The Science Of Patient Safety To Curb Maternal Mortality 10-16 .pdf

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Quality & Patient Safety 1999 Institute of Medicine Report

“To Err is Human”

To do no Harm? First public realization of the true extent of patient harm & safety in the healthcare setting

DEATHS Medical Errors Motor Vehicle Accidents Breast Cancer AIDS

98,000 43,000 42,000 16,000

Medication Errors Workplace injuries

7,000 6,000

3rd Leading Case of Death in America: GOING TO THE HOSPITAL

Source of Medical Harm Achieving Safe & Reliable Healthcare Leonard, M, et al: 2004


Incompetent or poorly intended care


Conscientious competent individuals trying hard to achieve a desired outcome

Source of Medical Harm Achieving Safe & Reliable Healthcare Leonard, M, et al: 2004


Incompetent or poorly intended care


Conscientious competent individuals trying hard to achieve a desired outcome

Definition of Patient Safety What exactly is Patient Safety?

Emanuel L et al. : Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2008 Aug.

Discipline in the health care sector that applies safety science methods toward the goal of achieving a trustworthy system of health care delivery. Attribute of health care systems; it minimizes the incidence and impact of, and maximizes recovery from, adverse events.

The Science of Patient Safety to Curb Maternal Mortality Changing Women’s and Reproductive Health Care Needs in the Philippines


Ma. Virginia M. Santos-Abalos MD FPOGS FPSGE FPIDSOG Prof IV, Cebu Institute of Medicine

Declaration of Good Standing and Conflict of Interest Disclosure My presentation complies with FIGO’s policy for declaration of good standing and conflict of interest disclosure; I do not have a financial interest in any product or service related to my presentation; My participation at this Congress has been partially supported by the Philippine Obstetrical & Gynecological Society

To understand the urgent need of curbing maternal mortality in the Philippines. To appreciate the components of the patient safety loop as a program to curb maternal mortality in the Philippines. To learn and adopt patient safety best practices worldwide. To recognize that institutionalization is important for compliance, and assessment of impact is vital for continuous improvement.

Maternal Mortality in the Philippines: The Current Situation

>10 mothers die daily from maternity related causes

Almost 4,600 women die giving birth each year



The Philippines 5th Progress Report Millennium Development Goals: Executive Summary 2015

Implementing a Patient Safety Program for POGS to Curb Maternal Mortality: PATIENT SAFETY LOOP

Strategy of implementing Patient Safety Program for POGS Needs assessment

Inventory of interventions

Comparison of outcomes

Knowledge Transfer Framework Knowledge creation & distillation

Diffusion & dissemination

Adoption Implementation Institutionalization



Nieva, Veronica F., et al. "From science to service: a framework for the transfer of patient safety research into practice." 2005

Identification of problem

Assessment of impact (dashboard/ statistics)

Adoption and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Creation of knowledge on effective intervention

Diffusion and dissemination

Identification of problem

Assessment of impact (dashboard/ statistics)

Adoption and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Creation of knowledge on effective intervention

Diffusion and dissemination

Evaluating needs of POGS High maternal mortality (failure to attain MDG)

To study strategies that result in measurable outcomes. Focus on POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE was chosen

…due to Measurable and consistently reportable outcomes Existence of simple clinical practice guidelines

Evaluating needs of POGS High maternal mortality (failure to attain MDG)

To study strategies that result in measurable outcomes. Focus on POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE was chosen

…due to Measurable and consistently reportable outcomes Existence of simple clinical practice guidelines

Postpartum hemorrhage is common, preventable, & manageable using simple interventions

11 Filipino women die Postpartum Hemorrhage every day from PPH (Tulali 2010)




Evaluating needs of POGS High maternal mortality (failure to attain MDG)

To study strategies that result in measurable outcomes. Focus on POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE was chosen

…due to Measurable and consistently reportable outcomes Existence of simple clinical practice guidelines

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Creation of Practice guideline knowledge formulationon effective dissemination intervention

Introduction of intervention Diffusion and packages (ALARM, dissemination PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Clinical Practice guidelines AMTSL

Introduction of intervention Diffusion and packages (ALARM, dissemination PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

Clinical Practice Guidelines: Part of efforts to improve patient safety in OBGyn

Year 1

Survey on Awareness and Adherence to CPG

Awareness and Adherence to CPG No. of Residents No. of Respondents Response Rate

1018 785 77.11%

Total No. of Hospitals No. of Hospitals Who Responded Hospital Response Rate

89 72 80.90%

Awareness and Reading of Guidelines n= 785/ 1018 Awareness of guidelines Read guidelines

Respondents (%) 92 83

Aware of guidelines

Read guidelines

Potential Mortality & Morbidity Yes




No Answer

No Answer

POGS Patient Safety Committee, 2016


Consistent use of well-developed, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines results in universal application of best practices and can improve patient outcomes Ennen CS et al. Reducing adverse obstetrical outcomes through safety sciences . UptoDate 2018

Strategy of implementing Patient Safety Program for POGS

Needs assessment

Inventory of interventions

Comparison of outcomes

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Practice guideline formulation dissemination

Introduction of intervention packages (ALARM, PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION FAILURES contribute to 70% of sentinel events in obstetrics. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. JCAHO sentinel event alert #30. 2004. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee Committee on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 447: Patient safety in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstet Gynecol 2009

Linking Patient Safety Education with traditional OB GYN SPECIALTY TRAINING Traditional curricula for Ob Gynecologists have focused on PURE CLINICAL SKILLS: diagnosis of illness, treatment of disease, after-care and follow-up TEAM WORKING, QUALITY IMPROVEMENT and RISK MANAGEMENT have been overlooked. These are the skills fundamental to patient safety.

TEAM STRATEGIES AND TOOLS to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety

Core Teamwork Skills

Communication Leadership Mutual Support Situation Monitoring


Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Practice guideline formulation dissemination

Introduction of intervention packages (ALARM, PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

Year 2 Focus Group Discussion on Adoption and Implementation of Interventions to Decrease Postpartum Hemorrhage

Year 2 Focus Group Discussion on Adoption and Implementation of Interventions to Decrease Postpartum Hemorrhage What interventions do you use in your institution for PPH and other obstetric emergencies? What are the sources of these interventions? Who/where/how were these interventions acquired?

Year 2 –Adoption & Implementation of Interventions to Decrease PPH Focus Group Discussion 1 Utilization of clinical practice guidelines + Audit of management of obstetric emergencies + Training for obstetric emergencies Specify: ALARM + PROMPT + PATIENT SAFETY + ALARM for REMARKS personal; PROMPTreal

2 +

3 + + +

4 +


+ +

Year 2 –Adoption and Implementation of Interventions to Decrease PPH Focus Group Discussion 1 Utilization of clinical practice guidelines + Audit of management of obstetric emergencies + Training for obstetric emergencies Specify: ALARM + PROMPT + PATIENT SAFETY + Alarm for REMARKS

personal; PROMPTreal

2 +

3 + + +

4 +


+ +

Year 2 –Adoption and Implementation of Interventions to Decrease PPH Focus Group Discussion 1 Utilization of clinical practice guidelines + Audit of management of obstetric emergencies + Training for obstetric emergencies Specify: ALARM + PROMPT + PATIENT SAFETY + Alarm for REMARKS

personal; PROMPTreal

2 +

3 + + +

4 +


+ +

What factors do you think can improve current interventions? Focus Group Discussion Physical plant and facilities __ patient monitor e.g. pulse ox __ laboratory with timely results __ blood bank __ embolization facilities __ surgical equipment __ others____ Training and educational resources Clinical and medical resources __ surgeon with advanced skills __ interventional radiologist __ others Referral systems




+ + +

+ Private hospitals less exposed

Red cross blood bank Drug availability

Make protocol


Virtual training

Referral for human resources

Practice drills

Referral CPG checklist




What factors do you think can improve current interventions? Focus Group Discussion


Very effective


Somewhat effective







Not effective


Decrease mortality rate and blood utilization



Based on mortality and morbidity

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Practice guideline formulation dissemination

Introduction of intervention packages (ALARM, PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

What parameters do you use to measure effectiveness? What indicators/factors do you use to evaluate/measure effectiveness? Focus Group Discussion



Auditable standards: Specify Only B Lynch + • Rate of PPH and TAH are B Lynch and • Rate of use blood transfusion done internal iliac • Rate of use prophylactic uterotonic administration • Rate of uteretonic administration for PPH • Rate of use maneuvers for PPH, bimanual compression, etc. • Rate of use surgical management of PPH Specify: B Lynch, uterine artery ligation, internal iliac ligation, hysterectomy, others •

Morbidity and mortality statistics for PPH


Use of checklist for obstetric emergencies






+ Mortality Blood transfusion Hospital stay Surgical intervention Number of drugs used / utilized Reopening / surgical infection - ICU

Patient notification

What additional interventions would you like to avail of to improve obstetric practice and outcomes? 1 2 3 Focus Group Discussion


Physical Plant Training


Clinical Resources


Referral Network




+ +

Prenatal of patient Poor prenatal check up in local centers

How would you like to avail of these additional interventions? Focus Group Discussion


















+ +


What is your opinion on the results of the survey on CPG on PPH? Focus Group Discussion








Very reflective Somewhat reflective Not reflective comment

The options are really not done in the Philippines


Answers sometimes were personal

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

PENDING Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Practice guideline formulation dissemination

Introduction of intervention packages (ALARM, PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

Problem: Postpartum Hemorrhage

Assessment of impact

Compliance and institutionalization

The Safety Loop

Practice guideline formulation dissemination

Introduction of intervention packages (ALARM, PROMPT, TEAM STEPPS, EMOC)

POGS Patient Safety Committee: Future Plans

Strategy of implementing Patient Safety Program for POGS

Needs assessment

Inventory of interventions

Comparison of outcomes

Plan of action: DONE Needs assessment

Provide feedback to centers

Elicit solutions to perceived gaps

Responding to Perceived GAPS Constant update and review of clinical practice guidelines Continuous TEAM TRAINING and DRILLS HIGH-RISK EVENTS e.g. ALARM, PROMPT, TeamSTEPPS Audit of management of obstetric emergencies Institutionalization of Patient Safety interventions E-Learning Modules Patient Safety Bundles

e-Learning Aggregate of digitally-mediated education activities Instructional materials Simulators (virtual patients) Case and problem-based learning Includes an assessment ( both formative and summative) Advantages Reach Convenience Tracking

Patient Safety Bundles Multidisciplinary approach Algorithms of care Adopt best practice from Society guidelines

Plan of action Inventory of


Document centers that received/ implemented training interventions

Agree on standard measures (Incidence of PPH, Rate of blood transfusions, Number & type of medical & surgical interventions employed)

Patient Safety Series


What indicators can we use in obstetrics? TABLE 2

Perinatal- and neonatal-related agency for health care research and quality patient safety indicators

Perinatal & Neonatal-related agency for health care research & quality patient safety indicators This image cannot currently be displayed. Indicator


Complications of anesthesia

Anesthetic overdose, reaction, or endotracheal tube misplacement

Death in low-mortality diagnosisrelated groups

In hospital deaths of patients with !0.5% mortality rate; excludes trauma, immunocompromised, and cancer patients

Postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma

Postoperative hemorrhage, postoperative hematoma, postoperative control for hemorrhage (must occur on same day or after principal procedure), or drainage of hematoma; excludes immunocompromised or cancer patients






Selected infections because of medical care

Excludes immunocompromised or cancer patients

Transfusion reaction

Cases of transfusion reaction

Birth trauma: injury to neonate

Cases of birth trauma; excludes some preterm infants and infants with osteogenic imperfecta

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Obstetric trauma


Cesarean delivery

Cases of obstetric trauma (fourth-degree lacerations, other obstetric lacerations)

Vaginal delivery with instrument

Cases of obstetric trauma (fourth-degree lacerations, other obstetric lacerations) with instrument

Vaginal delivery without instrument

Cases of obstetric trauma (fourth-degree lacerations, other obstetric lacerations) without instrument

....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Adapted, with permission, from Johnson.24

Pronovost. Progress in patient safety. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.

Sample report Name of Hospital Intervention: __ Patient Safety Seminar __ CPG __ ALARM __ PROMPT __ BEMOC/EMOC __ others


Observation Period: Jan – Dec 20__ to 20__


Incidence of PPH

No.__/1000 deliveries/Year

Rate of Blood Transfusions

No. of patients ??

Medical interventions employed

Use of oxytocin , ergonovine, carbetocin, carboprost

Surgical interventions employed

Uterine artery ligation, internal iliac ligation, B-Lynch procedure, hysterectomy

Other interventions

Balloon tamponade, etc

Post-intervention No.__/1000 deliveries/Year

Plan of action Needs assessment Inventory of interventions Outcome comparisons

Provide feedback to centers

Elicit solutions to perceived gaps

Document centers that received/implemented training/interventions

Agree on standard measures (Incidence of PPH, Rate of blood transfusions, Number & type of medical & surgical interventions employed)

Measure baseline pre interventions

Evaluate effectiveness of interventions by comparing post intervention outcomes with baseline

This image cannot currently be displayed.

>10 mothers die daily from maternity related causes

Almost 4,600 women die giving birth each year


Maternal mortality in the Philippines remains high at 114, with more than 10 mothers dying daily from maternity-related causes Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the top 3 causes of maternal mortality. It is preventable & manageable using simple interventions. Therefore, it is a good target measure to curb maternal mortality. The patient safety loop consists of: identification of the problem, practice guideline formulation & dissemination, introduction of intervention packages, compliance & institutionalization, and lastly, assessment of impact for continuous improvement.

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