The Remote Village

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,285
  • Pages: 3
the remote village life is sweet, whereas death is sweeter than life. the moon is full but there is none beside me. the chillness of the breezy air and the sounds of the sea waves striking on the rocks were dreadful to hear. i have been lonely in this place for past one month. i didn’t know, what to do? the glittering moon made the sea appear bright. life is an unsolved mystery and some dreadful pleasure never gets out of our mind easily, i am going to share one such pleasure with you now. silence, silence, everywhere. it was a dark night. i was traveling in the bus to reach the village, which was 150 km away from the town. it was an isolated village located in the middle of the forest it had no electricity nor bus facility. it was a mystery to find the way to reach the village. many researchers, who had immense curiosity to know about the remote village, crossed the forest to reach the village but they never returned, ‘what happened to them? no one knows………. besides collecting news, as a journalist i was researching on the idea ‘after death’, for which i need some information. i went to the reference section from where i could get datum for my research. while i was scanning those various old newspapers, one particular article seemed significant and shocking. it gave some information about that particular village. the following things are statistical datum of the village. the village consisted of 12 streets where we could find only 240 houses. the village was located in the midst of the thick forest. the people in the village wouldn’t go outside. they led their monotonous life within the village. if they wanted to buy something, they had to go to the town, which was very far away from their place. normally they would not go out. there was a narrow way, which was the only way for them to cross the forest to reach the town. those who crossed the forest never returned to the village. it was a great mystery for the village people. they assumed that there might be devils in the forest and they might have killed them. the people in the village wouldn’t come out, before and after 6 o’clock both in the morning and evening. it was believed that the ghosts had been visiting them frequently. i was much influenced on reading this old article. it was quite interesting and i decided to pay a visit to that mysterious village. anything unusual will always interest the readers. so i wanted to know about the village, without informing my colleagues, i started traveling to the village with a handbag, containing a scribble pad, a book and a knife. the bus stopped at the edge of the forest. suddenly i woke up. everyone in the bus advised me not to get down, as it seemed to be a hazardous place. but inspite of their advices, i got down for a new experience. a convoy of owls was flying very fast over my head. they were beating their chests with their feathers. the ambience was terrifying and it created a state of confusion in my mind. i lit a cigar to overcome the fear. it was extremely dark except for the light from my cigar. it was midnight; with a torch in my hand i started walking, unmindful of the hour. i heard some mysterious cries here and there. i walked cautiously, i knew, i was taking some risk. my head was perspiring. i took a handkerchief

out of my pocket and wiped my forehead. the forest was dense with massive trees that appeared as ghosts, sometimes, i was frightened on seeing those trees. i listened to the snakes hiss, bears growl, elephants trumpet, jackals howl, owls screech etc…. at a distance. it was the hardest time in my life. i kept on walking throughout the night, eventually i achieved my target.i started sleeping at twelve past ten in the late night under the banyan tree, as i was too exhausted. the sun rises in the east but the sun never sets and rises because it stays stable forever. the climate was so cool. i woke up unconsciously as i was still in drowsy numbness pains. i saw an eagle flying around the tree, usually it fly’s only over the dead bodies, and unfortunately it was flying around me. it was a bad sign. an owl was screeching continuously.though i had been in a half-sleep, i predicted that it was an inauspicious day and my death would not be far behind. . throughout the day, i had been wandering to find some people in the village eventually i could none. i was very much frustrated. i realized that the account in the old article was unreal. they made a wrong statement and it was false, merely exaggeration. i saw some damaged houses here and there. i was wondering how the damaged houses and the old bungalows had appeared here. while i was planning to leave the place, i saw a small baby who was smiling at me with a strange look at a distance. i glanced him. ay, babe! “what is your name?” i asked. he replied nothing……… he didn’t know what to say. he was silent for a while. he stared at me and his pale blue eyes seemed to shine red. there was something different in that baby’s face that i have never seen before a look of such terror. he was crawling into the old bungalow. i stepped in. i followed him and instantly he disappeared. a convoy of bats was suddenly flying outside from the bungalow. inside a room, i saw a black cat that was fiercely looking at me as if it were going to kill me. i took a piece of stone and threw it on the cat but it did not move from the place instead it was mewing. i stepped into the other room. i saw number of paintings, on the wall, which portrayed the ancient king and the queen. again, i stepped into the other room. there was something written on the wall in red. i started reading…………………200 hundred years ago, a gang of ghosts were descending the earth from the hell. it was full moon. they landed in the village at 12’o’clock in the midnight to suck the blood of the people to improve their generations. it happened once in every two hundred years. they killed the people cruelly and sucked the blood from them. almost all the people in the village were murdered cruelly and it was full of horror and terror. exactly at 1’o’clock, all the devils started flying towards the hell except one devil. all the devils quenched their thirst whereas this devil could not find anyone because all the people in the village had been killed already. he should not leave the place, unless it would kill someone. nearly two centuries, this particular devil had spending its life in this village; enthusiastically it was waiting for someone’s presence. i heard the cat’s mewing…………. after finishing the reading, i turned…………..a dark red face with burning eyes stood in front of me. as soon as i saw its face, i went mad and was helpless. it killed me and sucked my blood. he was immensely happy and started flying towards the hell. it was

raining………after my sweet death; i’ve been wandering on this seashore for the past thirty days…. today, the moon is full. i hope this night i will be taken to the hell……… it is raining with thunder…. a dark cloud covers the bright moon… did you see that?………..

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