The Method Of The Piggy Bank

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  • Pages: 3
The great richness accumulator A strong transcendental technique for building the wealth necessary requires the using of an extraordinary tool : the piggy – bank. Maybe you remember that in your childhood when you received the first money box, a smiling porcelain piggy, and you have been told to collect coins and to put them in it. Now, these money boxes have a role that can transform considerable your financial life. The ritual of The Great Richness Accumulator, known as well as the The Method of the Piggy – Bank, brings the power to economize at a new level. Create a mystic vessel for your money, and it will attract financial opportunities. This ritual it’s not made to replace the collection of the small change coins. These two activities are completing each other to the end. One is terrestrial and the other one is transcendental ; together can make you rich. To perform this ritual you need the following materials : 1. A new piggy – bank that can be put under the bed ( if you sleep on a mattress on the floor, read the fourth step of the next procedure) 2. A new pen with black ink 3. A red piece of paper circularly cut, with the diameter of about 8 centimeters 4. Two round mirrors, with the diameter of about 8 centimeters 5. A red material big enough to be put under the piggy - bank The best is to do this ritual in a day considered very favorable for blessings and rituals. To find out what days are more adequate, you can ask a practicing in Chinese astrology or feng shui. Also, because of the strong power of this ritual, it’s indicated that the initial phase to be done between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., when the earth vibrations have maximum power. After you have been prepared the materials, follow these steps : 1. Add the materials around you, in the bedroom, and say nine times the Sutra of the calm heart. Enter into a relaxing and concentrate mood and visualize the intention you have : the establishment of this Great Richness Accumulator in your house will attract welfare and unlimited prosperity. Enter genuinely in this image and enjoy all the details. Penetrate the sacred nature of this ritual and of the way that contributes at your personal and spiritual journey to plenty.

2. Holding in your hand the new pen with black ink, breathe deep and don’t breathe out. While you are holding your breathe, write the words “The Great Richness Accumulator “ on a side of the round red piece of paper and then write your name on the back. Then breathe out ! 3. Attach the red circle of paper on a side of the piggy – bank, in a way that your name to be with the face to inside. 4. Now you must to identify the part of the bed that fit the place where is resting the dominant hand when you are supine. For the most people , the dominant hand is right. Spread the red material under the bed, in the way of that hand. You can do this ritual, even if you are sleeping on a mattres on the floor. Place this ritual objects in the Hsun corner of the bedroom, but think about buying a new bed immediately you have the new prosperity ! 5. Put one of the round mirrors in the center of the material and put the piggy – bank on it. The bank is ready to produce the ham ! 6. Take the second round mirror and put it on the underneath side of the bed, with the face to the piggy – bank. It would be like making the pig a sandwich, two mirrors one above other and the bank between them. 7. Now it can start the Piggy – bank ritual. To finish the prepares, apply the three secret helps and visualize a great prosperity coming to you by this way. 8. Now you have to choose a particular coin value that you will add and put it in this bank for a period of 9 or 27 days. It can be any subdivision of the dollar. You must to be prepared to add at least a coin of this value every day on the period you are making the ritual, so you have to choose wise. You should choose a value that has a significance for you. 9. Decide if you will make the ritual 9 or 27 days. If you have big problems with the money or with your expectations, it would be better to make the entire circle of 27 days. 10. Starting the day you have putted the bank at it’s place, you have to add at least a coin with the elected value to put it in the bank at the end of every day. Each time you buy something and you get small change, you must to collect the coins with that value separately of the others for keeping them sacredly; it could happen to want to put them in a pocket or in a special bag ; you must to collect at

least one every day and you’re not allowed to spend any coin with that value on the length of the ritual. If you don’t buy something one day, you can exchange some money to have at least one coin for the deposit. If you wish, you can apply the three secret helps each time you put the money in this bank. 11. At the end of the 9 or 27 days, you can let the bank at it’s place under the bed or you can move it on the Hsun corner of the bedroom. Anyway don’t spend the money you have collected. Putting in the bank even after the stated period, you are creating an energetic recipient, that is simply a magnet for money and opportunities and you must to protect this vessel so the vibration to be pure and active. Here are some supplementary observations about the conditions of the implementation of the ritual : 1. If you forgot one day to add at least one coin with the chosen value , you have to start again the ritual. Let the already collected coins and start a new cycle of 9 or 27 days. 2. If because of an error or because of an emergency you have spent one or more coins with the chosen value don’t be desperate. You don’t have to start the ritual again, but you should note how many coins have you spent and to replace each spent coin with other nine coins. 3. If you have to miss a night from you home in the period of the ritual cycle, you have two possibilities. Or you take with you the bank, carefully, or you collect the coins in a special bag until you get back. 4. This ritual is even stronger if is been made by the both husbands. For kids is funny and it teaches them about the value of the money, while they are inviting a great fortune to their lives. Before learning the ritual of the piggy – bank, I placed a vessel in the Hsun corner of the bedroom and I stored in it all the coins of a quarter dollar that I received each day. Three days after I began this activity, I received by post an 25 $ cheque that I didn’t asked for. But this wasn’t all. I continued the ritual of the coins and, after another three days, I received a 275 $ cheque that I didn’t asked for. In less than a week I transformed a fistful of coins of 25 cents in 300 $. Remain devoted of the ritual of the piggy – bank and probably you will collect some amazing experiences. I wait to get news about your “ Great Richness Accumulator” !

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