The Pioneer No. 148

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No. 148 December 2009

COVER STORY Incorporation of  the

National University SOCIAL EXPLORER Credits for Serving in the Military

The Pioneer Campus English Magazine

CONTENTS No. 148 December 2009

The Pioneer Campus English Magazine

1 EDITORIAL The Crossroad of Change 3 CAMPAIGN How to Increase Enjoyment  of Festival!



4 CAMPUS BRIEFING 11 CARTOON ‘Chosik-nam’ & ‘Geoneomul-nyeo’ 14 CAMPUS WORLD Namhae Attration of the South Sea 16 PHOTO ESSAY A Place  for Contemplation at GNU




24 GLOBAL ISSUE 26 ESSAY CONTEST - Being Afraid of Wearing New Clothes - Meaning of Family in One’s Life - The Most Priceless Time in My Life : Teaching Practice

30 REVIEW Artwork 


32 HEALTH Underworld Exploration



The Pioneer is Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine. Gyeongsang National University, 900 Gajwa-dong, Jinju Si, Gyeongsangnam-Do, Korea. Publisher President Ha, Woo-song Burnham

Executive Editor Im, Gyu-hong


ra([email protected])


Faculty Advisor Oh, Sei-rang

Young-ah([email protected])



cheong([email protected]) Cub-Reporters

English Editor Kolon Joon

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Gi-il([email protected])





Kwon, Min-seo([email protected]) Kim, Hye-seung

([email protected]) Moon, Hyun-jin([email protected]) Park, Ki-jeong([email protected]) Yang, Songhee([email protected]) Layout&Design The Pioneer Printed by Seorin Design(055)756-5151, 5152



The Crossroad of Change

Lee, Young-ah Editor-in-Chief


walked along the streets strewn with fallen leaves. As I watched those signs that winter will become reality, this saying filled my mind, ‘Time flies.’ It has been three years since I entered the university, which ultimately means the same amount of time has passed since I joined the Pioneer. The hair style I sported for the first time looked very strange at first. In the early days, everything around the Pioneer seemed unfamiliar: the atmosphere of the office, using new kinds of computers for editing, etc. However, as time passed, I became accustomed to working with them, and sadly now is time to say good bye to the Pioneer, my lovely Pioneer. I wonder how I should manage my new circumstance. My thoughts go blank. Someone told me, “We should think about what things remain after leaving so that we will be able to prepare for another change.” What will remain when I am no longer an editor and student? As time passes, many feelings come to the surface. On the one hand, I will acquire independence, which means that I have to be responsible for my own livelihood, and have I prepared adequately for my future? What things will remain if GNU is not a ‘national university’, but rather a ‘national autonomous university’? There have been arguments related to the incorporation of national universities in South Korea. If the law being considered is passed in the National Assembly, the decision cannot be reversed. In the circumstance that changing a national university to an incorporated university is put on the congressional table, members cannot help but to feel anxious: ‘We cannot guarantee our future and tuition fees will increase’. To date, GNU has drummed up support for achieving something new: bilateral cooperative affairs with global universities, a second university hospital to be built in Changwon, the first Korean Aerospace graduate school which opened last year, the nursing graduate school has been newly established, and remarkable achievements in life sciences. GNU has been approved for supreme grade four out of five BK (Brain Korea) 21 projects, and chosen as a World Class University given the third ranking following Seoul National University and KAIST. GNU’s advancement has been steady if not spectacular. I am proud of being at the intersection of this astonishing development. A GNU slogan reads ‘Regional GNU, Global GNU, and Future GNU’, I too have my motto, Be bright, be positive, and be active, which my high school homeroom teacher taught me. The words inspired me whenever I had difficult times and will continue to encourage me ever after. Someone said, ‘Life is a continuous change’. Now is the time to change for with everything there is a season. P





student enrolled at Gyeongsang National University performed a song which was quite an inspiration! This Internet video ranked first, Nate (an Internet portal site). This student is currently studying mathematics at GNU. The Pioneer had the opportunity to talk to this student:

How do you practice songs? To have similar voice and style like a professional singer, I practiced many songs from Jo, Sung-mo, Whee-Sung, Fly to the Sky, and Na-Ul. As a high school student, I found it challenging to adopt Whee-Sung’s musical performance and approach to the material. For this reason, I always practiced his songs. At that time, I was called ‘Whee Suk.’(haha). Recently I practiced Na-Ul’s “Don’t go, don’t go” among other songs. However, my objective is to find my own musical voice and presentation of the music. Are you fond of being called ‘GNU Na-Ul’? The master of ceremonies introduced me as ‘Gyeongsang National University Na-Ul’ at the festival which put some pressure on me to perform in that 2

You must of have had experiences singing that we very pleasing to the audience? When I was a trainee, the drillmaster asked me to sing and so I performed during mealtime. When I was serving in the military service, I performed as well. This allowed me to gain confidence due to the positive reception as well as earn money when enduring financial hardships.

Who Is GNU ‘Na-Ul’?

Does your girlfriend support your musical career? Currently I am not in a relationship, however many females in the audience were very supportive. They said, “You are so good at singing”, and other women were surprised to learn that I was trying out in an audition. Do you have any particular songs that present a challenge? Where do you practice your craft? I have no specific song that I find a challenge, however I practice ‘Do you know that’ by Kim, Bum-soo, and ‘Love seat’ by Whee-Sung. As I reside in the university dormitory, I cannot practice in the dormitory out of respect for my peers, so I usually practice outdoors. When I am alone, I feel free to sing loudly. I often go to a byroad of the English Only Zone to practice my material and sometimes to a singing room. P

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

Moon, Hyun-jin Yang, Song-hee Kwon, Min-seon Cub-Reporter pictured by Lee, Gi-il

When did you start to practice singing? I started to practice singing as a middle school student. During that period of my life, rock music was a popular genre among teenagers. Some of my friends practiced songs which were in the rock and roll musical style. This genre of music appealed to me, so I decided to give it a try.

manner. My goal is to cultivate my own musical style and presentation and not to impersonate other artists. However, the audience appreciated my efforts.


Lee, Gi-il Reporter

(pictured by Kang, Gyeong-min)


he Gaechuk Daedong festival was held from October 13th to the 16th, 2009. This year’s festival participation was decreased due to swine influenza. Many GNU students were dissatisfied with the reduction of events which diminished the overall enjoyment somewhat. The freshmen, who began their studies at GNU this year, had quite high expectations for the festival. Although this was an unfortunate reality for many students, there are ways to promote the enjoyment of the festival for all. Below is a list of positive actions which will contribute toward a positive experience of the Gaechuk Daedong Festival. P

How to Increase Enjoyment of Festival!




The Sixty First Anniversary


Memorandum of Understanding

Museum of Ancient Literature

contributed by


yeongsang National University which opened on October 20, 1948 with 38 students, greeted its 61st anniversary this year. The 61st anniversary ceremony was held October 19th 2009, in the Pioneer Auditorium in SOLEIP with 500 participants including the President of the university, faculty members, students, and the Chief of the University Hospital. This year, ten people received Gaechuck Honors. Citations for long term employees were given to 72 people including Professor Yang, Min-seok, who has been employed by GNU for the last 40 years. GNU was promoted from a college to a university in 1980, and now has nearly 20,000 students and 1,420 faculty members. The school of Agriculture and Life Science, Aerospace, and Materials Science and Engineering are specialties. President Ha emphasized, “No mater how challenging the uncharted territory, we should go forward as pioneers and reform for our future prosperity.” The unremitting efforts of students and faculty have made GNU the choice for high educational standards. GNU has already become a world leader among top ranking universities, and the future is ours to behold! P


Kim, Hye-seung Cub-Reporter


NU plans to build a Museum of Ancient Literature. GNU reported that for the Museum of Ancient Literature to become a reality approximately 19 billion won are required by 2010 by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology. The museum will manage, research, exhibit, and promote education of cultural assets in Gyeongnam, and the Gyeongnam Ancient Literature Specialty Library will manage ancient literature and cultural heritage preservation. There a vast amount of recorded material, but the library’s capacity is only 562.81 . The Museum of Ancient Literature which has a scale of 9200 will possibly commence as soon as 2011. A GNU faculty member commented, “It has not been decided if the Museum and Ancient Literature Library will be integrated into one building or divided into two. Single construction may be better taking the cost into consideration”. Even though the building design process is not completed as of yet, many parties are showing interest. P

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

contributed by

contributed by GNU library

Lee, Young-ah Editor-in-Chief

Kwon, Min-seo Cub-Reporter


NU and Missouri University (MU) established the ‘MU-GNU Global Star Teaching & Research Complex’. The President of GNU, Ha, Woo-song visited MU from August 12th to the 17th, 2008 and an agreement of Memorandum Of Understanding(MOU) was established. The contents of the MOU encompassed The International Association Research Center, the establishment a Biotechnology and Research and Development Centre. GNU-MU International Association Centre is being established at Songdo in Incheon Free Economic Zone. GNU and MU agreed that the school will open in September, 2010. The first entrance quota will commence with 1,000 students. If competitiveness increases, it will be able to accept 3000 students. The International Association Campus administers academic courses and graduate school courses, and plans to develop the ‘GNU-MU International Association Research Center’. President Ha commented, “It will enhance globalization, and promote the role of research oriental university.” P

Female Employment Opportunities

Park, Ki-jeong Cub-Reporter


NU professor Kim, Jaeyeon’s Research team (Dept. of Applied Bioscience) decoded a genome of cucumber with other team members. The paper entitled, The Genome of the Cucumber, Cumis sativus L.) was published in ‘Nature Genetics’ on November 1, 2009 on the web site. Cucumbers are categorized as gourds along with melons, water melons, and pumpkins. These crops encompass farmland which is approximately nine million hectares and produces about one billion and 84 million tons of fruit, seeds and vegetables annually. Cucumbers are the first vegetable in which the genome was decoded and the seventh plant as a specimen for studying following the Arabidopsis thaliana, rice plant, millet, poplar, grape and papaya. According to Professor Kim, “The cucumber genome initiative began with the decoding of the genome of cucumber this year”. Research teams compromising of BGI-Shenzhen, two universities of China, three universities located in the US, South Korea, Australia, and Netherlands, are led by Dr. Huang Sanwen who is employed at the Academy of China. The genome of the cucumber contains information as to the sex being selected. P

Foreign Professors contributed by

contributed by Nature Genetics

Contributed by Female Labor Employment Service agency

The Genome of a Cucumber

Yang, Song-hee Cub-Reporter


NU conducted the Barista Education Program, one of the Female Labor Participation Programs, from June 4th to the 9th. This was compromised of small courses which include: Nail art, Nature Soap Making, and Organic Cookie Making from August 18th to 20th and there was also a workshop for Image Making. The workshop for Image Making sponsored by the Development for Female Employment program had GNU course instructors participating with students for three hours over the course of three days which was held from November 10th to 22th. The course was offered by the Human Resources Development Center, and every day the instructors were rotated. The course was compromised of three segments: Voice Consulting for a Successful Interview, First Impressions, and ‘Interview Manners’. The employment coordinator of the course commented, “The class course went favorably and progressed rapidly to theory-centered education, and then on to training centered education. This course could be useful for the all GNU students.” P


Moon, Hyun-jin Cub-Reporter


NU foreign professors are a welcome addition! This will promote the university internationally. However, compared to other universities, provincial universities currently have insufficient foreign instructors. To strengthen the university’s faculty, GNU has hired two foreign professors. One professor is Amalendu Sau (from India) presently instructing in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. The other professor is Haike Hermanns (from Germany) instructing in the Department of Political Science. For new professors from abroad, GNU is an attractive choice for employment. Amalendu Sau commented, “GNU has a good working environment in general, particularly excellent research and teaching activities. I intend to serve as a very dynamic teacher and an excellent researcher, and I hope this eventually brings some recognition as a successful scientist based at GNU.” GNU plans to employ more foreign professors and this will ultimately broaden the school’s horizons. P


Lee, Young-ah Editor-in-Chief


banner which reads, ‘No to the Bling-Bling University’ appeared in French earlier this year. These days, the controversy regarding incorporation of the national universities is becoming an issue again. The incorporation of a national university permits the university administration to conduct business similar to a private company in terms of management of organizations, assessment of results, financial operations, promotion of faculties, etc. National universities have been regulated by the nation; however, if incorporation becomes a reality, the regulations would decrease. The national autonomous universities are responsible for their own administrative management in many areas. In Korea, this issue has remained controversial since 1987 when the Education Reform Deliberation Commission reported on the incorporation of national universities for the first time. In 1995, it was suggested again in Congress. In 2007, the legislative bill related to the incorporation of national universities was submitted, but it was dispelled. In the interim, Japan incorporated 87 national universities in 2004. In Korea, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology began as a national autonomous university for the first time in 2009. The application of the new model of administrative management may be a challenging task. Although the government announced that the total amount of money given to the national universities would be similar, many universities are concerned because they envision less financial support and higher



Incorporation of the

National University

“Improving the competitiveness is the ultimate  reason  of  incorporating national universities.”  “The rich universities will be richer, the poor universities will be poorer.” tuition fees. To alleviate some of these concerns and to fulfill the incorporation plan in degrees, the nation sponsored other projects of integrating national universities in each province and proposing the National Universities Finance and Accounts Bill. By integrating national universities in one province, administrative tasks will ultimately become more efficient. Also, the integrated universities would have higher student enrollment rates and consequently more financial resources. Therefore government can evade estimating monetary budgets. Also, the bill which is under consideration by the

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

Committee for Education, Science and Technology, stated, “The financial committee which consists of 9 to 15 members will be granted responsibility to arrange the operating expenses with the Kyobi accounts (a new term including Kiseong accounts (action committee expenses) plus general accounts (governmental support) and also tuition fees”. According to the report ‘Major Policies and Plans for 2009’ by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, ‘In return for expanded autonomy, universities will be supposed to meet requirements and disclose school

contributed by Kang, Moo-seong


contributed by contributed by Kang, Moo-seong

administrative and analytical data.’ The Ministry will require universities to conduct self-evaluation reports and publicize the results.’ This will result in accurate and precise administrative data disclosed for the responsibility of self-regulation. Incorporating national universities is like a double edged sword. On the one hand there are advantages. First, the universities can attain more autonomy by removing red tape, especially in finance. The university can open a variety of profitable businesses by itself. Also, the decision making processes will be more flexible. Second, the expenditure procedures would be efficient by integrating national accounts and non national accounts. The government can also reduce the burden of financial support in general. Third, it can activate the endeavors of members of other universities. Finally, it can promote national universities to become competitive in the global world. A member concerned with the project in Education, Science and Technology commented, “Improving the

competitiveness is the ultimate reason of incorporating national universities.” On the other hand, there are inherent disadvantages as well. If a national university is incorporated, the university may become commercialized. The departments which may become overcrowded with students are favorable to gain employment; however, other basic learning skills could deteriorate. Second, the selection of the first members of the financial committee is given to the President of the university; this may ultimately result in an uneven distribution of responsibility. Kim, who works as an advisor in the Korea Federation of National University Professor Association, commented, “Although the reports said that the total amount of operation expenses are given to national universities, if the privatization really happens, the government will distribute money based on accomplishment. The rich universities will be richer, the poor universities will be poorer,” he added, “The essential reason of existing national universities is to give opportunities to many students who want to study but are not wealthy.” The incorporation of national universities have many merits and demerits. There are many questions related to this issue. What potential complications will the national universities encounter once they get incorporated? What should the effective measures be to resolve the slow progress of Korean national universities in the world? What is the reason the national universities exist? GNU also researches the topic with foreign national autonomy university cases. Before any final decisions, it is evident that much discussion is required. P





GNU : What Does  the future Hold? Cho, Ah-ra Deputy Editor-in-Chief


f GNU implements an incorporated national university model, what strong points does GNU have that would assist in this decision? GNU has struggled to enhance international competitiveness in various fields. First of all, GNU and the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) reached an agreement that both universities will construct the MUGNU Global Star Teaching & Research Complex at Songdo in Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ). The GNU-MU Global R&D Centre will have many scholarships available. GNU contracted Mutual Understanding of Intent with MU. The purpose of contraction is to cultivate creative and talented students. Second, GNU is qualified with notable achievements in agriculture and life science research. According to the research conducted by the JoongAng Newspaper which annually provides ranking of universities in Korea, GNU achieved the first ranking of the field of animal bioscience among Korean universities in 2009. Third, GNU’s Embedded Research Centre was selected ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) in 2009. The centre will have put two billion dollars in oder to develop a highly efficient Embedded SW(Software) until December, 2012. Also, it focuses on developing an OFP(Operating Flight Program) and an integrated IMA(Intergrated Modula Avionics).


Moreover, GNU is going to build a hospital which is affiliated with GNU’s hospital in Changwon City. Although GNU has enhanced competitiveness in various fields, GNU has to consider the other consequences. If GNU implements the Incorporation of the National University, perhaps several undesirable consequences will appear. Firstly, GNU will not be provided much financial support from the government. If so, GNU has no choice but to increase the tuition fees in order to administer GNU. One of the most important purposes of a national university is to guarantee students who suffer from financial difficulty to study with lower intuition fees than private universities. Therefore, GNU may not achieve this objective. Second, GNU will reinforce the specific fields which make a profit such as the College of Engineering, Agriculture and Life Science, Medicine, Nursing, and Veterinary Medicine. Relatively, other colleges, especially the college of Humanities which focuses on studying foundational knowledge may ultimately be undermined. The Humanities emphasize acquiring natural knowledge rather than earning profit. Also, a plan for integration of universities has been raised because it can lose the financial support from the government. Furthermore, GNU implemented a strategy committee which is composed

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

of six parts. They focus on the integration of universities, research involving the incorporation of universities, establishing Songdo international campus, improving employment, managing assets, and governing GNU symbols. In the case for community to integrate the university, it has practiced two activities. First, it has sought to invest in universities which are suitable to integrate with GNU. It found five universities and then researched strong points and weak points if GNU integrates. Second, it has prepared survey for members of GNU about integrating with other university. It is considered that the integration of universities is for the purpose of incorporating national universities. The plan for integration was offered; however, it had to combine into one university with other colleges within the same district. It is difficult to solve the problem without the consideration of student’s opinions. Do you wonder about GNU students’ opinion? If you took part in the survey, how did you answer the questions? The Pioneer polled more than 300 students to find out what they think of integration of the universities located in Jinju area. Those are composed of GNU and International University of Korea and Chinju National University of Education, and Jinju Health College.

Survey Questionnaire : 1. What do you think about integration among GNU and International University of Korea and Chinju National University of Education, and Jinju Health College? Do you agree with integration or not?  Agree (23.3%)  Disagree (76.7%) 2. If you agree with the integration, what is the reason for approval?  Many local universities have suffered from a lack of a quorum, so it is an essential alternative plan for GNU. (10%)  It improves GNU’s competitiveness because GNU students can take a lecture of excellent professors. (54.3%) If it is implemented, the government will provide  financial  support.  Due  to  this support, the GNU facilities and lectures will be improved. (35.7%) 3. If you disagree with the integration, what  is  the  supporting  reason  for disapproval? Education purposes are different among

universities. The International University of Korea and the Jinju Health College aim at training  professionals  while  GNU's educational  objects  are  acquiring  and researching knowledge. (37.4%) GNU students may lose their sense of belongings and identity through integration. (36%) There  are  no  concrete  steps  for integration. (10.9%) It is not an essential plan for GNU because  GNU  can  strengthen  the competitiveness  enough  without  the integration. (15.7%) 4.  If  GNU  doesn’t  implement  the integration, how can GNU increase its competitiveness?  GNU adopts more full time lecturers and part time lecturers. (24.3%) GNU diversifies scholarship. (32.7%) GNU activates overseas programs such as an Overseas Internship, exchange student programs, and others. (40%) Other (3%)

Survey analysis : Approximately  76.6%  of  students disagree with the integration. Students believe the educational purposes are different among universities.  Moreover,  GNU  students worried about losing their sense of belongings and identity through the integration.  About 23.3% of students are inclined to the integration. The reason is it will be helpful to improve GNU's competitiveness because GNU students can take lectures of excellent professors. Also, if it is implemented, the government will provide financial support. Due to this support, GNU facilities and lectures will be improved. They are looking forward to a promising future.  About 72.7% of students hope that if GNU diversifies scholarship and activates more overseas program, GNU can promote its competitiveness by itself. Besides, there are other opinions which consist of establishing a law  school,  lowering  tuition  fees,  and changing the school name to Gyeongnam National University. 


A University Crisis Approaches Kim, Dal-gon Professor of Dept. of Accounting


hat will GNU be like in 10 years? Have you ever imagined the future of GNU? Many students and members of GNU are trying to improve our competitiveness. Do you think that GNU will strengthen in this regard? When we consider the environment of education that we are confronted with, perhaps the direction that our university must take needs to be carefully considered. A branch university, the state University of America, will be built at Songdo, Incheon in 2010. GNU with inevitably have to compete with universities abroad. Also, in 2008, 42 universities were short of a necessary

quorum and 22.5% of Korean universities didn’t fill the quorum requirements. One of the most serious problems is the decline in student enrollment. If we assume that the entrance quota of the university is maintained, the graduation of high school students will be reduced by approximately170,000. This number means the same number of graduating students will remain after 50 universities are closed. The crisis will be a pressing one within 10 years. Perhaps the university should change. We must make a university that attracts student enrollment. GNU has to change its name as well as to strengthen publicity. Moreover, increasing the


percentage of employment rates is very important. However, it may be time to integrate with other universities. GNU has no choice but to follow the direction of the government’s action plans. It may be hard to consider that integration with other universities will improve our competitiveness. It is true that some universities, which are already unified, face disagreement with each other. However, a positive outlook may be the key. In the case of GNU, we may have an opportunity to rectify potential weak points in unification with other universities. GNU has to choose whether this change will come from within the institution, or it will be forced to change via external sources. The choice is ours. P




Raising the Viability University is required to  take more responsibility Seong, Hyeon-cheong Reporter


niversity graduate students are accustomed to the practical ability required for official work. In particular, graduates are responsible for contributing toward the solution of social problems such as low birthrates, decreasing population, and aging. Perhaps universities need more reformation to upgrade professional knowledge, creativity, and widen the global understanding for students. An incorporated university in America offers unrestricted studies of research and educational programs. In fact, there are only state managed universities in America, no national universities. This situation differs from the university management systems in Korea. On the other hand, in the case of our neighbor Japan, they have completed incorporating national universities. Much analysis has been completed which may lend insight for comparison to the national universities. Eighty nine of the national universities in Japan were changed to incorporated universities. In fact, they conducted research regarding the future


practical abilities of graduates. However, only one national university was ranked in the top ten. Perhaps this translates into that private universities in competitive fields outrank national universities. Therefore, they considered incorporation for encouraging more competitive power and providing a higher level of education. In the meantime, the

educational system of universities in Japan is similar to Korea in that government manages the budget, administration, infrastructure etc. The national universities should be responsible for self-regulation due to government control. Tokyo University is one of the best

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

incorporated national universities. They acquire competitive power over the world and are ranked 16 in evaluation of the world’s leading one hundred universities from the United States magazine, Newsweek. They also can promote research and study with provided funds without any approval from the government. In other words, instant practicability can be accomplished by reducing a course and not having to obtain approval from the government. However, Tokyo University is required to take more responsibility as they manage and undertake education independently. Therefore, they encourage general education courses such as Human Studies. In addition, they revitalized some education courses such as biology, social economy, ideology and art. There are also integrated courses in science and literary education for upgrading personal knowledge. They have made connections not only with other incorporated national universities, but private universities as well. Moreover, they have obtained some contribution for funds for the university by forming class reunions and solidifying alumni. They recently accelerated internationalizing the university to provide a prestigious choice to study. However, Japanese universities already have a solid financial basis from the onset. It can disrupt the educational environment without a well executed plan of operation. However, perhaps we need to obtain more information regarding this issue before any final decisions. Furthermore, the university should explore some cases and analyze the incorporation models of other universities to get a true reflection of the viability of this decision. P


‘Chosik-nam’ & ‘Geoneomul-nyeo’ Jeong, Seong-gyeong Dept. of Biochemistry, 07





e h t f o n o i t c a r Att South Sea


Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

Lee, Gi-il Reporter


(pictured by Lee, Gi-il)

n the southeastern part of Gyeongnam, there are many places of interest to visit which include an art centre, an extraordinary German village, and a small port in South Sea.

A German village in Korea In the 1960s, when Korea was going through a difficult time, the Korean government decided to support Koreans who were living in Germany. These residents devoted their life to the development of the economy and modernization of Germany.

As this plan took shape, a German village was erected in Korea for social interaction with residents and to maintain a close connection with German culture. The village was developed in coordination with the exotic culture of Germany. The traditional cultural art village was donated by the government with approximately 30,000 square feet located in the South Sea which aided development of the town. Housing construction was completed in the traditional German style as materials were imported from Germany. As a result, 29 buildings owned and operated by Koreans living in Germany operate inns for tourists. Koreans settled in the German town

with the most beautiful natural scenery where one could see a panoramic view of mountains. As we walked up to the hill on the way to the village, we could see a rock with the inscription ‘German Village’ in Korean. We felt like we were accessing an entrance to a fantasy world. The town’s layout reminded us how much travel satisfaction we could derive from it. Also, there are forests for rest stops, and a butterfly ecological area right next to the settlement town. In Hamburg we encountered an authentic German style restaurant.

dedication to the previous art centre in appearance and construction. The art center displays the subject of Jangseung (a wooden sculpture with scared and wicked face), including a permanent exhibition of paintings produced by the artists. Visitors can view the making of metal, egg craft, ceramics, workshops and the exhibition of miniatures, crafts, sail boat models, and recycled materials are on display throughout the room. Numerous collections are exhibited in the playground with an outdoor stage, a fountain, and walking trails.

The Sunup Art Center An elementary school which was abandoned by closure was renovated and became a cultural art space which opened on May 10, 2003. It is located on the hill overlooking the sea. The Sunup Art center was refurbished to look like a European school hut with the framework in keeping with the original building. Approximately 50,000 collections (domestic and foreign) are exhibited in the center. Exhibition of paintings, crafts and photographs are often exhibited. Also, various programs are utilized by the students which provided an experiential learning space. There is the Folk Museum which houses collections of folk artwork. Memories of the classroom is a

The Yacht festival The Yacht festival was held in Mulgeon Port in Namhae from Oct. 9th to October 11, 2009. Approximately 200 participants and 70 ships were ready to depart from the port for the second yacht festival. The large crowds and ships made the experience very enjoyable! The location of this event has proven to be successful due to tourism resources to draw visitor’s attention and interest. It also helps the community to gather local citizens to cooperate to make this event an overwhelming success. Dedicated people operate this festival and provide a temporary restaurant to help nourish hungry visitors. P




GNU WINTER FASHION Lee, Gi-il Reporter


inter is becoming a reality. GNU students are preparing to protect themselves from the coming winter. It is absurd to wear fashionable clothes without thinking about

For men’s clothing trends, summer rich color which resembles color bleached from sunlight emerges as the new luxury color elegantly expressed when harmonizing with grey. This trend in men’s winter jackets permits comfort and is practical at the same time. The major considerations when choosing a winter coat are that they should be slim fitting and well designed.



pictured by Lee, Gi-il

winter coat is an excellent option for men who want to look smart and classy. For a man, first impressions are very important. You may have that excellent trench coat that you wear often, but when it is really cold, you need something warmer.  A pea-coat however, will permit warmth and protection from  the cold with sensible styling.



adding is no longer just for sporty casual. Padding is about to be reborn into a slim fitting, fascinating design, and it provides much winter warmth and comfort. Winter padding satisfies men’s needs for  being fashionable with a sporty style. However, we recommend that padding needs detailed styling for each man.Padding with horizontal stripes generally looks good on everyone, and diamond shapes promotes an intelligent image. 14

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

the necessity of keeping warm in the winter season. What should we consider when choosing fashionable, affordable, and sensible coats for the winter? What kinds of coats for men and women are fashionable right now? P Seong, Hyeon-cheong Reporter

Women’s strongest trends, in jackets are made up of a monochrome and neutral color with a point of bright color such as red or orange. Fashion experts say this coming fashion winter will include strong silhouettes and sophisticated glamour. Focus will be on the jacket which is made of basic wool.

Shaggy Furs


Female dandy

pictured by Seong, Hyeon-cheong

ou can be a special woman! Shaggy coats can keep us both warm and looking fabulous. This choice is more sophisticated with a long haired fox sleeve and mixture of several fur materials.


asculine fashion takes a dandy turn in this season in the tuxedo trend and military fashion. The 2009/2010 trends are definitely feminine. Those can be accentuated with a wasp waist and a silhouette style.





A place for Contemplation at GNU Cho, Ah-ra Deputy Editor-in-Chief

(pictured by Cho, Ah-ra)


hen we discover trees discarding their leaves, perhaps we also feel that winter will soon become a reality. When the weather gets colder, we bundle ourselves up in thick coats and hide ourselves under the bedclothes. We blow our hands to keep them warm. This leads me to long for the quiet places at GNU in the fall. In autumn, the leaves have turned yellow, red, and gold. In October and November, autumn is in full bloom. I would like to introduce rather novel places at GNU where one can appreciate the beauty of nature.

The First GNU Campus Photograph Contest contributed by Lee, Hui-seong

Festival There was an exciting atmosphere which left an everlasting memory for all participants.

contributed by Cho, Ki-bong

Highest award of contest

contributed by Cho, Seung-hyun

Yegrina It was an extremely cold dawn after the rain had fallen. I wandered through the GNU campus with my boyfriend and reached for his hand. The weather was cold, but my heart only housed warmth. Award of Excellence


Night view of Dormitory Upon opening the window of my room in the LG dormitory, the stars glittered. A moment to reflect on nature’s beauty!

Award of Excellence

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine





In 2009, the Ministry of National Defense readjusted the  rate  of additional  points. It dropped from 5%  to 2.5% and the percentage will be applicable  to  the examination score that applicants earn. 

contributed by the Ministry of National Defense

Credits for Serving  in the Military

Cho, Ah-ra Deputy Editor-in-Chief


as the question of military service been explored lately? In Korea, there are five obligations of Korean citizens which include paying taxes, the conservation of nature, education, labor and national defense. Perhaps one of the most important duties is national defense. Most Korean men perhaps need to strengthen the moral obligation to national defense which encompasses approximately half of GNU student population.


In Korea, military service is compulsory. Most young men have to enlist in the military to satisfy citizen obligations to the national defense. Some Koreans consider military service for young men not a constructive use of time and energy. The service involves training in the army for two years. Moreover, the sons of Korea’s large conglomerates and high ranking government officials shirk their responsibility and duty to the Korean nation. An Olympic gold medalist was exempted from military

service. Perhaps due to these circumstances, some of men wish to avoid military service. The Ministry of National Defense implemented the credits for the serving in the military which began in 1961 to 1999. The system’s objectives were to bring opportunities and economic advantages to the men who were discharged from the army. The service men were accustomed to life as a solider for two years, which ultimately may lead to difficulty to adapt to everyday life in society. It also caused

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

delay for men to participate in public affairs. Thus, the system was introduced to assist in facing the inherent obstacles upon discharge from service. Discharged service personnel would provide assistance in obtaining positions as public officials. Also, it encouraged men not to evade military service. Participants of the credits for the serving in the military were given additional points according to the term of military service. If service personnel desired to enter public service, Credits for

Korea terminated the system because it was perceived as a violation of right pertaining to women and people with disabilities. Secondly, the Constitutional Court of Korea judged that the system imposed a restriction on the merit system for the equality of recruiting government officials. Two perspectives were entertained regarding this issue. One view of the program was the program did not support the constitution itself. The other view of the program is the rate of

additional points earned was too high. In 2009, the Ministry of National Defense readjusted the rate of additional points. It dropped from 5% to 2.5% and the


contributed by the Ministry of National Defense

contributed by Chung,Sung-jun/Getty Images

serving in the military was beneficial in the written examination process. If men trailed a pike for two years, five percent of additional points were awarded upon completion of a full mark in the civil service written examination. Men who were discharged from military service within two years were given three percent of additional points. However, the system was abolished in 1999 for several reasons. First, it infringed upon the privilege of equality. The Constitutional Court of

percentage will be applicable to the examination score that applicants earn. This issue does affect the student population of GNU because of the half number of men and woman students. The Pioneer is going to follow this controversial issue in future articles by conducting a survey with the aim of providing clarity of this issue so that all involved will make informed decisions that will ultimately result in stronger Korean. P




The Pros & Cons of the Credits for Serving in the Military Lee, Young-ah Editor-in-Chief


n Korea, the discussion that men who have finished their mandatory military service should be granted additional scores (especially in state-run exams) has been suggested again. There have been lively debates and strong arguments for the positive and negative factors inherent in this issue. There are different points of view regarding the system itself and the perceived inadequate compensation. Perhaps we could explore these various opinions further.

Related Articles : In Korea, according to the 10th article of the constituent, All members of the nation have dignity and value, and the right to pursue happiness. The nation has to guarantee inviolable fundamental human rights’. However, in the 37th article, ‘All freedom and rights can be restricted by law in a necessary situation for national security, order maintenance, or public safety. The level of restriction should not infringe upon the nature of individual freedom and rights.’ In 39th article, it states, ‘The whole nation has the duty of national defense based on the law.’ It has been obligatory that Korean men should attend the military service. Based on these related articles, is compensating men who may or may not have enlisted in service be given additional scores fair? The credits for the serving in the military and the Adequacy of Compensation What specific factors are being taken into consideration? To whom will it apply? It will apply to men who have finished their two year military service. Also, it will be applicable to people preparing exams to become public servants. The main point is to consider perhaps is an additional 2.5% points to the acquired scores and the number of people selected by getting the additional points will be limited to 20% of all capacity. Although the number of people preparing for state exams increases and the number of men increases also, it does represent a large proportion of the population. Also although it is a minority, there will be people who want to perform their military duty, but cannot. Perhaps that is the reason why there is controversy regarding the issue of adequate compensation.



People who have done army service for two years are relatively disadvantaged. The lost time must be compensated. The nation should be responsible for the sacrifice made on behalf of military personnel. It will reduce the number of draft dodgers. Participants who are destined for success will pass the exam without the additional scores and people who are destined to fail will not pass the exam with additional scores. Korea has been enforcing the conscription system, so the legislative and political assistance should match this. Additional scores are applied to people who have passed the first examination. The grade of those affected by the additional scores is evaluated by adding points to the evaluation score itself.


A more comprehensive argument is needed. Disadvantage for disabled people and women who cannot get the same benefits by providing army service. The number of beneficiaries is limited. The benefits are applied to only people who will be preparing for the civil service examinations. The system violates the law that all citizens of Korea can be inaugurated into public office based on their ability and aptitude, by giving extra points irrelevant to those factors. The compensation is not appropriate. Instead, wider measures should be examined such as offering career development programs, reducing tax, and supporting a pension program. P

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

Seong, Hyeon-cheong Reporter

What Do GNU Students Think? women men

women men

women men

1. If you support this system, please select one opinion :

2. If you oppose this system, please select your opinion :

3. What should we focus on as the most important issue?




Endless Issue


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or not. The constitutional court ruled that credits issued for military service discriminates against women. There is also the problem of those who attempt to evade their military duties by seeking service exemptions. Perhaps we should find a permanent solution, not just temporary one. The system of military recruitment needs to be overhauled. Another solution is to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula. If Inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation can ease military tensions a Korean peninsula disarmament process can go forward which may establish a safer, less confrontational relationship between the two Koreas. Lastly, we should accept a new framework for analyzing citizenship and human rights. Serving in the military can be of great advantage to those to know how to use this opportunity wisely. However, many see military service as a chore, a burdensome obligation, and this causes many problems. We should understand that this division affects our nation's destiny. It is evitable that some may need to take risks and endure inconveniences, but we must also remember that this is a service that we owe to our country. Let’s accept this privilege and make it more equitable for all by making military duty free of discrimination and unfairness. P


contributed by the Ministry of National Defense


ince December 23rd 1999, credit for military service has been deemed unconstitutional. The issue is whether military exemption invades civil rights

contributed by

Lee, Gi-il Reporter

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine


An Unjust Poicy


NU offers many benefits to study in ideal living conditions and scholarships are also within reach for students from foreign countries. However, there are some students who are not offered these benefits. A certain case became evident when a foreign student was refused admission to GNU because of a problem in choosing an advising


Jeon, Young- bae Professor of Dept. of Mathematics Education

professor. To elaborate further, a foreign student applied for the general graduation admission(doctoral program) under my guidance. However, this was rejected because of the negligence of the non-legitimate authorities with unclear objectives. This potential student was willing to give up all of the benefits that the university offered if only to gain permission to be a student under my supervision, yet the application was denied. Perhaps this is evidence of just how unjust this university policy actually is. In similar case histories of other colleges and universities from abroad, when students apply to graduate school, they consider if there is an advising professor who can assist them in their chosen field of study. If we examine

Communication at GNU


otential challenges for students from abroad experience may pertain to communication, food, access to information, culture, etc. It is my belief based on my own personal assessment, observation and experience that these potential challenges can be met with an open mind and a positive attitude. Perhaps the main challenge is the ability to adapt to the Korean culture. A year ago, I was given a rare

this issue further it is apparent that this issue can be resolved in a flexible way to contribute to the integrity of the university. University rules and regulations must exist to develop GNU’s excellence for both staff and students. However, an unjust bylaw negatively affects not only the quality of GNU itself but the futures of qualified and dedicated students. In an era of endless competition, and with the necessary consideration of the position of GNU to become a leading university, should potential foreign students be confronted by policies that result in unfair practices? This issue needs to be addressed by the Mathematics College and other concerned authorities. P

David Afamefuna Graduate Mechanical Engineering

opportunity to study as a graduate student at GNU. As a student from Nigeria and adapting to Korea, this presented a challenge. As time went by, I adapted to my new environment. However, the process of complete adaptation still remains a potential problem; for example, the Korean language. The regular three month Korean language course organized at GNU for new international students is unfortunately not sufficient. The university should increase the study period to six months or more to enable international students to learn more about ‘Hangul’ and Korean culture. Despite the adaptation problem I am currently experiencing, I remain highly satisfied with my stay and study at GNU. I vividly remember when I encountered some difficulties with respect to my THE PIONEER, NO. 148, DECEMBER 2009

health. My professor, the international office of GNU, and my friends all rendered assistance. The teaching modes and study techniques are of an international standard. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to mention here that the social life at GNU is not as flexible as it can be. I feel this is equally due to the problems that exist among the Korean students who may find it difficult to interact with foreign cultures. Potential challenges for international students are bound to exist in any dynamic system having diverse lifestyles and of course GNU is no exception. Thus, I fervently believe that if all students and staff, regardless of country of origin, interact freely, all potential adaptation issues can be overcome with a positive attitude. P




A Korean Wave in a Global Village Kim, Eun-jeong Professor of Dept. of English Education


contributed by

e often hear about the Korean Wave through the media such as TV, newspapers or the Internet. We may think that Korea is gaining more recognition in the global village. However, some consumers may question whether this is actually true and if it may be media hype. In the flood of information available to consumers, one may become frustrated determining what information is true and to what extent. Nonetheless, I have realized that the Korean Wave is indeed making quite an impact in Asia, although I am not sure about other countries. Last summer, I went to Japan to attend a conference. On my way back from Miyazaki to Fukuoka, I saw a huge bulletin board downtown which showed the Korean actors Bae, Yong-Joon and Choi, Ji-Woo. I was surprised to learn that many Korean stars were shown on the covers of Japanese magazines. I recently had another opportunity to learn about the upsurge of the Korean Wave - this time in Southeast Asian countries! While hosting an international conference on multicultural education, I met three professors who came from Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand. While conversing with them, I learned that Jewel in the Palace(Dae Jang Geum), Fantasy Couple(Hwansangui Keopeul) and Lovers in Paris(Pariui Yeonin) are quite popular in their


respective countries. In the beginning we felt somewhat awkward conversing with each other. However, thanks to the Korean Wave, our conversations became quickly animated. When we dined at a Chinese restaurant together, I was about to give them a lengthy explanation about what black noodles (jajangmyeon) are. However, the Cambodian professor immediately understood what they were because she saw them often in the Korean soap opera Fantasy Couple. It was an amusing experience. My dinner companions explained that Korean pop songs are quite popular in their countries as well. One of the assignments for the Philippine professor during his visit to Korea was to buy a Super Junior CD for his teenage niece. Who would have dreamed of this a decade ago? When I was in the U.S. during the late 1990s as a foreign student, I often went to street festivals in New York City. It was a real joy for me to walk around multi-ethnic food neighborhoods and shopping stalls. However, amidst a myriad of vendors from Italy, Greece, Turkey, China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico, and India to name but a few, I became somewhat saddened because I could not see a Korean shopping stall. As of today, I am uncertain if this circumstance has changed. Nonetheless, I have recently read a newspaper article from Newsweek which reports that references to Korean culture are seeping into American films and TV. How refreshing! Like the Korean Wave, I hope that my students will thrive in the global village. P

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

The Korea-EU Free Trade Agreement Heike Hermanns Professor of Dept. of Political Science

able to offer a wider range of services. This will help to further integrate Korea into the global economy, or in the words of the Korean government, make Korea an Eeconomic hub. While the Korea-US FTA has been strongly debated in South Korea, the negotiations of the Korea-EU FTA have received less public attention. Public protests in Korea are limited because the relationship with the EU is less emotionally charged than Korean-American relations. Overall, the FTA is likely to bring benefit and increased opportunities for Korean businesses and consumers that are likely to outweigh the disadvantages for certain segments of the economy. On a personal level, I am looking forward to the implementation of the FTA as duty free and tarifffree quotas will affect imports of wine and cheese from day one. P

contributed by


ecently, South Korean and the European Union (EU) initiated a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to ease the economic interactions between the two economic regions. The agreement now awaits ratification, which negotiators hope to achieve in the second half of 2010. The EU is Korea’s second largest trading partner after China, while Korea is the EU’s fourth largest trading partner. The EU is also Korea’s largest source of foreign direct investment (FDI). The Korea-EU FTA aims at eliminating 82% of Korea’s tariffs and 94% of the EU’s tariffs immediately, with further decreases in tariffs in the following years. Bilateral trade is estimated to grow by 30 to 40% following the implementation of the FTA. The EU expects to gain greater access for services and specialized agricultural products, as well as manufactured goods. Korea in turn can hope to export more cars, steel and electronic goods. Negotiations started in May, 2007 and concluded in October, 2009. Now, the FTA needs to be passed by the Korean National Assembly, the European Parliament and by each of the 27 EU-member states. There are areas of concerns in both regions, but opposition is more limited to specific sectors. One of the controversial areas is the automobile market. While Korea exports over 600,000 cars a year to Europe, imports from Europe are only around 30,000. European critics fear further losses because South Korean manufacturers import many parts from abroad (in particular China with preferential tariffs) while European imports are subject to strict, country specific regulations that pose problems for European exports due to the small sized market in Korea. Some opposition in Korea is related to agricultural products such as the import of beef. The Korean service sector will also be affect by the FTA, as foreign firms will be




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Being Afraid of Wearing New Clothes Jang, Won Dept. of English Education


s a child, I used to be afraid of anything new; a distant relative whom I had never met, a kind of food which I had never tasted before or even new clothes which my mother gave me as a birthday present made me feel uncomfortable. Something unfamiliar was a huge burden to me, whatever it was. Since I grew up like a bamboo shoot when I was young, which is no longer true, my mother had to often buy me new clothes because I outgrew my old ones so fast. However, as I was so reluctant to wearing new things, my mother had to figure out a way to make me wear them. The solution she came up with to solve this problem was to have my older brother wear the new clothes first to get me to feel familiar with them

and then have me try them on later. Surprisingly, it worked. I do not know exactly when, but suddenly I changed. Sometime during my puberty, I closed my eyes and began to accept new things. I came to know that new clothes were not that bad at all. Since then, the uneasiness and hesitation I felt about strange, new things have turned into an expectation and excitement about them. Now, I am not afraid of new clothes or anything new anymore, and of course, my mother does not have to get my older brother to wear my new clothes first, she, in fact, stopped buying me any new clothes a long time ago. Actually, still making a decision to do something which I have never done is not easy for me sometimes, but

whenever I’m confronted with a yes/no question about doing something, I always try to say, “Yes” to that question. If I say,“No” and decide not to do whatever it is, I can never know what is beyond that question. And the thing waiting for me there could be something that can never come back. I had a ‘free hug’ campaign in Paris, France when I was backpacking there with one of my friends. We spent an hour just deciding whether we should or should not hold up a sign with Free Hug written on it. Waiting for others to come to us and give us a hug sounded really embarrassing but interesting at the same time. After an hour of hesitating, we went to a stationary shop and bought colourful markers and made the sign. The next morning, soon after I held up

Meaning of Family in One’s Life Gwon, Gi-uk Dept. English Language & Literature


rom the moment an alarm rings in the morning to night when heads can't help hitting the pillow by the fatigue of the day, lives are filled with questions. Of course, most are easily answered and soon forgotten, but some questions are much harder to answer and remain in your mind, bothering you. Because we're so afraid of the answer. "Can I be around to accomplish what I want in future? Am I making a mistake by marrying the man or woman? Could he or she ever truly love me?" These questions make people perplexed, though they have been thinking about this to get answers. And what happens when we ask ourselves the hard question, and get the answer we have been hoping for? Well, that's when


happiness comes to us. Once one finds out an answer that guides him or her to the end, they can see the different aspects of life. It would be filled with possibilities, and troubles that have been tough to solve become easier, or go beneath their interests. Unfortunately, not everybody can take this amazing experience, because those experience usually ask for people severe changes in life and almost nobody would readily do that. If you take a drive or walk down any street in boulevard, you will meet a crowd of people wearing the same expression on faces. It's a look that says several things. “Oh, God. My dreams are never going to come true.” Or, "I will never have a life free from failure," and like, "I will never get to tell her how I feel." Actually, the streets are

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

filled with a lot of men who have given up hope. It seems that each of them has their own reason, but if you see carefully around reasons and go straightforward to the problems, soon those converge on a spot. Simply, they are afraid of being changed. Their worries are obviously seen because gloomy and desperate atmosphere come out from their faces. But, of course, every once in a while you do come across some lucky people whose dreams have all come true. The keys which make differences are simple but crucial, which are sincere supporters and confidence in oneself. If someone ask me to pick up the hardest moment through the life, I will say a year of 2004. It was the time when I was discharged from the military service and I found how despairing and

C O N T E S T the sign in front of the Eiffel Tower, I started to regret my decision to do it. However, around a half an hour later, when an old lady came to me and gave me my very first hug, everything changed. People who were laughing at us or taking pictures of us stopped what they were doing and gave us a hug, too. We hugged more than six hundred people from all around the world that day. Truly, it was one of the most unforgettable moments in my life; one which I wouldn’t have had if I had decided not to do it. Occasionally, we think that there are certain things that we are not up to dealing with because they look so difficult or challenging to us. Therefore, we leave the work for somebody else to take care of, and we look up to those who look better than us. Truly, this is a big mistake. If you had chosen to face the task and tried to deal with it, you would have handled it, although it might not have looked easy. You have to just

believe in yourself and believe in your potential. During this past summer vacation, I had an opportunity to direct an English musical for the annual festival of my department. Actually, it is not really easy to decide who will be the director of the musical every year as everybody knows that it is not an easy job, and many think that they incapable of doing it. To tell the truth, how many of us have had the experience of directing a musical? However, there is always someone who takes the job and ends up having a wonderful experience and lasting memories at the end of the musical. He is usually one of us who used to think that he would never be able to be a director. Though it is true that something which looks difficult is usually somewhat difficult, you will get to know that it is not as difficult as you have imagined it. Furthermore, if there is somebody around you who could share the burden with you, he or she will be happy to take part of what you are

doing. Nowadays, I quite enjoy hanging around with old friends and meeting new people as well; I occasionally see some of them being reluctant to wear new clothes like I used to be. They seem to be afraid of experiencing something they haven’t had before, something strange. Although they are grown men and old enough to deal with something new, they tend to avoid facing with unfamiliar situations or people and eventually miss the chance to broaden their horizons. They just want to continue wearing the old and familiar clothes they have been wearing all their lives. Especially, for the students of Gyeongsang National University who are supposed to be pioneers, being afraid of challenges does not suit them at all. To make good on our title, the pioneers, I wish we can all learn to face and deal with things we have never experienced before. P

hopeless I really was. Learning something in classes was out of my sight, only drinking and internet games gave repose to my miserable spirit. Although I knew that all these things were vanities, finding way-out from this darkness looked beyond my reach. So in a world filled with darkness like this, I hoped to get some kind of light. Whether it’'s a great flame that shows us how to win back what I have lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away threatening enemy, or a few glowing lamps that reveal to me the hidden exit of our desperate present, I really needed something to help me get through the night. Even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope. But hoping something is not appropriate behavior to the people around my ages. Because when I became an adult, I have learned to give up what I want to be responsible just like others so I could choose to do what was right. Yes, a life time of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years went

on, it was a burden that became too heavy for me to bear just like that time of 2004. I found out a key which let me out of the situation in a place of my life-long supporters, family, though it was not the usual option for grown-ups. They are the ones who showed up when I was in trouble, the ones who push me to succeed, and also the ones who punish me for mistakes. It was my best but final resort to be out of the cliff's edge. To say the result first, it was really successful. Going Australia to learn English, working as a supervisor in a company and staying almost all day in the library over a year were part of my life changed. These all formed under the name of love. It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is. It can sustain us through trying times or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices. And it can force stained man to realize things which looked like unattainable desire. But great changes cannot be achieved by

one factor. One’s confidence should be accompanied. Changes usually bring about crisis on the way to go its end. And that is the moment of desperation. But if we can face them head-on, having confidence in oneself, that is when we find out just how strong we really are. Everybody can be a loser in the arena called life, getting hurted by the cruelty of the world. But whatever the harm was caused by vicious enemies or unpredictable disasters, the moment finally comes when we must take myself up and continue the last of life. At that time, you will be aware of that family is the only one waiting and encouraging behind you. If there is anyone who kept complaining about the family and the circumstances, I say it's time to change your idea. Truly, because, there is nothing more important than family.





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The Most Priceless Time in My Life: Teaching Practice Park, Jung-sin Dept. Japanese Education


ost people may live holding with their priceless time in their life. It can be their childhood, or the period of the young adult, or now. If someone ask me, “When is your the happiest time?” I, definitely, say It’s the time that I went to teaching practicum. Because it determines my dream to become a language teacher by making me realize the most important thing, my strongest point, the way how to improve my teaching as a real language teacher and how clean eyes students have. First of all, I have realized one of the most important things to know is the value of caring about the students. Besides teaching them English, it is also important to teach the students appropriate behavior and to improve mutual interaction. To start with, to instruct students how to behave correctly, the teacher should sincerely care about them. For instance, I have seen the teachers checking the students’ hair, doing a dress inspection, and

talking to them about their lateness. The teachers always came to school before 7:30 a.m. for them. If they did not care about their students, teachers would not do that. Furthermore, warmth and affection can make a good relationship between teachers and students. During the class, if the teachers show interest and caring when they give instructions, students will feel this and respond with more enthusiasm for the material being taught, which will lead to a more active, interesting class. As a result, the teacher’s caring attitude can change a student’s negative attitude to a positive one, and also, it makes a great lesson based on interaction. The affection displayed by the teacher will be helpful to the students’ future because they will be more motivated to learn and will have better interpersonal skills. Also, I have noticed my strongest point as a language teacher is my heartwarming personality. During the practice, I tried to become a caring teacher as well as a qualified one for two reasons: to keep the attention of all

students and try to find the right tasks to help them strengthen their weak points. First of all, I always tried to retain their attention while I was teaching by maintaining eye contact with them. To elaborate, I did my best to check whether they were concentrating on the lesson or not. When they didn’t seem to be concentrating, I told them stories about my stay in Canada and about good learning strategies to study English, in order to return their attention to the lesson. Secondly, I tried to look for the weakest points of each student using a tracking system, and then I gave them the appropriate task to improve their level of English. As a result, I elicited the students’ interests during the lesson, and some students demonstrated their enthusiasm by asking for more strategies to study English. Thirdly, the teacher practicum makes me notice that how to improve my language teaching skills. During the teaching practice, I experienced a great deal of try and errors. It, however gave me these three fundamental but valuable

Jang, Won

Park, Jung-sin

Jang, Jae-hyuk

Says ...

[1] When I saw the advertisement for the essay contest, so I decided to enter. I enjoy writing in English and this allowed me the opportunity to know my writing abilities. [2] I learned how to write in English in my major class. It really helped me to write more easily. If you have an opportunity to write in English, you should write a script in English and then translate into Korean; however, it is more helpful to write a script directly in English. Finally, write freely whatever comes into mind in English as this is also good practice.


Says ...

Says ...

[1] I thought this English essay contest would be a good opportunity to test my writing abilities.

[1] I was tempted to participate in this kind of contest due to the challenge it presented.

[2] It is important to read other authors of English essays as they usually have a lot of information in their fields and write professionally. The Korean and English languages have different stylistic structures. For example, Koreans usually write the main idea at the conclusion of the article; however, English writers do not. For this reason, I strive to understand the English style of writing s well as my approach to the material.

[2] I enjoy watching mainly American dramas in English speaking countries. Also, I keep writing an English diary and the discipline required has served me well. Last, I believe setting a goal is important, and keeping a clear and attainable goal determines how we learn English.

Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

C O N T E S T principles. To start with, I have to do rehearsal as many times as I can. When I taught English for the first time, I was assigned to do that before a day. Therefore, I didn't have enough time to arrange it. However, after making a lesson plan, I practiced a lot of times in the lecturing room during the night not to spoil my lesson. After the lesson I heard many comments from my homeroom teacher such as intonation and time controlling. At the time, I realized how important the lesson is. Also, it is not insufficient how much I focus on about the importance of the studying materials. Before going to the practice, My senior said “What you know and what you teach is totally different, so study your text book as many times as you can before the class”. Before teaching in the school, I could not understand why he said. I, however, realized even simple word or grammar needs careful considerations as times passed. Also, how students accepted the lesson depended on how a teacher deliver it. That is, if the teacher taught the lesson as a wrong way, students accept them like a sponge, it would be really hard for them to change the wrong acception as time goes on, because it's first acception. Therefore, to improve

my teaching, I should keep in mind that studying material hard is indispensible. Last but not least, I should think about the extra factors of the lesson such as weather, what time the lesson allotted is. Because it influences the lesson directly, it is necessary to consider carefully. To illustrate, when the whether is gloomy, the atmosphere in the class can be seemed calm and depressed. This factor influences the class directly. Therefore, I should check the weather, whether it is rainy or hot, before the class, then prepare for the story or humor to elicit students' attention. Finally, with the experience of my teaching practice, students’ face made my dream to become a language teacher is firmly determined. Whenever I entered the school, the school gave me happiness and the students' looked so pure. Also, these two factors satisfied me during the teaching practice as following: fortifying my dream and endless authentic materials in Western culture to deal with. To start with, language teaching fortified my dream to become a teacher and let me know how much students are cute and lovely. During the class, I have seen most students looking at me and joining the

group work aggressively. Also, sometimes they asked me some questions. Their eyes looked pure and clean. Until now, I cannot forget their eyes and they makes me study hard to prepare for teacher's exam. Secondly, I can use endless enticing authentic materials such as animation, pop song, gossip or any others. Fortunately, many students are interested in Western culture. I means I can motivate them continuously with the materials and improve their English. In conclusion, the students' eyes, which was so pure, made me satisfied and help me keep dreaming the language teacher. Also, being able to motivate the students with the endless authentic materials makes me feel satisfied. In summary, the period of teaching practice has made me notice how valuable job the teaching English. Whenever I close my eyes, my students’ smiling face comes in to my mind. I think whenever I come across difficulty in studying for teachers’ exam, I could overcome it thinking their pure eyes. P

THE PIONEER asked the English essay contest prize winners the following two questions: [1] Why did you participate? [2] What are your secrets to good writing?




Seong, Hyeon-cheong Reporter

(pictured by Seong, Hyeon-cheong)


he Department of Art Education of GNU opened the 26th Art Exhibition in Changwon Sungsan Arts Hall from October 6th to October 11, 2009. The exhibition is held annually in coordination with the festival to cultivate student artistic talents and artistic merit in artwork. GNU students of the graduating class arranged for the exhibition as a graduation thesis. This show enabled students to radiate their artwork with sensitivity and passion. The audience enjoyed exciting and rare shows. I visited this event not only because of its reputation as an art education exhibition, but also as a patron of the arts. My mind was full of excitement as I visited the art exhibition. I’m greatly interested in art; however, one must remain objective to accurately assess the art work for the Review column. My objective was to communicate individual artist effort, creativity, and artistic displays with due objectivity and professionalism.


Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

My coverage began with the No. 2 exhibition hall. There were Korean and Western paintings. I was fascinated with gorgeous colors and attracted by the grand scale of pictures. The pictures expressed the method of handling a brush effectively. One of the works entitled Monster was memorable in my mind. It seemed so primitive that perhaps any person may have had the ability to draw it. One glance was not enough to recognize the figure however that is not the deciding factor in appraising art. In particular, I could see that the canvas was covered with thick dyes. The monster (a figure like a monster) was depicted as dyes overlapping one another. There was a feeling of massiveness in the painting. I was impressed that the massiveness made the monster so full of vitality. After the painting exhibition, there were installation arts and design work located at No. 3 exhibition hall. The great size of artwork attracted visitors. One felt admiration for these artists for their hard

work and talent. One of the installation works titled An-Nyeong(Goodbye) attracted my attention. There were some translucent photos hung in the ceiling with thick lines. These photos were made by a style that in some part made a whole. Its special atmosphere when lighting matched with the translucent material was remarkable. Some pieces of the photos were put on the wall from a light shaped film near the larger photos. A design work titled Life was interesting in that it could present life in one shot by arranging specific materials

from the author's memory. Moreover, this author might evoke memories of childhood. Thus, this event might not be a good chance to inspire curiosity and observation among adult visitors, although it could be an educational place for children. Therefore, perhaps the exhibition needs to focus on attracting audiences as well as GNU students through more special events. Thus, it may encourage more GNU students to study art conception and design and ultimately exhibit their own artwork in the future. P



H E A L T H will immediately come in contact with other participants which may lead to sustained friendships. When you participant in scuba diving, one must have a ‘buddy’ as part of safety precautions. Diving with someone else involves attending to another diver and to assist if there are any problems. You will feel safe and a close connection through the buddy system. Many clubs hold social events such as night dives followed by a barbeque party or diving vacations for members. We all know that one should be contributing to the environment. Scuba diving can have a tremendous benefit in that it brings people into contact with fragile underwater habitats and educates them as to how important it is to preserve the marine ecological system.

Lee, Gi-il Reporter (contributed by GyeongSang Scuba)

Etymology of the term, SCUBA:


CUBA(acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) arose during World War II, and originally referred to the U.S. combat frogmen’s oxygen rebreathers.

How to approach Scuba diving program for GNU:

Preface Any excursion into the underwater is an adventure. Scuba diving is the most common sport for the study and exploration of this extraordinary underwater world. Why do we scuba dive? What factors draw us to the ocean that requires carrying about 100 pounds of equipment onto the beach? We could have our own unique and personal reasons to do it, but there are a few universal motivations for all divers.

Benefits of Scuba One of the biggest benefits is maintaining physical fitness. For those of us who dive regularly during the season, the cardiovascular benefits are tremendous! We acquire higher levels of cardiovascular health, less stress, better sleep patterns and are less likely to experience depression. Also scuba divers acquire improved muscle tone and strength in virtually all muscle groups, 32

particularly the core muscles. Another benefit is the mental health aspects of scuba diving. Most of us will have heard the theory that watching fish in an aquarium is a stress release. Imagine how the calming qualities of observing an underwater environment are intensified when you’re actually observing and interacting in the environment. Many people discover scuba diving is an excellent way to get back to nature to ultimately to release stress and to relax. Scuba diving also presents an opportunity to increase calm breathing techniques. There are social benefits as well. By joining a scuba diving class or club, you Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

GNU has Gyeongsang Scuba which operates the program for regular scuba diving to students who are members of scuba club. However from September, 2009 to December, 2009 the club has opened the scuba program to non members. This program will resume the same month next year and summer season. P

Regional Global Future


Gyeongsang National University Campus English Magazine

The Pioneer

Back to Heaven

by Chon Sang-Byeong

I'll go back to heaven again. I'll go back to heaven again. At the end of my outing to this Hand in hand with the dew that melts at a touch of the dawning beautiful world I'll go back and say: It was beautiful. day, I'll go back to heaven again. With the dusk, together, just we two, at a sign from a cloud after playing on the slopes


To. The Pioneer

Translated by Brother Anthony of Taize

The Pioneer The PIONEER No. 148 PUZZLE ACROSS 1



4 6


3. This year s festival participation was decreased due to s______ influenza. (CAMPAIGN) 4. GNU has d________ up support for achieving something new. (EDITORIAL) 7. Perhaps this translated into private universities in competive fields o____ national universities. (COVER STORY) 8. The leaves of g______ were moist with rainwater and it made the outline of yellow leaves vivid. (PHOTO ESSAY)




1. The i________ national universities have many merits and demerits. (COVER STORY) 2. Those can be accentuated with a wasp waist and a silhouette _______. (CAMPUS WORLD) 5. Most young men have to enlist in the military to satisfy citizen obligations to the national d_________. (SOCIAL EXPLORE) 6. In the f_______ of information, we become tired of ascertaining whih information is true to what extent. (GLOBAL ISSUE)

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