The Platform For Chnage

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 28
THE PLATFORM FOR CHNAGE Know the World as Living Not as Material Discover the Intelligent Design behind the Chaotic World Explore THE LIVING UNIVERSE THEORY By John Paily Grace New Age Research

Knowing the Present Platform The Present Platform is Materialistic The consequence of material exploitation are The increased heat content of earth that is leading to global warming, climate change. Increased heat means increased disorder and the system turns unstable and violent after some point. We are witnessing it in the form of vitiated natural forces manifesting as increased natural catastrophes. It is showing it self in the instability of earth and its forces, sun and its forces, instability of various ecological systems, the instability of human mind manifesting as unprovoked violence leading to war, terrorism, social clashes, communal clashes etc. It is also showing it self in humans decreased health and his susceptibility to diseases.

We seem to be on the Edge of a Collapse Know that Nature is Reacting violently to bring us to Truth of Her Master

The Path to Survive Collapse Invent and discover the opposite Platform and Change

The opposite Platform is Life


The Steps for Change Step back, be still and observe your “Self” Step back, be still and observe Nature

FIND THE NEAR PARALLELS End in Source that Give Life and Order Go ahead And Conquer Time and Death

First Step – Discovering the Foundation of Life and Self The foundation of Life and Self exist in three basic Processes

Breathing and Exchange to Sustain Mitotic Creation and Exchange to Sustain Meiotic Reduction and moving to the Opposite to Build a New Home in Time These processes are independent of Mind. Mind actually becomes impediment in the process that gives Life


Mind as Impediment to Know Truth Imagine Mind Directed to the Outer Material World

The Result is Disorder and Death We are witnessing it

Imagine Mind Directed to Inner World of Self

It Creates Order and Death Conclusion is

The Truth and Life Exist Beyond Mind between Order and Disorder Our mind has to Constantly Die and go to Higher Realm to Know Truth and walk In Truth Strange! Yet it is true. Let us discover

Truth of Mind Imagine my mind trying to Communicate to your mind I take position to Right and you to Left or Vice-Versa When we begin to Communicate You feel you are right and I feel I am right Both feel right, but one has to Win But the Victory Never Manifests Neither My mind, nor Yours can occupy the Center Because The Center belongs Truth and Life not Mind No two mind can ever Fuse to Give Life But hearts can Fuse to Give Life as Well as New Mind Only Mind based on Heart Can Reach Truth We came to this world with Life the Mind came Next

Nature of Truth All attempts to Seek Truth with Mind thus leads to turmoil, friction, Disorder and Death

Does it mean Truth is Beyond Human Mind

NO Truth is the Foundation of Existence

Life is Truth We were Created in Truth and We are Truth But We fail to Comprehend Truth


Why Mind Fail to Comprehend Truth Our mind fail to Comprehend Truth because

Our Mind is Bonded and is not Free to Enquire It is bonded Either to a Religious Self or Material Self

Thus it is Blind How this Blindness Originated? Do we have hopes of coming out to see the Truth?

The Origin of Blindness and the Solution to it This blindness is not by Birth

But Came in Time when Life Departed us Life departed when “Self” Manifested and Law was broken and the Boundary was crossed

The only Solution is to

Gain New Life and New Mind How to gain New Life and New Mind? Go Back to the Womb

Path to Truth or Womb? Is to Surrender the Mind to Life Force to gain New Life Accepting Mind Death Submitting Our Will to Higher Will

The Path to Truth is to Rest the mind in Heart Allow the Mind of the Heart to Speak Afresh to You

Take the Way Christ Did or Through Christ Advocating a Religion?

NO Speaking Science

YES The Theory of Living Universe

The Theory of Living Universe

3 Proofs for Believing First Proof

When west awakes to sunlight and heat and the material matter in it unwinds and goes into disorder, the east simultaneously sleeps to darkness winds and acts as a sink to bring order When the west peaks in heat and light, the seed of darkness is placed in it, simultaneously the east peaks in darkness and the seed of light is placed in it. The system is designed to sustain it self.

This Design and Energy Flow in Earth resembles a Double Pump or the working of a Heart – Nature Breaths! Think

The Theory of Living Universe

3 Proofs for Believing Second Proof

The 12 Month day and night cycle of energy is embedded in, 12 month climatic cycle, with its own peaks that gives way to the opposite. This opening up and exchange of information can be compared with mitotic information renewal, by which life manifest and grows against time and its force by enfolding the information. Life Mixes and Creates and initializes the information to conquer death. Then this single cell or one world begins to divide to form many worlds. Thus life has two states

Manifested State – Manifesting State The manifested state grows against time by Folding Information – Vegetative State The Manifesting state Unfolds the Information – Reproductive State

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing

Third Proof – The Vital Proof Science and Spiritual Science of the ancient tells us that the 12 month climatic cycle is embedded in 12 year climatic cycles and so on and thus it speaks of origin and end of time cycle [energy cycle] and entry into New Cycle. Most spiritual Scriptures speaks the end as quit traumatic and painful. Yet when we look at it, with positive enlightened mind we also see light at the end of pitch darkness. We appear to be in this end phase. Mayans have calculated it to 2012 December 21. The Knowledge that humanity gained Since Christ till today is expected to double in the next 2 years.

That is the fastness at which the system is sinking – Thanks to Media

I said Sinking because the Material Knowledge is Inferior and Lacks the Truth

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

Comprehending the Sinking The Sinking can be comprehended with body of Life or the billions of worlds deteriorating and collapsing for lack of Life force to bind them and simultaneous increase of Death Force to split them [ Ageing and Death or The process before death]

Stand still and Observe Nature Stand still and observe your Self You will Note

The whole world is falling because we are fallen.

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof - Continued

The Path to New Life Have Faith and Accept Death and Call out to Life Force Know that it is Next to You both Internally and Externally The moment you call from the heart, your are in the womb Put your force Along with Life Force

You Will see the Glory of the Creator and walk into Kingdom of God

The Universe is Intelligently Designed to Survive Death

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

What is the Intelligent Design to Survive Death The Clue Exist in Life The Fathers “Essence” Or the “Light of Life” leaves its body to enter the world of the Mother as per her receiving wish to Unite with Her “Essence” or “Light” to Recreate New Life.

How to Comprehend this Reproductive or Recreation Truth at the Universal Level

Does Universe has a Reproductive Phase?

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

Steps to Know Reproductive Phase of the Universe The requirements are The Living Light of Father Should Leave its Body and Enter the Body it rules. [ Heaven and Earth should fuse] Here in the darkness it should break the worlds it created in time and recreate it and give it New Life – Recall the reproductive phase in the womb Then the Fathers Light hidden in the Womb should give New Breath Or New Life to it – Imagine Birth What does these processes in Life Represent

They Conquer Time and Death Can we Comprehend them in Nature

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

Discovering the Steps of Nature Conquering Death Light of Father Leaving its Body to Enter its Ruled world

The Calvary The Coming of Heaven to Earth The Conceiving of New Creation I am not advocating religion but a science that can bring the world to Enlightenment

I am advocating the Truth written in Spiritual Scriptures beyond religion

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

The Proof of Calvary The proof of Calvary as conceiving point is subtly written in ancient spiritual scriptures. The Vedas, Bible and Koran – YajurVeda Vs:30-31 very clearly tells us that creation occurred through the self-sacrifice of the Creator and that this sacrifice was conducted by His own People. The Creator is working and His Glory is manifesting beyond Religion and through religions The most modern of the religion [ Muslim] emerged as a force against Christianity that was growing without Christ The Modern Science emerged against deteriorating religions. The creating Force seems to be controlling and leading the whole in a defined a path

What is the Defined Path – Where it will take Us?

The Theory of Living Universe Proofs for Believing Third Proof – The Vital Proof – Continued

The Defined Path - The Path to Rebirth The law of time is flow and change. Anything that is conceived should give birth. This means

Second Coming is Inevitable This is the birth of the Conceived Light or Revelation of Mind of God to complete the act of Creation and give Life to the World before death Strikes it. It is to Place the Seed of Light and Order in the peak of darkness or Disorder.

It is to Enlighten Human Mind Such that he takes guard of the deteriorated World and bring it back to Glory

It is to Turn Earth Into Heaven

How to Comprehend the Living Universe Universe is Created by the Intelligence or the Holy Spirit or Brahman – The Spirit Exist and Works in His Conscious Field The Manifest Creation involves use of Lesser Spirits and its Conscious Fields – The Created is formed to the Left and Right The Secret of Biblical Creation can now be understood from the Division of one Zygotic cell into Two – The Left and Right. They are Created in the Image of Creator Himself Our feeling of Superiority is Our Ignorance The life is controlled by the movement of the Spirit And is Guided by The Law it keeps to the Created Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe Human were Created in the Light of God The Law was Placed to Fight Time and its deteriorative Forces. However time Cycle is Inevitable This means Humans Breaks the Law and Disorder sets in God maintains in His created or manifest world by splitting the two world into four, eight and so on – Vegetative Growth Justice and law is primal to maintain the manifest world When ever this is endangered He intervenes in favor of the justified Thus we see Gods manifestation in the form of Human to teach the scriptures and His participation in war for Justice and Truth Christ manifested when not one soul was left on earth who could be Justified Before God. This necessitated recreation or conquering of time and time initialization Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe Christ Manifested spoke the Truths written in ancient Scriptures They were Spoken in Parables He made Self-Sacrifice Thus God Ensured that His Light is released on earth to Brood and recreate New Body out of the old When the God and Living Light moved from the center, Naturally the Light that began to Rule is the Inferior Light – Thus man became increasingly engaged in matter and its exploitation to know the Truth The God the Creator has remained a silent witness to Human endeavor to build world without Him and getting increasingly trapped in disorder, darkness and Death.

At its peaks it is bound to stress human mind that takes a key role in Time cycle Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe This reality is manifesting as revival of spirituality and the New birth experience Calling out to God from deep within Connects you to the inner world in the formation. Every one who calls will be heard, what you get depends on what you ask. Those who seek Him from deep with in, gets the Spirits too and the Spirit unravel the power of the Words and the Truths Hidden in it. When humanity is bound to Matter the only way for the Light to enter them is to manifest into Human Form and Speak the Words of Scriptures or Truth. The manifestation is also associated with miracles for Eye to see and believe in the Unseen The name given to Spirit of God manifested towards the last age is Christ. Beyond Christ, Exist His Word that Gives Life. Beyond that exist the Spirit which Creates Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe The Scripture Bhagavad-Gita, is a narration of Truth of Nature or the crux of Vedas to Warrior Arjuna to coax him to Fight the Battle for justice and Truth. At one point Arjuna seeks to know His True Nature. Lord Krishna gives Him Spiritual Eyes to see His Grandeur When it came to Christ, God gave the spiritual vision to His disciples and opened the it for everyone who seeks. Each one of us is precious to Him. We are the Body of God and God rest in Us. By ignorance we have made Idols of Him and captured Him into Temples, Churches and Mosque as we set out to seek our will. Most of us who go to retreat, go to temple, go with a intent to seek material advancement or relief from diseases or other problems. Hardly any one seeks His Truth He the Giver of Life Gives by the same Measure by which you Seek. Your mind and Intent plays an important role here Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe I Gave up lucrative career in biotechnology and retreated to seek Truth and when I submitted my mind and died in Christ, I was touched by the spirit and experienced the Rebirth - the Truth reveled as Gift And I was called to advance science and speak His truth

I have been taking this Cross and walking in Hope for the last 12 years If any one who is reading this feels there is substance init. Please give a helping hand to spread it I have struggled and managed to write and keep them on the internet But internet is a field where things are left for chance

The Truth reveled is to me is too Important for it to be left to Chance Continued

How to Comprehend the Living Universe The space and air is filled with Science of material knowledge. It is time we fill it with Science of God or the Living Knowledge This is the Only way to Survive For Further Reading

Beyond Genes – The Intelligent Design This is small book of 25 Pages that expands the basic ideas

Awakening to Truth This a little larger version of around 85 pages

Biology and Physics of Biblical Creation An unedited version of the same basic content that runs above 300 pages

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