The Secret Code To Real Estate Wealth

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Do you participate in a Massive Economic Meltdown... or take advantage of ‘The Perfect Storm’? ©Copyright 2009. 8 Figure Publishing LLC.

“…the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results…” ~ Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

*Results not typical or guaranteed. Your results may vary.

A 6 FIGURE „Appreciation‟ “Thanks to Brad Wozny, within 10 hours I did my first commercial investment property, and instantly made $255,000.00 – with an upside to $800,000!!

Jay Redding – Fort Wayne, IN

Now, I‟m working on a deal with $4.2 Million in Profit!”

*Results not typical or guaranteed. Your results may vary.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

Table of Contents


Page 4

Who The Heck is Brad Wozny…and What’s “Syndication?”

Page 7

Is Your Business a Living, Breathing Human Being?

Page 24

Why You’re In For A Rude Awakening

Page 26


Page 28

Why You Must “Unlearn What You Have Learned”

Page 32

You Make Your Deal Going In…Right?

Page 36

Why 98.7% of Real Estate Investors Struggle AND HOW NOT TO BE ONE OF THEM…

Page 36

How Common Sense & Simple Solutions Often = Big $$$

Page 39

Why Your Business Will Get Punished If You Don’t Remodel It

Page 41

The Quickest Path To Profits For You

Page 48

How Lousy is the Market…Really?

Page 55

How To Avoid Frustration, Hard Work, and Small Results

Page 57


Page 62

More Deals + Great Wealth + Awesome Business = A FUN LIFE

Page 74

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

THE KEY TO THIS DOCTRINE Congratulations and welcome! You‟re here because you‟ve received an invitation to provide feedback on the creation of our brand new real estate investment business system called 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™. SHOCK & AWE is a derivation of quantifiable economic and real estate market data, harnessing a number of proven real estate investment syndication techniques. These techniques are the result of over nine years of testing, researching, and implementing the strategies I‟ve used for my own investment business – and those of my clients. I guarantee that much of what you‟re about to learn in this report – and on the training call to come – is relatively unknown. The fact is that I‟ve shared these strategies with an elite group of my very own coaching clients who have paid upwards of $6,000 for just six one-hour phone calls with me over a three-month period. These calls are the original “beta testers” for the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system that I‟m completing. There have been at least three online real estate “trainers” who have attempted to copy my information, but they‟ve failed miserably in trying to convey this newfound business content. They pitch training after online training to their list of subscribers, hosting a myriad of other offthe-street “gurus” who pitch their own trainings. They try to rip the valuable hard earned dollars from your pocket as much as three times per week or more – month in, month out. (I‟m sure you even have a good idea of who these people are.) But in SHOCK & AWE, you have in your hands a real-time, no B.S. report on precisely:  what will happen to North American real estate markets;  what will cause many of them to collapse (you may be investing in one right now);  where they‟ll collapse (if you‟re a homeowner in these markets, listen up);  where to discover real-time, actionable real estate syndication nuggets that – if you take action – will allow you to avoid the massive global recession (of which we‟ve only seen an appetizer); and  how to prosper during the “Perfect Storm” of investment opportunities that is unlike anything our generations have witnessed in our lifetimes. I warn you, though: Much of what you‟ll discover in the first part is unappetizing. For example, you‟ll learn why the U.S. unemployment rate will rise to at least 12% as of this fall. You‟ll learn which banks will freeze loans, might call loans due, and how the devaluation of the American dollar and stocks will create widespread panic. You‟ll learn more about nationwide layoffs (we‟re Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

only at the beginning) and the plummeting of real estate values in some markets by another 10 to 14% this year alone. In all of this, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As we move along in this crisis Doctrine and your upcoming free training call, you‟ll learn how to safeguard yourself from becoming one of those Americans or Europeans in a line at the bank to withdraw your money when they‟ve hung out the “sorry, we‟re closed” sign, leaving you broke and penniless. I‟ll also mention things that sound very contrarian, controversial, and possibly unconventional at the outset like: 1) the state of the North American investment marketplace, and why you should and also should not care about it; and 2) how to avoid the simple but idiotic mistakes that I see 99% of all investors make which nearly do them in. (Hint: I‟ve even made these mistakes myself, so you‟re hearing this from someone who has been-there-done-that.)

The Definition of “Shock and Awe” – as defined by Shock and awe, technically known as rapid dominance, is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight. The doctrine was written by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade and is a product of the National Defense University of the United States in 1996. Rapid dominance is defined by its authors, Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade, as attempting "to affect the will, perception, and understanding of the adversary to fit or respond to our strategic policy ends through imposing a regime of Shock and Awe."[1] Further, rapid dominance will "impose this overwhelming level of Shock and Awe against an adversary on an immediate or sufficiently timely basis to paralyze its will to carry on . . . [to] seize control of the environment and paralyze or so overload an adversary's perceptions and understanding of events that the enemy would be incapable of resistance at the tactical and strategic levels."

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

WHY I WROTE THE SHOCK & AWE CRISIS DOCTRINE I want you to know that I have nothing to sell here in this Doctrine. It‟s completely the opposite… I‟m writing this entirely for YOU. All I ask in exchange is for your voluntary feedback on the SHOCK & AWE Report. What lies before you right now is the opportunity of a lifetime. Many investors in stocks and real estate believe that the beginnings of a long, drawn-out “Perfect Storm” is upon us. Among those who believe this sentiment? Warren Buffet. Which is one of the reasons that I wrote the SHOCK & AWE Crisis Doctrine for you. Because the fact is that the exponentially increasing foreclosure rate in America will create another Great Depression, and you have the opportunity and the power to choose not to participate in it. You don‟t have to stand in the unemployment line. Instead, you can help those families that are facing terrible emotional trauma and financial setbacks. And you will financially prosper at the same time that you do a good deed. If you watched and listened to my short video at, you know one of my reasons for creating this document. In my heart, my wish is that no family has to go through the shock, horror, and devastation of losing their home. If you haven‟t done anything substantial with your investment business, my intention is that you take massive action immediately. Another reason I created this Doctrine is to let you know that most of what you‟ve learned will become undone (if it hasn‟t already), which means that you‟ll need to shift your strategy right now to become a syndicator. Like you, I’m fed up with the absolute crap and age-old techniques that don’t work but are still floating around today. They continue to be pitched in cities and teleseminars around the country.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

There are plenty of individuals online and on TV that have reached “guru” status. Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret … many of them are preying on the masses using a sales technique that causes people to buy based upon fear alone.

5 Things Gurus Trick You Into “Believing” That You Should “Know, Do, or Have” In Order To Become Successful…  Negotiation Strategies  NLP Mind Tricks  MORE Than 1 Marketplace  MORE than 1 Investing Strategy  “Expert” Coaching from a farmed-out staffer (who‟s reading a script) “The real investors providing truly excellent information in this industry are few and far between.” – Brad Wozny

These companies who position themselves as authority figures use the five criteria in the graph above to generate Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt in you as the potential consumer. They do this simply to sell you yet another “system” or “tool” that you probably don‟t need. Like I said above, the real investment educators who provide truly excellent and compelling information – great, proven, and powerful systems that will help you succeed - are few and far between. And you will see the majority of those individuals quoted here throughout the SHOCK & AWE Doctrine.

Who The Heck is Brad Wozny & What Is “Syndication”? Before we dive fully into SHOCK & AWE and building or reconfiguring your current investment business to take advantage of the “Perfect Storm,” it‟s critically important that you know a few things about me. First, if you‟re a beginner, I‟ll teach you what it will take you to generate a six figure bank account in the next 6 to 12 months from your home, as a syndicator, over the course of just a few focused hours per week.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

And here‟s why I use words like “few” and “focused.” To quote Southwest Airlines CEO and cofounder Herb Kelleher, “if a plane takes off and is only 1 degree off course, then it will miss its intended target by a thousand miles.” Coming up, we‟ll talk more about how you can learn to stay focused on course as you start out or remodel your investment empire to accommodate the global depression and perfect storm of opportunity that it‟s creating. You will use the key success practices outlined here so that in just a few hours per week, you can see enormous gains fast. As a real estate investor whose full-time business is investing and consulting to other investors, I‟m called upon more and more by the media for interviews. You may have seen me on TV or in commercials on Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, CityTV, Global, and CBC. I have been acknowledged in the print media, including The Toronto Star, (Canada‟s largest newspaper with 31 Million in circulation), the Los Angeles Times, and on local and cross-county radio stations such as CBC Radio-Canada, Small Business/Big Ideas, and “The Future of Real Estate” with Darryl Baskin. So, let me take this opportunity to welcome you to the SHOCK & AWE report. The individual or company who referred you to this report has done so for an important reason. While I‟m relatively unknown in the “guru” circles (I prefer it that way), my clients‟ success rates have been staggering. Our systems and programs new-age, time tested, and PROVEN. My client list ranges from first-time investors to experienced rehabbers and small home builders. Among this audience, my client portfolio includes teenage college students, professional accountants, international attorneys, medical doctors, a professional opera singer, retirees, residential home builders, sales executives, a college track & field coach, engineers, marketing executives, consultants, unemployed individuals, mortgage brokers, Realtor®’s,stock market traders, FOREX investors, financial planners, a retired Fortune 300 CIO, and every day, regular hard-working moms, grand moms, and dads who came aboard with full-time jobs, with limited time to spare, and are reaping the rewards of this unique, one-of-a-kind real estate investing system. Together, my clients have generated some serious profits and are building their very own real estate investment syndication empires – as quickly as possible. Until now, this information has not been shared with anyone outside my close circle of 1-on-1 consulting clients, MasterMind members, and the lucky few investors who acquired my entire 8 FIGURE Empire™ home study syndication system which I released in 2008. You are about to receive the benefit of an entirely new Doctrine with proven Fortune 1000 strategies that have been put in simple terms for you as a 21st Century “Perfect Storm” investor. What you hold in your hands is the beginning of a system comprised of critical thinking, business-building, and money-making strategies for real estate investors found nowhere else. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

...drastically reduces the risk and barriers to entry for creating a business of your dreams that is typically unknown to 99% of us.

Thomas Kish – National Business Credit Expert

But like they say in Mission Impossible: “This message will self-destruct.” What I mean is that if you‟re a Do-It-Yourselfer (DIY‟r) investor today (or just working for a company in North America), the odds are getting stronger by the day that you‟ll be in the poor house by Christmas next year if you don‟t harness the power of the data, tactics, and strategies deployed throughout this report. Harsh words? Maybe. The truth? Absolutely. But I‟ll let you be the judge of that because the proof of this fact will be revealed through the market, economic, real estate, investor expert, and financing data I‟ve assembled for you within this very report. As you‟ll see, the everyday real estate investor would never come across this, nor would you see anything like it pitched on late night television. I highly encourage you to print out this entire Doctrine right now, and go find a place where you can sit down and absorb it in its entirety. This powerful revision has a number of key “platinumlevel” profit nuggets which you can implement right away to produce dazzling results within your own investment business.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

Once you grasp the concepts, you will be on your way to becoming financially independent as a real estate syndicator and having an enjoyable business that begins to work for you for the rest of your life. One that is DEPRESSION Proof … and gives you great freedom to explore your dreams and desires.

Bits of Business Wisdom From

Jack Welch  You can‟t grow long-term if you can‟t eat short-term  Mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success  Willingness to change is strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while  An organization‟s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage As CEO of General Electric from 1981-2001, Jack Welch Grew GE Revenues from $12 Billion to $200 Billion. Most People Quickly Mistaken That Lessons Learned in Fortune Companies, Are Also Applicable To The Sole Proprietor’s Home Business

My Academic & Corporate Business Education (And The „Useful‟ Stuff That Brought Me Before You Today) I have completed a 2.5year stint in the infantry reserves, and spent 2 summers jumping out of helicopters to battle the blazes of forest fires during my teens. Both experiences taught me tremendous lessons in management, decisiveness, and responding under high pressure situations. Experiences so powerful that as you might imagine, I‟ve yet to replicate elsewhere in my life. More formally though, I have a background in business and economics (which actually did little to prepare me for business at all), where I was recruited in my last semester to join a $200 Million dollar IT firm (at the time) called Research In Motion Ltd (RIM), whose product - the BlackBerry® - was just being rolled out for the first time. (At last glance, RIM‟s market cap is now over $43.7 Billion, was ranked as the 3rd best managed company in the world by Forbes® magazine, and their stock has split numerous times). My first time ever venturing into corporate America, during my first six months, I hit #2 in RIM‟s sales force eclipsing over twenty people with an average of 15 years of corporate and IT sales experience, then over the next two years ranked amongst their Top 5 sales producers worldwide. Try to imagine me with a buzz cut, (with zero IT background), just out of University, all suited up and spending the majority of his time selling into Fortune 1000 accounts and massive law firms in New York City, then I‟m sure you can appreciate what kind of a feat this was for me to accomplish…(it‟s almost laughable). Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

By then, our company had grown into a multi-billion dollar goliath, with offices and customers throughout 37 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. I was next promoted to create and oversee a Strategic Alliances program with some of the top consulting firms in the world. Here‟s a short list of the targeted business partners I was tasked with courting, and began creating several multi-million dollar strategic business partnerships with: Accenture, Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte Consulting, and EDS. In the corporate world, I learned that I didn‟t want to be there I worked very hard, had little time off, and didn‟t get paid well at all for the results I delivered. (I‟m sure this sounds familiar to many of you reading this…you may even find yourself in this position right now). However, despite the lack in compensation and endless hours of work, I look back on the two years I spent in that position as the most valuable, professional business growth and management experience I or anyone could have in their lives. My role allowed me almost unfettered access to interface on a daily basis with the top general partners, business managers, presidents, and senior executives at the world‟s top consulting companies whose primary customer base themselves were the Fortune 500. Working alongside these elite C-level decision making men and women at those firms (who typically all had at minimum, a Masters degree from the leading universities in the world) provided me with real world experience on mega empire-like business building and deal-making that would make Ivy league MBA’ers drool with envy…. Because each one of these powerful business leaders had at least two decades of corporate leadership and business building experience to their names amongst large mid-sized companies and FORTUNE 500 businesses. And so, I received the business education of a lifetime, and spent two full years getting a “hands-on” experience at what it takes to build, operate, leverage, and scale a company with revenues in the hundreds of millions….or even billions of dollars.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

A Real Estate Investing Business Is Born… Although I was having a phenomenal time learning the in‟s and out‟s of starting and developing businesses, negotiating legal contracts, and putting together strategic partner relationships, there was a big problem. I‟d grown tired of wearing “the suit”, and spending 60 to 80 hours a week working hard to make our shareholders rich. Don‟t get me wrong, I have the ultimate respect for the great business minds of my former coCEO‟s, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie. In fact, the education of working under two of the world‟s most prominent self-made technology billionaires is, in itself, priceless. You couldn‟t buy that kind of tutelage anywhere if you even wanted to. And let me tell you something else, meeting with a great business mind and grassroots billionaire like Jim Balsillie face to face every Monday, for 4 years straight, certainly helps you hone your business and relationship skills…very fast You see, I wanted the ability to start a business that met the following 21 criterion: 1. Spend just a few hours a day or week at work, 2. Be my own boss, 3. Wakeup when I wanted, Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

4. Not have to travel every week, 5. The ability to run almost everything from a laptop and phone, 6. Earn an exponential income, 7. Dress how I wanted, 8. Live a virtually tax deductible life, 9. Do what I want, wherever I want, 10. Never be held down to a time schedule, 11. Not have to develop or ship products, 12. Not have to apply for a merchant account, 13. Not have to write-up an extensive business plan, 14. Have an abundance of customers wherever my business went, 15. Not have to be tied to economic cycles, 16. Could generate profit anytime, anywhere, 17. Could get involved with little personal risk, 18. Could get started without any previous industry experience, 19. Could be my own boss, 20. Did not involve office politics, 21. And ultimately, one that focused on people helping people …and would still allow me to apply all of my knowledge and experience toward rapidly building a multi-million dollar business.

Why Real

Estate Investing Is The

IDEAL Business…

I – Income: Can earn a full salary within a few hours on 1 or 2 deals. D – Deductions: The greatest personal, business, & RE tax advantages E – Equity buildup: Build value into my assets, like my home A – Appreciation: Law of Supply & Demand.

RE always rises long-term

L – Leverage: The secret of the Wealthy, doesn‟t cash or your credit I‟d quite imagine that some or all of my criteria above might sound like some of yours, doesn‟t it? Finally, after researching all different types of business opportunities (like internet marketing, network marketing, distribution, etc), I settled upon real estate because it fit every single one of the above criteria. But it also held one extra, BIG bonus:

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

If you invest in property properly, you don‟t even need to use your own credit or cash.

It Only Gets Better… In fact, the contract you see to the right is from my very first property. It‟s market value at time of purchase was $150,000. I bought it from a man who was moving to Holland having just received a job at TD Bank‟s Dutch office. My purchase price was $120,000. Therefore, I had $30,000 in INSTANTEquity™. In fact, what was even better was that he carried a mortgage for me of $113,000 without a credit check, at a fixed interest rate of 3%, amortized for 25 years, with a moratorium on mortgage payments for 60 days from close of sale. Oh, and he made the mortgage assumable. As a sole proprietor I received $7,700 tax free from the government, which covered the down payment, and virtually all of my closing costs. I then had the zoning of the property changed to a “licensed lodging house” for students (after all, there was a major university nearby), and increased its value to $175,000. That‟s an equity position of $55,000 on a property I barely used my own money for. All it took was a little specialized knowledge on deal structuring, and courage to act on the opportunity. (Not bad for someone who was $21,000 in credit card debt and banks wouldn’t touch, eh?) By the way, there are a few small nuggets of investment strategies there which you can incorporate into your own deals. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

For those of you that know me, just a few weeks later after this deal, you recall I‟m famous for having teamed with my parents and started a home-based real estate investment business that generated over $3.2 Million in equitable and cash profits within 93 days through properties we had bought, contracted, or assigned as syndicators. That‟s akin to the “4 Minute Mile” being broken in track & field. Even more astounding during those first 93 days, is that as Canadians, we accomplished this feat entirely with U.S. based real estate. We did not use our credit, and used very little (most often none) of our own cash. What‟s more, in perhaps 90% of our deals, we never even visited the properties we purchased, flipped, or assigned and made money on. Have I got your attention now?:-) Because it sure did get a lot of people‟s attention, and through this I‟ve received accolades from some of the world‟s most recognized self-improvement and business building entrepreneurs. Here‟s another powerful name that I‟m sure you recognize.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

By now, you‟re probably asking yourself just how the heck I was able to achieve such phenomenal business results in such a small period of time, and overcome more challenges than the average investor would face? The answer to that question is, “effective business practices.” With that goal in mind, I set about to make it happen. By the way, it‟s worthwhile to mention that within our first twenty-six months together, we had transacted over $14 Million worth of real estate across 5 markets in North America. I‟ll break that down even further, in slightly over two years, our business had contracted, bought, sold, rented, developed, and/or assigned $14 Million USD worth of real estate in our home based businesses…I had even graduated from “newbie” real estate investor into a full blown real estate developer. This was the foundation for what was to become this shared syndication doctrine. As you might well imagine, everything is not as “effortless” as it seems… Despite what you see on late night TV ads, there is no such thing as “push button” wealth. And so, before we move forward, and get into the meat and potatoes, there‟s something I‟d like to expose right now which will cause you to do one of two things…to either: a) stop reading, and trash this document right now….or, b) recognize that doing this right takes effort, smart work, and some elbow grease… If you acknowledge this last part, then keep reading. Because it‟s savvy entrepreneurs and well-minded individuals like you for whom I wrote this doctrine for, in the quest to bring aboard more potential syndicators who wholesale, buy, and/or finance investment properties.

After all…the truth of the matter is that the more “doers” we have in this network I‟m creating that “Speaks The Same Language” (so to speak), the better off we all are to accelerate profits, help the economy, and lead better lives, right.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

“…Investing using conventional wisdom will not work in times of financial distress…” ~ Peter Schiff (famous Wall Street prognosticator)

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

What Is Syndication? I define Syndication as MatchMaking. Think about it: A matchmaker or dating service finds out the needs of two different parties and matches them up for a fee. So, every single day, you‟re exposed to people and businesses that are syndicating.

Even Oprah‟s television company, Harpo Studios, syndicates the Oprah Winfrey Show worldwide through TV stations everywhere. The bottom line is that you‟ll love it when your business transforms into a syndicator because you‟re creating a true win/win for everyone. More specifically, it allows you to: 1) create a HIGHER VOLUME of deals; and 2) greater FREQUENCY of Profit; Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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which can QUICKLY generate great wealth to you as the end result.

By transitioning your business into becoming a Syndicator, you WILL:  NEVER go Door-Knocking;  NEVER take Title to a Property;  Use Fewer Business Resources (just a phone & computer);  NOT be using your Credit or Cash;  Get far MORE done in much LESS time;  Make SUBSTANTIAL LY MORE Profits!!

The goal as a Syndicator, as in any true business, is to systematize your business so that with you and your 50/50 partners, or your finance partners, deal-making becomes a recurring cycle. We‟ll go more into the principle of Syndication – and how you can transform into one – in the upcoming trainings and videos.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

The Top Investor Mistakes & Challenges A recent survey of investors across North America discovered the seven most common problems investors are finding:

The 8 Investor Stresses Today

Lack of Cash Lack of Confidence = “I Want To, But I‟m Afraid” Loan Challenges Finding Deals Finding Buyers Finding Time Lack of Knowledge =“I Don‟t Know How” *Lack of a Network & Advisor that Enables All of The Above* I want to blow the cover off of these problems, plus point out the bigger picture idea which solves them all, and I‟m willing to lead you by the hand to the solution for each and every one. Because I want you to avoid the all too common mistakes nearly every investor makes when it comes to financing deals, finding, holding, or flipping them. By doing so, you‟ll be able to partake in an incredible and historic investment period the likes of which we will not see again in our lifetimes. It‟s estimated that more millionaires and billionaires will be created in this global, economic depression than in the past two decades alone, and I believe you have a right to stake your claim as one of them. In order to do so, if you‟re new to real estate (or a born again investor), then these concepts will help you grow a tremendous syndication business, and could add at least an additional six figures to your bank account (or net worth) in the next six months. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

This is why I need your participation in finalizing the creation of my new 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system and network. I have decided to allow a limited number of investors around the world to participate in my webcast plus access to my training videos, and am waiving the $500 registration fee. These “no pitch – content only” trainings are designed to dive deep into the FORTUNE 1000 business formulas and successful syndication concepts I‟ve learned that anyone can apply to real estate investing. I‟m sharing these with you for free simply so that I can get your personal feedback on it before I put the finishing touches to the new training and accreditation system for syndicators, as well as the infrastructure to support this global network of deal makers, investor wholesalers, investment property buyers in all residential, land, and commercial asset classes, and the financiers who are on the hunt, looking for excellent deals and syndication businesses that need funding.

The Network I want to do two more things for you in order for you to start or reinvent your part-time or fulltime investment business: 1. Connect You to a preexisting, Network – an exclusive inner circle of 50/50 partners and my 1-on-1 consulting clients – that can help you joint venture on deals. This will be a program the likes of which I‟ve never created before … and likely in a manner that has been unheard of in this industry, or throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of South America, English speaking Asia, Australia, and New Zealand; and 2. Train, Accredit, and Produce a comprehensive, expanded, success-driven, hungry investor group database. By training investors as syndicators, step by step, and connecting them to a unique, proven, existing network to do deals, you‟ll become a raving fan…and stand to profit greatly as a result. We will send this program to a limited number of individuals who cannot afford to join this elite mentor group but can still benefit from my teachings. I‟ve decided not to position this as a “come grab it when you want it” offering because, in my Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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mind, those who can recognize a strategic opportunity when it comes across their path and take immediate action deserve to be rewarded. I‟m personally involved in the direct teaching and live mentorship of all investors who come aboard, so when it comes time for the launch of the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ blueprint, you will see the offer made available for a limited time only – plus, there will be a limited quantity of spots available. (By the way, this won’t cost thousands of dollars. In fact, I‟m making it as economical as possible because I know that you‟ve probably been pummeled by whiz bang product after whiz bang product launc h. And I‟m here to give those who invest in the system a chance to apply it, get multiple 50/50 partners, generate better-than-average ROI‟s, and dominate their markets.) I‟m not sure how fast these copies of the blueprint, and the memberships to 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ will sell out, but if past results could predict future performance, my guess is that it will be very fast. I know your “hype” meter is probably swinging into full gear right now, and the alarms may be going off. But I‟m just furnishing you with the facts. For example, when I last offered a consulting package to a limited number of subscribers, 20 slots were paid in full up front at a nonrefundable $9,000 down toward a $200,000.00 payment within just 5 days of that offer going live. As soon as the 20th client had sent their signed NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) back to me on day 5, I had the signup page replaced with a “Sorry – We’re Sold Out” sign, and that ticked off a lot of subscribers. Even though I promised that only 20 slots would be filled, many found it unfair when I pulled down the signup page. Yet, if I had not done that and continued accepting clients, it would have compromised my integrity. I took a lot of heat from subscribers who opened their email the next day and were outraged that I had not given them a heads-up in advance. I also had furious subscribers calling me on my cell phone begging me to take their money and accept them. (I actually put my cell number in the email in case anyone had questions before registering.) But, if I had accepted them, my integrity would have gone down the toilet immediately. This is the last time I will lead a training group of investor students. The people who become accepted into this system will probably be the last I work with intimately in this manner. The reason for this is that I‟m stepping down from the “real estate investment education scene” to focus on a new venture. (In my absence, I‟m installing a coaching staff to take my place. They will be certified in my materials and will make themselves available to my clients in a different type of program.)

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One of My Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals Revealed One of these business ventures stands to revolutionize the real estate investment industry worldwide and has been in development for some time. (I‟m sorry, but the rest is confidential. So, I can‟t disclose any information here.) Suffice it to say, my goal is to create a network of like-minded, successful, action-oriented real estate investment powerhouses who dominate their markets but also share a similar business philosophy. They can then form strategic alliances with one another to more rapidly increase the profitability of their respective bottom lines.

But here‟s the final reason why I published this Doctrine: Nearly four years ago, I set out to develop a group of investors and entrepreneurs into elite investment syndicators. Over the past few months, that goal has been nearing completion. The final phase was to share this same information en masse (rather than 1-on-1) and expand the network from a lucky few, to a broader investment audience. By welcoming aboard more success-driven investors, of sound mind, who are well meaning, we are expanding our syndication network to create a higher Volume of Deals – which leads to more businesses, homeowners, banks, and families being saved from foreclosure (even motivated investor sellers.) In one all-sweeping membership program, 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ is being designed (and nearly ready for a re-launch) to provide you with the 6 essential elements an investor business needs to generate extraordinary profit gains, with a less than part time effort, and access to a phone or computer.

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I hope that gives you a good sense of my future business direction because the challenge ahead for my team and I is enormous. But I‟m confident that we‟ll pull it off!

Is Your Business a Living, Breathing Human Being? Understand that your syndication investment business should be treated as a baby when you begin, and it should be nurtured as such. I don‟t believe any parent with a newborn child says, “I‟m going to walk away from this kid, leaving it to fend for itself without any help and check up on it every few weeks or months. Then, I‟ll see if it has fed itself, changed its diapers, is growing strong, and operating with positive values and ideals.” If a parent did this, the newborn would certainly die. Yet, I see one investor after another doing just the same thing with their businesses. Then, they wonder what went wrong. But it‟s easy to see why: When you neglect your business, it will die.

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Each human being must be nurtured greatly at first. Then, at adolescence, the former child begins to form opinions and starts learning to take care of itself. By the time university is over, that human being has a job or a business and a family. This being has spread its wings and no longer needs to be looked after … but the parent is still there for support, checking in from time to time to lend a hand or help the now grown child make some strategic decisions. Ultimately, however, that child is functioning pretty much all on its own. Your business and profit growth will go through the same evolutions.  Phase I is the “baby” phase. This time period requires focused effort to launch and nurture the business, so that it will be ready for more independence in its adolescence.  Phase II is the “adolescent” phase. Your business has grown “legs” and stands on its own…yet it still needs constant direction and support as it begins to mature into adulthood.  Phase III is the “adult child” phase. Now your business takes on a life of its own – created in your own vision. It then grows exponentially with very little of your input. Now, you get to enjoy watching it move forward under your direction from afar. By drawing this analogy, I hope it gives you a greater respect for how you should treat and operate your business. In the beginning, it can‟t operate without you. But as time goes on, it requires guidance rather than hands-on care.

Your Goals & Mindset Just as important as how you treat your business is the strategic mindset that you have at the beginning. This includes the belief systems you utilize to manage and grow your business. Going back for a moment to the parent-child analogy, I‟ll bet that almost every parent thinks this when their child is born: “I‟m going to do everything in my power to take care of this newborn, to help it grow in any way I can to become strong, powerful, and as successful as possible.” That‟s the success mindset that I believe everyone begins with when embarking on parenthood. So, what does your mind say to you about your real estate investment business? Do you believe you will be successful, or do you think you‟re likely to fail? The simple but powerful neuro-conditioning belief systems that you possess will determine the outcome of your business endeavors. I‟ll extrapolate further on this next important paradigm. Just what is it that divides the rich from the poor? It‟s the mindset and belief systems that they have about themselves and their Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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businesses. (By the way, when I speak about the rich or wealthy, I‟m combining financial wealth with excellent health and spiritual freedom.)

Read the following chart closely:

RICH Belief System

POOR Beliefs

1. Believe that I Create My Life!

1. Believe that Life Happens To Me

“I Create My Life!” “What I focus on Expands” “Like Attracts Like” (Law of Cause & Effect)

Act as the Victim Blame, Complain, Justify 2. Play $ Game for Security

2. Play the $ Game to Win! Want to be Comfortable 3. Admire & Model Rich & Successful People

3. Resent rich and successful people

4. Are Bigger Than Their Problems 4. Allow Fear To Stop Them 5. Thoughts - Feelings - Actions =>Results Source: T. Harv Eker “Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind”

6. Act in Spite of Fear

My recommendation would be to print out or photocopy the Belief System chart above, and tape it to your computer screen as a reminder of how you should think about yourself and your business.

WHY YOU‟RE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKENING When it comes to investing, everything is a matter of perspective. For example, after Christmas in 2007, I pointed out in my annual report to my clients that we were in for the first wave of a long, drawn-out tsunami of economic turmoil which would be felt around the world. I‟ve used this picture to illustrate my point: Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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But that isn‟t even the half of it. The market landscape entrepreneurs like us today are facing is much worse, and it will become far more disastrous in 2010 through to 2014. I‟m one of the few people who believe this sentiment. For example, Mark Walters, a 3rd Generation Real Estate Investor (his grandfather started investing in real estate in 1937 during the Great Depression), believes that we are about to see a tidal wave of bankruptcies, foreclosures, and deeply depressing real estate markets around the globe for many years to come. As Mark told me by phone recently, in the States alone, “HUD home loans won‟t be viable for fast flips…the FHA has changed the flipping laws, and if you‟re scraping by or simply can‟t pull Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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together 30% down for an investment property, then Do-It-Yourselfer investors are going to have to switch strategies immediately since traditional financing is out the window”. The massive downturn that‟s approaching is coming on like a raging hurricane, and there‟s nothing you and I can do to stop it. All you can do is prepare for it and set your syndication business up correctly to take advantage of the new conditions …and prosper.

We‟ll go into these fundamental market statistics in a moment. Because there isn‟t a reporter, analyst, or writer who can argue against the facts.


Increasing Mortgage & Foreclosure Crisis?

We Stem the

“Mortgage Industry Suffers 18% Job Loss in 1 Year” 4 Feb 09

“861,664 homeowners lost their homes to foreclosure in 2008”

And when it comes to real estate, your business, your livelihood, and every decision you make should be a data-driven decision (based on actual fact) and not hunches.


Given the 5yr and 7yr

Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) which begin adjusting in February, 2009, it’s easily estimated that

1.46 Million homeowners will lose their homes to foreclosure in 2009 (twice that is expected in 2010 thru 2011).

Using this data, if we assume that for every family foreclosed upon, it negatively impacts the lives of 82 other people, then we ascertain:

1.42M x 82 = 119,720,000 lives

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21st Century Investor” That’s the number of people who will be affected … or approximately:

1/3 of the U.S. Population.

Later on, I‟ll disclose alarming data that shows you why you should NOT use your gut as a guide for making critical business and investment decisions. For the moment, though, ask yourself this: Are you the kind of individual who is so busy that you don‟t realize you‟re one of those who prefer to….

PLAY NOW & PAY LATER? There‟s a common, pervasive, and extremely dangerous belief that seems to permeate our western culture. Personally, I‟m ashamed to admit that for a long time, I subscribed to this belief as well, and only recently (since becoming an entrepreneur a few years ago), have shifted my belief system 180 degrees. That dangerous, pervasive North American belief is that “someone will take care of me.” When you step back for a moment and really think about it, that‟s pretty ridiculous, isn‟t it? For example, take a look at a job. Quite often in North America, the saying goes that the word “job” is really just an acronym that stands for “Just Over Broke.” But will the government really take care of you? In some instances, it looks like they will…because in certain States in America, the government has instituted social welfare programs that go so far as to pay 100% of the rent (GUARANTEED) for people who stay on government assistance! Why would anyone want to change their lives? It‟s almost like winning the lottery because for the most part, it says to society, “if you‟re lazy, we‟ll take care of you.” Even worse, in fact, is the average salary of someone in the military at the rank of Private who – according to – earns $15,288 per year in the first two years. Then, they actually pay MORE to the government in taxes and make LESS than those who are on government assistance. These are the people whose lives are on the line!! What does that tell you? To live a better life, you might as well stuff your face with cheeseburgers and potato chips, live rent free, and be a heck of a lot safer by staying on government assistance. At least you won‟t be sent to a war zone, right?

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That is – if you like being told how much you‟re going to earn, where you‟re going to live out your decades, and be allotted a certain amount each month on food stamps to feed your family only certain types of meals. How does Kraft dinner for the rest of your life sound?

“WELCOME TO THE END OF AN ERA” ~ GEORGE SOROS George Soros, a currency investor turned investment legend because he generated over one BILLION dollars in profits in a single day(!), was caught remarking late in 2008 that the global economic landscape had changed for good. The picture since 2000 has been bleak. First, the tech bubble burst. To counter a recession, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank flooded the economy with easy money. When stocks look bad, real estate looks good, so in many markets, we saw hyper growth due to the onslaught of investors rushing to make fast money in the next gold mine. Real Estate. But being over-leveraged in many instances, or getting a bad loan has forced many homeowners and investors into foreclosure. This restricts the credit markets, banks pull back from loans, home values in the hyper markets plummet, and we sit with a glut of inventory. Worse still – the banks stop lending to one another. And when the banks don‟t lend, business startups, business spending, and overall investment comes to a grinding halt. Layoffs then happen en masse (does this sound familiar?). Household savings plummet past already historic lows. Then, nationwide unemployment rates around the world creep into the double digits for the first time in almost a century.

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If you‟re a homeowner in one of these markets, and can‟t sell now, prepare to wait out the gluttony of foreclosures that will depress your property value by as much as 23% over the next 36 months. The best solution in that case is

to ride out the storm. …or do something different...

The government is forced to further leverage itself, and the country is forced to extend its own loans, building a greater deficit. At the time of this writing, China owns $1.4 Trillion of U.S. Treasuries, and is buying up U.S. debt at an alarming rate – making it the biggest owner in the world of U.S. debt.

Top 5 States for Highest # of Foreclosures

1. Nevada 2. California 3. Arizona 4. Florida 5. Michigan

The bailout bill that has swept through the U.S. Congress and the Senate further increases the U.S. debt load. The stock markets have reacted negatively as a result because they‟re unsure precisely “how” it‟s supposed to bump up the U.S. economy and the weakening American dollar. Now, more than ever, if you‟re a beginner investor, it‟s imperative that you stay liquid and set aside large chunks of cash for the depression that will surely hit at the end of this year. If you‟re unaware of how to do this as a syndicator, we‟ll explore it further throughout this Doctrine. For the moment, it‟s critical that you toss your usual judgment and conventional wisdom about real estate investing out the wind

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“…it’s never a mistake to learn how to make more money…”

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There are two major obstacles you face when it comes to turning profits in the Perfect Storm of real estate investing right now. The first is to unlearn the bad habits you‟ve developed, such as being a Do-It-Yourselfer. The second is choosing an effective syndicator niche within real estate investing. Discount Mortgages

Tax Liens Commercial Land Foreclosure Investing Development Auctions Contract Multi-Units Pre-Foreclosures Assignments Simultaneous Buy, Fix, Flip Subject To’s Closings

Buy, Fix, Rent

Land Banking

Here is a short list of the most common real estate investing niches available, which begs the question: “What‟s your favorite flavor of ice cream?”

Pre-Construction Short Sales

Let‟s face it. If you‟ve been privy to the real estate investment training industry, choosing a training is more akin to choosing a flavor of ice cream to sample. Because that‟s the typical kind of training you‟ve been sold in the past: Wholesaling. Short Sales. Foreclosures. Tax Liens. PreForeclosures. Lease Options. Subject-To. Land Banking. The list goes on and on. As you can see from the graph above, the vast array of investment business opportunities are overwhelming. Even if you choose a niche, finding the right information, the right training content, the right network, the right materials, and the right mentor to advise you is truly daunting. With so much noise out there about the different types of programs to choose from, it‟s even harder to cut through the fog of uncertainty, and see what‟s real. Let‟s use the ice cream example to further illustrate this point. I want you to imagine for a moment that you want to start a business to become the next Cold Stone® or Baskin Robbins®. You want to do it simply because you‟re passionate about ice cream, and want to share that passion with other people, turning it into a profit for yourself. But going up against the biggies like Cold Stone® or Baskin Robbins® requires much more than just knowing how to make over a dozen flavors of ice cream. It requires business sense, street smarts, marketing knowledge, and a high-powered network of like-minded people you can Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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depend on to help you grow your business. It requires a closely guarded business mentor or coach who can advise and guide you on how to go from startup to competing with and dominating the big boys. The problem right now is that there are many different flavors of investment trainings to choose from. What‟s worse is that when you go to that training, sit down for the weekend, or order the home study course, all you‟ve done is order another flavor of ice cream. Then, at the end of the training, you‟ve learned how to whip up a great Rocky Road, Strawberry Swirl, or Vanilla Sundae. But that‟s not going to make you successful. You‟re left to Do-ItYourself, and you‟re still missing the core business fundamentals. Worse still, you don‟t have the investor foundation, knowledge, guidance, buyers, private money lenders, influx of deals, systems, processes, and network to enable you to generate cash profits and increase your net worth. If you‟ve seen the hit movie, The Secret, you‟ll remember the scene where a man recounts a story about vision boards and how he placed a picture of a house he wanted to own on his vision board. When he moved five years later, his son unpacked the vision board and pointed out that it was the house they were living in. The instructor in the movie is John Assaraf. He‟s not your run-of-the-mill “whoo-whoo” touchyfeely person. In fact, he‟s just the opposite. John has personally started or helped directly grow 11 different businesses into multi-million dollar companies. Coincidentally, a few of those were in real estate. Here‟s a short list:  At just 29 years old, he grew a real estate franchise from 0 to $1.2 Billion in revenue in five years.  He grew it from $1.2 Billion to over $5 Billion in revenue in three more years.  He‟s the principal of the world‟s first “virtual dream tour” real estate software company,,growing it from 0 to 140 employees in nine months. During that same time frame, he IPO‟d the company to $400 Million. He then merged it with Ipix, for a combined market cap exceeding $2 Billion.

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And the list goes on. Needless to say, John is a man who knows more than just a thing or two about starting and growing businesses. What I‟m providing you with is not a “onestop shop” that teaches all kinds of real estate investing strategies and techniques. In fact, it‟s just the opposite. My businesses have specialized in only a few of those you see in the “ice cream flavor” chart included on the earlier page.

It‟s Time To Buck The Trend… Over the past two years, we have quietly created and are growing an elite network of investors of all types. More importantly, it‟s the core essence behind the soon-to-be released 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system, which could allow you to add an additional $100,000.00 or more to your bank account or net-worth in the next six to twelve months … all while doing some good in this world…on a less-than part time basis. The truth is, though, that you can indeed build a six, seven, or eight-figure investment business from home as a syndicator, provided you‟re specializing in only one area of real estate investing for AT LEAST 6 months straight. If you‟re not convinced that you need to be a syndicator, consider this: Your ability to handle more than four properties on your personal credit has just been revoked. Sorry! Only 4 Loans Allowed. The new HUD guidelines that were passed a few months ago have sent Buy-Hold-Rent investors scrambling. Susan Lassiter-Lyons, the Publisher of Investor-Insights, also agrees.


1 For Primary Residence 3 For Investment Properties

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A real estate investor since 1999, syndicator who has raised $24 Million in funds for her and her clients real estate deals, and entrepreneur who also ran residential mortgage brokerage (Susan actually closed the doors to her real estate investor mortgage business in the residential space on purpose in October 2008 because she saw the writing on the wall. It‟s a good thing she did, because now everyone else in her space is scrambling), Susan knows a thing or two when it comes to the subject of financing real estate in the residential, land, and commercial arenas. According to her, “Syndication is a necessity for investors these days because of the collapse in the lending markets.” So if you‟re one of these investors who‟s just woken up to this fact, and is in a scramble to reinvent their business so you can stay afloat, and do more deals, what are you going to do? Fortunately, I have a number of ideas for you. The first is a concept you must fully grasp and understand. Harnessing the importance of this concept will help you to survive and prosper in the massive economic downturn which is about to lash out (we haven‟t seen anything yet.) Actually, it‟s more than a concept … it‟s a proven ideology that has been around for centuries. It‟s the idea that marrying the practice of Marketing & Innovation together allows businesses to thrive despite a massive economic downfall. How important is marketing? According to a recent study by Google:

“94% of America‟s Chief Marketing Officers believe that a tough economic period is precisely the time when marketing plays a key role.” A traditional real estate investor‟s marketing practices, for example, are aligned to advertising in the classified ad section of the newspaper, and online through Craigslist or eBay. Well, that no longer works. Now, they must market both offline and online. On our upcoming training call and videos, you‟ll learn specific examples and formulas on how to accomplish this. What about a traditional investor who is a Do-It-Yourselfer who buys and sells or rents houses? Okay, that‟s not bad. But it‟s a product-oriented business, and now that investor‟s credit is limited to only four properties at a time. How can anyone innovate with those restrictions? Hint: Service. Shift from a DIY‟r to a syndicator and become a Service-oriented investor rather than a Product-oriented investor. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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The upcoming video case study and training call will focus more on how you do this effectively.

YOU MAKE YOUR DEAL GOING IN, RIGHT? If I were Chicken Little, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs that the sky IS falling. The question for you is: “What are you going to do about it?” You can either recognize that the greatest depression the world has ever seen is on our doorsteps, and:

a) Take action to protect and prosper during it Which leads to security, fulfillment, happiness, and freedom (time and financial); or b) Turtle, contract, roll over, and flat out refuse to take the necessary steps to build a syndication business, just waiting to get swept away later this year. Which leads to joining the unemployment and food lines like we saw in the 1930‟s, and just recently over in some European countries. Think it won‟t happen where you live? Then consider this: In the November 24, 2008 edition of BARRON’s Weekly Investor Magazine, their feature story ran with the headline “Sand Castles – Half Price Mansions” depicting a photo of a mansion sitting on Atlanta‟s “Billionaire‟s Row” with the March 2008 price of $20 Million slashed down to an astounding $10 Million. Imagine that!

A 50% reduction in price on a mega-million-dollar mansion in mere months! But it didn‟t stop there. The BARRON’s columnist continued to point out that this wasn‟t an isolated incident in Atlanta, and went on to list other high value areas of the country from the Hampton‟s in New York through to Virginia where mega-mansion prices were being reduced by millions of dollars.

WHY 98% OF ALL INVESTORS STRUGGLE Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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It‟s extremely important that you build your syndication business in the proper way – the first time. The reality is that if you‟ve done it right, you‟ll be generating revenues and helping people consistently. At the end of the day, that‟s all your business should care about anyhow. Unfortunately, many investors have succumbed to the Do-It-Yourselfer (DIY‟r) method and just as bad, have not taken measures to set up or treat investment activities as a business. For example, a study commissioned in 2001 of large real estate investor associations in America found that 92% of all first-time investors drop out of the business within three months. Imagine that! And this was at a time for real estate lending when a monkey from the zoo could fill out a mortgage application, and get approved for a 100% NINJA loan! (No Income No Job or Assets…N.I.N.J.A.) Nowadays, based on conversations I‟ve had with presidents of national REIA clubs (whose numbers have plummeted), that percentage has risen substantially. Still other research has uncovered that 9 out of 10 investors don‟t survive the first year of their investment portfolio. What‟s just as sad is that the Small Business Administration reports that 95% of all businesses fail within their first year. Then, within five years, only the remaining 5% are left over.

90% of all Investors Do Not Survive the First Year

of Their


Source: Tactical Real Estate 2004

Even knowing these outrageous and scary statistics, though, people are still jumping into the investment game with both feet, thinking that they‟re going to be different from the rest and survive against all odds. But it just isn‟t true…

There‟s a rule called “The Rule of 7 P‟s”: Proper… Previous… Planning… Prevents… Pitifully… Poor… Performance. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” - Unknown As you progress through this system, take stock of the goals you want to achieve, then create and implement a plan to achieve them.

“Are You Ready to Finally Take Advantage of the Perfect Storm?”

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Common Sense & Simple Solutions Often = Big $$$ Let me start by saying that some of what you will be seeing here is just basic common sense.

There Seems To Be Some Perverse,

Human Characteristic That Makes Easy Things Seem Difficult…

- Warren Buffet

There are also what many would consider to be basic business principles and long-time proven investment strategies. But I‟ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars reading business-building and real estate investment books, going through related courses, and attending trainings and boot camps all over the world, and I still haven‟t seen anyone sitting in those seats truly “get it.” Most of the trainings I‟ve attended and paid anywhere from $3,500.00 to upwards of $25,000.00 have offered an array of options, taught investment strategies, and even shown how to apply them. But none of them have offered a true business foundation or the tools, accreditation lessons, and combined network you need to become successful long-term (rather than a one-hit wonder.) I see it on the faces and hear it in the voices of the people who have been to these trainings and later become my students and clients that I work with. These great people left these trainings jazzed up to make money, but weeks later, they ended up confused, angry, and/or just plain frustrated. They soon reached a crossroads and were unsure which path to take. The reason is because these instructors – some of whom are great and well-meaning individuals – have oversimplified the learning process and have no understanding about how to properly build a solid business.

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Is There A Simple Science to Success? The Theory of Occam‟s Razor "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily." - William of Ockham (1285-1349) Though the true meaning behind Occam‟s Razor is still a matter of debate for quantum mechanics scientists and researchers today, the majority believe its loose definition is: When faced with a challenge, the most obvious answer is the simplest solution. To present Occam‟s Razor‟s more modernized slang version, some would say the “Keep It Simple” KISS acronym is highly applicable. Interestingly enough, we see Warren Buffett‟s comments fall in parallel with William of Ockham‟s observation.

The secret magic formula to success is that there is no real secret – there’s just stuff you don’t know. And you don‟t have to reinvent anything but just take what others have done successfully and apply the same model and principles in your own business.

Yet, no one has properly bundled and packaged it up for us to follow in this industry … until now. Anyone who applies these principles is successful. Anyone who applies it at the start but deviates from it, trying to reinvent the wheel, ends up in utter failure.

Those who don‟t “stick to the program” could destroy their credit, lose their home and income, and worse, have to file for bankruptcy.

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Why Your Business Will Get Punished If You Don‟t Remodel It Now Did you know that the top 5% of the wealthiest people in the world earn nearly 90% of its income?


# of Small Businesses that Fail

That‟s because there‟s a major problem that plagues every financial freedom-craving, money-making, opportunity seeker out Source: US Small Business Administration there. It‟s something that the economic elite have recognized and conditioned themselves to avoid because this problem follows the other 95% of people around like an unknowing shadow.

in Their First Year of Startup

Often, the problem is so subtle that the signs are missed, and it causes entrepreneurs to put themselves through an unnecessary hell over and over and over again until one day, they finally get fed up, pack up their bags, and sit on the sidelines of temporary defeat. What‟s even worse is that this problem creates a nasty habit in the human psyche, and the cycle begins to repeat itself. Eventually, they become upset with their work environment, feel that they‟re truly not earning enough, and get up the guts to jump back in the game. While they may see a win or two when they first start out, they‟ll inevitably spiral downward into a financial abyss of defeat once again. The problem I‟m referring to here has a label called “opportunity.” There‟s a key difference that separates the top 5% of the investors who earn much more than a full-time income from part-time effort … and those who work hard, spend lots of money on programs, books, and weekend trainings, but end up going nowhere quickly. Those elite investors who have a rock solid investment business which is sustainable and grows are able to do so because they think strategically and not opportunistically. The following chart gives a few illustrations as to what I mean. Which one are you? Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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Opportunistic Investor

Strategic Investor

Deal presents itself, jump right in

Deal presents itself, pursue only if fits their strategy

Scattered, has no plan, “Just wants to make money”

Has specific goals and institutes processes to “grow a business”

Switches investment strategies and tactics whenever market masses do

Switches investment strategies and tactics only after their business goals are met and are then reassessed

Acknowledges and understands that only several strategies, tactics, a few business basics, and key tools are necessary to have a considerable financial impact and build a massive business from home

Believes they must equip themselves with every strategy, tactic, software system, and tool available to be successful

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PUTTING PROPERTY INVESTING & HOME BUSINESSES INTO PERSPECTIVE No matter how you cut it, the opportunity seeker is doomed to complete failure every time. The opportunistic investor is one who is guided by emotions. And friends, making decisions based upon emotions instead of level-headed thinking that looks at the facts and sticks to basic business and investment fundamentals … well, it‟s extremely dangerous.

The bottom line is: EMOTIONS = COST. And emotions have no place when it comes to investments. Period.

Why you must build a REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT


Just Like Every Other Industry In History, Regular Businesses and Companies Take Over the Self-Employed, and Dominate The Marketplace.

examples *Real Estate Brokerages


*Mortgage Brokers

*Title Companies

In fact, whenever I‟ve worked with my coaching clients, or spoken in the workshops where I‟ve taught throughout North America, I drill away at this point very hard. Unfortunately, all too often, I see the people sitting in their chairs rolling their eyes or politely nodding their heads while they quietly urge me to “move on to the good stuff.”

For them, the “good stuff” is just strategies and tactics. But I sincerely hope you‟re not one of those people. I truly hope that for your own financial sake, you take this particular lesson to heart and see it for what it is. If you ignore this powerful, yet simple, lesson, it will indeed cost you your business down the line …and perhaps, even your credit, what you have in your bank, and even everything you own. I guarantee it. So, stay away from this trap.

From now on, you need to think strategically about everything you do in real estate.

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If you have been doing so thus far, kudos to you and keep it up. If you haven‟t been, change that behavior and mindset this very instant, and look upon yourself as a strategic real estate investor and business owner rather than an opportunity-seeking money-maker.

A key lesson for you is to match up your goals with your needs and locate the one or two (never more than two) strategies that map back to those criteria. For instance, if you have very little cash in the bank, and your financial goal is to have a six-figure bank account within 12 months, you need to focus your energies on assigning contracts and double-closing properties. You need to avoid deviating from this business strategy whenever the supposed “next great thing” comes along. But that‟s not enough. The second big challenge you need to overcome is how to distinguish your business in order to stand above the competition and survive today‟s marketplace.

SURVIVING TODAY‟S ULTRA-COMPETITIVE MARKETPLACE The landscape for building a real estate investment business has changed drastically over the past quarter century. The nature of the beast today is that any investor faces the following:

    

Brutal Competition A Disloyal Market Commoditization of Products & Services Consumer Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) Few Trusted Advisors

On our forthcoming training call and videos, I‟ll dissect these further and teach you techniques and strategies to counter these and rise in your market as the “go to” investor. It‟s likely you‟ve never heard of these before, and that‟s okay. Until now, nobody in this industry has culminated this information and brought it forth to share in such a comprehensive, hold-youby-the-hand, build a syndication business from the ground-up, step-by-step system.

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Who Are You Listening To? As the saying goes in the real estate community, “A dollar invested in a house is a dollar lost to Wall Street.” Financial advisors who make their living on load fees and commissions from the stocks you buy and sell are naturally incentivized to encourage you to part with your funds and put it into their hands. The real estate industry isn‟t immune to this either.

“I never thought the whole national real estate market would burst.” David Lereah – former Chief Economist, National Association of Realtors (NAR) For example, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and Title Companies make their living from fees charged per transaction. Naturally, Realtors representing investors will be more inclined to urge them to buy and/or sell more investment properties, creating more turnover in their portfolio and, thus, more commissions to the Realtor. This phenomenon pertains to 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ and this very report you‟re reading now. There are a number of would-be gurus and online real estate information marketers who are not endorsing this system. Their reason? I‟m providing too much information and/or the price of the system should be set at over one thousand dollars (minimum) in order for them to promote to their list…and they also want to earn a 50% commission from each sale. I‟ve just revealed a dirty little secret to you. On the Internet, you‟ll find dozens of individuals with websites and lists of real estate investors who will ONLY PROMOTE a course or program to earn affiliate commissions of $500 to $1,400 per sale. Well, that‟s great for them. But it‟s often bad for you. Because if you‟re on that list, you‟ll likely get pummeled with offer after offer … day after day … week after week.

“PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY, VALUE IS WHAT YOU GET” ~ Warren Buffet Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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Obviously, I‟m not harping on everyone out there in the industry. Because there are a few, rock solid trainer‟s who vastly over-deliver in their specialized niches (e.g. online marketing). They‟re programs are worth every penny. But then there‟s the other, ugly side where you‟ll be pitched bad programs with high dollar amounts attached, and there‟s little value at all. Yet, this is how much of this industry has come to work. There‟s a great conspiracy acting against you from most of the real estate trainers out there. It‟s to force you to continually buy the next product, week in, week out, while they get rich in the process, and you feel stunned or perhaps overwhelmed that you‟ve now invested thousands of dollars with little to show for it. Like lambs to the slaughterhouse, they slam you with one opportunistic offer and move on to the next. It‟s more like a pack of locusts descending on you – the customer – and raiding your pocket for whatever they can consume, then presenting another offer to start all over again. But they‟re not really to blame, because they‟ve just learned the same secret that another industry uses time and time again. Interestingly enough:

Wall Street Does The Same Thing To You. How? Take a look at an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of the stock of a business that‟s preparing to be unleashed to the public. Let‟s say the goal is to have the stock hit $20.00 a share on opening day. A big name financial institution or two will literally promote the pre-release price of a stock to their large investor clients at $10.00 a share and charge 3% management and load fees for all shares purchased. This is often in the tens of millions of shares. The week before the stock is to go public, the big name financial institutions who are promoting the stock kick up the marketing machine. Their in-house researchers and analysts are then seen on TV promoting the benefits of Company A‟s business, indicating that they think it will be extremely profitable for investors to buy when it IPO‟s. Then, the morning before the opening bell, the hundreds (if not, thousands) of traders and brokers employed by that financial institution are actually TOLD what stock to promote to their clients. Do you see where this is heading? The big name financial institutions (like the online real estate marketers you see today who promote the next best thing to their list three or four times per week) get behind a stock (read: real estate product), collectively push their clients to buy it, then make their fees on both: 1)

The 3% load fees they charge you to buy or sell the stock; and Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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2) The increased value in the stock price because they already own millions of shares themselves. Do you see how the odds are stacked against you? Pardon me, but abandoning the basic law of servicing customers is the fastest way to turn them off. That‟s exactly what they‟ve been doing to you, though. For example, you should survey and know what your clients and prospects desire. You should provide thought-provoking, quality information. I‟d prefer not to follow the herd and provide real-time, actionable content of the highest quality, letting the market decide. Fortunately for you and I, we‟re now at a point where the information I would share with my private 1-on-1 consulting clients is being made readily available through the upcoming 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ membership training which I‟ll personally be teaching and providing you, week after week, month after month.

THE QUICKEST PATH TO PROFITS So, another way to look at maximizing your time for bottom line results is to act as if you were paid $5,000 an hour. Yes, five grand an hour. Now, if a business were paying you that much to generate results for them, you would be fairly responsible with your time. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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As a business owner, you‟ve moved from a Trade Your Time for Money economy, into a Results for Money Economy. You need to get money working hard and smart for you, rather than you working hard for it. Your report card in this business is the check you deposit with your earnings. Therefore, whenever you have the opportunity to delegate activities in your business, you should not hesitate to do so. That maximizes your time and your bottom line. What‟s more, you should be focusing on the “big rocks” rather than the little ones. Build upon your strengths, and outsource your weaknesses. This is another key success factor – recognizing what you must do versus what you can do. Sure, we can all cut a lawn and paint some walls. But if you were getting paid five thousand dollars an hour, would you spend it painting or putting more deals together? I realize this puts you in a tough position. If you‟re starting out, need the funds, and have set up your business to buy, fix, and flip homes, you‟re squeezing every last penny to make ends meet. Sure – in that situation – you should put in the sweat equity. But as soon as you realize your profits from that deal, I‟d recommend setting aside some to hire Mr. Fix-It the next time … because doing that kind of sweat work is a poor use of a business owner‟s time. In this example, the business is working on you rather than you working on it. Inevitably, the quickest way to make money is through the use of leverage. Yes, I know we‟ve all heard that before … but beyond OPM (Other People‟s Money.) I‟m going to throw in a few more acronyms: OPR, OPC, OPT, OPK Looking at the picture on the right, there is a whole other element that investors miss. Although they understand the principle of using leverage in terms of getting a mortgage and using private money, cash from a business line of credit, or even a credit card to fund their investment activities, they fall flat on their faces when it comes to everything else.


More Types of Business Leverage

1. Other People‟s Resources 2. Other People‟s Credit 3. Other People‟s Time 4. Other People‟s Knowledge

Whether they‟re overzealous, too full of pride, or just plain missing the boat, it doesn‟t matter. The point is that they‟re business owners and must rely on and put trust in other people to build that business for you. You cannot be afraid to ask for help. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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Have you made some bad business decisions? Made a bunch of bad mistakes? Don‟t worry – you‟re only human. God knows that I‟ve made some very poor ones myself. It‟s what we do with the lessons learned from that experience which defines us. More importantly, when you reach out for assistance and allow the other person to prosper from it, you create a win/win situation. This virtually guarantees that your request won‟t be rejected, and it goes a long way toward creating a great reputation for your business. Asking for training to become specialized in a particular area of your business is the right answer. In fact, my definition of training is:

“The process through which an activity is turned into a

skilled behavior.”

In order to turn an activity into that skilled behavior, as it relates to business-building in real estate, there are 6 Key Elements to your Success which are necessary for you to follow and/or receive all at once as you take your first step. You‟ve already seen this diagram before in this doctrine, and I‟ll elaborate more specifically with action items on each one in the upcoming training. Understand, that within 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system, the first part of which you are reading now, this is The Ultimate Business Success Roadmap. What you‟re receiving within this program follows a proven, business success formula utilized by FORTUNE 500 companies, tied around with the process of real estate investment syndication. These six steps that are critical to the success and long term survival of any business, and is what we‟ll accomplish together, week after week, during our training together. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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PSST - Want to Learn What Banks are Freezing Loans? Or…Which Banks are Closing, or may call loans due? Even better – which banks are in the “good books”. Make it a point to visit and then bookmark this website URL.

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Teaming For Long-Term Growth It has been said that the acronym for TEAM stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More.” That statement is literally on the money.

Leverage & Scalability Critical Components For Having


a Business That Grows and Sustains Itself Almost Without Your Being There

By approaching my business with the understanding that I needed to build a “Power Team” in my respective markets with “Go To” people, and setting out to do so, I was able to achieve what is still described as a staggering success.

New to real estate but not business building, I did my best to seek out the greatest Realtors, Attorneys, Title Companies, Investors, Lenders, and Investment Partners (financiers) to help me grow my business. What‟s more, I surrounded myself with several multi-millionaire investors who, with voices of great experience, gave me specialized knowledge which allowed me to move forward with excellent confidence during the deal-making process, all of which paid off handsomely.

Who Are You Adding to Your Power Team? An obvious goal of the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ training and membership is to connect you directly to other real estate syndicators, financiers, and also 50/50 buyers to partner on deals with you. Did you think the pool of these buyers would be shrinking given that the economy is in turmoil, and 1 out of every 12 people today is unemployed? Nope. Just the opposite. Because two-thirds of middle class America has moved UP (not down).

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“Everybody’s immunity to recession is the customer for whom price is the issue.” ~ Dan Kennedy, NY Times Best-Selling Author of No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent Interestingly enough, the old catch phrase, “the rich get richer” applies here. For example, right now there are 8.1 MILLION households dispersed across 51 States in America with a combined household income of $200,000.00 and above, and own two pieces of real estate. Of these, the majority are passive real estate investors. Don‟t you think this demographic would be looking for a way to grow their money outside of the stock market (which dropped another 84 points today as I write this)? At least 1/3 of them would jump at that opportunity right away! For example – here‟s what they‟re buying:



Invest, stocks, real estate






Trip outside U.S.



Buy/Lease new car






Buy new/addt’l home



Here‟s how they‟re defined: Affluent – those with household income of $150,000.00 to $250,000.00 and/or net worth including primary and additional residences’ equity, exceeding $1 million. It is within the Mass-Affluent in move-up mode and the Affluent categories that we find what some demographers have taken to calling “middle-class millionaires,” they are of a very particular mid-set, which we’ll be talking about at length. Ultra-Affluent – Those with household incomes of $250,000.00 up and/or net worth of $3 million to $10 million. Here we find the wealthiest 10% of U.S. households as defined by net worth, according to the Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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most recent Federal Reserve study. Their average net worth is $3.1 million; average annual income is $250,000.00.  They earn 36% of all U.S. income and  Control 70% of the U.S. net worth.  As a group, these 11 million households hold 89% of the value of all publicly traded stocks and mutual funds in the United States. Ultra-Ultra Affluent – Household income of $1 million and up and/or net worth starting above $10 million but more commonly in the $20 million to $59 million range. Private jet owners fit nicely here – they have average yearly incomes of $9 million, net worth in excess of $50 million. Average age 57, 70% men. As a practical matter, their spending power is unlimited. Source: The No B.S. Marketing Guide To The Affluent

In short, there are plenty more investor buyer‟s and partners out there willing to do deals with you than you‟d imagine. As it pertains to your business, all you need to do is have six of these complete a minimum of one deals over the next 180 days, and you‟ll be well past the 6-figure profit mark in no time. But how to lure them in? How to differentiate and do the deals? That‟s what we‟ll be covering later on. Because your business must grow geometrically over time. Once you‟ve established your power team, you will find yourself beginning to get out of the “working IN your business” mode, and instead, working on your business. From this point forward, your business will gain in momentum, your bank account will expand, your net worth will increase, and you‟ll have a much more enjoyable life. From this point forward, your primary responsibility is to think strategically about its growth, and getting most others to implement the processes you‟ve set out for your business.

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The lifeblood of any business is marketing and sales. The goal of marketing is to make the sales process superfluous for the client to buy. Whether it‟s a motivated seller, you need to stick out in the crowd, and begin gaining their trust from the beginning so that when it comes time to put a contract together, the benefit you present to the client is “an easy sale”.

The GEOMETRIC GROWTH MODEL for Your Business # Of Deals/Yr 10

Avg Profit/Deal

# Of Deals/Yr 11

$40,000 0


Annual Profit


Avg Profit/Deal $44,000 0


$400,00 00 Annual Profit



Rather than focusing on one aspect of your business, once your business is up and running, the majority of your time should be spent on new business development. Here, your efforts should be focused on two or three initiatives to grow your business geometrically, rather than linearly. When the model above was shown to me by a great marketing friend of mine, it all fell into place. In this model, the business owner focuses on improving just two areas of their business by 10%. 1) The amount of deals done per year, and 2) Increasing the average profit per deal. I‟ve decided to share this with you so you can see the simplicity in its genius. With a 10% increase in just these two areas, the annual profit for that business owner grows by 22.1% in a single year. If you‟ve ever been in business before, double digit revenue growth is incredible. Therefore, aim to increase at least two areas of your business by at least 10% each year, and formalize your client referral system. Furthermore, with each deal you do, you should expand your advertising budget on the items that produce results, and drop the ones that don‟t. In the end, your profits should be increasing exponentially while your marketing costs diminish relative to the revenue growth you‟re seeing.

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The Choice is Yours Are you ready to make a drastic change by becoming a syndicator, or will you allow the collapsing economic foundation to drag your hopes, dreams, and hard-earned efforts down with it?

“BE GREEDY WHEN OTHERS ARE FEARFUL” ~ WARREN BUFFET One of my great virtual mentors in the past few years has been Warren Buffet. Mr. Buffet‟s investment prowess over time has beat the records of the most seasoned Wall Street investors. Perhaps it‟s because he, like myself and the forthcoming 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system, stay well removed from the sheep and conspirators, and instead buck the trend of original, mass market thought (and often lousy investments mostly full of hype, with little substance).

I want to assure you that by following key business fundamentals, you will create a true enterprise that conquers your competition, allowing you to see massive profit.

How Lousy is the Market…Really? The obvious answer to that question is: “Which market?” As in nature, real estate markets are also cyclical. There can be local, small markets that are well protected against a global, economic downturn where they‟ll feel the effects of a depressing economy least and last. And then there are markets that are on the end of their cycle, preparing to contract, then literally implode due to a credit crisis which we‟re seeing now. Therefore, you must be specific in your market targeting. From a high-level perspective, the Canadian real estate market at a national level seems poised for phenomenal growth according to the data provided by the Canadian Real Estate Association and Royal LePage, one of Canada‟s leading real estate firms. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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$408,927 Source: Royal LePage

2010 But remember, there are local areas within this local marketplace that are slowing down, or even suffering from depreciation right now. So it‟s important you‟ve performed a proper market analysis at BOTH the national AND the local level. And you cannot trust your gut right now. As behavioral economist Tyler Cowen explains in a recent issue of Money magazine, “at times like this people leap to conclusions. A 400 point loss on the Dow that looks like the herald of a Great Depression, for example, may simply be hedge funds selling to meet redemptions.” So you see, your gut is a useless guide for making business decisions. You must be making Data-Driven Decisions. Now is the time to be using your brain. By doing so, you‟ll have a rock solid picture of what is going on in your target market (locally) and peg is as a market experiencing:  General appreciation (it‟s steadily growing);  Hyper-appreciation (seeing double-digit gains within 12 months); Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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 Stagnation (little to zero gains within 12 months); or  Contraction (declining real estate values).

At any one of these points, you can apply a syndication strategy to generate money. That is why it‟s so critical for you to first understand the market at both levels, BEFORE you decide on a particular investment strategy. Secondly, you should examine the national real estate market, seeing what is effecting its economic outlook for the next 24 – 36 months, and track back from that how its growth, stagnation, or decline will effect your local market. Again, here, you‟ll position yourself to take advantage of critical market intelligence, to position your business well ahead of the “next wave” or real estate cycle.

Are you interested to know what‟s in store for the United States? Since the core driver of economies is demographic data, the foundation of which is based off of population trends, we turn to the following graph.

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Source: US Census Data.

According to this census data, the American population is going to continue exploding. In fact, as stated above, the first half of the 21st century will witness the U.S. population blossoming by another two hundred million people! Interestingly enough, a study published in the November 2005 edition of Business 2.0 revealed that throughout the United States, over the period of three centuries, more than 300 BILLION Square Feet of real estate had been built to accommodate Americans to live, work, shop, and play in. More alarming – and equally as impressive – is that in order to meet existing population growth demands in the United States, another 200 BILLION square feet of real estate must be erected by the year 2040!. This alone represents a $25 Trillion development market in America…which is more than Twice the Size of the U.S. Economy (Brookings Institution & Virginia Tech Study on Urban Planning). Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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Do You See Today‟s Crisis as the “Perfect Storm” for Investment? Although unemployment will surpass the double digit mark in the U.S. in 2010, many of my peers in the real estate and stock industry believe that now IS the Perfect Storm for investing. Consider that the majority of the wealthiest people in the stocks and real estate markets did so when prices for property and stocks were at their lowest. Franklin Templeton, founder of Franklin Templeton Investments, made his billions buying distressed stocks during the Great Depression in the 1930‟s. He came from humble means, but focused on educating himself, then investing in solid companies whose shares had been hammered because everyone was jumping ship in those days. The biggest challenge for you? It‟s likely: what to buy, when to buy it, and where to buy it? Because of the glooming Global Depression that lays ahead, already we‟re seeing the bottom fall out on real estate markets across North America. Hence, there is a boundless opportunity for you to create plenty of money and wealth as a syndicator. All you have to do is turn off the Constantly Negative News (CNN) network, and look at the world through the “Perfect Storm” lens to appreciate then harness this enlightening perspective. Which perspective are you looking through today?

The “Perfect Storm” Perspective Your Competition

Amount of Deals Amount of 50/50 Partners Population (Buyers & Renters)

The “Victim” Perspective National R.E. Values Loan Availability U.S. Dollar Jobs

Unemployment Foreclosures Taxes

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HOW TO AVOID FRUSTRATION, HARD WORK, AND SMALL RESULTS Without proper metrics and workflows in place, without a lack of vision and strategy, and without a success plan, then you‟re just spinning your wheels. This leaves you frustrated because you put in a large amount of your time to produce little results, if any at all. ….and that leads to burnout … This is one of the two reasons why 92% of investors get fed up within their first 3 months, and ultimately throw in the towel. But for those that call it quits, it means more opportunity for you. So if you‟re on the edge right now and are reading this manifesto, hang in there because now is the time for you to turn things around, and actually have a functioning, profitable, and an enjoyable real estate investment business. Because the second reason for lack of success, frustration, and marginal results, comes down to not having the continued guidance provided by a mentor, or a group of like minded individuals with more experience than you, who are willing to shepherd along the growth of your business.

“Confidence, with Mentorship, leads to

Competence” Mark Victor Hansen Co-Creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul™

For example, in the corporate world, every business large and small has a Board of Directors which they call upon frequently for guidance…for review and planning…and when faced with serious decisions or challenge. The board helps brainstorm ideas and pass judgment on actions the business is to take in order to overcome challenges; and they provide further guidance to the business leader (such as strategic development initiatives, or marketing input) in an effort to consistently move it toward greater profitability. This board of trusted advisors also assists the company create greater market share and ease the business‟ progress by making available to its owner their network of business contacts, which, when leveraged, greatly increases the effectiveness of the business overall. Members of the board are incentivized to put their best foot forward because they – like the business leader – are stakeholders in the profit growth of that company too. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

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Therefore, recognizing that the success of a business can also live or die upon the type of advice it receives – or a lack of advice entirely – is the primary reason why new business owners today are encouraged by organizations such as the Small Business Administration and other leading governmental business assistance agencies, to form an advisory panel right from the beginning (and if they don‟t have one already, to get that setup immediately).

Which brings us to an important question. “Who is directly and consistently advising your business today?” If you do have someone already, then you‟re well ahead of the curve. But the next question to ask yourself is “does this person/group of advisors really have the business experience and clout that will help me take my business to the next level?” If your answer is „no‟, then I suggest you quickly rethink the advice you‟re receiving. If in fact your answer is „yes‟, then I suspect you‟re already well ahead of your competition and very happy with the business results you‟ve achieved. You should certainly pat yourself on the back, because you‟re one of the elite few investors who have actually been treating their business like a true business should be operated.

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THE DEATH OF REAL ESTATE INVESTING And The Emerging Investor Business Paradigm Pay close attention to this section, because if what you have just read still has not made you realize you need to immediately change and adapt your approach to investing, this will. For many of the reasons already outlined here in this manifesto, you see why the investment landscape is changing. Before we go further, I‟d like to draw your attention to a graph I included above…brace yourself, because after you read this thoroughly, you will understand that there Is no question – we are in for a huge recession…plus, you‟ll be forced to take stock of your existing investment business (if you‟ve started one) and have to ask yourself some tough questions. If you skimmed the chart I enclosed earlier in this doctrine, then I want you to open the chart here and review the timeline closely…then close it and come back to this page. From a consumer perspective, that chart is pretty gruesome, even downright depressing. Fortunately for you, there‟s a choice you can make right now which, by following through on, will allow you to guard against the tough times ahead…and even prosper more rapidly. Even Warren Buffett would agree… After all, he stated that “when there‟s blood on the street, it‟s time to buy”. The key decision you have to make (or perhaps a question you now need to ask yourself) here, is just how you will effectively position your business, your brand, and yourself as the leader to first and foremost serve the best interests of your clients in the trying times ahead, in order to achieve your financial objectives?. Because the investor who does this correctly, with integrity, with systems designed to automate key processes, who is surrounded by a team that will look out for their interests as much as their own, will attract motivated buyers, financers, and truly motivated deals like a ten ton magnet on steroids. And this can all be run from the comfort of your home office off a laptop and cell phone…

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Bottom line… Investors in “opportunity seeker” mode will always burn themselves out. These are the individuals who are continually searching for the next big thing. And they‟ll throw money at every offer for a new or specialized real estate investment seminar or course that comes their way. Their heart rate jumps when they read a product sales letter, and dream about the benefits of what it can offer them. Then (if they‟ve gone so far as to actually purchase the program) they devour the material, and try to apply the concepts or add them to what they‟re doing in their existing business….and only a few short weeks later, after the emotion wears off, they‟re even more frustrated by the lack of results, and overwhelmed by the additional responsibilities they need to take on in order to make it work.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

Much of what also happens to investors first starting out, is they get paralysis of analysis.

How To Make Business Decisions Instantly

Cost vs Profit Analysis When faced with a true deal, there are only two schools of thought.

A Wealthy Investor Asks:

“How much will it Make me?”

A Poor Investor Asks:

“How much will it Cost me?”

Th e We alt h y In v e st or kn ow s t h at w h ile t h e r e ar e cost s f or e v e r y t h in g , t h e op p or t un it y m ust f ir st f it t h e ir b usin e ss m od e l, an d se con d ly , m ust m ake t h e m a p r of it b e y on d t h e ir f in an cial out la y . * If t h e se t w o cr it e r ion ar e m e t , t h e n We alt h y In v e st or ‟s act .

While this is often jokingly referred to as a „disease‟ in investment circles, it is indeed a matter of life and death for your business.

The‟ paralysis of analysis‟ syndrome is arrived at when an investor becomes overly analytical of a prospect property, and feels they need to hear every single detail about it, and see every nook and cranny, before they even submit an offer. In a sense, they do way too much due diligence. Even if it‟s a good deal at the outset – they waste precious time gathering up way too much information. Inevitably, a savvy and strategic investor comes in with their contract, ties up the property, and only then conducts the rest of their research during the diligence period. Wealthy investors are decisive, so when the black and white matches up to reveal a potential deal, they put it on contract. Once that‟s done, you or a member of your team (preferably member of your team) should do the remainder of the research which helps lead to the ultimate decision…whether to pursue it further or not.

“Championships are Won by an All-Start TEAM and All Star Coach” You‟ve likely heard the saying, “Nothing great has ever been accomplished by one person”. Success is a team effort.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

Plus, the head of the team has an all-star mentor coaching them how to run their team…build their business…overcome obstacles…and exceed all expectations. (Even their own).  Warren Buffet had Ben Graham – and broke all Wall Street investment firm records.  Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson – and broke all NBA scoring records.  Michael Phelps has Coach Bob Bowman – and broke all Olympic Gold medal records.  Tiger Woods had his Dad &Sports Psychologist – breaking nearly all PGA records.  Wayne Gretzky had his Dad – and broke all NHL scoring records.  Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google) had Michael Moritz and John Doerr I had Bob Allen and Mark Victor Hansen combined – and broke all known rookie real estate investment records, utilizing my concept of syndication and coupling the FORTUNE 500 business building strategies I‟d learned and utilize from my corporate background. The point here, then, is that your success is directly proportional to the 5 people you surround yourself with the most – and the individual who is coaching you to achieve the levels of success you desire. Because it‟s their influences…their guidance…their appeals…their resources…and their belief systems that they instill upon you. After all, the fourth best-selling book of all time, Napoleon Hill‟s Think & Grow Rich has deduced success down to a formula. In fact, it‟s been said by the author himself, and reinforced by several multi-billionaires (W. Clement Stone being one of them), that this is a NO FAIL Formula to success. I‟ve condensed these, down to these five, which are: 1. Having a BURNING DESIRE to Succeed A burning desire will ensure you‟re 100% focused on accomplishing all objectives and milestones to reach your intended goal. If it‟s to have a six figure bank account by syndicating deals in the next 90 days, then that burning desire will compel you to take massive action.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

2. A Vivid Vision Specifically define the lifestyle you want, the business you‟ll have, and the people in the world for whom your business serves in a manner that enriches their lives, and yours as well.

3. Specialized Knowledge The application of specialized knowledge is power. Warren Buffet, for example, learned and then applied specialized stock investing knowledge from his mentor, Ben Graham. As he went on, he developed techniques of his own, and outshone his mentor.

4. Being Decisive in Nature Wealthy business owners do everything they can to quickly gather information on a certain item, analyze it intently, then make a decision, and stick to it without wavering.

5. Master Mind Going back to our team-oriented approach to syndicating, it‟s critical to have a group of like-minded business professionals you can speak to, do deals with, exchange ideas with, and encourage each other to grow. As you read across the 5 Laws above, you‟ll recognize two items. The first, that the elite business and athlete examples (Wayne Gretzky, Tiger Woods, etc) I shared earlier, all have incorporated these skills, characteristics, and principles into their daily lives. The second, is that this is precisely what we‟ve been developing at our company for entrepreneurs like you – an elite group of like-minded, syndication investment businesses throughout North America, so that you have this support network to leverage when needed, with my own direct input and help, so your chances for success are far more absolute than you doing it all by yourself.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

RECAPPING SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT BUSINESS BUILDING CONCEPTS What I‟ve attempted to do in this doctrine is get you thinking differently about starting (or reinventing) your investment business in order for it to grow and compete in today‟s competitive market environment, as a syndicator. Because real estate investing is the best business in the world. After all, there are no employees to manage, you don‟t need to spend money on expensive market research, you don‟t need to write an exhaustive business plan, you don‟t need to lease a commercial office space or storefront, you don‟t need a special license, you don‟t need much cash or even your own personal credit to do deals and make massive amounts of money.

By Combining The Essential Elements of

Business Building With Real Estate Investing, You’ll Create an Empire That Rewards You With Fortunes That Will Last Generation After Generation

Deals are ALL around us now. There‟s a huge pool of customers for you to assist:  The affluent and uber-wealthy, who need to place their money some place other than stocks;  Other investors owning distressed real estate; and  The disappearing middle class who are losing jobs, or can no longer make payments on properties with mortgages that have adjusted. With that said… What you need is discipline, some specialized knowledge, a roadmap and plan for your business, a phone, a little bit of courage, and the internet. In the few hours it takes to go out to a movie and return home, I‟ve seen investors find very profitable deals, and make some serious money in the process. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

Overall, you need to treat this business as a business, just like a FORTUNE 500 company would – even though right now you may be a solopreneur with limited time – or not wanting to put much time into it at all – but simply operate at a strategic level. I‟ve also tried to sort out the confusion all real estate investors face, and point out some of the key success factors for building an investment business that will provide you with seven figure gains in the next seven months, plus a high-level roadmap to pull together an eight figure empire in the next few years. Here‟s a quick recap of the principles I‟ve shared with you: 1. There is still time to build a successful real estate syndication business & portfolio; 2. Concentrate on being a Syndicator, and mastering one niche to Dominate your market; 3. Become the Trusted Advisor with your clients by putting their needs before yours, and the money will come; 4. Cultivate a proven Power Team in your respective marketplace, and utilize them to grow your business; 5. Create a process or workflow for each repeated business activity; 6. Once you‟ve setup your business and begun the deal process, focus on the “big picture”, work on building it out, and delegate small items; 7. Focus on what you already know and drive geometric revenue growth; 8. Start chunking down your time into one hour blocks, and remove yourself from any distractions so you can get your work done; 9. Remember, your business model must be scalable and utilize the 5 key leverage points every step of the way; 10. Use the Cost vs Profit Analysis for making business decisions instantly. We‟ve also covered the fact that there‟s a small window of opportunity which by my estimates will last the next 5 months whereby you can dive into your market, disrupt your competition, develop a capable power team, (perhaps utilize many of our other clients‟ directly) and dominate your marketplace to increase your net worth or bank account by at least six figures in the next 6 to twelve months, less than part time. The era that’s rushing in right now presents a unique paradox for investors – on one hand, creative financing from banks has dried up…markets are imploding…we‟re in a recession…a Global Great Depression is on our door step….and would-be investors are dropping like flies. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

My perspective (and those of my clients) is that this is GREAT.

This is THE PERFECT STORM. The reason being that now it’s easier to weed out the real, competent, successful investors (those you want to align your business with) from the knock off‟s. Another reason is the „noise‟ created by all first time opportunistic investors will die off because these types of individuals are turning their tail on investing altogether as a viable business opportunity. Those opportunists are thinking like the school of fish they are, can’t see the forest through the trees, and by coming upon a challenge that shows them they might have to put more elbow Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

grease into it, fall back into their complacent-induced coma-like state and wait until the next „push button‟ money-making pitch makes its way across their television screen, or arrives in their inbox. By following through on this checklist of principles, you‟ll quickly find your business revenues start to grow, while at the same time reducing your stress and your workload. I encourage you to utilize these principles right now, and whenever being approached with an opportunity to do a deal, (like buy another real estate investment program, or drop $5,000 of your cash on a 3day weekend real estate training), that you‟ll do so wisely.

“Time Is Running Out: Do-it-Yourselfer‟s Will Be Crushed”

Here‟s another thing to keep in mind. The same letters used to form the word „leads‟ also spells deals. Depending upon your marketplace, you should be effecting an approach and brand that drives motivated sellers to log onto your website and phone you any time of day. What‟s important here is to use the correct scripts and technologies - e.g. - that negatively qualify each prospect, and automate the system of funneling out the tire kickers so you can focus on tackling the truly qualified leads, contract them, conduct due diligence, and if the deal fits your criteria, assign or buy it out.

Taking Your Business To The Stratosphere As I shared in the beginning of the doctrine, I‟ll be exiting my role as a real estate investment educator and mentor, and moving on to new business endeavors in the real estate field by the end of Spring, 2009. In my wake will be a certified training staff to handle phone-based coaching clients which we will integrate next summer. Therefore, I have had to adjust my timeline, which is why I am sharing this information with you now - for free - in order to get your feedback. Right after Christmas holiday 2008, I sent a quick survey to my subscriber list asking for their feedback...both of former mentor clients, program owners, and investors who had never read nor listened to any of my freely available materials. The feedback I received from these people on my survey was astounding. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

In the next week or so, I‟ll be sharing those results with you. For now, I‟ll be putting the finishing touches on the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system along with the help of your feedback, questions, and participation on the training calls. Those that get involved will have the ultimate competitive advantage of receiving consistent training, direction, and guidance directly by myself, and be able to join me on a group “hotline” call every single month. Since I will be limiting enrollment in the launch of my 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ system where I will work exclusively with investors directly, those who do get involved will be in a strategic position to – even if it‟s perhaps an hour or two a day – completely dominate their marketplace and generate vast wealth. This program is definitely not for everyone. In the coming weeks ahead, we‟ll personally gather behind closed doors for a weekend intensive where we‟ll work directly on your business, and develop powerful partnerships to do deals with other client-members. This optional weekend event is great for you to meet others in person for partner/deal exchanges, perhaps bring aboard more 50/50 partners to invest with you, and enjoy some celebration. That optional conference is available for you to attend no cost to you as a member in good standing of 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™, and you‟ll network with my other private consulting clients, Power Team, and students whom many have said are creating monstrous profits. It will be 100% focused on content and achieving money-making results. As an incentive for success, I’m also thinking about posting $5,000 to the client of mine who comes the furthest and profits the most (a balance of both) within their first 93 days. That five grand will be awarded by peer vote from the other clients…and the winner must put that toward investment deals. Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

So I would expect those lucky enough to claim spots in my final, self-taught system are selfdisciplined enough to do the work, and follow through on my advice…because it will be intense, fun, and regardless of whether you win the award or not, be rewarding for your business… In the next week or so, I‟ll be releasing more details about the unveiling of 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ for anyone who is interested. In the meantime….

5 Weeks I Syndicated 4 Condo “Within Properties and Made

$280,000.00 in Profits!

As a Certified Financial Planner in a busy Michelle Agar – Edmonton, Alberta

Accounting firm, I never thought this could happen!

Provided you‟ve registered for the Webcast training, then you‟ll also be getting much more content and training for free – which will help those people who will not ever get the chance to work with me directly or afford my home study system, to understand some more of what it takes to build a home-based investment empire that will scale and grow almost automatically over time. Stay tuned for future emails from me over the coming days and weeks ahead, because what I‟ll be sharing will be very important toward your success.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

MORE DEALS + GREATER WEALTH + AN AWESOME BUSINESS = FUN LIFE The principles and concepts I‟m sharing now, and will be teaching for free in the week or so ahead, is just a small segment to the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets™ program. Fact is, what you‟re getting here is just the icing on the cake – an introduction or Overview if you will. More of the crème de la crème will be revealed on video and training calls in the coming week ahead, and even refined with the help of your feedback and questions. Your participation on the live calls, and comments on my training materials and videos will be extremely vital in helping me complete the world‟s only – and best real estate investment syndication program ever. And it is the only one of its kind… Do you remember earlier in this doctrine when I published survey results on the 8 Stresses investors have today?

Top 8 Investor Challenges 1. Lack of Cash 2. Lack of Confidence “I Want To, But I‟m Afraid” 3. Loan Challenges 4. Finding Deals 5. Finding Buyers 6. Finding Time 7. Lack of Knowledge “I Don‟t Know How” 8. Lack of a Network We‟re going to remove these for you, in sequence, and provide a specific set of resources, tools, strategies, blueprint, and give you insider access to key people you can add to your power team to make money, and grow you investment business as a member.

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

If you have been considering investing in real estate as an alternate source of income, I sincerely hope that what I have shared with you here gives you a new perspective on this industry and business as a whole, and that it helps you to begin building a successful empire for yourself, because:  2010 will be the death of real estate investing as we‟ve known it;  You need to DEPRESSION-PROOF your life now;  Around the world, we‟ve entered a new investor business paradigm. If you are already a real estate investor, or financier, I encourage you to immediately begin reinventing your business in the manner I‟ve outlined within this doctrine. By the way, I will also be giving you some more strategies, tactics, and actual results that are being used today by some very interesting people, young and old, and in markets you’d swear you would never believe you could have turned a profit using the methods they did. In the interim, watch out for my next email, because it‟s just as good as money in your bank. To Massive Profits, Brad Wozny P.S. In the days ahead, I‟ll be sharing a great instructional video of how we‟re incorporating these philosophies, strategies, and tactics to do deals Right Now. This is a video you don‟t want to miss. P.P.S. Mark Your Calendar – Because our “go live” date for you to join this Network and Syndication Training is Tuesday, September 22nd at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific. That‟s when the 6 FIGURE Syndication Secrets’ training taught by myself goes live…and no, you won‟t be charged thousands to get in. After all, there‟s Strength in Numbers, and we want to ensure enough entrepreneurs like you not only learn how – but as a member are actually doing Multiple syndication deals during the first 12 weeks of the program. P.P.S. I invite you to share this powerful doctrine with members of your own investor club or power team by letting them know its tenets will become the basis for your investment activities from here on out. In the meantime, I‟d appreciate if you can please take a moment to leave your feedback about the doctrine and any questions you have on my blog. Click here now to post your comments on my blog Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

In these tumultuous times, Brad Wozny is definitely the “Go To” guy.”

In these tumultuous times, Brad Wozny is definitely the “Go To” guy to navigate the rough waters of real estate investing. I‟ve worked with him and his successful clients, and know that his

syndication strategies work! If you want fast, effective strategies that you can do in your own home, with minimal disruption to your day, Brad and his programs are worth

their weight in gold. ~ David Koons Former Captain, US Marine Force Recon (Special Forces) Founder, Best-Selling co-Author, Walking With The Wise

From 0 deals…and 0 experience…

To $35,142.00 Profits in 4 Weeks!

As a grandmother of 7, and “non-techie”, The business turnaround has been staggering! Name: Rosalina Wirkkunen Home: Germantown, MD F/T Occupation: Grandmother

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! This network and your training is invaluable.

I‟m now focused on Bulk REO deals…from home!

Real Estate Investment Syndication Revealed

“Proven Fortune 1000 Strategies Put Simply for the 21 Century Investor” st

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