The Shepherd History Journal

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The Shepherd History

Journal News from the Shepherd Area Historical Society

October 2007

Vol. 1, No. 1


Inside 2



Cover Story


News in Brief


The Shepherd History Journal

Contents 3

Cover Story


News in Brief



Membership News


Museum News


Community News


Meeting Information

Photo Gallery

The Shepherd History Journal The Shepherd Journal is published monthly by the Shepherd Area Historical Society for its members.


1.Inform readers about the activities and goals of the Shepherd Area Historical Society 2.Explore and discuss the rich history of Shepherd and its surrounding community 3.Encourage the study of history 4.Serve as a record of major events

The Staff

Larry Noyes, Publisher Jon Morgan, Editor Joyce Noyes, Associate Editor


Comments, questions, news tips, articles, photographs, and letters to the editor may be submitted using the following: Email: [email protected] Postal Mail: The Shepherd Journal P.O. Box 532 Shepherd, MI 48883 Phone: (989) 828-4038 Website:

Shepherd Area Historical Society Board of Officers Larry G. Noyes, President Clayton Lyon, Vice President Trustees Jack C. Adams Sarah Ayris Max Berry Rose Cohoon

Joyce M. Noyes, Secretary Loretta Koester, Treasurer

Newell Oren Deanna Saunders Susan Sazima


october 2007

Cover Story

Shepherd History goes Online Shepherd Area Historical Society to unveil new website

Isabella County residents now have a web resource to turn to for information about the Shepherd’s two museums, local historical society, and of course the village’s rich history. The website will be introduced to members and visitors during the next meeting being held on October 8 at 7 p.m. inside the Shepherd High School’s media center. The new website, accessible at http://, features

a news page, Member’s Only section, downloadable membership form as well as information about the Little Red Schoolhouse and the Powerhouse Museums. The site also links to an online calendar, bulletin board, discussion group and blog. Jon Morgan, society member and designer of the website, will answer questions as he demonstrates the website’s different features.


Anyone who paid attention to the promotional material which was distributed by the Shepherd sesquicentennial planning committee during the last year and a half might recognize the historical society’s new web address as the former virtual home of the Shepherd Sesquicentennial website. This is because the website for the Shepherd Sesquicentennial has been replaced by the newer website for the Shepherd Area Historical Society.

Top: The Homepage for the Shepherd Area Historic Society welcomes visitors and displays the latest article. Bottom: Login screen for the Member’s Only section

There were a lot of reasons why the web address was reused for the society. First of all, the phrase “Historic Shepherd” seemed to fit with the society as well as it did the Shepherd Sesquicentennial (plus it was much


The Shepherd History Journal

Cover Story simpler than expecting people to correctly spell “sesquicentennial”). Second, “historicshepherd. com” had been associated with the Shepherd Sesquicentennial and has now hopefully become commonly known around the community. Last of all, this seemed like the best use for the web address following the conclusion of the Shepherd Sesquicentennial celebration.

Anatomy of the Website

The pages on are broken up into four distinct areas: Navigation, Banner, Sidebar, and Content. The navigation bar along the top is shaped as tabs and labeled with straightforward action words: home, learn, browse, interact,visit,join,attend,donate,shop, and help. The words indicate each section’s purpose. For example, clicking on the learn tab takes you to information about the society, the attend tab focuses on the society’s meeting schedule, and join provides information about how to become a historical society member. This navigation bar stays the same except when members click on the “Member’s Only” link towards the top right of the page. The Banner will always tell you where you are inside the historical society website and offer an explanation about the different sections. Just below the banner and to the right is the Sidebar. The sidebar contains additional links that allow you to navigate within a specific section of the website. As you navigate through the website, the information you access will appear in the Content area of each page. Whether its photos, lists, web links, or general information, it will always appear in the content area of the webpages.

Target audience

The Shepherd Area Historical Society’s website is directed towards a wide assortment of potential visitors. This includes society members, residents of Shepherd and the surrounding area, genealogists, teachers interested in taking a field trip to one of the society’s museums, and former residents of Shepherd. The website needed to be informative, educational, and persuasive at the very same time. A Member’s Only area was created to improve communication with existing members and entice visitors into joining the society. A “News and Announcements” page, under the Browse tab, displays a wide variety news about upcoming events, meetings, and other notes about history.

Both the Powerhouse and the Little Red Schoolhouse are featured in their own sections on the website The Visit section of the website gives information about the society’s museums. Another consideration was how to make the website interactive in an age when input is just as important to web users as the information they find on the Internet. The Historic Shepherd website offers visitors several opportunities to ask questions, leave comments, or contribute to a dynamic stream of information. Non members can post a message on the free bulletin board at Society members can also leave messages on the bulletin board or subscribe to a private discussion group. Every visitor is welcomed to visit the society’s weblog at where they can respond to the articles which have been posted there. Visitors can also contact a society officer using the Member Directory or by sending an email message to [email protected].

Plans for the Future

No matter how much is completed on the website, it will always be a work in progress. Plans are in the works to add a section where visitors will be able to purchase one of the society’s fundraising items, and another section which will answer visitors’ questions about the website. There are always new articles to post, new photos to upload into the galleries, and events to change in the online calendar.


october 2007

News in Brief Membership News New Members The Historical Society added several new members between the months of July and September. The cemetery walk we held during the Shepherd Sesquicentennial celebration in August created interest in both Shepherd and the Historical Society. Our new members are: Name


Jon Morgan


Louie Holliday


Greg Lyon


Dean Stalter


Patti Sandel


Newell Oren recognized for community involvement Friends, family, and community members gathered together at the Shepherd Methodist Church a few weeks ago to wish a fond farewell to Newell and Lois Oren. Newell and his wife recently moved to Jackson to be closer to family members. Larry Noyes presented a special plaque to Newell on behalf of the Shepherd Area Historical Society. Newell previously served as president of the Historical Society and is currently a trustee.

Birthdays Lisa Noyes will be celebrating a birthday on October 18. Plans are in the works to honor each member for their birthday. Keep watching this spot for birthday announcements in the future. In the meantime, contact Jon Morgan at 828-4038 or webmaster@h if you have a birthday coming up in October or November.

Membership Card Designs

There has been some discussion lately about redesigning the membership cards for the historical society. The current card

Newell and Lois Oren

design could be improved by making it the same size as a standard business card, and adding a logo. Contact information for the society such as a general email address, the website address, and a general phone number could also be included along the bottom. The following are examples of what our card looks like now (top) and, for comparison, a copy of the card being issued by the MAC3TV organization.


The Shepherd History Journal

News in Brief

Left: The Powerhouse Museum Right: Hanson Hardware

Museum News

Community News

Powerhouse News

Hanson Hardware celebrates 25 Years

Plans are underway to video record a tour of the Powerhouse museum. This would provide us with a training resource as well as something that could be shown when the museum is open to the public. Stay tuned for more information about this project. Contact Larry Noyes if you would like to arrange a tour of the Powerhouse Museum. Send suggestions or ideas for the Powerhouse museum to [email protected].

Little Red Schoolhouse News

Recently I happened to be talking to a friend of mine when she mentioned that she was going to be holding a lunch with a “Little House on the Prairie” theme. I immediately suggested that she could include a visit to the Little Red Schoolhouse as a related activity. This just seemed like a great chance for a group of people to take advantage of the one room schoolhouse museum that we have right here in our own community. Contact Larry Noyes if you would like to schedule a tour of the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum. Send questions and comments about the Little Red Schoolhouse museum to webmaster@historic

The Shepherd Argus reports that Hanson’s Hardware is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this month. An article published in the October 3rd issue of the Argus stated that “owner Brian Hanson took over the business (formerly Bradly Ace Hardware) in 1982 and has continued the tradition at the corner of Wright and 2nd.”

Kids are invited to “Live out Loud” at the Shepherd United Methodist Church

The Sunday School program at the Shepherd United Methodist Church includes a worship service geared for children and then thirty minutes in sunday school. The program, titled “Living Out Loud” began in September and is open to kids of all ages. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. and lasts for an hour.


october 2007

News in Brief Computer Training Classes

Fire Station Open House

The Veterans Memorial Library is offering free computer training courses through out the entire month of October. The following is the complete schedule. Take special note of the “Internet Genealogy” class being taught on the 25th of October. For more information about the classes call 7733242 ext. 33. Date 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30

Time 1 - 2 p.m. 2 - 3:30 p.m. 1 - 2:30 p.m. 6:30 - 8 p.m. 2 - 3:30 p.m. 6:30 - 8 p.m. 10:30 - 12 p.m. 1 - 2:30 p.m. 10:30 - 12 p.m. 6:30 - 8 p.m. 2 - 3:30 p.m. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 2 - 3:30 p.m. 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 10:30 - 12 p.m. 1 - 2:30 p.m. 2 - 3:30 p.m.

Class Mouse & Keyboard Basic Computing Cards w/Publisher Windows Basics Basic Word Google Intro. to Excel Intro. to Powerpoint Basic Internet Digital Photos Email Free Software Internet Searching eBay Internet Genealogy Spreadsheet Budgets Blogs/MySpace

The Shepherd Fire Station hosted its annual fire prevention awareness open house on Sunday October 7. Visitors were given the chance to ride in a fire truck and go up in a firefighter’s lift.

The fire engines were put on display during the Shepherd Fire Station’s open house on Sunday

Meeting Information October’s meeting of the Shepherd Area Historical Society will be held at 7 p.m. inside the Shepherd High School Media center. The special program will be a demonstration of the society’s new website at Members of the community are invited to attend. Future meetings will be held inside the Powerhouse museum on the following dates. No meetings will be held in January, February or March. Date 11/12 12/10

Special Program TBD TBD


The Shepherd History Journal

Photo Gallery Shepherd 2007 Homecoming

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