwinists into a major quandary. The very fossils they hoped would support evolution actually discredit their theories and reveal that the origin of all living things lies in Creation. SPOTTED SEAL SKULL Age: 84 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xi Ma La Ya Mountain, China The ginkgo leaf fossil discovered by Darwin in 1859, the earliest specimens of which date back some 250 million years, caused a terrible panic in him. Darwin described this finding of his as a “living fossil” and regarded it as a major difficulty for his theory. If Darwin were alive today, he would completely abandon his theory in the face of the scale of the difficulties facing it. Faced with the lack of any fossils to support his theory during his lifetime, Darwin left the problem to the future, hoping that intermediate forms would one day be discovered. Yet Darwin’s followers also failed to find what he had hoped for. As you can see from the 84million-year-old spotted seal skull fossil pictured, fossil specimens dating back millions of years of species still in existence today are emerging all the time. The fossil record reveals that Darwin was mistaken and that Creation is an irrefutable reality. GREY FOX SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Lan Zhou, Gan Su, China The theory of evolution—about which countless false pieces of evidence have been produced and which has been kept alive by the invention of totally incredible scenarios—has now come to the end of its life. People are realizing that they have faced a terrible deception. From now on, no scenario invented by Darwinists will have any effect, and their theory’s collapse will continue apace, because scientific findings totally refute evolution. This 78-million-year-old grey fox skull is just one of the proofs that are accelerating this collapse. Darwinism has been completely discredited in the face of living fossils.

RED FOX SKULL Age: 67 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Nan, China Darwinists regard as a miracle of blind chance the fact that a living chromosome contains more information than a giant library. Darwinism maintains that unconscious atoms turned into seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking and conscious human beings as the result of the supposed almighty power of chance. Chance, a supposed worker of miracles, is the false deity of Darwinism. But Darwinism’s dark spell was broken by the scientific evidence. Remains of life forms dating back millions of years clearly indicate that living things have never changed. The red fox skull shown here, for example, is identical to the skulls of foxes alive today. All Darwinists’ false conjectures are of no avail in the face of this fossil which demonstrates that red foxes have never altered over the intervening millions of years—and clearly, never evolved. JACKAL SKULL Age: 51 million years Period: Eocene Location: Gao Xiong, Taiwan Darwin was unaware of living fossils dating back millions of years. He imagined that the cell was a balloon filled with liquid. In Darwin’s time, there were no laboratories equipped with advanced technology. There were no refrigerators, telephones, typewriters or even pens, let alone laboratories. The theory of evolution—the product of that environment—is a hypothesis devoid of any evidence, logic or foundation. This false theory, launched in such an amateurish fashion, was adopted for ideological reasons. Yet conditions altered considerably in the 20th and 21st centuries. Investigations performed in laboratories using the very latest technology revealed that the cell has an unbelievably complex structure. The odds of one single protein in a cell emerging by chance were realized to be 1 in 10950. Most importantly, the countless “living fossils” discovered showed that Darwinist myths regarding the origin of life were completely untrue. One of the fossils that have spelled the end of Darwinism is the 51-million-year-old jackal skull pictured here. This specimen, 51 million years old, is identical to present-day jackal skulls. BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 74 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Liao Yang, Liaoning, China

Statements by George Gaylord Simpson, one of the 20th century’s leading evolutionists, show just howgreat the predicament facing the theory of evolution truly is: This is true of all thirty-two orders of mammals . . . The earliest and [allegedly ]most primitive known members of every order [of mammals] already have the basic ordinal characters, and in no case is an approximately continuous sequence from one order to another known. In most cases, the break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the order is speculative and much disputed. . . 3

As evolutionists admit, Darwinism’s claims regarding the origin of life is no more than speculation. Concrete findings such as the 74-million-year brown bear skull illustrated show that Creation is a manifest reality. During the formation of fossils, hard structures such as bones and teeth are preserved more easily than soft tissues. While soft tissues disappear, bony structures gradually turn into inorganic ones. Minerals in bone tissue often have much the same structure as the inorganic minerals in rocks. This replacement of molecules enables living things that existed tens of millions of years ago to be preserved right down to the finest detail. The structural detail of the teeth and internal structure of the bone tissue of the 74-million-year-old brown bear pictured can clearly be seen. Living things that existed millions of years ago had exactly the same bone tissue and perfect anatomy as their present-day counterparts. WOLF SKULL Age: 75 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xin Jiang, China Detailed appearance of the fossil teeth If a mindset can maintain that a living cell with such a complex structure—which scientists have still been unable to replicate—gradually emerged by chance from muddy water over a period of millions of years, it’s not at all difficult to also claim that human beings that establish civilizations, govern states, perform operations and give birth to ideas are also the product of chance. The Darwinist mindset is actually a very primitive one, within which it is easy to regard the impossible as likely. Behaving as if there were evidence when in fact there is none presents no problem. What is difficult in that mindset is to find the reason and understanding needed to appreciate Allah’s creative artistry, no matter how evident it may be. However, it is easy for people who have escaped this primitive logic to see the manifest proofs of the existence of Allah. The 75-million-year wolf skull pictured is one of these proofs. BLACK BEAR SKULL

Age: 83 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Ning Xia, China The details in the fossil’s jaw structure are some of the proofs that black bears have remained unchanged over tens of millions of years. Being aware that black bears identical to those today were also living 83 million years ago is enough to understand the invalidity of evolution. The presence of giant mammals with extraordinarily complex structures at a time when, according to evolution, everything was in a highly primitive state and the world was full of semi-developed life forms, is sufficient evidence to show that the theory of Darwinism is obsolete. Even though such proof is perfectly adequate by itself, a wide range of “living fossils” identical to species living today have been discovered. The fossil record, itself the greatest hope of Darwin and all other evolutionists, has led to Darwinism’s fatal collapse. STRIPED JACKAL SKULL Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xi Jiang, China Details such as the fossil’s dental structure reveal that the creature was no different 82 million years ago from how it is today. This 82-million-year-old striped jackal skull is just one of the remains of creatures that have survived unchanged down to the present, showing that creatures identical to their present-day counterparts inhabited the Earth 82 million years ago. This and countless other examples tell us that when the skulls of jackals, monkeys, other living things and even human races that existed at various times in the past are examined, it appears that not one has ever changed. Not a single intermediate form exists to suggest that any one of these has ever altered. This means that living things never evolved, and that Almighty Allah created each and every one.

WILD DOG SKULL Age: 50 million years Period: Eocene Location: Britain

Darwin, once said “I cannot conceive any existing reptile being converted into a mammal.”14 He was unable to imagine such a process because no such thing ever happened. But nevertheless, in the years that followed, this illogical claim was fiercely propounded, despite the absence of any scientific justification. Today, however, countless fossils such as the 50-million-year wild dog skull shown here have proved that this Darwinist conjecture never actually took place. BEAR SKULL Age: 63 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Liaoning, China The bear skull pictured is 63 million years old and proves that throughout the course of geologic time, bears have always existed as bears. They are not descended from any imaginary ancestor, and neither did they develop into any other life form. Inasmuch as all living things continued to existence with all the characteristics they originally possessed, it is illogical to claim that apes one day turned into human beings. The stability that applies to all other life forms also applies to apes and humans. Apes have always existed as apes, and human beings as human beings. AARDWOLF SKULL Age: 49 million years Period: Eocene Location: Xi An, Shan Xi, China The internal structure of the fossil’s bones has been preserved in complete detail. If Darwinism were true, then the fossil record should contain transitional species in the process of development, rather than fossils millions of years old that are identical to present-day life forms. But that is not the case; the actual findings are incompatible with Darwinist myths. The American paleontologist S.M. Stanley describes this reality when he says, “The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism.”15 The fossil record is full of millions of species that have never altered at all, as you can see from the 49-million-year-old aardwolf skull pictured. BAT-EARED FOX SKULL Age: 71 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China

Bat-eared foxes are distinguished from other species of foxes by their large ears and smaller teeth. This 71-million-year-old bat-eared fox skull has just the same features as those of specimens alive today. Darwinism therefore has no explanation to offer for either individual species or their tremendous variety. Different fox species have existed in the fossil record for millions of years. This is true of a great many other life forms, and there is not a single intermediate form to indicate the imaginary transition from one form to another. All this evidence leaves no room for doubting Darwinism’s collapse and reveals that living things were all created, together with all their complex characteristics. BEAR SKULL Age: 64 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Xin Jiang and Ning Xia, China In any case, argued Cuvier, drawing on specimens brought back by Napoleon’s savants from the ...French incursions into Egypt, the mummified forms of cats and birds and other organisms—beings that lived literally thousands of years ago—are absolutely identical forms living today. Where then is the evolution, the change, in all of this? If Lamarck be right, we should expect to see some change right before our eyes, and this we do not see.16 This admission by Michael Ruse emphasizes how living things have been known not to change ever since the idea of evolution began. The reality exhibited by the 64-million-year-old bear skull illustrated is that the species has never changed at any time. AARDWOLF SKULL Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China Life on Earth displays a glorious diversity. From the Poles to the Amazon, from the depths of the oceans to freshwater pools, from high mountains to beneath the ground we walk upon, there is an astonishing diversity everywhere. This diversity was present millions of years ago, just as it is today. The fossil record represents the remains of that variety. The countless fossils of fish, birds, reptiles and land and sea creatures with their perfect attributes have exactly the same forms as their present-day counterparts. Fossils such as the 49-million-year aardwolf fossil pictured are evidence that no species ever turned into any other. The reality LION SKULL

Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China Darwinists have studied nature and attempted to discover how such diversity came into being. They adopted the primitive methods proposed by Darwin himself and decided that living things must have had a supposed common ancestor. The more they studied the fossil record, however, the more they encountered the counterparts of today’s living things rather than any signs of any fictitious ancestor. Any rational and logical person who examines at the scientific evidence objectively can easily see that evolution does not constitute the origin of life. But reason, logic, common sense and science were all stifled under the spell of Darwinism. But for those people who have managed to free themselves from Darwinism’s spell, the 82-millionyear lion skull pictured is by itself sufficient evidence of the invalidity of Darwinism. If this life form has remained unchanged for 82 million years—and if all the fossils of all other currently living things confirm the same—then that means that evolution never happened. TASMANIAN DEVIL SKULL Age: 31 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Jiang Xi, China Hoimar von Ditfurth, author of The Silent Night of the Dinosaurs, says, When we look back, we see that we need not be surprised that we have been unable to find those transitional forms so almost painfully sought. Because in all likelihood, no such intermediate stage ever happened.17 Even though von Ditfurth has tried to rescue evolutionists from their predicament by referring to a “strong possibility,” the fact still remains that no stage-by-stage process ever happened. All stages of the fossil record is full of living things that emerged suddenly, fully formed, and with all their limbs and organs, as opposed to entities that came into being through a gradual process. One such example is the 31-million-year Tasmanian devil skull illustrated here.

WEASEL SKULL Age: 59 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Jiang Xi, China

All the details of this fossil show that weasels living tens of millions of years ago had the same flawless and prefect attributes as those living today. The fossil record has revealed that Darwin’s claims are incompatible with the facts. The evolutionist speculation that is still continuing today stems from an inability to accept this error of Darwin’s. The 59-million-year-old weasel skull pictured once again proves that this species has never changed. Every fossil examined in this book demolished Darwin’s myth of transition from one form to another. It’s now time for contemporary evolutionists to come to terms with Darwin’s mistake and to admit the scientific facts. BOAR SKULL Age: 58 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Shan Dong, China Tigers have never changed over the many millions of years their species has existed; neither have lions, bears, foxes or jackals. The 58-million-year-old wild boar, whose skull is pictured, has not altered, either. Fossils such as these, belonging to countless life forms, show that living things have never been subjected to the slightest change. This in turn entirely discredits evolutionist speculation regarding the fictitious evolution of man. There is no evidence that living things evolved, and not humans, either. On the contrary, the fossils left behind by all living things completely refute evolution. Evolution never happened, and each of the fossils illustrated in this book is a separate proof of that. BOAR SKULL Age: 58 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Shan Dong, China Darwinists were their able to gather their original supporters by using a very primitive logic. In a climate of scientific ignorance, it was easy to convince the public that proteins and eventually, cells could form spontaneously from muddy water that mammals hunting in water eventually developed fins and turned into dolphins and that monkeys decided to stop leaping from tree to tree and instead to walk upright, and thus evolved into human beings. The sciences of genetics and paleontology were unknown, so all these imaginary transitions were depicted as incontrovertible fact. But now Darwinists are in a far more difficult position. The science of genetics has revealed the complex structure of the cell and how traits are passed on from generation to generation. Paleontology has shown that living things have never changed. Countless specimens, such as the 58-million-year-old wild boar skull shown here indicate that living things exhibited the same

complexity millions of years ago as present-day specimens. It is no longer possible for Darwinists to deceive the public. ZEBRA SKULL Age: 45 million years Period: Eocene Location: Xi An, China Allah has created all living things with their different appearances and forms. In the same way that their lifestyles and needs differ, so there are profound differences in their body structures. This means it is not difficult to describe the fossils that are unearthed, making it possible to establish the anatomical features of a living thing whose fossil remains have been discovered. The 45-million-year-old zebra fossil illustrated makes this distinction. It’s evident that there is no difference between the fossil’s characteristics and those of a present-day zebra’s skull. There is no doubt that this is one of Allah’s divine miracles. The scientific evidence to hand is too definitive for scientists to be able to deny, even if they are evolutionists. It’s a scientific fact that species have not changed, and they have undergone no evolutionary process. CHEETAH SKULL Age: 7.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: Shan Dong, China On the basis of some elements of ape behavior, Darwinists maintain that monkeys and human beings are both descended from a common ancestor. They claim that monkeys one day decided to descend from the trees, to walk upright, to speak, sing, and compose music, to construct buildings and to make scientific discoveries, and thus turned into human beings. In that case, similar processes of transition must also apply to other living things. Since cheetahs, for example, are able to run very fast, they should one day be able to alter their physical structures and turn into sentient beings winning gold medals at the Olympic Games. However, a look at the scientific facts reveals that cheetahs, tigers, wolves, fox, lions and leopards—in short, all animals—never changed at all. The same stability or stasis also applies to apes and human beings. Apes have always existed as apes, and human beings as human beings. LION SKULL Age: 85 million years Period: Cretaceous

Location: Lin Yi, Shan Dong, China For a long time, a great many people took at face value the statements made by academics and scientists who espoused Darwinism. They imagined that since these experts believed in evolution, there must be something to it, and blindly believed in evolution themselves. At the root of this error lay their ignorance of the fact that Darwinism was supported solely for ideological reasons. They did not know that scientists who espoused Darwinism also held such nonsensical ideas as fish left the water and began using legs that formed by chance to walk on land, or chimpanzees that began using stones to crack open nuts developed into humans who founded civilizations, launched rockets and studied themselves in laboratories. However, the true facts are now out in the open. People now know that the fossil record contains specimens of present-day life forms that were in existence millions of years ago. One of these is the 85million-year-old lion skull pictured. This fossil proves that, like all other living things, lions never underwent evolution at all. BROWN HYENA SKULL Age: 55 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Gan Su, China The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: The gaps we see reflect real events in life’s history, not the artifact of a poor fossil record.18 Darwinist confessions of this kind show that no matter how much they may try to cover up the fact, they are actually aware of the reality demonstrated by the fossil record. The fossil record is full of gaps and has produced not the slightest trace of the intermediate forms hypothesized by Darwinism. Instead, it is full of “living fossils” that show that contemporary life forms with their complex structures have never altered at all. This 55-million-year-old brown hyena skull shows that hyenas have remained unchanged for millions of years, and that the species has never evolved. No matter how much Darwinists may search, they will never be able to find a single intermediate form to show that living things ever did evolve.

ANTELOPE SKULL Age: 66 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Gan Su, China Many more species have remained unchanged over the course of tens of millions of years that

could ever be contained in the pages of a single book. If evolution were a valid theory, then there should be billions of intermediate forms to show that countless species did, in fact, change. Instead of fullydeveloped life forms, we should be able to see the remains of developing entities that only recently attained their present-day forms. But Darwinists have been unable to point to a single transitional form. On the other hand, millions of fossils in books and on display in exhibitions show that living things have existed unchanged for millions of years. In contrast to Darwinists’ lack of evidence, the proofs of the fact of Creation are increasing with every passing day. One example of this is the 66-million-year-old antelope skull illustrated here. ANTELOPE SKULL Age: 66 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Gan Su, China Studies of the anatomical details of another antelope skull dating back 63 million years have revealed it to be identical to those of specimens alive today. The fact that this mammal has remained the same for 63 million years, and the lack of any evidence that it ever changed, certainly show the complete invalidity of the theory of evolution. It is not hard to appreciate the conclusion that this evidence all leads to. Living things are all sublime works of art, created at Allah’s command. He has no need of natural causes or means to bring them into being from nothing (Surely Allah is beyond that). His command is sufficient to bring a life form into existence. A person can see this just by looking at the sublime Creation in his or her own body. To regard this as the result of chance is evidence of a complete logical collapse. Does not man see that We created him from a drop, yet there he is, an open antagonist! He makes likenesses of Us and forgets his own Creation, saying, “Who will give life to bones when they are decayed?” Say “He Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life. He has total knowledge of each created thing.” (Surah Ya Sin, 77-79)

POLAR BEAR SKULL Age: 74 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Liaoning, China The Atlas of Creation series and this book offer important evidence that can only add to Darwinists’ panic, showing them that evolution is dead and that they can no longer deceive the world. This 74-million-year-old polar bear skull, for instance, is identical to the skulls of polar bears alive today —sufficient on its own to undermine Darwinists’ arguments. As the evidence increases declaring that Darwinism is invalid, the more Darwinists seek to give the impression that “We are alive and well.” They try to use propaganda techniques to fight an intellectual struggle that they were unable to wage with science. They attempt to cover up studies that demolish Darwinism. But this behavior does not prevent them from seeing, albeit subconsciously, the scale of the collapse that has taken place. WILD DOG SKULL Age: 50 million years Period: Eocene Location: England The details of the bone structure of the fossil illustrated can be seen clearly. Wild dogs are just one of the millions of species of living fossils. All evidence goes to show that present-day wild dogs, bears, jackals and tigers were also living 50 million years ago, and even earlier. Millions of years ago, the Earth was inhabited by present-day life forms with their present-day characteristics. Contrary to what evolutionists suggest, it was not inhabited by odd, semi-developed life forms. The fossil record presents a completely different picture from what Darwinists suggest GRIZZLY BEAR Age: 81 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China At the present stage of geological research, we have to admit that there is nothing in the geological records that runs contrary to the view of conservative creationists, that God created each species separately. . . .19 The biologist Edmund J. Ambrose is one evolutionist who admits the realities demonstrated by

science. The fossil record, having demolished evolution, is producing more evidence of the fact of Creation every day. This 81-million-year-old skull shows that grizzly bears had exactly the same appearance then as they do now. Any objective evaluation of the scientific proof shows that the same applies to so-called human evolution. Since there has been no change in any living species, we can be quite sure that human beings have never changed, either. Every living thing has been created, together with all its particular characteristics. The claim that primitive animals or primitive humans used to live in the past is not supported by any evidence. BLACK WOLF SKULL Age: 42 million years Period: Eocene Location: Shan Dong, China Fossils may tell us many things, but one thing they can never disclose is whether they were ancestors of anything else. 20 The evolutionist Colin Patterson admits that fossils constitute no evidence for evolution. On the contrary, the fossil record shows that living things have constantly appeared as if out of nothing, with exactly the same appearances they have today. The 42-million-year-old skull illustrated is important evidence that black wolves have remained unchanged for 42 million years. This is the reality demonstrated by the fossil record in the 21st century. JAGUAR SKULL Age: 87 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Shan Dong, China When he first proposed it, Darwin’s thesis that humans and apes are descended from some common ancestor was not supported by any scientific evidence, and that has remained the case ever since. All efforts made in the intervening 150 years to support the myth of human evolution have been in vain. The fossils obtained have proved that apes have always existed as apes and humans as humans; that apes did not turn into human beings and that humans and apes share no common ancestor. Faced with the disappointment inflicted on them by the fossil record and their lack of any supporting evidence whatsoever, all that evolutionists had left to do was to arrange fossil skulls out one after the other in totally arbitrary ways and to engage in conjecture, whose unrealistic nature has long been documented. However, fossils such as the 87-million-year-old jaguar skull fossil in the picture totally invalidate such speculation. In the same way that there has been no change over tens of years in the skulls of these mammals, so there have been no changes in apes or humans, either. LION SKULL

Age: 65 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists constantly suggest that evolution is a proven theory. They trace the imaginary descent from one species to another, and adorn such scenarios with plentiful Latin terminology. But not a single piece of scientific evidence showing that this claim is true has ever appeared in any Darwinist publication. Indeed, it’s impossible for any such evidence to be published, since no such evidence exists. Their main obstacle, however, is that Darwinists are unable to account for the origin of life, how life first emerged, how the first cell came into being. Darwinists have stumbled at this very first hurdle. The reaction they have shown to proofs of Creation is nothing more than a requirement of their ideology. On its own, the 65-million-year-old lion skull illustrated is sufficient evidence to consign evolution to the dustbin of history. There is no difference between this fossil skull and those of lions living today. SMALL INDIAN CIVET CAT SKULL Age: 4.2 million years Period: Pliocene

Location: Ma Ling Mountain, China Instead of filling the gaps in the fossil record with so-called missing links, most paleontologists found themselves facing a situation in which there were only gaps in the fossil record, with no evidence of transformational intermediates between documented fossil species.21 The 4.2-million-year-old small Indian civet cat skull illustrated confirms these words by Jeffrey H. Schwartz. The fossil record reveals no intermediate forms of the kind anticipated by evolutionists, but does exhibit examples of contemporary life forms together with all their complex structures, as with this 4.2-million-year-old animal. WOLF SKULL Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China Wolves are exactly the same today as they were 82 million years ago. These animals have undergone no change over the course of millions of years. Their structures have all been exceedingly complex from since they were first created, and there are no signs of any changes having taken place. Since there is no sign of any change in countless life forms such as wolves, cats, lions, tigers, foxes and

bears—and since the skulls of all these creatures have remained exactly the same over tens of millions of years—there is no scientific grounds for claiming that the bodies and skulls of apes changed as these animals turned into human beings. This myth has been refuted by concrete findings. There is no such thing as the evolution of M. ASIAN GOLDEN CAT Age: 5.1 million years Period: Miocene Location: Gan Su, China David M. Raup, formerly the head of the Geology Department at the Chicago Museum of Natural History, admits that the fossil record invalidates evolution: [Darwin] was embarrassed by the fossil record. . . . Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species, but the situation hasn’t changed much. The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky. 22 One of the fossils that undermines the myth of evolution is this 5.1-million-year-old Asian golden cat skull.

THE SKULLS THAT DEMOLISH DARWIN RED WOLF SKULL Age: 66 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Lan Zhou, China Life on Earth emerged in a single moment, 530 million years ago. The endless variety of living things—belonging to more phyla than there are today—and all the life forms that appeared since, all appear in the fossil record suddenly, with no evolutionary ancestors preceding them. The 66-million-yearold red wolf skull in the picture, for example, has shown that wolves appeared on Earth all of a sudden and that they have always had the same appearance and anatomical structures as they do today. These facts refute the claim of evolution on Earth and show the presence of a glorious Creation. GIRAFFE SKULL Age: 65 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Meng Gu, China Giraffes are noted for their extraordinarily long necks. Darwinists hypothesized that the necks of these animals lengthened gradually as they stretched to reach higher branches. This, one of the best known deception of the theory of evolution, is totally refuted by the fossil evidence: giraffes were exactly the same 65 million years ago as they are today. There is no trace of any specimens in the fossil record undergoing constant change and growing longer necks in order to reach higher branches. The giraffe today is exactly the same as it was 65 million years ago. ZEBRA SKULL Age: 45 million years Period: Eocene Location: Xi An, China Zebras were same 45 million years ago as how they are today. In the same way that wolves, giraffes, bears and cheetahs have never changed over the course of millions of years, neither have zebras. The data revealed by science constitute no evidence for the supposed evolution of living things. This stasis in the fossil record cannot be accounted for in terms of evolution. The fossil record shows that living things are created from nothing by Allah’s will, and how they survive perfectly preserved, with all

their wonderful features. RED PANDA SKULL Age: 67 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qing Hai, China Allah’s artistry is unrivalled. His artistry enfolds the Earth, the sky and the living world. His sublime and wondrous existence is manifested in every life form that He has created from nothing. Unable to comprehend Allah’s sublime Creation, evolutionists produce various scenarios to account for the origin of life. These, however, have never been verified by any branch of science. Paleontology is one of the branches of science that has dealt a lethal blow to Darwinism. The millions of fossils unearthed bear not the slightest indication to show that evolution ever happened. The 67-millionyear-old red panda fossil in the picture, identical to those of the pandas alive today, once again confirms this reality. FOX SKULL Age: 7.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: Lan Zhou, China All the characteristics of the heads of foxes alive today are also present in this 7.3-million-year-old fox skull. Like other living things, foxes have the same features today as they had 7, or 90 million years ago in the past. No odd-looking, semi-developed foxes whose identification is unclear have been found. Hundreds of thousands of fossil skulls have proved that foxes have always lived as foxes, leopards as leopards, lions as lions, cats as cats, apes as apes and human beings as humans. The fossil record has completely disproved the lie that Man is a species of animal. Allah created man from nothing, as He did all living things, and breathed His soul into him. The efforts of those who seek to portray Man as a kind of animal have been totally invalidated by science. WILD DONKEY SKULL Age: 66 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China

According to Darwinism, there should be enormous differences between present-day life forms and

those whose fossil skulls and other remains have been unearthed. And again according to them, contemporary life forms should be found in the course of evolving in the fossil record. For example, there should be remains of a great many semi-fish and semi-reptile, or half-reptile and half-mammal creatures. There should be fossil remains of strange-looking animals reminiscent of donkeys but which haven’t yet assumed complete appearance of a donkey. Those donkey skulls unearthed should have misaligned eye sockets, or as yet no nostrils yet, or peculiarly shaped jawbones. However, all the donkey fossils discovered have the same anatomical features as those of donkeys living today, showing that this species have been exactly the same since they first came into being. WOLVERINE SKULL Age: 33 million years Period: Oligocene Location: He Zheng, Shan Dong, China Wolverines had exactly the same structures and appearance 33 million years ago as their counterparts have today. They fed, reproduced and lived just the same as their present day counterparts. Almighty Allah, the Lord and Judge of all living things, Who created them 33 million years ago, creates them today. Allah shapes them and determines their lifestyles. Like all other living things, the wolverine is not the product of blind coincidence. HYENA SKULL Age: 33 million years Period: Oligocene Location: He Zheng, Shan Dong, China The emergence of the detailed remains of a creature that is millions of years old is a true miracle. Had Allah so willed, its bones as well as its soft tissues could have disintegrated under the ground, with no trace at all remaining. In that case, Darwinists would have had some basis for their speculations, and could have used the non-existent fossil record to advance their scenarios, even though the theory would not have explained the fields of biology, microbiology and genetics. However, the facts are actually very different. The perfectly preserved skeletal remains of living things are constantly being unearthed. All their details can be analyzed, comparisons made with life forms existing today and—thanks to the countless details obtained—these species’ similarity to present-day counterparts can be determined. That is why Darwinism has collapsed in the paleontological arena, as well as in all other branches of science. One of these perfect remains is this 33-million-year hyena skull, identical to the skulls of hyenas alive today. ASIAN WILD DOG SKULL

Age: 48 million years Period: Eocene Location: Kai Feng, He Nan, China The Asian wild dog skull pictured shows that no changes have affected this species over the last 48 million years. According to Darwinism, 48 million years is a comparatively long time in the supposed evolution of a living thing. Over such a period, any species should undergo countless coincidental changes, and the transition from one species to others by way of random processes should be visible. In order to achieve the perfect structure it enjoys today, the Asian wild dog should have evolved through countless intermediate stages, and 48 million years ago, it should have looked very different from how it appears today. However, there is no difference between this 48-million-year-old fossil and the skulls of Asian wild dogs living today. This is yet more concrete evidence that evolution is a myth. TIGER SKULL Age: 76 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zeng, China Tiger skulls dating back 90, 80 and 78 million years, as well as to other periods, have been unearthed from various sites. The tiger skull illustrated here is 76 million years old. All these fossils, unearthed at very different times, are identical to present-day tigers. Not one shows any changes, and there is no evidence to suggest that any one ever evolved in any way. None is any more or less developed than any other. This species is exactly the same today as it was millions of years in the past. FOX SKULL Age: 53 million years Period: Eocene Location: Quing Hai, China Foxes have not changed at all over the last 46 or even 53 million years. If even older fox remains are discovered, these will also be seen to have undergone no changes at all. It is therefore meaningless for Darwinists to keep insisting on their myth of evolution. The science of genetics has done away with evolution’s supposed “mechanisms”, and microbiology has demonstrated that living systems cannot evolve. Paleontology has proved that species do not change. Evolutionists must now put an end to their artificial efforts to keep alive this theory, which is on the point of collapse. All the evidence and all the sciences show that living things are created. RED PANDA SKULL

Age: 67 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China As revealed by the paleontological findings, red pandas have never changed. Neither have bears. Nor tigers, nor wolves, nor fish, reptiles, birds or insects. All the fossils discovered to date show that living species have not changed, so there is no scientific meaning in claiming that apes changed in such a way as to turn into human beings. If apes did change, then red pandas should also have one day decided to walk on two legs, to develop their brains and expand their skull volumes, and to develop their hands and feet appropriately. Yet neither red pandas nor apes have ever undergone such a process of change. They never evolved. WOLF SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Quing Hai, China The details of the teeth of this fossil are perfectly clear. All living things—both those in existence today and those dating back millions of years that we encounter in the fossil record—have flawless, regular and symmetrical skulls that exhibit no sign of any deformities. Yet evolutionists claim that any species would have to go through a great many imperfect stages before arriving at a flawless skull. There should be a great many more asymmetrical forms, for instance, before perfect symmetry is achieved. There should have been millions of imperfect skulls with a jaw pointing to the right of left, with a nose close to the right cheek, or one eye socket above the other. Yet no such mutant life forms appear in the fossil record. All have skulls that are just as regular and symmetrical as their descendants in existence today. The 73-million-year wolf skull pictured is one of these flawless structures, which refute all claims regarding evolution. HYENA SKULL Age: 82 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: China

Allah has created living things with very different, complex features. Mammals, with their highly

equipped body systems, exhibit this complexity. There exists not one single finding to indicate that mammals’ characteristic features emerged by way of a supposed process of evolution. On the contrary, countless fossils demonstrate that living things have never changed, and never underwent any evolutionary process. It is highly illogical to seek to postulate a separate evolutionary scenario for human beings, given the obvious stasis in all other life forms. Semi-ape creatures that tried to communicate through grunts, that were totally covered in hair and gradually turned into human beings—these exist only in Darwinists’ imaginations. Human beings have always existed as humans and have always lived with the intelligence and conscience inspired in them by Allah. CARIBBEAN MONK SEAL SKULL Age: 36 million years Period: Eocene Location: Guang Zhou, China With the last specimen recorded in Jamaica in 1952, the Caribbean monk seal survived unchanged from 36 million years ago right up to the mid-1900s. The features unique to this species—rather smaller than other species of seal, can be seen in full detail in the fossilized skull, literally identical to members of the same species living up until 60 years ago. Faced with the incontrovertible fact that this life form never altered at all over the course of 36 million years, Darwinism is in a state of terrible and insuperable collapse. WOLF SKULL Age: 72 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists have been unable to provide any evidence to show that wolves evolved. Evolutionist publications see that they refer solely to hypotheses and conjectures. You will never find any concrete evidence showing the wolf’s supposed ancestor or by what stages the wolf evolved until attaining its present form. On the other hand, countless fossil specimens make it obvious that wolves have always existed as wolves and have never evolved in any way. The 72-million-year-old wolf skull pictured is one such fossil.


Age: 55 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Si Chuan, China Darwin invented unbelievable scenarios regarding the illusory development of living things, but found it no easy task to account for ocean-dwelling mammals like the whale. This life form could not be located anywhere on the imaginary tree of life that Darwin imagined. For that reason, he put forward another unbelievable theory, suggesting that whales were descended from bears that had used to hunt along the sea shore. This claim—a source of embarrassment even for Darwin’s own supporters—was logically bankrupt. Present-day bears and fossils of bears dating back millions of years have done away with this claim of Darwin’s. The two look exactly the same. Bears 55 million years ago had no arms beginning to turn into fins or legs developing into flukes. Bears have remained completely unchanged for millions of years. LION SKULL Age: 65 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China So irrefutable is the fossil record and so definitive the remains now in our possession that it is possible to determine all of a fossilized lion’s features, its age and how it lived. Indeed, all the details in the skull illustrated can be seen clearly and it is simple for paleontologists to declare that there is no difference between this specimen and its counterparts today. This fossil reveals that lions have remained unaltered for 65 million years. Lions alive today are exactly the same when they were first created. Contrary to what Darwinists claim, they never evolved in any way, and the fossil record proves this. BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 8.9 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China The variety of life created by Allah is so glorious that it can be appreciated everywhere in the world. A single species will have countless sub-species, all with their own unique attributes. Examples of nearly all these forms, with all their features, are present in the fossil record. There are no intermediate forms of the kind evolution suggests must have existed, no semi-developed species that ever emerged, and there is no sign of the “common ancestor” that various species are claimed to be descended from. Yet

species and even their sub-species manifest themselves in the most perfect states, identical to present-day life forms, in the fossil record. One such example is this flawless fossil skull of a brown bear, which dates back 8.9 million years—proof that this life form never changed, and never underwent evolution. GRIZZLY BEAR SKULL Age: 7.5 million years Period: Miocene Location: Gan Su, China Like millions of other life forms such as tigers, wolves, foxes, rhinoceroses, pandas, leopards, lions and hyenas, bears have remained exactly the same for tens of millions of years, since the moment of their first Creation. That refutes the claim that living things evolve. The stasis that applies to all living species also applies to humans. In the same way that no change ever took place in the skulls of tens of thousands of species over millions of years, so there has been no evolutionary change in the human skull. In the same way that fish have always existed as fish, birds have always existed as birds and reptiles have always existed as reptiles, so humans have always been humans. There is no question of any direct progression from the primitive to the advanced, of the kind maintained by evolutionists, in any organ or structure of any living thing. The 7.5-million-year-old grizzly bear skull pictured here is one proof of this. BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 8.9 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China In his 1991 book Beyond Natural Selection, the American paleontologist R. Wesson describes the information provided by the fossil record regarding the origin of life: The gaps in the record are real, however. The absence of a record of any important branching is quite phenomenal. Species are usually static, ... for long periods, ... genera never show evolution... 23 Darwinist propaganda, indoctrination and myth are all made meaningless by this fact, demonstrated by countless proofs. Like the 8.9-million-year-old brown bear skull pictured, all fossils show that evolution is a hollow theory. SIBERIAN WOLF SKULL Age: 42 million years Period: Eocene Location: Qing Hai, China If Darwinists are to verify the tales they have been relating for the last 150 years, they must be

able to point to the supposed evolutionary traces that the Siberian wolf, for example, underwent before assuming its present form. They have to be able to explain, with full supporting evidence, how Siberian wolves acquired their eyes, teeth and noses, and how their skull structures assumed their present-day shapes. In addition, they must do that for all other living things. Yet Darwinists can never provide such a scientific account for Siberian wolves or for any other life form. All they can offer is fictitious chronologies, hypothetical illustrations and reconstructions that fail to reflect the truth. Concrete findings such as fossils, however, show that Siberian wolves have always existed as Siberian wolves. STEPPE POLECAT SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xian, Shan Xi, China The close-up shows the fossil’s jaw and dental structure. The steppe polecat, approximately the same size as the domestic cat, is a member of the cat family. The features visible in this 73-million-year-old skull reveal that present-day steppe polecats have never changed over tens of millions of years. It is impossible to find a single piece of evidence showing that the creature ever evolved. Steppe polecats are of the countless species that never underwent evolution. HYENA SKULL Age: 42 million years Period: Eocene Location: Gui Lin Gui Zhou, China The fossil history of the hyena goes back to very ancient times. None of the fossils discovered so far is any different from present-day hyenas. In order to verify its claims, the theory of evolution must point to at least one concrete piece of evidence—an intermediate form, showing that these present life forms are descended from other, earlier ones. But that is totally impossible. The evidence revealed by paleontology consists of fossils of living things that have never changed and thus constitute significant proof against the theory of evolution. The 42-million-year-old hyena fossil illustrated is one of the proofs that demolish that theory and shows that hyenas have never altered in any way.

PANDA SKULL Age: 73 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: China Darwinists describe science as chance. They believe that chance works miracles and attempt to account for the perfections they encounter, the sublime life forms and grandiose civilizations, in terms of coincidence. They try to brand any other alternative explanations as unscientific. That is why they produce chance-based developmental chronologies and look in the fossil record for evidence to support them. Yet the way this desperate logic has been portrayed as “scientific” is the disgrace of the century. As with the 73-million-year-old panda skull pictured here, the science of paleontology reveals examples of living things that have never changed. ZEBRA SKULL Age: 47 million years Period: Eocene Location: Nei Meng Gu, China This 47-million-year-old zebra skull is literally identical to those of present-day zebras. Remaining loyal to Darwinism when the evidence contradicts the claims of the theory of evolution, one by one, is obviously a total waste of time, resources and energy. These efforts by Darwinists do not give the results they hoped for, and bestow no credibility on them or their theories. On the contrary, their refusal to abandon their claims despite all the scientific evidence to the contrary further increases the suspicion with which they are regarded. There is absolutely no room for the theory of evolution in the findings that science has now obtained. HYENA SKULL Age: 52 million years Period: Eocene Location: Hua South, China As Darwinists continue to await the appearance of intermediate-form fossils, the fossil record pushes the dating of so-called “living fossils” ever further into the remote past. For example; hyenas existed 50 million years ago, 80 million years ago, and even 90 million years ago. No matter how much Darwinists try to invent an imaginary evolutionary history, every hyena fossil ever discovered is identical to present-day specimens. The 52-million-year-old hyena skull pictured is further confirmation of this. As

with other examples, this fossil shows that the animal has never changed over the course of aeons. WILD DOG SKULL Age: 5.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: Xi An, China This is how Darwin described the dilemma confronting his theory in his book: . . . Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined? . . . But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?

24 Some 160 years later, evolutionists are still faced by the same difficulty: While millions of fossils have been unearthed to date, why has not a single intermediate form ever been found? For anyone who can think unfettered by preconceptions the answer is obvious: because no intermediate forms have ever existed. Species did not come into being by evolving from one another. Almighty Allah creates all living things together with the sublime features they all possess.

THE SKULLS THAT DEMOLISH DARWIN BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 42 million years Period: Eocene Location: Zhe Jiang, China The known fossil record is not, and has never has been, in accord with gradualism. What is remarkable is that, through a variety of historical circumstances, even the history of opposition has been obscured. . . . “The majority of paleontologists felt their evidence simply contradicted Darwin’s stress on minute, slow, and cumulative changes leading to species transformation.” . . . their story has been suppressed. 25 As Professor S. M. Stanley of Harvard University describes it, the theory of evolution is full of lies, implied confessions and objections—because Darwinists are well aware that the fossil records invalidate their theory. One of these specimens that discredit the theory of evolution is the 42-millionyear-old brown bear skull pictured. LION SKULL Age: 3.3 million years Period: Pliocene Location: Gan Su, China The evolutionist and paleontologist David Pilbeam admits that the fossil findings disprove the theory of evolution: If you brought in a smart scientist from another discipline and showed him the meager evidence we’ve got, he’d surely say, “Forget it: There isn't enough to go on.”26 There are no scientific grounds for Darwinists persisting in their claims. On the other hand, countless fossils such as the 3.3-million-year lion skull illustrated make clear the true state of affairs: Evolution is an unscientific fantasy. Almighty Allah, Lord of all, has created the universe and all living things. ASIAN WILD HORSE SKULL Age: 33 million years Period: Oligocene Location: Yun Nan, China The myth of the evolution of the horse is one of Darwinism’s best-known frauds. This scenario—

which many contemporary evolutionists admit is untrue—is still defended by a number of fanatical Darwinists. However, this claim is full of extraordinary inconsistencies and lacks any scientific evidence, and has been totally refuted. Horses have remained unchanged over millions of years. The 33-millionyear-old Asian wild horse skull illustrated shows that horses lived in exactly the same way then as they do now. This by itself is sufficient to demolish all Darwinist claims about the alleged horse evolution. TIGER SKULL Age: 9.8 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China Every new paleontological finding over the last 100 years or so has dealt a new blow to evolution. The intermediate forms that Darwin hoped would one day be found are still conspicuous by their absence. An article in Nature magazine made the following admission on this subject that proves the collapse of the theory of evolution: Missing links in the sequence of fossil evidence were a worry to Darwin. He felt sure they would eventually turn up, but they are still missing and seem likely to remain so.27 FOX SKULL Age: 53 million years Period: Eocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists have no scientific evidence that evolution ever happened. This lack of evidence is apparent in their works and papers. The evolutionist and paleontologist Collin Patterson reveals the dilemma facing evolutionists with his response to criticism that he failed to include intermediate forms in his book Evolution: I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. . . ..I will lay it on the line, There is not one such fossil for which one might make a watertight argument.28 RABBIT SKULL Age: 30 million years Period: Oligocene Location: White River Formation, Wyoming, USA Natural history is full of countless fossil specimens preserved together with their perfect structures.

One such is this 30-million-year-old fossil rabbit. On close examination, it can be seen that there is no difference between rabbits that lived 30 million years ago and their counterparts living today. To put it another way, all rabbits have always existed as rabbits right through the course of history—they are not descended from any other life form and never turned into any other. The frauds, distortions and propaganda techniques to which Darwinists resort in order to keep their theory alive are now utterly meaningless. The fossil record has clearly demonstrated the unchanging nature of living things and has invalidated all the conjectural accounts that can be proposed on the subject. CORMORANT SKULL Age: 18 million years Period: Miocene Location: Chile Cormorants are waterfowl with long bodies and broad tails, and their counterparts 18 million years ago displayed exactly the same characteristics. Darwinists try to give the impression that living things are in a constant state of change and evolve by passing through various transitional stages. The truth is very different, however: As with the fossil illustrated here, the countless cormorant fossils unearthed to date all declare that these living things have never altered at all. RACCOON SKULL Age: 12 to 7 million years Period: Miocene Location: China There is no difference between the teeth of raccoons living some 12 million years ago and those alive today. This raccoon fossil from the Miocene Period documents that these animals have never altered over the past 12 million years or so. The anatomical features in this fossil show that raccoons were the same then as they are today. Natural history is very different from what Darwinists claim. There were no odd, semi-developed creatures or mammals that had yet to complete their development millions of years ago. On the contrary, the Earth of millions of years ago was inhabited by many life forms still in existence today. The extraordinary variety of life is the scientific reality that alarms and terrifies Darwinists.


Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China The fossil’s teeth are clearly visible in the photograph. Coyotes living 90 million years ago were completely identical to coyotes living today. Millions of years in the past, these animals had exactly the same features as members of the species do today. They have never changed in 90 million years. Coyotes have never turned into or evolved from another species. This applies to all the other life forms that existed millions of years ago. That being so, there is obviously no logic to the evolutionist account of how human beings have changed. Like all the other scenarios, these go no further than deceptive speculations. ZEBRA SKULL Age: 70 to 40 million years Period: Cretaceous-Eocene Location: China Zebras living today have exactly the same characteristics as those in existence around 70 million years ago. Detailed inspection of this fossil skull shows that all its features are identical to those of present-day zebras. This proves that zebras have never been subjected to any alterations since the moment of their first Creation and that they were created in a single moment, together with all their perfect attributes. This same sublime Creation applies to humans and all other living things, and in the face of these realities, Darwinists are reduced to silent despair. ANTELOPE SKULL Age: 50 million years Period: Eocene Location: Da Quing, Hei Long Jiang, China Specimens of these mammals dating back 50 million years have been perfectly preserved. This specimen, also millions of years old, shows that antelopes have never been subjected to any alteration, and neither descended from nor evolved into any other life form. Just like zebras, wolves, tigers and foxes millions of years old, these living things were also created in the manner determined by Allah, and never changed since. As is the case with all other life forms, there is not a single intermediate form to support the myth of human evolution. As with all other evolutionist claims, this one is completely false. Living things on Earth never evolved.

TIGER SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Si Chuan, China So far, Darwinists have been unable to offer any scientific evidence to support their theories. Through reconstructions, examples of hoaxes and deceptive television and newspaper reports, they try to misdirect people into thinking that evolution really happened. However, the scientific evidence shows that living things millions of years ago had exactly the same appearances and complex structures as they do today, and have never changed. The 90-million-year-old tiger skull in the picture makes this quite clear. Just like other animals and human beings, tiger have never undergone evolution. WOLF SKULL Age: 120 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Qing Hai, China With their powerful structures and sublime anatomies, wolves are marvels of Creation, specially created with pads for walking on snow and the stamina to travel huge distances. These animals had exactly the same characteristics 120 million years ago in the past. This wolf skull, perfectly preserved for 120 million years, proves that wolves were living at a time when, according to the theory of evolution, they should still have been in the process of development. Darwinists are unable to account for this stasis within species, but still insist in their thesis of human evolution. Yet there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Just as with this 120-million-year-old wolf and other living things, human beings have never been subjected to evolution. HYENA SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China In the middle of the 20th century, the unearthing of fossils that were completely unchanged—from the fossil record in which Darwin and the Darwinists who came after him placed such great hopes— instilled terrible panic in the adherents of the theory of evolution. They gave the name stasis to this stability in fossils and, in the face of this unexpected development revealed by the fossil record, they came up with the “punctuated evolution” theory to make these new fossils fit in with their earlier main

thesis. They imagined that this claim, devoid of any scientific evidence and in fact a totally ludicrous ideas, would be their salvation. Yet they never expected that the fossil record would then inflict an even greater disappointment: In the early 1970s, when punctuated evolution was regarded as a literal savior, only a few specimens of “living fossils” had been identified in the fossil record. But Darwinists never thought that these living fossils would later actually number in the millions. Today, the countless documented living fossils have demolished all the assumptions of the theory of evolution. One of these is the 80-million-year-old hyena skull illustrated. WEASEL SKULL Age: 60 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Shan Dong, China From the first cell that coalesced in the primordial soup to the magnificent intricacies of Homo sapiens, the evolution of life—as everybody knows has been one long drive toward greater complexity. The only trouble with what everybody knows. . . is that there is no evidence it’s true.29 These words from Lori Oliwenstein, a former editor of Discover magazine, reveal the undeniable dilemma facing the theory of evolution. Fossils unearthed provide no evidence in favor of evolution. On the contrary, they disgrace the adherents of evolution. This 60-million-year-old weasel skull, identical to those of present-day weasels, reminds Darwinists of exactly the same reality and proves the invalidity of myths of evolution. TURTLE Age: 60 million years Period: Paleocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists allow 20 million years for the imaginary process of human evolution to have taken place. That is the period of time that human beings are estimated to have taken to develop from chimpanzees into their present form—the period of time best suited to the theory of evolution. Accordingly, there should be countless intermediate forms demonstrating that 20-million-year transition from chimpanzee to human. Yet out of all the transitional forms that should once have existed, there is not even one. Instead, we have fossils of terrestrial life forms with perfect structures that lived for much longer periods of time. This 60-million-year-old turtle skull proves that these animals have remained unchanged for 60 million years, which represents powerful evidence against evolutionists’ claims regarding human evolution, for which there is no scientific proof whatsoever.

That being so, all Darwinist incitement is meaningless. Life forms have never changed, and the evolutionary history the public are indoctrinated with never happened. Allah created all living things, human beings included, from nothing. BROWN BEAR SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China If, as Darwinists maintain, bears descended from other life forms by way of small, gradual changes, then 90 millions years ago there should have been odd-looking mammals indicating such a change. There should have been peculiar entities with as yet undeveloped eye sockets, lacking ears or whose claws had only begun to form—entities reminiscent of bears, but which had not yet turned into them. In addition, the fossil record should contain a great many traces of these strange beings. However, when we look at fossil remains dating back 90 million years we see that the bears were no different from their counterparts living today. Brown bears alive then had perfectly formed physical structures. The fossil record shows that no other living things have ever changed—in other words, that they never evolved. WOLF SKULL Age: 9.3 million years Period: Miocene Location: Yun Nan, China Darwinists never reflect on living things. They are unwilling to consider how they have perfect structures and sublime features, and how not one of them could have developed by chance from a single cell. That means they are unable to appreciate the sublime might and omniscience of Allah. According to irrational and unscientific Darwinist thinking, there is but one explanation for all the complexity in the universe: The very first cell supposedly emerged from a collection of muddy water and then later gave rise to the lions, otters, rabbits, cats and humans you see around you. However, the message with which Darwinism seeks to indoctrinate the public is now discredited and moribund. Fish dating back hundreds of millions of years, reptiles, birds and this 9.3-million-year-old wolf skull all point to one single truth: The theory of evolution is a lie.


Age: 8.2 million years Period: Miocene Location: Si Chuan, China In order for a mammal like the arctic fox to undergo evolution in the way Darwinists claim, it must undergo comprehensive and intensive changes. In order for these alterations to take place, countless supposedly beneficial mutations have to take place, undeveloped organs must be eliminated, new ones must develop, and all of a living thing’s limbs must change and diversify in such a way as to give rise to new shapes. Moreover, traces of these changes should be visible in the Earth’s strata, and the fossil record should contain evidence of reptiles’ limbs turning into fox legs in the course of time. But there is not a single example of these imaginary transitions in the fossil record. Instead, the fossil record shows that foxes identical to those seen today were also living millions of years in the past. The 8.2-millionyear-old Arctic fox skull pictured is confirmation of this. Darwinists have no rational claim they can make in the face of this important evidence. TIGER SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Guang Dong, China This tiger skull shows that tigers have remained unchanged for 78 million years. The scenarios that evolutionists have been relating for decades—that living things are descended from a single common ancestor, that they are in a constant state of change and that this is how they develop—are scientifically invalid. Not a single fossil finding will support these scenarios. Excavations have demolished, with an abundance of scientific evidence, the supposed evolution of mammals, as with that of all living things. Fossils represent a lethal blow to Darwinism but definitive and absolute proof of the fact of Creation. PANDA SKULL Age: 88 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Pan Zhi Hua, Si Chuan, China Considered in terms of Darwinist claims, in order for any large omnivore such as the panda to evolve, it would require countless transitional stages. In order for these fictitious transitional stages to occur, millions of years and countless changes would be required. But the surprising thing for evolutionists is that the fossil record reveals only pandas exactly the same as those alive today. The proofs that show how present-day pandas were living 88 million years ago and the absence of a single one of the countless intermediate forms that should have once existed—according to Darwinists—are

some of the lethal blows that have been dealt to the theory of evolution. It is a simple matter for Allah, Who has created all living things from nothing, to create such a life form today, as well as 88 million years ago. Yet Darwinists are unable to accept this. BEAR SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China When we look at any life forms in existence today, we see that they are identical to specimens that lived millions of years ago. Neither bears, pandas, tortoises or any other living thing has ever evolved. This 80-million-year-old bear skull is just one of the proofs confirming this. All the anatomical features of this fossil, preserved for 80 million years among the strata of the Earth, are identical to those of present-day bears. Inasmuch as none of the living things in the Earth’s strata have ever changed, it is utterly illogical for Darwinists to insist that human beings did evolve. SIBERIAN WOLF SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China The stasis in the fossil record has now assumed a state that Darwinists cannot possibly deny. Many who have begun accepting the fact that species have not changed have also had to abandon their insistent claims on the subject. Livings fossils—more of which are being discovered by the day—have revealed stasis over the course of tens of millions of years, rather than the slow change expected by Darwinists. The evidence is mounting that species never evolved. Living specimens of the Siberian wolf, an 80million-year-old fossil skull of which can be seen in the picture, show that these animals have never altered in the slightest. TIGER SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gui Zhou, China

The photograph shows details of the fossil’s dental structure.

80 million years is a significant length of time for evolutionists. Darwinists have constructed countless imaginary evolutionary scenarios for periods as long as 80 million years. They imagine they have identified the supposed ancestors of the tiger and invent fantasies regarding how these may have changed and how the tiger came into possession of its characteristics on a gradual basis. Thus they produce a totally fictitious, chance-based evolutionary scenario for the tiger, one devoid of any scientific evidence. Because in the eyes of Darwinism, time creates, develops and alters. However, the fossil record contains no odd-looking entities in the process of developing, but rather tigers that appear just like those in the present day. This fossilized tiger skull 80 million years old, clearly reveals all its details and refutes Darwinism with definitive scientific evidence. ANTELOPE SKULL Age: 83 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China This 83-million-year-old antelope skull discovered in China reiterates a fact that the fossil record makes clear for all other antelopes: No matter how much time may have gone by, antelopes have never altered at all. There is absolutely no difference between antelopes that lived tens of millions of years ago, nor between them and antelopes living today. The further down one digs, the older the fossil specimens one uncovers, and all show that evolution never happened. Not a single instance of the intermediate fossils that evolutionists for decades expected would eventually turn up has ever been discovered. Darwinists should offer rational and scientific explanation for this. And if they have no explanations to offer, they should accept the reality revealed by science: that our Almighty Lord Allah has created all living things. SPOTTED DEER SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Xin Jiang, China The details of the teeth and bone structure of the fossil illustrated are seen clearly. A large number of fossil specimens have been discovered of countless species belonging to the deer family. Each one has its own characteristic structures, and can be seen in fossils dating back millions of years. The 78-million-year-old spotted deer skull pictured bears all the characteristics of present-day deer. This extraordinary state of affairs shows that Darwinism is complete and utter nonsense. Darwinism is finally in its death throes, though some of its adherents still refuse to let it die. But it is no longer possible to preserve a theory that has long since been discredited, whose final remnants are now collapsing.

RHINOCEROS SKULL Age: 75 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China Darwinists claim that living things are descended from one another and assumed their present form by way of gradual changes over time. If this claim were true, then it should be apparent from the fossil record. Yet the Earth produces nothing but fossils dating back millions of years that are identical to specimens alive today. There is not a single transitional form to verify Darwinists’ claims. All living things, from the smallest to the largest, existed millions of years ago in the same forms as they are today. If other living things never changed, then there are no rational and scientific grounds for claiming that human beings changed. Humans have always been fully human, and have never altered. HYENA SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Gan Su, China Portions of the visual and written media are pro-Darwinist. For that reason, almost no examples of “living fossils” appear in the press reports concerning human evolution. One hardly ever encounters a report describing how living things have never changed. One never finds information that creatures living millions of years ago had the same complex features that their counterparts possess today. Indeed, constant propaganda suggests the exact opposite. For years now, Darwinists have been using the same tactics to mislead people. However, that deception has finally come to an end. The fossil record reveals a widespread stasis, and most people are finally aware of this. This 90-million-year-old hyena skull is just one instance of these life forms that have never changed. An examination of at the fossil immediately reveals that it is identical to the skull of present-day hyenas. This is a great miracle of Allah.

THE SKULLS THAT DEMOLISH DARWIN BINTURONG SKULL Age: 88 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China Darwin imagined that living things changed slowly. In his view, all living things, humans included, were descended from other species and thus arrived at their modern-day appearances. Given that 19thcentury science provided no evidence to support his hypothesis, Darwin believed that the intermediateform fossils that should exist would be found at a later date. Darwin’s closest followers inherited this legacy of belief. Ever since that time, they have ceaselessly looked for the intermediate forms that Darwin believed would eventually be forthcoming. However, it did not take long to realize that Darwin had been mistaken. The unaltered life forms in the fossil record definitively refuted Darwinism. One blow to this superstitious belief, sought to be kept alive solely as an ideology, is the 88-million-year binturong skull illustrated. BOAR SKULL Age: 87 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Yun Nan, China The fossil record’s failure to confirm Darwin’s expectations eradicates all claims regarding the supposed evolution of Man. If there has been no change at any stage of natural history, if there is no single trace of any transition from one species to another, then claims to the effect that humans are descended from another species are untrue. The wild boar skull pictured, 87 million years old, shows that wild boars have existed unaltered for millions of years. This and other examples represent a major dilemma for the Darwinist claim that human beings evolved. The evidence that living things do not change indicates that evolution never happened, and by analogy, that human beings are definitely not the product of evolution. WOLVERINE SKULL Age: 90 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Zhou Kou Dian, Beijing, China The wolverine skull illustrated, 90 million years old, possesses all the characteristics of living

wolverines and is by itself proof that this species was never subject to any change at all. All evolutionary scenarios based on such supposed changes are now invalid. Evolution cannot explain how a living thing millions of years in the past could exhibit such complex features, nor why the life form in question never changed. All the facts we have here are scientific and undeniable. All living things are the flawless works of Allah. WOLF SKULL Age: 80 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Du Lan, Qing Hai, China The dental detail shown in this 80-million-year-old fox fossil is proof that evolutionists are mistaken. Foxes were created as foxes, tortoises as tortoises, cats as cats, tigers as tigers and wolves as wolves. There is much evidence that they were created in the forms they have today, and none to suggest that they have ever changed. This 80-million-year wolf skull is a significant indication that wolves too created in their present-day forms. Just like all these other species, human beings never evolved either, but were created. They have always existed as human beings since the beginning. Just as no chimpanzee has been observed to develop into a human being, so there are no examples of chimpanzees in the past becoming human, and no fossil evidence to suggest that this ever happened. FISHER MARTEN SKULL Age: 78 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China Allah has the power to create from nothing. Failing to comprehend this, Darwinists cannot or will not understand that Allah creates a living thing whenever He so desires, simply by commanding it to Be! This lack of belief and lack of awareness of the true facts underlie the illogical scenarios and false proofs they come up with. Yet people who are not influenced by the Darwinist spell have no difficulty in grasping the magnificent Creation in the world. Clearly, living things have been created and equipped with perfect systems. They have been the same down through their generations, since the moment they were first created. The 78-million-year-old fisher marten skull illustrated is one of the representatives of this reality.

TIBETAN SAND FOX SKULL Age: 86 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Du Lan, Qing Hai, China Darwinists have to explain why an 80-million-year wolf, a 96-million-year-old panda or a 75million-year-old rhinoceros have never changed since. They have to explain why an 83-million-year-old antelope, a 90-million-year-old hyena and a 70-million-year-old zebra have remained exactly the same. Darwinists must also account for how the 86-million-year-old Tibetan sand fox illustrated and millions of other specimens are absolutely no different from members of the same species alive today. If Darwinists are unable to provide a scientific explanation for a single one of these—as they are indeed unable to— then they must accept and declare that evolution is a false theory. So long as they fail to do so, they will be speaking in the name of ideological obsessions, but not of science. SPECTACLED BEAR SKULL Age: 85 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Zhou Kou Dian, Fang Shan, Beijing, China In the face of the countless “living fossils” that have been found, evolutionist conjecture is utterly worthless. Darwinists may publish as many articles containing unscientific myths in scientific journals as they wish, and portray as many hoax fossils and illustrations as actually depicting the truth as they wish, but a single fossil belonging to life forms in existence today is still enough to obliterate this unscientific theory. The 85-million-year-old spectacled bear skull illustrated, for instance, by itself invalidates the theory. It is identical to those of present-day spectacled bears. The species has remained unchanged over 85 million years. WOLF SKULL Age: 88 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China Darwinism depends on creating confusion. Darwinists try to distract people, to prevent them reflecting on larger issues and instead, to mislead them with conjecture. They try to convince people that transitional life forms once existed, by constantly repeating the same tall tales. The fact is, however, that fossils represent concrete scientific evidence. Though constantly searching for evidence to confirm the theory of evolution, Darwinists have never found any. The evidence obtained so far—of countless living

fossils—all refutes evolution. One such piece of evidence is the 88-million-year-old wolf skull pictured, proving that wolves living 88 million years ago had the same cranial features they have today and have never changed at all. ASIAN WILD DOG SKULL Age: 65 million years Period: Cretaceous Location: Dong Liang, Shan Dong, China . . . no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special Creation.30 These words by Richard L. Kleiss state that the fossil record has demolished all the claims of evolution. Evolution has suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of the fossil record. The 65-million-yearold Asian wild dog skull fossil illustrated has exactly the same features as members of the species living today. This means that the animal lived with exactly the same characteristics then as now. It is one of the scientific proofs that cast Darwinists into an ever-greater state of despair.

CONCLUSION Darwinism is a dogmatic belief, a superstitious faith. This is the reason why evidence opposed to the theory of evolution is constantly being brought up through countless proofs, Atlas of Creation series, fossil exhibitions and detailed descriptions of individual fossils are provided to show that life forms never changed: to be a means whereby some people who have lost the ability to think objectively under the spell of a superstitious religion can see the truth. For the last 150 years or so, the theory of evolution has been kept alive through speculation and propaganda. People are constantly subjected to subconscious indoctrination. Although evolution is based on no scientific evidence at all, it is still taught in schools, exhibited in museums with imaginative reconstructions and is the subject of frequent reports in the press. The true source of this effective indoctrination is not science, but rather a false belief system. The religion of Darwinism has convinced people of an untruth and has depicted a lie as true science. But a falsehood without supporters cannot survive long. The theory of evolution is losing its adherents, one by one. People who learn the true nature of Darwinism can clearly see the illogicality of defending it and therefore, reject the theory. Evolutionary scientists who see the emergence of countless unchanged living fossils realize that they have dedicated their lives to a lie, and suffer due regret. All who remain are a few admirers of Darwin, and all they can do is to recite the same old scenarios. Willingly or not, they too have recognized the defeat of Darwinism. They are unable to find anyone to address their conferences and suffer the shame of that fact whenever Darwinism is defended. That shame can only grow, because fossils constantly produce enough evidence to demolish Darwinism, showing that living things never evolved, and were created exactly as they are today. The truth revealed by fossils cannot be concealed or ignored. The religion that is Darwinism has come to an end.

EXAMPLES OF THE EVOLUTIONIST PROPAGANDA THAT HAS DECEIVED THE WORLD FOR 160 YEARS Speculation, slogans incompatible with the truth, and imaginary reconstructions are Darwinism’s main propaganda tools. By these means, the public is constantly indoctrinated with the idea that the theory of evolution is a scientific. In fact, however, evolution cannot explain how even the first living cell came into being. Evolutionists have no answer as to why there is not a single intermediate form fossil to support the theory—or why, if evolution really took place, living things remained unchanged for tens of millions of years, or how and when unconscious atoms originally decided to see, hear, touch feel and think. The claims of the theory of evolution are illogical; even a primary-school student would find them ridiculous. Increasingly large numbers of people are aware that this irrational propaganda, produced with media backing, is totally worthless. Science People and Eureka Moment Darwin and Molecular Revolution What Make Us Different Fictitious Museums of Evolution Hominid Baby Gorilla is Found. EUROPE IS WAKING UP, AND DARWINISM IS BEING CONSIGNED TO THE DUSTBIN OF HISTORY With the arrival of Adnan Oktar’s Atlas of Creation, Europe’s materialists and Darwinists were seized by serious panic. Many stated that Atlas of Creation, which was unlike any anti-evolution work they had ever seen before, represented more of a threat to their ideas than all the other books opposing Darwinism that had appeared so far. They even attempted to have the book banned. The Atlas of Creation revealed with full supporting evidence that there was no scientific basis to the theory of evolution. It elicited a huge reaction in a large number of countries, such as Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and Denmark. The impact of Atlas of Creation was made clear in countless press reports, articles by commentators, television programs and websites. With Atlas of Creation, a genuine awakening has begun. The European public, long subjected to Darwinist and materialist indoctrination, have begun to see that the theory of evolution is of no scientific worth, being kept alive solely for ideological reasons. Surveys in different countries have revealed a significant fall in the numbers of people who believe in Darwinism. For instance, one poll conducted by the French journal Science Actualités revealed that 92% of

people did not believe that human beings came into existence by way of evolution, while a mere 5% believed in evolution. In another survey by the famous German daily Süddedeutsche Zeitung, the level of people believing that Man is the work of a Creator was 85%, while only 9% believed that the theory of evolution is true. One survey which made this change of opinion crystal-clear appeared in Blick, published in Switzerland: A full 85% of respondents believed in Creation, while only 8% believed in the theory of evolution. This awakening led to serious unease among European materialist circles. Aware that the supposed scientific basis for their ideology was collapsing, they began what they thought was a series of precautionary measures. One of these was the “Dangers of Creationism in Education” report prepared by the Council of the European Parliament Culture, Science and Education Committee. The report consisting of 104 articles, requested that the 47 member countries take action against Creationist thinking and claimed that Europe was facing a major threat. “We are witnessing a growth of modes of thought which, the better to impose religious dogma, [Surely religion is beyond this] are attacking the very core of the knowledge that we have patiently built up on nature, evolution, our origins and our place in the universe.” This extract from the report set out the real reason for this concern: that Darwinism is being kept alive because of the supposed scientific support it gives to materialism. The collapse of Darwinism means materialism and atheism are deprived of one of their most important props. Indeed, the report stated that the teaching of Creation rocked the world view, in other words materialism, that had been “patiently built up.” Article 12 of the report referred to Adnan Oktar’s anti-Darwinist activities and to the impact of his Atlas of Creation in Europe, saying that no other work to date had had such a major effect. Article 57 read: The Harun Yahya offensive: In early 2007, the Turkish creationist Harun Yahya sent his work entitled The Atlas of Creation to a very large number of French schools and resource centers . . . He [Hervé LeGuyader] considers the book to be “Much more dangerous than the previous creationist initiatives, which were often of Anglo-Saxon origin.” He believes that . . . the method employed by the author could “PROVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in the case of an uninformed public . . . .” The report ended with the words, “If we are not careful, the values that are the very essence of the Council of Europe will be in danger of being directly threatened by the Creationist fundamentalists. It is part of the role of the Council’s parliamentarians to react before it is too late.” The report’s main aim was to ban the teaching of the fact of Creation. This demand—a violation of democracy, fundamental human rights and intellectual freedom—shed light on an important truth: European materialists are in a state of complete panic. Circles keen to maintain the materialist domination of science are unable to defend Darwinism in intellectual terms. In fact, however, prohibiting ideas does no good: Ideas must be opposed by other ideas. In any climate in which ideas of all kinds can be freely expressed, reason, good conscience and common sense will prevail. And the reality to which reason, good conscience and common sense all point is Creation.

Switzerland 03-05-2007

Germany, 09-07-2007 France, 16-02-2007 Denmark, 29-06-2007 THE SKULLS THAT DEMOLISH DARWIN THE RENOWNED PHILOSOPHER ANTHONY FLEW DECLARED THAT SCIENCE POINTS TO CREATION As people have certainly been influenced by me, I want to try and correct the enormous damage I may have done. —Anthony Flew Anthony Flew, one of the best-known atheist philosophers of his day, admitted that the atheism he had espoused for the previous 66 years was a philosophy that had collapsed in the face of the complex structure in DNA. The 81-year-old British professor became an atheist at the age of 15 and first made his name in the academic field with an article published in 1950. Over the next 54 years, he espoused atheism at the universities of Oxford, Aberdeen, Keele and Reading, where he taught, at a large number of U.S. and Canadian universities he visited, and in debates, books, lectures and articles. Not long ago, however, Flew renounced his error and admitted that the universe was created. In a report carried by The Sunday Times, he said: “I have been persuaded that it is simply out of the question that the first living matter evolved out of dead matter and then developed into an extraordinarily complicated creature.” (Stuart Wavell, Will Iredale, “Sorry, says atheistinchief, I do believe in God after all,” The Sunday Times, 12 December 2004;,,20871400368,00.html) A single consciousness, a universal wisdom, pervades the universe. The discoveries of science, those that search the quantum nature of subatomic matter, have moved us to the brink of a startling realization: all existence is the expression of this wisdom. In the laboratories we experience it as information that first physically articulated as energy and then condensed into the form of matter. Every particle, every being, from atom to human, appears to represent a level of information, of wisdom. (Gerald Schroeder, The Hidden Face of God, New York: Touchstone, 2001, p. XI.) 04-11-2007 09-12-2004 12-12-2004 Anthony Flew’s abandonment of atheism elicited a wide reaction in the domestic and international press. News organizations such as the Times, The New York Times and MSNBC described the development as “Leading Atheist Admis: I now Believe in God,” “An Aatheist’s U-turn” and “Leading Atheist Concludes: God does Exist.”


GENOME PROJECT DESCRIBES HIS FAITH IN ALLAH (GOD) The well-known scientist Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, had been an atheist since the age of 27. But in later years, Collins would see the “stupendous information” contained in DNA and turned into a believer, describing why he believed in his book The Language of God. The book states that there is a logical basis for the existence of a Creator and that scientific discoveries “draw man closer to God.” An article in the 11 June, 2006, edition of the Sunday Times, headed “I’ve Found God, Says Man Who Cracked the Genome,” read: One of the great tragedies of our time is this impression that has been created that science and religion have to be at war. I don’t see that as necessary at all and I think it is deeply disappointing that the shrill voices that occupy the extremes of this spectrum have dominated the stage for the past 20 years. When you make a breakthrough it is a moment of scientific exhilaration because you have been on this search and seem to have found it. But it is also a moment where I at least feel closeness to the Creator in the sense of having now perceived something that no human knew before but God knew all along. When you have for the first time in front of you this 3.1 billion-letter instruction book that conveys all kinds of information and all kinds of mystery about humankind, you can’t survey that going through page after page without a sense of awe. I can’t help but look at those pages and have a vague sense that this is giving me a glimpse of God’s mind. 3 - 1 2 - 2 0 0 4 Francis Collins Darwinists have been silenced, with nowhere to turn. Utterly discredited, they are constantly losing supporters and are unable to find new ones. The death throes serve no purpose, and they have no means of salvation. Darwinism is dead, and even Darwinists can see this. Darwinist propaganda techniques no longer serve any purpose. With full supporting evidence, science has shown that Allah creates living things from nothing. The complex structures of living things, new details of which are emerging all the time—plus the fossil evidence that these structures were present millions of years ago—has killed Darwinism, revealing Allah’s glory of Creation and infinite might. Almighty Allah is the one Creator, the Lord of all living things and of all on Earth and in the heavens. Allah, the Lord of the worlds, is sublime and mighty. He is Allah—the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-Hashr, 24)

They [the angels] said, “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” (Surat al-Baqara, 32)

NOTES 1 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, p. 179. 2 Ibid., p. 234. 3 Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, Barcelona : Sphere Books Limited, , 1982, p. 43. 4 William R. Fix, The Bone Peddlers, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, , 1984, p. 150-153. 5 Marvin Lubenow, Bones of Contention, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992, p. 136. 6 S. J. Gould, “Evolution's Erratic Pace”, Natural History, Vol. 86, No. 5, May 1977, p. 14. 7 Niles Eldredge and Ian Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, p. 59. 8 S. J. Gould, “Cordelia’s Dilemma”, Natural History, February, p. 10-18. 9 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 1-2. 10 Derek A. Ager, “The Nature of the Fossil Record”, Proceedings of the British Geological Association, Vol. 87, 1976, p. 133. 11 Mark Czarnecki, “The Revival of the Creationist Crusade”, MacLean’s, 19 January 1981, p. 56. 12 N. Eldredge, and I. Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, pp. 45-46. 13 George G. Simpson, Tempo and Mode in Evolution, New York: Columbia University Press, 1944, pp. 105, 107. 14 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. II, New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1888, p. 128. 15 S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, New York: Basic Books Inc., 1981, p. 71. 16 Michael Ruse, The Evolution Wars, Rutgers University Press, 2000, p. 23. 17 Wasserstoff, “Secret Night of the Dinosaurs”, Vol. 2 (pp. 22-23 in Turkish edition). 18 Niles Eldredge and Ian Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, p. 59. 19 Edmund J. Ambrose, The Nature and Origin of the Biological World, John Wiley & Sons, 1982, p. 164. 20 Colin Patterson, Evolution, 1999, p. 106 - 21 Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Sudden Origins, 1999, p. 89. 22 David M. Raup, “Conflicts between Darwin and Paleontology”, Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 1979, p. 25. 23 R. Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, , 1991, p. 45. 24 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, New York: Oxford University Press, , 1998, p. 140, 141, 227. 25 S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, New York: Basic Books Inc., 1981, p. 71. 26 Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, London: Michael Joseph Limited, 1981, p. 43. 27 E. R. Leach; Nature, 293: 19, 1981. 28 L.D.Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th Edition, Master Books.

29 Stephen Jay Gould, Life’s Grandeur, London: Vintage, 1996, p. 212. 30 Mark Ridley,"Who Doubts Evolution", New Scientist, Vol. 90, No: 1259, June 25, 1981.

Darwin’s thesis—that human beings and apes are descended from a common ancestor—has not been supported by any scientific findings, either when he first proposed it, nor in the following period of some 150 years. The fossils obtained have proved that apes have always existed as apes, and that human beings have always existed as human beings. Apes did not transform into humans, and present-day apes and humans have no common ancestor. Investigations into ape skulls, skulls from other vertebrate species, and various races of humans that lived at different times in the past show that they all possessed their different characteristics from the beginning and remained unchanged right through the passage of years. This means that living things never evolved, but were all created by Allah, Almighty God. Through the evidence of fossil specimens depicted in this book, you too will see why the theory of Darwinism has collapsed.

About the Author Adnan Oktar, who writes under the pen-name Harun Yahya, was born in Ankara in 1956. He studied arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University, and philosophy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, the author has published many books on political, faith-related and scientific issues. Greatly appreciated all around the world, these works have been instrumental in helping many to return their faith in Allah, and, in many others, to gain a deeper insight into their faith. Harun Yahya's books appeal to all kinds of readers, regardless of their age, race, or nationality, for they focus on one objective: to broaden the reader's perspective by encouraging him or her to think about a number of critical issues, such as the existence of Allah and His unity, and to live by the values He prescribed for them.

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