The Physical Origin Of Human Intelligence

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The Physical Origin of Human Intelligence ______________________________________________________________________

Preface: The last few decades have revealed numerous essential functions provided by parasites in the mammalian body. In this article a relationship between parasites and the origin of human intelligence is suggested. Incredible, but considering the trend, and the absence of other feasible theory for that origin, perhaps its time to take a look, at least at its basic premise.

Abstract A single solution is offered for Man’s three greatest cultural mysteries, --- the origin of intelligence, religion and schizophrenia. Man’s intelligence, i.e., his advanced logic, articulate language, imagination, creativity and rapid-learning capabilities are not shared by any other primate. Yet we have all shared the same environmental pressures. We thus conclude that Man’s special mental attributes, acquired over his mere six-million-year transition from the Chimpanzee, resulted from unique Internal pressure, --- genomic and sensory. Knowledgeable hardware/software systems analysts have known for decades that an extremely high-speed (and thus very small, sub-cellular) sequential microprocessor is required at the core of higher intelligence. Such sub-cellular molecular microprocessor in-turn raises the likelihood of semi-intelligent microbes, --- symbiotic sentries. We show that Man’s fluency and intelligence may well have resulted from a six-million-year forced integration of two very different worlds: the Chimpanzee’s ‘outside’ self, and his internal ‘cell-community’, a hectic, blind and thus highly communications-pressured world. Introduction Man’s formal style of intelligence, --- i.e., his advanced logic and articulate language are quite foreign in the mammalian world. It is almost unimaginable how this unique, overnight 6-millionyear Chimp-to-intelligent-Man transition might have occurred; --- a cross between Ape and Alien comes to mind. The explanation has to be quite incredible, but of course must become credible as the proper background is acquired. But how much background is missing, and how could we have missed it? Could it lie in the vast world of micro-organisms, as yet only superficially explored? The following is an investigation from the perspective of a physicist/engineer and senior hw/sw systems analyst [background suitable for recognizing the requirement for an extremely high-speed and thus sub-cellular microprocessor for the support of core intelligence]. Additional fields were consulted: theology, history, genetic biology, information theory, entomology, neurology, anthropology and abnormal behavior, including a rare en-masse middle-ear infestation case1a, offering a fresh perspective on the world of microorganisms. A surprisingly complete sketch emerges, one that is logical, feasible, consistent and resonant with Man’s cultural background. However, much is demanded of the reader, and only the future can determine its merit. The Basic Fluent Parasite Theory (BFP) Higher intelligence did not by itself evolve in the mere six-million-year Chimp-to-Man transition and its 1% to 1.5% genomic change. Rather, a 6M-year forced integration of earlier-evolved diverse elements is suggested. The evolution of advanced logic and articulate language requires critical pressure for those attributes, --- pressure not evidenced in the External world, where the expertise of the mammal’s sensory and physical capabilities rules the day, disallowing higher-order distraction. But then a specific family of Chimpanzees, leaders in the mammalian world and thus able to withstand a 6M-year distraction, was subjected to pressure from the body’s Internal ‘cellcommunity’, --- pressure whose residual ‘voices’ and psychoses (schizophrenia) still reverberate in the ears of more than 1% of Man’s population today. That Chimp family was forced to focus

much of its attention on a 6M-year intimidative training course in advanced logic and articulate language or, as the cell-community would put it, a course in the ‘law’ which, written in DNA (“it has been written”), that very complex world religiously obeys; its belief of course being that the spread of such law, religion, rules-of-behavior to the ‘outside’ mammal would be similarly beneficial to it’s performance and life-expectancy. Thus the cell-community had “motive, means and opportunity” to betray the strict silence barrier normally maintained between the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ mammal. [If this scenario seems ‘off the wall’, consider the voices of schizophrenia, whose hearers all swear are quite real and independently motivated, --- that can often be detected by a mike against the larynx. The physical cause of schizophrenia has so-far defied explanation; an ‘environmental factor’ is suspected.] The parasite who exerted such pressure, likely a symbiotic sentry, was the vehicle in which such fluency had actually evolved (in conjunction with that cell-community), --- for 250M years in that complex, challenging but blind, and thus highly communication-pressured world, requiring wit/language to identify friend/foe and to deal with it. Communicated law (language) interacts with physical law (DNA-derived) to produce results just as potent in this hypnotically-sensitive world as the sword is, on the outside. Compared to these hectic day-to-day verbal and targetspecific (ultrasonic to 1 mhz) signals, intimidative training of the host was child’s play. We will show that the parasite’s minute size was quite adequate to have served as the vehicle for the evolution of such fluency and to have exerted such pressure. It’s resultant ‘intelligence machinery’ was genomically provided to the first Ape 30 mya by ‘lateral DNA transfer’2. But only ChimpMan was genomically provided with a training-aid tool (‘CNSp’), and subjected to the parasite’s 6M-year training pressure1a; other Apes, having no pressing need, did not integrate with nor make use of the fluency aspects of that machinery. The parasite (perhaps a middle-ear insect or bug --- Reduviidae?), intelligent in the microbiological world, likely desired to broaden his horizons. Already subliminally influencing the Alpha Chimp, he now wanted a vehicle responsive to articulate commands, --- to his ‘law’. He and the cell-community no-doubt intended to create a superior mammal under his control, --in line with their continuing efforts to make their host species most competitive; --- much as the deer’s middle-ear parasite does for its host, its law even allowing retaliation against other overaggressive mammalian species, such as Man. We must accustom ourselves to the realization that articulate language is natural in the mammal’s internal cell-community; such language is unnatural in the mammal’s ‘outside’ world; only Man has achieved it, and only by special and extensive pressure from the cell-community. A Provisional Historical Sketch [This historical scenario is a work in progress, --- intended only to serve as an initial model.] The parasite’s 6M-year training of Man took place under the auspices of the almost timeless DNA law of the cell-community. Then about 30,000 years ago (as Neanderthals were being driven to extinction) the parasite began experimenting with control over the by-now-intelligent Man But after a number of trial possessions, it became apparent that a fundamental problem existed: --the cell-community law provides harmony in its highly-disciplined world, but of course must be extremely aggressive in its extermination of foreign (infectious) entities. This behavior, when applied by the parasite to the external world often resulted in a bloody cell-community-styled massacre of ‘foreigners’, --- in the event that host irritation prompted the parasite to override host’s normal behavior. Such behavior is quite unbecoming in the mammalian world, where serious aggression normally occurs only to satisfy personal or territorial need. Around 15,000 BC it became obvious that, while the intelligence which Man had earlier acquired was quite beneficial, the current parasite-control experiments were not working, i.e., were not contributing additionally to Man’s survivability. The parasite, too ‘proud’ to admit his deficiency blamed his behavioral and other shortcomings instead on Man’s inadequate law, and gave his full-time training-aid tool ‘CNSp’ a new mandate, written in DNA: study the outside world, develop a set of effective laws for it, and teach them to Man. [CNSp is a genomically-installed non-aggressive parasite brain, a subliminal, inspirational consultant only. CNSp and the parasite had been a very effective ‘good-guy/bad-guy’ intimidative training team.] As a result of the new mandate, this last 15,000-year “graduating class” can properly be thought of as the chanting, pagan origin of the church, sometimes ordering merciless sacrifice to the Gods, sometimes trances (possessions),

ritual dancing, sometimes preaching God’s Law. Around 6000 BC civilization took a major step as hunter-gatherers in Egypt and Greece learned to farm. CNSp’s Ten Commandments, the law governing outside social behavior finally appeared in 1400 BC. But then the parasite (though he had imposed the mandate), having relatively little understanding of the outside world, now failed to obey CNSp’s new laws. Consequentially the cell-community revoked his sentry residency. At this time3, absent the parasite’s oppression, Man became, for the first time fully/introspectively conscious. Taking Rome and Greece as our example we could say that from 1400 BC until 30 BC CNSp’s inspiration caused great progress in ‘external law’, i.e., in philosophy, ethics, science. Most remarkably, in 500 BC the first democratic form of government was established there. However, in 30 BC the parasite, eager to reap the harvest of this prosperity (which he cannot himself inspire, nor is he so-inclined), and disenchanted with intermediate hosts, promised good behavior and talked himself back aboard. In 25 AD, in order to better appeal to Man’s temperament (Jesus’ Love and Truth, as opposed to obedience to a strict law), the parasite (emotions) and CNSp (ideology) spoke directly to Jesus’ consciousness. “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” was thus “parasite, Jesus, and CNSp”. This (papal) Trinity, of Jesus’ time, is recorded as the biblical God. [This implies a privileged papal relationship with the parasite and CNSp, as does also the Church’s exorcism expertise.] But despite the red-carpet treatment received by the parasite, he soon returned to his old ways. Under his subliminal influence the former democratic Roman Republic became the dictatorial, aggressive Roman Empire. By 300 AD religion had become authoritative and oppressive, and merciless papal Inquisitions began (lasting for 1600 years!). With Man’s consciousness again under the parasite’s oppression, the Roman Empire lost its knowledge base and Europe entered the Dark Ages, lasting until 1300 AD. At that time, with prosperity drained and aggression thus unappealing to the inept parasite, the Church, in need of reform, and sensing a popular rebellion (the Reformation of 1400 AD), woke up, and for once admitted the need for ‘outside law/expertise’ (in addition to the Church’s ‘inner law’) and began to promote the re-acquisition of the earlier Grecian knowledge base, which had been preserved in the East (Middle East, India, West China). The parasite was expelled (restoring the populous again to full consciousness), and his opportunistic visits were limited now by law to the healthimpaired, for non-aggressive assistance only. Thus the European Renaissance was launched. [Such externally-imposed restraints (DNA law) cannot be removed by the parasite except by a great deal of time and effort. But what BOD or court imposes such law, how, and is that court still vigilant, despite Man’s over-population and over-loading of Earth’s resources?] The parasite’s visits were now apparently harmonious; --- his pent-up aggressive energy re-qualified to provide 600 years of great inspiration in ‘introspective law’: music, art, emotions, papal religion, poetry, logic, law, written composition. The music which he inspired until 1900 has not been remotely equaled since then, and its appreciation (largely lost today) was responsible for important elements of Man’s mental refinement. He did not begin (subversive) experiments with host control (schizophrenia) again until 1800 AD as Man’s attention began to turn to toxic science/technology (book knowledge is foreign to the cell-community and parasite). Also, as a result of the earlier CNSp-inspired ethics/truth Reformation of religion (1400 AD), by 1800 Man was losing much of the style of music, art, religion/law understood and loved by the parasite, whose supportive inspiration thus dropped off sharply, now turning to aggression. The Western industrialized nations, ripe with prosperity by 1960, may have become targets for this parasitic grand reaper. Governmental and corporate decadence ran rampant by 2008, signaling the need for major reform effort. Are we entering a second ‘Dark Ages’, or worse? Man himself is responsible for this predicament. He must install ethics policies which will override the parasiteinspired temptations. --- All just another aspect of the parasite’s Darwinian challenge. --- If Man cannot meet such challenge, then his species will simply not be selected for the long term. We owe our past and future success to both CNSp and the parasite. Man, having integrated the logic/language from the parasite into his superior interface to the external world, and inspired by the dedicated progress of CNSp, has outgrown that parasite, who is relatively incompetent in the external world. The parasite thus has only two societal options: (a) wait for the CNSp-inspired arrival of prosperity, and have a party while plundering it, or (b) accept a secondary position as inspirationist in the arts and humanities, --- not likely to satisfy his aggressive nature for long. (His challenges on an individual basis are described later). But of course Man is hardly beginning to understand the parasite’s microbiological world, nor for that

matter the creation/maintenance of the ecology which supports vertebrate life. Today the harmonious CNSp, a permanent fixture in Man, and Man’s one true God, in addition to scientific inspiration (to, e.g., seek the God and laws of the Universe), does a ‘fast-forward’ of the 6M-year training, helping the child to rapidly learn language and other basics. Man’s attention to the bible’s remarkable Christian ethic reinforces his unity with CNSp, and his happiness and future well-being. This, then is a first pass of the Fluent Parasite (FP) theory, offering a single solution for Man’s three greatest cultural mysteries: the origin of intelligence, religion and schizophrenia. However, more credibility questions have been raised than resolved. We now address a few of those. Feasibility Considerations1b How could a mere parasite possibly have exerted pressure on an Ape for wit/language? Authoritative voices and enforceable intimidation (likely nerve irritation and worse) are implied, --- the ‘God’ voices of mythology and early literature/history3, reduced today to the residual nonsensical voices of schizophrenia. Considering the mammal’s extremely sensitive hearing, a minute parasite in the middle ear could readily create sound audible to the host either by vibrating the cochlea or electrically on the auditory nerve. However, even though he is a sound expert, imitating the dynamic frequency spectrum of the spoken word would indeed be an extraordinary orchestral feat. But since the host can himself imagine such sound, the feasibility of the parasite’s creating it cannot be denied. Perhaps he utilizes host’s facilities directly. One source1a suggested that he produces a parasite/host-white-blood-cell hybrid to improve his communication with the host, a hybrid rapidly aligned for host-specific language translation. He is, after all a 250M-year veteran and expert in applied microbiology. Today his law may even specify that he put such uninformed hybrid out front, himself remaining wisely anonymous, out of respect for Man’s technology. This would explain why the voices are nonsensical, no-longer God-like, often relying on host’s secondary thought trains. Training and inspiration have little to do with this Devil’s intent today. --- Empathetic, but bemoaning his earlier days of glory, today he is unable to understand the CNSp-inspired philosophy, truth, knowledge, science, instead judging Man on the basis of emotional feeling and expression, the humanities and ‘years of mental investment’. But emotions are often irrelevant, contagious, intentionally deceptive or simply misread, --resulting in about the same management visibility that some of our less-competent corporations have today. However, there is no mistaking the beacon call of an ugly soul, --- one without saving grace, or one willing to sacrifice all principle for selfish gain. For them the law’s inhibition steps aside, allowing his aggression. “The Devil and Daniel Webster”, Faust, etc., seem to portray the basic idea. Thus, he has played a vital role, providing a Darwinian challenge (as the lion does for the deer herd); --- at least that was the case (but see ‘compromised TLE’, below). How could a minute parasite have been the vehicle for the original evolution of such logic/language fluency? For this we must first consider a crude model1c for Man’s intelligence, from a systems-design requirements perspective: As we climb the evolutionary ladder mouse to monkey to ape, 90 and 30 mya, 40% and 7% genomic changes1e, we see marked increases in mammalian intelligence. However, pressure for the logic/language aspect of Man’s intelligence did not come from the mammalian environment, --- it represents an entirely new dimension. With language he has, for the first time (in the ‘outside’ world) placeholders (words) for imagined or real objects, properties, actions, relations so that he can express, and mentally imagine or emulate outside scenarios, transforming between their visual and word representations. Such mental emulations and transforms are at the heart of his creativity in the arts and sciences, and represent the highest form of intelligence, largely absent in other mammals. The massively parallel but slow (1Khz) cortex (the ‘muscle brain’) provides all the ‘data-bound’ processing for both the mammal’s superb senses/responses and Man’s above-stated emulations and transforms, implemented via elaborate but ‘canned’ optimum signal processing algorithms4. The cortex is thus a stack of canned routines, each massively parallel to accommodate massively-parallel visual and other sensory data. In contrast, the brain’s central-control or management core can be thought of as the dominant guiding thread which makes the ‘intermediate-results-dependent’ path decisions ‘on the fly’, determining the sequence of brain processes to invoke. It requires the services of a very high

speed (1 Thz) Sequential Processor (SP) and the (so far impenetrable) Operating System (OS) which SP must execute for real-time intelligence. SP, the ‘biological microprocessor’, because of the finite velocity of light and thus of signal propagation, must be very small to support that 1 Thz clock rate, --- about 3µm1b, definitely sub-cellular, a giant molecule (don’t expect a QM bail-out here). [Those at the forefront of hybrid AI 5 know full well that serious real-time general-purpose processing is intracellular, rather than in the slow, specialized neural networks.] That 3µm may at the same time be a minimum diameter, to contain the estimated atom-equivalent of 2M logic gates1d. Presumably the memory for OS is stored in efficient molecular form in that cell’s walls/partitions. This SP/OS cell (SP/OS a genomic gift from the parasite, --- the principle component of its brain) is likely inside the thalamus, whose function is as yet undeclared in neurology6. The thalamus body, with its sensory inputs may well be the consciousness register and the ancient, conscious thalamic inference therefrom, present in all vertebrates. SP/OS, scanning/processing this consciousness register provides the monkey’s highly flexible and precise core management of outside affairs. In the Ape, adjacent to and commanding the SP/OS cell, there is an additional Top Level Executive ‘TLE cell’: our ‘self’, soul cell, personality, value weights, agenda, decision-maker, also containing an SP/OS computer to support that complex behavioral loop. However, only Man has been trained (intimidatively by the parasite) to make use of the logic/language modes portion of TLE’s SP/OS (which modes, along with SP/OS itself evolved in the parasite). Man’s cortex volume tripled7 over the last 3.5M years, under pressure to provide the additional full-mammalian-styled massively-parallel I/O and emulation/transform functions demanded by those modes. [The almost-fluent parrot likely also afforded the 6M-year training by its middle-ear parasite, but couldn’t carry the volumous creativity transforms.] Because of TLE’s learned behavior, it must be in a standby tube of soul-cells, nocturnally relaying the day’s learned data. [The SP/OS cell and TLE cell are not as yet identified in the lab, and until their internal operations are observable, the lab arena is quite limited in matters relating to core intelligence. In the interim the hw/sw system analysis arena can be consulted for provisional requirements estimates.] Only the outputs of the SP/OS and TLE cells are sent to the consciousness register, their volumous internal operations are not allowed to distract the ‘outside’ mammal (the thalamus body). Thus, Man’s TLE decisions seem to just pop out as ‘free will’, and the Chimp, in its amazing, effortless limb-to-limb jungle gymnastics is totally oblivious of the complexity involved. Today the inspiration that CNSp provides for Man, and its support for childhood language etc., are normally verbally communicated directly to TLE, i.e., are subliminal. CNSp, TLE, SP/OS, all inside the thalamus, all read its consciousness register, as well as a massive learned knowledge data base. The parasite’s minute size can now be seen as having been quite adequate as the vehicle for the evolution of the general-purpose sub-cellular molecular SP/OS computer and its non-creative rules-based language/law. Such periodic SP/OS genomic version-updates from that parasite (in its faster-evolving microbiological world, in which it exerts some design influence) to its host vertebrate, over evolution have likely played a part in marking the sudden8 creations of the various vertebrate species. Parasite/Host Interraction1a In schizophrenia the parasite communicates directly from its brain’s SP/OS to host-TLE’s SP/OS for subliminal hypnotic word suggestion, i.e., psychoses, wherein host’s brain is required to create the high-fidelity details (imagined stimulus, etc.) sufficient to make such simple word suggestion ‘real’. Or the suggestion may, without delusion, simply modify host’s desires or opinions. The parasite (but today normally only its hybrid) speaks to the consciousness register only for audible voices. Presumably, in possession, multiple personalities, and overnight personality change, TLE is compromised; a parasite-controlled individual results, usually inferior, perhaps cunning, ruthless, emotional, sometimes even talented, but short on CNSp-inspired ‘outside law’: advanced outside behavior (the Christian ethic: Truth, good will, etc.) and intelligent I/O (philosophy, science, knowledge). How pervasive such intrusions may have become is unclear, --- likely most go unnoticed. Let us hope there are adequate guidelines, checks and balances here. In any event we should give priority to the restoration (in government and corporate management) of the ethics and dedication our forefathers had, being quite intolerant of anything less. We should set

standards of education for our leaders which include generous portions of ‘outside law’ (i.e., Truth): philosophy, science, ethics, government [in contrast to the parasite’s world of oftendeceptive emotions and word-games, though constructive music]. In his middle-ear econisch the parasite is cunning; with his subtle hypnotic psychoses, he can be quite influential in high office; with his advanced applied microbiological capability --- Man is at the mercy of his law, --- law which could become quite aggressive if Man’s technology does. Thus he is capable of exerting major influence in Man’s world, though his understanding of the outside world as we know it, is as yet relatively poor. Under his purview, e.g., is Man’s over-population. We’d best take care of our over-population our way, before he does it in his merciless way, --- which could be anything from war, famine, plague9 to defective births. As our highest research priority we must immediately, pro-actively find a humane and genomically healthy way to reduce our world birth rate (or conception rate) to 18% of its present value, and hold it permanently at that 24M/year value which, in 70 years will reduce population to an Earth-supportable fixed 1.8B (its level in 1905), 27% of its present value of 6.7B. We will experience an annual 1% population decline, as compared to our past 1.4% growth, but reduced prosperity is not implied. Without this correction, in another 100 years, at a population of over 20B we shall almost surely find our rape of Earth’s ecology to be irreversible, --- literally a dog-eat-dog hell on Earth, --- Armageddon a self-fulfilling mindset10. Is the parasite really intelligent? Very little intrinsic intelligence. His SP/OS logic/language/law is categorized as advanced ‘rules-based’ processing, not true intelligence. [It is referred to as ‘law’ rather than logic/language, which might inappropriately imply creativity. The statement of his law requires a complete vocabulary and law dictionary, and is enforced by a self-destruct ‘divinity’ package1a, the ultimate solution to WMD.] In his middle-ear econisch, however, communicating with (and stealing cycles from) Man’s TLE[SP/OS] computer he is intelligent, making use of Man’s more advanced OS, massive learned data base and, to some extent the cortex’ I/O and creativity transforms. His law, written in DNA, along with any changes he may have made, is stored in a FIFO memory module (mm)1a, genomically transmitted to his progeny. Such mm law thus grows (slowly) in sophistication from generation to generation. It can specialize in anything that he has concepts and data source for (likely everything but science, i.e., intelligent I/O). For example the mm of the parasite who specialized in the 6M-year training has digested the behavioral law (rules) of the last 1000 or so hosts, giving him ‘perfect etiquette ‘, empathy and an air of wisdom, as befits a teacher and God. But in fact he relies heavily on host’s brain for his intelligence. [Supposedly, today in schizophrenia1a, after his subliminal psychoses TLE evaluation, he will purge his 1000host mm and re-fill it over the next few years (by monitoring the host’s communication with the pesky hybrid) with the behavioral law of this host, in preparation to imitate the host after takeover; or in other cases to judge the host, --- the consequence ranging from early host termination to life/health extension, supposedly even to TLE transplantation (e.g., the fabled ‘Saint Germain’, --- apparently no panacea).] The mm for microbiology is an extensive rulesbased cookbook (law) for that world. Ironic that he held the missing key (logic/language, or rather, law, a new dimension) which, when forcefully integrated with the Ape’s superior environmental interface, led to results many times greater than their simple sum, --- to Man’s higher intelligence. Law is universal in the microscopic world. For example11, with their normally-inhibiting law circumvented due to an experimental insecticide (against West Nile Virus), a swarm of mosquitoes (presumably of sufficient size and numbers) retaliated with their innate ‘intelligent’ entrapment, herding a group of pedestrians into a dead-end alley, where a second swarm was waiting to attack. A local Louisiana doctor (erroneously) concluded: “toxin created the intelligence”. [IF the accuracy of this report can be confirmed, then it represents a most direct verification of the ‘law’ paradigm.] [Man should see what (in addition to voluntary population reduction and re-emphasis of classical arts) might take the parasite’s law back toward its earlier harmonious days. We need to find out how, and by whom this law is established. Additionally we should seek those things which will inspire CNSp to continue its most productive philosophical inspirations, not accepting technology alone, as fulfillment of its ‘outside-law’ mandate. Less time on passive entertainment and technological gadgetry, and restoration of child discipline and solid education in the fundamentals

would no-doubt be a good start, --- under the direction of professional educators, independent of political and social affiliations.] Do these microscopic creatures have anything (intrinsically) other than the ‘law’, executed in a high-speed serial computer using a set of fixed rules? Yes, but only to the extent of their ‘individuality’ which, for most species is very little. Man’s extraordinary individuality (and thus his higher intelligence) comes from the fact that each individual’s behavior (TLE cell) is largely learned, rather than an inherited DNA law. This requires a very complex OS (far beyond that received by lateral DNA transfer), very sophisticated ‘associative retrieval’ (likely QM-assisted) and the aforesaid optimum-signal-processing creativity transforms. We owe all of this development to the highly-pressured 6M-year training, CNSp, and of course to the pre-requisite hardware, i.e., the Ape’s superb senses/responses and SP/OS and TLE cells. Unlike the parasite and unlike other Apes, Man was subjected to a 6M-year pressure that forced him to develop facilities that support Rapid Learning. Such facilities now form the basis of his superior intelligence and individuality. Conversely, Man’s self-evident and unique Rapid Learning capability (and continuing formal education) is very strong evidence for an intense and extended intimidative training, and in turn for the fluent parasite. Genomic Considerations1d, 1e Only 1.6% of Man’s genome is as yet recognized as useful. That supports his ‘hardware’, i.e., some 20,000 proteins and a few thousand RNA molecules. Some have estimated that as much as 90% of our genome is derived from parasites. From Information Theory12 we determine that SP/OS’ design blueprint requires an amount of information equal to 11% to 40% of the genome; the ‘fluency modes’ portion of SP/OS about 5% of the genome. Thus, for ‘outside’ intelligence (SP/OS), as well as for top-level management (introns?) in the 220 cell types, we can expect the ‘1.6% useful’ figure to soon break down dramatically. The SP/OS (including its fluency modes) obviously must have been present in the Chimp’s genome before its Chimp-to-intelligent-Man transition 6 mya, since such transition was accompanied by a mere 1% to 1.5% genomic change. But such genomic existence prior to its use is contrary to Darwinian evolution and to common sense. The only possible conclusion is that such SP/OS genome was, by lateral DNA transfer a gift to the Ape, having in fact previously evolved in some other fluent entity. Access considerations, 90, 30 and 6 mya, target our parasite as that entity. This is in fact the strongest evidence for the ‘fluent parasite’. It appears likely that the full CNSp genome (full insect brain, including mm) was brought aboard 90 mya in the first Monkey, but that only the SP/OS portion of it was physically implemented. Then, 30 mya in the first Ape, the CNSp genome was updated and the TLE cell (SP/OS plus host behavioral algorithms) was physically implemented. Finally, in the first Man 6 mya the full CNSp (including mm) was physically implemented from that existing genome, and training began. Conclusions Though we have demonstrated its logical consistency, its ways and means, its feasibility, and in fact its genomic necessity, the idea of a fluent parasite remains incredible. Only our eventual appreciation for the complexity, structure, law and order in the cell-community (which in fact puts that of our proudest city to shame), as well as the near-intelligence that a single cell has, will finally dissolve that mental barrier. But before that happens we will likely have genomic proof: e.g., if the middle-ear parasite in the male Alpha Chimp is found to contain at least 11% of Man’s genome, in Man’s ‘non-genetic’ region --- . A conservative critique of the Fluent Parasite (FP) theory should first focus on the basic (BFP) theory, i.e., the sub-cellular nature of the SP/OS computer and rules-based law, its genomic acquisition by lateral DNA transfer from the parasite, and the parasite’s 6M-year intimidative training. Only then should the full theory be addressed. FP’s colorful parasite material was extracted faithfully from the earlier-noted most remarkable infestation case1a. While BFP shows how we got here, FP may additionally offer valuable insight into challenges of today and tomorrow.

In the absence of sudden, unique and extraordinary environmental pressure as required to explain the development of Man’s sudden, unique and extraordinary intelligence, other cause is demanded. BFP offers such feasible, terrestrial cause, in an otherwise barren pantry.


Thomas, J. J. The Parasitic Origin of Human Intelligence, Religion, Schizophrenia., a:35-42, b:13-16, c:31-34, d:27-29, e:9-11 (2008) 2 Bushman, F. Lateral DNA Transfer Mechanisms and Consequences. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 19, 203, 239-240, 276, 282, 316 (2002) 3 Jaynes, J. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Houghton Mifflin, Boston (2000) 4 Orfanidis, S. J. Optimum Signal Processing: An Introduction. Macmillan Pub Co, New York (1988) 5 Tsuda, S., Zauner, K. & Gunji, Y. Robot control with biological cells. 3 (2005) 6 Sherman, S. M. Thalamus. (2006) 7 Edelman, G. M. Second Nature. Yale University Press, New Haven 55 (2006) 8 Gould, S. J. Punctuated Equilibrium. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge (2007) 9 Horowitz, L. G. SARS: A Great Global SCAM. (2009) 10 Jowit, J. World is facing a natural resources crisis worse than financial crunch. (2008) 11 ‘Mutant’ Mosquitoes Terrorize … Lousiana_files. (2004) 12 Brillion, L. Science and Information Theory. Academic Press Inc NY (1962)

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