The Real One

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Name: Pimpisuth Sakulrungsap ( Pim )

Class#: 1202

Unit 3: Project Intentions Directions: Submit this document along with your Unit 3 memoir. Responses should be complete, detailed, and clearly explain the intentions and purpose of your memoir. i.

Define the subject and theme of your memoir. The subject of my memoir is my exchange year in USA. The theme is to tell the reader that do not let anyone or any obstacles stop them, just go for it and they will not regret.


Define the tone of your memoir. I feel good because I can’t tell what I think to everyone but when it is i the memoir I can explain as many as I can which makes me feel so much better. iii. Describe the plot in a few sentences. I start the story with question and then throwback how it lead to climax and resolution. iv. Which goal(s) are you hoping to achieve when creating this memoir? Readers be able to understand what my experience is and what I’m trying to say through the memoir.


For Written Memoirs: A memoir is a portion of your life that is crafted into a story. Explain which storytelling techniques (characterization, symbolism, climax/resolution, sensory details, etc.) you will use to communicate a central message or theme.

I use resolution to communicate the theme. It shows how I get injure and what I regret. I do not want readers to be like me. When I meet obstacles I stop. I’m weak. I’m crying. Therefore, I add at the end that I regret about the past but I will not stop doing things that I like anymore.

For Graphic Memoirs: A memoir is a portion of your life that is crafted into a story. Explain how visual techniques (style, color, panels, gutters, emanata) will communicate a central message or theme.

Pimpisuth Sakulrungsap 1202 Mr.Bishop English 12 20th February 2019 Dear Memory -1Someone walks through me. The shadow stops in front. I do not realize until that person calls my name. I am in my own world. The world with the full of thoughts but when he calls my name my brain is empty and I raise my chin up. “ Is that Pim?” That person calls my name again. I do not need a lot of time to recall who that person is. The next second I can remember immediately. That guy who is in front of me is my ex-boyfriend. His name is Mr.A. We were in a relationship when we were in grade 10. We had a good memory together. However, my close friend calls him, a cat. He is cute and nice but sometimes he is also naughty and bites me back. “Is that cat?” I ask him really softly because I do not want to talk to him. Yes, I know who he is even I do not ask but I just pretend that I cannot remember him. “ Yes, It’s me. … What are you doing here and what happened with your knee and ankle?” He stares at my knee braces and ankle braces. “ I just fall down,” I answer with a fake smile. I just sit in the atrium waiting for my mom to bring me back home. There are no people in the atrium except me and him. Other people go home already because school is over and it is pretty late for the teenager to go home this time alone. I want to get out of there or disappear like the air. Usually this time, the school still has some active people such as student government or

cheerleaders but at that time it is none. It just like he reserves all the areas of the school to talk with me. Mr. A sit down slowly beside me. I look in his eyes. It fills with happiness. I don’t know but in my opinion, he is glad that I talk to him because last time it is a long time ago. “Why you do not go home? It is pretty late now.” I gather all of my brave and ask him. I think it is a manner when someone talks to me or ask something I should ask back. “I just send my girlfriend home like last minute ago.” He answers with a smile on his face. “ Oh well, thank you for greeting old friend like me. It is a long time no see.” I just say like that but I do not mean it. I do not want to see him. I do not want to talk to him even in the school I walk through him in the hallway I do not give my eyes on him. “Hey! Why you say that! we were in a relationship before and now we are good friends.” Now his smile disappears and his face is pale. “If I were you, I would not come and talk like this.” Mr.A laughs and says, “Come on we used to have a good memory together.” It passed two years ago. He says our relationship stops two years ago but for me, every moment looks like happening yesterday. I remember all my feelings and what I have done. “My mom is here. I have to go! See you later dude.” Mr. A waves his hand. “Ok bye” I wave back with a smile. After he goes downstairs, I come back to my old world again. My eyes look down and the view that I see is not the floor in the atrium. It is the memory from the past. It sticks in my head without any control… -2Last year, I need to go to the USA to be an exchange student but before that. I have Week Without Walls. It is a school trip. I spend a lot of time with Mr. A on the bus and on the trip.

Everybody jealous and say that I am so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. Moreover, they told me to do not cheat on him because he is such a good guy. We are so happy at that time. When we are there we do a lot of activities together till night. We go to the dam, The Bridge Over The River Kwai, Temples, Staffed bug and others. Everything goes well like the fairytales. When I look around the surrounding is pink. Mr. A in my eyes has a shining aura. Every second has a lot of meaning to me because it is the last trip that I go with him before I go to the USA. I try to remember all the minutes, all seconds, all moments. It is such a good Trip until the last day of the camp. In the evening activities at the hotel, we dance, we have fun and we sing a song together. On the other hand, there is a person who is unhappy which is Mr.A. He cries and hugs me really tight. He says, “I do not want you to go. I want you to be here. Please stay here be here beside me!” He cries and his tears keep falling down from his face while he hugs me. “I can’t but I promise I will not cheat on you. I always with you” I rub his head gently and smile to him. I feel like I am the luckiest person who has a boyfriend who really loves me. When I am happy, time flies. The Week Without Walls is done. I head back home with good memories and the day I have to go is coming. “One day we meet and one day we leave” is the quote that my mom always says to me when I need to go to other countries. It is natural and it is only a year. Now it is the right time. “Thanks for coming,” I say to Mr. A and his parents. “I want to say that I do not want to let you go but I know it is impossible.” He answers with the sad face and looking down. “Everything will be alright…” I answer and hug him for a while. “Yup, everything will be fine. Just only one year I can wait. Here you are.” His voice is shaking and he gives the plastic bag to me. “What is this?” I ask. “ They are sweaters. I do not want you to be sick there.” He answers with a smile.

“Thank you. I will take care of it. If you missed me, you can wear a couple shirts. I hope it helps you.” I answer while I hug him. I am so happy that he cares about me so much. Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Hello everyone right now it is the time for flight XXX to go abroad. Please be ready for boarding. “I think I have to go.” I hug him one last time. “Goodbye” He starts crying again. He looks like he doesn’t want to get me out of his hug. He knows that if he let me go now, he will not hug me again for one year but he has to let me go. After I wave to him in front of the check-in counter I walk straight to escalator before immigration. I am so nervous but it is also challenging. Then I am on the plane for twenty-four hours. When I arrive there the host family takes care of me well. They treat me as a family. I go there with happiness but I can’t text with Mr.A much because of the rules. The long distance relationship is really hard. However, at the same time, I decide to join a basketball team. The gym is huge with the nice technology that the backboard slowly going down when the teacher clicks on the button. I never see that nice gym before in Thailand. It makes me super duper happy to join the team. I join in the JV team. I got a lot of friends and spend time every evening after school on the other hand after I join the team I do not talk with Mr.A for five months. I think we still in the relationship until one day I open Facebook and Instagram at home in my bedroom after school. Things that I never think it will happen to me it happens… -3I have an hour before basketball practice. I lie down on the bed and playing the phone as usual. I see that he hang out with another girl and he treats her like what he treats to me. I capture my phone screen and save all the photos as pieces of evidence. I think it is women sense like when someone close to their boyfriends they know that the girls like or love their boyfriends same as me. I think the truth that I know it hurts me but the thing that hurt me more is when I see him go with

that girl in our couple shirts. I do not know what to speak. I totally have no words. I go straight and ask him. “Who’s that girl? How long you are talking?” I text him with photos that I capture, tears in my eyes and my body are shaking. “Hey Pim!, please do not blame me. I think I do not feel like that anymore. I’m so sorry. I have a crush on her for a while. Can we break up? We can befriend, right?” He does not answer my question at all. “ Yes, we can befriend.” In that time I love him so much. I can be in any status. That is the reason why I say yes but I do not mean it. I want to be his girlfriend but it’s over. My hand is shaking and I’m crying. The man who told me that he will wait for me. The man who tells that he loves me and shows me how much he loves me is the one who cheats on me. Nothing hurt more than this. I do not want to go to practice but I have to. I push myself up to get out of the bed and go to practice. “What happened with your eyes? Are you okay?” coach asks. She worries about me so much. “Yes, I’m okay,” I answer with a fake smile. “If you are not feeling good, please let me know.” “Yes, Coach.” The practice starts and on that day we split into two teams and play like it is a real game. I do not have any power and I know on that day I’m pretty weak. I play really bad and it is a day that everything change. Bang!!! It is a sound when I fall on the floor. Everybody is shocked but I’m not surprised that I fall down. I dribble the balls to get into the middle and try to lay up but then my friend who is the center is taller and stronger than me. When she tries to get the ball, she pushes me really hard and then I fall down on the floor. She pushes me when I try to jump for lay up. My ankle breaks and

my knees get hurt because it does not go down in the right position. I can’t move. I need to see the doctor in the hospital. Everyone including my family and host family worries about me so much. They treat me really well as an egg in the rock. I never get hurt. I never get injured before but today I have both of them at the same time. Time, after I get injured, is not fun. Sometimes I have to wear knee and ankle braces to go to school. Sometimes it gets hurt like hell when I walk. -4Ring Ring!!!! Ring Ring!!! After I hear it, I get out of my world again. I pick up that call. “Hey my sweetie, I’m here. Where are you?” Mom calls me immediately when she arrives. “In the atrium, mom,” I say “There you are.” She walks straight to me and smile. “Is it still hurt?” She looks at my braces and wonders because it happened last year and it did not hurt often. “Not any more mom, I have one question,” I reply with the real smile that comes from my feeling and walks in front of her and bring all my staffs. “What question?” She wonders. “May I be a Titan cheerleader?” I ask her. I don’t want to stop do some activities that I love because I get injure and I do not want to stop everything because of a guy. “Yes, you may!!!!” She speaks loudly with a smile on her face and then she hugs me. She is really glad that I am able to walk normal and want to do some activity again. After I get injured, my host family afraid that everything will get worst, so they say that I should get out of the basketball team and don’t do any activities anymore. In that time, I agree with them because I’m sad. I broke up with my boyfriend and I get injured. I regret that I can’t play basketball anymore. It is a dream that I draw before I come to the USA. It is my wish list that I want to finish it but I can’t. I only study and then head back home. I don’t have a good memory with

friends. Then I come back. If I can speak to myself at that time, I would say, ”life never stops. Don’t let him stop your dream. Just go for it and never regret.” “Let’s go home and celebrate this nice idea with dad.” After she says, she helps me to carry the computer and my bags. “Yes, Mom but what do we have for tonight?” I ask while we walking. “Up to you, my sweetheart.”She smiles and we go straight to home. THE END

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